Joey’s Summer 7

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2011 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

Around one-thirty PM while Marie was busy at work, Marie’s cell phone rang, Marie looked at the Caller ID, it was Kelly Jones , Mother of  Joey’s friend Billy, they live  across the Street two houses down from Marie.
Marie Answers the phone, “Hello Kelly how are you?”
“Hi Marie, doing fine, is this a good time to Talk?”
Marie looked around to see if anyone was near by,” Sure I can talk, what’s up”
“Well I’m calling for two reasons, the first is:
             Last night I was washing the Dishes in my kitchen sink and you know my kitchen window is in the front side of the house and I can see your front yard and driveway,
            I saw something I hadn’t expected to see happen in your yard,”
 “Oh God you saw Joey last night.”
“Yes I did, that white behind was hard to miss even from my window, and I Figured Joey had done something really wrong for you to allow that to happen,”
“Oh Kelly, I am so embarrassed that you saw that display last night,”
“Oh Marie, you forget I have a son that I’m raising too, Sometimes my boy gets into so much trouble that even I get to my wits end about it. Was He ok this morning?”
“Yeah Joey was very well behaved this morning. 150% better than yesterday, by the way Kelly, you won’t report me to the cops for what you saw, are you?”  Marie asked Kelly
“What on earth for?” Kelly responded to Marie’s Question”
“For making Joey go naked outside.”
“Marie, why would I report to the cops that Joey was nude outside? Joey is your little boy and little boys have no reason to be modest about anything.”
“Now you’re sounding like my sister Sue, She thinks boys behave better while nude.”
“She is Right and they do behave better, that’s why Billy is a nice boy. And you didn’t have to tip him yesterday for helping you with your bags.”
“Oh he and Freddy was so nice in helping me with the groceries I just wanted to show my thanks.”
“That’s ok Billy, has been getting rewards at night based on his behavior and level of helpfulness during the day, it started about a year and half ago, Billy would come in from playing outside with his friends and he started to be rude to all. One time My Mother was visiting and heard the way Billy was speaking to everyone and she went Ape. She took hold of his arm and drew him over her lap; she ripped his pants and underwear down to his knees and spanked him twenty times on his bare rear. He wanted me to stop her; I told him sorry Grand Ma knows best. And I continued to make supper”
“Oh My." Then what happened?” Marie gasped
“My Mother told him to stand up on his feet and face her with his hands on his head, his pants and Underwear at his ankles, he was crying and was so embarrassed, His stiff little penis pointing her direction it was so cute. The head so pink, My mother Stripped him from his clothes right there in the kitchen and marched his reddened behind to the bathroom for a shower, and in a few Minute, she marched the still naked Billy dripping wet and dried him off right in the kitchen then made him stay nude for dinner, he was an angel after that, My mother told me that little boys don’t need modesty. And suggested for  me to keep him nude when possible,  to correct his ways, So since then every evening he showers before dinner and stays naked till he ready to leave in the morning, I love our evening snuggle time watching the TV, Billy loves the rub downs too”
Marie thought back, “Kelly, Joey had spent many days and slept over many times at your house in the past, was Billy naked then too?”
“Yes even on the very first sleepover, it was two weeks after my mothers visit. Of Course By then, Billy had spent two weeks of getting used to eating dinner and spending the evening with nothing on, Billy tried to stay dressed that night but I threatened a spanking in front of his friend, normally it was only his dad and I at home so we got used to as well but Billy was shy to do it in front of his friend, So I told Billy and Joey to shower together like in gym class. Joey didn’t want too and wanted to go home, That time you were busy with Jenny’s little hospital surgery and were unable to come to get him, So We told Joey, that both Billy and he were boys and both of them are built the same, and it was ok for both to see each other naked, for both of them after  to get into their  pajamas for the night, also we told Joey that Billy always eats supper in his pajamas at home and Billy only wears his birthday suit as Pajamas at night. We told Joey he could wear his pajamas or go in his birthday suit as well and it was up to him, Joey chose to wear a long T-shirt and Underwear and socks supper,”
“Joey Never said anything about Billy’s Nudity, when he came back from staying over, and Billy was always Dressed when he sleep over at my house.”
“We told Joey not tell you about it because of all problems you and his dad were going through. He said he wouldn’t tell. We also told Billy to stay covered at your house because I know that you don’t have the same views out nudity, this worked out for Billy, and He is still a little bit shy to naked around other mothers or girls.”
“Still after being nude at home”, Marie Asked
I am his mother and I’ve seen him all before, so has Billy’s Dad, He is Embarrassed in front of his Grandma too, Even after that spanking, so he is only comfortable naked around Joey, So a common sight on a sleepover night, Joey and  Billy would be playing video games in the Family room on the Floor, Joey Fully dressed and Billy completely nude, I get a kick out of it when Billy uses the Floor controller mat for his game his skinny long penis flipping and flopping around, its so cute to see,”
“So that’s why Joeys been barricading him self in the Bathroom lately, and I hadn’t seen him naked for over a year either”
“Really?” Kelly asked
 “I was thinking he was getting older and wanted privacy. My ex was very prudish too, everyone had to be dressed.” Marie said
That’s why I said it was an unexpected site in your Yard, a nude Joey being dragged by his ear to the front door by his mother for all to see. He must have done something big this time? Kelly asked
“Well.  As I said My Sister believes like you, She Keeps her boys bare at home she has a pool and lot of land in the country, and she wants to take Jenny and Joey for the summer, and hang with their kids.  My sister Sue said Joey would have to live by her house rules while there,”
“Sound like fun, so why was Joey Naked outside”
We had a plan to phase him into the Nudity thing so I went to wash his clothes for the trip and I Cleaned the Drawers out and only gave Joey an old pair of Pajamas pants with a missing button fly, to wear and we went out to rent a movie and he spilled the drinks” and Marie Recounted the events of the night, with joeys Bad Language.
“When are they going?” Kelly asked,
“Tomorrow noon time Saturday.”
“I was hoping to ask a favor from you?”
“What’s up” Marie asked
“Dennis and I got a last minute set tickets for tonight’s Show in town and we were hoping that maybe Billy could stay overnight at your house, while we are out,” Kelly asked
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kelly the kids are trying to get used to the Nudity thing.”
“What Jenny Seeing Joeys naked?” Kelly asked
“No Both My kids are going to be nude at home now”
“Jenny going Bare? Marie Girls need Privacy” Kelly said
“Well Kelly, your know I am all for Equal Rights and Joey Convinced me that to be equal, Jenny has  to be nude as well, he made a good point besides she’s only ten nothing to show yet ”
“Marie you do have a point, your way may work as well. I think this will work for both of us.”
“How” Marie asks
“Well Joey and Jenny need to get used to seeing each other, Billy needs to get used to being seen by others, Joey has seen Billy nude and Jenny has seen her brother’s penis.
She needs to see others too, I Think it will be ok all around” Kelly said
Just then Marie’s Coworker passed by her Station,
“Well I got to go now and get back to work”, Marie told her Friend and Neighbor “ I am planning to get KFC for Dinner around 4:30 tonight you can bring Billy over around 445, the kids can have one last night together before they leave for my sister’s.
“Ok see you later Then” Kelly said
They Hung up.
3:15PM Later the school bus stops in front of the Tayler House and both of them sheepishly got off the bus for the last time that school year,  turned to wave for the last time to their friends, the Bus pulled away. They both walked slowly to the house, remembering instructions that they were giving in the morning.
Joey unlocked the door; they walked into the house, closed the door and dropped the school bags for the last time that year. Near the door.
Yeah No more school. Joey said
Jenny said “I’ll miss my friends thou,”
Joey said me too,
I am going to miss this house this summer all my toys and stuff,
Both of them weren’t moving from the Hallway to the rest of the house,
Then at the same time both started to say, “Do you think mom was serious about us getting naked at home?”
With nervous giggles the both tried to be serious too,
Jenny replied “I think so; She said Aunt Sue makes the Boys go bare at home all the time.”
I don’t know how my cousins survive the embarrassment.
I guess they get used to it, Safety in numbers I guess, 3 boys sticking together  but I am nervous about me being the only girl naked,
Oh Jenny Please your still a little girl no tits or Bush yet compared to my grown up man-ly penis. Joey tried to boast,
Yeah right! Your hairless too and I‘ve been on the web and your little pee pee is rather small to be called Man-lee I wonder how bigger Mark’s penis is?
“Yeah, yeah I guess you will find out tomorrow” Joey said being annoyed
Just then the house phone rang Jenny ran to pick it up
Hi, honey
Hi mom
You and Joey home Ok?
Yeah mom we just got in
Remember what I Told you to do this afternoon get changed out of your school clothes was up and clean your rooms. Ill be home at 430
Ok, Mom I’ll get to it, see you
Hold on Jenny put Joey on the phone.
Jenny said while hold the phone out “It Mom she wants to talk to you,” with that hand off Jenny ran to the Bathroom and shut the door.
Hi Mom, Joey said
Hi Joey how was your last day of school,
Ok I guess, Can I play out side now?
No Joey, I told you what I wanted you and your sister to do this afternoon when you got home.
But Mom I don’t want to clean my room today, 
Well is it not wanting to clean your room or not wanting to clean it while naked, Mom asked her son. 
“Well” Joey said hem and hawing “Both I guess”
“You can clean your room with the door closed if you want but the Dress code still stands,
And if you don’t clean your room yourself before you go to your aunts, you may not like what you find or not find in your room, when you get home, if I have to clean it for you.”
“Ok Mother I’ll clean my room”, Joey said getting her point.
“Oh by the way I am bringing home a surprise tonight for the both of you,”
“Ok mom”
“Don’t forget to wash up too boy,”
“Yes mother”
“See you soon! Love you,”
Joey hung up the phone and let out a old caveman cry of frustration “arggggh”
Knowing he is stuck in the middle of it,
He starts going towards bathroom
Just then Jenny opens the door and walks out with just her t-shirt on her long bare legs showing the t- shirt still barely covers her ass and kitty but her thighs are mostly bare,
“Your suppose too be naked sis”
“I am under this shirt What about you it’s been ten minutes since we got home and you’re still fully dressed.
“I was talking to mom “
“No you’re stalling,”
“What about you still have a shirt on, like I said”
“I’ll take it off in my room.”
Jenny started walking to her room she partly closed her door,
Joey watched her walk to her room then he went in to the bathroom used the toilet and fully dressed walked to his room and before he went in, he looked toward his sister’s room door and thru the opening saw that Jenny had taken off her shirt and was working in the nude.  This caused a stirring in his groin and went quickly into his room and closed the door behind him.
He undressed only to his briefs not ready to strip off completely he is in his room and his door is closed. Nobody would be the wiser to him not being fully naked, so he busied himself with trying to straighten his room out.
Tic Tock the time pass by
Marie pulls into the driveway at home. At 4:25, somehow the traffic and drive thru restaurant went faster than normal. She carried everything in one trip inside,
Hi Kids” Marie called out on her way to the kitchen,
Jenny heard her mother and left her room to see her in the kitchen,
Hi Mom,
Marie turned and saw her young daughter walking toward her, completely nude as requested; Marie held her arms out for a hug, She Hugged Jenny and gave her a slight back rub up and down jenny’s bare skin back to the top of her butt cheeks. It felt so natural and smooth,
“Almost done with your room?
“Yes mom almost I just have to vacuum the floor, “
The smell of the chicken is getting better by the minute
“Yum, the supper smells so good”
Marie turns the oven on low and places the chicken in the oven to keep it warm till needed, then she hands Jenny the Cole slaw and Potato salad “put this in the refrigerator till we are ready”
Jenny said again while helping “Mom it smells so good”, then Jenny noticed that there was more food than just for the three of them. And said “why so much food mom”
Did Joey tell you about the Surprise I said I had tonight?
No, he didn’t, he’s been in his room since we got home,
Did he get naked like you?
I don’t know he has been in his room since I started cleaning,
“What’s the surprise, who coming over” her Jenny figured it was a someone and not a something type of a surprise.
You will find out at 4:45, you can wait a few more minutes.
“Mom if it is someone can I dress,”
“No Jenny, you’re staying just as you are now in your birthday suit, just get used to it, I think you will like my surprise,”
Why don’t you vacuum the floor while we wait it won’t take that long, I’ll see what progress your brother has been in.
Jenny grabbed the stand up vacuum and dragged it to her room, Marie walked to the kids bathroom to check on the supplies and cleanness of the kids bath room,
She notices that there was only one used washcloth in the room and it was some what neatly folded on the edge of the tub. (A sign that a girl used it girls naturally fold things) Marie checked the Hamper in the bathroom just as she thought only Jenny socks, shorts and panties were in there, none of Joey’s things were in there. The Vacuum went on as Marie turned to head to her sons room, Joey heard the Vacuum and looked at his clock and realized that it was 4:30 and his mother was due home at any moment. He quickly dropped his briefs on the floor. No Sooner as he did that the bedroom door opened without a knock,
Joey without turning to the door he thought it was his sister, “Don’t you Knock Anymore Jenny Bitch”
“It is My House Mister Joey I don’t have too; I can open any door I want too,”
“MOM I thought you were her!”
“So I Noticed, I also gave you complete instructions on what you had to do when you got home when we talk on the phone,”
But I did do what you asked. See I am Naked,
Yes I can see that you’re Naked now. But you didn’t strip and wash up in the bathroom before you started cleaning your room, did you?
“Yes mom I did wash up and strip in the bathroom”
 Joey Tried to lie, but his mother knows he is lying
Why then is the bathroom hamper void of your clothes and there is only one damp washcloth and your clothes that you wore today are over in the corner in a heap.
“But that was my wash cloth honest”
 I don’t think so, and if you did strip naked an hour and fifteen minutes ago, why do you still have your briefs at your feet and the waist band imprint on your skin after all that time,
“But mom…” realizing his goose was cooked Joey just Stopped and started sobbing “I Don’t want to be naked”
Marie on the other hand was touched that Joey was finally honest about his afternoon; however after hearing from two other parents tell her about their child raising ways.
And that her sister sue or  Brother in law Jack would be most likely the first to spank his bare butt, She Decided that she would break him into the new wave of punishment he would be living with,
“I Sorry that you feel that way Joey When you are adult and have your own place you can be dressed as you please, but for right now I am in charge of you, and the Rules I give are to be followed”
“Yes Mom”
“Now turn around and face your bed, bend over and keep your hands on your bed.”
“What for?”
“Don’t ask me what for, do it, Uncle Jack and Aunt Sue won’t put up with you misbehaving while you’re at their house, so I hope to put fear into your head tonight so your learn to obey your elders, now come on bend over and place your hands on your bed like I asked before,
“Mom, you’ve never spanked me before, why now?”
My God Joey didn’t you just hear me, I was only going to give you 12 to match your age but by not listening I am going to double it now to 24,”
“Mom 24 that not fair”
Fine you don’t think your mother knows what’s good for you do you, Now you will get 36 smacks.
Want 48 now Joey?
“No Mom I don’t, Joey finally realized that he better stop talking back and he turned to the bed and placed his hands on the mattress. “I’ll take the 36”
“Fine 36 it will be, Now I Want you to Count them out as you get them Joey”
Yes Mom,
Marie stepped to the side of Joey and said the old Natural Line that all parents say, “Now this will Hurt Me more than it will hurt you now Joey”
With that said Marie Raised her arm up and out and with a very flat palm swung it down toward her sons bare left behind cheek, “smack”  then she pulled her arm quickly again back then she Smacked the Right cheek “Smack”  Then she Rapid fired 2 more smacks, then she paused,
Joey was supposed to be counting however he did not announce the count; he was shocked by the first 2 then the third and fourth had stung a little bit more,
“Joey I didn’t hear you Count Shall I Start over” Marie asked her son
“Joey sorry mom that was 4” Mom trying to act Tough with only slight whimper in his voice.
Marie Noticed that he was acting tough, Raised her arm higher and with more force for the next 4 blows “Smack, smack ,smack, smack” she struck his cheeks evenly,
Joey’s feet were slipping from under his wiggling pain that was growing on his ass cheeks, Joey quickly remembered to say “Eight”
Then Marie Fired 4 more to his ass “Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack”
The Sting was getting too much for Joey “12” he groaned
Marie Fired again “Smack, smack, smack, smack”
“16” Joey Cried out loud wincing from the Blows his cheeks growing redder as each blow hits.
Marie Swung again “Smack, smack, smack, smack”
“20” Joey said now with tears
Marie noticed that Joey was Bracing him self for each set, so she decided to mix up the rhythm and to Double or triple spank each cheek and to change the pace of them.
By the 28th smack Joey was sobbing loudly trying to keep count. The Sensation on his rear was causing his penis to stir and rise automatically.
Marie swung again “Smack”
“29 Mom Please stop he cried out.”
Joey and his mom was to busy to hear the Vacuum shut off and when the noise of motor stopped, Jenny heard her brother yell “30” after hearing what she thought was a slap of skin,
Jenny came out of her room and pokes her head into her brothers room, and watched in amazement as her mother spanked Joey for the Very first time, 
Marie Finally got to 36 Smacks and Joey was only crying now like a baby Jenny thought.
Marie told her son “Ok Joey now stand up and face me”
Joeys Rear was on fire and his four inch penis was erect he didn’t want to show his mother his boner. But he did not want to get in trouble so he turned to face her and he bought his hands to his front to hide his problem, while he faced mom,
Seeing Joey trying to hide him self she said “Hands at your side Joey”
‘Mom don’t look down there, it is embarrassing”
Joey tried to move his hands to his side but then the sting of the cheeks caused his hands to start rub his rear,
Marie did not want him to try to sooth his rear yet, she said “Don’t rub your ass either boy just put your hands behind your head and tell me what you learned just now,
Joey did as his mother told him, his fully stiff penis arching up to his belly. Looking like a cute little embarrassed boy.
“I learned that I should obey my elders and follow directions better,” Joey said while sniffling.
“That’s right and you will behave better from now on too, Right?
Just then Joey Saw his also naked sister in the door way and said “Don’t look at me Jenny”
Marie turned and looked at her daughter and said to Jenny “Jenny how long were you looking into the room?”
“Not long mom, only the last 6 spanks, I am I in trouble for looking?
“No Jenny, you’re not in trouble, but this is what a spanking is and it’s the new punishment in this house, and at your Aunt’s house so mind your P & Qs.
“Yes Mom,”
Marie Looked at the Clock and just then the door bell rang,
“Oh Dear, it’s late,
“Ok Jenny go down and answer the door for me and invite Mrs. Jones and Billy in the house please”
“Like this?” Jenny did the old pointing her self to head to toe look. To indicate that she is standing there totally nude.
“Yes, just like that young lady, Billy is going to stay overnight with us so he will be seeing you naked anyway, it will help you with your cousins this summer too.”
Mom I Don’t like this, Jenny said
“Too Bad Missy now Get the door or do you want what Joey Just Got?”
“No Mom.”
“Good now get the door,”
“Ok, Mother,” Jenny said as she dragged her self to the door,

End of this Chapter


(The End)