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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
Cute little 10 year old Jack Dolhurstel was an
adorable blond with a slender, yet toned, body. He had just finished
watching a
televangelist on TV denouncing the "evils of Onanism." Jack decided
that this "sin of Onanism" sounded so deplorable, so utterly
egregious, so repehensible and otherwise despicable, he just HAD to try
it. So
he went to his room to stroke his nice "little" 5 inch male member
(which grew another two inches upon erection). He had fondled himself
on many
an occasion, but never actually stroked himself, like he had heard
about so
many times on the playground. He had deduced that "Onan" must be a
euphemism for his penis, and so he thought, "It'll be fun to play with
Onan." Little did he realized, "Onan" would soon become very
popular with the crowds. He
himself in his room and found his bed. He divested himself of his
"outerwear," and lay there naked, spreadeagle, pulling on his penis,
until he developed a "rhythm." He
interrupted himself into to reach into his dresser and pull out a
playboy that
he had stolen from his father the night before. He had overheard his
father say
to his mom that he only viewed it for the articles. "Yeah right,"
said Jack to himself, thinking back to that moment. Then he opened the
To his utter astonishment, there were no nude pictures. "Hey, where are
all the naked pictures of women?" he thought out loud, "There are
only these damned articles in this!" Determined, Jack decided he would
have to use his imagination and conjure up a few women and girls of his
own. We
can't tell about those naughty thoughts, in respect for the imaginary
but we can tell you about Jack's jacking, which was going surprisingly
well for
this persistent novice. After about 33 minutes, our zealous, gifted
trooper managed to produce a few clear droplets at the uppermost tip of
"penile colony." He then fingred his anus for about 9 minutes and,
exhausted, turned off the light and went to sleep. His parents,
enough, were not there this time to tuck him in. But Jack didn't want
solicitation at that moment, for reasons that might appear obvious to a
boy of
his modesty. The
day was Sunday. Throughout that day, Jack went about his daily,
routines and cordial family interactions, until after supper that late
evening, when Jack, his brothers and visiting male cousin noticed
something out
of the ordinary. A bus full of girls and females of every age pulled up
to the
driveway of the Dolhurstel residence, that of Jack's family. Jack
happened to
be looking out the window when he called the three other boys to the
window. As
they watched, the doors of the bus opened, and dozens of girls and
women poured
out into the yard, heading for the house. Jack, his brothers, and his
all looked at each other in wonderment. What could this mean? they all
But before we get to the answer, allow me to introduce the reader to
the three
other boys here. We
already met Jack. Looking through the window pane at his left that
moment stood
his older 12 year old cousin, with jet black hair and adorable brown
eyes. His
velvety, yet firm, skin had very little subcutaneous fat, and no
Firm to the touch, yet soft just the same, he had a slight athletic
yet svelte. He was very cute. His name was Dale Huzxel (pronounced
hoochell). To
Jack's right stood his nine year old little brother, a twin to a
sister. He had
a nice slender build and an adorable little face, with hauntingly
hazel eyes. He was a dirty blonde. His name was Vince. Immediately to
HIS right
was his 11 year old brother, who was only slightly taller than Jack.
The 11
year old was a sandy blonde, with dimples and a prepossessing smile.
His slim
build and cherubic good looks made him the rage of his female peerage.
His name
was Michael, or "Mikey" for short. All
boys peered out at the army of females about to descend on their
domicile. Soon,
a noise was heard of a door opening, and a centipede of footsteps broke
silence of their concentration. In response, the boys looked towards
the living
room entrance door, which had defiantly allowed such a gale force to
sweep into
their sacred domain. At that moment, Jane and Donald Dolhurstel, Jack's
came rushing down the stairs to greet the cackling gosslings. Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "So nice of you all to make the meeting!" An
women with a raspy voice responded, "Oh, we wouldn't miss movie night
the world. You said in your phone call to just come right in, so we
did! I hope
we didn't just barge right on in!" "You
did," muttered a dispirited Jack under his breath. As Jack stared at
homely woman, he couldn't help wondering what she meant by "movie
night." They never had a gathering for any kind of communal
before that day. After thinking this, all at once Jack remembered that
night's were his parent's late night, about which they were guardedly
silent. He
never thought anything of it, because he was able to stay up until ten
of this. But now, it seemed apparent that his mother and father were
"sneaking off" to watch movies "with the Jones's" (his
adopted word for "neighbors," only these were more than just the
neighbors in the local neighborhood, as Jack only regconized roughly a
of the crowd). As
stood there with his brothers watching his parents entertain their new
the hairs at the nape of his neck stood on end in anticipation of
ominous in the air. He looked around and noticed that the other three
seemed to sense it as well, as they fidgited, looking as if they were
about to
bolt. Like birds who sense the coming of a hurricane, the boys seemed
to know
something was not right about this gathering of estrogen. Mrs.
Dolhurstel: "Well, of course you're not intruding. Mmi casa su casa." The
wasted no time, and one bellowed, "Let's get the movie started." Jack's
aunt and uncle, with the help of some of the guests, were bringing in
chairs from the garage. This aunt and uncle (Adrienne and Boris) were
Huzxel's parents, there visiting with their son and two daughters,
Makaila and
Bella (who were 14 and 10, respectively). We will meet them shortly. As
boys watched in disbelief, the decor of a movie theater seemed to
before their very eyes, complete with popcorn (courtesy of Mrs.
Dolhurstel) and
a big screen TV. Feeling some reassurance, Jack turned to the other
boys—his brothers and cousin—and said, consolingly, "I wonder what the
movie is. And why didn't mom and dad tell us? Let's find a seat and
ourselves, unless the movie sucks." The other two boys nervously
still not sure of what to make of all this. They managed to find a
place on the
long couch for the four of them, and sat there with measured
apprehension and
optimistic anticipation. When
everyone was settled in their seats, and Mrs. Dolhurstel, playing host,
managed to dole out the refreshments and snacks, she appeared before
the big
screen TV in front of them and began to speak to the crowd: "I'm
glad you all could make it," she said, as the bickering crowd numbering
plus women and girls fell hush, and quelled into respectul silence, "I
hope you will enjoy this treat. But first, I want you to meet my three
boys." Then
glancing over at the couch, she said, "Stand up, boys." Jack, Michael
and Vince all stood. Then Mrs. Huzxel from across the room called to
her son,
Dale, their 12 year old cousin, "You too, Dale. Stand up, son." So
Dale stood as well. Mrs.
Dolhurstel then said, "Boys, introduce yourselves. Tell everyone your
names and ages." The quad complied, appearing to everyone a bit
nervous. But
what Mrs. Dolhurstel said next did nothing to allay their fears: "Boys,
we will all be getting very acquainted with all of you. In fact, you
boys are
about to be stars. Have a seat and enjoy the movie." The
looked at each other with a quizzical expression on their faces and
slowly sat
back down. The
room went
dark, and Mr. Dolhurstel turned on the TV, after having put in a DVD.
thought he was about to see a movie from the theater, but instead saw a
familiar image. The image on the screen displayed a room that looked
like his own. In the room, one could make out an image of a boy
through the door. The boy took off his clothes and withdrew a magazine
from a
dresser drawer, after playing with himself a bit first. He began to
masturbate. Jack felt sick to his stomach that these women and girls
watching a boy doing this. Dale whispered to Michael, "Dude, this is
fucked up. Your parents have some serious issues. Is this even legal?" Something
was even more disturbing about the movie. As the screen zoomed closer
to the
boy's face and body, Jack recognized the boy as.....HIMSELF!!! The
other three
boys looked at him and gasped. Nine year old Vince was the first to
"Jack, that looks like you." His respect for his older was dissolving
into shock. Dale affirmed, "It IS him. Jack, you are one fucked up
together with your fucked family." Mikey just sat there, wide-wide and
shock. The only words that escaped from his mouth were, "What the
fuck!" These he uttered repeatedly after numerous intervals. The film
on for about 45 minutes, when it culminated with Jack fingering himself
film. Jack's thought were racing. In a haze of surrealism, it dawned on
Unbeknownst to him, they had filmed his masturbation from the night
before, and
saved it for their twisted "movie night." Jack wanted to crawl out of
his skin and under a rock, as he felt a nauseating sensation in the pit
of his
stomach. The
was very detailed, and showed every part of Jack's body, from close ups
on his
genitals, to his formerly most private anus, which he had unknowingly
on film. Jack
could hear girls cooing and making mocking noises as they looked back
at the
couch where he was seated, then back at the huge screen, which seemed
to fill
with his formerly most private parts. One girl cried out, "You should
ashamed of yourself, with a big dick like that." Another girl spoke
audibly, in earshot of "poor Jack," "We are going to call you,
'Big Dick,' from now on. That's your new nick name. Jack jacking his
dick." A chant went up, as girls began to chant (in what might seem
like a
rehearsed rhythm), "Jacky has a big dick, big dick, big dick, Jacky has
big dick..." "Jacky the jack off," cried a familiar voice from
the side, which turned out to be that of Jack's sister. The
thought of all these people now knowing what Jack looks like naked, and
that he had a big penis and that he played with it in this "obscene"
manner, was just too much for poor him. When the film was over, and the
came on, Jack stood up, crying. The room burst into applause, as
looked over at Jack. Jack wanted to run away, but he felt paralyzed
from fear
and his legs began to buckle. He was shaking all over, as if he was
out in hives. He was crying so much, he began wheezing. He felt a
sensation in his face. Overwhelmed by it all, Jack's world began to
like a jet airliner spiraling out of control, as a sheet of darkness
his senses. Everything faded to black, as he saw the floor racing
towards his
face... Thud!!! A
cried out in a shrill voice, "Hey, I think he fainted!" Another
lady dryly said in response, "Well, he had better get used to this.
wake the wanker this instant! And get his clothes off, like we all
discussed." To
be continued