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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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my finger also stinks after I stuck it up Jack's butthole awhile," echoed
a second girl, likewise holding up her index finger and sniffing it. Jack could
not believe their obtuseness.In
exasperation, he exclaimed, "Of course your goddamned finger stinks.That's the poophole, for fuck's sake!" Mrs.
Dolhurstel glared at her obstreperous boy with a steely stare which reminded
Jack that control trumped logic here. Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "You just earned yourself a spanking, you petulant child!And that'll be quite enough of that
swearing!" Juck
brooded a bit before realizing that a bath might actually be a reprieve from
the present molestation massal.So he
said, "On second thought, mom, maybe a bath is not such a bad
idea.""At least I'll get some
privacy there," he thought. Mrs.
Dolhurstel countenance brightened as she replied, "That's the spirit,
boy!"Then turning her gaze towards
the masses, she said, "Girls, who of you would like to assist Jack in his
bath?" Jack's
heart sank once again.Then he came to
himself and thought, sulking, "How stupid of me to think they'd give me a
break?Will I ever get rid of these
bitches?" At Mrs.
Dolhurstel's earnest inquery, almost every girl's hand shot up in anticipation,
including those of Jack's female cousin, Gertrude (Dale's 13 year old sister)
and Dorothy, little Vince's nine year old twin sister.Mrs. Dolhurstel chose the latter two and six
others.These latter six were selected
at random from the sea of hands. Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "Right then, you eight girls will lead Jack into the bathroom,
draw a bath, and prepare him for his bath.I will be in shortly to give him his enema.He needs to be cleaned inside as well as
out.His rectum stinks." "What's
a rectum?" asked one bright eyed, inquisitive girl, among the selection. "What's
a enemaus?" asked a second such. Mrs.
Dolhurstel replied gingerly, "You will see.We are going to make sure this little rugrat
no longer has a stinky asshole." The girls
giggled, as Jack cringed.While he did
not know exactly what this all meant, he still had a bad feeling about it just
the same, inversely proportional to their glee. As the
eight volunteer girls led away their lamb to the "slaughter," one of
them pulling on his penis and ordering him to keep in step, Mrs. Dolhurstel
turned her attention back to the poor lads before her. She
continued her inquest: "Now where was I?Oh yes, We were just about to ascertain whether these little shits are
as guilty of jacking off as Jack." As she
spoke, the three fidgeting boys were already fully erect from all of the
fondling they were receiving from the girls around them. "Now
remember, girls," she continued, "You are looking for signs of
compression: any dents or asemmetry, or concave indentations." The girls
didn't know exactly what she meant, but their intuitive skills took over as
they each took turns examing the boys' erections. "What
the fuck!" said a red-faced 11 year old Mikey, as a girl kept yanking on
his turgid phallus."Don't yank the
fucker off!" The girl
slapped the peevish boy for having the gall to protest.On seeing, Mrs. Dolhurstel commended her,
"That's right, Rachel, show the boy his place!" After every
girl had examined the three boys for signs of masturbation, they reported to
Mrs. Dolhurstel their "findings." "Mrs.
Dolhurstel," said one particularly articulate girl, "We have
discussed it amongst ourselves and are satisfied that these boys are telling
the truth when they say they have not masturbated." "Nonsense!"
snapped Mrs. Dolhurstel."Boys
ALWAYS jack themselves.They're dirty
little shits, every one of them." "Well,"
resumed the girl, "We didn't find any 'dents.' " Mrs.
Dolhurstel turned back to the boys and said, "So, you boys are innocent,
ARE you." The three
nodded obsequiously, hoping in vain to resume their normal, "CLOTHED"
status.But once more, Mrs. Dolhurstel
was having none of it. "So
innocent, are you?Pure as the driven
snow, are you?"Her sardonic tone
blended with a sacharine lacquer of false sincerity to give it an air of
credibility, calculated to set them up for false hope. "Well,
if you boys are so goddamned pure, you must be repressed.For that arrogant pride, you will be
punished.You don't deserve clothes, you
damned hypocrites!" The boys
looked like they were trying to make sense of her convoluted logic.Their cute faces crinkled, and their brows
creased, under their obvious confusion. "So,"
braved 12 year old Dale Huzxel, cousin to Jack, "If we masturbated, like
Jack, we would be punished for jacking off.If we didn't, we would be punished for NOT jacking off?Is that what you're saying?" Mikey:
"What the fuck!" "First
of all, boys," she continued, condescendingly, "Your absence of
covering is not due to desert on your part.It is for propriety.It is PROPER
that boys be naked at all times, since they have nothing to hide.Second of all, it befits your punishment,
since you boys are denying your nature by resisting masturbation." Dale:
"So yes, you mean, we ARE being punished for not masturbating, just as
Jack is being punished FOR masturbating." Mikey:
"What the fuck!" Mrs.
Dolhurstel was incensed that they would have the audacity to bring logic to
bear on the subject, when it was clearly beside the point!She said in an angry tone, "We shall put
your purity to the test!Girls, you will
take turns jacking each boy off.Every
time one of them 'spits' out of his penis [by which she meant to refer to their
ejaculation], he will be punished with the belt.We shall keep track." Mikey:
"What the fuck!" Three girls
each grabbed a penis, after prying it out of the hands of their penultimate
molesters, and began jerking it. After a
short while, each boy achieved orgasm.For
nine year old Vince, this was a dry orgasm.But for his cousin Dale (12) and brother Mikey (11), this was a full
fledged ejactulation. Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "That's one punishment a piece for Dale and Mikey." Dale:
"That's not fair.Little Vince
can't even cum yet.He's too
young." Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "Okay.You want
'fair.'Every time you're punished, he's
punished too." At this,
Vince began crying. As the
boys' molestation continued, the law of diminishing returns went into effect,
as each ejaculation became less and less pleasurable; until finally, they were
downright excruciating.The boys begged
the girls to stop, but the girls just kept coming, and the boys, cumming (dry
cumming, that is, after awhile)."I'm
so fucking angry," blurted Dale, in a fucking angry voice. Mrs.
Dolhurstel was in Epicurean heaven with all the strained groaning and screams
coming from the anguished boys.And the
masturbation sessions were only half done, judging from the number of girls who
had not yet had a turn.Just then, Mrs.
Dolhurstel heard screams from a fourth boy, issuing from the bathroom.She looked to the bathroom door, when it
occurred to her that she had almost forgotten about Jack's bath and enema. She turned
to her sister, Mrs. Huzxel, and said, "Adrienne, would you be a dear and
take over while I check on Jack's bath?" Mrs.
Huzxel: "Why certainly, darling.I
would be only too happy to oversee these boys' torment." After
winking at her sister, Mrs. Dolhurstel made her way to the bathroom.When she had entered the bathroom, she
immediately perceived the cause of Jack's shrieks.He was in the bathtub, which was full of
water, with his buttocks up in the air and his anus greeting the open air, as a
girl vigorously scrubbed his rectum with his toothbrush.The handle, held by her, protruded out of his
gaping anus, while girls peered inside him, and the one holding the toothbrush
scrubbed away. Apparently, this is how the girls interpreted her meaning about
"cleaning Jack" inwardly.Beside
herself with rapturous joy, Mrs. Dolhurstel smiled before she spoke...