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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
When we left them, our
three involuntary "nudist brothers"—Brandon (10), Aaron (12) and Aiden
Briwahls—together with their three equally involuntarily buff, newly
introduced male friends—brothers Max (12) and Jaden (10), and the third
inductee, Neil (11)—were sulking in the middle of the living of the
Briwahls' residence. The latter boy, Neil Meuillins, had been, in
effect, effectively kidnapped. Mrs. Briwahls had just announced
that Neil, Jaden and Max here were to be photographed in their present
state of perpetual undress. Her three sons had already been
thusly photographed nude, and the three other boys here, it seemed,
were to share their fate. Mrs. Briwahls' sister, "Aunt Evelynne,"
was the brains behind the whole operation, as it was initially at her
insistence that Mrs. Briwahls decided to send her three boys out to
trick or treat in the nude.
"OK, Max, Jaden and
Neil, get your bare-ass asses over here for your pictures!" She
pointed to a room off to the side of the living room. When the
boys hisitated, Mrs. Briwahls motioned for her three daughters (Ashley,
8; Shirley, 11, and Beverly, 15) to act. Taking her hint (as if
they had been instructed ahead of time), each sister grabbed a boy's
penis and pulled them behind them, eliciting immediate ambulatory leg
motion as each boy in tow galluped at a trot to keep up with his
"conductor." The three girls' brothers watched in horror as the
other three boys in tow were dragged into the same room in which they
themselves were photographed nude, and the pictures uploaded to the
internet, earlier that evening. Now the same thing was happening
to Max, Neil and Jaden. As every inch of their bodies were
digitally photographed in every conceivable pose, the swarm of dozens
of girls gathered around to watch. The morose expressions on the male
subjects' faces betrayed the incredible pain and hurt they felt, as the
girls cheered their humiliation. The photographs, many of them
with their faces in full view, were uploaded to the same websites and
E-mail propagation program which had ealier sent the three brothers'
naked images to literally thousands of people, including everyone at
their schools, their friends, relatives and everyone who knew
them. The boys were forced to smile in many of the photographs,
despite the tears, acting under the threat that the photos would
otherwise continue into the night (until they got it "right").
They reluctantly complied, blinking back the tears.
the abusive photoshoot, every girl in the room, at Aunt Evelynne's
behest, proceeded to take turns examining each of the six nude
boys. By that time, there were about 50 (53, to be exact) girls
in the room, not counting the three sisters of the three
brothers. Some other boys happened into the house (since the
doors were open), and joined in the molestation of the six hapless
nudies. There were about a dozen such boy stragglers. Two
hours of this orgy of molestation went by, during which the girls
stayed conscientiously clothed, at the insistence of all present, with
the glaring exception of the six nude protestors. After this,
Mallory Franquien, mother to two of the molestees, Max and Jaden,
announced that it was time for her to take leave, as it was approaching
her boys' bedtime. Aunt Evelynne responded, "Make sure the boys
are nude from now on, won't you? They need to learn that their
bodies are public domain from now on, like those of my three nephews
here." Mrs. Franquien gleefully responded, "With pleasure."
As she said this, she reached down and grabbed Max's penis with one
hand, and inserted her index finger into his now routinely violated
anus with the other (an anus that, like those of the other five, had
now been seen and digitally poked by all of the girls there, and by
many girls from the local environs). She continued, "And I will
inform my little urchins here of their new vestments."
Her sons looked at her blankly, uncomprehending, prompting her to
elaborate disdainfully, "You two boys of mine will be naked from now
on, or at least until you are 15 or 16." As if the constant
mauling of their bodies and pawing of their public "privates" were not
traumatizing enough, this new bit of news set them over. They
began to sob like babies, crying hot tears, and heaving like
asthmatics. Unmoved, their mother reached down and pulled them by
their respective penises (which she had to pry out of the hands of
their molestors), pulling the skipping boys behind her through the
crowded living room and out the door.
Neil realized
that this might be his new normal state as well, but tried to shake the
feeling, hoping, beyond hope, that his beloved mother would come to her
senses and emerge through the door to rescue him from his impuissant
state. He reached up and tapped Mrs. Briwahls on the shoulder, a
monumental effort given the collective impediment of female hands
feeling his body that moment, and moments prior. "Mrs. Briwahls,"
he implored, "Can I call my mother to see if she's on her way
soon?" Mrs. Briwahls looked down on the angelic, cherubic thin
little lad and said, with an impish grin reminescent of the devil, "Oh,
she's on her way, alright. But if you're hoping for support, let
me disabuse you of your self-deception: She's one of us." Nude
little 11 year old Neil wondered that the word, "disabuse," seemed out
of place here, sinec the whole thing seemed like abuse to him. He
looked back at her with a forlorned expression reminescent of a
disenfranchised Dicken's character, as if he were seeing someone
straight out of a Polanski screenplay. His innocent eyes welled
up with tears as he "demurely" muttered, "OHHHH SHIIIIT!!!!"