* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
During the movie Marie looked over and saw that Jenny long
hair was hanging down near her little rosebud nipples almost covering them.
Marie waited till a non important part in the movie and then said, “Jenny come
sit on my lap and let me braid your hair”
Jenny got up and walk to her mom and sat on her moms lap,
Marie shifted her leg toward Joey and Jenny’s behind rested on her moms thigh,
which caused jenny left leg to touch joeys right leg, Poor Joey trying to watch
the movie the warmth of his sisters leg near his caused his naked penis to
stiffen again. Marie Braided Jenny’s hair into two long strand that headed down
her back over her shoulder blades, When she was done braiding, she guided Jenny
to lean back into Maries chest and Jenny snuggled against her moms body, her
mom wrapped her arm around her daughter and rested it on Jenny’s Belly.
The group continued to watch the movie, Marie lovingly
started to move her hand up and down her daughters belly and up to her chest,
Jenny sighed and leaned further back against her mother and then Jenny reached
up and took hold of moms wrist and guide her mothers hand and fingers to her
nipples, Marie was somewhat shocked that her daughter wanted her hand to touch
her nipples and then remembered to when she was jenny’s age and remembered how
her own nipples tingled when she touched back then.
Marie stroked circles around each nipple and then slowly
down to Jenny’s belly button. All the while the movie played,
Jenny shifted her legs as her mothers hand traveled its
tenth time up and down her front,
In doing so Jenny lifted her left leg to up and over Joeys
right thigh so that her leg above her knee was inches from Joeys Boy parts,
this move of course opened Jenny’s legs wider and her kitty was very much
exposed and open to the room, Jenny reached again for her moms wrist when her
moms hand reached the lowest part of the stroke pulled her mothers hand to her
kitty. Sighing again Jenny opened her legs wider still, this time jenny’s leg
touched her brother erect hardened penis. With Jenny’s hand keeping her moms
hand on top of her kitty, Marie noticed how smooth the skin was around her
daughters mound and decided to stroke her daughter in that very sensitive Spot,Jenny responded to the touching down there
and she felt her brothers shaft against her leg, This caused Jenny to grab her
mothers arm and held it so her mom couldconcentrate her rubbing on that spot, that felt the greatest, And in a very short
moment, Jenny’s breathing got so rapid due to the touching and then jenny’s
legs then stiffened up and Jenny let out an intense Moan as her boyish hips
rockedagainst her mothers hand as Jenny
enjoyed her own orgasm.
Jenny Blacked out for a few moments as the waves of pleasure
over took her.
When Jenny came back too earth, Jenny leaned back and turned
her head toward her mother and gave her mom a very quick peck on the cheek “Love
you Mom.”
Maria Relized what she just did and swore it would never
happen again, But by her own daughters reaction, it was ok with her and was no
less harmed by the experience that just happened.
Joey of course knew exactly what transpired and his own
penis was totally stiff and pointing toward his belly, under his sister’s leg.He too, was very close to his own peak,
Marie realizing this She pull her daughters body off her lap
and placed Jenny on the couch next to Joey, Marie stood up and went to laundry
While she was gone, Jenny asked Joey “Does it hurt?”
“What??” Joey Responded as the brain and ears not working.
“Does your penis hurt?” Jenny asked again
“No it feels good.”
“It felt hot and hard on my leg”Jenny giggled
“Can I touch it Joey?”
Joey remembering the feeling in the bathroom earlier in the
evening, “Ok but do it quickly before mom gets back”
Jenny reached over and wrapped her small hand around her brother’s
hard penis.
“Wow that’s hard!” Jenny whispered
Joey instinctively reached down and took his sisters arm and
motioned for her to stroke it up and down.
Jenny did and within four strokes of her hand Joey arched
his back and his penis throbbed and a slight bit of moisture came from the hole
in tip. It was just a little bit and it got onto Jenny’s hand and fingers.
Jenny was looking at her hand after releasing her brother’s
penis then she heard her mother’s footsteps coming toward the room. Not having
any napkins or tissues to clean her hand. And with the only seconds to spare
she put her hand to her mouth and quickly licked it clean,
Joey said “Jenny no”
Jenny said “too late”
Marie turned the corner with the laundry basket filled with
clean clothes and asked “too late for what?”
Jenny Thinking quickly replied “I think it’s too late to
stay up I’m tired, it’s last day of school is tomorrow.” Marie also noticed that Joey’s penis was softer than before
she left the room but the light from the TV caused the Glistening tip to look
“Joey Go to the bathroom now, your leaking, God sakes Joey
don’t you know when to head to the bathroom.”
“Ok both of you upstairs and get in the bathroom,” Marie
told her children
They both started up stairs but Joey got to the bathroom
first he closed the door and that left Jenny in the hallway, Marie was only ten
seconds behind them, Jenny started to her room.
“Where are you going my dear?”
“To my room to wait for Joey to Finish”
“Non sense” her mother said as she opened the bathroom door
to let her daughter in.
“Mom” Joey said loudly “I am using the toilet”
Joey was standing up and the sound of pee hitting the water
was heard,
“Come on Jenny Brush your teeth while Joey goes pee,”
The still naked girl went to the sink and grabbed the
toothpaste tube and brush loaded the brush and started brushing, watch Joey’s
backside in the mirror as he peed, Jenny thought to herself that the taste of
the peppermint toothpaste removed the interesting taste of her Brothers fluids.
She had wondered what it tasted like when she saw the girls on the internet
with sperm on their lips from the porn sites she had looked at before,
Joey finished peeing, shook his penis dry and flushed the
toilet and turned right around into his mother. She was standing there with a
wash cloth that was wet and warm from the other sink in the bathroom, “Ok
little buddy let me wash you up.”She
took hold of his penis and washed it up and down as she did before but she
noticed he didn’t rise fully to the occasion.
“Ok turn around, and spread your legs” Marie told her son,
He did and she wiped his ass again then told him to brush
his teeth,
Jenny Finished brushing as Joey got his butt cleaned,
“Ok Girl, your turn to pee.”
“Mom Joey is in here,”
“Jenny, Its ok, you
just saw him go”
Jenny realized there was no more point to argue, she then
sat dawn and peed herself
Her knees were spread wide and Joey looked toward her kitty
and saw the yellow stream flow, as he brushed his teeth at the sink,
Marie readied another washcloth for her daughter and after a
quick wipe of both front and back. After jenny was done Marie told her children
off to bed.
Marie Followed her daughter to jenny’s bedroom and Jenny
stopped in front of her dresser and went to open the Panty drawer.
“No Jenny your sleeping bare butt.”
“Mom, no way, I need my panties and tee shirt on at night,”
“No you don’t, Remember I tell you what you need and don’t
need now, as of now you don’t need anything on, now under the covers you go,”
Mom Said
Jenny dived under the covers and pulled them up to her chin.
The sheets felt crisp and soft to her naked skin,
“Now Girl remember, you’re not to get dressed till after
breakfast,” Marie said
“Ok mom,”
“Good night honey, Love you” Marie said as she bent to kiss
her daughters cheek, she then turned off the room light,
Her son was already in bed and buried under the covers as
Same thing to you, don’t get dressed till after breakfast,
“Mom can I say something?” Joey asked
“Yes Joey?”
“Why all the nudity now mom?
“Because Joey, little boys and Girls don’t need Modesty,
Children behave better when naked, Tonight you and Jenny both behaved
wonderfully, the first time you two got along in a long while,”
“But mom it’s embarrassing.”
“You will be fine. Good night Son. I Love you.”
“Night Mom Love you too.”
End of this Chapter