Joey’s Summer 8

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2011 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

Marie Looked at the Clock and just then the door bell rang,
“Oh Dear, it’s late,
“Ok Jenny go down and answer the door for me and invite Mrs. Jones and Billy in the house please”
“Like this?” Jenny did the old pointing her self to head to toe look. Too indicate that she is standing there totally nude.
“Yes, just like that young lady, Billy is going to stay overnight with us so he will be seeing you naked, it will help you with your cousins this summer too.”
“Mom I Don’t like this”, Jenny said
“Too Bad Missy now Get the door or do you want a spanking like Joey Just Got?” Marie told her daughter
“No Mom.”
“Go, now, get the door,”
“Ok, Mother,” Jenny said as she dragged her self to the door,
Jenny looked out the window in the door and saw Mrs. Jones and Billy, Jenny opened the door and stood behind it and she stuck her head around from the back of it trying to hide.
“Hi Mrs. Jones, Hello William.”  Even in her naked state of which was still unknown to her visitors, Jenny was still polite but she also had a crush on Billy, so she calls him William, “How are you tonight?”
“Were fine miss Jenny, and you?”
The two visitors were still out side on the steps
“Ok I guess,” Jenny replied
“Can we come in?” they asked
“Oh Yes, please, I am Sorry, come right in,”
Billy and his mom stepped in and to the side open side of the doorway, Jenny then had to close the door and the state of her dress or lack of was revealed to the two as they both returned their eyes to Jenny after walking into the house.
Billy reflex a response, “what the fuck?” as he saw Jenny standing there completely naked,  the First real live girl that he remembered seeing nude, her nipple buds and bare little slit visible to his eyes,
“Billy, watch that mouth boy, Oh My,” Then Mrs. Jones realized that Marie was serious about having her daughter go nude too.
Mrs. Jones didn’t want to upset jenny by being shocked by the sight of the naked girl the first time she had seen a naked girl in the open. So she said
“Dressed in your Pajamas already?”
“Sort of Mrs. Jones, It was my mom’s Idea.” Said Jenny as she was trying to position her hands and arms to block Billy’s view of her body,
“Well it looks very comfortable on you,”
Jenny said “Thanks”
Billy was staring almost drooling, the basketball shorts that he was wearing started to tent out from the uncontrolled erection that the Jenny’s naked state had caused. Billy’s Tee shirt only came down to the top waist band of the shorts. Billy’s mom had laid out Billy’s after school wear today, just the T-shirt and Shorts no underwear. Kelly (Billy’s mom) had started the summer dress code already. No underwear in the summer, It is cooler and healthier than wearing tight underwear for the boys, he even walked over barefooted.
Just then Marie and a very naked but very hesitant Joey walked down from upstairs; Marie had her hand wrapped around his penis leading him like a leash on a puppy. Joey couldn’t resist his mother. She just gave him, his very first spanking of his life, so Joey had no choice but to follow his mother. She let go of him, his penis was half erect but the embarrassment of being seen naked by another woman and his friend made it shrink, fast.
“Hi Kelly, Thanks for bringing Billy over tonight,”
“No. I should be thanking you for watching him tonight I just don’t feel that I can trust him alone over night.”
“It’s No problem, the boys should spend time together anyway, before Joey heads to my sister’s house for the summer.”
The kids stood like statues while the moms talked both Jenny and Joey were hiding their parts with their hands.
Kelly asked “Joey, You look like you grew a little since I last saw you?,” 
Joey Blushed and turned to the side and Kelly saw the signs of redness on Joey’s butt cheeks and she said “Also looks like someone also got a lesson today,”
“Yes he did,” Marie confirmed
“It’s nice to see you finally come to your senses about child rearing,”
“Yes, we both did, by the way I love your Dress” Marie Said
“Oh Thank you, I found it on sale at the mall, this afternoon after I picked Billy from school we hit the mall. Billy helped me choose it.
 I hope Dennis likes it too.” (Kelly’s husband and Billy dad,)
Marie looked at her friend “I’m sure he will, you look beautiful.” Kelly was showing plenty of skin of her cleavage by wearing that dress.
“Thanks Marie.” Kelly said while looking at Joey, then asked “Is Joey in his pajamas already too?”
“Not yet, he has to take a quick shower before we eat then he’ll be able to stay in his pajamas for the night.”
“Good, Billy didn’t have time to shower this afternoon since we had to run to the mall.”
Kelly turned to her son and said” Ok Billy, why don’t you get into your Pajamas right here and take a shower with Joey before dinner. Marie you might have to check Billy and see if he washes himself properly,”
“You want me to undress right here? In front of Mrs. Tayler and Jenny?” Billy said in disbelief.
“Sure why not?”
“But they will see me naked.”
“Who Billy?, Joey has seen you naked lots of times.” Kelly told her son.
“But that was at home not at someone else’s house.”
“What is the Difference?”
“They are Girls”
“Mrs. Tayler is a Mom and Joey is her son. I think she has seen a boy’s penis before don’t you?
“Yeah maybe”
“What do you mean maybe?  Can’t you see Joey is naked in front of his mom and Sister right now?”
“Yeah, but”
“What have I told you about boys Billy?”
“That they don’t need to be modest” Billy said very quietly
“What was that say it louder.”
“Boys don’t need to be modest.” Billy said louder so all of them could be hear him,
“And?” Kelly asked her son
“And That boys should obey the parents.”
“Or?” Kelly pushed her son
“Or those in charge of them” Billy said to the group.
“What happens if a boy doesn’t obey?” Kelly continued
“The boy gets spanked” Billy said with his head and down ward he was still peeking at Jenny standing naked but she is still trying to hide her parts.
Marie felt that she should jump in and say” Billy, In This house, both boys and girls do not need to be modest till a parent feels the need for modesty to be used.”
Marie looked over to Jenny and saw her trying to hide, “Jenny Dear, Stand up straight and hands at your sides, look natural. We’re all friends here,”
Jenny nervously complied with her mother’s request still looking at the front of Billy’s shorts, looking at the tenting action and wondering how big Billy was,
Kelly said “Come on Billy, I don’t have all night, Give me your t- shirt now.”
Billy just stood there, still not undressing, in disbelief and so nervous about to be seen naked by another mother and girl, other than his grandmother, for the first time in his life.
Seeing Billy not moving, Kelly reached and out pulled up on the bottom hem of the T-shirt and Billy raised his arms to allow his mother to remove it.
His Chest, still looking both skinny but also still looking like a twelve year old and not a teenager yet,
Kelly now held the shirt in one hand. Billy was stalling big time now; there he was just inside of the entryway of his best friend’s house with two mothers and the sister of his friend waiting for him to pull his shorts down to be fully naked and with the stiffest penis of his life. In his mind he thought it would be ok to do, However his very erect penis was stealing the all the blood that should have been in his brain as he was trying to control it and make it go down.
Marie saw the problem Billy was having and  spoke up. “Kelly, maybe my kids and I will go upstairs and give Billy some space?”
“No that’s okay, stay here” then Kelly told Billy” Turn and Face me now”
Billy slowly turned to face his mother.  Kelly looked down to the front of Billy’s shorts and she saw the huge tent ”What’s a matter Billy don’t want to show off your stiffy to your friends now?”
“Mom!” Billy said totally embarrassed.
“You used to show it off to Joey all the time.”
“MOM! I don’t want to get naked here now”
“Well what you want, is not an option now, I told you to remove your shorts right here,
“Mom, please no.”
“Why, don’t you want to show off your erection Billy?”
“Just ..because not here”
 “Are you Afraid to be seen with an erection Billy?” Kelly asked her son
“No, I’m not afraid it’s just…”
“Erections are normal for boys, Right Marie?”
Marie startled that Kelly would ask that of her, quickly said “So I hear, I mean yes they are.”
Kelly asked her son “Would you feel better if Joey had an erection too,”
“I don’t care about Joeys Dick!” Billy snapped back at his mother, “I am Not a Queer!”
“Just for that out burst boy you’re getting 12 smacks on your rear end!”
“No way, mom!”
“Yes way, Fine, want 24 smacks, take your shorts down now!”
“But Mom I can’t”
Marie spoke up and said “Joey, Rub your Penis a little and get it hard so Billy won’t be the only one with a erection”
“What… now” Joey said in shock
“Yes now or do you want 12 smacks too”
“No thanks” said Joey as he reached for his member and with just a few strokes he was four inches up
Kelly finally reached her limit she reached out to her son and pulled his shorts down, His erect penis got caught in the waist band of his shorts and it got pulled down and as the shorts dropped down enough it released Billy’s hard on and snapped back up and smacked his belly with a “slapping” noise.
All the eyes in the room widened at the sound and the sight,
“Now step out of them now and pick them up and hand the shorts to me” Kelly told her son.
He did, he handed the shorts to his mother and she held it with Billy’s shirt in her left hand.
“Now turn around and face your friends.”
Marie looked at Billy’s penis and let out a “Wow” it was stiff all right, it was 6 inches long all ready for an only 12 year old.
Kelly heard the wow and told Marie “Billy’s penis loves the open air, it grew a full two inches since February this year.”
“Oh my!” that was all that Marie could say.
After hearing Mrs. Jones comment and Jenny being amazed at the size of Billy’s penis joked “Hey Joey, maybe there is hope for your penis this summer.”
“Yeah sis, you better get some ointment on for those two bug bites on your chest!” Joey snapped back at his sister.
Marie spoke up “Ok you two, knock it off you both shouldn’t make fun of each others bodies you both are still growing and have no control of the sizes of your parts.”
Kelly added. “I know you guys are new to this nudity stuff but it is very rude to judge and make fun of the human body, we all have either a penis or a vagina, at my house since a boys penis is on the outside of their body, I think it is meant to be seen and the boys can go naked and show it off it is normal nature.”
“What about girls being naked?” Jenny was trying to plead her case to another mother in order to get dressed.
“Well honey, girls vaginas are hidden between their legs so sometimes girls need more modesty than boys so girls need to be dressed, however in some cultures girls are seen as less worth than of a male and the girls go nude. Your mother told me that she believes that boys and girls are equal to each other at lease when you’re young. Nature takes care of that when puberty kicks in and the body starts to grow pubic hair and covers the parts with it so until the hair grows children should be nude.”
“Mom I got pubic hair can, I get dressed” Joey said
Marie looked over to Joeys crotch area and said “Where, I don’t see any?”
“Right here” Joey pointed half an inch above where the penis shaft meets the body he used his hand down and to automatically move the erect shaft to the side to show his mother and without realizing the whole group was looking too.
Marie bent over to look closer and with her hand brushed the hair once by with her fingers and said “Well I’ll be damned, you have two little hairs.” She kept her hand stroking the hair while speaking.
“Can I get dressed now please?” Joey asked his mom
Marie thought about the summer plans and what her Friend Kelly had just said.
Sorry Joey, I don’t think so” with that Marie quickly pinched the two hairs in her fingers and in one quick motion, plucked the early hairs away,
“Ouch! Mom you can’t do that” Joey cried out
“Sorry Son, I’m your mother, I can groom you however I wish.”
“Honk honk.”  A Car horn was heard from outside.
Kelly, recognized the horn , “That’s Dennis,” she automatically looked to her left wrist at  her watch, her left hand was still holding Billy’s clothes, ”Oh My, Its Late. Got to go now”
With that she reached out and hugged Billy, “Ok Boy, behave, mind Mrs. Tayler,   love you see you in the morning before noon time.” With that she quickly turned and opened the door the exited the house.
Dennis looked up to the house after he honked the horn. He saw the door open and his wife come out.  The front door to the house was still open as Kelly walked to the car,  There was his son Billy Totally naked standing next to Marie, he chuckled when he noticed that Billy had a full hard on too. Kelly got in and closed the car’s door, Dennis waved to Billy, as he started to drive away.
Dennis and Kelly were about block away when Kelly decided to buckle her seat belt,
Dennis asked his wife, “looks like Billy got settled in to the neighbors house ok”
“Not without some prompting” Kelly said “you should have been there, Marie had both her son and daughter naked together in the house, and they looked so cute.”
“Little Jenny was naked too? No wonder Billy had a hard on at the door, too bad we didn’t have a daughter too, it will give me something to look at too, I think all girls should kept naked at all times too, even you Kelly” Dennis declared.
Kelly just realized she was still holding Billy’s stuff, “Oh my, I got all of Billy’s clothing here. We have to go back” she said.
“Honey, we have dinner reservations in the city before the show and we are running late. Besides Billy doesn’t need any clothes tonight or any night, you said Marie was getting the kids used to the nudity thing as well.”
“Your right Dennis, he will be fine. I’ll bring them with me at noon time so he can dress to come home.”
 With that she leaned and reached toward the back between the driver and passenger seat and tossed the clothes on the back seat, in doing so Dennis got the best view of his wife.  A nice erect nipple slipped out from behind the dress top. “Yeah I Think Marie is right, Girls should be naked all the time too, Tonight after were back in the car I’m Stripping that dress off you in the city and your riding home naked in the car,  like you used to back before Billy was born and your going be naked at home till right before that boy gets home.”
“Sounds like fun I can’t wait, and Dennis, you’re just a total sex-pig!” Kelly told her husband,
“Only for you dear!” Dennis told his wife as they both leaned over for a quick kiss at a red stop light then continued on their way.
Back at the house, as Marie and Billy watched his folks drive off, Billy realized that his naked body was in full view from the street. He quickly stood behind his friend’s mother as she started to close the front door.
With that action Marie told her charges “Ok Boys get up and in to the shower together, I’m Starving.” 
The boys headed up stairs and they closed the bath room door,
“Oh my god, I can’t believe your mom has gotten you to go naked now” Billy said
“It’s my Aunt Sue’s fault, She talked my mom into making me go naked. But I got her to make Jenny go nude too,”
“Too bad she doesn’t have tits yet, but I see her little slit too looks nice” Billy said rather boldly,
“Shush my mom might hear you. Yeah jenny looks good nude too,  Besides I think I like my mom’s attention on my penis, she gave me rub down last night that cause me to cum last night.”
“Cool did you shoot stuff yet or are you still dry,” Billy asked his friend
“Shhh. I think I’m starting too, it got a little wet last time,” Joey quietly told his friend
“It’s about time, by the way, Start the water I’m hungry too” Billy said
Billy and Joey are no stranger to this talk,  sometimes when Joey sleeps over and when Billy’s parents go to sleep, the boys would turn on the flashlight in the room and compare each others penises while rubbing their own , Billy’s penis would be out in the open anyway and Joey would pull his Pajama pants down and stroke his own, the last time they had a sleep over they each took a turn rubbing each others erection, (That explains the queer comment earlier) anyway the last time, Billy squirted white cum out of that 6 inch cock three times that night.
The boys hopped in to the shower and closed the curtain and started wash up.
Marie told her daughter to set the table while she tends to the boys,
Marie heads to the bathroom, quietly opens the door and hears the boys talking, they didn’t hear her open the door. she listens
“Wow, you really looked extra big in the front hall” Joey said
Then he said “I hope I grow soon,”
“You will Joey, it just needs air.”
“Here wash mine and I will wash yours”
Marie almost fell over when she heard that, so that why he is so shy about his body now his mind was on sex,
But she waited, She waited a minute till she heard a slight groan, from one of the boys, then she reached up and pulled the curtain open to the side, she saw both boys holding and rubbing each other’s erect penis there in the shower,
“Mom!” Joey Screamed as he let go of his friends penis from his hand,
Billy didn’t let go he just turned to Mrs. Tayler and said “I am just helping Joey get clean”
Marie was in shock but she remembered back to the old ‘How to’ Child care book on the chapter on children’s need to explore their bodies and it said to let the kids explore it’s normal.
That’s Very nice of you Billy. Joey maybe you need to help Billy wash up, that way you might learn how to wash yourself as well,”
Marie stepped away for a second to reach and grab two wash cloths,  “Here Boys use these” she handed the wash cloths to each boy and told them to wash each other up,
She supervised them, both continued to have erections. Ok now check the bums. Joey you wipe Billy’s and hell do the same to you.
Marie got some bath towels” Ok boys water off now” they turned the water off, Marie dried Joey first, Rubbing his penis just enough to keep him erect,  “Ok Billy’s turn,” Marie Dried all of Billy off then she focused on that Extra large penis that little 12 year old had, she stroked his penis with the towel it grew to its full six inch length, she heard him breath deep, she let go of it, the erect penis just bobbed up and down in front of her.
Being hungry and the boys dry she said” Ok Lets eat” with that she ushered the fully naked and erect boys out of the bathroom and to the kitchen where Jenny was Patiently waiting naked,
“Hi William, why don’t you sit next to me at the table Please,” Suggested to her brothers friend
“Oh Thank you, Miss Jenny” Billy said all knowing that Jenny just wanted to see that six inch penis of his.
“Ok kids Eat up.” .Marie said while she took the Chicken out of the warm oven and placed it on the table. She also took the cold coleslaw and potato salad out of the Refrigerator. she then sat and Ate the meal,
The three naked kids and mom ate their supper and then the family played video games the rest of the night. Marie and Jenny watched the boys penises bounce up and down all evening they had not been fully hard since dinner but they were not soft either,. Later They had their snack, Marie told the three, time for bed and for all of them to get into the bathroom. Billy went into the bathroom first while the other followed, he went to the toilet and lifted the seat and aimed and started to pee with everyone watching from behind, Jenny actually went beside Billy and took in the view of him peeing,
Marie realized this and said “Jenny Give Billy some space”,
“That’s ok Mrs, Tayler, My mom watches me stand pee all the time, says every guy should pee standing up.”
“Yes Billy not just the guys but the Girls can standing up too, Jenny Get in the tub and show Billy how girls pee standing up”
“Oh Jenny just do it. Just pretend your going pee along the road side like that time you and me went shopping across into the next town, and you need to go pee and no bathrooms were to be found near by,”
Jenny Got in the tub and she reach down and pulled her lower lips open and in just a second a yellow stream of pee came out from her kitty and splashed at her feet she tried to arch the stream but it was tricky to keep the stream out in front,
Billy said “Wow” his own penis had hardened back up.
“Ok Joey your turn pee in the toilet “
I Can’t Joey said
Sure you can Joey’s penis was hard from watch jenny pee/
But Joey tried and just a trickle came out then in a second the heavy yellow stream hit the bowl, Joey stopped the flow and looked at every one watching him,
Marie washed Jenny up, her legs and feet the she focused on Joey she rubbed his penis as she washed him up. She rubbed him up till that special feeling over came Joey, he  Groaned out loud and Marie watched as just a drop of liquid oozed from the tip,
She told Billy that he need to wash up as well and asked if he want do it or if he wanted her to help.
Billy said “Mrs. Tayler you can help me if you want,”
Marie Got the wash cloth and got it ready and started to wash Bill’s extra long penis, It grew in her hand, she loved the feel of it, so hard, so long , she washed him, his breathing got heavier the other to kids watched Billy get washed, not really trying to brush their teeth, as they normally do.
In a short time, Billy asked “Mrs. Tayler may I have permission to squirt my sperm.”
“Whoa, Billy what did you say” Marie stopped
“My Mom says I should always ask first before squirting”. Billy said in a heavy breath
“Do you want to squirt Billy?”
“Yes Please, I do”
“Well Ok, Joey and Jenny stand next to me and watch this”. The two other naked kids stood beside their mother wide eyed at the pending sight,
Billy take over stroking your penis and you can squirt any time now.
Billy took hold of his shaft and with in seconds, His Penis Throbbed in his hand and announced to the group “I’m Cumming” and thick ropes of sperm erupted from the tip with enough force to hit Marie on her chin and on her shirt, Billy body jerked and this caused him to turn and the next rope hit Jenny across her bare chest, he panicked and turned away and but the next jet blast hit Joey belly and still stiff penis,
“Oh My! you’re a Growing boy aren’t you,” Marie said as she watched him settle down from his orgasm.  Feeling the heat from the blob on her chin it was changing temperature.
Both Joey and Jenny said “COOL
Marie told Jenny “Jenny dear, That is live sperm on your chest, make sure you don’t get it in your kitty, I don’t want to be a grandmother yet,
“Yes Mom …. Mom can I ask you something?” Jenny looked back and forth from sperm blob to blob
“Sure Honey.” Marie told her daughter,
“What does sperm taste like? I hear some older girls at school talking about it?
“Why don’t you find out now” with that Marie scooped up a finger full and moved it to her girl’s mouth “open up”
Jenny opened and Marie pushed her finger inside and she touch the drop on to middle area of Jenny’s tongue.
“A little salty but sweet” Jenny said as she swallowed the droplet.
Marie was Amazed that Jenny like the taste of sperm.
Marie Tried a drop herself and she thought, not bad as she licked her finger off. Better than her ex-husbands, she thought back to the time she tried his. But Billy’s tasted better.
Marie looked over to the boys as Jenny used her own fingers to dab up the other drops of sperm. They were opened mouthed watching the girls try it,
Marie used the index finger of both hand to dap up some more, she told both boys to open up and try some, the boys tried to resist, ‘Open up it wont kill you, but if you don’t I’ll give you 24 smacks each on your ass, Both of them opened up their mouths she shoved her fingers in and boys both first choked and then swallowed the drops,
“See its not that bad, By the way Never force a girl to swallow if she doesn’t want to”,
Here Finish the Drops both on you boys, use your fingers,
The three naked kids licked at the last of the drops of sperm that came out
“Ok Kids brush your teeth and get your asses in to bed”
They Did, Jenny climbed into her own bed, placed her head on her pillow and was fast asleep dreaming of William’s penis squirting sperm.
The boys had a problem,
Joey only had a Twin bed, and Billy forgot to bring his sleeping bag. In fact joeys sleeping bag was over at Billy’s house also forgotten bring home, since the last sleepover,
“Mom where can Billy sleep, there are no sleeping bags here.”
Marie looked over at the two boys standing next to each other naked both penises hanging soft now and both were the same size now,” Just sleep in the same bed together,”
“Mom we cant we’re men,”
“You two are just little boys, just crawl in and snuggle with each other in one bed,”
“Mom That queer”
Marie quickly turned Joey around and gave him a quick round of six smacks on his butt cheeks”
“I Said get into the bed together and sleep.”
Billy said “yes Mrs., Taylor”
“Your turn Joey get into bed too,”
Joey sniffled and climbed in to bed right next to his naked friend,
“Ok Boys see you in the morning…. Good night”
“Good night mom, and Mrs Taylor”, the boys said in unison
Marie turned the light off
She muttered to herself and said “what the hell did I do!”
She laid across her bed and she too fell fast asleep,
End of a long day, 
Next chapter Aunt Sue arrives.


(The End)