* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
Marie walked into her son’s room. Joey was still facing away
from the door and covered by the sheet.
“Joey I want to talk to you about today, Marie sat down on
the bed,
“What about today,”
Joey you were very rude to your sister and myself today.
“So what!” Joey said while facing the wall
“Joey that rudeness needs to be fixed I will not tolerate it
in this house.”
“But mom you made me go half dressed to the store and my
thing was out and people saw it. That was rude.”
“No Joey, That was cute. Now turn and face me when you’re
talking to me,”
Joey rolled over to face his mother,
“That’s better, your aunt and I have been talking and she
has convinced me that I have been wrong in the way I have been raising you and
your sister. You have been given way too much freedom nowadays and I need to
take back control of this family before it’s too late.”
“What do you mean too much freedom?”
“Well with work and all, I haven’t been able to watch the
two of you the way I should. I am the mother and you two are the children, I am
responsible for both of you, I need to feed you, bath you and Clothe you when I
feel it is needed, and not when you think its needed,”
“But mom you made me go naked in the car and yard.”
“No, I made you go in your pajamas pants. You did not buckle
your seat belt and then lost control of the drinks when I was driving. That not
my fault. Like I said. You were covered with drink and complaining of being
cold, so being your mother I took care of the Problem and removed the icy mess
and soaked pajamas.”
“But mom Jenny saw Me.”
“So what, I told you she has seen what boys look like down
there. There is nothing special about a boy’s penis, and that’s what is going
to change around here. Your Aunt Sue’s family believes that boys behave better
when they are naked, and I am starting to believe myself that it is true.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well my little boy, that means Aunt Sue keeps her sons bare
at home. She feels it keeps a house full of boys polite and behaved. It saves
in the laundry as well.
“You mean my cousins go nude at home?”
“Yes they do and as I said before Aunt Sue and her husband,
your uncle spanks as well.”
“Oh my God I can’t be seen nude.”
“Oh yes you can, and you will be nude, also you will be
spanked as well, I believe that’s one more thing I also have been thinking
about that I may have been wrong all these years.”
With one
quick motion Marie Grabbed the sheet from under Joeys chin and yanked it down
to Joey’s feet, exposing a still naked boy.
“Mom!” Joey screamed, as he tried to cover his boy parts
with his hands,
“Relax Joey I have seen it all before.” Marie looked down at
her sons lap as she touched his thigh as a mother trying to calm her son.
“God Dam it Joey. I told you to wash up.” Marie noticed that
Joey did a poor job of washing the drink off,
I did wash it off,
“No you didn’t. Get in the bath room now.”
“Mom Jenny will see me.”
‘So you forgot, she has already seen it all earlier tonight
besides she is in the TV room, Now Go.”
Joey got up and shuffled his feet quickly to the hallway
bathroom. Hiding his package incase his sister is near by. He got in the
bathroom and started to close the door without realizing that his mother was
right behind him. Marie followed him into the bathroom.
“Mom I can do it myself.”
“Sorry Joey, you had your chance in washing yourself, now
your mother has to help you till I can be satisfied that you can do it for
“Mom I’m too old for you to do this.” Joey said standing
turned sideways in front his mom but still holding both hands hiding his semi
stiff penis from her view.
“Non-sense I am your mother and its my job to take care of
you.” She grabbed a washcloth and turned on the faucet, adjusting the water to
the right temperature. Squirted soap in the cloth getting it ready for her son.
“Mom, the doors wide open.”
“My god Joey you don’t get it do you, Nothing you have
hasn’t been seen already tonight, and from now on till I decide, there will be
no longer an need for my little boy to be modest at home. Now turn and face me.”
Marie knelt down and started washing Joey’s legs scrubbing
up one then down the other soaping him up and down, his hands were still down
in front of his penis trying in vain to keep it out of view. Marie told him
hands away he moved his right hand as she worked the right leg still keeping
his left hand in front then he switched hands when she started on his other
leg. Then as his last fate she told him.
“Hands on your head now Joey.” She ordered
“Mom please no,”
“I said Hands on your head. I have to wash you.”
“Mom no”……. as Joey moved his hands to his head from his
His mom face was level with his penis less than an arms
length away. Joey was totally embarrassed now, She could see everything up
close as she gently washed the topside of his belly with the washcloth and then
down to the tip. She then took her other hand and lifted the limp shaft up then
she started to wash the under side of the penis.
Even with the feelings of total embarrassment and knowing
that his was right in front of him. Nature happened; the Touch of his mothers
hand had started the erection process.
She held him in her hand while washing his testicles. His
penis instantly grew hard in her hand. Marie realized she no longer needed to
hold it up, She slowly let go of it. Not wanting jerk her hand away, like a
touching a hot stove. But there it stood out, her little boy’s penis just only
four inches fully erect, Arching up to his belly. Looking very impressive
however still just a child-size version of a future grown male’s woman pleaser
“Ok Joey turn around so I can get your backside.”
Joey quickly turned around, Glad to hide his fully erect
penis from his Mom.
Marie started scrubbing his ass cheeks then she said “Ok Boy
Spread your Feet.” Her son complied as she used the Wash cloth on his anus she wiped once and
look at the Cloth,
The Cloth told the tale she tapped Joey on his side and held
the Evidence out for Joey to See. “Ok Mister - I think I am a big boy.”Pointing to the washcloth “Look you can’t
even clean yourself; I guess that my sister and I will have to check you after
you use the bathroom till you prove that you can clean yourself after your done.”
“Mom No way!”
“Yes way. I can’t have you smearing my furniture when you’re
“Mom do I really have too be naked at Aunt Sue’s”
“If that’s the rule for Boys at her house then yes is the
Answer.” “That’s not fair. What about Jenny? Why do the girls get to
wear clothes and the boy don’t? I thought you were all about equality in the
sexes? Marie stood up and was rinsing the wash cloth out with fresh
water and started to rinse the soap off Joey’s legs in the same order she
washed him in.
She stopped for a second and thought about what Joey had
just said. “You know Joey you may be right about fairness and equality, Maybe
your sister might have to be less modest around the house as well, I’ll talk
with your aunt tomorrow about it, that idea will really save money in the
laundry budget.”
Again Marie knelt in front of Joey to finish rinsing him
off. She again clasped his penis to wash the shaft off. His penis was still
stiff and now throbbing in her hand as she was holding him, she rolled her hand
up and down the shaft stroking him, she heard him breath deep and sighand realized that Joey was starting to enjoy
the feeling, she keep stroking.
“Does it feel good Joey?”
“Huh? What? Oh yeah ma feels really good” Marie kept stroking even after she finished with the wash
Joey breathing got faster and faster then all of a sudden Joey
stood upon his toes and Groaned and his stiff penis really throbbed in her hand
and Joey had his very first dry cum. Marie was very amazedin her sons reaction to her rubbing.
Joey Reached out to his mom to hug her, one reason was to
steady self to keep from falling, the other to get closer to his mom to show
“That should help you decide that a little less modesty is
good for boys now. Let’s get you dried off “Marie grabbed the hand towel in the
bathroom. She dried Joey off and announced “All dried off.”His penis had resumed his little boy limped
look. Only barely 2 inches long,
“Ok,” Marie announced “let’s get down stairs and see that
movie we got.”
“Mom?” Joey looked at his mother “I don’t have anything to
“That’s ok you can go naked in the house now.”
“Mom Jenny will see me.”
“That right Jenny will see you naked and I will see you
naked, and remember to call me to the bath room after you finish going pee or
poop. I have to check your cleaning, abilities. You can get dressed after
breakfast in the morning just before school time,
Mom you can’t do that, it's wrong. “I’m your mother and I will decide what right or wrong here,
when you get home from school tomorrow, I want you strip out of all your
clothes and wash up and then clean your room up while naked. I don’t want your
room to be an eyesore all summer,”
‘This will also help you get adjusted for your stay at my
sisters this summer.”
“What about Jenny, will she be naked as well?”
‘We will see, I will decide her fate, but for you, are to be
nude when I say to be…. OK Joey?”
After having his first orgasm, Joey was a lot more accepting
of his nudity fate. “Come on Joey lets
get to the movie.”
Joey was still not moving. Marie grabbed his penis and gently
tugged him get moving, he jumped at the touch but he started moving to the
living room, he stopped again at the bottom of the stairs,
“Mom I don’t want to see the movie.” “Yes you do.” Marie reached down again and grabbed his penis
but this time she didn’t let go she tugged him all the way to the couch. The
sensation of her hand caused his penis to harden in her hand.
When Joey and his Mom reached the Couch, Marie saw that
jenny was sitting on one side of the couch her Shirt was on and pulled down
past her navel but she was fully exposed down below her shirt. Jenny was so engrossed
in the TV. She did not realize her brother could see her hairless kitty and
lower lips.
Jenny quickly closed her legs tight; this sight caused joeys
Penis to arch fully erect
to his belly again.
Marie told her very naked son to sit on the middle of the
towel covered couch right next to Jenny.
“Mom, I thought Joey was staying in his room tonight; I am
almost naked here, Joey can see my Kitty.” Jenny asked her mom.
Marie told her daughter “Relax Joeys more naked than you now.Jenny please pause the movie for a second
Jenny hit pause and listened for her mother to speak,
“Ok You two, the new rules for this house are, that I’ve
decided that the two of you will be naked when you’re in the house from now on.
When you use the toilet you must both call me to check your cleaning after. The
Laundry Fairy is tired of seeing messy underwear all the time.”
“Mom no way I thought only boys go bare” Jenny pleaded.
“After talking to
Joey I Changed my mind, I will talk to My Sister, your aunt sue tomorrow about
the equality in the nudity for this summer. Maybe both the boys and Girls need
to be nude at home or when I say, and maybe both of you will behave and be kind
to each other.This should be fair for
both sexes.
“Mom you said only the boys are naked,” Jenny still in
“Well I am rethinking the rule, and the results may help
both of you get along better.”
“So, Tomorrow when you both get home from school I want you
both to strip down completely to your skins and wash up and Clean your rooms,
when I get home I expect to see two very clean rooms and two very naked
children for dinner. I will tell you when you need to get dressed again. I
expect you both to stay nude till I tell you that you need to get dressed, I
don’t care who comes to the house to visit you both are to remain nude while
at home,”
“Mom that’s not fair” Jenny said with Tears.
“So you think it is fairer that only Joey is naked and not
“Well you said Aunt Sue Believes boys behave better and
Girls have modesty to protect,”
“After I seeing you in the bathroom naked and helping you
wash up I decided that you too need help and maybe your brother would be nicer
to you too if you were in the same boat as him.”
“Ok enough talking, Joey re-wind the DVD
and Catch up while Jenny and I make Popcorn and drinks then we will all watch
the movie together.”
Jenny got up clutching the bottom hem of the shirt she was
wearing to try to cover herself as she and her mother walked to the kitchen.
Jenny open the Pantry and get a bag of microwave popcorn,
Jenny got it for her mom. Marie opened the wrapper and placed it in the
Microwave and hit the popcorn button.
While they were waiting, the Marie poured the drinks.
Jenny was still holding her shirt down, Jenny asked her
mom.” Are you Serious about me and Joey both being naked at home and at Aunt
“Yes I am, By the way Hold still.” Marie said as she came
close to her daughter.
Marie reached for the Hem and Started to pull up on it.
“MOM”, Jenny protested
“Jenny Arms up …. Now”
Jenny knew she had no choice and she raise her arms up, her
mother pull the shirt completely off. Jenny Tried to hide herself with her
hands and arms,
Jenny you have nothing to hide from me or your brother we’re
all family here, now arms and hands at your side,
Ding the microwave cycle ended, Marie opened the door and
emptied the popcorn into a big bowl. Marie handed Jenny the bowl. “Ok Lets get back to the couch”
as Marie carried the Drinks to the couch,
Jenny sat quickly and tried to cover up as her mother sat on
the other end of the couch, with Joey in the middle,
“Jenny Relax no covering up your bother here can’t hide
himself either Look at him if you want.”
Jenny looked over to Joey and his semi-erect penis was right
out in the open as Joey was watching the movie.
Marie reached for the Remote and paused the Movie again, “Ok
you two I want you to look at each other while naked to get over the
embarrassment of being bare Jenny spread your knees apart a little so Joey can
see your kitty,” Jenny slowly Complied
“Joey Go ahead and Look at your sister.”
Joey did and then said “Cool!”
Jenny thought she was going to die of being exposed but her
eyes were fixed on her brothers penis of which responded to the visual of his
naked sister sitting right here next to him,
His penis grew to the full 4 inches
Marie hit the play button and the movie started again. “Ok
you two lets watch the movie,”
The two children looked up from each other and turned toward
the TV Screen. The movie played on and Marie noted and took pride that both
her children were naked and sitting on the same couch right next to each other
actually behaving for the first time since a long time.
End of Chapter 5