How I Spent my Summer Vacation

By Jamie

(I'll forward any feedback to the author)

Copyright 2015 by Jamie, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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How I spent my summer vacation or the first day of it anyway!

I was 15 that summer and was going on holiday with mum and sisters aged 12 and 14 to a campsite on the edge of a wood by a lake. It was run by an organisation called “the Sisters”. This meant nothing to me, it just looked from the pictures great fun.

After a long drive we arrived, it was hot and sunny. We bundled out of the car enjoying the fresh air and into the Reception. Mum chatted to the ladies and then they handed over wristbands to my sisters.
“Don’t I get one? “ I asked

“Oh no, boys don’t need one as everyone can tell you are part of the camp.” I looked at her not quite understanding what she was saying.

She asked “ I take it you haven’t told him?”

“No, he’s getting so big for his boots I thought it best to wait.”

“Very sensible, may I?” The lady replied
“Be my guest” said mum.

I didn’t understand at all what was going on until the lady addressed me, “Right boy this camp is run the Sisters, and this means we women are in charge. There are no men here, all the staff are women. Boys didn’t need wristbands because they are all..”

She stopped mid-sentence as the door flew open and a totally naked boy about 12 years old ran in. He stopped and breathlessly said, “Excuse me miss but can I have the first aid kit as Jessica has cut her toe on a stone by the lake.”

“Certainly Jason. Good boy for running all this way and asking so politely.”

As the other lady got the kit, my sisters were staring at the naked boy, who stood there seemingly unconcerned about his nudity. My older sister thinking about what she saw and what she had heard, looked up at me and smiled broadly.

The boy ran out of the door with the first aid kit saying “thank you Miss”.

She turned back to me, and said, “ Now where was I…yes all boys are naked here so you have no need for a wristband young man. So take off all your clothes now and put them in one of those baskets. You’ll get them back when camp finishes. “

I just stood there open mouthed and looked at my mother. She had a stern look on her face, “Do as you are told Gabriel.”

I shook my head and shouted “No way”

The woman stepped forward, grabbed my arm and delivered 2 hard slaps against the back of my leg and with the help of the other woman hauled my t-shirt over my head and pulled off my shorts so I was left standing there naked in front of everyone. I was so shocked I couldn’t speak, I was blushing deep red , my hands covering my willy. My sisters were quiet but clearly enjoying my predicament.

“That’s better,“ said the woman. “ There will be more spankings if you don’t learn to behave and do as you are told.”

She stepped forward and pulled my hands away and said “ No covering up ever.”

Unprotected my willy sprang upwards into an erection.

My mother took this in and smiled, “ you have grown up haven’t you Gabriel, time now to start acting like a young man a rather than the silly boy you’ve been of late.”

“Enjoy your stay stay, you girls will have a great time. Your host, Liza, will be along to your chalet to check you’ve settled in, tell you about the introduction meeting and show you around.”

And so we trooped out to head to our chalet. Mum, 2 happy smiling sisters and one scared naked boy.

(The End)