Peter Sutton 5

By Max Shooter
Copyright 2015 by Max Shooter, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Peter Sutton 5

"What is it sweetie?" Aunt Pam turned around to see what was going on.
"Peter just grabbed my bottom!" Jenn exclaimed.
With that, Aunt Pam came running over. "Peter! What has gotten into you??" Turning to Jenn, she asked, "Are you okay sweetie?"
"I'm really sorry," Peter said in a panic. "It was an accident. I tripped. I promise."
"He did it on purpose," Jenn accused instantly without even taking a second to look at the situation objectively.
"Of course he did. You apologize this instant, young man," Aunt Pam demanded.
"I did. I just said I'm sorry," Peter replied calmly with no hint of irritation in his voice.
But that wasn't good enough for Aunt Pam, who huffed and said, "You're a real smart aleck sometimes, you know that?"
Prior to this, Peter didn't think his situation could have gotten any more unfair, but he was sad to learn he was wrong. Here he was, being condemned for *accidentally*, barely touching his cousin's butt, while they have been mercilessly poking and prodding every inch of his body all day with nothing but support and approval.
The constant berating and criticizing was starting to get to Peter, so he tried to calmly rationalize, "This isn't fair, Aunt Pam. They've been touching and grabbing my butt the whole time. It's like they're specifically trying to tag me there."
Jenn got ready to defend herself, but didn't even need to before Aunt Pam turned Peter around, grabbed his left butt cheek and said, "No one cares about this, Peter. Jenn and Gretchen have zero interest in your butt. If they accidentally touched it during your game of tag, that doesn't mean anything. And it doesn't give you the right to start touching them inappropriately."
Peter could barely believe Aunt Pam even had the gall to say something like that, especially since she was still groping his naked butt. "But they, and you, get to touch me inappropriately all day long as much as you want?" Peter asked incredulously over his shoulder.
"Whoa whoa hang on," Aunt Pam shouted. "You think this is fun and games for us? Seeing you naked, waving that incredibly rude erection in front of everyone 24/7?" Aunt Pam let go of Peter's butt and instead spun him back around so she could grasp his boner to help make her point.
Turning to her daughters, Aunt Pam said, "Jenn, Gretchen, raise your hands if your cousin's inappropriate behavior has been nothing but fun and games for you. Raise your hands if you enjoy looking at his rude erection all day long."
The 'innocent' girls had to use all their might to prevent cracking huge smiles right then and there. This day was in fact turning out to be the most fun day of their lives, and exploring Peter's boner was their new favorite thing of all time, but they knew the correct answer was to pretend otherwise.
Vindicated, Aunt Pam turned to Peter and said, "You see? We didn't ask for this, Peter. You're the one who put yourself in this situation. You're the inappropriate one here, okay? If it weren't for your own actions, we would all be having a nice relaxing day today, but you've done everything in your power to prevent that."
Peter was getting more and more livid at the way Aunt Pam was twisting everything. Everything that was happening was, in fact, entirely her fault. But he knew if he even tried to say that to her face, he would be subject to even greater ridicule and punishment.
Of course, Aunt Pam was just as livid at Peter because she truly, in her heart of hearts, felt Peter was to blame for everything. And having him talk back to her, well, she saw that as the ultimate sign of disrespect.
"I've had it with you trying to blame everyone else, making yourself the victim, and now even worse, inappropriately touching my 9-year-old daughter," Aunt Pam piled on.
After waiting a few seconds, Aunt Pam frustratingly said, "Well....?"
Peter wasn't sure what he was supposed to say, so he just resigned to the words he knew Aunt Pam liked to hear. "I'm sorry..."
Jenn piped in, "I'm sorry too, mom." She knew she wasn't going to be blamed for anything. That was just her way of getting Aunt Pam to affirm that she wasn't in trouble.
"Oh, sweetie, no," Aunt Pam said in her sweet mom voice. "Don't you apologize for anything. Even with everything Peter has put you through, you have been so sweet and forgiving and responsible. I am so proud of you. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for."
"That goes for you too Gretchen," Aunt Pam affirmed to her other daughter. "You girls have done nothing wrong and I want to make sure you know that, okay?"
Jenn and Gretchen quietly beamed with pride while Peter fought with himself not to make a big scene right then and there over how increasingly unfair this whole ordeal had become.
Gretchen wanted to make sure the rules were clear and asked, " it inappropriate to touch his penis?"
"Absolutely not, honey," Aunt Pam affirmed. "Peter was just trying to confuse you again. He already agreed to the rules today and I don't understand what has gotten into him. He knows it's his fault for introducing you to his penis, and for continuing to confuse you with it. Thanks to his actions, the only inappropriate thing would be if you DIDN'T touch it, grab it, and explore it until you understand everything."
Aunt Pam then went ahead and explicitly encouraged Gretchen, "Go on honey; grab his penis and keep exploring it. Don't listen to a word Peter says."
Gretchen eagerly did as instructed, putting a death grip around Peter's increasingly frustrated boner.
Of course, Jenn had to ask, "Can I touch his balls?" As though she hadn't already been doing that all day long...
"Yes of course, sweetie. Remember you don't have to ask," Aunt Pam affirmed.
So Jenn eagerly began massaging Peter's balls, yet again encouraging his raging hormones.
With their mom overlooking them, Jenn and Gretchen each did their best to pretend that they were just clinically exploring Peter's boy parts because they were so 'confused' by them.
Unfortunately for Peter, that meant additional fondling, rubbing, and manipulating his penis and balls in ways that were driving him wild. He was going to explode at any second.
"Aunt Pam, I need to go to the bathroom." Peter thought maybe that would work as a way of escaping this ordeal.
But Aunt Pam just huffed and said, "For goodness sake, Peter. In a minute. Just hold it like a normal person."
"Well, can we go back to playing tag?" Peter suggested. Anything was better than the concentrated focus on his boner and balls.
At just that moment, seemingly out of nowhere, a huge downpour of rain began falling from the sky. Jenn and Gretchen let go of Peter's genitals and ran inside, making overly dramatic little girl screams as they tried to avoid getting too wet.
Although Peter felt incredibly relieved that he was no longer being fondled, he couldn't help but feel like he had just been tossed aside like an abandoned toy as soon as there was something more important to worry about. Jenn and Gretchen didn't care at all about him being outside in the rain.
Nevertheless, after a second of letting his penis and balls relax, Peter began to run back to the house as well but Aunt Pam called out, "Peter! How about you try to be a responsible boy and help me put away my gardening tools?"
Peter was soaking wet, but he thought maybe this would be a chance to at least try to get on Aunt Pam's good side, so he quickly collected all of her unopened seed packets, hand tools, etc, and put them in the nearby shed. Aunt Pam, meanwhile, had no issues heading back into the house on her own.
Peter sighed as he realized he wasn't going to get so much as a 'thank you' for staying out in the rain and picking up everything. Nevertheless, once everything was put away he ran back to the house and yanked on the back door, only to nearly fall down on the ground when it didn't open. It must have been locked!
He began pounding on the door and shouting for Aunt Pam, but the increasingly loud sound of the pouring rain made him wonder if anyone could even hear him. Plus, Aunt Pam's house was kind of big and if everyone was in the living room, there's no way they would be able to hear him at the back door.
After a few minutes, Peter impatiently realized the only option was to walk around to the front side of the house, where he would be much more exposed to neighbors or passing traffic. But it was raining and there probably wouldn't be anyone else outside, so he decided it was worth the risk.
Peter began cautiously making his way around the side of the house, completely paranoid as he looked around for anyone who might be able to see him. As he approached the final turn to the front side of the house, he realized the rain was beginning to let up, so he decided to move more quickly.
As he reached the front door, the clouds began to part and the rain had completely let up just as quickly as it began. Peter grabbed the doorknob but to his dismay, that door was also locked. So he rang the doorbell four or five times, knowing it would be much easier for them to hear than his knocking on the back door. After a couple minutes, he started panicking that no one was answering the door.
Peter was so terrified that someone might be walking or driving by that he decided to just stay facing the front door and not even look behind him. That way he could at least pretend that no one saw him. Unfortunately, his teenage hormones didn't care about that and were instead focused on the fact that he was naked in public, which was enough of a reason to keep the adrenaline pumping right alongside his hormones, ensuring that his boner remained fully intact.
So he was caught completely off guard when he felt an unfamiliar hand squeeze his butt cheek. He gasped and quickly turned around, nearly fainting as he saw a 30-something-year-old woman standing just inches away from him, and she was holding a little baby girl in her arms.
Rather than apologizing for startling him, or for grabbing his butt without any explanation, the mother figure indignantly asked, "Who are you and and why are you trying to break into this house? And why, for God's sake, are you naked?"
Meanwhile, the baby girl began crying, causing her mom to comfort her and cradle her back and forth. Peter didn't even know where to begin.
"I, uh.... I..." Peter stammered as the woman began to take out her cell phone and call 911.
But at just that moment, the front door opened and Aunt Pam emerged, stunned at the sight of her neighbor with her crying 14-month-old daughter, and her naked nephew right in front of her.
"What is going on here?" Aunt Pam asked, dumbfounded.
"Pam, this naked boy was trying to break into your house. When I tried to get his attention, he spun around trying to scare me and my little baby girl," the woman replied, once again making Peter seem like a complete villain.
" all went inside without me, and then the back door was locked. I was knocking for like a whole minute," Peter tried to explain.
"Sarah, I am so sorry. This is my nephew Peter and he has been nothing but trouble since he came here yesterday," Aunt Pam explained to the woman. "He's staying here while his parents and sister are on vacation. I'm sure they are having a great time without this little troublemaker around..."
"Aunt Pam, she grabbed my butt and startled me," Peter tried to reason.
It was true that the 30-year-old woman saw Peter's cute, perfect, naked butt and couldn't resist herself from taking a quick squeeze, but she didn't want to be caught red-handed. Luckily, she didn't even need to defend herself thanks to Aunt Pam.
"For crying out loud, Peter! How dare you talk like that in front of one of my friends? I am soo sorry, Sarah. Somehow Peter has gotten it in his head that his butt is God's gift to the earth and it's the only thing anyone cares about. And don't even get me started on his penis," Aunt Pam chided.
"You know what? Please, come in and let's try to sort this all out," Aunt Pam said, ensuring that she let this new woman and her daughter went inside before allowing Peter to enter.
The commotion caused Jenn and Gretchen to be curiously peering over toward the front door, shocked yet amused at the sight of Peter's soaking wet naked body, with his boner still in force (though it was just barely beginning to subside), and the little 14-month-old girl bawling.
They had no clue what happened, but began smiling at the knowledge that Peter was surely going to be in trouble again for some reason or another.
"Jenn, Gretchen," Aunt Pam remarked. "Can one of you please bring a towel down here and dry Peter off?"
Both girls rushed to the closet to grab a towel, and arrived at the front door as they began to towel him off together. Aunt Pam meanwhile had led Sarah and her baby daughter into the living room.
"So what exactly happened to poor little Cindy?" Aunt Pam asked as the little girl continued to cry.
"Well I just happened to look out the window and saw this naked boy looking like he was trying to break into your house. I had to be a good neighbor and see what he was up to. As soon as I tapped him on the shoulder, he swung around and started waving his penis at us without any humility whatsoever," Sarah described in a contortion of the facts that made Peter look as guilty as possible. "Not to mention the fact that he has an erection. Swinging it around forcefully like that is probably what made poor Cindy here start crying. I'm sure she had no idea what was happening."
Peter, meanwhile, was dealing with his two young cousins as they pretended to be drying him off while they not-so-subtly reached in and grabbed his butt, penis, and balls, restoring his penis from nearly subsided erection to full-blown boner yet again.
When he was finally dry, Jenn pushed him by his butt to guide him into the living room, where all pairs of female eyes were on him as though he was some kind of deviant.
Sarah, the neighbor, was standing up and cradling her still-bawling 14-month-old daughter Cindy. When Cindy saw Peter, she momentarily stopped crying and reached her arms out toward Peter.
"What's that, Cindy? What do you want?" her mom asked sweetly, as she moved her daughter in the direction she was reaching out. That led her straight to Peter, thinking she wanted to hug him.
"Aww isn't that sweet? She's trying to fogive you. Give her a little hug, Peter," Aunt Pam instructed.
But as Peter reluctantly reached toward her, Cindy started bawling again, making a motion with her hands that she wanted to be lowered.
Sarah lowered her crying daughter, following her hand gestures until Cindy was face-to-face with Peter's raging penis. At that point, Cindy unabashedly reached out and swatted at the guilty boner. Her crying quickly changed to intermittent giggling.
She began slapping his penis left and right, watching as it bounced back and forth.
"Awwwwwwwww!" every female voice in the room exclaimed.
"Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Sarah cooed.
"What is that, Cindy?" Sarah asked in her baby voice. "Is that a new toy?"
The toddler just continued to giggle as she slapped and smacked it.
"But it's not a toy," Peter tried to rationalize as he stepped back. It was bad enough letting his 'grown-up' (by comparison) female cousins touch it as much as they wanted. But this was patently inappropriate.
However, as soon as Peter stepped out of the infant's grasp, she began crying all over again and reaching out for it.
"Peter, I can't believe you!" Aunt Pam bellowed. "I am so sorry, Sarah."
"This is not right, Aunt Pam..." Peter couldn't believe that everyone was so casual about all of this.
But Aunt Pam just scoffed and retorted, "You should have thought about that before you started waving that around in front of my friend and her daughter. Are you ever going to learn to take responsibility for your actions?"
"Why don't I set Cindy on the floor and let her get up close and personal with it?" Sarah suggested.
"That's a good idea," Aunt Pam encouraged. "Peter, lie down on your back and don't move."
Peter froze. He tried again to explain that this wasn't his fault. "I'm really sorry. This was all an accident, honestly. I don't want her to touch me down there." Before he could continue, Cindy started crying more loudly.
"Jenn, Gretchen, can you help him?" Aunt Pam asked with frustration. Peter knew he wasn't going to win and didn't want his cousins to have another reason to feel dominant over him, so he just lied down on the floor on his own, his boner pointing up to the ceiling for everyone to see.
Without even acknowledging Peter, Sarah sat her infant daughter in a crawling position right in between Peter's legs, such that she was nearly face-to-face with his boner.
And sure enough, Cindy instantly stopped crying and began giggling as she resumed reaching for and slapping Peter's rock hard penis. Peter just closed his eyes and wished this would be over soon. He couldn't believe he actually would have rather had Jenn and Gretchen touching his penis right now. At least they partially understood what they were doing.
"Oh my gosh; this is just too adorable," Sarah gushed as she looked into her purse for her cell phone.
She began recording video as she knelt down right to the side of Peter's boner. Peter's penis took up nearly the entire screen as Sarah turned on her baby voice and asked, "What is that, Cindy? Are you having fun with your new toy?" Her daughter just continued to giggle.
"It's such a silly-looking toy, isn't it?" Sarah affirmed her daughter's giggles.
Jenn and Gretchen were starting to get jealous. Playing with Peter's penis was supposed to be their thing.
"Can we play with Cindy's new toy too?" Gretchen asked in an almost demanding tone.
"Of course, dear!" Sarah said, not giving Peter or even Aunt Pam a moment to chime in. "Sharing is caring, as they say."
And so, Gretchen began grabbing the base of Peter's shaft, holding it in place while Cindy slapped it, which only encouraged her to slap it more out of confusion for why it wasn't bobbling around anymore.
Meanwhile, Jenn was expertly cradling and massaging his balls.
"This is a really popular toy you've got here, Pam!" Sarah remarked with a chuckle as she continued to record video, zooming in on Peter's boner as much as possible.
Even though Peter would never dream of being aroused by a baby, the manipulations of his genitals from not only Cindy but also his mean cousins, were outweighing his common sense, and Peter could feel the familiar churning reaching an apex in his body.
So Peter meekly managed to shout, "Aunt Pam, I really do need to go to the bathroom now."
"Oh, for heaven's sake Peter. Fine, go ahead," Aunt Pam said, causing Peter to wiggle free from all the girl hands that were in and around his pubic area. Cindy began reaching out again and had a disappointed look on her face but at least this time did not cry.
Sarah paused her video recording and turned to baby Cindy, saying, "Well that was mean, wasn't it? Don't worry; your new toy will be back soon and we'll make sure you get to play with it as much as you want, okay, Cindy?" Her voice got louder and louder as Peter quickly walked toward the bathroom, so that she could make sure Peter heard every word.
"I am so sorry about that," Aunt Pam scoffed to Sarah.
"I've never seen anything so rude in my life," Sarah shouted back, again ensuring Peter could hear.
As if that wasn't bad enough, as Peter was making his way toward the bathroom he realized Jenn and Gretchen were following him. He went inside and locked the door, but knew that his female cousins were standing right outside. He knew they would be listening in on and questioning every sound he made, which was going to make it very difficult for him to get rid of his boner discretely.
Nevertheless, that was his top priority right now so he kneeled in front of the toilet and began unabashedly jerking off. But within seconds, Jenn and Gretchen started berating him from outside. "Are you doing okay, Peter?" "Do you need help?"
He tried to ignore them as he focused on expelling as much testosterone from his body as he could, but it was taking longer than he expected. He couldn't believe that after all he had been through, it didn't just take a couple of intimate strokes.
And unfortunately, his concentration was even more ruined when he heard a forceful knocking on the door. "Earth to Peter!" It was Aunt Pam. "Are you alright in there? If you don't say something, I'm going to knock down this door."
Peter somehow felt like he had even less privacy now than when he was directly exposed to everyone. He finally just decided to give up on releasing his balls and called back, "Yes, I'm fine. Can you just give me a minute?"
"Just hurry up, Peter. For crying out loud," Aunt Pam admonished. "And just so you know, we're going to have to inspect and clean your butt when you're done. If you're going to be naked and sitting on my clean furniture..."
"No, no, no," Peter quickly rebuffed. "I'm not doing know, number one," he clarified with total embarrassment.
"With the amount of time you've been in there, I don't believe that for a second," Aunt Pam shot back.
"No, no, really," Peter said, unable to take this humiliation anymore. He flushed the toilet even though he didn't actually have anything to flush. And thanks to his own ministrations, his penis was now throbbing more than ever.
He turned on the sink and used the sounds of all the running water to distract for a few more seconds as he tried desperately to bring himself to orgasm. But even though his balls were churning so much that he could practically hear them, he was cut off by Aunt Pam knocking on the door yet again.
Peter didn't want to give them a reason to poke and prod around his butt again, so he finally just relented and opened the bathroom door, feeling even more frustrated and embarrassed than when he went there in the first place.
He couldn't believe the sight of all the women standing right outside the door, staring right at him.
"Peter, did you even wipe at all?" Aunt Pam asked demandingly.
"I'm telling you, that's not what I did..." Peter said reasonably, before being cut off by Aunt Pam.
"Girls, can you have him lie down face first in the living room? I'm going to grab a washcloth and soap," Pam said tersely.
Peter felt so incredibly violated. He was curious to see Aunt Pam's reaction when she realized there was actually no reason at all to clean his butt, and silently hoped that might actually vindicate him and entitle him to at least a tiny apology.
But for the moment, he followed the girls back to the living room, where he lied down on the floor face-first, making his butt stick out for everyone to stare at, which they all did without any reservations.
Of course, Peter's throbbing boner was also now hidden from view, suffocating against the soft carpet. This made Sarah even more upset that her daughter's new favorite toy wasn't available.
"Don't worry, Cindy. You'll get to play with your new toy really soon, okay? I promise," Sarah tried to reassure her.
Quick-thinking Gretchen decided to help out, so she knelt down beside Peter. "We have a couple other toys for her in the meantime," Gretchen offered as she began squeezing Peter's butt cheeks. "See?"
"That's so sweet, Gretchen," Sarah delighted as she took over Gretchen's place and began smacking Peter's butt. "How about that, Cindy? Wanna play with that?" Sarah continued to smack Peter's butt as a demonstration of how to play with it. Cindy let out an energetic chuckle, so Sarah decided to set her down right in between Peter's legs again.
Sure enough, Cindy began smacking his butt cheeks as though she was learning to play the drums. She had a huge smile on her face.
Jenn and Gretchen just chuckled at the sight while Sarah began taking more pictures and video of the ordeal. Sarah was incredibly delighted to see her daughter so happy.
Aunt Pam entered the room with a soap-doused washcloth as promised. Seeing baby Cindy smack Peter's butt cheeks to her heart's content made Aunt Pam smile, but she had to turn to Sarah and gingerly say, "Let me just wash out Peter's butt for a minute or two, okay hon?"
Sarah pulled her daughter out of the way, trying to assure her in her baby voice. "It's okay, it's okay. You can play with your new toys some more in just a minute."
"That's right," Aunt Pam played along in her baby voice as well. "We're just making sure your toys are nice and clean, okay Cindy?"
"Gretchen honey," Aunt Pam turned to her daughter. "Could you spread open his butt cheeks for me?" Gretchen immediately did as requested.
Without even examining him, Aunt Pam thrust the washcloth right into his butt, digging around and scrubbing every crevice. When she pulled the washcloth back out she was stunned to see that it was completely spotless.  She was certain that there must have been at least a little skid mark somewhere that she just didn't see right away so she reached in and scrubbed even more forcefully.
And with the washcloth still showing no signs of being soiled, Aunt Pam stood up, remarked, "Well I'm going to go throw this right into the washing machine by itself," and headed downstairs without letting anyone see how clean it actually was. Peter was left still lying face-down on the floor while Jenn, Gretchen, Sarah, and little Cindy all quietly stared at his now-wett butt.
"I guess I'll dry off his butt," Jenn said, running to the kitchen to get a hand towel. She forcefully rubbed the small towel all around Peter's butt cheeks and into his crack.
Once Peter was dry again, Sarah gave her daughter a little push to go back and start smacking his butt all over again. "Go on, Cindy. Play with your toys."
"It's like she's playing the drums," Gretchen observed with a chuckle. "I bet she'll grow up to be a musician."
"You know what they say; practice makes perfect," Aunt Pam remarked with a smile as she re-entered the living room. "You'll just have to bring Cindy over every day."
Peter was not the least bit amused by any of this.
"I might just have to take you up on that," Sarah replied humorously. "Cindy doesn't play with any of her other toys this much."
Peter felt completely worthless at the way his 'private parts' now openly and unapologetically being referred to as nothing more than "toys" for other people's amusement.
But Aunt Pam briefly showed her human side again as she told Sarah, "Well, I was just kidding. Peter will be back to wearing clothes tomorrow."
"Aw, that's too bad," Sarah remarked. "It can really take an emotional toll on a baby to give her a toy and then take it right away." Peter couldn't help but notice that this woman continued to not even acknowledge him as a person.
"I know, I know," Aunt Pam sighed. "But feel free to let her play as much as she wants now. Maybe eventually she'll get bored anyway." Peter sure hoped so...
"I don't know. I think..." Sarah remarked before correcting herself. "I mean, it seems like Cindy thinks these are the best toys ever."
Eventually, Cindy finally stopped smacking Peter's butt and began to crawl back toward her mom. Peter let out out a quick sigh of relief before Sarah turned on her baby voice and asked, "What's the matter, Cindy? Do you miss your other new toy?"
Sarah then grabbed Peter without any warning and forcefully made him turn around without saying anything.
"There you go, Cindy!" Sarah cooed to her daughter, trying to guide her back to Peter. Just like Aunt Pam had suggested, though, Cindy already seemed bored and tried to turn back around to her mom.
"Go ahead, Cindy," Sarah encouraged again, this time picking her up and lying her down right in between Peter's legs.
But Cindy still didn't show any interest.
"Go on, Cindy, this is your new favorite toy. Remember?" Cindy still wasn't moving, so Sarah grabbed her daughter's hand and let it rest right on top of the head of Peter's boner.
Sarah then took the opportunity to grab Peter's shaft and give it a couple strokes herself. Then she started swatting at it and making it bounce back and forth to remind Cindy how to play with it. "Remember how much fun this was?" Sarah said in her baby voice.
With that extra encouragement, baby Cindy finally started playing with Peter's boner again, mainly just smacking it from side to side and clapping her hands together with the raging boner in between them. Sarah, meanwhile, was trying to grab pictures and videos from every angle.
"Mom, can she send us some of her pictures when she gets back home?" Gretchen asked to Aunt Pam.
In turn, Aunt Pam looked at Sarah and asked, "Would you mind?"
"Oh, of course not!" Sarah remarked happily. "I'll be sure to send you the cutest ones."
While Sarah and Aunt Pam were busy discussing the photo swap, Sarah noticed at one point that Cindy abruptly moved her hands away from Peter's penis and turned around with a worried look on her face.
"What's wrong, honey?" Sarah asked in her baby voice.
Jenn, who had been intently watching the whole thing, said, "It looked liks his penis twitched or something. I think it scared Cindy."
"Well that wasn't very nice, was it?" Sarah asked with complete disdain, though still in her baby voice.
Sarah then took it upon herself to grab Peter's erection and stroke it up and down. As if like clockwork, his penis involuntarily twitched again in the 30-year-old woman's grasp.
Sarah gasped indignantly, "My goodness, there it goes again," even though she apparently didn't feel offended enough to let go of his penis. "What kind of toy does that to an innocent baby girl?"
Peter so badly wanted to scream out, "It's not a toy! It's my penis and if you're so offended, stop touching it." But he knew better, plus he was still a shy 13-year-old boy, and he was extra timid about trying to say anything to this stranger.
Sarah, meanwhile wasn't shy at all. She was going to town, stroking his penis. Peter felt like she was just waiting for it to twitch again. In an attempt to get her to stop stroking it, he made it twitch intentionally this time.
Sure enough, that's what Sarah wanted so she could have another opportunity to rant. "Ugh, well I never.." she said as she finally let go and began slapping it instead. 
"Twitching like that without any kind of warning, scaring a little baby girl. What a rude toy," Sarah said indignantly as she began batting it left and right.
Cindy decided to follow her mother's example, and she began reaching back in and swatting at it as well.
"That's right, Cindy," Sarah said in her baby voice. "This is your toy and you're in charge of it. You keep slapping it."
"Hmm..let's see if we have something to really prove this point," she said to Cindy as she looked through her purse.
After a few seconds, she pulled out a tiny rubber toy hammer from one of Cindy's Pound-A-Peg toy sets and gave it to her daughter. 
"Go ahead, Cindy. Smack that toy for being so mean to you," Sarah instructed.
Cindy didn't even need to be told anything. She had already begun whacking Peter's boner with the toy hammer. Because it was an infant toy being swung with the power of a 14-month-old, it didn't hurt at all, but it was slightly uncomfortable for Peter.
As usual, Sarah took control of her phone and began recording the whole thing.
"Did your new toy do something to scare you?" Sarah asked in her baby voice, for the purpose of the video. "You're showing what happens to bad toys when they try to scare a little girl, aren't you?" Cindy kept whacking away with the Pound-A-Peg hammer.
Even though it wasn't hurting Peter in the slightest, it was also not exactly stimulating, so to his complete relief, he could feel his erection was at the beginning stages of losing its momentum.
That is, until Sarah's voice re-emerged, "Jenn sweetie, why don't you grab Cindy's toy and hold it in place while she whacks at it?"
Jenn was secretly hating that she was on the sidelines, so she very happily went along with Sarah's request, grabbing the shaft of Peter's penis and tugging down on the skin while the baby continued whacking the engorged organ.
"Oh, that's perfect!" Sarah exclaimed. "This is just too adorable."
And of course, thanks to Jenn's newly added friction, Peter's erection returned to full pulsating status and was now not going anywhere anytime soon.
At this point, Peter had to speak up. "Aunt Pam, this is hurting me." He really wasn't in any pain, but he hoped the sight of Cindy smacking him repeatedly with the toy hammer would earn him at least the slightest bit of sympathy.
But before Aunt Pam could say anything, Sarah huffed and said, "Oh great, now my video is ruined," as though Peter merely talking was enough to destroy her entire day.
"I'm so sorry, Sarah," Aunt Pam said. "Sometimes Peter forgets that the world doesn't revolve around him."
Just as Sarah was ready to start re-recording, her cell phone began ringing. "Oh, that's my husband," Sarah said with disappointment in her voice.
"He probably just got home and is wondering where I am. I guess I have to head out," Sarah said, not wanting her husband to worry about her.
"Okay, well I'm glad we cleared everything up. I'm so sorry for any distress that Peter caused you or sweet little Cindy," Aunt Pam said.
Still not even acknowledging Peter, Sarah said, "Well, if you decide to change your mind about Cindy's new toys, let me know." With that, she picked up Cindy and began heading to the front door.
Cindy had an upset look on her face and began reaching out in Peter's direction again.
"Aww, I know honey," Sarah tried to calm her daughter. "It's unfair, isn't it? You get a brand new toy and suddenly you don't even get to play with it anymore. Don't worry. That was a stupid toy anyway. Daddy and I will buy you something better. How's that sound, huh?" Her voice trailed off as she left the house.
Peter couldn't believe a grown woman like that was still trying to refer to his penis not only as a common ordinary toy, but her daughter's toy! And suggesting that it could be replaced by some other cheap trinket at the local toy store. And all the while, never even looking at him in the eye or so much as acknowledging him as a human being.
The *only* thing he could take solace from during that whole experience was Aunt Pam reassuring that he would be wearing clothes again tomorrow. As ridiculous as this day had been, that thought was what managed to keep him sane and as well-behaved as possible.
As Sarah headed down the sidewalk, Aunt Pam shouted out the door, "Thanks again so much for your understanding and support! Give my best to Todd!" Her persona completely changed as she shut the door and turned to Peter, who was still lying on the floor with Jenn grabbing his penis.
"Well, Peter, that was quite a display you made in front of my friend and neighbor, and her 14-month-old daughter," Aunt Pam said in an accusing tone.
"Aunt Pam, I told you, the back door was locked and I was knocking and shouting for like five minutes!" Peter rationalized.
"Earlier you said it was one minute, now you say it's five, so which is it?" Aunt Pam latched onto that one minor discrepancy. "Besides, I already went and checked, and the back door was not locked. It hasn't been locked in years and I don't even think the lock works, to be honest."
Unknown to Peter, the back door was notorious at getting stuck, and sometimes required a little elbow grease to open. But at the time he was so flustered and so willing to accept the worst that when it didn't easily swing open he just assumed it was locked.
"Well, maybe it was stuck or something. But I was calling for you and you never came out to check on me. You just left me there while I put away all of your tools," Peter explained.
"Oh, so that's what this is about, huh?" Aunt Pam sighed. "Well, I appreciate you putting my tools away, but that does not give you the right to do everything else you just did. Waving your erection around in front of a baby? Keeping it sticking out like that so she saw it as some kind of toy? And then making that big production out of needing to go to the bathroom. I mean, Peter, where do you even come up with this stuff?"
Once again, Peter didn't have the slightest idea how to begin unraveling Aunt Pam's completely warped understanding of what happened. "No, honestly, I didn't, I really have got it all wrong."
At this point, Gretchen had grown too impatient and jealous of everyone else who had been playing with Peter's penis over the last several minutes so she jumped in and said, "Jenn, can I have a turn?" Jenn was still mindlessly grabbing Peter's erection from earlier, moving it and squeezing it every few seconds.
"Oh, sure," Jenn said, letting go and deciding to return to her favorite part -- Peter's balls.
Gretchen then grabbed hold of the increasingly engorged boner and began a rhythm of squeezing, letting go, and then casually stroking. Completely unknown to her, it turned out that was the perfect blend of movements to start edging Peter to climax without actually accomplishing the deed.
At this point, Aunt Pam decided to just give up on expecting a real apology from Peter and went back to making sure he didn't misbehave in front of her daughters.
"So, Sarah kept referring to Peter's penis as Cindy's toy," Gretchen recalled to Aunt Pam. "Does that mean it's our toy now?"
Peter grimaced at the continuing discussion of his penis as nothing more than someone else's plaything.
But Aunt Pam once again showed a tiny glimmer that she was somewhat of a responsible adult and clarified, "No, honey. Sarah was just saying that to calm down Cindy after Peter was so inappropriate toward her. But remember. It's nothing special. It's not a toy. It's just a normal body part."
"Great. Now I'm even more confused than ever," Gretchen said with the full expectation that that might score some extended-nudity points against Peter.
Aunt Pam sighed in agreement with her daughter.
Gretchen knew this might be her best chance to open this discussion, so she went ahead and bravely asked, "Since he's made us so much more confused today, don't you think he should be naked for another day?" Gretchen and Jenn continued manipulating his penis and balls while they eagerly looked at Aunt Pam to see what she would say to that suggestion.
Meanwhile, that put a renewed sense of horror in Peter. He closed his eyes and silently prayed that Aunt Pam wouldn't buy into that idea whatsoever. At the same time, he had to fight back the equally powerful feelings of near-orgasm that his cousins were continually putting him through.
"Well..." Aunt Pam began, really unsure about that idea. On the one hand, it made sense because Peter had unexpectedly made them so much more concerned and confused, and she also hated to say no to her daughters. On the other hand, she was worried that Peter would be nothing but a smart aleck and continue to make them even more confused.
Peter could no longer focus on what Aunt Pam was saying as he knew an orgasm was imminent. Gretchen had let go of his penis for a few seconds and he watched in suspense as she reached out to grab it again, squeeze it, and then stroke it for several seconds.
Peter tightened his body and knew what was going to happen, but at just that second, Gretchen let go of his penis again. As a result, only a small amount of precum managed to dribble out.
"Hey, he's spitting again!" Gretchen yelled out.
"Are you kidding me?!?" Aunt Pam fumed.
"No, wait, he stopped," Gretchen noted, referring only to the small amount of liquid that leaked out. To Gretchen and Jenn, this solidified the notion that Peter could in fact control when and how much he wanted to 'spit.' They still had no clue that they had anything to do with it.
"Well, if that was his way of objecting to another day of being naked, he's going to regret it," Aunt Pam said ominously.
"Because that only helps me realize that yes, you girls deserve another day of trying to understand everything," Aunt Pam affirmed. "Peter will be naked for all of tomorrow as well. Maybe then he will try to actually be on good behavior."
Jenn and Gretchen barely managed to avoid shouting in delight at the fact that they would get 24 more hours to explore and play with their naked teenage cousin.
They instead turned that delight into renewed vigor on Peter's genitals. Reeling in delight from what Aunt Pam just said, Gretchen was now stroking Peter's penis with more exuberance. Gretchen followed her mom's earlier example and just rubbed Peter's precum into the shaft of his penis as she began her ministrations again, quickly going back to edging Peter closer and closer to a full orgasm.
"Do you understand that, Peter?" Aunt Pam asked seriously. "And you had better not even think about 'spitting' again."
Unfortunately, that was the only thing Peter could think about right now, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to agree with Aunt Pam on principle, he was going to explode any second. With his eyes closed, he began to contort his face muscles like most boys do right before orgasm.
"I said do you understand, Peter??" Aunt Pam demanded.
"He's making funny faces at us," Gretchen accused.
"Young man, how many times do I need to...." Aunt Pam began shouting.
But at just that second, Peter's biological switch had been flipped and the first full stream of yet another orgasm spurted out, flying farther into the air than Peter had ever seen.
Aunt Pam began going crazy. And just like always, Jenn and Gretchen moved their hands away in a mix of fear and disgust.
Peter didn't even get a second of pleasure as Aunt Pam swooped in and pinched his ear, shouting at him to get up off the floor while his penis was still shooting.
Aunt Pam then reached down and grabbed his still-spurting boner, using it as a leash as she directed Peter to his room. The whole time she kept shouting at him to stop 'spitting,' but of course, keeping a tight grasp on his penis was only helping to produce more spurts, allowing his incredibly full, infinitely teased and tormented teenage balls to drain, leaving a trail all the way from the living room to Peter's room. Jenn and Gretchen curiously followed their mom, wondering what she was going to do.
By the time they got to the bedroom, Peter's body was about to collapse from the incredibly powerful orgasm. His penis immediately began to shrivel up, while still in Aunt Pam's grasp.
"Oh, so now you finally decide to listen," Aunt Pam said, referring to the fact that this was the first time in what seemed like forever where Peter was no longer sporting a boner.
Aunt Pam forcibly let go of his penis and grabbed Peter's suitcase. Peter was horrified thinking that she was going to kick him out on the streets or something.
But he suddenly filled up with a strange mix of utter shame yet complete delight when Aunt Pam began unzipping his suitcase and said, "Fine, Peter. You win. Put on your clothes. Put on as many clothes as you want. Stay here for the next week knowing you couldn't even pretend to be a responsible boy and that you practically destroyed my daughters' lives."
Although he was ecstatic at the prospect of being able to put on clothes, he knew Aunt Pam was trying to make him feel as guilty as possible -- as though accepting the offer to put on clothes would be akin to killing someone to save his own life.
So Peter was completely aware that Aunt Pam was expecting him to deny the offer and promise to be naked and behave for another day, but he honestly didn't care what Aunt Pam wanted him to do. This was his chance to restore his modesty and he was taking it.
And thus, tuning out all the negativity from Aunt Pam, Peter looked at his suitcase full of clothes as though it was recently uncovered buried treasure. He eagerly gazed at his neatly folded boxers like they were bars of gold. While still attempting to look ashamed in front of Aunt Pam, he reached for his lucky boxers -- solid red with a black waistband, made of high-quality cotton, and almost big and baggy enough to go down to his knees. He wore them the day he tried out for and made the eighth grade basketball team, and continued to wear them every time there was a big match. One day when he accidentally forgot to wear a belt to school, causing his jeans to sag, the girl he had a big crush on sat next to him in social studies and whispered, "Nice boxers." Even though he practically blushed for the entire day after that and self-consciously kept adjusting his jeans until he got home, he knew from that day forward that these were the best boxers in the world.
He was barely even paying attention to Aunt Pam's continued attempts to belittle him. "Are you happy now?" "Looks like you got exactly what you wanted, no matter how rude you had to be or what impact your actions had on anyone else."
Luckily (or perhaps not so luckily as Peter was soon to find out), the landline phone began to ring, causing Aunt Pam to stop criticizing Peter. "I'll be right back," she said in a huff. Of course, Jenn and Gretchen were still there, both feeling a complete sense of anger and disappointment at the mere sight of Peter even being allowed to touch an article of clothing.
But Peter was tuning them out as well. He held out his lucky boxers in front of himself, making sure they were facing the right way, and went into a euphoric daze as he began thinking about being fully clothed and protected from his merciless aunt and cousins.
But just as he started to put his left foot through the appropriate opening in his boxers, he felt someone very forcefully grab his butt. Out of sheer confusion, he dropped his boxers and took stock of his surroundings to see that Jenn had somehow made her way to the other side of the room and was standing behind him. As Peter was trying to figure out what was going on, Jenn kept grabbing and squeezing his butt until he finally turned completely around.
"That's for grabbing my butt earlier," Jenn said indignantly, referring to when Peter accidentally slipped outside and inadvertently grazed her butt as he fell down.
At that point, Gretchen realized Peter had dropped his boxers so she took the opportunity to swoop in and pick them up without Peter noticing.
Peter was now fully out of his euphoric daze and began going into damage control mode.
"I told you I was sorry. And I am. I'm really sorry. I deserve that. Just, let me put on my clothes and, and then..." Peter stammered as he turned back around to grab his boxers.
He bent over as he tried to find where he dropped his boxers, which only encouraged Jenn to play with his butt again, including trying to spread his butt cheeks apart like Aunt Pam and Gretchen had done earlier.
In all the commotion, Gretchen noticed the trashcan right by the bedroom door, and sneakily tossed Peter's boxers in there.
"What happened to my boxers?" Peter asked in a frenzied state of confusion, while Jenn was still mercilessly playing with his butt.
He decided to just go back to his suitcase and grab another pair of boxers. This time it didn't matter which ones. But as soon as he held them up, Jenn snatched them away. "Here, Gretchen, catch!" Jenn shouted as she tossed them across the room.
Peter rushed up against Gretchen but before he could grab his boxers from her, Gretchen tossed them into the trashcan as well.
"Hey!" Peter shouted as he blindly reached into the trashcan to pull his boxers back out, but made a disgusted face as he realized the trashcan was full of other trash as well.
He took the lid off and was mortified to see not only the pair of boxers he just witnessed Gretchen throw away, but his lucky red boxers as well. Unfortunately when he shoved his hand in just a few seconds earlier, he made both pairs of boxers become more entrenched into the garbage.
His lucky boxers were now resting under an old banana peel and as he tried pulled them out, he realized they were also now stained with something else with a gross consistency, causing him to momentarily drop them back into the trashcan. It made him wonder how often this guest room trashcan was emptied.
He turned around and decided to just go back and grab another pair of boxers. But as he reached his suitcase, he looked with stunned silence at the fact that all of his boxers were now missing. He quickly turned around to see Jenn next to the trashcan, stuffing in every last pair of boxers.
"Looking for these?" Jenn asked in the most blatant mocking tone that she could. Gretchen began outright laughing.
Peter ran back toward the trashcan as Jenn put the lid back on and forced it down with all her might, managing to conceal all of his boxers.
It was at just that moment that Aunt Pam returned to the room. She thought for sure Peter would be dressed by now, so she asked with complete confusion, "Why are you still naked?"
"Because I..." Peter responded instinctively. "I mean, Gretchen..." He paused for a moment knowing how much Aunt Pam hated him saying anything accusatory about her daughters.
Before Peter could figure out the right thing to say, the always quick-thinking Gretchen responded, "As soon as you left, Peter started mocking us by shaking his butt right in Jenn's face and saying how funny it was that he confused us so much."
Peter looked straight at Gretchen, with his eyes bugged out in extreme disbelief that she concocted such a ridiculous lie so quickly and so seamlessly.
"No no no no no," Peter stammered. "I was putting on my boxers and Jenn grabbed my butt...and then Gretchen..." Peter pointed to the closed trashcan but was so mentally exhausted he didn't even know what to say.
"What is wrong with you, Peter?!" Aunt Pam shouted. "Every single time I turn my back on you... You know what? I've been incredibly nice and fair to you, but you can say goodbye to that."
'Incredibly nice and fair?!' Peter thought to himself. What in the world was she talking about?
"You don't understand. Gretchen is lying! They threw my..." Peter began his defense, but was thrown off guard when Aunt Pam forcefully grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him out of the room and all the way into the living room.
"That's it, Peter! I have had it up to here with you calling my daughters liars," Aunt Pam shouted. "You know what? You are going to be naked for the rest of the time you're here. I thought letting you have your way and letting you put your clothes back on would end your awful behavior, but apparently that only made it worse."
As far as Peter concerned, that judgment was worse than being sentenced to life in prison. Without any hope of getting his clothes back, he was now determined to fight for his dignity.
"That's not fair, Aunt Pam!" Peter remarked forcefully, though trying not to raise his voice and get into a shouting match. "You never even listen to my side of the story."
"Your side of the story? Listen, Peter," Aunt Pam continued to fume. "You have been unruly and untrustworthy practically since the moment you got here. I am no longer going to entertain 'your side of the story,'" she added, putting up air quotes with her fingers.
"What I want is for you to start acting like a responsible boy. Is that really too much to ask?" Aunt Pam declared.
As Peter began thinking of what to say, he saw Jenn and Gretchen enter the living room with a big, tied-up trash bag. He looked in horror at the prospect that all of his boxers were inside. He tried his best to believe that they wouldn't dare legitimately throw away his entire collection of boxers. That would be a level of mean-ness beyond Jenn and Gretchen.
Meanwhile, Aunt Pam smiled at the sight of her daughters taking this time to be productive and do their chores. Although, the truth is, they were so spoiled that they rarely did any work around the house. Taking out the trash was their only responsibility, and they hardly ever did that, hence the large amount of old garbage in the guest bedroom.
"Thanks, Jenn! Thanks, Gretchen! See, that is what responsible people do with their free time, Peter," Aunt Pam said, pointing to her daughters as they began to head out the door.
"Any chance you girls thought to empty the trashcan from Peter's room?" Aunt Pam asked, assuming they didn't.
"Yep, it's all in here!" Gretchen said. With that, she flashed a huge knowing grin in Peter's direction and barely avoided laughing as she saw a look of panic in Peter's eyes.
But naive Peter still didn't think they would actually go through with something like that. He was sure they put his boxers back in his suitcase or something and were just trying to tease him at that moment. While he now fully understood that his cousins loved to torment and embarrass him, he didn't think they were outright evil like that.
"Wonderful!" Aunt Pam remarked, completely clueless as to her daughters' ulterior motives. "Thank you so much!"
As the girls went outside to toss out the trash, Aunt Pam turned to Peter and suggested, "I think we should have you take care of more chores around here. Maybe that'll give you something to do other than create headaches for me and your cousins."
"Aunt Pam, please...just please listen," Peter begged. "I was putting on my boxers without doing anything to Jenn or Gretchen. But Jenn starting grabbing my butt and Gretchen threw my boxers..."
"Peter! Stop!" Aunt Pam shouted. "Just stop, okay?"
"Uh... but I..." Peter stammered. "I really just want to put on my clothes. I promise, promise, promise I'll be good if you just let me put on clothes."
"No, Peter," Aunt Pam reaffirmed her stance. "That ship has sailed. You had your chance and you didn't even take it, so you know what? That's your own fault. I'm not going to keep playing these games with you."
"But I, but you..." Peter stammered before eventually just saying, "Fine..." He knew he would never win this argument.
Jenn and Gretchen returned from taking out the trash and saw Peter looking completely dejected. They both quickly smiled at each other.
"So, Peter is going to be naked the rest of the time he's here?" Gretchen asked, making sure she understood what had just happened.
"That's right, honey," Aunt Pam said in her sweet voice. "Apparently telling him to put on clothes makes him even ruder than when he's naked, so we'll just have to make the best of things until his parents come back."
Peter began replaying the last several minutes in his head. How did this happen? He was so close to being fully clothed again. Who knew what more nightmarish things were going to happen to him now? It was all because of that stupid phone call that made Aunt Pam leave his bedroom, allowing Jenn and Gretchen to be alone with him even though it was just for a minute.
"Aunt Pam, who was that on the phone earlier?" Peter asked, knowing whoever it was would be the person to blame for him still being naked.
"Well actually, it's more relevant now than it was before," Aunt Pam replied cryptically. "That was a friend of mine and we are all going over to see her right now. Everyone, get in the car."
"Get in the car? Now?" Peter asked, dumbfounded.
"That's right, Peter. All three of you," Aunt Pam said without further explanation and began to head to the garage with her girls in tow.
Peter assumed there was no way he was expected to get in the car naked, so he took the opportunity to turn back toward his room so he could put on some clothes.
But Aunt Pam grabbed his arm and shouted, "What are you doing? Let's go!"
"Where are we going?" Peter asked in a complete daze.
"I'll tell you when we get in the car," Aunt Pam said.
"But I can't be naked in the car!!" Peter reasoned.
"I'm through playing these games with you, Peter. We've already established that you're going to be naked from now on so stop testing my patience," Aunt Pam demanded.
"But...but...what if someone sees me? Won't you get in trouble?" Peter tried to enlighten Aunt Pam to the ridiculousness of this.
"Oh for heaven's sake Peter. If it will make you shut up, you can put on underwear for the drive over there, but that will be the last time you're ever allowed to wear clothes around here," Aunt Pam relented, thinking that she was doing Peter the biggest favor in the world.
Jenn and Gretchen involuntarily giggled, knowing full well that they had just thrown away all of Peter's boxers.
Of course, Peter had a deepening suspicion of that as well, but he wasn't going to give up the opportunity to go back to his room. He began futilely searching through his suitcase, realizing that in fact every last pair of boxers was gone. He started looking everywhere in the room but didn't see them. And the trashcan was, in fact, empty.
"Underwear only, Peter! It shouldn't be taking you this long!" Aunt Pam shouted.
Peter started to run back out to the living room and accuse Jenn and Gretchen of getting rid of all of his boxers, but instantly thought better of it and realized Aunt Pam would somehow just end up yelling at him.
So, in haste, he decided to just grab a pair of black gym shorts from his suitcase and slip them on. He justified to himself that he would be able to sneak out of the house later and dig through the trash to find his boxers.
For now, he just took a moment to relish the feeling of clothing on his skin. He had almost forgotten what it felt like.
In fact, it felt so good that he started getting aroused, both from a combination of the euphoria he felt at getting a tiny amount of dignity restored, but also from the feeling of the gym shorts pressing up against his penis. He had never gone commando before, so this was a new and novel feeling to his penis. And as he had been demonstrating all day, new and novel sensations were more than enough to kickstart a hormone rush for someone going through puberty.
Realizing that he had a half-erection, Peter suddenly snapped back to reality and headed out to the living room. Thank goodness that for the first time all day, he was able to hide the fact that he was getting aroused (as long as he didn't end up sporting a full raging boner). Unfortunately for him, as he walked without underwear to hold his penis in place, it was rubbing against his shorts, making him even more aroused, though the baggy agym shorts were still doing a good enough job to keep it hidden.
As Peter entered the living room, he saw Jenn and Gretchen visibly pouting. They assumed he would have come back out naked when he realized he had no underwear. Jenn even quietly muttered, "Awww man...."
To them it was completely unfair for Peter to be wearing clothes again.
Barely even looking at Peter, Aunt Pam huffed, "There, are you happy now? I swear, Peter, you have to make everything so complicated..."
With that, Aunt Pam continued on to the garage. Peter followed right behind her, hoping that his increasingly growing penis might go undetected as long as he got to the car and sat down first. He couldn't believe that after all his penis had been through, it was still as eager and excitable as ever. But unfortunately for Peter, that's what puberty is all about.
Also unfortunately for Peter, Jenn and Gretchen were following right behind him, and he could hear them whispering to each other.
"I can't believe mom let him put on clothes," Jenn said.
"I know, it's so unfair. We didn't do anything wrong. Why are we the ones being punished?" Gretchen replied.
Peter couldn't help but grimace at the insinuations that A) having access to his naked body had become their god-given right and even five seconds without an opportunity to play with his genitals was some kind of punishment for them, and B) that his cousins hadn't done anything wrong.
They had such a warped sense of reality, and it was all Aunt Pam's fault.
Finally, as Aunt Pam opened the door to the garage, Gretchen decided this was just too unfair so she reached her hands around Peter's waistband and began to yank down.
Peter instinctively shouted out, causing Aunt Pam to turn around and demand, "What's wrong now, Peter?"
But before even waiting for a response, Aunt Pam was now looking directly at Peter and realized what he was wearing.
"Peter, what are these?" Aunt Pam asked with exacerbation while grabbing his gym shorts, luckily barely avoiding grabbing his boner directly through the layer of mesh fabric. "I told you underwear only! Girls, you should have said something."
Aunt Pam then suddenly knelt down in front of Peter and forcibly yanked down on the shorts, making her gasp at the realization that he wasn't wearing underwear underneath.
"Ew, gross, Peter!" Aunt Pam shouted, disgusted. "You didn't even put on underwear?!" Then she realized the even bigger offense. "And you have an erection!!" By this point his penis had indeed become fully aroused, and yet again he had no plausible explanation that would satisfy Aunt Pam.
"I...I couldn't find my boxers," Peter tried to explain.
Aunt Pam assumed this was just another one of his games so she just tersely said, "Then I guess you're going to be naked. Sometimes I don't even know why I try with you..."
"Go wait in the car. We'll be right there," Aunt Pam declared. Peter just silently stepped out of his shorts and headed through the garage door. He reached for the passenger side door but realized the car was locked. Rather than ask Aunt Pam to unlock it, he just stood there quietly and waited.
Aunt Pam, meanwhile, bent over to pick up Peter's shorts, cautiously grabbing them with her thumb and index finger as if picking up toxic waste.
"Ugh. Your cousin continues to get ruder and ruder," Aunt Pam sighed to Jenn and Gretchen. "I swear, this is the last time I try to do anything nice for him." Of course, Peter was right on the other side of the garage door so he could hear every word. And he was pretty sure Aunt Pam knew that.
"I'm sorry we didn't say anything about him not wearing underwear," Jenn said with fake sincerity. The truth was that neither she nor Gretchen even thought about it. If they knew they could have gotten Peter in trouble, they would have eagerly said something earlier.
"Oh, no, that's okay sweetie. I know you were just trying to be nice to him like you have been all day," Aunt Pam affirmed. "Let me just toss these gross, erection-stained shorts in the wash and I'll meet you girls in the garage."
Aunt Pam quickly took the shorts to the nearby laundry room while Jenn and Gretchen headed into the garage, beaming from ear to ear as their access to Peter's naked body had been restored.
It didn't take long for them to start grabbing his boner and balls as per usual. As Gretchen put her death grip on his penis, she commented, "I almost forgot what it looked and felt like."
Peter wanted to roll his eyes at that comment, given that he only managed to keep his shorts on for about two minutes before Aunt Pam ripped them off.
"I know. Maybe mom could let us take a bunch of pictures of it so that if he ever tries to wear clothes again, we'll still remember what it looks like," Jenn opined.
"Yeah!" Gretchen loved her sister's thinking.
As the girls heard Aunt Pam approach, they let go and assumed their innocent positions.
Aunt Pam entered the garage and hit the button for the automatic garage door opener, making Peter feel vulnerable and exposed. Why couldn't she have let him get in the car first? He looked out, paranoid, to see if any neighbors or passing traffic could see him.
Meanwhile, Jenn turned to Aunt Pam and asked, "Mom, you're never gonna let Peter wear clothes again, right?" There was a tinge of annoyance in her voice to make it clear that she didn't think it was fair that Peter was able to wear anything even for a couple minutes.
"That's right, sweetie," Aunt Pam affirmed, causing Jenn and Gretchen to smile.
"Well, just in case, Gretchen and I were wondering if we could take some pictures of his penis and balls. You know, to keep as a reference if we ever get confused again," Jenn said with extreme hope.
"Well, of course, sweetie! You mean, with your phones?" Aunt Pam replied.
"Yeah, I guess," Jenn said, delighted that that wasn't passing any kind of boundary.
"Oh, you know what," Aunt Pam remarked. "The woman we're going to see has a really fancy camera, I think. If it's alright with her, we can get some really good pictures for you."
"Oh, cool!" Jenn replied with a great big smile. Peter, meanwhile, was mortified yet again at this completely unending day of humiliation. What kind of woman were they going to see exactly?
"Mom, can we sit in the back with Peter?" Gretchen asked with fake sweetness.
"Sure, honey," Aunt Pam said in her nice mom voice as she unlocked the car. Peter was crushed; he had been quietly hoping he would get to sit up front and be insulated from Jenn and Gretchen. After all, he had no idea how long this car ride would be.
Gretchen opened the rear passenger door of the four-door sedan and motioned for Peter to get in. "You can sit in the middle, Peter," she said.
'Gee, thanks,' Peter thought to himself sarcastically.
Of course, sitting in the middle meant that there was a hump in front of him so he couldn't squeeze his legs together to try to hide or obstruct his penis. As a result, it was poking right out for Jenn and Gretchen, which, of course, was exactly their plan.
As soon as everyone was situated, Gretchen reached over and grabbed Peter's erection without even looking at it, as if it was just an ordinary reflex.
As Aunt Pam pulled out of the driveway and turned left, Gretchen found herself instinctively yanking Peter's penis to the left like it was an arcade joystick. As they approached the next turn, Gretchen giggled and said, "Jenn, check it out," while once again squeezing Peter's penis and pulling it in the appropriate direction.
Jenn laughed out loud. At the next turn, she wrapped her hand around Gretchen's and said, "My turn." The two squeezed and yanked on Peter's penis together.
And so, every time Aunt Pam made a turn, Gretchen and Jenn would take turns tightening their grip on Peter's penis and jerking it left or right. Every time she stopped the car, they squeezed and pulled down on his skin.
Aunt Pam was used to Jenn and Gretchen making up their own games in the back of the car, so she didn't even bother asking what they were up to.
As for Peter, the constant handling from Jenn and Gretchen was definitely enough to keep his boner fully enraged, but what they were doing wasn't really stimulating enough to cause a lot of inner stirring. As a result, he just quietly let them do whatever they wanted to do.
Luckily it ended up only being about a 15-minute ride. Aunt Pam pulled up to the driveway of a very elegant-looking house.
Jenn and Gretchen instinctively let go of Peter's boner right as Aunt Pam turned around to look at them.
She scoffed at the fact that Peter was still willfully maintaining his erection. "Peter, you're about to enter someone else's house. I've been very understanding until now, but you need to get rid of that erection now," she demanded.
Yep, Aunt Pam still thought Peter could make his penis soft or hard whenever he wanted to. And he knew there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise, so he just had to come up with an alternative.
"I'm sorry, Aunt Pam. What if I just apologize to whoever it is that we're seeing? Does she know I'm going to be naked?" Peter asked worriedly.
"No, but she knows you've been a big jerk today so I don't think it will surprise her," Aunt Pam affirmed. "And I guess if you want to wave your erection around in front of her, she'll see just how rude you are. Is that what you want?"
Of course that wasn't what Peter wanted, but he had no choice. He just sat quietly until Aunt Pam sighed, "Alright, fine. Have it your way." With that, everyone got out of the car and they approached the front door. As Aunt Pam rang the doorbell, Peter was shaking, knowing that he had no idea what this was going to be about.
A woman who looked to be the exact same age as Aunt Pam opened the door, and immediately shouted out, "Pam! So good to see you!"
"You too!" Aunt Pam replied as the two exchanged hugs. "You remember my daughters, Jenn and Gretchen?"
Aunt Pam's friend had a huge smile and exuded, "Of course! Who could forget such sweet, adorable little girls? You get prettier and more grown-up every time I see you." Jenn and Gretchen had the most saccharinely sweet smiles as they beamed with pride.
"And this must be the, uh..." the unfamiliar woman said as she lost her smile, looking straight at Peter -- not in his eyes but directly at his penis.
"The troublemaker," Aunt Pam affirmed with derision. "Yes, my nephew Peter. I apologize profusely for his erection. He insisted on greeting you as rudely as possible."
"Yes. I can see why you called. Well, we'll get this all sorted out. Come on in," the woman said.


(The End)