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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * *
Peter Sutton 7
To Peter's dismay, the boy started running
toward the water and before too long was swimming right up next to Peter. "Hey, my name's LJ. Wanna be friends?"
the boy asked confidently. "Uhh...sure," Peter replied. He was
caught off-guard by the boy's sense of social confidence. "I just met your aunt. She seems pretty
cool," LJ said, trying to make small talk. "She's okay," Peter muttered. He
wasn't sure if he should tell his new friend about what kind of woman Aunt Pam
really was. He decided to just appreciate the new companionship instead. "So what are you, like 9 or 10?" LJ
asked. "Thirteen!" Peter replied defensively. LJ chuckled, "Really? You look so
young." Peter felt his heart sink. "How old are you?" Peter asked. "15 and a half," LJ boasted, causing
Peter to get butterflies in his stomach. Not in any kind of romantic sense, but
over the fact that someone that much older and obviously cooler than him would
want to be his friend. They continued to engage in small talk while
swimming around, splashing each other, and otherwise having a great time. Peter
felt happier than he had been during this whole trip. He even almost forgot he
was naked. Aunt Pam looked on and was heartened to see Peter making a new
friend. "You're really cool dude," LJ
remarked. "Are you on Facebook? You mind if I friend you?" "Yeah, sure." Peter's heart was
racing, again not out of any kind of romantic thrill but just the adrenaline of
such a cool guy being so friendly with him. LJ looked like he was probably an
all-star football player at his high school; perfect body with washboard abs
and muscles, blonde hair, and oozing with confidence. No one like that would
ever give Peter the time of day at his school, much less a nearly-16-year-old. But of course, just as Peter was finally
starting to feel good about himself, Jenn and Gretchen re-entered the water and
began swimming over. "Well, hello again," LJ said
charmingly. "I gotta say, you've got a couple of cute cousins here,
Peter." Jenn and Gretchen blushed. "How come you don't say stuff like that,
Peter?" Gretchen demanded. "Yeah, he's mean. I don't know why you're
hanging out with him. Come on; swim with us," Jenn said to LJ. Liking the attention, LJ began to play with the
girls, leaving Peter feeling alone and dejected. Meanwhile, back with the grown-ups, LJ's parents
and Aunt Pam were deep in conversation. It turns out LJ and his family had just
moved and were still a little unfamiliar with the area. They had a map of the
city in their car, and Aunt Pam graciously offered to go show them some of the
best spots around. As they headed up the hill to the parking lot,
LJ's dad shouted, "LJ! We're heading back to the car for a minute!" "Okay, dad!" LJ shouted back. Aunt Pam began following the parents as well,
and shouted, "Jenn, Gretchen, keep an eye on Peter, okay?! Make sure he
stays out of trouble; we'll be right back!" Peter winced at his aunt
emasculating him like that in front of his new friend. As soon as all the adults were momentarily out
of sight, Jenn and Gretchen decided to have some fun with their new boy. Without
any hesitation, Gretchen dove under the water and reached around until she was
able to tug on LJ's swim trunks. With perfection, she managed to slide them off
in one fell swoop. "Hey!" LJ exclaimed as he looked
around. A few moments later, Gretchen emerged from the water, waving his swim
trunks, and running up on the beach. "Come and get them," Gretchen teased.
Jenn began laughing as LJ unabashedly ran out of the water, his wet 15-year-old
penis bobbing up and down as he caught up to Gretchen and forcefully grabbed
his trunks. Gretchen couldn't resist the opportunity to grab
LJ's bubble butt and rub his penis as much as possible while he attempted to
put his trunks back on. "Cut it out," LJ said as he began
sporting a boner. By this time Jenn had made her way over as well, and began
joining her sister in fondling LJ's genitals. Jenn spotted that the adults were on their way
back, so she quickly let go and warned Gretchen, allowing LJ to put his trunks
back on before anyone suspected anything. But LJ now had a raging boner that
was poking through very visibly, so he decided to run back into the water as
well. LJ swam over to his new friend Peter and
remarked, "Why didn't you help me, man? What kind of friend are you?" Jenn and Gretchen swam up behind, with Gretchen
commenting, "Because he's the one who asked us to make you naked." "What?!" Peter exclaimed. "That's
not true! Why would I do that?" "Maybe because you're naked too,"
Gretchen teased. "What the hell, man?" LJ looked at
Peter. "I am not," Peter said, desperately
not wanting his new friend to think of him as some kind of weirdo. "Oh really? Why don't you see -- or feel --
for yourself, LJ?" Gretchen said. Mortified, Peter started swimming away, but the
older and more athletic LJ instantly caught up to him and moved his hand down
Peter's back, all the way down to his butt and gave it a quick squeeze to
solidify that Peter was in fact naked. "Eww, dude, what are you, some kind of
weirdo?" LJ said derisively. Peter turned around to try to defend himself,
but his underwater boner happened to make contact with LJ's hand, causing LJ to
reach in for a further grab. "And you have a stiffy too? What the
hell... you are messed up, man. Forget what I said about being friends. Don't
even try to Facebook friend me," LJ remarked, causing Peter to be
absolutely crestfallen. For the first time in this neverending nightmare, he
finally had a friend, someone who was on his side. But now, his mean cousins
ruined that too. "I think I'm just gonna go," LJ said
derisively looking at Peter, before changing his tone toward Jenn and Gretchen.
"But you girls live here, right? Are you on Facebook?" Gretchen's heart was throbbing that such an
older and good-looking boy was interested in her. "Well, mom won't let us
until we're 13," Gretchen said sorrily. "What? How old are you?" LJ asked. "11..." Gretchen replied, hoping she
didn't just lose his interest. "No way. You're so mature. I would have
guessed at least 14," LJ flirted, noticing Gretchen visibly blush. Peter felt even more dejected than ever. This
new boy somehow believed that his evil younger cousins were nothing but perfect
angels and that he was the immature one. "Well, I'm sure our parents are exchanging
information. Hopefully we can hang out again sometime," LJ said. "My birthday party is in two days!"
Jenn enthused. "Can you come?" "Pleeease?" Gretchen smiled. "I'll ask my folks. Is your weird gay
cousin gonna be there?" LJ asked, causing Peter to grimace. He couldn't
believe he was now being called gay. That made him feel like even less of a
man, if that was even possible. "Yeah, unfortunately we have to watch over
him 24/7," Gretchen lamented. "But you can just pretend he's not even
there." Peter wanted to scream in frustration, but
managed to remain quiet. "Well, okay. You're cute enough that I can
probably stomach being around him for an afternoon. I'm sure I can get my
parents to bring me over," LJ replied. It was now Gretchen, instead of Peter, who felt
a hormonal rush, and based on what Aunt Pam taught her, she only knew one way
to act on that. So she unabashedly reached under the water and slid her hands
into LJ's swim trunks to yank on his penis one more time. LJ just looked at her stonefaced, causing
Gretchen to act on the other thing that she had learned from Aunt Pam -- that
it was okay to blame everything on Peter. So she turned to her cousin and said,
"That's the last time I do something like that for you, Peter." "What are you talking about?!" Peter
asked, bewildered. "Dude, that is so messed up. Getting your
rocks off by asking your younger cousins to make me naked and touch me like
that. Just, don't even look at me," LJ scoffed. "I'm sorry, LJ," Gretchen quickly
remarked. "It's not your fault. Don't worry; when I
come over for your sister's birthday I'll try to teach you how to deal with
your weird cousin," LJ said as he headed out of the water. "No, wait," Peter called out in
desperation, but LJ didn't even turn around. Worse yet, when LJ made his way back to his
parents, Peter could see him talking to them and pointing in his direction.
LJ's parents made complete looks of disgust in his direction before abruptly
grabbing their stuff. A concerned Aunt Pam walked over to them and
asked what the problem was. "Apparently your little nephew over there
was acting very inappropriately in front of our son," LJ's dad declared
sternly. "I am so sorry," Aunt Pam apologized
without asking for specifics. "We are working on all of his problems. He
started seeing a therapist. He is not a reflection of me or my daughters." "Oh, we can tell that," LJ's dad
reaffirmed. "In fact they made such a good impression that LJ wants to
come over for Jenn's birthday party." "Is that okay?" LJ asked. "She
told me it was in a couple days." "Well, sure! The more the merrier!"
Aunt Pam enthused, feeling a sense of pride that her sweet daughters made a new
friend so easily. "And FYI, Peter has another therapy appointment
tomorrow. So hopefully he will be able to be on better behavior by then." "Well we sure hope so," LJ's dad said
sternly, giving another glare in Peter's direction. With that, LJ and his family left, allowing Aunt
Pam to really boil over the fact that Peter had offended yet another group of
people. Red-faced, she turned her attention toward Peter, who was still
lounging around in the water. "Can we even spend 5 minutes with anyone
without you offending everyone in sight?!" Aunt Pam barked. "But Aunt Pam...!! I honestly didn't do
anything!" Peter shouted. "Peter, for goodness sake! I am so mad at
you right now, I could just..." Aunt Pam screamed, causing Peter to lower
his head. He wished he could just drown right then and there. "Jenn! Gretchen! Come on up here and help
me take everything back to the car," Aunt Pam shouted. Peter knew that he
was in trouble. "What about me, Aunt Pam?" Peter asked
nervously. "I need some time to cool down before you
come anywhere near me," Aunt Pam shouted back. "I swear, Peter.
Just...stay there until we're ready to leave." Peter could hear Jenn and Gretchen complain as
they got out of the water and headed up the beach. "He's the one who acts
like a jerk, and we're the ones who have to take everything back to the
car," Gretchen muttered. "When we get back in the car, I'm gonna
squeeze his penis so hard, like it's a stress reliever." "It's not his penis anymore,
remember?" Jenn reminded. "It belongs to us. Dr. Susan said so." "Oh, yeah," Gretchen said. "Just
our luck. We actually get a penis to play with, and it's stupid Peter's. Did
you see LJ's? I'd much rather play with that one." "Yeah, now that I know what a real one
looks like, Peter's is so small and ugly by comparison," Jenn remarked. Peter knew they were talking loud enough so he
could hear. Even though they were insulting his penis, he somehow knew they
still wouldn't have any issues playing with it 24/7. As he watched Jenn, Gretchen, and Aunt Pam pack
up the beach supplies and head back to the car, Peter decided to take in a deep
breath and appreciate the rare moment of solitude. He took in the sound of
silence. But then, he could have sworn he heard a really loud vehicle from up
over the hill. He tried to convince himself that it was just
the sounds of a nearby road, and went back to trying to relax. He took a deep
breath and dove underwater, trying to hold his breath for as long as possible.
He managed to feel a tiny sense of peace and solace as he swam around
underwater. He knew as soon as he came back to the surface, reality would hit
again and Aunt Pam would probably be ready to yell at him again. And so as he ran out of breath, he slowly made
his way back up. He rubbed his eyes dry and opened them, only to be completely
horrified when he saw a group of three little girls in Girl Scout uniforms,
along with an adult chaperone, walking along on the beach. The deepest sense of panic Peter had ever felt
began to sink in. He hoped they would maybe somehow move somewhere else or
otherwise not notice him. At least not until Aunt Pam came back from her car.
Where was she, anyway? His quiet sense of panic was broken when the
grownup in the group shouted, "Excuse me! This is private property! Get
out of the water!" The last thing Peter was ever going to do was
get out of the water and let this group of girls see that he was naked, still
with his Viagra-enhanced boner! Panicked, he uncharacteristically fought back
against the adult stranger: "It's a beach! It's public property!" All
he needed was enough time for Aunt Pam to return. "No, young man!" the chaperone screamed,
increasingly frustrated. "This area belongs to Camp Meadowbrook! You are
trespassing on Girl Scout property!" 'Girl Scout property'!?!? Aunt Pam had taken
him, naked, to a Girl Scout camp?! Just then, Aunt Pam emerged. Peter had never
been so happy to see her. She introduced herself to the chaperone,
"Hi, that's my nephew. I am so sorry. I completely forgot they sold this
land to the Girl Scouts a few months ago." "Pam? Pamela Strath?" the chaperone
asked. "Judy! Is that you?!" Aunt Pam gushed.
"How are you?" The two began smiling, hugging, and
chit-chatting. It just so happened they were longtime friends, though it had
been a couple years since they saw each other. "I'm sorry about my nephew," Aunt Pam
said. "I tried to get him to leave a while ago, but you know how boys
are." "Oh, of course," Judy the chaperone
tutted. "I hear that people still come here all the time. They're still
working on the 'No Trespassing' signage. Most people do have the decency to
leave when they are asked to, though." "Peter! Come on; we have to go!" Aunt
Pam shouted. She was embarrassed to be seen with her unruly nephew in front of
her old friend. But Peter just glared at her as if trying to
send her a mental message, 'Hello! I'm naked, remember?!' But Aunt Pam didn't get the message. "Peter
I am not kidding!!" Peter could not move even if he wanted to. How
in the world was a 13-year-old boy supposed to voluntarily march naked and
erect, on the beach in front of all those staring sets of new female eyes? "PETER SUTTON, IF YOU DON'T..." Aunt
Pam screamed. Judy decided to help ease the tension,
"Pam, honestly, knowing that he's with you, he can stay. He's obviously
having fun out there. You still live out in that big countryside house? Why
don't I just bring him back to your place later?" "Oh, no, you don't have to do that. Trust
me; Peter is a handful. He treats my daughters with so little respect. I
wouldn't want him doing the same to your Girl Scouts," Aunt Pam said. "No, please, it's fine. We'll just hold off
on swim time for an hour or so and let him wear off some steam," Judy
declared. "Let him have his fun. I promise you. It's no big deal. I'll
drive him back to your place once he's ready to go home." Aunt Pam did relish the idea of being Peter-free
for as long as possible, so she shouted, "Peter! You win! You can stay
here until you're ready to come home! Judy here will drive you back!" Peter wanted to pinch himself and wake up from
this ever unfolding nightmare. Now he had to choose between letting these three
girls and one adult see him naked, and let Jenn and Gretchen angrily play with
his penis all the way home, or prolong the inevitable exposure but be
temporarily free of Aunt Pam and his cousins. Before he could respond, he saw Aunt Pam turn
away and head back up the hill. Peter had a mix of relief and fear once again. "Peter!" Judy called out in a
refreshingly nice tone. "Just let me know when you're ready to go home,
okay, hon?" "Okay!" Peter shouted back. He felt
kind of relaxed, thinking maybe this woman wasn't as mean as Aunt Pam. Maybe he
could even explain the situation to her. To his surprise, he saw Aunt Pam re-emerge with
something in her hand. She gave it to Judy. Then, without even addressing
Peter, Aunt Pam vanished from view once again. "Okay, girls, let's head to the
campsite," Judy declared. "How come we don't get to swim?" one
of the girls asked, disappointed. "You will, honey," Judy remarked.
"Just as soon as this boy is done swimming." That caused all three sets of little girl eyes
to look over at Peter with disdain, making him incredibly self-conscious. "Come on girls; I'll go show you where all
our camp stuff is set up," Judy said, leading them through the thick foresty
area and disappearing from Peter's view. Peter just took a deep sigh and went back to
enjoying his exceedingly rare alone time, although it seemed like mere seconds
before Judy re-emerged, not taking her eyes off him. As he swam around, he
started to feel more self-conscious, wondering if she could somehow tell that
he was naked. Adding to his fear was the fact that he still
had a boner that wouldn't go away. And he knew he was eventually going to have
to expose himself, so he decided he only had one option. He began trying to
jerk himself off underwater. Of course, Judy was keeping an eagle eye on him,
so he tried to turn around and act as nonchalant as possible. It was a weird feeling to get used to. He had
never tried to masturbate underwater before. He finally got a rhythm going when
he heard, "Hey! What are you doing out there?" Peter instinctively turned back around and
shouted, "Nothing! Just treading in the water." Peter began swimming
around and not putting his hands anywhere near his penis, to avoid further
suspicion. Unfortunately, his plan backfired and now he had an even more raging
penis than before. "Are you ready to go home yet?" Judy
shouted. She began thinking that maybe Aunt Pam was right about Peter being up
to no good. "Uh...no, not yet!" Peter shouted back
as he performed mental gymnastics in his head about what to do next. Before he could form a thought, he heard the
sound of another very loud vehicle. He started panicking at the idea of someone
else showing up. Just then, Judy reached into her pocket and pulled out her
cell phone. She looked at Peter and shouted, "Peter! Stay right there -- I
will be right back!" With that, Judy disappeared through the trees once
again. Finally. 100% alone time. Peter started relaxing,
fully relaxing, for the first time in what seemed like forever. Then, without
anyone around, he decided to continue his underwater jerking off. But once
again, just as he was making progress, he was interrupted -- this time, to his
horror, by what sounded like a big group of people. Peter turned around and became absolutely
terrified at the sight of a huge stream of girls in swimsuits running down the
hill, heading right in his direction. There must have been nearly 20 of them.
Along with another two chaperones. "Alright, girls! Swim time!" one of
the new adults shouted. Peter's heart sank as he immediately started swimming
back toward deeper water. To his absolute horror, all of the girls darted
directly into the water, and some even began swimming toward him. "Hey, come back! We won't bite," one
of the girls shouted. To Peter's surprise, some of the girls were really fast
swimmers and were catching up with him, so he decided to turn around and try to
talk rationally to them. "What troop are you in?" one of the
girls asked. Peter realized that they must have thought he
was a girl, so he tried to sink as low in the water as possible, his head
barely poking out, to avoid exposing his chest or anything else that might
expose him as a boy. "Um...ahem...um," Peter said, trying
to speak in a high-pitched voice. "We're troop 48A," the girl
introduced. "I'm Amy, this is Lucy, and, well, you'll meet everyone else
eventually." The rest of the girls were scattered throughout the water. "Why are you out here by yourself?"
Amy asked. Peter was terrified that if he talked, or did
anything, they would realize he was a boy, and who knows what would happen
then? He could overhear Amy whisper to Lucy,
"Look at that haircut. She looks like a boy." Lucy replied, "That's mean," but she
couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle. "Come on, don't be shy," Lucy teased
as she tried to grab Peter's arm. Peter had never felt more uncomfortable in his
life. He prayed that if he just acted really shy and quiet, they would lose
interest. Instead, the exact opposite happened, and in
fact more and more of the girls began swarming around him. Peter looked to the beach in the hopes that one
of the chaperones would tell them to leave him alone, but realized that no
adults were in sight. "Who's the new girl?" / "I don't
recognize her." / "What troops is she from?" It seemed all the
attention was now squarely focused on Peter, the last thing in the world he
wanted. "Do you even speak English?" Amy asked
sarcastically. Peter's plan of just being quiet was clearly not
working, so he decided to play along and just beg them to leave him alone. Clearing his throat, he began speaking in his
high-pitched voice, "Um, my name is... uh, Penny. I just wanna swim around
if that's okay." Unfortunately for Peter, he couldn't have picked
a worse name because the most socially outgoing girl in the group exclaimed,
"Penny! That's my name too!" She then swam right up in front of
Peter. "That's so cool; you're the only other
Penny I've ever met," the girl said with genuine delight. "You don't
have to be so shy. Let's be friends." With that, she reached out her hands
and embraced Peter without giving him a split second to move. Somehow, she managed to avoid making contact
with his underwater boner, but she did recoil when she felt around his back and
realized it was all bare skin. "Wait a minute... You're naked!" Penny
shouted, resulting in nothing but more interest and attention from all the
girls. "No way!" / "You're skinny-dipping?"
/ "Where did you put your swimsuit?" "Prove it," Amy said, her voice
cutting through all the commotion, leading to a chorus of "Yeah!"
from everyone else. Peter froze, making extra sure yet again that
his head was just barely poking above the water. "Can you please just give me some privacy?
I didn't realize your troop was coming here so soon," Peter said in his
girly voice. "Nuh uh. You either prove it to us or we're
gonna prove it to ourselves," Amy boasted. At just that moment, chaperone Judy, Aunt Pam's
friend from earlier, re-emerged on the beach with her three scouts now in their
swimsuits. "Oh boy, can we go swimming now too,
mom?" one of her scouts asked, noticing all the other girls in the water. "Umm...I guess so," Judy replied,
causing them to eagerly run into the water and join the commotion around Peter. 'Where the hell did Peter go?' Judy asked
herself, unable to identify him hidden among the swarm of girls. "Peter?!?" Judy shouted multiple
times, hoping he could hear her. She started worrying that she may have lost
the boy she was supposed to look over. Peter froze. What the hell was he supposed to
do? How in the world did he get into this situation? Too afraid to do anything,
he decided not to respond to Judy's calls and pretend he didn't hear her. But his situation among the Girl Scouts was
getting even worse. They continued teasing him, daring him to prove to them
that he (or "she," as they thought) was naked. There were girls on
every side of him, so he couldn't even swim away. Amy eventually took the courage to say,
"Okay, you asked for it," as she reached in and tried to give Peter's
nipples a playful squeeze. Caught off-guard by the unexpected shape and
feel, she incessantly giggled, "Whoa! You like don't have any boobs at
all." That caused the rest of the curious girls to bust out laughing. Now that one girl had done it, the rest felt
emboldened to start reaching for and grabbing Peter's body as well. He felt
hands up and down his front and back, with some of the more playful girls
grabbing his butt. And then, of course, inevitably he felt someone
swat at his penis, which from all this female attention was as excited as it
had ever been. "Wait! What is that?!" one of the
girls shrieked. Peter then felt increased grasps and tugs on his incredibly
raging boner. "OH MY GOD IT'S A NAKED BOY!" came the
official declaration from another girl. That resulted in an orchestra of little girl
screams as most of them began to swim away, though a couple of the more curious
ones stayed within arm's reach. Hearing the commotion from the shore, Judy
shouted, "What is going on over there???" With so many girls dispersing from Peter, Judy
now had a perfect view of the 13-year-old boy. "PETER, what in God's name are you
doing?!?!?!?" Judy shouted with extreme disbelief. "Come here RIGHT NOW!" she added. Peter was almost legitimately paralyzed with
fear. He started thinking about how bad this was going to look for him, and was
making the realization that no defense he could offer would possibly be
believed. "You come here right now or I'm calling the
cops!" Judy demanded. That extra level of paranoia broke through Peter's
earlier fears, and he reluctantly began swimming back to shore. As he reached shallower waters, all the girls
were following right behind to get a good look of his exposed naked butt. As he reached the shore, Judy yanked Peter up
onto the beach, keeping him faced away from all the female onlookers. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NAKED? WITH AN
ERECTION?! You better have an explanation for this!" Judy screamed. Not only terrified from the situation, but also
shivering with cold, Peter could barely speak. "It-it-it-it-it's Aunt
P-p-p-p-p-am," he tried to say. But the socially outspoken girl Penny decided to
step in before Peter had a chance to distort the facts: "Mrs. Horn, he
pretended to be a girl. And then he said he was naked and told us to touch
him!" Judy had a look of unmitigated horror on her face. "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-noooo!!" Peter tried to
defend himself. In his mind, he could form the words, 'That's not how it
happened,' but he just couldn't manage to actually say it. "You, stay right here!!!" Judy shouted
as she went to grab something further up on the beach. Peter could feel every
single pair of female eyes staring directly at his naked butt. To his horror, some of the braver girls got up
out of the water and came around for a view of the front side, causing Peter to
instinctively cover his penis. That caused the chaperone to run back and smack
his hands, and his penis, shouting, "Don't you dare touch that in front of
these girls!" Peter couldn't believe that the chaperone didn't
bother to say anything to the 20+ girls who were openly gawking at his naked
body. "You better stay right here!" Judy
shouted as she headed back into the wooded area, leaving him alone with the
group of pre-teen girls. He looked at the ground intently as though he could
make it open up and swallow him whole. He was so desperate to try to block out the
feeling of everyone looking at him, that it caught him completely by surprise
when he felt someone's hand grasping his raging penis. "I can't believe you just did that!"
one of the girls shouted. "What did it feel like?" another one
asked in between giggles. "Why don't you try for yourselves?"
the brave girl smiled as she went in for another squeeze. With that, the truly adventurous girls of the
group began taking turns grabbing his boner, giggling, and making observations
about it. "It feels soooo weird," one girl
noted. Amy, the girl from earlier, reached in to
observe, "It's, like, soft and hard at the same time." She squeezed
it several times to try to get an understanding for its shape and feel. "Girls!" an authoritative figure
shouted, causing everyone to scamper away. Peter looked up and saw all three chaperones
emerging from the wooded area. Judy dashed right for him, shouting, "Peter!!!
Let's go. You are going home right now and I am telling your aunt exactly what
you just did here!" Peter didn't think anything worse could possibly
happen to him. But one of the older, meaner-looking chaperones
chimed in, "Oh no. He's not going anywhere. I am calling the cops right
now. You are going to be locked up for a long time, mister." Peter started feeling tears in his eyes. The
incredible level of panic managed to give him enough adrenaline to force out
the words, "No, please, it's my Aunt Pam's fault." Judy just glared at him. "Okay, that does
it. Yeah, call the cops, Traci. If you had just apologized, then maybe this
would be a different story. But you don't think I know what you were doing
earlier? When you had your back to me and you were going to town on
that...thing of yours?" "Nooo pleeeeeease. Let me explain,"
Peter pleaded. "Please don't call the cops." "I'm sorry but you should have thought
about that before. What you were doing is very, very illegal," the more
authoritative chaperone, Traci, said sternly. "Well, wait, if I can just be the voice of
reason for a second," fellow chaperone Laura interjected. "Now, it
looked to me like the girls were pretty curious earlier." The group of girls tried to look around
innocently. "No, it's okay, girls. Nothing to be
ashamed of. I'm just thinking here. This is a Girl Scout retreat. We're
supposed to learn about nature. Is there anything more natural than a naked
boy?" Laura opined, leading to a smattering of chuckles from the girl
crowd. "Well, the girls are about that age,"
another chaperone piped in. "This would be a good way to introduce them to
the, ahem, 'differences' between girls and boys, in a safe and natural setting.
No one asked for this opportunity, but as long as it's here, we may as well
take advantage of it."