* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * The Naked Boy Scouts
"Well, I think this
is just great," Betty Johnson said, skimming through the newspaper. "What's
great?" her best friend Margaret replied, sipping her coffee as she and
Betty waited for the rest of the women in their weekly Bridge game to show up. Betty held the newspaper
out to show the article headline: "Boy Scouts of America Ends Ban on Gay
Troop Leaders." "Oh yeah, I heard
about that," Margaret said. "I think that's great too. It's about
time." "I know,
right?" Betty remarked. "It was a stupid rule in the first place. I'm
sick of this notion that little boys are always the victims, like they need to
be protected from everything. Little boys don't need any kind of modesty, so if
someone wants to watch while they change their clothes or take a shower, who
cares?" "Now, if we were
talking about Girl Scouts, that would be a different story," she
continued. "Oh,
absolutely," Margaret confirmed. "There are some real perverts out
there and girls need to be protected from that sort of thing." "You know, I think
they should even go one step further and allow women to be Boy Scout troop
leaders," Betty opined. "Oh my gosh, that's
a great idea!" Margaret replied enthusiastically. "You should lead
the effort to make that happen. If you were a Boy Scout leader, I would sign
Ben up in an instant." "Oh, no, I was
half-kidding," Mrs. Johnson said as she heard a knock on her door. It was
the other two middle-aged women who were part of the weekly Bridge game, Joan
and Evelyn. As the four women began
playing their usual card game, Margaret brought back the previous subject,
being sure to loop in everyone. "So, you ladies
heard about gay troop leaders being allowed in the Boy Scouts now, right?"
Margaret asked to the affirmation of the whole group. "Well, Betty here
had a great idea. Why stop at gay men? Shouldn't women be allowed to be troop
leaders as well? Isn't that the next logical step for this idea of inclusion
and acceptance?" "Oh my goodness;
that's such a great idea," Evelyn exclaimed. "Betty, I will gladly
support that effort. We should start campaigning for it, like, right now." "I agree,"
Joan chimed in. "I think it's great that all this change is happening. It's
high time to re-evaluate their whole mission. If it were me, I'd take the Boy
Scouts back to its roots. You know, before all the politically correct
nonsense. Going out camping, skinny dipping, learning to accept their bodies. That
was what Boy Scouts used to be about." "How would you
know?" Margaret asked. "Oh, my older
brother used to be in the Boy Scouts. Some of his favorite stories growing up
were about palling around naked with his buddies," Joan replied, although
she was lying through her teeth. She and her brother were very distant, but
that's always what she imagined it was like when he went off on camping trips
and whatnot. "You know what?
Let's do it. I'm sure the Boy Scouts program needs a complete revitalization. This
is just the beginning," Betty beamed.
--- Three Months Later
--- "This troop is
going to be a little bit different," Betty remarked, looking at the
well-formed line of boys in her house, the first group of Boy Scouts ever to
have a female troop leader. "First off, the uniforms you're all wearing
represent the Boy Scouts of last year. They are a symbol of the way this
organization used to be intolerant and too politically correct." "I have new
uniforms for you, so I want everyone to strip," Betty said, causing looks
of stunned panic across every boy's face. "Take off those outdated
uniforms and lay them in a big pile together." All the boys just looked
at each other with complete confusion. They couldn't possibly be expected to
take off their clothes right then and there? In front of a woman? "Umm... Mrs.
Johnson," one of the boys said meekly. "That's Scoutmaster
Johnson," Betty cut him off. "Sorry...
Scoutmaster Johnson..." the boy stammered. "Um, can't you just give
us our new uniforms now and then we'll just wear them next time?" All the
other boys quietly nodded in agreement and looked to see what Scoutmaster
Johnson was going to say. "Young man, what is
your name?" she asked with a tinge of authority. "Umm... Jack,"
the 12-year-old replied. "Well, Jack, if you
don't want to take off your clothes, it's your lucky day because there's
someone right here who will do it for you." With that, Betty ripped off
the boy's tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. She then worked on unbuckling
his belt. Jack wanted to shout out
in protest, but he was too nervous and afraid to form any words. Soon enough,
his pants were around his ankles, and he was exposed to everyone wearing
nothing but a pair of blue boxer briefs. Betty tugged on his
pants to encourage him to step out of them, and while he did so, he also moved
his hands protectively in front of his groin. This unexpected turn of events
had caused a huge burst of hormones and Jack was sporting a huge boner, causing
his penis to very conspicuously tent through his boxer briefs. But Betty would have
none of that. She swatted at his hands, making sure she happened to touch his
penis as well. "Look, everyone, Jack wants to play with himself," the
female scoutmaster joked to the group. All the other boys laughed nervously.
Eventually, Jack decided to just leave his hands at his side. "Not leaving much
to the imagination there, are you Jack?" she asked, referring to his
raging erection desperately trying to break through the fabric of his
underwear. Jack just looked to the floor in complete humiliation. The rest of the boys
once again chuckled out of sheer nervousness. They were all scared to death
that they were about to suffer the same fate. Nevertheless, some of them
couldn't help but feel aroused by the situation. As a result, the majority of
them started feeling their penises rise under their clothes as well. "So," Betty
turned her attention to everyone else. "Does anyone else need help taking
off their clothes?" Slowly but surely, the
rest of the boys began silently and self-consciously taking off their clothes. "That's
more like it. Just put all of those clothes in a big pile," Betty said. All boys were looking
straight down at the floor, not daring to look anywhere else. Every single
penis in the room was at full mast, tenting through the constraints of each
boy's respective underwear -- from briefs to boxer briefs to boxers. While every boy was thoroughly
panicked and embarrassed, Betty was exactly the opposite. She took her sweet
time to look all of them up and down without any concern for their feelings,
pacing in front of them as she did so. For the couple of boys who instinctively
put their hands in front of their penises, Betty was sure to swat them away
just as she had with Jack. "Now, who wants to
be the first one to show off your new uniform?" Betty asked. Every single
boy raised their hands as quickly as humanly possible. They all desperately
craved an opportunity to cover up again; it didn't matter to them what this
'new uniform' looked like. "How about you,
Ben?" Betty said, calling out her best friend's skinny 12-year-old son. "Step
forward." Ben stepped toward the
intimidating woman. Betty scanned the room
to make sure all the other boys were watching as she put her hands around the
waistband of Ben's underwear. Before he could even say anything, Betty yanked
down, causing his raging erection to spring out right in front of her. The rest of the boys
audibly gasped as they were now staring at Ben's naked butt. A sense of widespread
panic began filling the entire room. A couple of the boys felt like grabbing
their clothes from the floor and making a run for it, but the truth is everyone
was too scared to do anything other than just watch as Betty tugged on Ben's
underwear, forcing him to step out of them as she turned him around to face the
group completely naked. "This will be your
new uniform," Betty declared. Sensing that everyone in
the room was staring directly at his boner, Ben instinctively moved his hands
to cover up, but Betty quickly smacked then away. She then reached out and
unabashedly wrapped her hand around his penis. "This is the
problem with boys today. You are all taught that your bodies are something to
cover up, something to be ashamed of," Betty remarked. "Well, the
reason your parents signed you up for Boy Scouts, and for this troop in
particular, is to dispel that unhealthy notion." "From now on, your
dress code around here will be naked. No shoes, no underwear, nothing at
all." Once again, Betty scanned
the room, seeing every boy with a sheer look of terror. Rather than address
anyone's concerns, though, Betty simply asked, "Okay, who's next?" No
response. All the 12- and 13-year-old boys were once again staring at the
floor. "What happened? You
were all raising your hands to try out your new uniforms just a minute
ago," Betty declared. "Well, I guess we'll just go down the
line." With that, she went and
stood behind each boy and yanked their underwear down to the floor. As she
approached each boy, she asked for their name -- Kevin, Tyler, Jack, Trevor,
Paul, and Alex. Almost every one of them resisted by trying to grab their
underwear themselves to keep them held up, or by trying to squirm out of
Betty's grasp. Every time someone
resisted, Betty would spank them until they relented. When she got to Alex,
the last one and also the oldest one in the group, he resisted the most. "There is no way in
hell you are taking off my boxers," Alex declared strongly. Betty
immediately starting smacking his butt. "We do not use that
kind of language around here," she reprimanded. "And yes, you will be
naked. You think you're better than everyone else here?" "No. None of us
should be naked. You're weird and I am going to tell my parents all about this.
You'll get locked up," Alex shot back. "I told you your
parents already know about this. That's why they signed you up for this troop. It
is very unhealthy to be this embarrassed about your body," Betty
explained. "This is not a punishment. You're here because your parents
care about you very much and they're concerned about how shy you all are." "Boys have no right
to modesty. Naked boys used to be as American as apple pie, but somehow in the
last few decades, society's view has been warped. But we are leading the effort
to restore those traditional values where boys should be... or actually, 'need
to be'... naked as much as possible," Betty explained. "Now, Alex, are you
going to get naked or am I going to have to get a pair of scissors and cut up
your underwear myself? I'm telling you right now you don't want to be the one
who always complains, because you are only going to make yourself miserable
here," Betty warned. Alex decided to stop
fighting, especially since everyone else was already naked. Betty seized the
opportunity and pulled his underwear down to the floor, causing his teenage
penis to violently spring out into the open just like the six other penises
before. "I don't know why
you all look so depressed. This is natural," Betty declared. "And you
all have nothing to be ashamed of. Kevin, for example, look at those washboard
abs. And Tyler, your butt is the perfect shape. Paul, it looks like your little
friend down there is the biggest one here. You're going to make some girl
really happy some day." All of the boys who were
called out now had crimson red cheeks from involuntarily blushing. They had
never been "complimented" quite so directly before. While every boy was
still reeling from thorough humiliation, Betty decided to scoop up all of the
clothes, including the new pile of underwear, and momentarily disappear into
another room. There was a renewed sense of panic among all the boys over the
fact that their clothes now appeared to be gone for good. They once again resumed
looking down at the floor, not daring to be the first boy who was caught
looking at someone else's naked body. After what seemed like
forever, Betty returned. To everyone's horror, she was holding a digital
camera. "I almost forgot.
We need to take a troop picture to give to the official Boy Scout website. Everybody
smile!" Betty ordered. The group of boys didn't
know what to do. No one could react quickly enough before the flash of the
camera went off. Betty chuckled to herself at seeing the picture of every boy
either looking straight ahead like a deer in headlights, or looking sullenly
down at the floor. Regardless of which way their head was facing, every penis
was pointing in the same direction -- directly straight ahead with the
full-blown force of either prebuscent or pre-pubescent raging hormones. "Now, for our first
task, we are going to play a game for everyone to get to know each other,"
Betty declared. "Now everyone split
up into groups of two: Trevor and Alex, Tyler and Kevin, and Jack and Paul. Ben,
since that leaves you by yourself, you come over here by me." The boys awkwardly
arranged themselves into the pairings that their female scoutmaster suggested. "I can tell you're
all still self-conscious and embarrassed. We're going to get rid of that
nonsense. I want you all to grab your partner's penis," Betty ordered as
she wrapped her own hand around Ben's raging boner to demonstrate. All the other boys were
completely shell-shocked. No one wanted to look like they were interested in
touching another boy's penis. "Well, what are you
waiting for?" Betty asked impatiently. "This is too weird.
We're not playing your sick games," Alex the troublemaker replied in
defense of all the other boys. "How dare
you," Betty said angrily, letting go of Ben's penis. She walked over in
front of Alex and began slapping his butt once again. "This is not weird.
It's not sick. If you think that, it's your own problem for believing society's
warped views of naked boys." Just then, the sound of
a doorbell cut through the silence. "Ah!" Betty
exclaimed. "That must be our newest scout." She walked to the front
door and opened it, causing every boy to gasp as they saw an 11-year-old girl
standing next to her mom. She was wearing some kind of makeshift scount uniform
- one with long sleeves, pants that went all the way down to her shoes, and at
least two layers of shirts. "Well hello there!
You must be Katie," Betty enthused. "Come on in." Both the girl
and her mother walked inside. "Hello, Mrs.
Johnson," the girl remarked. Betty replied,
"Please, call me Betty." "Boys, please
welcome our newest troop member, and the very first girl Boy Scout," Betty
declared to the horror of the group of naked boys. A couple of them felt like
they wanted to faint. "They're all
naked," Katie giggled, pointing out the obvious. "That's right,
Katie," Betty affirmed. " "This is so great,
Betty," the girl's mom said. "I am so honored to be part of your
trailblazing ambitions here. It's so amazing to see that you're taking the Boy
Scouts back to its roots. None of that politically correct crap." "Thank you so
much," Betty beamed. "Why don't you go introduce yourselves to the
rest of the troop?" Katie's mom eagerly went
up to each boy and without even saying anything, stroked their penises for
several seconds. Then she watched with delight as her daughter mimicked her
actions. "Now Katie,
sweetie, that's called a penis," her mom said as she watched her daughter
grab the first one. "It's a part of the body that only boys have. When
they're excited, they get hard and point out like they are right now." "They're so
weird!" Katie giggled as she made her way down the line. "I would
just die if I had one of these." "Well, remember,
honey, they're not always so big and ugly," her mom said, causing the boys
to wince. "Usually they're tiny and shriveled up." "I bet they're
still ugly," Katie joked. That caused Katie's mom and even scoutmaster
Betty to chuckle. "Well, I can't
really argue with you there, honey," Katie's mom affirmed. "Now, when
they're poking out like this, it's called an erection, although most boys use
the word 'boner' instead." "Mom...stop with
your lecturing and just let me see everything for myself," Katie said
impatiently. Once she was finished
grabbing everyone's boner, the curious Katie took a few steps back so she could
see what all the boys looked like naked from behind. "Looks like Katie
wants to touch their butts too," Betty said with a smile. "Go ahead,
dear. They're all yours." Katie didn't need to be
told twice as she excitedly went down the line and chuckled as she grabbed
every boy's butt cheeks. Most of the boys started
assuming that Betty was going to make the little girl strip naked at any
second, which caused their penises to grow and twitch even more. They
thoroughly hated being naked and on display, but they knew it would be their
turn soon and the thought of a naked girl to play with and explore in a safe
and educational setting was going to be well worth their embarrassment. "Alright, honey,
well it looks like you're in good hands here. I'll be back to pick you up in a
couple hours, okay?" Katie's mom said. And so, Katie's own mind
began to fill with panic. She had originally been just as clueless about the
boys as to what tonight was going to be about. "Actually, I don't
know if I want to stay," Katie said, causing most of the boys to pout in
frustration. "Sure you do,
honey. This is going to be a lot of fun for you," her mom encouraged. "But, but... I
just, I don't want to be naked," Katie said softly. The boys thought that
was a pretty gutsy thing for her to say considering how she just fondled all of
their naked bodies without giving it a second thought. They were all looking
forward to getting their turn with her. But those hopes were
instantly dashed as Betty replied, "Oh dear, no. Where would you get an
idea like that?" "Well they're all
naked," Katie replied. "That's because
they're boys, silly," Betty replied almost chuckling. "Where would
you get the ridiculous idea that you would be naked?" Katie's mom piped in,
"That would be most inappropriate. Maybe I should stay here just to make
sure she understands." "Absolutely,"
Betty affirmed. "Wait, that's not
fair!" Alex shouted. In addition to his indignation over the blatant
double standard, Alex's pubescent hormones had made him kind of horny,
especially when he thought this girl was going to have to get naked too. "What's not
fair?" Betty asked. "She should have to
get naked too!" Alex declared strongly. "How dare
you..." "That one has
already proven that he's going to be a troublemaker," Betty lamented. "Please,
feel free to go spank him." With that, Katie's mom
went over to Alex and made him bend over as she began slapping his ass while
shouting, "What kind of pervert wants to see an 11-year-old girl
naked?" "What kind of
pervert makes a bunch of boys get naked and then touches their private
parts?" Alex replied indignantly. "Have you not been
paying attention to anything?" Betty called out. "There is no such
thing as 'boy private parts.' That's a meaningless term that's been spread
around too much by our corrupt society." Alex grunted in
frustration and demanded, "Then girls shouldn't have any private parts
either." "Now you listen
here, little boy," Betty declared. "While you are under my
supervision, you will show manners and respect. I will not tolerate anyone
talking about girls like that." "Neither will
I," Katie's mom piped in as she continued to smack Alex's butt. She wasn't
even spanking him that hard. She was really just kind of playfully slapping,
grabbing, and rubbing it. "Mom, can I spank
him too?" Katie asked enthusiastically. "Absolutely, honey!
You, stay bent over," her mom said to Alex, as though giving orders to a
dog. Katie grinned from ear
to ear as she began slapping and grabbing Alex's ass just like her mom. "Have we made our
point now?" Betty asked righteously. Though he was still
filled with rage, Alex replied, "Yes." "Good; you can
stand back up straight now," Betty instructed. Even after he did, Katie
continued to playfully smack his butt. "That's good,
Katie. You can stop now," her mother said, causing Katie to quietly mope. "Don't worry; I'm
sure he, or someone else, will deserve another spanking again before too
long," she suggested. Katie started to walk
back toward her mom, but as she glanced at Alex's rock hard penis, she decided
to grab it and give it a couple strokes just like she and her mom did earlier. "Hey!" Alex
called out instinctually. "You watch your
tone," Betty warned. Alex huffed out of anger
and stated, "No. Making us naked is one thing, but touching our...things.
That's not right." Betty just turned to
Katie's mom and sighed, "You see what our warped society has led to. Making
boys think they have the right to talk back and to demean little girls like
that." Then she turned back to
Alex and declared, "You're being incredibly rude and selfish. A little boy
shouldn't be allowed to feel like he owns his penis. It gives him a sense of
entitlement and selfishness. And that leads to all kinds of other problems like
modesty. And the purpose of this troop is to help make sure those things do not
happen to any of you boys. So Katie, you play with that boner as much as you
want and don't pay any attention to what any of those mean boys tells you,
okay?" With that renewed sense
of encouragement, Katie started rigorously stroking Alex's raging boner,
pausing every now and then to giggle and look at it from different angles. "You know, before
today Katie had actually never seen a naked boy," her mom confided to
Betty. "What? That's
crazy!" Betty replied as though that was the least acceptable thing she'd
heard all year. "In that case, tonight is going to be very educational for
her." "Katie,
dear..." Betty remarked. "Don't forget about all the other penises. Make
sure you play with them too. Take note of how different they all are." Some of the other boys'
penises had started to deflate, but upon hearing that this little girl was
being given free reign to all of them, they all stiffened right back up in
anticipation. And so, the 11-year-old
girl went down the line, grabbing, touching and stroking every penis as though
they belonged to her. She was having the time of her life. Little did she know,
she was bringing every single boy right to the cusp of orgasm. Some of them let
out audible moans, causing Katie to giggle in response. Then she reached
12-year-old Kevin. Unlike the other boys, she looked up straight at his face,
and said, "Hi Kevin! Thanks for helping me with my math homework
today." "Aww look at that. They
already know each other," Betty declared. Kevin had been looking
desperately around the room, anywhere but in Katie's direction, since she
entered the house. He recognized her right away as the girl who sits next to
him in math class. He had a huge crush on her and was always helping her with
her math homework as a way of demonstrating that crush. His sense of panic
deepened to a feeling of being completely mortified after Katie called out his
name. And even more so once she began playing with his penis. "Hey Kevin, Katie
just thanked you. Aren't you going to say 'you're welcome'?" Betty
demanded. "You're
welcome," Kevin muttered. He couldn't believe the girl he had liked since
third grade was knelt down in front of him, stroking his rock hard penis while
her mom watched! As much as he wanted to avoid the feelings, he was unavoidably
bursting with incredibly powerful sensations and he knew he was going to
explode any second. "Can you please
stop?" Kevin begged. Being the polite little
girl she was, Katie said "okay" as she let go of Kevin's boner and
started to move on to the next boy. Kevin moaned with a mix of relief but also
utter frustration. "Oh no you
don't," Betty shouted. "Katie, you don't stop playing with a boy's
penis just because he tells you to. You go back to him and you play with it
until *you* want to stop. And whenever you decide that is, you also need to
spank him for being selfish and disrespectful." Kevin glared at the
female scoutmaster as though he might be able to psychicly warn her what would
happen if Katie continued to stroke his penis. He had only the best intentions
by telling her to stop. But alas, Betty didn't care at all what kind of
internal turmoil Kevin was going through. He just disrespected a girl so he had
no right to object to anything. And so Kevin just
watched in horror as Katie's greedy hand once again reached out and began
stroking his throbbing organ. It only took a few more seconds before the
inevitable happened -- Kevin began unloading his sperm right then and there,
causing some of it to land on Katie's uniform. "Oh my god!"
Katie's mom exclaimed in horror. The unexpected turn of
events caused Katie to let go of Kevin's penis, but Betty remarked, "Keep
holding his penis, Katie. We'll deal with this in a minute." As she
reclaimed her grasp, Kevin shot out a couple more powerful spurts until it felt
like his balls were completely drained. He nearly collapsed as his knees
buckled from the intense orgasm. "Katie, sweetheart,
are you okay?" her mom called out. "Yeah, I think so.
What was that?" Katie replied in confusion. "It's okay, honey. It
just means he likes you," her mom assured. Katie's sense of
confusion and disgust turned to amusement. She chuckled, "Yeah, I always
knew that." "Do you like him
too?" Betty asked, wondering if a pubescent romance was about to blossom
within her scout troop. "Well, I used to
kind of like him, but not anymore. Not after that," Katie replied, causing
Kevin to feel even more worthless and embarrassed than he already was. "Hey, it's
shrinking!" Katie added, referring to Kevin's tired penis that she was
still holding in her hand. "Yeah, boys will do
that sometimes after they squirt like that," her mom clarified. "The
clinical term is 'cumming.'" "Well, that's
weird. And mean! I wasn't done playing with it," Katie pouted. "Now I
really don't like him. Can I give him a spanking for that too?" "Absolutely, honey.
I would say his butt basically belongs to you for the rest of the night,"
Betty confirmed. "Cool. But first, I
have one more to play with," Katie remarked with delight as she basically
tossed Kevin aside and moved to her final boy, 13-year-old Tyler. With her hand slightly
stained with Kevin's cum, she reached out and began stroking Tyler's erection,
rubbing the mess right into his boner. Tyler was already about to cum himself just
from watching what happened to Kevin, so with Katie's ministrations, combined
with the added lubricant, it took less than 10 seconds before Tyler copied his
fellow scout's actions and spurted all over the place. Since he was a little
older and was right at the peak of puberty, Tyler shot out considerably more. "My goodness. Looks
like someone else has a crush on you, Katie," her mom remarked. Katie beamed and
chuckled at the idea that all these cute boys liked her, but she casually
replied, "Well he's weird too so I don't think that's gonna work
out." "So do I also get
to spank this one for 'cumming'?" Katie asked using her new word, and not
even dignifying Tyler by name. "Yep. Looks like
there are two butts with your name on them now," Betty confirmed. "Yay," Katie
remarked as she decided to spin Tyler around. She used his butt as a washcloth
to rub her hands clean before she began smacking it with both hands. "Bend
over," she remarked. "Katie, honey,
before you do that, let's take a look at your uniform," her mom
instructed. Slightly disappointed at
having to momentarily stop smacking Tyler's butt, Katie stood up and walked
over to her mom. "Oh for the love
of...." Katie's mom said in disgust. "Look how stained her uniform
is. Do you have something else for her to wear for the rest of tonight's
meeting?" "Yes, I think I
have something that will fit," Betty replied as she disappeared from the
room. "Can I go spank
that one's butt some more?" Katie asked. "Yes, honey, in a
minute," her mom replied. "I want to say something first." Looking straight ahead
to the group of boys, she shouted, "Now look. I know my daughter is very
pretty but that doesn't give you the right to do what you just did. It's
disgusting so you better not try to pull anything like that again." "But it's her fault
for rubbing our penises," Kevin said defensively. "It's not like we
did it on purpose." Tyler, and in fact all the other boys as well, nodded
in agreement. Betty had just
re-entered the room to hear that remark, and she responded with anger. "How
dare you?! If you can't control yourself, that's your fault. Don't ever try to
blame someone else for something like that again. Do I make myself clear?" "Here, this should
fit," Betty turned her attention to Katie and her mom as she held out an
oversized child's sweater. Katie began taking off
the outer shirt of her uniform, but her mom quickly stopped her. "No,
honey, let's not undress out in the open like this, especially in front of ...
these boys." "Of course,"
Betty affirmed as she guided Katie to the bathroom so she could change with
privacy. Every boy in the room cringed angrily at the increasingly ridiculous
double standard. Katie returned in the
frumpy sweater as she anxiously went straight to Tyler and began smacking his
butt once again. "I told you to bend over," she declared. "She's such a
natural," Betty commented to Katie's mom. "I know. It just
goes to show that this is the natural order of things," Katie's mom
replied. After Katie got bored of
Tyler's butt, she moved back to her classmate Kevin. "Remember, that one
was extra naughty so spend a little more time with him," her mom
instructed, once again not even dignifying him with a name. "You said his butt
was mine for the rest of the night, right? So I can spank him whenever I want,
right?" Katie questioned. "That's right,
honey," her mom confirmed, causing Katie to chuckle. Once again, she was not
really inflicting any serious harm. She much preferred just playing with it:
giving it a moderate slap here and there but also kneading her hands into it
and pinching and poking it. Once all the females
were satisfied that they made their point and the boys understood the rules,
Betty decided to continue the troop meeting. "Okay, who wants to
play a game?" Betty asked. "I do!" Katie
enthused. The boys were less cheerful, but still cautiously optimistic that
their private parts (or, what they used to believe were private parts) were no
longer going to be the center of attention. "Alright, now I
understand this is a favorite game among Boy Scouts -- we're going to play Butt
Charades!" Betty declared. Everyone, including the
boys, had to giggle at that ridiculous name. However, it quickly sunk in that
this was likely going to embarrass the boys even more. "Here's how the
game works. I have these slips of paper, each with a word on them," Betty
explained as she reached over to a nearby desk. "You take a slip of paper,
turn around so your butt is facing the group, and then you have to try to spell
the word by shaking and moving your butt in the shape of each letter! Isn't
that fun?" A couple of the boys had
indeed played this game before, at church groups, cub scouts, etc. But they
were always fully clothed! Playing this game while naked sounded thoroughly
embarrassing. Nevertheless, they split
up into teams and began playing. There was scattered laughter at how much more
ridiculous this game was when everyone was forced to watch naked butt after
naked butt, swerving and swaying, tip-toeing and crouching. Katie was enjoying the
game most of all. She could barely even pay attention to the actual point of
the game since she would just become mesmerized staring at each boy's naked
butt. She wanted so much to just reach out and grab them like she had before. Then, finally, it was
Katie's turn. But she had another idea up her sleeve. "Okay, now I just
need my butt. Kevin?" Katie said, causing Kevin to look straight at her in
surprise. "Didn't you say his
butt was mine for the rest of the night?" Katie turned to Betty. "So,
that's the butt I wanna use for my turn." Betty chuckled,
"That's right, honey. Kevin, get on up there." All the boys silently
moped that Katie wasn't going to have to put herself through the same kind of
humiliation and ridicule. Moreover, they wouldn't get to see her shake and sway
her butt around even though she got to watch them do it. Kevin sighed as he went
to the front of the room and prepared himself for humiliation once again. But
as he turned around and began to reach for a word, he gasped as he felt Katie
forcibly hug him and lower her hands until she had a firm grasp on his butt. "Okay, everybody
ready?" Katie asked, causing the group of boys to laugh both out of the
amusement of the situation but also out of relief that this was happening to
Kevin and not one of them. As Betty started the
timer, Katie began moving Kevin's butt -- along with the rest of his body -- to
try to form the first letter. "F," they
guessed correctly. Moving on to the next
letter, Katie couldn't contain her laughter as she spread Kevin's cheeks apart
as much as possible. Every boy started busting a gut laughing as well, at the
sight of Kevin's butthole being exposed to the whole room. Alex was able to calm
down long enough to shout out, "O!" When Katie nodded her head, it
caused the room to erupt even more. Kevin, meanwhile, was hanging his head in
complete and thorough humiliation. Even worse, his penis had begun growing
again and it was starting to poke into Katie's stomach. Katie momentarily let go
of Kevin's butt so she could grab his penis and reposition it, but that only
succeeded in making it a full-blown erection. Katie decided to live with the
discomfort as she reached down to his butt and once again forcefully spread the
cheeks apart again, causing the group of boys to bust out with renewed
laughter. Katie's mom and Betty
looked on with extreme delight. It was so great to see a group of naked boys
just having fun, just the way things should be. As the group of boys
continued to laugh at Kevin's butthole, Alex shouted, "I have no idea what
letter that is, do you guys? Maybe you should try that again, Katie." It was obvious she
wanted to get them to say "O" again, but Alex -- and in turn the rest
of the boys -- couldn't resist the option of prolonging the hilarious sight of
Katie continuing to spread his butt cheeks back and forth. Everyone just
laughed until the timer went off. "It was supposed to
be another 'O'," Katie explained in disappointment. "The word was
'Food.'" "Ohhh," Alex
said with mock surprise. "Wait, can you show us again now that we
know?" Katie happily stretched
Kevin's butt cheeks apart yet again. "Oh noww I see
it," Alex said with a chuckle. As Katie stepped away
from Kevin, she couldn't help but give his raging erection another couple
strokes before she went back and joined the rest of the group. Kevin didn't know if he
could ever turn around and face his fellow Boy Scouts after that humiliating
ordeal. Worse yet, he was now the only boy in the room with an erection. "I'm glad you all
had fun with that. Are you ready for the next activity?" Betty asked. "Yeah!" Katie
exclaimed. This time all the boys
vocally agreed. While they were all still very self-conscious and hated being
naked, they decided to tolerate it as long as they weren't being judged or
criticized. Betty quickly ran into
the kitchen and brought back a can of whipped cream. "Okay, this next
game is called 'Human Sundae.' You have to vote on who you want to turn into,
well, a human sundae. That boy will sit down while the rest of you spray
whipped cream on his head. When you're done, I'll take a picture that we can
use as blackmail later," Betty joked, causing everyone to chuckle,
although the boys had real misgivings about there needing to be another reason
to take a picture of them. "I vote for
Kevin," Katie declared. The rest of the boys had a 'better him than me'
mentality so they all went along with that suggestion. Kevin was still looking
the other way with his butt facing everyone. Katie was the only one who knew he
was hiding an erection. "Kevin, it looks
like you've been chosen. What are you doing still facing the other way? Turn
around and come on over here," Betty remarked. Kevin slowly and
shamefully turned around, causing a mix of gasps and giggles from the room when
everyone saw his rock hard boner. "Oh... that's
unexpected," Betty declared. "It looks like Kevin is trying to tell
us something." Everyone chuckled. "Hey, we should
modify the rules and turn his penis into a sundae instead," Katie
suggested, causing the rest of the boys to laugh once again. Kevin began
feeling incredibly distraught that even the rest of the boys were turning on
him. But then he realized if he were in their shoes he'd probably do the same
thing. "Well, let's take a
vote. Who votes for spraying whipped cream on Kevin's head?" Betty asked.
No hands were raised, not even Kevin's because he was hoping there might be a
"not do anything to Kevin" option. "And who wants to
spray whipped cream on Kevin's penis?" Betty offered. Every hand, except
Kevin's, shot up in the air. "Well, that looks
pretty unanimous. Kevin, you didn't vote," Betty noted. "Is there a third
option?" Kevin asked, resulting in another bout of laughter from the
group. "I can't think of
any other options," Betty said, confused. "Unless, you want us to
spray whipped cream on your butt? I guess we could do that too. Good idea,
Kevin." "What? No, I
meant..." Kevin started to explain but was interrupted by Betty shouting,
"Alright, scouts! Time to make your sundae." With that, she held the
whipped cream bottle out for anyone to grab. Alex eagerly snatched it
and began spraying the whipped cream right on top of Kevin's increasingly
engorged penis. He started rubbing it in with his hands before he suddenly
realized that this whole situation was making him aroused too. As Alex felt his penis
begin to grow, he backed away and asked, "Okay, who's next?" "Me!" Katie
exclaimed as she took over the whipped cream bottle and began to spray a brand
new layer all over Kevin's penis, without even touching it. Then she turned him
around and started coating his butt as well. After giving him a
couple spanks, she lathered the whipped cream into every corner of his butt,
using both hands, and then worked her way around, being sure to cover his sides
as well, before making her way back to his penis. She started stroking it yet
again, as though she had been doing it all her life. This time, the feeling of
the whipped cream was making Kevin hornier than ever, even though that was the
last thing he wanted. As all the other boys
were watching, their reactions went from laughter to panic as they realized
they were all getting aroused as well. No one in the group was gay, at least
not overtly, but that didn't matter. Watching a boy of the same age have his
penis manipulated like that by a girl was more than enough emotional
stimulation to make any 12- to 13-year-old boy get an erection. After another minute or
so, Katie turned around to the rest of the boys and asked, "Okay, who's
next?" When she realized that
every other boy now had an erection again, she called out, "Mom! Scoutmaster
Johnson! It looks like the other boys are getting jealous." She couldn't
help but giggle. Betty caught Katie's
drift right away and remarked, "Well, well, if you boys all wanted to
become human sundaes too, you could have just said so." "No, that's okay,
right guys?" Alex stammered. The rest of the group nodded in agreement. "Oh, nonsense.
Katie, the whipped cream is all yours now. Why don't you go ahead and spray
some on everyone's penis," Betty instructed. And so, Katie went to
every boy, making sure she had an opportunity to give each of their penises a
few strokes before masterfully spraying the whipped cream right on top. "Okay, I think it's
picture time!" Betty declared as she pulled out her camera and quickly
snapped a candid photo. "Why don't you get
some close-ups?" Katie's mom suggested. "Great idea,"
Betty enthused as she approached each boy's whipped cream-covered penis, zoomed
in, and hit the shutter button. "These are really
cute little sundaes. Good job, Katie," Betty remarked. "They look good
enough to eat," Katie's mom chuckled. "Thank you!"
Katie beamed, accepting that as nothing more than a compliment of her work. "Well, let's go ahead
and get that whipped cream off so we can move on to the next thing," Betty
declared ambiguously. Trevor, one of the
quietest boys in the group, assumed that meant he could wipe off the whipped
cream himself, so he reached down to his penis and tried to scoop it off. "Ew, gross, Betty!
Look at that one!" Katie's mom called out in disgust. "Oh, no no, no, Trevor,
right?" Betty asked the
barely-12-year-old. "Yeah...?"
Trevor replied, confused. "Trevor, you
shouldn't touch your penis in public like that," Betty condemned. "It's
unsanitary at best, and gross at worst." Trevor still had a
completely confused look on his face. "I was just wiping the whipped cream
off." "No need to make
excuses. Just don't to it again," Betty warned. "That goes for all
of you," she clarified. "If you touch, rub, or play with your penis,
you will be spanked because that is not acceptable behavior." "Wait. Hang on a
minute," said Alex, the de facto spokesperson for the group. "Everyone
else gets to play with our penises as much as they want, but not us? That
doesn't make any sense." "It sure does make
sense," Betty clarified angrily. "When someone like Katie plays with
your penis, it's like playing with a toy. It's no different than playing with a
Barbie doll. But when boys play with their penises, they're doing it for their
own self-gratification which is gross, and we will not have any of that in this
troop." Alex huffed at the
obvious double standard but had no clue how to counter that logic, so he just
decided to go back to staring at the floor. "Now, where were we
before we were so rudely interrupted?" Betty asked, "Oh, right. The
whipped cream. Katie, I think you should pick a winner and then lick the
whipped cream off of that boy. I'll go grab a washcloth to clean off the
rest." All the penises in the
room twitched. Some of the boys nearly shot their load right then at the mere
suggestion of a girl putting her lips near their penis. "Hmmm...well, if I
have to pick a winner..." Katie mulled it over. "I guess that one's
the longest one," she decided, pointing to Paul's five-inch boner. 13-year-old Paul was the
shyest member of the group so he couldn't vocally object. He just stood there
in anticipation, his penis now throbbing, feeling as though it just grew
another inch. As Katie kneeled down to
the side of Paul's raging boner, she opened her mouth and began lapping up the
generous amount of whipped cream she poured out earlier. The other boys were
watching with sheer fascination, their own penises twitching and puberty juices
flowing as they tried to imagine what Paul was feeling at that moment. Also at that moment,
Betty returned with the washcloth and began scrubbing the whipped cream off of
Alex's penis. She labored over it, stroking his penis back and forth with the
slightly damp washcloth and making the whipped cream act as a lubricant as she
tried to get it all off. And that was enough for
him. He began to cum right into the washcloth, moaning in a combination of
ecstasy and complete shame. Once she realized what
was happening, Betty gasped and smothered his penis with the washcloth to make
sure his orgasm didn't cause any additional mess on her floor. He continued to
spurt several more times, thanks in part to the added friction of Betty
wrapping the washcloth around his penis. "Alex! Are you
kidding me?!" Betty shouted. "Katie, there's another butt for you to
spank when you're finished with that." That caused Katie to
momentarily stop licking Paul's penis, making him involuntarily moan. "And you were the
one trying to tell everyone earlier that you weren't a pervert," Katie's
mom huffed at Alex's actions. "Alex has a crush
on our scoutmaster. Alex has a crush on our scoutmaster," Katie teased. "Yeah, I'm sorry
about that, Alex. I mean, I'm flattered, but I don't think that's
allowed," Betty remarked. Now that his mind was
clear again, Alex resumed his bossy demeanor and declared, "I don't have a
crush on you! You're old!" "You say one thing,
but your penis says another. I've known boys long enough to know that a penis
is much more trustworthy," Betty rebutted. "You just rubbed my
penis until it spurted. Anyone could have done that," Alex said
defensively. He really hated the suggestion that he somehow actually liked this
crazy old woman. "She was just
wiping off the whipped cream. You're the one who had to go and make it all
perverted," Katie's mom piped in. Katie, meanwhile,
decided to resume her own method of getting whipped cream off of Paul's penis. She
realized that to get the last traces, she'd have to put his entire penis in her
mouth and try to suck the rest off. So she repositioned
herself to be head-on staring directly at the raging twitching penis. Paul
couldn't help but watch in anticipation as she wrapped her lips around his
boner and began sucking, while trying to move her tongue around to get to the
last traces of whipped cream. "Looks like Katie's
enjoying her sundae," Betty chuckled, trying to restore a sense of levity
to the room. Katie's mom was the only one who chuckled in agreement. Paul silently moaned for
several seconds, as he felt his balls churning more excitedly than any other
time in his life. After a few seconds of
realizing she couldn't taste any more whipped cream, Katie removed her mouth,
but she had already set the gears in motion. Without any kind of warning, Paul
began shooting his load. The first spurt felt like it went all the way to the
other side of the room. This was the most powerful sensation his body had ever
felt before. But he didn't really get
to enjoy it at all, with Betty screaming at him, "Paul! What is wrong with
all you boys?! Here, Katie, wrap this around his penis. Quick." Katie grabbed the
washcloth and smashed it up against Paul's orgasmic penis as his balls
continued to drain. "You tried to do
that right into my daughter's mouth, you sicko!!" Katie's mom exploded.
"Can I spank that one myself?" Without even waiting for
an answer, she ran behind Paul, forced him to bend over, and began slapping his
ass. For real this time. She way laying into him with a complete sense of
adrenaline and anger. Being as shy as he was,
Paul just hung his head in shame without trying to defend himself. After she was satisfied
with her spanking, Katie's mom grabbed the washcloth from her daughter and very
quickly wiped away the whipped cream from the remaining penises, giving no
concern to the fact that the washcloth was stained with the sperm of both Alex
and Paul. When she got to Kevin,
who not only had whipped cream on his penis but all the way around to his butt
as well, she turned and asked, "Betty, why don't we have this one go take
a shower?" "Sure," Betty
replied. To Kevin's complete shock, Betty grasped his boner and used it like a
leash to lead him into the bathroom, and then stood there as she watched him get
into the bathtub. She grabbed a sponge, ran it under the faucet, and began
scrubbing Kevin's butt and boner, causing Kevin's testosterone levels to go
through the roof. Luckily, Betty stopped
just short of making him cum. She grabbed a towel and quickly dried him off
before grabbing his penis once again and leading him back into the living room. "Our last activity
is going to be truth or dare. We'll split up into teams," Betty described.
The boys assumed they'd be even teams like with Butt Charades, but were
dismayed when Betty clarified: "boys and girls." "But there's only
one girl!" Alex declared obviously. "I know, but that's
the only way to make this game fair. Otherwise I know you boys would all pick
on Katie," Betty reasoned. "Now, every girl --
or in this case, the only girl -- will be asked one truth and one dare from the
boy team. And every boy will be asked one truth and one dare from the girl
team," Betty explained. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that
these rules were constructed so that Katie would only be on the spot for a very
brief amount of time while all of the naked boys would have to endure exactly
what she wanted. "Okay, truths
first: Katie, you get to ask each boy a question. The spirit of this game is to
get to know everyone a little better," Betty instructed. A huge grin swept across
Katie's face as she thought up some questions. "Hmm..." she began.
"I don't really remember their names." "Oh that's okay. You
can just go down the line, or point to them," Betty suggested. "Okay, then, the
first one..." Katie said, referring to Trevor. "Before tonight, how
often did you touch your penis?" Trevor's face turned
crimson red with embarrassment. The other boys, likewise, were starting to
squirm with the realization that she was probably going to ask each and every
one of them something about their boy parts. "Remember, you have
to answer honestly," Betty reminded. "Well..."
Trevor stammered, looking at the floor. "I mean, I need to hold it when I
go to the bathroom, so ... pretty much every day." "I don't think
that's what she meant, Trevor," Katie's mom interjected. "What she
meant was how often do you just grab it or play with it for fun or out of
boredom?" Katie nodded her head to affirm that she would much rather hear
those kinds of details. "I don't
know..." Trevor said with humiliation. "It's not like I keep
track." "But probably every
day, maybe even multiple times a day?" Katie's mom asked in a leading
manner. ".....Probably...."
Trevor admitted with shame. "Pervert..."
Katie's mom quipped, making Trevor feel even worse about himself. And of
course, all the other boys hung their heads down as well, knowing they would
have all answered the question the same way. "Okay, next
one!" Katie beamed, looking at Tyler. "So, why do you
have a crush on me?" Katie giggled, referring to the earlier incident
where she happened to make Tyler cum, and her mom explained that the only
reason for such behavior would be that Tyler must like her. But Tyler in fact did
not like her at all. He was beginning to loathe her more than anyone he'd ever
known. "I, uh, I don't
really have a crush on you. That was just an accident earlier," Tyler
confessed. "Oh, no, you
don't," Katie's mom warned. "You have to answer truthfully and your
penis already told us the real answer." "I don't
know..." Tyler muttered. "I guess you're pretty." "Aww that's
cute," Katie said as she reached out to give Tyler's penis a couple
strokes. "But you're not my type." "Okay, you..."
Katie said as she greedily reached out and grabbed 12-year-old Jack's erection.
She began stroking it and asked, "How come sometimes your penis sticks out
like this and other times it's really small and weird-looking?" She
pointed to Paul, the one who had nearly cum right in her mouth, as an example
of a shriveled up penis. She continued to stroke
Jack's dick, making his mind race. It was embarrassing enough to try to answer
a question like that, but he was now going through even more mental gymnastics
to try to avoid all the sensations Katie was giving him. "I, um... I don't
know. It just happens," Jack stammered. That answer caused Katie
to giggle. "No wonder boys are so weird." After several more
seconds, she decided to stop stroking Jack and moved on to the next boy. Jack
sighed in agony, knowing he was just a couple strokes away from an orgasm. Nevertheless,
he was very grateful that he didn't, because he knew that would have earned him
a spanking. As Katie moved on to
examine Paul's recently climaxed penis, she declared, "I think you know my
question for you. Why did you think it would be funny to try to shoot that
gross stuff into my mouth?" Paul gulped so loudly he
thought the entire world could hear. "I, uh..." Paul said, trembling
while looking down at the floor. "Answer the
question, Paul," Betty ordered. "I, uh, I didn't
think it would be funny. I guess I just, uh, have a crush on you and I wasn't
thinking clearly," Paul managed. "Aw, well, sorry,
but if you're going to do something like that, then you're definitely not my
type," Katie said plainly, making Paul feel even more embarrassed. Meanwhile, Katie's
already giant ego was growing even more as the result of so many cute naked
boys admitting they had crushes on her (well, not so much "admitting"
as much as being coerced into saying that they did, but to Katie that didn't
make any difference). She then turned to Ben,
who had been pretty quiet the whole night. And like everyone else, she reached
out to grab his penis, stroking it to make it even more erect than it already
was. "Tell me the truth.
Do you like having a penis?" Katie asked. Ben gulped with
humiliation, knowing if he didn't say what everyone knew was the truth, he
would just get yelled at. "I mean, yeah, I
guess," Ben replied sheepishly. Katie just laughed as
she continued to rub his boner. "I guess I'll never understand boys. How
could anyone actually want one of these?" For someone who seemed
so disgusted by penises, she sure seemed to be having a good time playing with
them... Katie then turned to
Alex, the one whose penis had just spurted in front of Betty. "Wow, that
penis is really small now," Katie giggled. "How do you make it hard
again?" With that, she began
fondling the flaccid penis. Even though Alex had just climaxed a few minutes
earlier, his young and eager balls were already filling up again, so Katie's
ministrations were having their intended effect right away. "Um...." Alex
commented. For the first time all night he was at a loss for words. After about
15 seconds, his penis was starting to noticeably rise in Katie's hand. Katie just giggled and
said, "It looks like your penis is answering the question." "That's right,
honey," Katie's mom affirmed, "A penis can get hard just from a girl
touching it. Isn't that funny?" Katie chuckled,
"Really? That's so weird. Penises are so funny..." Her mom followed up,
"And you can play with that penis all you want. It won't cum because
that's the pervert who has the hots for your scoutmaster over here." Even
some of the boys giggled at that comment. "I do not!" Alex
moped. "She made me cum. That doesn't mean I like her." "Alex, there's no
need to get defensive," Betty reassured. "Like I said, I'm flattered.
But that's just not something that's appropriate here." Alex could only manage
to grunt in frustration. He decided not to continue this argument because it
was only going to prolong his embarrassment. Meanwhile, Katie was
continuing to stroke his 13-year-old boner, and managed to edge him to orgasm
before suddenly letting go. It was like she somehow knew the exact second to
stop stroking. "Told you that one
wouldn't cum. I bet if Betty went over there, he would," Katie's mom
joked. "Well, he's trying
to say he doesn't have a crush on her. We should give him a chance to prove
it," Katie encouraged. "Go ahead, scoutmaster. You should play with
his penis to let him prove that he doesn't like you." "Well...alright,
but only because he made such a big deal about it," Betty agreed as she
approached Alex's raging erection. "No! No! That's not
fair. I almost spurted while Katie was rubbing it," Alex tried to explain. "Oh, come on now,
this is your own fault since you made such a big deal about this," Betty
said as she began to stroke his penis, causing all of his hormones and
sensational feelings to come flooding right back. His penis didn't care who
touched it; it was ready to explode either way. "No. You don't
understand..." Alex muttered as he reached that familiar point of no
return once again. Since he had just ejaculated, there was only a slight mess,
but it was very obvious by his body contortions and everything else that he was
cumming, yet again in the hands of the middle-aged female. "Well.... I think
that's all the proof we need," Betty said, half upset and yet half
delighted that this young boy did actually appear to respond quite strongly to
her touch. Alex just quietly looked
down at the floor as everyone in the room started laughing at his expense, some
of whom started chanting "Alex has a crush on the scoutmaster." "Alright, alright,
everyone, settle down," Betty ordered. "Katie, I think you have one
more boy left. Kevin, your classmate, right?" "That's
right!" Katie smiled. She walked over to Kevin and wrapped her hand around
his straining boner. "Yet another little naked boy who has a crush on
me." She started stroking his
erection with even more vigor than before. The truth was that she actually had
quite the crush on Kevin too, and she was also aroused by being able to play
with his naked body as much as she wanted. Luckily for her, there was no way
anyone else could tell. And for Kevin, who had
fancied Katie since as long as he could remember, this situation was just way
too powerful. He was ready to explode again at any moment. "So, when did you
realize that you had a crush on me?" Katie asked her classmate. Kevin looked to the side
and mumbled, "Ummm... I don't know. I guess always, really..." That caused Katie to
gush with her own inner hormones, which in turn resulted in her stroking
Kevin's penis even more rigorously. And before she knew it, Kevin shouted,
"Oh no, I'm going to...." And for the second time
that night, Kevin climaxed right in front of his longtime crush. This time it
was more of a dribbling orgasm, causing Katie's hand to catch most of it. She
decided to walk over to Tyler and use his butt as a washcloth, as she had done
previously. She wiped all of Kevin's spunk on Tyler's butt cheeks. "Hey, what
gives?" Tyler pouted, feeling disgusted. "Sorry. I guess I
like your butt the best," Katie chuckled. "It makes a good washcloth." "Aww, so sweet. Say
thank you, Tyler," Betty instructed. "What?! She just
wiped someone else's... stuff.. into my butt. Why would I say thank you?" Tyler
fumed. "Because she thinks
your butt is cute. That's a compliment," Betty explained. "So....'thank
you,'" Betty directed. Tyler just sighed and
said, "Thank you." "You're
welcome!" Katie beamed. Katie then turned her
attention back to Kevin: "So, I guess you really do like me, huh? Doing
that two times in one night?" Kevin just quietly
nodded his head in thorough humiliation. "Too bad she's too
good for you," Katie's mom remarked from the sidelines, making Kevin's
heart sink. "Yeah, a weird
little boy like you. Sorry," Katie replied for no reason other than the
enjoyment of Kevin's humiliation. "Well, you don't
have to be so mean about it," Kevin said sullenly. "You're one to
talk, dude. Making a mess all over my hand," Katie rebutted. "And
both times, before I was even done playing with your penis." "Alright, alright;
let's stop fighting," Betty declared. "Kevin, apologize for being
rude and then we can move on." Kevin felt himself
boiling up inside that he was the one who had to apologize, but since he was an
obedient kid, he just went along and said, "I'm sorry." "Now, boys... it's
your turn to ask Katie a question," Betty instructed. The boys huddled
together, trying to figure out the most embarrassing question they could. After
a couple moments of silence, Alex was the one brave enough to go forward with
their question: "What's it like to have..you know...girl parts?" That caused Katie's mom
to shout, "Ewwwwww. Don't answer that, Katie! What a perverted
question." "But she's been
asking us noting but questions about our boy parts!" Alex said in
retaliation. "Well, duh, she's
been playing with them all evening. Of course she's curious about them,"
Katie's mom replied as though she was stating the obvious. The female scoutmaster
chimed in, "We're just trying to play a friendly game here. I'm really
disappointed in you boys for trying to turn it into something dirty." "Okay, fine, we'll
ask another question," Alex grumbled. "Oh, no you
don't," Katie's mom shouted. "You just ruined truth or dare so it's
over." "Well, that's not
exactly fair," Betty remarked, causing some of the boys to feel
vindicated. Unfortunately, Betty wasn't referring to them. "After all, Katie
didn't even get a chance to give the boys any dares," Betty noted. "And
she didn't do anything wrong. So, how about this? Katie, how about giving the
whole group of boys one big dare? Or just one of them, or some of them. It's
your call." "Okay!" Katie
beamed. She was relieved that she wasn't going to have to deal with any
potential humiliation herself. "How
about...." she said, eyeing the group of boys (really just eyeing the
group of penises). "Okay, I know.
Everyone who still has an erection has to go outside and run around the
house," Katie giggled, to the horror of everyone who was still sporting a
raging boner. For the first time that night, Alex, Kevin and Paul were actually
glad that they ejaculated, whether it was on purpose or not. The thought of public
nudity caused the adrenaline and hormones to race through everyone, making sure
no erection in the room was going to subside. "Well go on. That
looks like everyone except Alex, Kevin, and Paul" Betty instructed. That
left Tyler (whose butt cheeks were still stained from Katie rubbing Kevin's cum
into them), Jack (the shy 12-year-old who admitted to touching his penis
multiple times a day), Trevor (the shortest one in the group who was scolded
earlier for touching his own penis), and Ben (Betty's friend's son who had to
admit to liking his penis). "Come on; you can't
be serious!" Jack exclaimed. "Oh, stop
whining," Betty remarked. "Running outside naked is a classic
truth-or-dare prank. Nothing wrong with that. You're lucky Katie only suggested
around the house." "Well, go on,"
Betty started impatiently pushing the boys' butts, one at a time, in the
direction of the front door. Before long they all found themselves outside and
heard Betty lock the door. The five shy boys looked
at each other in panic and decided to just start quickly running. They made
their way around the back first, but to their dismay, as they rounded the turn
back to the front of the house, there was a whole family walking their dog on
the sidewalk. "Hey, hey, hey,
what's going on here?" shouted the father figure. The boys were filled
with panic, but also with a sense of relief. Maybe this would be their chance
to get someone to help them. So rather than run right
back to the house, the group of naked boys approached the family. Jack quietly
but desperately said, "You've gotta help us. We were supposed to be in a
Boy Scouts meeting but some old lady in there made us get naked and..." Rather than express even
the slightest bit of concern, the dad just laughed out loud, saying, "You
boys and your games." The mom piped in,
"Aren't they just the cutest things you've ever seen?" Tyler decided to jump
in: "No, we're serious. There's a girl in there who keeps playing with
our... you know." "Your cute little
boners?" the mom asked with delight as she reached out and squeezed
Tyler's penis. This was not going according to the boys' plan. "Oh I could just
squeeze this all day long," the mom enthused. Her daughter, 8-year-old
Jenny, was watching with extreme interest. "Jenny, you'll
learn more about this later, but boys come with these little toys called
penises. Wanna play with one?" the 40-year-old mother figure offered. "Okay! Sure,"
the little girl said as she reached out and put a death grip on Jack's raging
organ. "What's fun is if
you stroke it up and down like this," the mom said as she started
unapologetically masturbating Tyler. Little eight-year-old Jenny started doing
the same thing to Jack. "You boys jealous
over there?" the father figure asked Ben and Trevor. Without waiting for
an answer, he began to stroke Ben's erection. Trevor watched with
disbelief -- and relief, as he wondered if he should just run back to the
house. Before he could decide, though, he felt something wet and soft. It was
the family's dog! Trevor was short enough and the dog just big enough that his
nose could reach up to Trevor's penis. The dog began sniffing with extreme
curiosity. "Aww, he likes
you!" the dad called out, causing the rest of the family to laugh. Trevor was beyond
terrified and began to walk backwards away from the dog, but the dog just
followed right along. "I wouldn't make
any sudden movements or she might bite," the dad said, teasingly, but that
just made Trevor all the more terrified. "This is fun!"
Little Jenny exclaimed as she began pumping Jack's penis with more energy. "I know," her
mom agreed. "They're just the perfect age. Still young enough to run
around naked, offering their erections to strangers. And no sense of modesty or
anything other than just good ol' boys being boys." Unfortunately, as she
was giving that speech, she also revved up her movements on Tyler's penis, and
hormones were gushing from every inch of his body down to his boy parts. "Probably another
year or two from now, this penis will go from being a cute harmless toy to a
dealy weapon," the mom continued. "I hate it when that happens to
boys." And almost as if right on cue, at that exact second, Tyler's body
began contorting and tensing up as a giant wad of semen shot right over the
woman and onto the sidewalk. "Oh, no, are you
kidding me?!" the mom gasped as she continued to stroke Tyler's penis
throughout his orgasm. "Well I guess I spoke too soon. This one's already
a pervert." Without saying another word, she turned Tyler around and began
spanking him. Watching his wife in
such a dominating position caused her husband to subconsciously start giving
more vigor to Ben's penis. He barely even realized what he was doing before Ben
shot his wad out right there on the sidewalk as well. "Oh my god. You two
should be ashamed of yourselves," the dad said as he started spanking Ben. "Jenny, you keep
playing with yours. Pay no attention to what happened. That one looks a little
younger so you're okay. We picked the wrong ones, obviously," her mom
instructed. "Okay!" That
added encouragement only caused Jenny to ramp up her stroking and rubbing
motions on Jack's penis. Trevor, meanwhile, was
still paralyzed in fear as the dog had moved from simply mashing his nose
against his penis, to outright licking it. And he too was now facing the same
ball-churning sensations, even though he never in his wildest dreams would have
imagined being turned on by a dog. But as everyone had been learning all night
long, it didn't matter who, what, when, why, or how, when it came to penises,
especially those going through puberty. As long as something was touching or
rubbing them, it was going to have the same effect. At just that time, Betty
decided to walk out of the house and see what was going on. She was beyond
stunned at the sight, and walked along the sidewalk to see what was going on. "What is all
this?!" Betty asked the new family. "I hope my Boy Scouts haven't
been bothering you." "Well, they weren't
at first," the mom said. "But then these two decided it would be
funny to cum all over the sidewalk." Ben and Tyler held their heads down
in shame. "Luckily, that one
appears to be the only responsible one," she said, pointing at Jack while
her daughter was basically jacking him off. But as much as he loved
being complimented and basically being the only boy who hadn't been called out
for being a pervert, Jack's penis was just like any other boy's, and it had
reached its maxmimum level of stimulation. So, without any warning, it too
began shooting out, nearly hitting Jenny right in the face. "Mom!!" Jenny
called out as she let go and ran into the comfort of her mother's arms. "I
don't like that toy anymore." "Well I can't blame
you," her mom huffed as she began to spank Jack. "How dare you! I
have half a mind to call the police right now." Jack silently wished she
would because he knew there was no way that he was the criminal here. But it
was, of course, just an empty threat. So that left Trevor,
whose increasingly throbbing boner was still being lapped by the family's dog
as though it was a salt lick. By now, the rest of the
house filled with Boy Scouts, including Katie and her mom, had come out to see
the commotion. Regardless of the incidents that just happened, everyone was now
laughing at the sight of Trevor and the dog. "Well, let's go
before these boys cause too big a scene around here," the father figure
said as he walked over to his dog. "Come on, girl,"
he said as he began petting her. But that demonstration of affection only
caused the dog to start licking Trevor's penis even more. And then, it happened.
Trevor's body started shaking. As the youngest of the group, he produced the
smallest amount of sperm, but it still dribbled out pretty thoroughly. The dog
went into licking overdrive, making sure he lapped up all of the mess. "Ew gross! No,
stop, girl, come on," the father reigned her dog away. "These boys
are all perverts!" "Trevor has a crush
on a dog!" Katie squealed. "That is the weirdest thing ever. Oh my
god." "Okay, everyone,
let's just go back inside," Betty said, motioning for everyone to return
to the house. "I can see you've
got your hands full," the father said to scoutmaster Betty. "Good
luck." With that, he huffed and walked away with the rest of his family. Once everyone returned
inside, Betty closed the door and turned to the group of exhausted boys. "Well,
my goodness. Based on the display from you boys tonight, I can see we've got a
long way to go. Luckily your moms and dads are pretty committed to keeping you
in the new Boy Scouts program for a long time to come."