LBS2: Last Boy Standing Part 2 (multiple Fmfmgb/fmbg, extreme, cbt, spank, mast, oral, anal, humil, nc)
by Nialos Leaning
find all of Nialos' Leaning's youth punishment and sexual humiliation stories plus those of selected guest authors at the always free

CAUTION! This story tends toward the extreme side and may be too intense and/or graphic for some readers.

Copyright 2006 by Nialos Leaning, all rights reserved. Permission for noncommercial free (no charge) electronic distribution and personal use reproduction of this story is hereby granted. All such distribution, re-posting and reproduction must be without alteration of this story in any way, must include this entire copyright notice, and must in their entireties retain the following statements:

"This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It depicts preteen and young teen children of both sexes being subjected court sanctioned public nudity, sexual humiliation, spanking and other pain producing procedures ranging from mild to extreme. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story."

"This story is pure fantasy, written for the enjoyment of adults. Behavior depicted in this story may in real life be illegal or considered by society to be abusive, harmful, unacceptable or undesirable. The author neither advocates, condones nor personally engages in any such behavior."

"This story, as is all fiction, is fantasy and not reality. The author does recognize the difference between the two. Please do understand that some of us, including the author, enjoy such fantasy material."

"Compliments and constructive criticism are always welcome."

* * *

LBS: Last Boy Standing Part 2
by Nialos Leaning

Austin was the first to go before Judge Nichols. Several other families went into their hearings and exited before Austin made his reappearance. When the crying boy with a now firmly erect dick returned to the waiting room, Tyler asked, "What did you get?"

"Nudie Juvie for a week," Austin sobbed his answer. "And I have to go to a spanking pavilion twice a day."

"That," said his dad, "should keep your bottom too sore for you to run away. Tell them what else you got."

"I'm in tomorrow's Last Boy Standing," sobbed the now more loudly crying Austin. "It was dad's idea, and mom agreed after the judge talked to her."

Glancing at a paper in her hand, Austin's mother commented, "Well, at least he's above average in something."

"What's that?" asked his father.

"Says here that he's 5 feet 5 inches tall and weights 119 pounds."

"So?" prompted Austin's not yet understanding father.

"For a thirteen-and-a-half year old, that puts him in the 72nd percentile for height and 70th for weight."

"Too, bad, that it doesn't give the percentiles for these numbers here," Austin's father pointed to a spot on the paper.

"I agree," said Austin's mother. "I'd love to know that myself."

"Know what?" asked the crying and starting to blush Austin, suspecting exactly what numbers his parents were talking about.

"The percentiles for your penis size," answered his mother.

"Mom, please," begged Austin, "that's private."

"Not anymore," responded his father, "as they do post those numbers along with all your other measurements."

"Since they're to be public knowledge anyway," Austin mother decided it was time to begin stepping up his embarrassment, "I see no reason not to share them with everyone here."

"No, don't" Austin pleaded, "it's too embarrassing."

"Better get used to it," said his father, "you'll going to be a lot worse embarrassed by the time your sentence is up."

"Says here," pressed on Austin's mother before he could respond, "that you're 3 and 1/8 inches long soft, 4 and 3/8 inches hard, and your erect circumference is 3 and 1/2 inches for a diameter of 1 and 1/8 inches."

"Mom!" is all the exasperated blushing boy could manage to utter in respond to his latest humiliation.

"Also says," Austin mother continued revealing his secrets, "that you're a Tanner stage 3. If I remember correctly, that means you're about half way through puberty already."

"All right, time to be leaving," said Austin's father. "We have places to go, people to see."

"What's a percentile?" the still sobbing Austin couldn't help asking as he and his parents exited the room. The just as curious Freddy was disappointed not to be able to hear the answer.

Next the two Nudie Juvie girls had their day in court, again. Exiting, the tear stained Lauren complained to her older sister, "how can she put us in Last Boy Standing when we're not boys?"

"You heard her," replied Ashley, "we have to help our assigned boy be the last one standing up on his feet and between his legs."

"Yeah, but she said we would get some punishment, too," Lauren's tears started afresh.

When the still red faced and now tearful Kyle emerged from his appointment with justice, he without prompting notified the room, "Nudie Juvie for five days, even when I'm back home."

"What about blow jobs when you're home?" asked Freddy.

"Don't have to do them at home if we stay in the county the rest of the day and mom brings me back at least two more days, answered Kyle. "Do have to do them here."

"I'll make sure of it," said Kyle's mother, "and that we come back two other days."

"Man, that sucks," said Freddy after Kyle and his mother departed.

"No, he's the one that'll be sucking," said Tyler.

"So will we," observed Freddy, "you heard what my dad said about Nudie Juvies."

When the two remaining girls returned from their date with the judge, they were clothed no longer. "Nudie Juvie will do you both good," their mother told her twelve and ten year olds.

"No it won't" responded the older girl, tears rolling down her face. A face red with the shame of having to show the world her small still developing breasts and her pussy with its small bush of hair.

"Yes it will, Jessica," opined her father. "And maybe you'll learn something useful helping out tomorrow at Last Boy Standing."

"No we won't," said the younger girl, still very much a prepubescent little girl, still without breast mounds and hairless between the legs.

"Well, Danielle, we think otherwise," answered her father.

"We talked to the judge about tomorrow," said their mother, "and just so you know, we have no problem with what she told us. Lets put it this way, I hope neither of you were planning on being virgins when you marry."

"The way kids are today," said their father, "they probably wouldn't be anyway. It's just going to happen sooner then we hoped, but at least it'll be controlled and safe."

"But, somehow," added their mother, "I don't think they're going to enjoy it too much."

"Of course not," agreed their father. "It's in public, it's on television, and it's part of a punishment."

Freddy, intrigued by what the girls' parents were implying would happen tomorrow, was again frustrated and disappointed when the conversation moved out of his hearing range. What he had overheard had again caused his dick to raise to full attention, a drop of pre-cum coating the tip. Tyler's much smaller cock was likewise expectantly pointing skyward, his wet dickhead glistering in the light.

The Rogers-Kershaw case was next on the docket. It didn't take long. Judge Nichols noted for the record that she was a friend of both families and that neither they nor their attorneys objected to her handling the case. Quickly, she ruled that by being dressed in downtown Edwardsville, the boys had indeed violated Benjamin county ordinance 17-769. She ordered them to serve seven days of Public Nude Juvenile Punishment, the formal legal term for a Nudie Juvie sanction.

"Your honor," Mrs. Rogers informed her friend the judge, "we're only in town for three days."

"That's not a problem," replied the judge. "The boys can serve the balance of their Nudie Juvie time when you move into the county in a few weeks. But, while you're back in Lakeland, even at school, they'll to stay naked, be community property, and observe certain Nudie Juvie rules that I'll specify."

"Won't that get us in trouble with the local authorities and the school?" Mrs. Kershaw asked.

"Not at all," came the reply from the bench. "State law requires that all jurisdictions enforce court orders from anywhere in the state pertaining to Nudie Juvie programs. If I order it, Lakeland has no choice but to treat it as being legal and ensuring it's obeyed, just as if their court had issued the order."

"It's going to be interesting when we get back home," observed Mrs. Rogers.

"We'll complete this hearing and decide on additional sanctions after the boys have had their court physicals," declared Judge Nichols.

"Physicals?" asked a surprised Mrs. Kershaw.

"Yes," explained Judge Nichols, "we have to make sure that whatever I order is kept within their physical capability to safely endure. We want to cause serious pain and major embarrassment, not serious injury."

* * *

Five minutes after leaving the hearing, all three naked boys stood in the middle of the courthouse's large medical exam room.

"Your shoes and socks need to come off now," demanded one of the two male officers standing guard in the room."

"Do it!" snapped the other officer, feeling it best to establish early that orders were to be immediately fully followed.

"Now boys," said the female pediatrician once the boys were barefooted, "I have to examine you so I can report to the judge if there's any punishments she shouldn't give you. First, we'll do all the usual stuff your own doctor would do."

The usual stuff was exactly that, routine to all three boys. Taking blood pressure and pulse. Listening to heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Palpitating abdomen and lower back. Looking in mouth, ears and nose. Examining feet and toes. Assessing Tanner stage of pubertal development, or in Charlie's case, the lack thereof. Embarrassingly giving urine samples while standing in the middle of the room in front of the doctor, her female lab assistant, and two male court officers.

"Now," said the doctor, "my lab assistant will draw some blood for testing. Have a seat in these chairs."

The assistant, a pretty young college age woman, approached Charlie. Quickly, she swabbed his arm and located a likely draw spot. As she positioned the syringe, the frightened boy hollered, "no, don't, I hate needles!"

"Now, now," chided the assistant, "calm down, this will only be a little pinch." She squeezed down on the plunger, the syringe began filling, Charlie commenced screaming.

"Oversensitive to needle pricks," commented the doctor as she scribbled some notes on her clipboard. Tyler and Freddy endured their draws much more sedately, Tyler grunting once, Freddy briefly grimacing. "Okay boys, now to get your heights and weights. Tyler, up on the scale."

Measuring and weighing Tyler, the doctor commented, "somewhat small for your age, I see."

"I'm not that small," protested Tyler.

"Of course you are," replied the doctor. "Charlie here is no giant himself, but even though he's thirteen months younger, he's looks to be about the same height and weight as you."

"My mom says everyone grows at their own pace, and I'll catch up someday," countered Tyler.

"And she's right," the doctor amenably agreed. "But just for the heck of it, let's check your growth percentile. It's one of the measurements I have to report anyway."

Going to a computer in a corner of the room, she quickly called up a program. "Ah yes, here we are," she said. "At age 12 years and 4 months, a boy who is 4 feet 9 inches tall and weights 80 pounds is at the 20th percentile for height and 18th for weight."

"What does percentile mean?" asked Freddy, seeing the chance to finally get one of his questions answered.

"Basically, in Tyler's case," answered the doctor, "it means that 4 out of 5 boys his age are taller and heavier than him. He's probably the smallest boy in his class."

"Almost," admitted Tyler. "Andy's just a little bit smaller than me, but he just turned twelve last week."

"At your age, three or four months can make a big difference," said the doctor. "Let me see what the average is for twelves." She punched in a few numbers. "Ah, yes. For boys 12 years and 4 months, like you Tyler, the 50th percentile, where half are bigger and heavier and half smaller and lighter, is 93 and a half pounds in weight and just a fraction of an inch under 5 feet in height. For 12 years and no months, like your friend Andy, it's a fraction under 4 feet 11 inches and an ounce or two under 90 pounds."

"Hey," said the good at math Freddy, "that means Ty's height isn't that far below average."

"That's true," said doctor. "At your ages, even a quarter of an inch or a few ounces can mean several percentile points difference."

"What about me, am I average?" asked the curious Charlie.

"Since I have to include it on your report, let's find out," said the doctor. "Okay, Charlie, 11 years and 3 months, 4 feet 9-1/4 inches, 82 pounds. The magic machine says your percentiles are 49 and 48. That's close enough to say you're average."

"Ha," gleefully gloated Charlie, "I'm average and Ty isn't."

"Yeah, but I'm smarter, tougher, and braver" countered Tyler.

"That remains to be seen," said the doctor, "especially if you end up in Last Boy Standing."

"But if I'm so small for my age, Judge Judy won't put me in that, will she?" hopefully asked Tyler.

"I'm no bigger, so if she doesn't put you in, she won't put me in either," Charlie wishfully said.

"But, you're average for your age," Tyler somewhat illogically observed.

"Size has nothing to do with it," informed the doctor. "The judge determines what she can and can't do based on my exam of you, which we're get back to as soon as I have Freddy's numbers."

"Ah, I'm probably on the small size too," conjectured the just turned teenager Freddy, knowing that many of his classmates were bigger and heavier.

"Nope," soon came the answer. "At 13 years 1 month, 5 feet 2 inches and 102 pounds your percentiles are 52 and 50. You're average."

"Oh," was Freddy's only reply.

Writing on her clipboard, the good doctor noted, "Tyler and Charlie, your sizes and ages make you both a punishment level two. Freddy, you're level three, the top one."

"What do the levels mean?" asked a now nervous Freddy. He just knew that being the top level couldn't possibly be a good thing for him.

"Oh, it tells us what we can do to give you lots and lots of pain. Things like what size and thickness needles we can stick into you, how big an object we can shove up your butt holes, how large a paddle or how thick a strap to use on you, how much we can burn you, stuff like that."

"You can't do any of that to us," shouted the distressed Tyler, his bravery deserting him again, "that kind of stuff will fucking hurt us bad!" In his distress he had again reverted to being a foul mouth.

"Hurt you in like causing a whole lot of pain, yes it will," said the doctor, ignoring for the moment Tyler's language. "Hurt you like in needing to go to the hospital, no it won't. That's why we do this exam; we want severe pain, not serious injury."

"That's what Judge Judy said, too," observed Charlie.

"It's still not right," claimed Freddy, a terrible dread gripping him. The pit of his stomach was heaving.

"It's the law, and your parents agree with it," the pediatrician sternly stated the facts of life in Benjamin County. "Your father, Tyler, is even in charge of the program."

"Well, it should be against the law," self righteously declared Freddy, "it's not right."

"It's not against the law; as I've said, it is the law," said the doctor. "Speaking of the law, now we can start the fun part of the exam. At least it'll be fun for me and them," the doctor jested, pointing to the two male officers and the female lab assistant.

First came a very embarrassing genital exam. "Tyler, Charlie," said the doctor, giving an impromptu anatomy lesson, "notice how Freddy's scrotum unlike your's is rough textured and how it's also darker."

"I do," said Tyler.

"Me, too," said Charlie.

"As you grow and go through puberty and your testicles get bigger, you're start looking more like that also."

"Cool," said Charlie. "I won't be a little boy down there anymore."

"Happens to all boys, eventually they become men," confirmed the doctor. Stretching out Freddy's flaccid dick, she asked, "other than being bigger, what's different between Freddy's penis and your's?"

"His dickhead is pinker and the rest darker than ours," answered Charlie.

"And when he's hard," observed Tyler, "one of his veins stick out."

"Correct, both of you," the doctor concluded her lesson. "When your older, you're probably also have a redder glans and darker shaft. You might also have one or more veins stand out."

"What's a glans?" asked Charlie.

"It's your dickhead, stupid," Freddy simultaneously advised and insulted his brother.

"Stop calling me stupid," Charlie hotly retorted to his brothers.

"Boys, boys," commanded the pediatrician, "stop bickering, we have much to accomplish yet."

"Sorry," insincerely said Freddy.

"Sorry," much more sincerely said Charlie.

"Sorry," Tyler added his apology even though he hadn't been involved in the dispute between the two brothers.

After finishing her feeling and prodding of the red faced boys' now very much public parts, the doctor declared, "Now while you're still soft I'll just measure the size of your penises and testicles."

Quickly she had Tyler's flaccid penis laying flat against a metal ruler, the leading edge pressed against his pubic area. "Do they show my dick size on the picture with my other measurements?" asked the mortified Tyler. He was aghast that what he already knew, that his penis was small for his age, was about to become part of a very public record.

"Yes they do," answered the doctor, well aware of the boy's embarrassment. "I'm afraid everyone's going to know that you're only 15/16 of an inch long when soft."

"I bet there's babies with bigger ones," Charlie teased his best fiend. "Bet mine's bigger than that."

"We'll find that out when I measure you," responded the pediatrician.

"Why do I have to be so small?" Tyler began crying. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing that I can see," answered the doctor, momentarily reverting to her compassionate care giver role. "You'll start to grow, probably sometime soon."

"Yeah, and I'll probably still have the smallest dick of any boy my age."

"I'm sure," replied the doctor, giving Tyler's penis a playful tug, "that when you start growing, so will this little guy."

"I hope so," Tyler half muttered.

"Now for your erect measurements," said the doctor as she began vigorously rubbing Tyler's dick.

"Hey," protested the blushing boy, "I can do that myself."

"I know you can, and in a little while you will," responded the doctor as she continued masturbating him, "but the rule is that as this is for the official record, I have to do it."

"I still think they should let us do it ourselves," Tyler stated his protest at the procedure.

"Well they don't," answered the pediatrician, "and there's nothing you can do about it. Just like there's nothing you can do about much of what's going to happen to you in the next few days. It's going to happen whether you like it or not."

"That sucks," was Tyler's only reply.

"There we are," the doctor proceeded with her duties, "nice and hard. Now, let's see just how big this little fellow is," she said as she placed Tyler's now erect dick onto the ruler. "Looks like you're the proud owner of an 1 and 3/8 inch long erection." Somehow, Tyler didn't feel so proud to be the possessor of such a diminutive number. "Now to get your girth," the doctor moved things along.

"Girth?" asked Freddy, his quest for knowledge undiminished.

"It's the thickness, actually the circumference, of his erection," informed the doctor. Using a thin short width cloth tape measure, she announced her findings, "you're 1 and 11/16 inches thick." Punching up some numbers on a calculated, she added, "Or if you prefer, you have an erect diameter of 17/32 of an inch, that's just a little bit more than an 1/2 inch and a bit thinner than my little finger."

"Please," begged Tyler, terrified of the results of his embarrassing dimensions being made known to his peers, "do you have to let everyone know my sizes?"

"Yes I do," replied the pediatrician, "it's the law. Now, let's measure your testicle size." She held in her left hand a bead with twelve various sized balls, with her right hand she gently gripped Tyler's right testicle.

"What's that thing?" asked Freddy, unable to contain his curiosity.

"It's called an orchidometer," answered the doctor. "We use it to measure testicle volume, that is, size."

"How?" asked Freddy.

"With one hand, I feel the size of one of the boy's testicles, like this," the doctor answered, demonstrating the technique on Tyler. "With the other, I find the ball that feels closest to the same size." Quickly, starting in order from the smallest, she fingered the balls on the beads, stopping at the fifth one. "Okay, Tyler, 6 milliliters, you're definitely Tanner stage 2."

"What's Tanner stage?" asked Freddy, his interest piqued at hearing the term for the second time today.

"It's a measurement of how far into puberty kids are," replied the pediatrician, once more her medical educator role. "It's named for the doctor that developed it, but these days it's often called the sexual maturity rating."

"You said," Freddy's thirst for knowledge persisted, "that Ty was stage 2. I heard Austin's parents say he was stage 3. What does that mean?"

"It's how far along puberty you are," said the pediatrician. "Stage 1 means puberty hasn't started yet. You're considered to be in stage 2, the beginning of puberty, when your testicles have grown to 4 milliliters. Stages 3 and 4 mean you're continuing through puberty, and 5 means you're just about finished."

"Thank you," replied Freddy. "What stage do you think I'm at?"

"Won't know for sure until I do the measurements," responded the doctor, "but from what I see of the size of your scrotum and the amount of pubic hair you have, I'd guess you're a stage 3."

"What about me?" asked Charlie, eager to continue to out measure Tyler.

"I don't even have to measure to tell that you're still stage 1," the doctor answered the somewhat disappointed Charlie. "Okay, Freddy, let's get your genital numbers."

It didn't take long for the doctor to determine Freddy's genital measurements. His penis measured in at exactly 2 inches soft, 3 inches hard, and a girth of 2 and 3/4 inches for a diameter of 7/8 of an inch. His testicular volume was 8 milliliters. The doctor confirmed to all her earlier assessment that Freddy was Tanner stage 3.

"All right, Charlie," the pediatrician told the youngest of the three boys, "time to measure what you have down there."

"You said you didn't have to measure me," Charlie voiced his protest at his pending humiliation. He was scared to death that the results would show his public property privates to be embarrassingly smaller than Tyler's.

"I didn't say I didn't need to measure you," responded the doctor. "I merely said that without measuring you I already knew you're stage 1."

"So why measure me, than?" Charlie asked.

"Because the law says I have to," answered the doctor.

As with Freddy, it didn't take the doctor long to have her numbers. Charlie was relieved to learn that his penis was indeed larger than Tyler's, soft, hard and in girth. Only slightly larger, but larger never the less at 1 and 1/32 inches soft, 1 and 1/2 inches erect, and a 9/16 inch diameter giving him a girth of 1 nad 3/4 inches.

"Now that those measurements are done," said the doctor, "it's time to see how big your pee holes are. Smallest first, so Tyler, up you go onto my table."

Thanks to the two court officers, much too soon for his liking Tyler found himself securely attached to the exam table, flat on his back. Ankle restrains held his legs up high and widely apart, giving unrestricted access to the blushing boy's' now gaping open anus, his vulnerable genitals, and the soles of his feet.

Holding a long slender "J" shaped rod in one hand, the doctor grabbed Tyler's penis with the other. "Think we'll start with this size," she said, positioning the end of the rod at the tip of the twelve year old boy's urethral opening.

"Please don't stick that in me," begged Tyler. "It's going to hurt, I just know it is."

"Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we?" said the determined pediatrician as she deftly inserted the sound into the boy's urethra. "There, how's that feel?"

"Kind of weird, but it only hurts a little bit," replied Tyler, somewhat surprised at the lack of serious pain.

"That's because it's much too small for you," stated the doctor. "But before we see if two sizes up fits better, let's check if you have any nasty germs in there." On cue, the lab assistant was holding Tyler's penis in one hand, in the other a small plastic handled swab slightly smaller in diameter than the just removed sound. Deftly, she inserted the swab into his urethra and rubbed it around. Again Tyler grunted, somewhat surprised at the procedure being only slightly discomforting.

"Why are you doing that?" asked the curious and fascinated Freddy as the assistant pulled the swab out of Tyler's penis.

"As I said," said the doctor, "we're checking for bad germs. When your penises are in other kids, we don't want you giving them any infections now, do we?"

"Guess not," agreed Freddy.

"All right, Tyler, let's see if this one fits better," said the pediatrician as she quickly inserted a larger sound into his peehole, roughly scraping it up and down.

Tyler just as quickly shouted out his agony at the much sharper pain, "Motherfucker, that hurts!" His curses no longer had anything to do with trying to be tough, rather they were an involuntary reaction to his abject misery.

"Now, now," chided the doctor, "you need to watch your mouth, you're already in enough trouble."

"I can't help it," sobbed the crying Tyler, "it fucking hurts bad."

"You'll be hurting much worse by the time you finish being a Nudie Juvie," advised the almost gleeful pediatrician, adding to Tyler's ever growing terror of what was to come. "Okay, we're all done that test, and see, there isn't even any bleeding. At least not today, but I bet there is tomorrow if you end up in the show. That one you were screaming about was 1/8 inch, so I have you down as 5/32 inch because potty mouths certainly deserve a little something extra."

"Please, don't hurt me anymore," begged the crying Tyler.

"It can't be helped," responded the doctor to the boy's pleas for mercy. "It's part of your required exam."

"Now, since I understand," the doctor stated her understanding, "that there's a good possibility you three are going to be on Last Boy Standing, I need to make sure your feet are capable of being the last pair standing." With that comment, she roughly and forcibly ran a specially modified Wartenberg Pin Wheel over the soles of Tyler's bound feet. This nasty stainless steel torture device was seven inches long. The business end of the handle contained a wheel studded with numerous very sharp quarter inch long pins.

"Ouch, ow, stop you fucking bitch," screamed Tyler, "that hurts!"

"It's supposed to," calmly replied the good doctor, "but it's not even close to what your feet will feel if you end up in Last Boy Standing. And what did I tell you about your language?" She emphasized this last point by pressing hard into the sole of Tyler's left foot, causing pins to slightly penetrate the tender skin. Several small trickles of blood immediately began oozing from some of the tiny wounds on Tyler's foot.

"Stop it, stop it, I can't fucking take anymore," Tyler cried out his agony.

"I'll stop when you apologize and your foul language ceases," calmly replied the doctor as she continued her relentless pressure on now his right foot.

Exerting even more pressure than on his left foot, she managed to cause a few lightly bleeding scratches. "Shit, shit, shit," moaned the crying Tyler, little knowing that his ordeal was just beginning.

"That's it, I'm reporting your potty mouth to the judge," advised the doctor. "She doesn't take kindly to foul mouthed little boys."

"Sorry," Tyler finally muffled out a half-hearted apology.

"Too late for that," responded the doctor. "Your feet pass with flying colors by the way, so let's move on to these." These were his balls, to which she applied a solid squeeze.

"Stop, stop!" hollered the now in agony boy, "that fucking hurts bad!" Despite his resolve not to curse anymore, Tyler couldn't help keeping the forbidden word from coming out.

Not commenting on his latest language, the doctor replied, "Not as much as this." With that, she picked up a wooden handle to which was attached a firm blue rubber ball. She solidly whacked Tyler's already aching balls with the blue ball. He let out a high pitched scream of utter distress. "We use these little blue balls to give naughty little boys like you a set of little blue balls," she joked.

Freddy was shaking in place. Poor Charlie was so terrified that he pissed all over the floor. The second time today he had peed in front of others. One of the court officers called for a custodian to clean up the mess, Charlie wasn't the first boy in the last few months to have involuntarily left a puddle on the exam room floor. "Don't you dare do that again," the other officer warned the highly embarrassed red faced crying boy.

Continuing with Tyler, the doctor commented, "looks like your balls have a chance of being the last ones standing, I'll so note in my report."

The still sobbing Tyler could only mumble his acknowledgment. As much as this exam was hurting him, he couldn't even begin fathoming how much more pain a special program like Last Boy Standing could cause him. Not only couldn't he fathom it, he didn't want to. Worse was the realization that not only did his parents approve of these programs, his father was in charge of them.

"Now for the next to last bit," said the still professionally acting physician. Snapping on a latex surgical glove, she lubricated her small finger and shoved it up Tyler's asshole, up to the top of her second knuckle. She immediately began reaming her finger in and out, coating Tyler's insides with lubricant.

"That's hurting me," Tyler sobbingly protested his latest discomfort, "please take it out."

"Okay," said the pediatrician, "finger out, as you asked."

"Thank you," murmured Tyler in short lived relief.

"But this goes in," said the doctor, holding in front of Tyler's face another plastic handled swab, about half the diameter of her little finger. "Have to check for any nasty germs back there also." Again, the lab assistant was bedside to do the honors, which to Tyler's relief didn't hurt at all. A relief that was very short lived as the doctor held up to his view a small diameter three inch long rubber tube with a squeeze bulb at one end. "Now we put this in," she proclaimed. And in it went, renewing Tyler's moans of pain. "Now, let's see how big we can go, this might hurt a bit," the doctor warned her already hurting patient. As she squeezed the bulb, the tube inflated inside Tyler. After each squeeze, she tested resistance by sliding the tube almost all the way out and then fully back in. Squeeze and slide, squeeze and slide, she repeated the cycle six times.

"Motherfucker!" screamed Tyler at the sharp pain caused by the sixth squeeze.

"There goes that potty mouth again," the pediatrician commented as she pulled the tube out of the crying Tyler's bottom. Once she had the still inflated tube out, she picked up a plastic rectangle with a series of various sized cut out holes. She began sticking the tube through the holes until she found the proper fit. "Good, looks like one inch is the magic number."

"One inch?" inquired a still slightly shaking Freddy. Tyler was in too much distress to pose any questions of his own.

"Yes, one inch," answered the doctor. "It's the maximum diameter object that can be shoved up there. Penis, finger, dildo, stick, broom handle, whatever. Basically, whatever size diameter the tube is when it first meets strong resistance, I get to add some to it, and that becomes your size. For a level three boy your size, I add 3/8 of an inch. For level twos like Tyler and Charlie, I add 1/4 of an inch."

"That's too much," protested the still sobbing Tyler, finally finding his voice. "It's going to hurt too much. That tube was bad enough."

"Don't like that size?" asked the doctor.

"No, it's too big!" answered Tyler.

"Okay, if you don't like that size," responded the doctor, "I think for a potty mouth like you we can go a little bigger, to 1 and 1/8 inch. Any more complaints?"

"No ma'am," replied the shaken and defeated Tyler.

"Okay, Tyler, we're going to let you off the table now. Freddy, your turn."

Freddy found his table time every bit as embarrassing and even more discomforting as Tyler's. He found especially embarrassing the lab assistant's culture taking swabs, perhaps because of her beauty and young age. Like the younger boy, he couldn't help but scream out his agony being induced by the various procedures. He couldn't decide what was more painful, his urethral measurement, his anal stretching, his ball busting, or his foot scratching. They all hurt very badly, and this was only a test, not even the real punishment.

But his testing was definitely more severe than Tyler. The doctor was convinced that as the oldest of the three Freddy was the ringleader of the group and the most responsible for their misbehavior. She paid extra attention to his feet, bringing evan more pressure to bear on the wheel than with Tyler. While the bleeding was still only relatively minor, it was still considerably more than with Tyler.

"No more, no more!" screamed Freddy at a particularly vicious swipe of the wheel, "it's too much!"

"Now, now," chided the doctor, "your feet look tough and well used to me, I'm sure you can take much more. You must do a lot of running or something."

"He's on the track team at school," volunteered Charlie for his brother, who was too preoccupied with crying and wailing to respond himself.

"Good, than you should be able to stand this," said the doctor, roughly running a small curette over first the boy's right foot, than his left. As the stainless steel spoon shaped device edged sharp fork like tines journeyed across his already abused feet and toes, Freddy let loose with more high pitched screams.

"Your feet are fine, no reason to avoid punishing them," advised the pediatrician as she finished tormenting that part of his body.

His urethral exam produced some very vocal and very desperate screams. Using a larger sized sound than with Tyler, the doctor actually scraped a small bit of flesh off the urethral wall.

"Oh my God, you're killing me!" hollered the near hysterical Freddy, the pain overwhelming him.

"No I'm not," said the doctor, "you're making why too much noise for that to be the case, you'll very much alive, and will stay that way. Even though I'm sure there'll be more than one time in the next week when you'll wish you weren't." As she appraised Freddy of this bad news, she extracted the sound, the hooked end holding a small amount of tissue mixed with blood.

Freddy's anal exam was almost, but not quite, a relief as it was somewhat less painful than his foot and urethra exams. Still a very painful procedure, but definitely a notch or two less so. The pounding of his balls with the blue ball hammer was very excruciating, eliciting many fresh screams. Freddy found this assault to be as bad as the attack on his feet, but not as bad as having his peehole scraped and nicked.

"Alright, Freddy, all done," the doctor finally put an end to the sobbing boy's suffering. Not surprisingly, the larger Freddy's numbers were higher than Tyler's. Considering Freddy the primary culprit and leader of the trio, the doctor used her discretionary authority to slightly add to his test indicated measurements. She declared his peehole capable of withstanding a 7/32 inch diameter invasion and his butthole a 1-3/8 inch dildo.

Even though the doctor was much more gentle and considerate with him than the older other two boys, Charlie was continuously screaming and crying from the start to the finish of his exam. So much so that the doctor was concerned that her young patient might render himself hoarse. Fortunately, he didn't, but his throat did join his feet, testicles, penis, and anus in being raw and sore. She decided not to increment Charlie's numbers, realizing he likely was simply following the lead of the older two boys. She also believed that he was the one likely to have the most difficult time coping with the upcoming ordeals. A belief that her exam quickly confirmed.

Despite the doctor only using the smallest sounds in her kit and deliberately avoiding any scraping, Charlie kept up a continuous stream of ear splitting screams. "If you keep that noise up, we'll all need earplugs," jested with Charlie in an effort to calm him down a little.

"I can't help it," haltingly responded the wildly crying Charlie between sobs, "you're hurting me bad."

"Your brother survived his exam, so did Tyler," replied the pediatrician, "and so can you."

"No, I can't," shouted Charlie, his sobbing raising to new heights.

"Trust me, you will," the doctor encouraged her young charge, "I haven't lost a patient in here yet and I'm not about to start now."

Charlie's throat wrenching screeching didn't abate any during his foot exam, even though the doctor avoided causing any bleeding. "Come on," she mildly reprimanded the out of control eleven year old, "your brother got through this part, and so will you."

"But, but," countered the wailing boy, "you hurt his feet real bad, like me."

"Have to," acknowledged the doctor, "it's required for the exam. But Freddy's feet could take it, just like your's can."

"But," the still sobbing Charlie replied, "his feet are way bigger than mine."

"True," answered the doctor. "But yours are bigger than Tyler's, and his managed to come through it. Your's will too, you'll see."

"No they won't," wailed Charlie in desperate reply.

"Guess what," responded the doctor, "they just did, we're done with them. Now to test your balls." Deftly she squeezed the preteen's small scrotum. The pressure was sufficient enough to induce new screams of distress from Charlie, but noticeably not as forceful as with the other two boys. Deciding to give the again agitated Charlie a small break, she elected not to use the blue ball hammer on his testicles.

Charlie' anal exam, while painful, was definitely less stringent than Freddy's and Tyler's. The vociferousness of his screams had somewhat decreased, partly from the rawness of his throat, partly from the sheer exhaustion caused by his ordeals.

"All done," the pediatrician advised the still loudly crying Charlie, "and see, you did make it." Not surprisingly considering the doctor's less harsh treatment of Charlie, he had the lowest measurements of the trio, 1/8 inch urethral and 1 inch anal.

"Okay, boys, over here, please," the pediatrician instructed her three charges. She quickly poured and placed on the table three glasses of water. Next she handed each boy a small clear packet, each containing two pills, one brown in color, the other green. "I need you to take these pills, you're being taking each two times a day till your Nudie Juvie time is up."

"What are they?" asked the suspicious Freddy.

"Oh, just something to help keep all three of you erect and to help you older two make more semen."

"You can't give us these," emphatically stated Freddy.

"Why not?" asked the doctor.

"I've been with my dad at the vitamin store when he's bought supplements that do that."

"Probably some of the same things we have in these pills, so what?" asked the doctor.

"I wanted to know what they were for," answered Freddy, "so I read the labels when dad wasn't looking. It says right on them not for use by persons under eighteen."

"But I'm a doctor," said the pediatrician, "and doctors can give their patients whatever medicine they think best. Sometimes we prescribe kids drugs that haven't been specifically approved for them, as long as they haven't been disapproved. And besides, the doses of everything in these pills are less than what adults take."

"What else is in the pills?" inquired Tyler.

"Well there's a small amount of a fairly new drug to treat Parkinson's Disease that also seems to help men get erect again much sooner after an orgasm and to have more orgasms in a shorter period of time. There's also various ingredients in the pills to improve blood flow to your penises. That could help make your erections be harder, stronger and last longer. After all, the rules say you have to be erect as much as possible. That's why there's also small doses of several of the prescription medicines we use for men having trouble getting erections."

"None of that stuff will make us be hard," knowingly declared Freddy.

"How do you know that?" asked the bemused doctor.

"I looked up on the Internet," answered Freddy. "I found a doctor's site that said the pills by themselves don't make you have a boner or make you keep one."

"That's true," admitted the doctor. "The man still has to be sexually aroused somehow to erection, but the pills makes that easier to do. And once erect, the "ED" pills as they're called will cause the erection to be harder and last longer, just like we're trying to do with you. But yes, you're right, once the man climaxes, or cums as you'd say, his erection will oftentimes go away. But, especially if some time passes, many men can be stimulated to another erection. And as I said, one of the drugs we're giving you will help keep that time shorter."

"So, if it won't make us stay hard all the time, why give us them?" Freddy persisted in his quest for understanding.

"Because, with kids your age, the effects of the pills will likely leave you hard much more often than not," explained the doctor.

"How?" asked Freddy, not yet satisfied with the explanation.

"In normal circumstances it doesn't take much to get most young boys your ages erect," responded the pediatrician. "The pills are going to make you much more sensitive and responsive to stimulation than usual. There's a good chance that even slight breezes or light touches will cause you to become hard. And like I said, you'll probably stay erect longer."

"What if the pills don't work on us?" Freddy posed another question.

"Well," replied the doctor, "there are drugs we can inject directly into the penis to cause long lasting erections. And drugs we can inject into the testicles to increase semen production. But, you don't want us to have to do either of those, they're very painful processes. My advise is to take your pills and do everything you can to be erect as often and as long as possible." The doctor saw no reason to inform the boys that under no circumstances would such injections be permitted by the court. Or conversely that the court would permit the piercing of their penises and scrotums by various sized pins and needles. Omitting the first mention added to the boys motivation to be erect and climaxing as much as possible; omitting the second would add to their dread and uncertainly when the first large sharps were positioned near their genitals.

"But, what about what the commercials say about boners lasting longer than four hours being a medical emergency?" persisted Freddy, determined to find a way out of at least some of his upcoming public humiliations.

"Even with the pills," the doctor shot down Freddy's last hope, "our experience has shown that you'll still go soft from time to time, even if not for very long. But, You'll be soft often enough for there not to be any problems."

"Thank you," said Freddy, unhappy about all he'd just been told.

"You're welcome," said the doctor. "Now take your pills." Somewhat reluctantly, anticipating the likely humiliatingly embarrassing results, all three boys did as instructed.

Pills swallowed, the doctor next ordered all the three boys to begin masturbating.

"Why?" Tyler demanded to know, indignant at this latest indignity to his modesty, all pretense of bravery again gone.

"Yeah, why?" echoed the frightened and trembling Charlie.

"Please, no, don't make us," was Freddy's more cogent plea.

"Boys, do as you're told," demanded one of the officers, "now!"

As the boys sheepishly began their humiliating task, the doctor decided to explain. "We have to make sure that everything works down there."

"Why?" grunted Freddy, "you already know it does, we've been jerked off already today."

"The rules say I have to see for myself," answered the doctor. "It's important the court knows that if you end up on a show like Last Boy Standing that what you have between your legs actually has a chance of being the last one standing."

As in the parking lot, it didn't take long for all three boys to reach their shuddering climaxes. As before, Charlie was dry, Tyler clear coated his dickhead, and Freddy whitened his belly.

"Very good," observed the doctor.

* * *

"Boys," ordered Judge Nichols, "stand in front of my desk and face your parents." Quickly, all three boys did so, their boners pointing upward. Apparently, the doctor's predictions were correct, all three had now been continuously erect for a little over ten minutes, despite their very recent climaxes in the exam room.

"Mothers," Judge Nichols next commanded, "please step forward and stand in front of your sons." The mothers did so. "It's time you took your sons in hand, literally. Please start masturbating them. Mrs. Kershaw, you can do Charlie first."

"Could I pass," asked Mrs. Kershaw, "this makes me very uncomfortable."

"Me too," said Mrs. Rogers. "Not the sex part itself, but my doing it to him."

"I know it makes you uncomfortable," responded Judge Nichols, "but it's necessary. One of the problems that's been encountered in Nudie Juvie programs elsewhere has been parental reluctance to be actively involved in the more intimate aspects of the program. Too many parents avoid handling their children's privates, some even avoid observing others doing so."

"Your honor," said Mr. Kershaw, "as the boys' attorney, I'm inquiring as to why such understandable reluctance by parents is a problem?"

"For several reasons, counselor," answered Judge Nichols. "It tends to send a message that the parents aren't supportive of the program and the court's orders, that they don't take it seriously. Intimate sexual contact by parents, and siblings for that matter, greatly increases the embarrassment and humiliation aspects of the program, thereby enhancing the long term benefits. And such contact tends to strengthen the parent-child bond, which brings both closer together and helps lessens the frequency and severity of future misbehavior."

"As a therapist, that all makes sense to me," affirmed Mr. Rogers.

"To me also," said Mrs. Rogers as she began rubbing the blushing Tyler's dick. "Besides, when in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"Sounds reasonable to me, also" declared the now less reluctant Mrs. Kershaw as she began jerking off Charlie.

"The rule in this county," declared Judge Nichols, "is that when a child is Nudie Juvie, each parent must have intimate contact with that child's genitals at least three times a day. All three contacts must result in the child's arousal, and at least one must cause the child to reach orgasm. Any objections, Mr. Kershaw?"

"No your honor," answered Mr. Kershaw, "the court's reasoning seems very well thought out to me."

"I'm ordering," continued Judge Nichols, "that this particular rule also be observed during the boys time back home in Lakeland."

"Shouldn't be a problem," ventured Mr. Rogers, "since they have to be naked all that time anyway."

"Thank you Mr. Rogers," replied the judge. "And thank you for your many fine suggestions over the past week you've been with us."

"You're welcome," replied the slightly embarrassed Mr. Rogers.

"Since joining the court," Judge Nichols continued her praise, "Mr. Rogers has drawn on his expertise as a child psychologist to make many wonderful recommendations to this court, especially on ways to increase embarrassment and humiliation. We're adopting many of them, my next order is one of them that now applies to all Nudie Juvie kids."

The close to cumming Tyler couldn't help wondering what frightful torment his father had dreamt up. He didn't have long to wait.

"Boys, pay attention," said the judge, "this is very important. Every time you have an orgasm, no matter where you are or who's about, you'll to loudly shout out 'I'm cumming.' No exceptions, do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," said Charlie immediately followed by a loud, "I'm cumming!" as he shuddered in an embarrassingly intense dry orgasm.

Charlie was still dancing about when a very embarrassed Tyler shouted out his own, "I'm cumming!" This time, in addition to coating his own dick, he painted his mother's hand with his clear sticky fluid.

"Glad to see you both complied," commented the judge. "The penalty for each time you fail to announce a cum is a public spanking. Your parents or teachers can give these anywhere they want, or when you're in this county, they can opt to take or send you to one of our spanking pavilions. Is that clear?"

After all three boys affirmed their understanding, Judge Nichols directed Mrs. Kershaw to begin masturbating Freddy.

"Next condition," the judge continued her sanctioning, "until you've served all your Nudie Juvie time, you're to receive a public spanking every day. When in Benjamin County, this must be at a spanking pavilion. When in Lakeland, they can be in any public place your parents' so choose. These mandatory spankings are in addition to any other spankings your parents or teachers decide you deserve and in addition to penalty spankings for breaking rules like not announcing your orgasms."

"I'm cumming!" a very red faced Freddy loudly proclaimed to the courtroom just as the judge finished announcing her spanking sanctions. Once more he painted a floor white, as well as for the first but not last time his mom's hand.

"Another very important rule," continued Judge Nichols, "is that you must be in public as much as possible and erect as often and as long as you can."

"To clarify," asked Mr. Kershaw, "what's considered in public?"

"Technically, under the rules it's anyplace where at least two dressed people can see them. That does include at home and at other people's houses. However, the rules also require that at least six hours a day be out in the community, such as at school, the mall, a park, or playing in the neighborhood."

"Thank you," replied Mr. Kershaw.

"If you don't spend enough time in public, or you're not erect much more often than not, you'll get extra punishment," warned the judge. "Among other things, that can include additional public spankings and more Nudie Juvie time."

"What do you consider not being erect enough?" asked Mr. Kershaw for the benefit of his young clients. As far as he was concerned, it would serve the boys right to have to always be hard whenever not sleeping.

"The rule is," explained the judge, "erect at least sixty percent of the time in any three hour period. We don't require you to actually keep a written time record, simply use your judgement if they're in compliance or not. If the police feel they're in violation, they'll report it to me for further punishment. If you catch them, you can either report it to me, or if you want, you can impose your own punishment as long as you notify the clerk's office afterwards."

"We and the girls will make sure they stay in compliance," declared Mrs. Rogers.

"Thank you," said Judge Nichols.

"You're welcome," replied Mrs. Rogers.

"The law requires," the judge continued piling on the humiliations, "that all Nudie Juvies must while in a public place and in full view of at least five clothed persons masturbate or be masturbated to orgasm at least two times a day. As with other rules, violation of this means additional punishment."

"We'll make sure they comply," Mrs. Kershaw assured Judge Nichols.

"Next rule," said the judge, "engaging in oral sex with other children is mandatory for all Nudie Juvie boys. At least two times a day, you have to do another child until he or she reaches orgasm, and at least twice a day you must receive oral sex from another child until you reach orgasm. Giver's mouth must stay on receiver's genitals until receiver has finished their orgasm. No spitting out any cum, either, you have to swallow."

"I see a problem with this," said Mr. Kershaw.

"What's that?" asked Judge Nichols.

"How are they supposed to announce they're cumming if their mouths are on another kid' genitals?" queried Mr. Kershaw.

"When they're giving another child oral sex, that'll be an exception to the announce all cums rule," replied the judge. "To continue, you can only give and receive oral sex with kids between the ages of 6 and 15. No matter how many times they've already gave or received that day, Nudie Juvie boys must always perform orally with any Nudie Juvie boy who asks."

"Why is that?", asked Mr. Bradley on behalf of his co-counsel and young clients. With the hiring of Mr. Kershaw, his firm planned to make representing juvenile status offenders and children requiring supervision one of their specialities.

"So every boy has a fair chance of complying," answered Judge Nichols. "At any given time there aren't that many Nudie Juvie boys, right now including these three there's only twenty-three in the entire county. There's also nine girls."

"Thank you," said Mr. Bradley.

The judge continued her instructions, "Parents and others in charge of either Nudie Juvie girls or community property boys can order them to do oral sex with you as either giver, receiver, or both but only if you or your parents or teachers ask. You can also have oral sex with any other child within the 6 to 15 age range, provided they and their parent or other person in charge of them agrees. Finally, each day, at least half of the kids you do and at least half who do you must be boys. Each violation of any part of this rule means a public spanking, increases by one the number of required times a day you must do oral sex, and might mean more Nudie Juvie time and possibly being put in a special program."

"This will definitely be a problem in Lakeland," predicted Mrs. Rogers.

"Not really," said Judge Nichols, "as I'm suspending the oral sex rule when you're in Lakeland. But, in case while you're back home you do wish to have the boys practice their technique on each other, I'll write an order permitting but not requiring you do so."

"What's oral sex?" asked Charlie, "and what does giving and receiving mean?" He had a vague idea, but wanted to make certain he clearly understood. He wasn't looking to get into any more trouble.

"I'll explain afterwards," said Mr. Kershaw to his son.

"Next," said Judge Nichols, "I see from the doctor's report the fuss you three, especially you Tyler, made about her anal exam. Therefore, I'm ordering that each of you undergo anal penetration with either dildo, butt plug, or another boy's penis at least once a day. Like with oral sex, the other boy must be between six and fifteen. If he's Nudie Juvie or community property, his parent or other person in charge can order him to do so, even if he doesn't want to. For all other boys, this can be done only if both he and his parent or person in charge agrees. Any penetration must last at least until you cum. If another boy's penis is inserted, he also must cum before the penetration can stop. Anything inserted can not be larger than the doctor determined, and can not be more than 1/4 inch smaller, except for penises. Parents, please try to use dildos and butt plugs as close to maximum size as you can. This order does apply while you're in Lakeland, as it should be easy enough to accomplish in your homes. Any questions?"

"No your honor," said Mr. Kershaw.

"Fathers," ordered Judge Nichols, "it's your turn. Begin masturbating your sons." The two fathers did so, Mr. Rogers doing Tyler, Mr. Kershaw doing Charlie.

"Finally, boys," said Judge Nichols, "I've carefully considered your parents statements about how serious they consider this matter, your behaviors the past few months, and your generally poor attitudes."

"I'm cumming!" Tyler and Charlie almost in unison interrupted the judge. When the red faced Charlie finished his latest cum dance, Mr. Kershaw immediately began jerking off Freddy's much larger dick.

"I concur with your parents recommendations," resumed the judge, "that all three of you will benefit greatly from being in a special program. Therefore, I'm placing all three of you into tomorrow afternoon's Last Boy Standing show." The judge then spent several minutes discussing with the parents the details of her various orders.

"I'm cumming!" Freddy's shout concluded the hearing as the judge concluded her instructions to the parents.

* * *

"I don't want a spanking," a crying Charlie complained as the two families walked the three blocks to the nearest spanking pavilion. By parental order, all three naked red faced boys were busily jerking themselves off.

"That's too bad," responded Mrs. Kershaw, "you're getting one anyway, like it or not."

"We have to obey the judge," observed Mrs. Rogers. "Besides, you three had this coming for a long time."

"But," Freddy added his protest while continuing rubbing his starting to be sore dick, "I thought you shrinks didn't believe in hitting kids."

"Well, some of us shrinks as you called us, are beginning to think differently," said Mrs. Rogers.

"Why?" asked Tyler, joining into the fray without letting up on his slow massage of his already slightly sore dick, "I heard on the news that spanking kids will make them more anxious and aggressive."

"Yes, it can do that," agreed Mr. Rogers. "But when spankings and other pain punishments are appropriately used and properly controlled, they've proven very effective at modifying and limiting bad behavior."

"It's a case of the good effects outweighing the bad effects," said Mrs. Rogers.

"And," added Mr. Rogers, "we have ways to redirect those bad effects into becoming beneficial."

"After all," noted Mrs. Rogers, "parents have spanked for thousands of years now, and somehow society seems to have managed to survive quite well, with many well adjusted adults. Even those who were spanked as kids, as you three are about to be."

"What about all this other people touching our privates?" asked Tyler "They taught us in school that doing that was wrong ans we should report it."

"Yeah," agreed Charlie, his small hand working his little dick, "our privates are supposed to be private."

"Except," commented Mr. Kershaw, "you don't have privates anymore, they're now publics."

"Your school is generally right," Mr. Rogers amicably agreed with the boys. "At least when they're talking about any touching or sex forced on you against your will by anyone or any sexual contact with adults."

"We don't want anyone touching us there," emphatically declared Freddy. "And you adults were jerking us off. Why are you allowing and doing this if it's so bad for us?"

"Because," patiently explained Mr. Rogers, "just like with spankings, when used in a supervised manner as a punishment, there can be much more good than harm."

"And," Mrs Rogers finished the discussion, "as with spankings, we have ways of turning the bad into good."

* * *

The boys could hear the screaming and crying before they were in sight of the pavilion. It was taking all of the sobbing and shaking Charlie's efforts to avoid once again peeing himself despite his impending orgasm. Freddy's legs were going rubbery on him, partly from the cum about to explode from, partly from the fear. The no longer brave Tyler was deadly afraid that he was about to both defecate and orgasm. Fortunately, all three made it to the pavilion without embarrassing themselves beyond the embarrassment of their public nudity and hard dicks. Unfortunately, just as they entered, all three reached orgasm one immediately after the other.

"I'm cumming!" rang out Charlie's shaking voice, gaining the attention of the crowd a shis body was once again wracked by a dry orgasm.

"I'm cumming!" Tyler echoed his own embarrassment as again clear fluid squirted onto his hand.

"I'm cumming!" Freddy made it unanimous as several globs of white shot his dick onto the ground.

"Good, you all remembered the rules," commented Mr. Rogers.

"And remember," Mrs. Rogers added to the boys' misery, "you have to do that again sometime today."

"Let's get them signed in, shall we?" asked mr. Rogers.

As the families Rogers and Kershaw proceeded toward the check in table, they spotted a crying Austin, his bare bottom a brilliant red, standing on a small round platform on the side of the pavilion. Other spanked red bottomed boys and girls of various ages were on other platforms, a steady parade of onlookers examining both their front and back sides.

The table was near the stage that contained the spanking machines. Standing near that stage, a sobbing Kyle was waiting his turn with the machine wielded straps. Straps that were currently tearing up the behinds of the four Nudie Juvie girls that had been in court that afternoon. Secured by hand and foot restraints, bent over a bar with their legs widely spread, the girls could do nothing but endure their ever worsening suffering. Their shrieking grew louder and louder as the straps descended again and again onto their already sore and painfully hot behinds. Straps that were somewhat thicker for the two older girls than the two younger. The shrieks grew to ear splitting intensity when in unison the straps would occasionally strike each of the four girls' wide open pussies. The shrieks were only a little less intense when the strap tips found their way into the girls' gaping assholes. In all, they took thirty blows, the younger two getting two each on their vaginas and their anuses, the older two receiving one more in each very tender and now very sore spot.

"While we're here," commented Mrs. Rogers, "we might as well see what we can do about getting at least one of their blow jobs out of the way."

"I really don't want Freddy and Charlie doing each other," said Mrs. Kershaw.

"Why not?" asked Mr. Rogers. "You heard what Judy said about sibling contact adding to the embarrassment and humiliation. It's my professional opinion that she's right, especially when it's in public."

"It's not that," responded Mrs. Kershaw. "It's the difference in their sizes down there, and that I don't think it's fair that only one can shoot into the other's mouth."

"Well, Charlie could always do Tyler," observed Mr. Kershaw. "Their dicks are very close in size."

"That's fine with us," said Mrs. Rogers.

"But," objected Mrs. Kershaw, "Ty can spurt, Charlie can't."

"Honey," replied Mr. Kershaw, "you're going to have to accept that in this situation things aren't always going to be as even or fair as you want."

"I have a partial solution," said Kyle's mother, having overheard part of the conversation. "Since he's Nudie Juvie, Kyle has to do oral also. So why don't we let him and Freddy do each other, they're both shooters."

"Perfect," said Mrs. Kershaw. "But that still leaves Charlie and Tyler."

"No problem," said a father ushering his two naked red banded red bottomed crying sons over. "Use these two, they haven't gone once yet today."

"Thank you," said Mrs. Kershaw.

"Yes, thank you," said Mrs. Rogers.

"This one," said the man, pointing to his blushing eldest, "is Thomas. Tommy's twelve and as I found out today dribbles a little bit of cum when he comes." Tommy's dick was just a little bigger than Charlie's, his balls somewhat smaller than Tyler's. He had a few sparse strands of pubic hair decorating his groin.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy," said Megan as she grabbed hold of the boy's erect cock. As he was wearing a red Nudie Juvie band, she knew that her fondling was perfectly permissible and within the rules. She was definitely now liking the idea of moving here, as long as she could herself avoid the spanking pavilion or being made Nudie Juvie.

"And this one," the man indicated his youngest, "is Gregory. Greg's ten and still very much dry."

"Hi, Greg," said Sarah as she attacked his definitely little boy sized genitals.

"Hey, give me a turn, too," demanded Valerie. "Friends share, you know."

"Don't recall seeing you at court this afternoon," commented Mr. Rogers.

"No, we were there this morning dealing with these two little delinquents."

"Oh?" inquired Mr. Kershaw.

"The other day they were caught trying to steal some comic books."

"But," questioned a Freddy apprehensive about his upcoming oral performance and hoping to stall as long as possible, "If they were naked like they'd supposed to be, where could they hide the books?"

"They were on the way home from school," answered the man, "and so had their backpacks. Can you imagine, all they're wearing are shoes, socks and a backpack and they try to shoplift?"

"I thought," said Charlie, "that the cops said that kids shoplifting didn't happen anymore around here."

"No, stupid," Freddy corrected his brother, glad for the further delay, "they said it happened less often, not that it didn't happen at all."

"I'm not stupid, stop calling me that!" Charlie hotly shouted at his brother.

"Yes you are, numb nuts," responded Freddy, momentarily forgetting his predicament and his parents presence, "you're always saying dumb things."

"Freddy," scolded his now angry but under control mother, "you apologize to your brother right now."

"Sorry, Charlie," Freddy immediately attempted to appease his father and his brother. He didn't want to be in any more hot water than he already was. "Sorry, dad," he added for good measure.

"You will be, if you don't stop your constant insulting of your brother," warned Mr. Kershaw. "Either it stops at once or when we move here you'll going to be spending an awful lot of time making trips to spanking pavilions and being community property. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes, dad," replied the shaken Freddy. He didn't know what had happened to his parents, a month ago they would had respected his wishes not to be naked in public. A month ago, spanking wouldn't had been an option. A month ago they'd had told him to stop teasing his brother, but not do anything more about it. Now they wanted him parading around naked all the time. Worse, they were prepared to let his butt be toasted raw every day of the week and to let his no longer private privates be mauled by every kid and half the adults in town.

"So," said Mr. Rogers, now that the commotion between the Kershaw brothers had settled down, "I take it Tommy and Greg ended up Nudie Juvie for their attempted larceny?"

"Yes, replied the man, "but only because I insisted yesterday that we go to court. My wife and I won't tolerate stealing or any other illegal conduct by these two. Because they're first timers, all intake wanted to do was make them community property for three days, give them five hours of community service, and send them to shoplifters class."

"Seems severe enough to me," said Mrs. Kershaw, "considering the comics probably were only worth a few dollars and it was their first time. Sounds more like simple childish immaturity to me than deliberate criminal behavior."

"I agree it was mostly childish," agreed the man, "but as I said we won't tolerate such illegal behavior from our boys. They know better than that. Fortunately, this morning Judge Nichols saw it our way and made them Nudie Juvies for five days plus sending them to the shoplifter's class. Nip it in the bud, as she said."

"Speaking of nipping," said Mrs. Rogers, "it's past time these boys begin sucking each other off."

"Yes it is," agreed Mrs. Kershaw.

"I agree," agreed Kyle's mother.

"Me, too," said Tommy and Greg's father.

Quickly the boys were laying on the grassy ground in sixty-nine position. They were surrounded by a circle of spectators. Freddy was teamed with Kyle, Tyler with Tommy, and Charlie with Greg.

"What are you waiting for boys?" demanded Mr. Rogers, "Get those dicks in your mouths now." Reluctantly, six mouths engulfed six penises. Tyler immediately withdrew from Tommy, a disgusted look on his face. "Tyler," shouted his dad loud enough to be heard half way down the street, "get that dick back in your mouth!" Scared to disobey this edict, Tyler again slid Tommy's hard prick past his lips onto his tongue.

"Now," commanded Mrs. Rogers, "all of you keep licking and sucking till all of you have cum. We'll tell you when to stop."

"And Freddy, remember," said Mrs. Kershaw, "no spitting out."

"Kyle, that goes for you too," warned his mother.

"Don't you forget either, Tyler," cautioned Mrs. Rogers.

"Nor you, Tommy," his father reiterated the court's rule.

Encouraged by continuous parental admonishments to keep up a fast furious pace, all six boys mouths were soon very vigorously working over their partners pricks. Quickly pulsating pricks urgently needing to climax. As the spectacle continued, unwilling moans of unwanted pleasure escaped the lips of all the boys.

Greg was the first to orgasm, a powerfully shuddering dry cum that completely overwhelmed the ten year old's senses. Before Greg was halfway through his climax, an almost as equally strong dry cum exploded throughout Charlie's shaking body. "Charlie, Greg, no stopping," Mrs. Kershaw reminded the still cumming boys, "keep sucking."

As the youngest two boy's's orgasms subsided, Tyler and Tommy took over center stage, almost simultaneously wetting each other's tongues with small amounts of sticky cum. Tyler noted that Tommy's discharge had a thicker feel to it than his own. "Keep going," Mrs. Kershaw repeated her earlier command.

Despite his desperate efforts to avoid embarrassing himself in such a way, Freddy couldn't hold back any longer and let loose a load of his white salty cum into Kyle's mouth. A few seconds later, Kyle involuntarily returned the questionable favor.

Tyler and Tommy were now moaning mostly not from pleasure but from the discomforting pain being caused by their partner's mouth still sucking away on their now very sensitive just finished cumming dicks. As Mrs. Kershaw was about to call a halt, Charlie and Greg shook with the shocks of their second orgasms in five minutes. Dry cums almost as explosive as their first a few minutes before. "Okay boys, stop now and on your feet," Mrs. Kershaw finally granted the boys some much wanted relief of another kind.

"That was great," smirked the beaming Megan, "and just think, you have to do it again before the end of the day."

"Shut up!" Freddy shouted at his girlfriend, a girlfriend who he was now finding to be distinctly annoying.

"Freddy, apologize right now," demanded his father. "I've had it with your mouth, it stops now. I'm going to talk to Judy about extending your Nudie Juvie time."

"Sorry Megan, sorry dad," Freddy apologized, hoping it would be enough to keep his dad from having a word with the judge.

* * *

Later that evening at the hotel, the naked Tyler complained to his two friends, "Man, that spanking really hurt."

"No kidding," said Freddy. "Especially when that strap hit my balls and my asshole. They're still hurting, so my's butt."

"Yeah, tell me about it," replied Tyler. "I'm still hurting, too. Bet we'll still red and sore when we go for our next spankings after dinner tonight."

"I don't want another spanking," cried Charlie. "I'm hurting too much from this one."

"Well you have to," Freddy advised his younger brother. This time, even though no parents were around, he was careful to refrain from any name calling.

"Why?" asked an once again tear streaked Charlie.

"Because you heard mom and dad," answered Freddy. "That first one was our Nudie Juvie spanking, this next one is our punishment for not getting naked when mom told us to in the parking lot."

"Same reason my dad gave," Tyler confirmed his similar fate.

"I don't want my balls hit anymore," sobbed Charlie. "They hurt too much already."

"Well," said Freddy, trying to somewhat lighten the mood as he pointed to Charlie's red and still slightly swollen ballsack, "if your balls keep getting bigger after each spanking, soon you'll have larger ones than Ty and me."

"No I won't," retorted the now hysterically wailing Charlie, "your spankings made both yours get bigger too. Don't let them spank me again. Please, don't let them, I can't stand anymore. I'm scared."

"Come on Charlie, it'll be all right," Freddy in an uncharacteristic show of brotherly concern hugged Charlie in an attempt to console him. "Don't be scared, you can do this, I know you can."

"Yes you can Charlie, I just know it," Tyler reinforced Freddy.

A few minutes later, after Charlie had calmed down somewhat, Freddie said, "Charlie, I'm sorry I've been mean to you. I won't do it anymore, I promise I won't. You're my brother and I love you, I really do you know. I'll help you get through this as best as I can."

"So will I," Tyler vowed to his best friend.

"Thank you," Charlie whispered to both older boys.

At that moment, Mrs. Rogers entered the room. "Boys, we need you to come down to the swimming pool, we have a little before dinner surprise for you."

"What's that, mom?" asked the immediately suspicious Tyler.

"Oh," gleefully answered Mrs. Rogers, "we've found some boys for your second round of blow jobs today. The same ones as at the pavilion."

"Do we have to?" petulantly asked Tyler.

"Yes you do," answered his mother, "you heard Judy's orders."

"Why can't we do each other up here in private?" Tyler suggested an alternative to their impending public embarrassment. "There's going to be way too many people down there."

"Exactly why we want you to do it down there," responded his mother. And your other surprise also."

"What's that?" demanded Tyler, not sure he really wanted to know.

"We found three Community Property boys whose parents are anxious to have them stick their dicks up your buttholes," Mrs. Rogers unabashedly dropped her latest bombshell.

"Mom, no!" screamed Tyler, "that's faggot stuff."

"So is blowing other boys," commented Freddy.

"Doesn't matter if it is or isn't," replied Mrs. Rogers. "You have to do the blow jobs, and you going to have those boys' dicks up your assholes."

"No," hollered the again crying Charlie, "that's going to hurt us!"

"Probably so," agreed Mrs. Rogers, not letting on that all three of the community property boys were preteens ages eight, nine and ten respectively. "But you're doing it anyway. Besides, we went out of our way to make sure that those boys' dicks are as small as we could find." Left unsaid was that using such small dicks was a deliberate strategy to ensure that all three boys would still fully feel the maximum painful effects of the much larger sized objects that were to be stuffed up their little holes at tomorrow's Last Boy Standing show.

"This sucks," complained Freddy.

"No," said Mrs. Rogers, "you're the ones who are going to be sucking. Let's go."

Reluctantly, the boys made their way toward the door.

"By the way," said Mrs. Rogers as they exited the room, "Austin's down there. Seems the judge put him on anal, so we've found him sucking and stuffing partners also." Somehow, Mrs. Rogers couldn't quite bring herself to refer to the boys' upcoming ass reaming as a "fucking." Austin's oral partner was to be a fourteen year old not quite as endowed as he was; his anal partner a prepubescent eleven year old.

"Great," sarcastically muttered Freddy, "I can't wait."

"We and his parents thought," Mrs. Rogers ignored Freddy's comment, "that since he's in Last boy Standing with you tomorrow, that it'd be good for you four to spend the evening together. A sort of bonding."

"Yeah right," Freddy again muttered, suspecting that as usual the adults had an unstated ulterior motive.

"And boys," added Mrs. Rogers as she pointed toward their temporarily soft penises, "I expect those to be hard by the time we get to the pool. Wouldn't want to have to report you to Judy for breaking rules, now do we? Especially since she's at the pool too."

Once at the crowded pool area, it didn't take long to have the boys give a repeat performance with their partners from the spanking pavilion. Once again, Freddy was matched with Kyle, Tyler with Tommy, and Charlie with Greg. Austin was matched with a fourteen year old named Dominick.

In front of the cheering and encouraging audience the red faced embarrassed boys sucked on each others' dicks. And in front of that audience each reached a reluctant but strong public orgasm in their partner's mouth.

"Wow, look at those faggots go at each other," snickered Megan as white cum seeped from Freddy's and Kyle's mouths.

"Megan, that's enough," admonished her mother. "There's no reason to call the boys demeaning names that you know aren't true."

"Absolutely no reason," chimed in Judge Nichols. "Making derogatory and belittling comments to Nudie Juvie kids is actually a violation of the law."

"Oh?" said Mrs. Kershaw.

"Think about it," said Mr. Rogers, putting on his psychologist to the court hat. "One of the goals is to build up self confidence and self esteem. Negative comments tend to be counter productive to that."

"And divert the boys from what they should be dwelling on," added Mrs. Rogers also in therapist mode, "the behavior that put them in their current predicament, how to get through it, how to avoid additional punishment, and how to avoid a similar punishment in the future."

"And how do they avoid additional and future punishment?" asked a curious bystander, the mother of the nine year old about to be ass fucking Tyler.

"They get in trouble by not obeying those in charge of them or by breaking the law, or by doing both, like these three," Judge Nichols explained the rationale. "Now to end their punishment on time, they have to follow orders and the law no matter how unpleasant, painful, embarrassing or humiliating. Or it continues until they prove they can. And once their punishment is over, to avoid even more severe punishments, they have to continue to obey the commands of their parents and others in charge of them and the law."

Makes sense to me," said the mother. "That's why Ronnie here is in trouble, not doing what I told him."

"Megan," Mrs. Rogers reinforced her earlier command, "I mean it, no more nasty remarks."

"You don't want to break the law," added Mr. Rogers, "especially not with the judge sitting right here."

"No daddy, I don't," admitted Megan. "But what they're doing is nasty and gay."

"Megan!" hissed her mother, "final warning!"

"Sorry, mom," Megan apologized as Charlie and Greg dry came for the second time, ending the fellatio session.

"Well now," said Mrs. Rogers as the evening's anointed master of ceremonies, "seems to me we have some boys here that are under court order to have objects put up their butts, and that we have some other boys with penises that'll do just fine for that. Shall we begin?"

"Girls," said Mrs. Kershaw, "we need to get our four volunteer dicks hard."

Megan took eleven year old Devon in hand. Her sister Sarah soon was merrily working away on ten year old Ernesto. Valerie went for eight year old Jonathan. That left nine year old Ronnie without attention.

"We need another girl," said Mrs. Rogers. "How about you honey?" she pointed to Melissa, Devon's eight year old sister. Without hesitation, the little girl came forth and began enthusiastically fondling Ronnie's very much little boy privates.

It didn't take long to have the four "reamers" fully hard and the four "receivers" suitably bent over low benches. The girls each lightly lubricated the soon to be invading dicks and soon to be invaded holes.

"Remember," Judge Nichols reminded everyone, "no stopping till all eight of you have cum."

"Girls," instructed Mr. Rogers, "I want you each to masturbate our Nudie Juvies while they're being fucked." Unlike his wife, Mr. Rogers had no compunction using the vulgar vernacular for the about to happen acts of anal intercourse. He also realized that by using just crude terminology, he was adding to the boys' embarrassment and humiliation.

As earlier in the day, Megan took hold of Freddy and Sarah Charlie. Valerie, going for new blood, grabbed Austin's dick, by far the largest of the eight currently on public display. That left the embarrassed red faced Tyler to the much younger Melissa.

"Ready, set, go," shouted Mrs. Rogers. Immediately, the four little boys plunged forward, awkwardly fumbling to get their small tools inside the boys bent in front of them. With some embarrassing assistance from their own mothers, all four preteens eventually achieved penetration. Penetration that didn't last, as much to the amusement of the onlookers, the reamers' little dicks kept popping out of the receivers' tight assholes. Each time, the mothers guided their red faced and crying little boys back into their targets. For their part, all four grunting receivers were amazed that they were only experiencing a very mild discomfort. As intended by the adults, the assaulting dicks were just too small to cause any significant pain. Eventually all four of the reaming boys reached dry orgasms, all four of the reamed boys loudly proclaimed their cums at the hands of the girls' masturbating them.

"You can stop, now," Mrs. Rogers called aa halt.

"Well I guess that qualifies, just barely," laughed Judge Nichols.

"I can't believe those fucking asshole faggots let that happen to them," Megan stage whispered to Sarah and Valerie, certain none of the adults could overhear her.

"Megan, I heard that," the sharp eared Mrs. Rogers shouted to her thirteen year old daughter. "Get over here, now!"

Reluctantly, Megan made her way to her parents. "Sorry, mom," she dejectedly apologized for the second time that evening.

"Sorry wont cut it," snapped Mrs. Rogers in pseudo-anger. Both parents realized that sooner or later Megan was going to have to undergo a Nudie Juvie sanction to keep her on the straight and narrow. And now their daughter had just presented them with a golden opportunity, much sooner than they'd anticipated. "We warned you about those kind of remarks, let's see what Judy has to say about it."

To her dismay, Megan quickly discovered that judges had the same powers as the police to make arrests and if appropriate to mete out to juveniles summary punishments instead of going to court. And that judges, even when court was closed, had all the powers of Intake Officers, including diverting cases from court by directly imposing sanctions. It also seemed that Judge Nichols always carried with her blank copies of various court forms. Quickly the judge declared her in custody, her parents signed a petition setting forth her offense, and the judge diverted her to three days of Public Nude Juvenile Punishment, complete with an oral, but not anal, sex requirement. She was a Nudie Juvie, just like her brother and the Kershaw boys.

"You have sixty seconds to be out of those clothes," declared Judge Nichols.

Hesitantly Megan began her slow striptease. First she lifted up her shirt over her head, putting her small training bra on display. Next, her shorts came off, exposing her flowered panties. "Pick up the pace," sternly demanded her father. "We have dinner and the spanking pavilion yet to do tonight."

"Speaking of spankings," said the judge as Megan unsnapped her bra, "You have one mandatory spanking a day, starting tonight. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am," answered the blushing Megan as she pulled her bra away, revealing very small pointy breasts no larger than those that eleven year old Ashley had displayed earlier that day in court. Megan didn't really need a bra, but felt that if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassment that as a now teenager she should wear one anyway.

"Megan," warned her father, "panties off by the time I count to five, or I'm adding an extra spanking a day. One.. Two..."

Not wanting anymore spankings, Megan had her panties off and in her hands before her father reached "four." If anything, she had even less hair on her pussy that the very small amount that Ashley had. None of that hair did anything to hide any part of her slit and lips.

"You'll have your physical in the morning," declared the judge, "on the set of the show.

"Yes ma'am," replied Megan, not daring to make her situation any worse.

"Boys," Mrs. Rogers directed Freddy, Tyler, Charlie and Austin, "please examine Megan all you want. And don't stop until each of you have made her cum. Dinner can wait."

Megan blushed furiously as over the next forty minutes first her boyfriend Freddy, than her brother Tyler, then little Charlie, and finally the temporarily in heaven Austin each brought her to climax. Each a shuddering leg shaking cum in front of the applauding audience. She was vastly relieved when her father declared they had to get to dinner if they were to make the pavilion before closing time.

The after dinner spankings were every bit as dreadful as Megan and the boys had anticipated. The straps rendered each of their buttocks, anuses, and genitals painfully red and sore, almost unbearably so. Freddy, Megan, Tyler, Charlie and Austin were all crying wildly long before their ordeal was over, all fervently hoping the machine would breakdown or otherwise cease functioning. But on and on the machine labored, only stopping when the allotted number of strokes had been applied to the now crimson bare bottoms of the five Nudie Juvies. Five Nudie Juvies who that night cried themselves to sleep, wondering what worse fates awaited them tomorrow.

- continued in Part 3