* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
After Marie got her children to bed, she finished folding
the laundry. Marie went to her room closed her door and got fully
undressed she
noticed her panties were damp. She grabbed her night gown and sleep
shorts went
into her master bathroom. Then she Washed and brushed herself up.
She then climbed into her queen sized bed; set the alarm clock a little
than normal.
As she laying back on her pillow waiting for sleep to
overtake her,
Marie was thinking about the happenings of the day and evening with her
children on how cute Joey looked in the store with his penis showing
thru the
fly on his pajamas and how well the transition of the plan to phase
Joey in to
the nudity phase that her sister Sue requires of the boys at her house.
She then thought about she brought both her children to orgasm and how
that was. And that she wasn't that kind of person that did
that. Then she
thought about how both her children responded after they hit their
special peak,
they didn't scream bloody murder or cry out loud that they didn't want
to be
touched. She loved the sight of her two growing naked babies sitting
next to
her on the couch tonight. She loved the feeling of power, not power of
dictator or ruler but as a mother nurturing and guiding her young,
what they do or not do, as a parent.
Was she an evil person? she thought, no she told herself.Maybe her sister Sue and
her parent’s old
neighbor Cindy Jones from the store were right about raising boys and
and that she had chosen the wrong way, which was the modern scientific
way of
raising children with no spankings only timeouts and by giving them
privacy in
order for them to act older. However she realized by the way Joey had
become so
demanding and rude, also being so Modest causing him to Think he was an
adult. The
evidence showed that her way was the wrong way.
Marie thought about how they raised children in the olden
days, where people didn’t have today’s TVs or electronics gadgets or
huge shop
malls with tons of clothing stores. Back then people had to sew their
clothing and how much time it must have taken to sew an outfit
together. With
kids being kids now or then, kids always are not the best keepers of
they spill drinks and food on them and they play around in the mud even
their best outfits. The poor mothers yesterday, the closest thing to a
machine they had, was a rock by a stream,
She then wondered how people survived without these big
houses of today, she remembered that old television show “little house
on the
Prairie” where the house was a two open room shack with one being the
and the other was the parents room. The children shared a loft area.
Marie also
remembered that there were no Indoor bathrooms or plumbing back then.
All the
bathing took place in a wash tub in the middle of the kitchen floor,
one child
would be naked in the tub and the other members of the family would be
about the room either getting naked for the next bath or hanging out
Nobody cared if seen undressed among family.
And the some how the Family unit was stronger by this
bonding. Why would this make a difference back then? Today families
share anything, houses are huge everyone has their own bedroom and a
bathroom and shower, sometimes families never even communicate any more.Kids do their own things
now, like she has
let happen. Joey and Jenny spend more time alone behind separate doors
and barely
see each other. As Joey has found bugging his sister is fun and not
getting in trouble
is only causing Jenny to hate her brother.
Marie thought back to the stories her grandmother would tell
about her brothers (Marie’s great uncles) growing up and how their
would be turned red as a tomato when they did something wrong to her
grandmother back then.Her
also said her bothers stood in the corner with their pants down showing
the red
behinds for a whole evening even if visitors were at the house.
Marie kept thinking about this as she drifted off to
Beep…Beep … Beep the alarm clock rang.
Six am already?
Marie got up and out of bed, she went to her master bathroom
and sat on the toilet and peed, when she was done she wiped herself and
she washed her hands. It was then when she realized that all she was
was her night-gown T-shirt, and that came down to her mid- thigh. Marie
forgotten that she pulled her panties off last night and masturbated to
thought of her son and daughter spending time at her sister’s house
naked all summer.
Marie left her bathroom and she fished out the underwear and
put them in the laundry hamper then straightened her bed sheets and
covers. She
then went to her dresser and opened a drawer and pulled a clean fresh
pair of
panties out and stepped into them.
When she was done,Marie left her room to wake her children, she went to her
daughters room
first, she found Jenny sleeping face down, Jenny had kicked the covers
off of herself, and
her cute little girl round
bottom was in full view. Marie went to her daughter’s bedside and
caressed her girl’s back up and down and gently rubbed her bum cheeks.
“Time to get up honey”
“Five more minutes mom” jenny uttered still only partially
“No, Jenny time to get up it’s the last day of school.”
Jenny rolled over, she started to stretch her arms and body,
In the middle of her stretch, Jenny realized that she was still naked;
jerked the covers over her. As she also realized the bedroom door was
Oh come now, don’t be shy, I know what you have there, and
you look like me, back when I was your age.
Marie pulled the covers away and said “Time to start the
day, why don’t you get a heads start for the bathroom before your
bother gets
Jenny got up and stood on the floor and walked to her
dresser and started to open her underwear drawer.
“No Dressing till after breakfast don’t you remember honey?”
“Mom, I can’t be seen naked, not in the morning,”
“What do you mean jenny?”
“Joey will see me,”
“Oh, Honey you forgot about last night already? he has
already seen you naked and he will see you all time now,”
Mom I thought you were joking last night.
“No, I am serious , you and your brother will be naked in
this house when your home, and when I tell you,I Tired of the arguments between you and your bother, I am
in charge
“Now, get to the bathroom” Marie told her daughter as she
pushed her toward the door.
Jenny felt the urge to pee take over and she ran to the
barefoot and naked to the bathroom. She closed the bathroom door
behind her.
Marie heard the door close, as she went to Joey’s room.
Marie walked into Joey’s room, there he was, fast asleep
just like her daughter was.
Joey had lost the sheet in the night and unlike jenny, Joey
was sleeping on his back, His front of his body, was fully in view, his
hairless penis was in full view. Half hard the cute red tip was
pointing up.
Marie sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed Joey’s
lower belly below his navel and above his groin. “Joey Time to get up”
spoke in a gentle tone, His penis of course reacted normally and grew
to the
full length of 4 inches while she continued to rub his belly.
Joey groaned in his sleep
“Joey time to get up for school” Marie repeated
“What….Oh morning already?” Joey muttered while stretching;
still not full awake yet,
Marie was transfixed on the young sons penis, She moved her
hand toward the skinny shaft and gave a couple of gentle strokes up and
just to see the reaction,
“Come on Joey your going to be late”
Joey moaned again and opened his eyes for the first time in
the morning, not sure who was giving him that good feeling, Joey body
away from his moms touch,
“Mom cut it out” as he tried to hide his stiff penis from
her view and touch, he of course was on top of all his sheets and he
had no
thing to cover
“Oh Joey, it’s Ok for me to look and touch I am your mother,
now get up and out of bed and into the bathroom.”
With that Joey moved to his feet and stood up his erect
penis curved up towards his belly in front of his mother.
“Mom don’t look at me this way” Joey turned away, then
reached for his drawer of his dresser and opened it quickly, upon this
he saw the drawer still empty and his mother also spoke,
“Come on Joey get to the bathroom and pee, you can dress
after breakfast” as she nudged him toward the door,
Joey slowly walked to the bathroom, Marie followed her naked
boy, and Joey got to the closed door and said “Jenny’s in there,”
“That’s ok you two can share open the door”
“Yes mom” Joey answered still sleepy,
Joey turn the knob the door was locked “Mom the doors
Marie knocked on the door, “Jenny open the door Please”
“No mom I am busy”, jenny replied trying to get some privacy
in her naked state
Marie hearing this, she when the hall closet and reached in
to it and pulled out the emergency key for the bathroom lock, walked to
door inserted the key and pop the lock released and Marie turned the
knob and
opened the door in one quick motion,
Jenny screamed “Mom” she was sitting on the toilet.
“Relax Jenny it only us”, as Marie guided her son inside the
Jenny started to say “Joeys can’t see me Naked” but as the
words were leaving her lips,
Joey’s four inch hard on came into view and Jenny stopped
talking, jenny stared at it as she sat there.
“Jenny are you almost done? Joey has to pee too,” Her mother
“Not yet, jenny still wide eyed joeys erection,
“Joey Go over and stand facing the tub and pee into the
That meant Joey would be standing sideways in front his
sister less than a foot away with her face at his waist level Joey
believe he was doing this, he moved to the tub side,
Marie saw that her daughter was just staring at her sons
erect penis as she moved near to adjust the curtain away so he had a
clear shot
in to the tub, she also looked at the stiff member and said
“Joey go ahead and pee”
“I cant, it won’t come out,”
Marie forgot that Guys can’t pee with a hard on so she told
“Why don’t you rub it for while till it goes down”
Joey was in disbelief “What?”
“Just Rub it up and down till it goes away, that’s what your
dad did back then”
Joey slowly reached to touch his member and started to rub
Jenny was looking at her brother as he started jerking,
Joey turned and looked at his sister sitting totally naked
in front of him, her little flat puffy nipples and her exposed hairless
in view , all this sensation caused him to reach the point of no return
and he
groaned and shook as he had his orgasm,
Marie saw this and looked down at Joeys Penis and saw only a
little wet drop on the tip
As she watched it shrinks right down to its soft size,
“Ok Joey Try to pee now,”
Joey aimed the tip toward the tub and the pee started and
Jenny watched the yellow stream leave his penis in total awl of the
Marie got a wash cloth warm and wet and said,
“Ok Jenny time to wash, up”
Jenny rose up and her mom washed her up and down,
Then she got another wash cloth and did the same to her son,
“Ok children lets get to the kitchen for breakfast, times a
She ushered out her kids towards the kitchen
Got the Cereal bowls out and her kids chose their favorite
cereal to have,
And the family ate their breakfast together like all the
other mornings before only this time both children were talking
together and not fighting with each other,
The only difference was the fact that both of Marie’s kids
were naked as they were born, sitting at the table, both had a smile on
Marie loved it,
Marie finished first and retrieved the clothes for the day,
for each,
“Ok you two, remember when you guys get home, take off your
clothes and wash up and clean your rooms I want them to be orderly
while your
at your aunt’s house, and I’ll bring home some KF Chicken for supper,”
“Yes Mom.” as the kids finished breakfast then ran together
to bathroom to brush their teeth and get dressed.
15 minutes later the Kids were dressed and out the door for
their last day of the school year.
After her children left for school Marie took her shower,
dressed and left for work,
Marie Busied herself at her job. At Lunch time Marie called
her sister Sue,
“Hey Sis, How did the Plan go?” Sue Asked
“oh my god Sue, yesterday after I talked to you, I couldn’t
believe you actually keep the boys nude for better behavior. But when I
home Joey was in a bad mood. Even Jenny was being picked on by Joey.”Marie told her sister the
events of removing
all of Joeys Clothes from his room and only giving him an old pair of
pants, she explained the Outing of his penis thru the fly and trip to
and from
the store.
“I Can’t believe you stripped him in the out in the open on
the street for his first viewing,” Sue replied to Marie,
“I had no plan on how it would happen it just happened.”
Marie then I told Sue “ They both know that in your Family you keep the
nude and Spank when needed, I told Jenny that Girls are also spanked
bare when
they get into trouble too.”
“Yes that’s right they do, not often though they know
better,” Sue replied.
Marie then told her sister in a quiet voice so no one in the
office could hear,
“In talking to Joey about the Boys go nude rule, he made a
good point about Equal rights about what’s good for the boys should be
good for
the Girls and to Joey’s credit about listening to equality of both
males and
females, I made Jenny go nude last night during the movie sitting right
next to
her fully naked brother, I told them that when ever they are home they
need to be totally undressed until I tell them otherwise.”
“You What!?” Sue said loudly
“I figured they both could use a ride in the same boat with
each other for bonding”
“Girls can’t be naked they must be Modest’ Sue Said to her
“Sue of all people, yesterday I was shocked that you make
the boys go nude, now I shock you, that I made my Daughter go about
naked as
well, Sue last night and till they left for school they were buck naked
and saw
each other all over, and during breakfast they both talked and laughed
their last upcoming school day. They haven’t done that since before
father left.”
“Marie are you serious?” Sue asked
Marie with a tears in her eyes said “It was so wonderful to
see my babies bare and getting along together, I felt like their mother
and not just the breadwinner, I like being in charge, so I also told
them that
I have to check them after they use the bathroom and help wash them up
they can do it right them selves, It brought back so many happy
feelings for me.”
Marie also said “I want both my kids to enjoy the freedom
from clothing this summer,”
“Jenny Too” Sue asked
“Yes both, Joey’s will be like your boys while there and
Jenny will be ok to go naked too,
“How old is Jenny again?”
“She turned ten on February 26”
“Has she started puberty yet?”
“Not Really yet, her chest is still flat but her nipples are
just like Joeys and her areolas are only slightly larger, certain days
her buds
look bigger”
“Any Hair yet?”
“Just the normal little girl peach fuzz like we had back then.”
“I Guess she can go around naked as well for a while, and I
guess my boys will get a treat this summer?
“Why do you say treat?” Marie asked
“Well, my Daughter Becky has been behaving very well lately
so she hasn’t needed a spanking, andshe
hasn’t been seen nude in long time so the boys haven’t seen a girl
naked since
they could remember, so she be the first girl they will remember seeing
“Why don’t you let her go nude as well now?”
Marie Becky is a woman now, her breasts are size of small Lemons
and her Kitty is well trimmed with hair, she’d die of embarrassment if
sees her nude.
“Sue, that’s not fair for the boys now, is that now?” Marie
“I guess not,” Sue replied
“so why don’t we make a deal while the kids are there with
you this summer, you make Joey and Jenny go naked like your boys do if
you also
make Becky go nude as well,
“Marie, I don’t know about that, my Neighbors are used to my
boys going nude in the neighborhood since Jenny is still undeveloped I
don' t
think it will be a problem for her to be nude as well, but Becky she
looks like
a grown woman now.”
She can’t be nude” Sue
Marie Had a thought “Sue, I hear if a girl gets shaved down
there it makes them look younger,”
Sue agreed, “ But she wouldn’tagree
to do that,”
“So is that fair for the boys as well?”
“No its not” sue replied,
“How about in the pool and in the house for Becky to be
“I guess that could do to be fair.’ Sue said
Marie added, “Anyway you will save in doing laundry,”
Sue Laughed and said “OK sis See you tomorrow.”
“Love ya;”
Marie Hung up the Phone, she got back to work.
End of this Chapter
I hope you enjoying the story so far?