* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
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* * * * *
Peter Sutton 6
Peter felt a
complete sense of anger that this woman appeared to have already cast a
horrible judgment on him, likely based on completely warped truths that Aunt
Pam had told her. He didn't even get a chance to make a real impression on her.
But he was going to do everything possible to change that; maybe a 'neutral'
party like this would realize that he's actually a really good young man. "Thank you so
much, Susan. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this," Aunt Pam
remarked as they all entered the house. Susan Tripton was
one of Aunt Pam's best friends, and as far as Aunt Pam knew, Susan was a
licensed psychiatrist. However, the truth was that Susan was a college dropout;
she married a wealthy psychiatrist and in order to increase her ego, she told
other people, including Aunt Pam, that she was a doctor too. She never expected
to have to treat a real patient, but when Aunt Pam called her earlier and asked
her to help with her unruly nephew, she decided to just go with it. So without any
introduction whatsoever, Susan began cupping Peter's balls. "Let's see
what we're dealing with here," she said. She realized she should make sure
this is what Aunt Pam expected, so she added, "Is it okay if I..."
Susan asked. "Oh of
course; whatever you need to do," Aunt Pam encouraged. With that
confirmation, she began stroking his penis with extreme mastery -- slow but
steady. Peter began to silently moan. Unlike Jenn and Gretchen's clueless
ministrations, this woman knew what she was doing. Susan looked up to
see Jenn and Gretchen watching intently, sometimes with their mouths wide open,
fervently taking mental notes. This is the first time they saw someone who
looked like she knew the correct way to handle a penis. Now that Susan
knew she had earned their attention, she decided to resume her
"psychiatrist" demeanor. "Well, as far as I can tell, this is a
normal penis," she said professionally, as she continued to stroke it.
"What exactly has been the problem?" "Well, as I
told you over the phone, Peter introduced his penis to Jenn and Gretchen, and
we've been trying to be mature about it," Aunt Pam explained, causing
Peter to cringe. "Except for Peter; he has done nothing but lie about
everything and then try to blame my girls for his inappropriate conduct. Even
for the things that he does with his own penis. Can you believe that?!" "Is this
true, Peter?" Susan turned to the increasingly embarrassed 13-year-old. "I mean... I
don't know how to explain it. Sometimes I can control it and sometimes I can't.
When I get an erection, I can't just make it go away. It's impossible..."
Peter tried rationalizing himself to this 'professional' woman. "And, it
really does get hard when people touch it. I don't want it to, but it does.
Honestly. I'm not making any of this up," Peter continued with desperation
in his voice. "You
see?!" Aunt Pam exclaimed with vindication. "He literally wants to
accept zero responsibility. He gets an erection, he blames Jenn and Gretchen;
he spurts all over my floor, he blames Jenn and Gretchen. One time he clenched
his butt and even tried to blame THAT on my innocent girls. How could any of
that possibly be their fault? It's his body!" Susan was
desperately trying not to laugh at the way her dear old friend clearly
understood nothing about the way boys and their bodies work. Nevertheless, she
was her friend and she wanted to help, so she played along. "Calm down,
Pam," 'Dr. Susan' said professionally. "We're all here to help Peter
together." "You're
right; I'm sorry," Aunt Pam said. "I just can't stand to see Peter
standing there with a big, rude erection like that and then try to pretend that
he's always the victim." "It's okay,
Pam. I've seen many cases like this," 'Dr. Susan' said with fake
expertise. Turning her
attention back to Peter, Susan asked, "Now, Peter, I think everyone here
is willing to forgive you for everything, which is very generous of them.
Right, Jenn? Gretchen? Pam?" While Aunt Pam
didn't want to give Peter a clean slate so easily, she saw Jenn and Gretchen
nod their heads, so she decided as long as they were able to forgive Peter, she
could too. "See, isn't
that nice?" Susan said to Peter. "I think it would go a long way in
helping things if you individually apologized to each of them." Peter began to
realize that Aunt Pam had already convinced this 'doctor' about everything, and
he wasn't going to be able to change her mind. What else was new? He decided to
just go with the flow, as long as that would genuinely help things. "I'm sorry,
Aunt Pam. I'm sorry, Jenn. I'm sorry Gret..." Peter began. "Peter, how
about something a little more heartfelt?" Susan interrupted.
"Apologize to each of them by detailing your rude behavior and all the bad
things you've done." Peter swallowed
hard before preparing to degrade himself yet again in front of all these women.
He finally mustered up the strength to say, "Aunt Pam... I'm sorry for
spilling food on my clothes last night. I had no idea that would lead to all of
this." Aunt Pam wasn't
moved. "That is not an apology, Peter," she replied. "You have a
million other things to apologize for. Like lying to me, talking back to me,
disobeying my orders, begging me to wear underwear on the way over here and
then being a smart aleck by putting on a pair of shorts instead. Waving that
erection around all the time even though I've explicitly told you not to. We've
got a lot to cover before we can even start focusing on your apologies to Jenn
and Gretchen." That lecture was
the final straw. Peter began to snap inside. He was willing to put up with a
lot of grief and humiliation, but this was starting to go too far. "Okay,
fine... I'm so sorry for wanting to wear clothes like a normal person. I'm
sorry I don't want to be naked all the time and let Jenn and Gretchen touch my
penis, balls, and butt any time they want. I'm sorry I don't want everyone in
the neighborhood to come over and touch my body. I'm sorry I don't just always
go along with everything while you yell at me and never listen to me, and I'm
sorry I'm even related to you in the first place," Peter said. He felt an
incredible sense of relief getting that off his chest. But then he immediately
felt a huge sense of terror at what Aunt Pam was going to say in response. "PETER
SUTTON, HOW DARE YOU..." Aunt Pam began to rip into him, but decided not
to lose her cool as long as Susan was in the room. Turning to her
friend, Aunt Pam calmly said, "Clearly you can see what I have to deal
with." Susan was likewise
taken aback by Peter's outburst. She of course had not been witness to all the
turmoil that Peter had gone through and instead only saw Peter as a teenage boy
with a bad attitue. With her fake psychiatric expertise, she determined the
only way to help Peter would be to continue to embarrass him until he learned
some manners. "My
goodness," Susan said. "Pam, Jenn, Gretchen, I am so sorry. I had no
idea it was so bad. You are all real troopers for dealing with this." "No! This is
not fair! What kind of doctor are you? Are you even going to listen to my
side?!" Peter asked incredulously. Peter felt good
for finally expressing himself, but unfortunately all he was doing was earning
another female foe, especially since Susan was self-conscious about the fact
that she actually wasn't a real doctor. She was now determined to humiliate
Peter even further as revenge for that outburst. "Peter, what
has gotten into you?!" Aunt Pam exclaimed. "Susan, as far as I'm
concerned, I don't want you to listen to a single thing Peter says from this
point on. I want you to use your best judgment on how to handle this little
monster." "Well yes, my
goodness, this is one of the most unruly boys I've ever dealth with,"
Susan said with emphasis. Peter began to deeply regret trying to stand up for
himself. "I want to examine his penis and balls a little more. Do you
mind?" "Well,
actually..." Peter started to object. "No one was
asking you, Peter," Aunt Pam interrupted. "No, Susan, I don't mind.
In fact, I encourage it. Please examine as much as you need to." Susan began
massaging Peter's balls with one hand and stroking his penis with the other.
Suddenly the argumentative Peter was back to silently moaning and taking short
staggered breaths. "Hmmm..."
Susan muttered as she looked in closer on Peter's genitals. She was barely able
to contain her own laughter, knowing exactly what she was putting the helpless
teenager through. "Yes, just as
I suspected," Susan said with her mock professionalism. "Peter is
right in the middle of going through puberty." Peter understood
enough to know that all boys his age were going through puberty. Surely 'Dr.
Susan' could have known that without playing with his penis... "What's
puberty?" Jenn asked. "I think we
learned something about that in school," Gretchen said foggily. "But
I thought it was when girls become more mature or something. I didn't know it
was a thing for boys too?" Of course, Jenn and Gretchen both went to a
private all-girls school. "That's very
good, Gretchen," Susan admired, turning to Aunt Pam and adding,
"She's so smart." "For girls,
it's a biological change that makes you a strong, mature young woman. It's a
beautiful thing, and judging by how mature and responsible you've become, I'd
say puberty is definitely going well for you," Susan confirmed, causing
Gretchen to grin ear to ear. "But boys
start puberty much later than girls, and I don't even think it should be called
the same thing because it's so different," Susan said in a changing tone
of voice. "When boys go through puberty, they actually start to get less
mature. They get an inflated ego, meaning they start thinking they're better
than everyone else." "And of
course the worst part of all..." Susan remarked, pausing to take a grasp
of Peter's penis, "They start believing that their penis is the most
important thing in the world." "That sure
sounds like Peter," Aunt Pam glared. Jenn and Gretchen
couldn't contain their laughter. "I am so glad I'm not a boy," Jenn
chuckled. "They are so weird." "Well, most
boys are still able to have some manners even as they go through puberty,"
Susan remarked. "But
others..." she looked at Peter, "...need help from a professional
like myself." "Please, tell
us what we can do," Aunt Pam pleaded. "Well, in my
expert opinion, Peter has grown an unhealthy sense of arrogance because of his
puberty. You're all going to need to work together to help fix that,"
Susan began. "Whatever we
can do to help," Gretchen smiled. "In 99% of
boys, this kind of attitude really just boils down to their penis," Susan
said, making up a statistic. "So what you're all going to need to do is to
work together to help Peter understand that his penis is not the most important
thing in the universe. Having a penis doesn't give him the right to act
obnoxious. It doesn't make him superior to women. If anything, it makes him
inferior." "Yes, I've
tried teaching Jenn and Gretchen that his penis is nothing special, that they
should just treat it like any other body part, but Peter keeps trying to
confuse them," Aunt Pam explained. "Oh, no,
that's a mistake," Susan remarked. "No, no, no. You can't treat it
like it's Peter's body part at all. That gives it too much dignity. You need to
go much further. Treat it like it doesn't even belong to him. Like it's an
inanimate object." "What do you
mean?" Jenn asked, unable to contain her smile. "If you want
to touch it, just touch it. Especially when it's sticking out like it is now,
feel free to just give it a squeeze whenever you want. Invite your friends over
to show it off to them. Don't pay any attention to anything he says about it. If
he complains, don't even listen. Basically, until he's able to learn some
humility, his penis belongs to you, so his concerns don't mean anything,"
Susan explained. Unfortunately for
Peter, Susan was quite the expert at male humiliation. All of the foreplay she
ever did with her husband involved forced embarrassment of him in some way. So
rather than try to bungle her way through a real therapy session, she decided
to just put Peter through naked humiliation and hope that she could make it
come across as though she was offering legitimate treatment. To that end, she
took note of Peter's penis and realized that it was beginning to lose its boner
status. Convincing herself that the real purpose of this session was to
continue Peter's embarrassment, she said, "One other thing I would
add..." She began stroking
his penis again, making everyone in the room pay attention to it as it shot
back to full-blown erection, and remarked, "I think you should let up on
criticizing Peter for his erections." "Clearly
Peter thinks it's a thrill to disobey your orders; the best way to treat that
is just to pretend like you don't care. That way, the thrill will wear off and
he'll eventually just stop on his own," Susan clarified, once again proud
of her fake advice. "That's such a
good idea!" Aunt Pam enthused. "Did you hear that Peter? You can make
your penis hard as often as you want. In fact, we want you to make it as erect
as possible all the time." Peter pretended to
roll his eyes, knowing that stupid reverse psychology was not going to have any
impact whatsoever on him continuing to get boners. But he was at least very
happy that he was no longer going to be villified for it. "You are so
amazing, Sue," Aunt Pam gushed. "The only thing I'm worried about is
that as soon as we walk out that door, Peter is just going to return to his old
ways. I hate to be one of 'those people,' but is there any kind of medicine or
official treatments we can use? You know, maybe something to calm his nerves or
something?" "Hmmm...."
Susan pondered. Then she remembered -- she didn't actually want to help Peter.
His outburst earlier helped cement the fact that he was just one of those rude
teenagers who needed to be knocked down a peg. She was also tormented terribly
by bullies like Peter back when she was his age, so she was subconsciously
looking at this as a means of retroactive revenge. As a result, she started
thinking of ways she could use this opportunity to embarrass him. "Well, I have
a couple samples in our closet that I think will help you deal with all
this," Susan said as she disappeared for a moment. As soon as she
disappeared, Jenn and Gretchen returned to their usual free reign over Peter's
genitals, while Aunt Pam sat back and felt incredibly grateful to have a friend
like Susan. Hopefully whatever kind of medicine or treatments she had would
make this whole situation much more manageable. "Dr.
Susan" re-emerged with an unmarked yet professional-looking prescription
bottle, and offered it to Aunt Pam. She glanced over at Jenn and Gretchen and
simply smiled at the sight of them satisfying their curiosities and playing
with Peter's bits and pieces. Turning back to
Aunt Pam, she said, "I want Peter to take one of these every
morning." "What is
it?" Aunt Pam asked. Susan rattled off
some completely made-up pharmaceutical-sounding name, adding, "It will
help calm his nerves. You know, being away from his home for so long has
probably been really stressful on him, so this will help." "If by the
middle of the day, it doesn't seem like he's any different, then give him
another one. So, maximum of two per day," Susan instructed. Of course, that
was just a cover. She had actually filled the prescription bottle with Viagra.
That would be sure to introduce all kinds of new embarrassment for Peter. Susan then
produced a tube of liquid. Again, it was unmarked but it looked very
"prescription-y." "And this is
a topical gel for his penis," Susan explained. "How do I use
this?" Aunt Pam asked plainly. Peter was also latching on to every word
even though he was slightly distracted by Jenn and Gretchen. He really did not
like the idea of anything being applied to his penis that he didn't understand. "Just rub it
into Peter's penis whenever it gets really swollen like it is now. It's not
normal for boys to keep their penises erect like that for so long, so if he
keeps insisting on doing so, apply this liberally," Susan explained. In reality, she
had filled the unmarked tube with her husband's favorite oil-based sexual
lubricant. She only used it on very special occasions like their anniversary or
any time she wanted him to do something for her. One drop would drive him
absolutely wild and kick him into full-on sexual frenzy. And because it was
oil-based, it never left any kind of sticky residue. Susan could barely imagine
what it would do to a hormone-riddled teenager and almost began to laugh
thinking about the kinds of situations it would no doubt cause for Peter. "So, we
should rub this on him every time he decides to get an erection?" Aunt Pam
questioned. "Well, not
every time," Susan responded, making up the rules on the fly. "Just
if he's had one for a while. You know, if he insists on keeping it hard for an
hour or two. Or if you ever notice it getting red or swollen or anything like
that." "So if Peter
keeps acting the way he has been, we'll probably need this at least a couple
times a day," Aunt Pam reasoned. Susan managed to hold back a chuckle. "Girls, did
you understand all that?" Aunt Pam turned to her daughters. "You'll
probably be the ones putting this on his penis." Jenn and Gretchen smiled
and nodded. "How much do
I owe you for this stuff?" Aunt Pam asked, prepared to get out her
checkbook. "Oh, please.
For a good friend like you, no charge. We've got closets full of samples like
this," Susan said. "No, no, I
insist," Aunt Pam said, but Susan interrupted, No, *I* insist.
Please..." "Well,
okay," Aunt Pam relented. "You know,
you've been so incredibly helpful and I could never thank you enough, but can I
just quickly ask you..." Aunt Pam said. "Anything,"
Susan replied. "I know this
is probably ridiculous, but is there anything out there for ... his
'spitting'?" Aunt Pam asked, using the same terminology she explained to
Susan over the phone earlier. "Unfortunately,
that's just a bad habit you're going to have to help him break," Susan
said to Aunt Pam's disappointment. "What might
be a good idea is for you to give him some place or time where he is allowed to
'spit,' maybe once a day. That way it doesn't seem so taboo, and as a result
the thrill might wear off," Susan suggested, just like she did for his
erections. "If you do
that, then you have every right to punish him if he ever 'spits' anywhere
else," the fake doctor reasoned. Susan was
intimately aware that what she was saying was going to be completely at odds
with the Viagra and the lubricant she had 'prescribed,' which were in fact
likely to make him 'spit' all over the place. But again, rude boys like Peter
deserved to be embarrassed so she had no guilt over what she was doing. "That's a
great idea, Susan," Aunt Pam remarked. "I'll start supervising his
baths and will give him an opportunity to 'spit' there. You know, until the
thrill wears off like you said. Then we can start going with an ironclad
no-spitting rule." "...The only
problem is that Jenn's got her birthday party in a couple days, and I don't
know if we'll have this situation under control by then. I just really hate the
idea of Peter being so unruly in front of a house full of girls who haven't
become used to it like Jenn and Gretchen," Aunt Pam said. That was a total
bombshell to Peter. He had no clue that a bunch of little girls were going to
be occupying the house in a couple days. And Aunt Pam made it sound like he was
expected to be in the middle of the action. "Oh dear,
yes, I see your concern," Susan said with sincerity. Trying to think of
anything that might help with such a situation, Susan remarked, "Well,
there is something, but I don't think I have any samples I could give you. I'd
have to special order it." "What is
it?" Aunt Pam asked with optimism. "Well it's
tough to explain but it would really help with Peter's 'spitting,' at least in
that kind of setting where you really need to keep his penis under control for
4-5 hours or so," Susan said cryptically, causing Peter to go into silent
panic mode. This did not sound like something he wanted whatsoever. "I'll order
it for you and we can go over everything tomorrow," Susan offered. "Oh my
goodness, yes that sounds like such a perfect solution," Aunt Pam beamed.
"I am so grateful I have a friend like you in my life who can help with
this kind of stuff." "Oh, please,
after all you've done for me, I'm just so happy I could finally help you,"
Susan replied. "But your
perfect little daughters here are so sweet, you've never needed counseling
before," she added, causing Jenn and Gretchen to beam. Her message
succeeded in making Peter feel even worse about himself. "Oh, aren't
you sweet?" Aunt Pam replied as she got up from her chair, not caring for
a moment whether or not Peter felt ashamed. "Oh wait, before
I forget..." Aunt Pam remarked. "Do you still have that really fancy
camera?" "Oh yeah,
actually, I've really gotten back into my photography since I hit the big 5-0.
You know, midlife crisis and all that," Susan chuckled. "Don't remind
me," Aunt Pam laughed. Peter sighed as
they continued their old-lady chitchat for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Gretchen
had begun trying to imitate Susan's stroking motions from earlier, causing
inner stirrings even more powerful than Peter had felt before. Eventually their
discussion had circled back to photography. "Well, I hate to impose, but
Jenn and Gretchen were interested in taking some pictures of Peter," Aunt
Pam said, realizing that that might sound a little weird to someone who didn't
understand the proper context. "You know, since we rarely get to see him
and he'll be gone next week." "Oh, of
course!" Susan enthused as she headed to her room. "No imposition at
all!" Peter was yet
again filled with a mix of horror, anger, and humiliation at the thought of his
formerly private parts being the center of attention again, much less for some
kind of photo shoot. Susan came back
out with the camera. "Okay, girls, how about a group shot?" "Actually, we
were kind of more interested in just Peter," Jenn clarified. "If-if
that's okay." "Oh of
course, dear! Whatever you want," Susan acquiesced. "Smile,
Peter!" Susan directed, pointing the camera at his face. Peter moved just
enough of his face muscles to exert a completely forced smile. Before Susan
clicked the shutter button, though, Jenn giggled, "No... not his face. His
penis," as though that should have been obvious. Taking her cue,
Susan chuckled back, "Of course. How silly of me." Jenn continued to
giggle at the ridiculous suggestion that she would want pictures of her
cousin's face instead of his penis. Susan crouched
down and held the DSLR camera inches away from Peter's raging boner, and began
clicking away. She must have taken 100 pictures: from the left, from the right,
head-on, from below, from above. "Here! Get
one of me holding it," Gretchen suggested as she swooped in with one of
her death grips. "Do you want
to be in it?" Susan offered. Gretchen shyly said, "No..." Aunt Pam piped in,
"Gretchen's kind of camera shy." "Ah, I
understand," Susan replied. "I don't like people taking pictures of
me either. Here, let's get a good one of your hand squeezing his penis really
hard." "I'm camera
shy too," Peter piped in. The room just went silent. "See how he
has to complain about everything?" Aunt Pam muttered to Susan. "Can you get
a few of just his balls?" Jenn asked eagerly, not caring about Peter's
concerns. "Of course
dear. I've got a huge memory card in here," Susan gushed. "Why don't
one of you move his penis out of the way so I can really focus on the
balls?" Susan asked. Gretchen was happy to step in and lift up his boner
so the balls stood out. As Susan snapped
away at his balls, Jenn reached in as if trying to better pose them for the
camera. "How about
one of each of you holding it?" Susan suggested. "Oh,
yeah!" Jenn exclaimed as she and Gretchen both eagerly grabbed his boner
together. "That one's a
keeper," Susan remarked as she continue to snap an excessive amount. "Pam, why
don't you get in here?" Susan called out. "Oh, no, this
is Jenn and Gretchen's opportunity," Aunt Pam replied, completely happy to
see her daughters so accepting of Peter's rude genitals. "Come on,
mommm..." Jenn encouraged. "Well,
okay," Aunt Pam changed her tune since she didn't want to say no to her
daughters. Jenn and Gretchen
each let go of Peter's penis so their mom could have a turn. So Aunt Pam
reached out and gave her nephew's boner a good squeeze, long enough for Susan
to get a few pictures, before letting go. "Come on,
mom, you can do more than that," Jenn exclaimed. So as not to seem
like a spoilsport, Aunt Pam grabbed Peter's raging boner again and shook it up
and down while Susan snapped away. Jenn happily giggled seeing her mom follow
her suggestion. "I think
that's a pretty good collection of pictures," Aunt Pam said, not wanting
to take too much advantage of Susan's hospitality. "No, wait,
what about his butt?" Jenn asked. "Oh yes, of
course," Aunt Pam said. Susan followed
along and grabbed Peter's shoulders to turn him around, without even saying
anything to him. Susan focused her
camera such that his butt cheeks took up the entire view, and she began
snapping away. Gretchen then
reached in and tried to spread his cheeks apart as much as possible. Susan
chuckled as she zoomed in to get the best views. Jenn and Gretchen
continued to get as many different poses as possible -- grabbing his butt
cheeks, including ones where each girl was holding one cheek at the same time.
This went on for a solid couple minutes before Jenn and Gretchen appeared to be
content with the variety of photos they had. "When will we
get the pictures?" Jenn asked, wishing she could already start looking
through them. "Right
now!" Susan declared, popping out the memory card and handing it over to
Aunt Pam. "Cool! I'm
gonna load them on my laptop as soon as we get home," Gretchen said. "Can we print
them out and make a big photo album of Peter's visit?" Jenn suggested. "That's a
great idea, sweetie!" Aunt Pam affirmed. Peter continued to
hate how eager they were about all of this. "Well, I
guess we should be heading out then," Aunt Pam said. "Thank you
again. I don't know what I would have done without you." Susan was so
delighted that she managed to pull off the fake psychiatrist charade. At least
to Aunt Pam. Peter had major skepticism over this woman's 'professionalism,'
but knew he wouldn't gain anything by questioning her. "So, you
girls have any fun plans for the rest of the day?" Susan asked, glancing
at Peter to see him grimace at her only referring to the "girls." "Yeah, we're
gonna head down to the beach," Aunt Pam said casually. Peter began to get
a newfound sinking feeling in his stomach. "Oh, that
sounds like fun! Enjoy!" Susan declared as she followed them out of her
house. Once Susan was out
of the picture, Peter turned to Aunt Pam with a look of sheer confusion.
"We're not really going to the beach, are we?" "Of course.
What? You don't like the beach?" Aunt Pam asked without a care in the
world. "Ummm....I
mean.... I don't have swim trunks or anything," Peter attempted to reason. "Exactly why
would you need swim trunks? You're naked..." Aunt Pam cocked her head in
confusion, not understanding Peter's concern. "What about
Jenn and Gretchen?" Peter asked. If they were going to swim naked too, he
reasoned to himself that he would be okay with this. "Oh, I
already packed their bathing suits in the trunk," Aunt Pam said calmly,
quickly putting an end to Peter's hopes. "But...."
Peter tried to figure out exactly where this situation was headed. "People
will see me." "Oh, don't
worry, Peter. It's a nice little secluded beach surrounded by a forest. No one
is ever there, especially at this hour," Aunt Pam assured as they all
piled back into the car, Peter with extreme reluctance. "Yeah every
time we go there it's like our own private beach," Jenn added with genuine
excitement. That somewhat
calmed Peter down, but he still really hated the idea of being naked in public
where it was possible that a bunch of strangers, or even one stranger, would
see him. "Won't you
get in trouble if I'm naked? Is this like some kind of nude beach or
something?" Peter inquired. "You think I
would take my daughters to a nude beach?" Aunt Pam asked with derision.
"This is a very conservative town, Peter. There are no nude beaches here." "But I'm
nude!!" Peter shouted. Could his aunt really be this clueless? "For heaven's
sake, Peter... I can't believe you start acting like this the moment we leave
Dr. Susan's house," Aunt Pam chided. She scrambled to
reach into her purse while keeping an eye on the road, and managed to pull out
the prescription bottle Susan gave her. "Here, take
one of these. It will help calm you down," Aunt Pam said, handing the
bottle in the direction of the back seat. Peter had major
misgivings over taking anything that came from that quack 'Dr. Susan,' but his
increasing stress and panic level overrode his common sense and he decided that
if this pill really did help him calm down, he would appreciate it. So he built
up some saliva in his mouth and managed to down the blue pill. Aunt Pam parked
the car at an empty parking lot on the top of a hill. Peter fervently looked
out of the window, but was pleasantly surprised when he realized he actually
couldn't see anyone for miles. Nevertheless, as
Aunt Pam instructed everyone to get out, Peter had a completely paranoid
mindset, very slowly stepping out of the car to ensure absolutely no other soul
was around. "Peter, stop
acting so weird," Aunt Pam lashed out at him as she popped open the trunk. Peter looked over
Aunt Pam's shoulders and saw the three one-piece swimsuits for her and her
daughters, as well as a couple beach towels and deck chairs. Even a picnic
basket. She had really planned for this and didn't even bother to tell him! There was a
barren-looking bathroom at the edge of the parking lot. Aunt Pam and the girls
headed over there to change. "Wait right
here, Peter. We'll just be a minute," Aunt Pam said, leaving her naked
nephew standing right in the middle of an empty parking lot. A good 10 minutes
later, Aunt Pam and the girls were still in the bathroom. Peter paced around
with a level of nervousness he had never felt before. Every gust of wind caused
intense panic. He was certain that someone else would show up any second, and
he would be there, naked with a raging boner without any logical explanation. In fact, he
started wondering why his boner was still raging so much. He was filled with
extreme fear and no one had touched his penis for a while. Based on everything
he had come to understand about his little friend, it should have shriveled up
by now. Of course, he had no idea (nor did Aunt Pam for that matter) that the
little blue pill Aunt Pam had just given him in the car was designed specifically
to sustain his erection. And there was little he could do about that. Finally, after
what seemed like forever, Aunt Pam and the girls emerged from the bathroom. To
Peter's dismay, Jenn and Gretchen were wearing very frumpy bathing suits that
barely revealed anything. It somehow made him feel like him being naked stood
out even more than when they were fully clothed. Aunt Pam didn't
even apologize for taking so long, and instead immediately ordered Peter to
grab as much stuff as possible from the trunk of the car. The naked 13-year-old
ended up carrying one of the chairs, the picnic basket, and all of the towels,
while Aunt Pam grabbed the other chair and Jenn and Gretchen carried nothing. Not only did they
not help with carrying anything, but they made the situation even more
uncomfortable for Peter by teasingly poking his butt as they walked down the
sandy hill and set up their supplies near the lake. To Peter's
incredible delight, however, there was indeed not another person to be seen,
and it was in fact a small, private beach surrounded by large trees on either
side. Thank goodness that at least he was not exposed in front of anyone else. Once they were set
up on the beach, Peter eagerly ran into the water, where he was able to feel
incredibly less exposed. While in the water, he actually started to forget he
was naked. Unfortunately,
that didn't last long as Jenn and Gretchen quickly entered as well, and
instantly swam over to Peter so they could begin groping him. Feeling his boner
underwater was new and novel for them, so it was like they were playing with
his genitals for the first time. And of course, it was new and novel for Peter
as well. Even though the conventional wisdom about cold water and shrinkage was
a small factor, the Viagra and Peter's pubescent hormones were putting up
enough of a fight to ensure he was able to maintain an erection. After putting up
with their underwater fondling for what seemed like forever, Aunt Pam called
out that it was time for dinner. She started unpacking the picnic basket as
Jenn and Gretchen dashed out of the water, once again leaving Peter behind like
an old newspaper. Peter would have
preferred to stay in the water, away from all the girls, but he was starving so
he decided to start making his way out. But then, to his
horror, he saw another family approach the beach, setting up their stuff in the
same area as Aunt Pam and his cousins! It was a boy who looked to be about the
same age as Peter, along with his mom and dad. Peter watched in agony as he saw
Aunt Pam talking to the new group of people and then pointing in his direction.