* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
“Joey,” Marie now Pissed opened the back door of the car,
reached into the car grabbed Joey by the ear and said “God Dam it get in the
house Now!” and Dragged her potty mouthed naked boy across the front yard to
the front Door.
Joey’s hands were now stretched out to keep his balance as
he walked.
“Mom!” Joey cried all the way to the door. So embarrassed to
be seen totally naked and it was so unbelievable that his own mother would do
this to him.
Marie kept her hand on her son’s ear while she fumbled with
the lock and key.
“Joey I am totally ashamed at your behavior lately” she said
while unlocking the door. “ First you bullied your sister, then you speak such
filthy language to your own mother and sister, I have had enough of you.”
Marie finally gets the door open “Get in the House Joey!” She
lets go of his ear and gives her son’s shoulders a push as Jenny and herself
follow him inside the house and shut the front door.
“Joey, Get up the bathroom and wash that sticky drink stuff
off you, then head to your room and don’t bother to dress tonight. You and I
will be having a long talk, young man,” Marie told her son.
Joey hung is head down and walked quickly to the bathroom to
wash up, Realizing he just pushed his mother over the line now he was so upset
about being in trouble he had never pushed her over the line before. Maybe
close to the line but never over it. He was starting to cry as he was trying to
wash the drink mix off himself. He was thinking why was his mother was now
allowing her son to be naked in the house or outside, she never told him to go
naked, she always let him have privacy. And to dress between the bedroom and
Joey’s crying got heaver as he tried to washing himself.
“Why me , why me” he thought. He just wanted to go to his room and hide under
the covers on his bed. He quickly wiped him self down and slinked to his room,
dove under the sheet covering his naked body. Still crying as he waited for his
As Joey was washing himself, Marie was wiping down the
kitchen table from dinner, still Fuming over the trip to the store.
Jenny came into the kitchen after heading up to her room to
change into her long thread thin night shirt and jean shorts, “Mom?’ Jenny
“Yes, honey?” Marie responded.
“Does Auntie Sue really keep the boys nude at her house?” Jenny
“Well, honey She did tell me she did. Why are you asking”
“it just …I have seen on the computer …boy’s packages” Jenny
blushed “but tonight Joey’s changed shape many times here in the kitchen and in
the store ….it grew longer but in the car it shrank too the size of my thumb..
Why Does it do that?” Jenny inquired
“ Oh Jenny, I thought we had that subject come up. You know
How babies are made, remember?”
Yeah I remember but that when two people love each other the
Guy gets stiff to put it inside a woman, but Joey wasn’t trying to put it into
a girl,
But he grew many times.?’
“Jenny Dear,” Marie thought back to the conversation that she
had with her sister earlier, when Sue offered to take the kids for the summer.
“ Sometime the Male Penis has a mind of its own, it gets erect over the
simplest thoughts, usually when a male wakes up in the morning the penis is
mostly erect. It’s normal.”
“Oh... It just looks so cute on Joey.”
“Well, girl remember he is your brother and from what I hear
you will be seeing quite a few little ones this summer with your cousins.”
Marie said
“What do they feel like?” jenny asked
“Jenny!” Marie was shocked at the question but she waited a
second or two then said” their Soft but Firm and warm to the touch.”
“Cool, I cant wait till the weekend to be here.” Jenny said.
“Well, young lady you better behave your self too this
summer, Aunt Sue and your uncle equally spank boys and girls remember
and I believe it is a totally bareass-ed kind of spanking involving naked time
for the troublemaker as well.”
“OMG! Girls too,” Jenny asked in disbelief
“Yes girls too.”
“Oh I Couldn’t be naked in front of anyone. I’d die first,”Jenny
“Then you better listen to your Aunt and Uncle and Mind your
Manners while your there”
“Oh I will be an angel”
Marie Looked at her daughter and how she was dressed now,
She Thought to herself how not fair that only the boys went nude. Joey may not
be the only one that needs to get used to being nude.
“Jenny, I Think that Joey is not the only one that needs to
get used to not wearing so many clothes, I see you have your sleep shirt on
already.?” Marie said
“Yeah the other shirt I had on got the slushy drink on it.”
“But it’s your sleep shirt and you’re still fully dressed
under it with that tight bra as well ,”
“We were going to watch a movie tonight, I didn’t think I
you wanted me in my thin sleep shirt and Panties in front of Joey, he’ll see my
nipples thru it?” Jenny Replied
With a straight face Marie Told her Daughter.
“Well, I’m your mother and I think that maybe I have made
some mistakes in raising you two and since this is the second to last night
together as the three of us for while , I want to make a change with just the
closeness of our family.”
With that Marie continued “Your Right… I don’t want you in front
of your naked brother wearing your sleep shirt and Panties, Maybe you should be
naked as well tonight.”
“Mom No WAY”
Jenny Cried out with tears bursting from here eyes
“Well then, since you now know the shock that Joey felt
tonight with him being told to be undressed maybe you can learn to be a little
less modest at home as well. By the way I hate doing the laundry.”
“But Mom I Cant be naked ….I’m a girl” Jenny Cried
“Sure you can – Besides your still knees and elbows anyway
your breasts are only slightly puffy at your age and your period isn’t due for
another couple of months” Marie said
“MOM” Jenny stood in disbelief of hearing her mom tell her
to go naked like her brother Joey,
“I’m serious, Go up to the Bathroom and Take everything off.
Wash up real good. I mean your Face and butt and wait in there for me. And I’ll
check on you.”
“Get to it” Marie said, as Jenny walked upstairs to the
bathroom and closed the door.
Marie finished in the kitchen headed up stairs and passed by
Joeys room and glanced in, Joey had his back to the door and head buried under
the sheet.
Marie went to her bed room. She
went over to the closet door and opened it. Inside there were boxes of her
ex-husbands old clothes, she found the box she was looking for, popped the top
and reach in and pulled out the a light blue men’s tank top style undershirt.
“Perfect” she muttered out loud.
Packed up the box and closed the closet door. She headed to
the bathroom but first she stopped get several wash cloths and a large bath
towel as well.
She Reached the bathroom door and grabbed the knob and
opened the door up,
Jenny Squeaked “Mom!” Jenny was sitting on the toilet still
wearing her sleepshirt and her short and panties at her bare ankles.
“Relax Jenny, I’ve seen you go to the bathroom before.”
Marie walked into the room not bothering to close the door.
“Mom close the door”, jenny pleaded
“You’re sounding like your brother” Marie said while she was
putting the wash cloths in the basket on the counter in the normal easy to
reach spot.
“Hurry up girl, I’ll be right back” with that said she
turned and quickly walked out leaving the door wide open and brought the tank
top and the large bath towel to the TV room. She spread out the towel on the
seat of the couch and placed the Tank top on the arm of the couch.
“Mom you left the door open” Marie heard her daughter say
Marie walked back up stairs into the Bathroom, “So I Did,
what’s the fuss?”
“Mom, Joey Might see me in here” Jenny argued
Joey’s in bed and your still almost fully dressed,
“but mom I’m Peeing and pooping.”
“So are you the only person in the world that pees and
No, But I don’t want Joey to see me.
“I told you he is in bed and besides if he does see you, you
saw him naked in the car and yard it’s only fair. ”
“Ok girl no more talking, Marie walked over to her daughter reached
down for the bottom of the sleepshirt and started to lift it up to take it off,
Mom the doors still open’ Jenny grasped her arms to stop the
shirt from being removed,
“Jenny your Fine lift your arms Please…” Jenny released her
arms and her mother pulled shirt off, Marie dropped the shirt on the floor, and then reached down
to grab the Training bra off Jenny as well. The bra went to the pile. Marie
then reached down for her daughters shorts and Panties “lift your feet please”
Marie asked.
Jenny lifted her feet out of the shorts and her mother
picked up both garments. Marie checked the pockets of the shorts for items in
them. Then tossed the shorts in the pile, Marie held up her daughter underwear
and look in to the crotch panel, saw it was slightly damp and poop
“Well missy I think you will have to learn to
wipe and wash yourself a little bit better the Laundry fairy knows a secret or
“OK MoM” Jenny said Rolling her eyes
“Come on girl hurry up and wipe and wash,”
be right back again Marie picked up the pile of jennys clothing and took it to
the Laundry machine to wash it,
Jenny wiped her self well and got to her feet from the
toilet and ran to the door and shut it, Jenny grabbed a washcloth and started
washing her face,
Marie had just started up the washer and didn’t hear the
door close,
Marie left the
laundry room and headed back up stairs.
She noticed that jenny had closed the door, so once again
Marie Turned the knob and walked into the bath room, Jenny gasped again, Marie
again left the door open and said “ Relax –jenny” I am your mother here let me
help you.
Marie took the wash cloth from her daughters hand “My God
Jenny, You need to use Warm water the cloth was cold as Ice,”
Mom I can do it my self, jenny said
“Nonsense, I will help you”, Marie Turned on the hot side
and warmed up the cloth and started washing Jenny’s face and ears, Marie re
warmed it again with fresh hot water, then started washing jennys arm pits,
then Marie ran the cloth over Jenny’s nipples “ well as of Now your still my
little girl with just little mounds with tiny nipple bumps. I don’t know why
your so modest,”
“Mom, I’m growing up” Jenny declared
“Not from where I’m standing, you’re still a little girl”
Marie warmed the Cloth up again, and said ok jenny Spread
those feet wide. Jenny did, looking only at the opened door not at her mother
as she was being washed, Marie washed up and down her girls vulva lips getting
all the nooks and Crannies of the girl’s sex parts.
Jenny started breathing heavy as her mom washed her down
there, jenny started to tingle alittle from the stimulation of the washcloth,
Marie noticed the heavier intake of air as she washed closer
to her daughter’s clitoris. Marie also noticed that her daughter still had only
small amount of little peach fuzz on her Private area. After an second more , Marie
said “Turn around” jenny did and Marie quickly finished the job on her girl’s
anus, Marie did a quick check of the cloth and she found no brown marks.
“Ok, girl you’re Clean” Jenny had started feeling warm as
her mother was washing her bum, ”Go down to the TV room and start Playing the
Like this ? fully naked
“Yes Joeys in his room and its just me here with you,
“You want me to sit nude watching tv?” asked in shock again
“If you want to you can sit nude”.. Marie told her daughter
Then I won’t Jenny started heading to her room,
“Stop missy, you don’t need any thing from your room,”.
“Mom I want to put something on..”
Ok..OK I placed a Shirt for you on the couch for you to
Jenny went to the TV room and she found the Tank top on the
arm of the couch and she put it on, The shoulder straps and arm holes were wide
and floppy if she kept her arms around her stomach her nipples wouldn’t peek
out, However the bottom hem of the shirt
barely went past her belly button. All of her “Kittie” (as she called it) was
uncovered and exposed, she Quickly sat on the towel with her legs tightly
pressed together hiding her Kittie she fired up the remote and started watching
the Movie,
Mean while Marie went to her son’s room to have her Talk
with him.