Back to School Shopping

By Arclos

Copyright 2016 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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“Level 3!? Mom, how could I possibly be at level 3?” Victor cried out.
It was time to go back to school. It was already nerve-wrecking for Victor. He was entering sixth grade, which means he was beginning middle school. That was scary on it's own: having to switch classes that are getting more difficult, the loss of recess, it was a time of change in academia. It was in a brand new school district which meant he didn't actually know anyone.
He had been expecting to go back to school under level one, though. That had been the one bright spot. But his mom getting the letter that he'll be at level three!? That was insane.
His mom replied “The school district claims that your old elementary school didn't have rigorous enough academic standards and if you had attended the elementary school here, you'd only be a C student.”
“That's ridiculous.” Victor said.
“I agree but it is the way it is.” His mom said. “I guess I have to take you to buy the special uniform and stuff.”
Victor knew it was pointless to argue and yet on the car ride over, he tried. His mom though had no control. She could opt him into level four or level five but once the school district placed him in level three, there was only one way to get him to level two.
First, he had to either join the varsity team (fat chance!) or get straight Bs. Then at the end of the quarter, he could file an appeal to the principal. If the principal decided that he hadn't just improved his academic performance but that he wouldn't slide, then he would get moved up to level two. Of course, this meant having to spend the first twelve weeks of school at level three.
What Victor and most students didn't know is that most appeals are rejected. Indeed, usually once you move up a level, statistics shows you'll never go back down. There's been cases where kids who failed one class in first grade never moved out of level five despite becoming straight-A students. Imagine being naked for the rest of your school career because you got an F!
At the school district recommended department store, Victor and his mom were greeted by a female store attendant.  It was a pretty large store. There were multiple floors. There were multiple attendants at the front of the store: each family was helped through the process by an attendant.
“Welcome! How may I help you today?” The store attendant asked them.
“Victor has been signed up for level three by the school district.” Victor's mom said.
“Oh, I see. Well you came to the right place. We'll have him in a special uniform in no time. Unless you want to just buy him underwear, you can sign him up for level four right now and save time! Or heck, save money and sign him up for level five!” The store attendant replied.
“Save money? I did my research. The transparent winter clothes cost more than the uniform.” Victor's mom said.
“Well, you got me there.” The store attendant confessed.
“Victor is a good kid. We'll stick with level three for now.” His mom said.
Victor couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh at that mention.
“Follow me you two!” The store attendant said.
They followed the attendant over to the escalator. There were five floors. One for each level-although level one or two didn't require a special uniform, Victor could see that they sold regular kids clothes. Once they got to the third level, it was time for Victor to begin the process.
There were two lines: girls go to the right, boys go to the right. They were right next to each other so that boys could see what the girls were buying and vice versa. The store had some customers and Victor couldn't help but have his mouth open!
The lines were pretty long and you couldn't see to the end due to the many turns but he did see shirtless girls (his age, younger, and older) and boys! He couldn't stop looking at the breasts that were in full display in front of him! It's true, he had seen in the elementary school naked girls but this was his first time seeing them fully developed in person!
He got lightly smacked in the head by his mom. “Come on Victor. Pay attention.”
Victor forced himself to stop looking. The store attendant had taken out a shopping cart. Attached to the cart was a basket.
“Put your shirt in here Victor” The store attendant ordered him.
If Victor was a girl, he would have been aghast. A more modest boy might have stalled. But for Victor, this was no big deal. Oh, sure, he wouldn't want to be seen naked, but he had no problem being shirtless in public.
The attendant put the shirt inside the basket.
The first stop they had was nothing out of the ordinary: buying pencils, pens, notebooks, normal school supplies. It was a bit weird doing it with no shirt on but Victor quickly got used to it. Once they were done, they turned and Victor's mouth once again opened in shock.
There were lots of items here you wouldn't expect to see in the first floor: canes, rods, paddles, whips, and tough belts made for spanking. There were ropes, handcuffs, ankle cuffs, chains. There were clothespins (Victor had no idea why they were there) and other assorted materials. There were also chastity devices: some with spikes, some without! There were even butt plugs and even dildos!
Even worse, he could see the kids whose parents were buying these tools. On the girl's side, he saw three girls. One of them, about 8, had her pants and underwear down to her knees, as her mom tried out a cane. She was practically naked and crying. Another one of them, about 13, had her hands cuffed behind her back. She couldn't cover up as she saw Victor checking out her still undeveloped chest. Oh, to be shirtless as a girl was nothing like being shirtless as a boy! The final girl, about 16, had her pants and underwear on in the front but he could tell that she had pulled her pants/underwear down behind her so she could insert a butt plug! Victor thought she had great breasts and nipples: he got an erection just looking at her!
In front of him, in his own line, there were two boys. A red-faced 13-year old boy facing the girl. He was cuffed behind his back, his ankles tied, but his pants and underwear down to his ankles. Victor could see the boy had pubic hair and his balls had dropped. Victor could see his butt had recently been spanked.  Yikes! The other boy was 17 and his mom was making him put on a chastity device. A tough task since the boy was erect from looking at the girl putting a butt plug inside herself!
Victor and his mom started with the spanking tools.
“Now as you know, at level three, Victor will suffer corporal punishment. These will be in front of his class or assembly, usually on the bare bottom. I wouldn't be surprised if he's spanked at least once almost every day. Like most schools since the great Make Our Schools Great Again! Initiative, we encourage that you make Parenting Great Again! and spank your kid when he misbehaves at home or match all the spankings he got at school. It's obviously optional at level three but we really encourage it.” The store attendant said.
“You know, I've never spanked Victor a day in his life. I'm not a big fan of corporal punishment in general. But if he's going to get spanked at school, I might as well be consistent and do it at home.” His mom said. Victor gulped at this: he was trying to get his mind to accept that his butt was going to be constantly red!
“Wonderful! Do you have any implement in mind?” The store attendant said.
“Not really. I've never thought about this.” Victor's mom replied.
“Well, a lot of parents like the belt. It's a classic for a reason. But if you want to match his school, you should get the paddle. Of course, if you really want to leave an impression, I recommend the cane.” The attendant said.
“Well I just don't know. I want to buy something that feels right.” Victor's mom said.
“Why not try them on your son right now?” The attendant said with a cruel smile.
“What! No! I don't want to get spanked! I didn't do anything wrong!” Victor replied.
Victor's mom looked down at Victor.
“I'm sorry, but I think this is for the best.” Victor's mom said.
“No, it's not! Just buy the toughest belt!” Victor pleaded.
“Sorry son. This is happening.” Victor's mom replied as the store attendant handed her a paddle. “You can either accept this as man or we'll tie your hands behind your back and do it anyways.”
Victor's mom felt bad for her son. She could see the tears swelling up. But she had made up her mind. Plus Victor had to get used to getting spanked.
“I recommend making him drop his pants and underwear, just like he'll have to in school.” The store attendant said.
Victor glared at her, angry at the suggestion. But he didn't want to say anything.
“Victor, drop your pants. You can keep your underwear on for now.” Victor's mom said.
Victor blushed.
“Victor, I'm just going to try these out but if you want a full-fledged spanking with every tool here, I'll do it. Drop your pants.” Victor's mom commanded.
Victor was scared of the threat. He pulled his pants down. He was now practically in only his boxer shorts! Luckily, his erection had subsided ever since he found out he was getting spanked. He could feel the girls looking at him which made his race go red!
“Put your hands over here.” The store attendant said, speaking of a rail that was put there for that specific purpose. Victor complied.
Victor's mom swung the paddle, hitting Victor's butt! It stung bad and Victor almost jumped in the pain! He had never been spanked before but man, did it hurt badly!
Victor's mom then tried multiple implements once: a belt, a cane, a rod, a ruler, a wooden brush, a wooden spoon, a martinet, a whip, a special slipper, a switch, a carpet beater, a tawse, and even a martinet. By the end, Victor was crying like a little baby.
“I think I like the belt the best. But which belt to pick?” Victor's mom asked.
And so she tried multiple belts on Victor. There were about twelve different kind of belts, each made for spanking. There were plain, leather belts. There were belts with stuff like diamonds on them. There were belts with large buckles. In the end, Victor's mom went with a tough, leather, plain belt.
“You can make Victor put his pants back on, have him take them off for the rest of the trip, or wait until we clear the lane.” The store attendant said.
“Victor you can pull your pants back up for now.” Victor's mom said.
Victor was all to happy to comply. As they moved on, Victor was rubbing his butt that hurt very badly. They stopped at the bondage section. By now the boy that had been at this section had moved on. Sadly, his mom had not only decided to keep him naked for the rest of the trip but his hands were cuffed behind his back as she put clothespins on his nipples! Based on the boy's reaction, it was painful! Victor gulped.
“Now as you can see, Victor took his spanking on very well. But just in case he doesn't or maybe as an extra form of punishment, you should consider getting bondage equipment. Trust me, tying him up naked to a fence or something outside your house will really be a lesson he won't forget.” The store attendant said. “Plus at level three, he might be tied up naked by a teacher as a substitute to detention or some bullies after school for fun.” She winked at him. “Remember, bullying builds up character!”
Victor looked away as the boy in front of him cried out: his mom had attached clothespins to his ballsack!
“I don't know. Do I really need to tie him up?” Victor's mom asked.
“It's up to you but it's best when what happens to him at school, can happen to him at home.” the sales person said. “Plus studies show that kids who are tied up learn how to focus better.” She said. She was lying about the studies but barely anyone challenged her on that.
“Well, if you say so.” Victor's mom replied.
Victor's mom decided to try the handcuffs on Victor. His hands were cuffed in front of him.
“Try to get out.” Victor's mom told him. Victor found he couldn't do anything.
“Yeah, we'll take this. And some of that rope.” Victor's mom told the store attendant.
Victor was happy when his mom let his hands free from the handcuffs. It was weird not being able to move his hands apart.
They moved on to the next section. He saw that the 13-year old boy was now at the chastity section (the 16-year old boy having moved on a while ago). Sadly for him, his mom was not just trying to put a chastity device on him but one with some pretty scary spikes! The boy was helpless, his hands still cuffed behind his back.
He also heard some cries as a mom started trying out implements on a 10-year old kid. At least his mom had let him keep his jeans on.
The section Victor was now in was called “CBT & Misc. Pain”. He had no idea what that meant.
“As you know, at level three, teachers are authorized to punish not just his butt but also his back, his feet, his hands, his cock, his nipples, and his balls. Now you can use the belt on some of these but we also sell these tools to help you with his cock, his nipples, and his balls. Granted, these punishments are more common for level 4 and required for level 5 but they might still happen at level 3.” the store attendant said. “That's why we encourage you to buy these items.”
As the store attendant explained the various items, Victor turned around. By now, the 16-year old girl, the 13-year old girl, and the 8-year old girl were gone, having moved on. A brand new 14-year old girl was bawling as her dad tried out different types of canes on her. Her pants were down but sadly for Victor he kept her panties on.
Victor was relieved that his mom decided to skip buying anything at the CBT section but she did warn him she could always come back to the store to buy them if she ever wanted to.
The next section was the Chastity Device section. The naked 13-year old boy had moved on the dildo section. His mom had settled on a painful chastity device, his hands still tied behind his back, as his mom put butt plugs inside him. This meant the boy was leaning over, exposing his asshole to the world. Poor kid was all Victor could think.
“Now your kid is about to enter middle school. This is usually when boys start to develop sexual urges and develop certain habits. If you don't want your kid masturbating, it might be worth getting a chastity device. We offer both painful and non-painful options.” the store attendant said.
“I think a healthy sexual drive is perfectly normal.” Victor's mom said.
“Ah, well, our schools still teach abstinence as you know. But if you really believe in a healthy sexual drive, you know about the optional components of level four and five if you opt him in” The store attendant said.
“I think I'll leave it up to Victor.” Victor's mom said, thinking it a bit weird to call them optional components: forcing kids to masturbate at level four and additionally forcing boys to give blowjobs and receive anal intercourse to other boys under the age of 18 at level five. They were only optional if the parent opted the kid into the level, otherwise they were mandatory. These components were only for students starting in the fourth grade. Any younger and they were expempt.
The Make Our Schools Great Again! Bill was so long that nobody had even noticed the sexual amendments had been snuck in by a Senator who was later discovered had promptly signed his boys up into level five. The attempt to take out the amendment had been initially gridlocked despite having bipartisan support since the Senator had gone to work for a major lobbying firm that defended the provision. The outrage over it died down over time and the popular will to end it only appeared every now and then but never was sustained long enough.
As the 13-year old boy was dragged through the next turn by his mother and a male store attendant, a butt plug up his red ass, spiked chastity device over his penis, hands cuffed behind his back, Victor and his family moved over the last section. Victor noticed there was a purell hand soap stand right in front of them.
“Ah, yes. We think this works best with chastity devices but they can still work wonders without them. Essentially, you force the kid to wear a butt plug or a dildo throughout the day. While the butt plug is required for level 4 and the dildo is required for level 5, we do offer it for level 3 kids. You can use them to gain control over a kid's bladder or maybe as a great way to punish them, or whatever reason you want.” The store attendant said. “I have a kid of my own and I make him wear a butt plug with a tail when he's at home. He's so adorable and it's made him more obedient. If you want to try one, feel free.”
Victor was watching as the 14-year old girl was forced to surrender her pants. He thought if only her panties were also taken off. He did notice that a nine-year old girl was having to drop her pants and her underwear down as her mom and dad both tried out the different kinds of spanking implements.
Victor was happy to learn that his mom was also skipping the butt plug and dildo section. At this point: the two lines split. The girls went to a different part of the store, the boys to a different part of the store. Now he would only see the boys.
They turned and found themselves in the new lane.
The cuffed 13-year old boy was now wearing tighty-whities. It was clear that the butt plug was still inside his butt and his chastity device was still on as he walked. The 17-year old kid was trying on shirts.
“Victor, time to take off your pants and underwear. Don't worry, you'll only be naked for a few seconds.” The store attendant said, holding out her basket.
“Unless you want a spanking and to be naked as we leave the store, you better do as she says.” Victor's mom warned.
Even though there were no girls who could see him, Victor was still embarrassed as he took off his pants and his boxer shorts. He put them in the basket. He quickly used his hands to hide his penis and balls. Luckily, nobody stopped him.
“As a level three kid, you have choices to make! You can wear a diaper and otherwise wear normal clothing. If you do, you can't go to the bathroom at school and a girl your age will change your diaper. You can wear white briefs and wear the normal special uniform. You can pick white boxer-briefs but no pants or shorts except during winter, in which case you can wear transparent pants. You can also pick boxers and wear the uniform but then you have to switch to jockstrap during gym, drop your shorts, and get a daily paddling no matter what. You can save money and go commando but if you get an erection, you'll get spanked like a level 4 or 5 kid who gets erect without permission. Finally, if you can dress get panties and a bra, use the girl's bathroom and lockerroom, be on girl's sports teams, and such. What do you want?” the store attendant said.
The choice was sort-of easy. Sure, tighty-whities for kids his age were really for losers. Only nerds picked to wear them because they want to. But having girls know he wears a diaper and then change him? Or not wearing pants to school? Or getting paddled every day in front of girls no matter what because he chose boxers? Or for getting an erection? He wasn't transgender so the last option didn't appeal to him. Yeah, briefs were the easy choice! Of course, that was done on purpose. The only times boys picked any other underwear choice was because the school district or their mom had picked it for them.
“I'll wear briefs.” Victor said.
He was handed a pair of briefs by the attendant. He quickly put them on-exposing his privates for a brief second! His mom then got enough briefs to last him two weeks without doing laundry.
After having worn boxers for years, Victor felt almost naked by wearing white briefs. His thighs were exposed, his admittedly undeveloped and small package could be seen, and he could feel where the underwear ended. He also felt like a little kid.
They then moved along. They stopped by the pants/shorts section.
“As you can see, we offer three different kind of shorts and three different kind of pants. We require getting at least one of each: shorts for most of the year and pants when it's cold enough to warrant them.” The store attendant explained.
She showed Victor the first pair of denim jean shorts-she called them the Short Shorts. He put them on. True to their name, they were so short, they barely covered his briefs! They were also very tight. Victor hated tight clothing so there were  many reasons he didn't like these shorts.
“As a level three kid, I would expect wedgies. These shorts will make them more painful. In addition, they provide a great target for when kids decide to try spanking you. Finally, they show off your great legs!” The store attendant said.
Victor took them off. He was then given the second pair of cargo shorts-the Flash Shorts. He put them on. They seemed like normal shorts except for one thing: they didn't have a zipper!
“When you stand up, they look like normal shorts except you can't zip them up, exposing your briefs to the world! When you sit down normal, they really open up. Trust me, when you get an erection in these, everyone will know! But it will be easy to pee!” said the store attendant.
Victor took them off as well. He was given the final shorts-the Moon Shorts. These shorts had a buttoned up flap at the back.
“This will allow students to easily undo the buttons and take off the flap if they want. When in a wedgie, they'll expose your butt as well! They can also put stuff in your butt by pulling your underwear down!” The store attendant said as she showed off by removing the flap before putting it back on.
She then went with the pants. The jeans were like the short shorts except they did reach down to his ankles. They were even tighter though-really pressing down on his bladder! The cargo pants likewise didn't have a zipper and the final pants also had a flap on the back.
His mom bought one pair of the Short Shorts and one pair of the jeans, three pairs of the Flash Shorts and three pairs of the Flash Pants, as well as three pairs of the Moon Shorts and three pairs of the Moon Pants after talking to Victor. He now had one pair of shorts, or for when it was cold, one pair of pants for each day of the week! Since he had to wear the uniform even outside of school, except when he had to be in his underwear or naked as punishment, he had to have that many.
The next thing they had to buy were the PE shorts. These were black shorts that were specially made: they had no way to tighten them up. This was to make it easy for the bullies to pull his shorts down in the middle of gym class: he was sure that was to be a daily experience since level one and level two students got extra credit in PE for doing that!
He decided to wear the Flash Shorts for the rest of the shopping trip-grateful he had underwear on rather than having gone commando. The 13-year old boy had chosen to wear the Moon Shorts (the flap was removed by the store attendant). He noticed that the 10-year old boy behind him was being led away from them down to the first two levels since he was wearing only a diaper. Poor kid. Based on his crying, it wasn't anywhere close to his decision.
It was now time to buy the shirts.
There were three shirts and like the shorts, they needed to buy at least one of each. They were all really different versions of a white sleeveless undershirt.
The first was the Short Shirt! Just like the Short Shorts/Jeans (he was supposed to wear them together), they were tight and it only came up to his belly button. This was supposed to make it easy for the bullies to wedgie him but it also exposed his nipples for them to twist at will and they could easily turn his belly pink.
The Flash Shirt (meant to be worn with the Flash Shorts/Pants) was modified to be more like a vest so that it completely exposed the front of his chest. Once again, it made his nipples easy targets.
Finally, the Moon Shirt (meant to be worn with the Moon Shirt/Pants), was like a reverse vest exposing his back.
They mirrored the purchase: one Short Shirt, Three Flash Shirts, and Three Moon Shirts. He worse the Flash Shirt.
They also bought a transparent sweater and a transparent jacket.
Finally, he was allowed to buy normal socks and shoes.
Victor was very embarrassed once his mom had paid for everything largely because everybody could see his briefs. He was embarrassed when they went to a restaurant and some people stared. And he was embarrassed in the car, thinking people would see his shirt and thus realized what kind of shorts he was wearing.
For the next week, he was dreading going back to school and for good reason. His mom gradually got stricter as that first week went on to get him used to getting spanked and she even tied up him naked in their backyard one day.
That first day of school, he was ashamed as he was constantly bullied and his mom had been right to ease him into getting spanked: he was forced to strip naked and got spanked three times that day! The rest of the year he got used to expecting to get spanked at least once a day just like he expected his shorts to be pulled down during gym class every day. That year he had been constantly stripped and even tied up naked in public! His mom also had to buy multiple replacement briefs since he got wedgies and they got destroyed all the time! He also did get very public erections because he'd see three of his female classmates in only underwear and one of them was naked. They had it way worse than he did: being in level 3 was a cakewalk compared to level 4 which itself was a cakewalk to being in level 5. And one of his male classmates who were in level five would occasionally suck his dick.
His sixth-grade class had 90 boys. 10 of them were in level 1, 60 of them in level 2, 10 of them in level 3, 7 in level 4, and 3 in level five. They had 100 girls. 20 of them in level 1, 70 in level 2, 5 in level 3, 4 in level 4, and 1 level five. The other classes in his middle school had similar numbers.
It wasn't until the end of the year that his appeal miraculously went through and he was in level two: he was allowed to wear normal clothes and only level one students could tease him (but not bully him)-and he entered puberty that year. He did have to worry about getting spanked by a teacher but that was usually in private. He was the only boy in level three who had his appeals approved throughout his entire time in middle school. In the eighth grade, he was the only student in the whole country to have his level 2 appeal approved: he moved into level 1 so that the only punishments he could get was detention, suspension, or expulsion.
But he would never forget his most embarrassing year ever: his sixth grade year!


(End of File)