Peter Sutton 8

By Max Shooter
Copyright 2015 by Max Shooter, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Peter Sutton 8

"I don't know. As far as I'm concerned, he's a criminal. I don't trust a criminal around these girls," Traci cautioned.

"We'll just have to keep an eye on him," Laura stated. "Peter, assuming you can behave, would you rather go to prison or help out here with the Girl Scouts?"

"Don't make him think he has a choice," Traci sniped. "This is up to the girls now."

"Girls," Traci addressed the group of scouts. "Who here wants to learn about naked boys tonight?"

Not surprisingly, every single girl hand on the beach shot straight up with ear-to-ear grins on all their faces. Some even decided to emphasize their delight by shouting "Me! Me!" or "I do! I do!"

"Well that's the spirit!" Traci enthused. "So many girls just want to goof off on these retreats. It's so nice to have a group of intelligent young women who want to learn." Peter barely kept himself from rolling his eyes.

"Just to be sure, how many girls don't want to learn about naked boys?" Traci asked out of completeness. Peter very meekly raised his hand, causing all of the girls to bust out laughing. The chaperones just ignored him.

"Well, Peter, it looks like it's your lucky day. If you can behave, we won't press any charges," Traci said. Peter barely contained himself from making a scene over the notion that it was his "lucky day."

"Let's take him over to the campsite," Traci suggested. With that, she grabbed Peter by the arm and headed away from the beach toward the woods. After about a two-minute walk, they emerged into a full-fledged secluded campground -- tents everywhere, picnic tables, outdoor games, campfires, etc. Peter would have thought it was a pretty cool place if he wasn't naked and on display.

"Okay, we have to figure out how we're going to make this fair for everyone," Traci declared.

'Except for me,' Peter thought to himself.

"Everyone line up in a single-file line," Traci announced. All the girls pushed and shoved as they jockeyed to be the first in line.

"Now, now, girls, everyone is going to have a turn," Traci confirmed as they slowly managed to create a full single-file line.

"Why don't we have a brief introduction?" Laura suggested.

"Good idea, Laura. Why don't you do that?" Traci offered.

"Okay. Now, girls, how many of you have ever seen a naked boy before?" Laura asked. Only two hands out of the group of 21 girls were raised.

"How many of you have seen a naked boy older than, say, five years old?" Laura continued. Both previously raised hands went down.

"Well then, this is going to be very informative," Laura remarked.

Unabashedly grabbing Peter's boner, Laura went on to explain, "This is called a penis. Can everyone say 'penis'?" The group of girls echoed the word perfectly.

Laura continued to go through a crass anatomical lesson of his balls, and confusingly described how it had to do with human reproduction. She used descriptions that were way over everyone's head.

Sensing their boredom, Laura began marching Peter up and down the line of girls while continuing her lesson: "Now, when a boy is excited, his penis gets really hard and stiff, like it is now. This is called a boner." She stopped for a moment to squeeze his boner for emphasis.

"What do you mean by 'excited'?" one of the girls asked.

"Good question," Laura affirmed. "Peter, can you explain?"

Peter's face went white. It was ironic that with Aunt Pam and his cousins, he would have loved the opportunity to explain to them the way his penis really worked, rather than having them believe Aunt Pam's warped descriptions. Now that he was given such an opportunity in front of a group of girls, though, he had no clue what to say.

"Ummmmm...." Peter muttered. "I don't know; it just kind of happens."

"Who cares? Can we just touch it already?" one of the girls shouted anonymously.

"Yeah, this is boring. I wanna play with it," another courageous girl declared, causing a bunch of giggles from the fellow scouts.

Peter thought for a second they might be reprimanded for not respecting their chaperone, but instead, she just completely acquiesced to them.

"I love your enthusiasm, girls. I guess the best way to learn is to just go right at it!" Laura cooed.

"How do you wanna do this, Traci?" Laura asked. "30 seconds per girl? And we make sure they all get some hands-on time with the penis, balls, and butt?"

Peter sighed. So much for this being a "learning experience." It looked like this was just going to be a bunch of girls getting to grope and fondle him with total impunity.

"Sure. Let me just open the stopwatch app on my phone," Traci affirmed. "Okay, go ahead girls. One at a time."

With that, the first girl went up and instantly began cradling Peter's rock hard boner with both hands. She couldn't help herself from incessantly giggling.

After about 15 seconds of just holding his penis, Laura the chaperone reminded, "Remember to play with his balls too. Squeeze his butt cheeks. Make sure you really get a chance to explore that whole area."

The young girl scout began rubbing her hands throughout Peter's entire midsection, cupping his balls and rubbing her hands up and down his butt. Then Traci confirmed, "Time's up. Next girl."

"Awww..." the first girl said, disappointed. "30 seconds isn't enough time."

"I know, dear, but we have to be fair to everyone," Traci replied.

The next girl went up and began instinctively stroking Peter's penis with her left hand, and reached around to squeeze his butt with her right hand. Peter began to moan in ecstasy, causing the girl to laugh out loud.

By the time the third girl had her turn, Peter was already infinitely ready to drain his balls. And unfortunately for him, the new girl decided to follow her predecessor's lead and began forcefully stroking his incredibly engorged organ.

Peter had no sense of time and it felt to him like this girl was stroking him forever. Then, of course, he felt the familiar inner stirring just as strongly as he ever had before. Involuntarily, he shouted, "Please, stop!" Unknowingly, she had just finished her 30 seconds and was about to let go anyway. Instead, Peter was now going to cause a scene.

The startled girl scout instinctively pulled her hands away, worried she might have done something wrong. "I'm sorry," she said quietly.

But Traci the chaperone immediately chided, "What is wrong with you?! What kind of twisted mind do you have where you think you're calling the shots here? Huh??"

Peter just stood there silently, only caring about the fact that his penis was getting a reprieve.

"You just made an innocent girl apologize for doing nothing wrong," Traci shouted, turning her attention to the 'innocent' scout. "Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for. Tell him you take back your apology."

The 11-year-old girl, never taking her gaze away from Peter's raging boner, grinned and complied, "I take back my apology."

"Now *you*," Traci said, returning her attention to Peter, "Apologize this instant."

"But..." Peter stammered.

Traci exploded, "Excuse me; did I make it seem like this was up for debate? The only 'but' I want from you is this one." She then lunged at Peter and gave his adolescent ass a very strong squeeze, causing all the girls to giggle. "Now, apologize!"

Peter couldn't believe this was happening. "I'm sorry.." he uttered meekly.

"Okay. Now we better not hear another word from you," Traci demanded before sweetly turning to the 'offended' girl scout. "Honey, if you want another 30 seconds, go ahead."

"Hey, that's not fair," one of the girls near the back of the line exclaimed.

"Well, you have only one person to blame for that," Traci glared at Peter. "When it's your turn, feel free to give this boy a spanking for being so rude."

With that, the offended girl beamed ear to ear and began another 30 seconds of playing with Peter's genitals. Peter tried to pretend that he was any other place in the universe, but was quickly brought back to reality when he heard the sound of a camera shutter.

Peter didn't dare make eye contact with whoever was taking the pictures, but heard one of the adult voices say, "We'll have to devote a whole section in our annual scrapbook to this."

Amazingly, Peter lasted the full 30 seconds without cumming. But he knew his ordeal was far from over as yet another girl began another fondling session. The new girl had a rhythm of squeezing his penis without stroking it, causing Peter to become infinitely on edge.

"This is the weirdest thing I've ever felt in my life," the girl chuckled, with the rest of the female crowd giggling as well. When her 30 seconds was up, the next girl rushed forward with excitement in her eyes, squealing, "My turn! My turn!"

Her enthusiasm equated to immediate and rigorous stroking of Peter's penis, causing him to loudly and involuntarily moan. The stark contrast in fondling between this girl and the last one had an instant impact on Peter's hormones. Peter briefly looked over to the chaperones and noticed they were whispering to one another.

Right as Peter knew he was going to enter the state of no return, chaperone Traci shouted, "Okay, time's up!"

Even though Peter was off on another planet in his state of sexual frenzy, he knew that it hadn't been a full 30 seconds. But the girl didn't seem to argue, and Peter was relieved that he didn't have an orgasm right then and there.

Of course, the next girl darted right up to him and grasped his penis as though her life depended on it, bringing Peter right back to the point of ecstasy. Yet again, though, Traci's voice interrupted things just in time.

"Sweetheart, remember to play with his butt too," Traci reminded, causing the girl to let go of Peter's boner right at the edge of climax.

From then on, girl after girl, it seemed as though Traci knew exactly when to tell every girl to stop. Some of them definitely had more than 30 seconds, and others had less. Some of them were encouraged to only play with his butt, even though they usually pouted that they wanted more penis time.

Peter wondered if somehow they knew exactly when he was about to cum and were manipulating the girls to unknowingly edge him over and over again. At one point he dared to steal another glance at the chaperones and saw them whispering to each other, staring at his body and not even looking at the stopwatch app. He could have sworn he also saw them each trying to stifle huge grins.

By the time there was only one girl left, Peter felt a sense of sexual frustration beyond anything he had experienced in his life. He was so incredibly desperate for relief, yet at the same time terrified at what the reaction would be if he squirted in front of all these girls and women.

He tried to block out the world around him as the final girl approached. It was no mistake that she was the last in line. She was probably the youngest in the group, and definitely the most shy. As she approached the incredibly frustrated, pulsating, raging boner, she coudln't take her eyes off of it. But she was still a little too nervous to actually reach out and grab it.

Sensing her trepidation, Traci approached her with a sweet voice completely the opposite of the way she had talked to Peter, "It's okay, sweetie. Don't be shy. It won't bite." That caused some of the other girls to chuckle.

But the girl wouldn't budge. She was actually content to just stand there and stare.

"I don't know," she said timidly.

"There's really no reason to be afraid. Do you want me to help?" Traci asked sweetly. The little girl nodded silently.

With that, Traci took the little girl's hand in hers and guided her as they both began to pump Peter's incredibly enraged organ.

"There you go. See?" Traci encouraged. "You're very brave."

That caused the girl to smile from ear to ear. She felt a complete sense of pride in herself.

Traci then took the girl's other hand and used it to cup Peter's balls. The little girl chuckled as she tried to make sense of the way these unusual body parts felt in her hands.

"See? That's not so bad, is it?" Traci asked.

"I guess not. It's actually kind of funny," the girl giggled. She then decided to look up at Peter's face and saw him with his eyes closed and his face muscles all bunched up.

Feeling concern, the girl asked, "Is he okay? He looks like he's in pain."

Traci darted her glance upward and saw Peter making faces. "Hey!" she snapped, causing Peter to open his eyes.

"You keep your eyes open and stop making faces!" Traci shouted.

Slightly surprised at the sudden outburst, Peter reflexively said, "But..."

Traci exploded, "What did we say about butts?" She then immediately slapped his smooth butt several times before finishing with, "You brat..."

By now, the shy young girl had definitely gotten more than her 30 seconds so Peter was hoping this whole thing would finally be over.

"Okay, sweetheart, are you ready for your 30 seconds now?" Traci asked, causing Peter's heart to sink. Apparently she wasn't counting the time that she was "helping" the girl to understand how to play with his penis. And yes, they were playing with it. Any pretense of educating the girls was gone.

"I guess so..." the little girl said shyly as she continued massaging Peter's balls and pumping his penis.

"That's the spirit. I'm so proud of you," Traci cooed, as though the girl scout was creating a cure for cancer or something. "Remember, don't even bother looking at his face. This is about you, not him."

Laura, the other chaperone, decided to pipe in: "See, girls? The lesson here is that boys are snot-nosed brats and us women shouldn't have to put up with that." Every girl scout chuckled and smiled.

Peter almost let out a sarcastic chuckle. 'I thought this was supposed to just be an innocent lesson in biology...I guess that didn't last long,' he thought to himself.

But he couldn't even focus too much on that, as the little girl's ministrations were once again bringing him to the edge of climax. He stared desperately at the chaperones but once again they weren't even pretending to watch the time anymore.

He just stood there as the girl masterfully (yet cluelessly) worked his puberty-enhanced hormones to the brinking point. After what was definitely more than 30 seconds, he let out an involuntary moan and rose to his tiptoes, but of course, at that exact moment, Traci exclaimed, "Okay! Time's up!" The girl's hands instantly pulled back.

Peter's ridiculously frustrated body let out an involuntary whimper as he looked desperately at Traci. The chaperone just shot back an evil glare in response. As soon as Peter turned away to stare at the ground, he could have sworn he heard the sound of adult female chuckling before an awkward silence swept over the entire area.

Nevertheless, he did it. He followed their orders and survived. Hopefully this meant he was going to be able to go back to Aunt Pam's home now. As horrid as that place was, at least he knew everyone there.

Then, the inevitable words from one of the girls: "I wanna play with it more!"

Peter couldn't believe the brashness of these little girls. But after all, most of them were also going through puberty and were more than excited for such an awesome opportunity. The lucky thing for them was that, unlike boys, they were all able to conceal their arousal.

"Play with what?" Traci asked in a teacher-like voice.

"With his penis!" the bold girl said proudly.

"That a girl," Traci beamed. "See? We're all learning something here today."

"I have an idea," fellow chaperone Laura declared. "Girls, why don't you all work together to come up with a game we can play that involves his penis?"

"That's a great idea," Traci affirmed. "What a great way to use your creativity, girls. Let's see if you can come up with something really clever and creative."

With that, the girls all beamed and huddled together, presumably to figure out the most embarrassing game they could think of.

Peter's penis was still throbbing massively as Traci changed her demeanor and said, "Hey, if you need to go to the bathroom, this is your one chance."

Peter didn't even make eye contact as he happily walked away from everyone deeper into the Girl Scout camp.

"Um, excuse me!" Traci shouted. "Where are you going? The bathrooms here are for girl scouts. You can go back to the one at the parking lot by the beach."

Peter gulped at the thought of walking around naked, yet again by himself in a public place where he could be seen by more strangers. Nevertheless, he relished being away from all of the female torment, so he started on his way without making eye contact with anyone.

As he headed to the beach area, he could hear Traci mutter, "Little twerp thinks he can use *our* bathrooms. The nerve..."

When Peter made his way to the thankfully-empty parking lot, he noticed there was a payphone right outside the bathroom. He suddenly realized this could be his way out of this nightmare. He rushed to the phone and dialed 911.

A female operator who sounded like she was having a really bad day answered, "911...what is your emergency?"

"Please help me... I'm...I'm at some girl scout camp and I'm naked and everyone is touching me and yelling at me. Please, you gotta save me," Peter tried to articulate the situation as much as his racing 13-year-old mind could.

"Sir, I know you think you're being funny, but this is the fifth prank call I've had today and honestly I'm in no mood," the operator replied flatly.

"No, this isn't a joke. I promise. Please. I don't know what else to do," Peter said as he could feel tears forming in his eyes.

"So you're naked at a girl scout camp..." the operator mocked.

"Yes, and I...the..." Peter stuttered.

"Mmmhmmm... so go put on some clothes you weirdo. You know it's a crime to dial 911 without an actual emergency," the increasingly ticked off operator replied.

"Please, miss, please, just send the police here, please. They'll see what's happening as soon as they get here. Pleease," Peter begged.

"Young man, I..." the operator fumed. "You know what? Fine. Police are on their way." The call was then forcefully disconnected.

Peter felt rattled but infinitely optimistic that as soon as a polic officer could see what was happening to him, he would finally be treated and comforted like the victim he is.

Somehow, his boner was still in force, though, so he decided to run into the bathroom. Thank goodness there was no one in there! He immediately went into one of the stalls and started beating off. It felt so wrong, but he absolutely needed relief. He couldn't even think about anything. He just knew he had to get rid of his mounting sexual frustration -- and his guilty erection.

But just before he could get the job done, he heard a bellowing sound, "What the hell are you doing?!?!?"

Peter faintingly turned around to see Traci towering over him.

"I-I-I..." Peter stammered. He nearly passed out. "This is the boy's room."

"Don't you even try to change the subject. You were masturbating in public! And after all we've done to cover up your other crimes," Traci exclaimed.

Peter had never even heard the word "masturbating" before, but used context clues to assume that Traci knew exactly what he was doing.

The chaperone violently grabbed Peter's arm and forced him with her back into the wooded camp area, where all the girls were anxiously awaiting him.

"Something wrong?" chaperone Laura asked among the commotion.

"Yeah, something's wrong," Traci exclaimed. "I caught this little pervert playing with himself in the bathroom."

"You mean he was..." Laura said with disgust.

"Oh he was going to town," Traci glared. "Here we are trying to have an innocent biology lesson, trying to teach the girls something, and he's going off and turning it into something disgusting."

"Does that mean we don't get to play our game?" one of the girls piped in.

"Absolutely not. He is not going to ruin your camp experience. And he had better get any dirty thoughts out of his mind right...this...instant," Traci declared.

Peter was in disbelief. Exactly what did she expect was going to happen when a bunch of girls in swimsuits groped and fondled him to their heart's content? He was pretty sure most of them had 'dirty' thoughts too. And when she sent him to the bathroom, he thought that jerking off in private so it wouldn't cause a scene, was exactly what she was imploring him to do.

"So, girls," Laura said in a sweet voice to diffuse the tension, "What's your game?"

"Katie..." one of the girls spoke up, calling her fellow scout to the forefront.

The scout emerged with a soda bottle from the mess tent, exposing a huge smile.

"We're going to play spin the bottle," the scout declared.

"With a twist," another girl chimed in, overtly laughing.

"Yep; we all sit in a circle and...he..I can't remember his name," one of the girls explained.

'It's Peter,' Peter started to say, but was interrupted by Traci: "It doesn't matter. Go on." A handful of girls laughed at the fact that Peter didn't deserve a name. Peter, meanwhile, felt an increasing sense of anger.

"So anyway, he bends over in the middle and spins the bottle. Whoever it lands on has to get up, grab his penis, and..." the girl paused to chuckle.

"And kiss it," another girl finished, causing a round of chuckles and fake little girl screams.

"That is so creative," Traci beamed. "I love it."

The girls all smiled as they formed a circle and sat down. Peter was paralyzed by thinking about the last detail of the game. They were going to kiss his penis? The mere thought nearly made him climax right then and there.

"Peter, take your position," Traci demanded.

He slowly made his way into the middle of the circle of girls and stared at the soda bottle on the ground. He was shaking.

"Hello? Do you not understand the game? Spin the bottle," Traci shouted.

Peter felt like he wasn't even in control of his body as he bent over to reach the bottle.

The girl directly behind him chuckled, "Ewwwww. I don't wanna see that."

A girl on the other side of the circle joked, "I do!" to the giggles of her fellow scouts.

Peter quickly spun the bottle and stood back up as he watched it go around and around on the flat ground.

Everyone watched in anticipation as it stopped, pointing at Penny, the girl who had outed Peter as a boy earlier.

The other girls gazed in anticipation as Penny wrapped her little hand around the raging boner, gave it a couple strokes, and puckered up. She gave a quick, miniscule kiss on the head before rushing back to her spot in the circle. Her actions were greeted with shrieks from the rest of the girls.

As the game went on, the girls became more adventurous, leaning in for real kisses that lasted 4-5 seconds. Some of the more outgoing girls also began reaching in and grabbing Peter's butt whenever he bent over to spin the bottle. It was all causing Peter to be in a state of ultimate sexual arousal that only a boy going through puberty in this kind of situation could possibly experience.

When the bottle landed on Penny again, she wanted to be sure to get her money's worth. Instead of the peck she gave last time, this time she wrapped her lips around the incredibly engorged organ and slid them off slowly, which was the final straw in an excruciatingly long and pent-up series of sexual arousals.

The crowd of girls was laughing and shrieking, which encouraged Penny to go back in for one more quick kiss. She decided to give his penis a couple more strokes for good measure, but by then it was too late. Peter went into the throws of the most powerful orgasm of his life. His first spurt shot so far he felt like it may as well have crossed state lines. Part of it ended up getting on the swimsuit of one of the girls in the circle.

"Whoa!!" Penny shrieked with wonder as she decided to continue to pump his organ. Unlike Jenn and Gretchen, Penny was fascinated by the action, not repulsed by it. The rest of the girls all crowded around so they could get a better view of what was happening.

The adult chaperones were nowhere near as amused, though.

"Oh my god, you dirty little...!" Traci screamed as she swooped in and gave Peter's butt a couple hard smacks. Peter could barely stand up, let alone think clearly, as he continued to drain his balls.

"What is he doing?" one of the girls asked.

"This, girls, is called ejaculation. It is supposed to be a sweet and intimate thing that a man and woman share. After they get to know each other really well. After marriage. But gross boys will sometimes do it for their own disgusting pleasure," Laura explained to the increasingly confused group of girls.

Peter didn't know what to say or do. He couldn't believe it, but he actually preferred Aunt Pam's 'spitting' explanation.

"But that's what happens when someone rubs or kisses it," Peter tried to rationalize to the women, hoping they seemed to be more understanding of the realities of boy biology.

"Excuse me!" Traci condemned. "The girls are just exploring. I told you to stop thinking dirty thoughts. If you choose not to control yourself, that's your fault. Don't blame these innocent girls."

"Hey, look, it's shrinking!" one of the girls noticed.

"No fair! I don't want to play with it like that," commented another. "Who would want to kiss that?"

Peter stood there dumbfounded, trembling, and almost on the verge of tears. "I--I--I," he stammered.

"You know what? His aunt told me that if he started acting up, we should give him this," Laura said, pulling out a blue pill from her pocket.

Traci grabbed it and nearly forced it down Peter's throat.

"I'm sorry; I, please," Peter offered, beginning to move his hands down to his genitals.

"Stop talking. It's too late. Everything that comes out of your mouth is just you being a jerk and I won't have that around my girl scouts," Laura exclaimed while swatting his hands away.

"Remember we are doing this as a favor to you," Traci bellowed from the sidelines. "Would you rather be in jail right now?" At this point, Peter thought that might actually be preferable.

"You know what? Girls, I'm sorry, but if I have to stare at this... criminal for one more second, I'm going to lose it. Judy, can you just take him home?"

The one other chaperone, Aunt Pam's friend who had been silently taking pictures and video for their scrapbook, came forward and said, "I guess so. At least the girls were able to satisfy their curiosity before he did that..."

"Okay, Peter. Now, why don't you go get your clothes and we'll leave," Judy said.

Wait, what? Where did she get the idea that he had clothes lying around somewhere?

"My, uh, my clothes?" Peter asked in total confusion.

"Well, yeah, you didn't just come to the beach naked," Judy said sarcastically.

"Um...yeah..actually, I did," Peter tried to clarify. "Aunt Pam...she..she has...forced me to be naked all day."

"Kid, don't make me get even angrier at you right now. I don't have time for whatever game you're trying to play," Judy said with exasperation.

"I'm serious! I have no clothes! Aunt Pam made me come to the beach naked!" Peter said convincingly.

Judy was floored. She knew Pam was a very conservative woman who would never do anything like that. "Young were wearing swim trunks when I got here. Now what did you do with them?! Don't tell me you just took them off in the water."

Peter was dumbfounded. She never saw him wearing trunks! Was she intentionally trying to unfairly torment him or was she just a senile old woman? "I...I wasn't wearing trunks. You couldn't see, but I was naked the whole time," Peter tried to rationalize.

"Listen! I am not driving a naked boy halfway across town. Now, if you want to go home, go get your clothes. Otherwise, you're staying here," Judy declared.

Peter just stood there, silent.

Judy tutted with exasperation, "I think we may have some extra clothes around here for you."

Peter tried to block out all of the negativity and just focus on the words "extra clothes." He didn't care if he wore some girly pink shirt. Or even a dress. Hell, even a garbage bag or some leaves. He was just dying to be able to cover up with something -- anything.

As he fantasized about wearing clothes again, he saw Judy come forward with what he could only assume were the girliest clothes she could find -- panties, a hot pink shirt with some kind of glittery design, and pink shorts.

It didn't matter, though. Peter was ready to put them on, but at just that second, the voice of a very authoritative voice radiated through the campground: "Evening, folks!"

Judy dropped the girl clothes out of sheer surprise.

A 30-something-year-old police officer was joined by a somewhat heavyset, very serious-looking woman in a suit.

'Yes! The police! I'm saved! This horrible, horrible nightmare is over,' Peter thought to himself.

The male officer introduced himself, "Hello there, folks. I'm Officer Jackson and this is Detective Collins. Now what in the hell is going on here?"


(End of File)