Joey’s Summer 2

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2011 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Joey’s Summer - Part Three:
by Sexpig4u
Remember people it is a Fantasy!
We Rejoin the Taylor Family gathered around the Kitchen table having pizza for supper on a Thursday night.
Mrs. Marie Taylor, (the Mom) a Single mother of two children,
Joey 12 and Jenny 10.

Marie was planning to have her children stay with her sister and brother in-law’s House for the summer vacation. Her sister Sue would be driving down on Saturday to pick up the kids and take them back to her house. This would enable Marie to work more hours and bank more money during the summer with having the kids around. Marie Decided that it was a great Idea because lately Joey had begun disrespecting the rules and bothering his younger sister so much now she didn’t dare leave them alone too long during the day. Who know what trouble Joey would get into?

The only thing Marie questioned was her sister’s way of raising boys. Six hours ago she thought her nephews were naturally nice however she found out at lunch time that her sister and brother-in-law believed in keeping the boys fully naked around the house even in front of her Niece. Apparently the Family Doctor had prescribed the requirement to curb their behavior. Marie could not believe it however the boys were always polite and kind to their Auntie and Cousins. So Marie hopes they can snap Joey out of his evil trouble causing behavior.
Her sister Sue had asked Marie to slowly phase Joey in to the nudity thing, He was so shy and she didn’t want it to be a complete shock to Joey. So in getting ready for the upcoming weekend Marie with Jenny’s help went to her son’s room and removed all the clothing in his dresser and closet with plans of washing them before his trip. Right before supper Joey was totally dirty from the afternoon of Playing in the yard. Marie had sent Joey to take a shower before dinner, she also hoped the shower would calm him down; he was upset that his friends told him that his mom wanted him to take a bath and change into his Pajamas before dinner.
So without planning from Marie Joey had forgotten to grab a towel when he walk in to shower. Marie had to answer his cries for a Towel after he was done. Marie told her son to just Drip dry and walk to the hallway closet naked and get a towel. He complained about his sister Jenny seeing him. Jenny was in the kitchen anyway and wouldn’t see him.
Joey had found out that his mother had grabbed all his clothing from his room and the Pajamas pants he had put in the Bathroom. He asked his mom for something to wear; she found a clean two year old pair of Spiderman Pajama pants that he used to wear all the time.
They fit tight to his waist now. But to him they still were something to wear.
Joey was so excited and hungry when the Pizza delivery person came, He ran to the door to get the pizzas and to see the Pretty Girl Driver. Joey had not realized that he did have the Button on his pajama pants fly buttoned he only realized it when he got to the kitchen to place the pizzas on the table he leaned over the table and the cool table touched his member and got his attention to his Gapping problem.
His Mother caught him touching himself trying to cover up; she made him wash his hands again.
He was asked to stand and pour the root beer in the glasses and his Stiff penis had poked its way out of the opening.
He was about to touch it again when his mom said to leave it alone. It was only going to pop out again anyway. So Joey finished pouring the drinks and quickly sat down. Joey was trying to hide his penis from his mom and sisters view.
Jenny had seen it, she thought it was cute but her mom told her not to notice it.
Marie decided to speak to her children about the summer. “Joey and Jenny please listen closely” her two children turned and focused their attention toward their mother, “I spoke to your aunt Sue today and I decided that the two of you will be spending the whole summer at Aunt Sue and Uncle Jack’s”
“Mom why do we have to stay at aunties all summer” Joey whined
“Because since your dad left, money has been tight and if you and your sister stay at Sue’s house I can work double shifts at the plant and bank some money this summer.” His mom said.
“But I won’t see my friends all summer.” Joey sadly said
“You will see them when school starts in the fall.”
“But I wanted to play around here”. Whining again
“You can play at Sue’s house, besides your cousins will be able to play all day there you’ll have fun”
Joey forgot about his cousins, Mark his age but one month older, Becky two years older and the twins Kevin and Keith two years younger.

“I guess.” Said Joey when he realized, there was no point to argue about it.
“Aunt Sue will be down Saturday to drive you there.” Marie said
“But Saturday is our first day of summer” Joey Said

“I know Joey, I already signed up for extra shifts on Saturday evening and Sunday, That’s Time and a half pay, There is no way to back out now,” Marie said
Turning to Joey, Marie started telling him “Joey, Lately you have been causing a lot of trouble around the house and your sister is telling me of the things you do to her. I can’t have you causing trouble at home while I’m working. So that’s why I’m sending you to your Aunts house. I want you to Promise me that you will behave while you are at you aunt’s. You know I don’t spank the two of you and that is my choice, however your Uncle Jack and Aunt Sue are a firm believer in the spanking method. I don’t really approve of it. But Sue and Jack do. And while the two of you are living with them this summer you will be held to the same Rules and standards of behavior as your Cousins,”
“Mom of course I’ll be good” Jenny Chimed in.
“That’s good” Jenny’s mom replied
Joey was still in shock of hearing that he might get spanked if he misbehaves during his visit.
“Joey, Do you promise to be good while your there?” his mother asked
“Yes Mom” Joey half hearted replied to his mom.
“I hope so.” Marie told Joey
“Ok then,” Marie told her kids “Lets finish this pizza and go get a rental movie tonight. You two can stay up a little bit later tonight because tomorrow is Friday and it is just a wrap up day at school for the last day before vacation.”
Both Kids Said “Yeah Movie night” and the family finished eating the pizza.
“Ok… Joey I want you to load the dishwasher from the table and sink and Jenny get your shoes on so we can all go to the corner store to get a DVD movie. Marie told her kids.
Joey stood up to do the dishes, he had just forgotten about his pants while eating, he pulled at the waist band to twist his fly to the side so his now soft penis could stay covered by the pajamas, As he loaded the dishwasher the turning motion as he moved from the sink to the dishwasher, the pajama pants shifted and his member was poking out the fly again. At least he was alone in the kitchen while loading, his mother and sister were getting ready for the trip to the store.
He just finished loading the last glass from the table when his mom said “Joey Come on let’s go together and pick out a movie.”
“Mom I can’t go to the store like this.” Joey told his mother while standing there shirtless and in his two year old pajamas, As He twisted the waist band sideways to cover himself.
“Oh come on, lets go you look fine, just get your sneakers on, you just look like Mommies little boy there. Besides the DVD machine is outside of the store, no one will see you,”
“No I’ll wait here at home till you get back.” Joey Said
“Mister Joey Taylor! You are coming with us now so march to the Car Now.”
Realizing his mothers sternness he slowly walked to the car and Got in the Front seat.
Jenny got in the Back seat and mom drove the store with the DVD rental Kiosk Machine in front of the convenience store.
“Ok let’s get out and pick a movie” Marie told her two.
Joey didn’t want to get out of the car.
“Come on Joey out Now.” Mom said
He got out and stood near the Machine hiding his embarrassment while his mom picked a movie,
“Mom?” Jenny asked “Can we get Slushies to drink with the movie?”
“Ok, here take this five dollar bill that should cover it, Joey go with your sister and pick your flavor” Marie told her children,
“Mom, I can’t go with her dressed like this,” Joey whined
“Sure you can, you are just heading to the counter and ask the clerk for your drink” Marie said
(This store the Clerk gets the ice from the machine and they add the Flavor on top of ice in the cup.)
As Marie was finishing her movie selection her two children walked in to the store.
A woman around in her Early Sixties was working the store she heard the door chime announcing that customers had just walked in. “Can I help you?” the woman said
“Yes, please, we would like two large slushies, please”
“Sure what flavors?” the Lady asked

Jenny said “I’ll have a Grape one”
“And you son?” The lady asked Joey. Looking at him trying keep his pant from twisting open, his hands holding on to the front part of the fly closed.
Joey was getting nervous about being in the store dressed as he was, he did not want to be seen in his old pajamas around the town. He did not hear the lady ask him,
SON, What Flavor would you like?” Lady asked again
“Oh …….I think …. Cherry I guess” Joey finally replied.
“Cherry it is then” the lady confirmed his order.
The two kids stood in front of the counter and watched the lady fill the cups with slush and doused them with the chosen flavors.
The lady finished making the drinks and placed covers on them, started to ring up the sale on the register, “Ok for Two slushies that will be $2.78, please.
Just then Marie poked her head in the door of the store, She saw her son standing there foolishly holding his front of his pants closed with his hands, he made it look naughty.

“Jenny wait a second, Joey go to the Chip isle and get a bag of nachos for me Please and Joey Keep your Hands at your sides please.” Joey left to find the chips
“Marie? Marie Stewart is that you?” the lady asked to Marie.
“I Was or I am?” Marie Responded unsure why the lady was saying her maiden name.
“Hi, I am Cindy Jones; I lived around the corner from your parent’s house twenty years ago.”
“Sorry I Don’t remembers…” Marie responded
“Sure you do, I am Gary ’s Mother” The lady said
Oh my God, I am so sorry, I remember now. I can’t believe it, how is Gary now?” Marie responded

He is Fine, he is a Lawyer now and is Married, He has four children two boys and two girls, the Boys are in the middle,
(Gary Jones was a neighborhood boy that, Marie and Sue used to Play with back in the day.)

“Wow I never thought Gary would have a big family”
“How are your folks doing Marie?” Cindy asked
“They are well, they moved to Florida nine years ago.” Marie said “I only see them once in a while. I wish they could live closer to see their Grandchildren,”
“Yeah that’s tough, so these two kids yours; I see the resemblance with the Girl.”
“Yes. That my daughter Jenny and this handsome boy is my son Joey.” Marie Proudly said as Joey returned with the chips. Marie ran her fingers thru his hair on his head when she said it.
Joey automatically brought his hands to his head to straighten out his hair; of course this caused his penis to fall out of the fly.
Cindy saw it, and she said “Jenny is the spitting Image of you Marie, And Joey looks like he is a very healthy Growing Boy.”
Cindy rang up the chips and said the total, Jenny handed the money over and Cindy Placed the Change on the counter near their two cups.
“So you guys out for a walk tonight?” Cindy Asked
“No. Just a quick trip here to rent a movie.” Marie said also seeing Joey’s Penis out in view.
“That sounds like fun. I Remember those days when Gary was young, I used to want to go for a walk in the summer Evenings, It was right after Gary had his bath. I took him outside just in a pair of boxers and sandals. He was so embarrassed but he loved it anyway. I made it up to him when we got home, I use to massage him all over, and it took stress out of our Day.” Cindy said in a daydream story way.
“Yes, I have heard of a new trend for little boys to let them get Air.” Marie kidded
“It’s a lost practice, But it worked years ago and from all the ADD now a days. I believe it should come back in to common use” Cindy said
“Did they have a name for the treatment then? Marie asked
“My mother told me the name of it back then was …Little Boys don’t need modesty... That was it; my husband Henry never liked it. He was the only boy with seven sisters, he refused to allow Gary walk around naked in our home like my four brothers did… but our walks and rub downs helped him.” Cindy told Marie
Joey started to feel the cool air again down there, And just the thought of him being exposed like the boys of yesteryear instantly started him too get stiff. Marie saw Joey’s hand start moving to his front to block it from view. Marie noticed this and quickly said “Jenny carry the Bag of chips and Joey Grab the cups and coins too.” Her kids picked up the items. This caused Joey to be totally exposed now and he could not adjust himself either.
“I only work a few nights here myself and only a few parents out of many come in with the boys dressed as your son is now.” Cindy told Marie,
“It’s good to see that Idea might come back. It’s healthy. Too” Cindy finished
Cindy then asked as the store was quiet then. “What about your husband Marie does he believe in it?’
Marie replied, “No their father had other plans and left us three alone,”
“Oh, I am Sorry” Cindy said
“Other than not having another adult around to help raise the kids, its better with him gone” Marie said Matter of fact way.
“I See, as I said, I only work a few nights here myself, if you want, on my nights off I can kiddies sit them. It will be fun”, Cindy Said
“Well, their off to my sisters for the summer, maybe in the fall, if you want or able to we can make arrangements.” Marie said
Just then a Car pulled up to the store, the Car doors open and a mother and daughter got out of the car. It was Clara a girl from Joeys class at school, she is with her mother they opened the stores door and walk in and Joey turned beet red, and tried to turn away, Both the mother and daughter saw joeys stiff penis poking out and the mother turned to Marie and said “Hello”

Clara and her mom walk right by after that to get some milk, from the back cooler.

Joey Could see Clara pulling her moms arm and holding her hand up to her mouth in disbelieve.
“Well Cindy I have to get the kids home. It was nice seeing you again” Marie Said
“Ok, Tell your folk hello for me” Cindy said
“By kids” Cindy said
“Come on Joey” Marie suddenly reached out and grabbed Joey’s Penis and gently pulled it like a leash to get him moving.
“MOM! Cut it out” Joey Complained as they headed to the car, Joey Got into the back still holding the cold Drinks... his hands was getting cold he couldn’t buckle his seat belt and he didn’t want to either it was a short distance to the home, anyway.
Well in one intersection a car almost cut them off, this caused Joey to Loose his grip on the drink in his hand, and Splash …. The cold drink went all over his pajama pants and the car’s seat.
All Marie Heard was “Fuck” coming from her son’s mouth.
“Joey watch that language!” Marie shouted back “Are You Ok?”
“No! I’m soaked!”
Marie Pulled the Car over on the neighborhood street and shifted into park she looked over the front seat back and saw her son covered with the Slushy mess, most of it was on him. She Got out and went around to the Passenger side rear door, she opened it she leaned into the car.
“Oh My …Joey what am I too do with you? You’re covered with the drinks.” Marie said
Jenny turned around and looked at her brother and said “Nice Job Bro”  
‘Shut the fucking up Jenny” Joey Screamed.
“Joey! For crying out loud, watch that mouth so help me God.”
“Mom I am Freezing.”Joey said
Marie trying to figure out how to clean him up and her conversation with her sister flashed in her head.
“Ok Joey This is what we will do. First lift your butt off the seat and try not knock any ice off.” Marie told her son.
Joey Stretched and lifted his butt off the seat, At that moment His mom Pulled his waist band of his soaked PJs down To his knees. Exposing his very cold boyhood, This Action caused Joey reflex and reach down and pull them back up and the Ice started to Fall to the car Floor,
“Dam it Joey, your making a bigger mess let now let go”
“Mom I’m naked under these.”
“For god sakes Joey stop acting like I’ve never seen you naked let’s go now!”
Joey sensing his mother’s anger he let go of his PJ’s, Marie pulled them down to his knees again and told him to put his butt down and lift his feet. Joey did and Marie pulled his Pjs all the way off.
As this was happening Jenny was watching this unfold from over the Front seat back, Smiling and looking at joeys little penis and balls.
Marie pulled the pants out of the car and shook them out dumping the Ice in the Grass along side the sidewalk and street.
Joey Also screamed “Oh my god its cold on my ass. I’m sitting on the Ice,
Marie told Joey “Get out of the car and I’ll clean up the seat “
“Mom I’m naked I can’t go out there.

Dam it Joey Get out of the car now! You can stand facing the car.”
Now mom moved out of the door side and Joey Turned and Facing the Car one hand clutching his front and the other spread trying to cover his ass.
Marie used the Pj pants to scoop most of the ice off the seat and Floor. “Well it will do for now ok you can get in.” his mom’s back was against the door Joey had to turn facing his mom to get in.
“Joey hold up a sec”
“What mom?”
“Your Dripping of syrup here let me wipe it off your belly and legs”
Marie used the lower pant leg sections to start wiping him off,
Joey’s Hands was in the way he was trying to hide himself as she was wiping.
“Joey Raise your arms up.”
“Joey Raise your arms now.” She Repeated
He obeyed and he raised his arms up as she wiped his belly and thighs.
Marie was looking straight at her son’s package. She noticed how small he was due to the cold Ice; she started to pat his penis dry and even cold didn’t stop the ill-fated reaction of a boy’s penis being rubbed. Joey started to grow an erection right there on the side of the road , three inches of penis stuck out and started to arc up to his belly,
“Mom Stop.”

“Almost done for now”, she said
“Mom, I’m embarrassed.”
“Joey Don’t you remember I changed every diaper and bathed you every night,”
“Yeah But I’m bigger now”
“Oh please… you’re just a little boy to me.” Marie told her son
“Ok Get in“

Joey sat down The vinyl seat was cold on his butt, he looked up, Joey forgot about his sister being the front seat he saw that Jenny was looking right at his penis he quickly moved his hands to cover him self.

Marie shut the door and went around to the rear of the car and was going to place the pjs in the trunk when she noticed the trash can in front of the house by the curb for trash day on whim and not wanting to get the trunk sticky with the slushy mix she tossed her son’s Pjs in the trash. She then got in the drivers seat.
“Jenny Don’t look at me!” Joey said pleadingly
Why not Jenny said

“I am naked” Joey said

“So what I saw your penis at supper”
“Oh Joey I Think my friend’s baby Brother IS Bigger than you.” Jenny Said while Laughed at him,
“Shut Up Bitch” Joey Said
“God Dam it Joey” Marie screamed “I have had about enough with you Joey tonight”

She started the car and finished the drive home, while she was driving she repeated that if Joey or Jenny acts up and causes trouble at Aunt Sue’s and Uncle Jacks, Uncle Jack has permission to spank their butts Raw.
Her two children were quiet the rest of the way home,
Marie pulled in the driveway and stopped the car.
“Ok Kids to the Front door now.” Marie told her Children as she got out of the car,
“MOM I’m Fucking Naked.”
“Joey what did I say about that language” Marie yelled back
“I’m not going naked in the front yard” Joey Screamed
 Marie now Pissed opened the back door of the car, reached into the car grabbed Joey by the Ear and said “God Dam it get in the house Now” and Dragged her potty mouthed across the front yard to the front Door. Joey’ hands were now stretched out to keep his balance as he walked.

(The End)