* * * *
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sexual activity
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* * * * * Joey’s Summer by Sexpig4u 6-30-2011
Remember people it is a Fantasy! “Mom why do we have to stay at auntie’s
summer” Joey whined Because since your dad left, money has
tight and if you and your sister stay at Sue’s house I can work double
at the plant and bank some money this summer.” “But I won’t see my friends all
summer.” Joey
sadly said “You will see them when school starts
the fall.” “But I wanted to play around here”.
again “You can play at Sue’s house, besides
cousins will be able to play all day there you’ll have fun” Joey forgot about his cousins, Mark his
but one month older, Becky two years older and the twins Kevin and
Keith two
years younger. “I guess.” Said Joey when he realized,
there was no point to argue about it. Joey, being 12 he was shy boy and that
caused problems getting friends, but his mom noticed this too, another
that she noticed is that he is shutting the bathroom door tight when
ready for a shower. Joey just last week, Screamed at the top of his
lungs, at
his little sister Jenny (10) when she opened his bedroom door while he
changing. She had just wanted to ask what movie he wanted to watch that
night. Jenny cried. Mom told her it was ok and
brother just wanted privacy like she (Jenny) does. Joey then was heard
the next
couple of days moving a chair that he had in his room in-front of the
barricading himself in his room just to change clothes. Marie, the mom was so busy with working
food shopping after work, she was letting Joey have some space to grow
up but
with being a single parent she did not have time for the usual Mother’s
she used to start his shower water going while he undressed in front of
her but
lately with work and life, that has ended. He even fussed when she
poked her
head in the bathroom to get something from the medicine cabinet while
he was
behind the printed shower curtain. Did he forget about the diapers and
when he was younger? Marie had been talking with her sister
over the last few months, since Ben, her husband, left her. Today, while Marie was taking a lunch
from work, Marie called to talk to her sister Sue listened to Marie
talking to
her about the life at Marie’s house. Sue offered to take the kids the
whole summer,
Marie had to think about it. Sue and her husband Jack live in the
and have a large lot of land with a pool off the den. The two sisters got together just a few
times a year but just day Trips Ben Hated the Country and hated Sue and
husband Jack even more, Marie didn’t know why, Jealously maybe, but
he’s gone
and out of her life now. Sue told Marie, “I think I can really
you guys out, We’ll take the kids all summer they will all have fun as
a group,
You can focus on your work and earning money and maybe exploring the
life.” “Sue Why the hell should I Explore the
single life?, I got bills to pay.” Marie said almost yelling. “Ok! Ok! one step at a time!” Sue said “I’ll drive down Saturday morning and
up the kids. Make sure Jenny packs dresses tops, shorts and Bathing
suits, Joey
only has to pack a few things, Mark has some Spare clothes that can fit
him,” Sue
told Marie “Sue” Marie replied “Joey most likely
pack up all his clothes” “Tell him all he needs is a couple
and a few shirts for going into town, most of the time during the summer my
just run around nude.” Sue informed her sister. “Sue you let your daughter and boys run
nude all the time?” Asked Marie thinking her sister was pulling her leg. “No! No, just the boys, Becky hasn’t
nude outside since she was 6. It’s much easier that way. The boys
behave better
and there is a lot less laundry to do” Sue stated. “Becky sees her brothers bare?” Marie
in a slight shock tone realizing her sister was not joking. “Why Not, She will be a Mom someday,
needs to see what boys have.” Sue replies “The other summers Sue, when we visited
the day…. the boys were dressed all day?” stated Marie “That’s because you brought your dumb
of a husband along those times, I Thought it was the best thing to,
have them dressed.
Oh by the way do you remember the Trouble the boys got into that day
with girls. After you guys went home that day, Jack stripped Mark and
the Twins
and spanked their butts after that the boys stayed naked the rest of
the summer
and while at home in the fall ” Sue told Marie “Oh my. The Boys are naked all the
time?” Marie
said with a worried tone, “Marie, The boys love it, they play-
then hop into the pool get out and dry off play again and by mid July
they each
have the greatest full body tan around, even their penises get a full
tans.” “What do you mean?” inquired Marie “They stay hard Marie, no wrinkles”
sue proudly “Oh My! My Joey doesn’t even take his
off when it is hot , he is so shy. And What about Jenny, I don’t think
she has
seen a boy naked yet sue?” “Well, she will this summer when she
with us. You know, she too will be a mom someday?.” Sue asked of her
sister. “What does Jack say about it?” replied
Marie “Jacks thinks its normal for boys to be
naked, he said he grew up that way” Sue “But he has 4 older sisters?” Marie
still Shocked about this information she was hearing from her year
sister. “Yup, and according to his Mom, Jacks
butt proved very handy to correct his behavior. Apparently when he was six years old
causing so much trouble and he started to get into trouble and was
grumpy all
the time. My in-laws asked the local Doctor why, and the story goes,
the doctor
said that my in-laws were treating him as a girl, like his sisters,
being properly
dressed at all time and then giving him too much privacy and said he
was not
getting any stimulation being fully dressed all the time.” “Boys
need stimulation” Sue quoting the doctors words just like her In-laws
did when
they told the story.” Sue continues, “So they made him go
bare at
home, and in very short time later they were back to being a happy
family. I
have found it to be true as well.” “Sue, Do you really do that. Keep the
naked?” Marie is getting a little curious about helping her son and
what’s left
of her family. “Pretty much all the time. Jack has
known to skinny dip as well when he gets home from work.” Sue also
informed her
sister. “Jack is naked in-front of the Kids? In
front of Becky?” Marie asked, sounded alarmed. “Sure, He is a boy too, however he only
skinny dips after work and walks nude in the hallway in the morning
between the
bedroom and bathroom, besides Becky knows what a penis looks like, she
has seen
her brothers all her life, and she knows they each look and feel
They come in all shapes and sizes too.” “Wow Becky sees her dad naked! I never
our naked, did you Sue?” Marie asked Sue replied, “Are you kidding, I never
a cock till Senior Prom night when I went Parking with Jack. I was so
embarrassed I didn’t know what to do with it!” “Sue!!” yelled Marie at the sound of
sister using the harsh word (cock). “Oh Marie get with it girl its 2011,
dick and cock are the one of the same” “But Sue, it sounds so Rude” Marie
Tried to
respond as an older sister role. “Marie I have raised my kids to call
parts what they want too. Penis or vagina, Cock or pussy it is normal
today’s world.” Sue declared “Oh well it’s your house….wait a
what did you say Becky knows what penises Feel Like?” Sue Really
shocked by
this. “Sure Becky helps with applying the sun
block to keep their penis shafts from burning and with keeping the boys
clean. Sometimes she strokes the boys to help them settle down during
the day
and evening, Becky loves to help me with that part” Sue says proudly “She touches them, and she Strokes
them? Marie
getting very curious and warm “Sure She loves to see them shake when
have a Dry cum,” “Sue!!??” Marie screamed at her sister.
MY GOD SUE!” “Relax… the Boys love it, they ‘re so
after their little O’s. its so normal here the boys did so well with
grades in school year.” Tried to ease her sister “So does Becky touch her dad when he is
naked about the house?” asked Marie “Only accidently while swimming or in
morning in the hallway.” Sue corrected Marie “In the morning Sue? Oh my Ben was all
in the morning what about Jack?” Marie worriedly asked “Marie all Guys are hard when they get
in the morning it normal, its natures way to guide them around the
house while
they are still groggy, pointing the way, They are so Cute with their
cock heads showing,” “Sue, what should I tell the Joey and
about your house?’ “Tell them both to Listen to their aunt
uncle, that we are responsible for them and And our house rules shall applies to
while they are living there and if they get into trouble their butts
will be
spanked.” “Oh My?!!” Marie now very unsure about
sending her children to her sister’s house “We’ll phase Joey in to the nudity
if you want, he’ll see the other boys running around naked and he join
in.” Sue
told her sister “So Marie are you ready to send your
here for the summer and to live by our rules?” “Well if it is for the good Sue?” “You’ll see Joey will be a changed kid
you visit. For the better of course” “I hope so.” Marie said “They be fine, ok, Now its getting
late. School
will be out in two days. I’ll be down Saturday morning to bring them
here, why
don’t you start by walking in on him in the shower or bathroom to start
him in to it.” Sue Said “Ok I’ll try, See you Saturday,”…………. End Part one Sexpig4you. Joey’s
Summer - Part Two: by
Sexpig4u 1-11-2011 Remember people it is a Fantasy! Marie got back to work but her mind
into work after the conversation she had with her sister. She kept
about her life at home and the way her “little boy” acts and trying to
see if
she had made the best decisions in the past, with dealing with her boy.
finally finished work and on the drive home. She came to the conclusion
she’ll try her sister’s way after all her nephews were very well
behaved during
the Easter family gathering. Marie pulled arrived home at 5:30 pm,
was outside playing baseball with his friends on the front yard, Joey
looked to
be on third base and as Marie was getting out of the car Freddy Joey’s
hit a line drive, Billy, another friend caught the line drive but fell
in the
process and Joey started running towards home plate, Billy started
running too.
Trying to tag him out. Joey Slid into home and a cloud of dust rose up
surrounded the boys. “SAFE” Joey Yelled while laughing out. Proud of
and making noise. Marie spoke up “Nice Play Boys! having
fun?” “Hi Mom. Yeah we are.”, Joey said “Hello Mrs. Tayler”, Freddy and Billy
greeted Joey’s Mom, “Can you take two seconds Joey and help
bring the Grocery bags please?” “No Mom ..Can’t you Get Jenny to help!”
Joey snapped back “Excuse me! What did you just say?” mom
replied sternly. “I’m Busy playing here.” Joey mouthed
back. “Joey! Don’t talk back to me like that
young man!” Freddy and Billy couldn’t believe that
just heard their friend talk that way to his own mother. Freddie was the same age as Joey,
however Billy
was half a year older than Joey, of which placed Billy in the grade
above Joey.
Billy realized that Joey was heading for trouble. Billy also thought
Mrs. Tayer
had a nice Smile too. Billy spoke up. “I’ll help you with the bags Mrs.
Billy said “Yeah I’ll help you too.” Freddy
offered In hearing this Marie, said “Why Thank
You’re both perfect young Gentlemen. Joey Could learn a thing or two
from these
two. ” She looked over at Joey and saw that Joey was getting mad at his
for stopping the game and making him look worse toward his mom. “Joey Since you don’t want to help
bring in
the bags, you can Clean up the Baseball stuff in the yard. Cause your
outside time
is over.” His mom said. That even made Joey madder, but she
the other two boys the bags and headed into the house with them. She
them the way to the kitchen, Marie reached into her pocketbook and
pulled out six one dollar bills and hand each of them three bucks each.
“Thank you again Boys, here is a little
something for your niceness in helping out.” “Your welcome Mrs. Tayler,” said each
boy” As they stood in the kitchen, Marie
about her talk with her sister earlier in the day, She got a Idea, “I think Joey is done playing for today
boys, Why don’t you two head home now and tell Joey its time for a bath
and him
to get into his jammies’s before dinner.” “O-K mrs Tayler.” Said Billy while
to Freddy about how embarrassed Joey would be when they told him what
his mom
said to do. “Good Evening boys.” Marie said “Bye Mrs. Tayler.” Freddy replied as
were headed outside. Marie waited a second or two and
to the front window staying out of sight from the opened window. She
wanted to
hear the conversion. Billy said to Joey “ I think your in
trouble dude.” “Why is that, just because I didn’t
Suck up
to my mom and help.” “I was just trying to save your ass.”
said Freddy Pipes up and says “Your mom
you to come in and Take a Baby bath and change into you little jammies
supper.” “She didn’t say that, you lie” Joey was
very embarrassed that his friends said that. “No lie , she did say that, Good luck
“little Friend” we have to get going home now,” Billy said Joey responded “Wait Guys, come on stay
little longer.” “No we can’t, your mom told us to head
and you have to get Nakey for you Bathy.” Freddy ribbed his friend
Joey. “Have fun eating dinner in your “feetie
pajama’s” Billy joked “Guys cut it out..” Joey yelled “See yah in school tomorrow…. Don’t
to wear your slippers to school” the two friends joked as they were
the street to get to their homes. Joey worked on picking up the stuff in
yard. Marie went the Up stairs to her
Jenny’s Room. "Hi Honey. How Was your Day" "Hi Mom, I can’t wait till School of
To be out on Friday!!’ "I Bet, I remember being young then!!”
mom said "Mom, Joey was really Bugging me today
when we got Home" Jenny told her mom, “What's id he Do?" “When I poured a glass of milk and
the last Couple of cookies out for a snack, I set them on the Counter,
But Then
I went to my room to get something to Read when I got back Joey had
eaten all
of Cookies and was Drinking my glass of milk!” ‘I am Sorry about that Jenny, I wish I
could Be home when you guys got Home from School like before Before
your Dad Left!" "Well. Joey then called me a little
Bitch when I was yelling at him for eating my snack." “Don’t use that kind of language honey,
It’s not right for you to say it” Mom told her. “Mom Joey used that language on me.”
responded loudly. “I know he did, I’ll talk to him later
about it.” Mom “Mom you talk to him all the time and
minutes later he is doing the same thing as before. He never learns.”
Jenny is
upset. “I know baby girl be strong for me,
your father left us Joey thinks that he can be the man of the house, I
been so busy with work and paying the bills that I started giving your
too much freedom and Joey is spoiled with getting his way.” Marie
continues “Aunt
Sue and I have been talking about the same thing. She has offered to
help us
out this summer but I’m a little nervous about it” “Why, what is the plan?” Aunt Sue wants you two to Visit and
all summer long, “All summer? That’s great, Mom I can
out with Cousin Becky, I also found out that my friends are heading to
Grandparents and are not going to be around anyway.” Jenny replied “Well that’s the part I like, I don’t
the idea that you and Joey are home by yourselves all summer long. Your
and Uncle can keep an eye on you two.” Marie told Jenny “Yeah Joey would probably cause trouble
with me if we stayed home. At least he can play with Mark, Kevin and
Keith and
leave me alone.” Jenny said My Boys Cousins are so nice, Those boys
always polite to me and never bug me” Jenny commented. “Yeah my sister runs a tight ship at
house she has firm rules at her house, she wants to help me out with
Joey. I’m
a little concerned about her methods though” “What Methods Mom?” Jenny asked “She believe in spanking butts when
cousins get into trouble, and Uncle Jacks family have a belief that
keeps the
boys in line” “What Belief?” Jenny “Well it’s a belief that I’m a little
nervous about you being a witness too” “If it is Spanking if kids when they
into trouble I’m going to be a complete angel then!” Jenny Said a
matter of
factually. “You best mind your manners then. But
not what bothers me its just .I don’t know if your ready to witness
it,” Marie
told her daughter “Witness what?” Jenny inquired. “Well, they believe in saving money by
doing laundry”, Marie thought it might cushion the news on her daughter, “What do you mean? They don’t wash
Jenny asked “No, they don’t use many” Marie said to
daughter to “Are they all Nudists Mom? And you’re
to make me go there and make me run around naked too?” Jenny said
raising her
voice. No Honey! You don’t have to run around
naked, just the boys, that what I’m worried about” Marie calmly told
daughter. “I’m worried about you seeing the boys “Packages” you’ve
never seen
one have you,” “Mom, It’s 2011 my friend Kelly has a
brother and I saw her mom change his diaper. His penis It’s so little
and cute,”
“Well the boys do grow bigger honey”
told Jenny “I know mom, I seen them on the
too mom” “Jenny! Your not suppose to be looking
those web sites” Marie Scolded Meanwhile Outside….. Joey was so enraged, he stormed into
house and yelled towards his mother. “Mom why the hell did you tell the guys
about me taking a bath?” Marie was still upstairs with Jenny
she heard her son yell out and curse. “Oh God now what” Marie blurted out
to her self and daughter. Jenny said “Mom see you told him and
him not to yell or curse but he Still does it. You have to do something
change his ways.” Marie tells her daughter “I want you to
pretend that you see nothing special tonight.. Ok? Jenny responds “Ok Mom” Joey had Marched up stairs very loudly
demanding his mothers whereabouts and finding her he said “Mom Why the
hell did
you tell Billy and Freddie about me taking a bath That’s freaking
private.” Marie thinking quick about her Sister
and Daughters Comments Replied to her son firmly “Joey, How many times
have I
told you not to curse and yell, And How many times have also told you
your behavior at home.” “But Mom telling my friends about Bath
is embarrassing” Joey said again only softer this time taking cues from
mothers tone of voice. “Why Joey, you think Billy and Freddie
never take a bath every night?” Marie asks her son. “Mom, Did you have to tell them about
about me?” Joey said more whining than talking. “I Believe I know their mothers well
to know that as soon as those two get home, Each mom is going send each
friends into the shower right away before dinner.” Marie said. Then she
continues “By the way I think that’s a great idea for you. Your covered
head to
toe with dust and dirt” “Mom, I’ll shower after supper I don’t
to do it now” Joey trying to stall for time. “I said go Shower Now!” “Ok…” Joey realizing mom was at her
He went into his room picked up his pajamas from his room and headed to
hallway bathroom and closed the door. He placed his pajamas pants on
the toilet
seat cover and started the shower. He stripped off his clothes and
climbed into
the shower and closed the curtain behind him. While Joey was in the shower, Marie
Jenny to come and help her. They both went to Joey’s room and Marie
started to
empty Joey’s dresser drawers in a pile. “Oh my God” Marie Said out loud
to her
Daughter. I can’t tell what clean and what is dirty, he puts the dirty
clothes back in the Drawer.” “Eww! That’s disgusting” Jenny said. Marie emptied all the underwear,
pants and socks into the pile for the laundry, “Jenny Carry this pile to the washing
please,” “Ok Mom” Jenny picked up the pile and
brought down to the laundry room Marie got the final pieces of joey’s
clothes out from the dresser and checked the closet for more. She
grabbed the
few shirts that were hanging in there they were dust covered from
hanging there
to long, She started walking to the stairs she stopped and then went to
bathroom turned the knob and opened the door. Joey heard the door and very loudly
“JENNY GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” Marie Very annoyed at her son said
It’s only your mother and Don’t you yell in this house.” Joey responded, “What do you want?
Can’t I
have a little privacy?” He had his behind towards the printed shower
and his hands down covering his parts. “I’m only picking up your dirty laundry
the washer, and Besides, I am your mother and I changed all of your
when you were younger, so relax.” Marie told her son. “Just hurry up and finish, I’m calling
pizza tonight.” As she said this she noticed the pair of pajamas Pants
on the
Toilet seat cover She took them to the wash as well. “Yeah” Joey cheered “I’m leaving the room now” Marie told
son and she turned and left the bathroom without closing the door,
leaving it
wide open. She opened the washer and filled the machine with whites
first. She
started the washer. Joey felt the temperature and pressure
the water drop, he hurried with his shower. In about five minutes Joey turned off
water and dripped dry for a second he opened the shower curtain. He
just then
realized that he forgot to bring a towel into the bathroom with him. The Towels were kept in the hallway
outside the bathroom, Joey Then Realized the Bathroom door was wide
open and
anyone could see into the shower. And to far to reach and close the
door from
the tub. so Joey Called out “MOM?” there was no answer. So He called again “Mom!” Marie was in the kitchen and heard both
calls and quietly she told her daughter to go to the bathroom and to
tell her
brother that mom is in the laundry room sorting laundry. Jenny walked up to the bathroom open
frame and looked in and said “ Mom’s in the laundry room” Joey Just Screamed “Get out of here,
the Fuck out now, I want Mom not you!” Jenny saw her brother Clutching the
and hiding behind the curtain and remembering what her mother said
about the up
and coming summer vacation lifestyle she Smiled at Joey and said “OK,
I’ll get
out and get mom” She turned and kept smiling as she
back to the kitchen and laughed “ HE wants you.” Jenny said. Marie went to the bathroom to see what
son wanted, “ Yes Joey?” “Mom You left the door open And Jenny
walked in and saw me Naked” Joey said still hiding behind the Printed
curtain. “Were you out of the tub yet?” Marie
asked “NO, I was still behind the curtain”
complained “Then Jenny didn’t see a thing.” Mom “But mom I’m naked in here and why did
leave the door open anyways?” Marie said , I had dirty laundry in my
and couldn’t shut it.” “Oh” Joey said Marie started to turn from the room, Joey noticed this “Mom I need a towel I
forgot one” Marie Responded “Joey the towels are in
hallway closet just drip dry and walk and get one and come back to the
bathroom” “Mom, I Can’t go out into the hallway
and get a towel, I will be seen” Joey said “By Whom?” Marie asked. “By You and Jenny” Joey said “Pete Sake Joey, I am your mother and I
know what your Penis looks like,” Marie Smiled and told her son. “Well, What about Jenny she would see
Joey still shocked that his mom would suggest for him to walk naked to
the hall
closet to get a towel. “Joey, Jenny is your sister, I used to
you two together years ago so she seen you.” Marie said “Mom Jenny was four years old then, she
didn’t know what she was looking at then” Joey pleaded “Joey, Jenny’s friend Kelly has a baby
brother and know Jenny has Seen his Penis when his mom had to change
his diaper
when she was visiting two months ago. I remember she told me how small
and cute
it was.” Marie told her son. “Mom I’m Bigger than a baby is.” Joey
said. Marie Then said “You are? Let me see.”
went to look in behind the shower curtain to check his size. She caught
glimpse of it, Joey took a half second to realize what
mom was doing then pulled the shower curtain closer to his front and
up a little more, “MOM!” “Don’t worry about it, Its not that big
yet” Marie kidded “Mom, Don’t look at me” Joey Said “Oh Joey, Relax its only a Penis” Said
Marie in her mind she thought of her sister Sue saying those words just
a few
hours earlier. Joey was still clutching the curtain
coolness was touching his penis and the thought of his mom seeing it
was making
it stiffen up. “I have to get back to the kitchen” Mom
said as she started walking away from her son but Joey said “Mom I
still need a
towel.” “Then go get one.” “Jenny will see me.” “No she won’t she is in the kitchen.” “How do I know that?” Joey asked Marie Called out to her daughter and
“Jenny Stay in the Kitchen for ten minutes please” Jenny Replied “OK MOM” “There, All set. Your free to get a
towel” “Mom,” Joey whispered “Yes?” “Could you get me a towel, Please?”
again asked his mom. “No I Can’t. I have to set the table
dinner” “Please Mom?” Tell you what I’ll go to the kitchen as
well and then your all alone up here and you can walk by yourself and
no one
will see you,” Marie said With That Marie headed to the kitchen
leaving her son in the shower getting cold. Joey can’t believe in what happening
tonight in the house. Joey waits one more minute and dashes naked to
the hall
closet quickly looking for his mom or sister looking, he opens the door
grabs a large towel and runs to his room while wrapping the towel
around his
waist. He slams his bedroom door, Finally some privacy he says to him
self as
he dries himself off. Marie in the kitchen with her daughter,
tells Jenny again to pretend she doesn’t see any thing different about
Joey. Jenny
laughs and says “Can’t’ wait” Marie hears her son’s bedroom door slam
then thirty seconds later it opens up again and she hears from up
stairs. “MOM” then again “Oh Mom” “Yes Joey?” “Where are all my clothes” Joey Asks “They are in the wash” Marie responds “Why all of them?” Joey asks “Because you put your dirty clothes
back in
the drawer instead of the hamper, and I couldn’t tell what was clean
and what
was dirty so I washed them all, It will be easier to pack to go Aunt
Sue’s” “what am I going to wear Till the wash
done?” joey asked “How about your birthday suit?” Marie
kidded her son, “No Thanks” Joey said “I’ll Bring something up” Marie told him Marie went to the laundry and looked at
dark clothes pile that she pulled from his room and found a pair of
pants from two years ago they were at least clean. However They were
well worn.
She noticed the button on the fly. The tread was unraveling from the
button she
pulled the thread and -pop the button came off. “Oops” she Said. Marie walked by the kitchen trash and
dumped the button into the trash bag it went to the bottom of the bag.
Never to
be seen again. She Reached his bedroom door she opened
without knocking he was standing facing the door. He dove for the
towel. Still
not in time, His mother saw his penis, it was very stiff. He quickly
himself, Marie said “I found these, I think they
clean enough and should still fit for you tonight” she handed him the
pajamas. Joey “I haven’t worn these in years”,
had Spiderman on them. Marie said “Hurry up the Pizza should
here shortly” she turned and walked out leaving the Bedroom door wide
open like
the bathroom door earlier. Joey was getting hungry so he didn’t
about the door not being closed be cause he know is sister and mother
were down
stairs. He slipped on the pajamas bottoms, they were tight but at least
him. Shirtless He Brought the wet towel to the bathroom and hung it up.
was moms rule, no wet towels on the floor or bed, The Door bell rang Marie called her
kids to
the door to open it. Jenny got there first and opened the door. It was
Pizza delivery Girl Stacy, Joey always loves it when Stacy Brings the
pizza she
is very cute, As Joey was walking, he noticed a draft
his pajamas but he was eager to see Stacy. Stacy noticing Joeys shirtless Pajama
told Joey “Looks like your chest is getting bigger” Her eyes Dropped to
front of his Pajamas and she smiled. She Noticed that the his pajamas
were kinda tight and the fly was gapping wide open and his little
twelve year
old penis showing through the fly. Stacy she was nineteen and had been
delivering Pizzas for her father shop since she was sixteen her Uncle
would take
her along to help carry the pizzas and to learn the business. When she
eighteen, she was old enough to go by herself. Many Guys would call for
pizza and
would answer the door with just Boxer shorts or towels on sometimes
towel would
fall off or poke thru. Other times parents would open the front door
and their
children, boys and girls would be running about nude in the house. Her uncle had told her sometimes the
would open the door naked to him too, He said “It’s their house and I
just bring
the food pay no mind to it, just enjoy the view and don’t forget to get
money for the Pizza” Marie Got to the door and said “Hi
how are you tonight?” “I’m well” Stacy said and then said “
Like Joey is getting over his Shyness” This caused Joey to Blush and his groin
grow. Marie looked at Joeys pants and back to
Stacy eyes and Marie Said “We are Trying our Best to correct it” Jenny is confused about what is going
but looked at her brother and saw it but she remembered what her mother
said earlier. Then Marie looked at Joey again and
“Ok Kids, Jenny Get the two liter of Root beer from Stacy and Joey take
pizzas from Stacy while I Pay for them,” Joey took the Pizzas from Stacy but he
stayed at the door still unaware that his Boyhood was sticking out from
fly. The Pizza box felt warm to his bare belly. After paying Stacy, Stacy told Joey and
Marie “Thanks for the TiP” The two ladies laughed and said good night. Marie closed the door after Stacy
her Car and left. “Ok Joey to the kitchen table with
pizzas” Marie Directed Joey walked his penis pointing the way.
he was placing the pizzas down on the table, the cool edge of the table
touched the head of his penis, He quickly sat down in his chair to hide
it, He
looked at his mother and sisters faces to see if they saw it, His mom
show any change but his sister sitting across from him, had a slight
Smile to
her face, Jenny opened the Box and dove in to
grab a
slice. Marie had sat down and noticed no
on the table and asked Joey to get up and get them from the cabinet. Joey complied but only after trying to
adjust the front of the pajamas pants to keep him covered. He Reached
for Two
Glasses from the cabinet he turned to place them on the table he felt a
then reached for the third glass and Pop his whole penis was exposed. He reached down with his free hand to
him self back in his mom said. “What are you Doing?” “Nothing” he called his moms bluff “yes you were” his mom said “was Not” he quickly said back “Don’t lie to me boy you touched your
with your clean hands go to the sink and wash again before you eat” “Mom is there any underwear for me to
with these, I keep popping out, I am very embarrassed” he stuffed
himself back
in, and turn the fly to the side “There would be if you put your stuff
the dirty clothes hamper. I washing all the whites now” Marie continues
about you being Embarrassed Don’t worry about we are all Family here.
to be embarrassed about ….your just my little boy” “
MOM!” Joey whined and turned to the Sink to wash his hands after
putting the
other glass on the table. With Cleaned and dried hands he walked
the table, before he sat down his mom asked him to open the Root beer
and pour
it in the glasses. As Joey opened the Bottle the twisting
action caused his penis to Pop out again his mother saw it as Joey was
going to
put it back in” Joey your hands are clean , Don’t touch it just pour
the drinks
it’s only going to pop out again. So, Joey listened to his mom and let it
hang out till all the drinks were poured. Finally he was able to sit
down he
twisted the waist band to allow his penis to be covered by the flap of
the fly
but indoing so, his penis went totally erect and poke its way to
freedom.. To be continued