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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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"Dick or
Treat," part VII, by Gerste
When we left Aiden and his brothers, they had just finished "trick or treating"
in the buff, and were now back in their living rooms, with a crowd of female "admirers."
Two more naked boys—Max (12) and Jaden (10)—were also brought there by their mother,
one Mallory Franquien. When we left off, a sixth naked boy had been brought there
as well, to be inducted into the naked boy program. But this last inductee was also
an ABductee. Aiden: "Who is he? Why are those girls allowed
to kidnap that boy?" Aunt Evelynne: "Shut up, you, before we put
an unnatural tan on that pert little ass of yours, before you have a chance to get
a natural one." Mrs. Briwahls: "Too late, Evelynne. It looks
as if the sun had already beat you to it." She felt Aiden's pink buttocks as she said this.
The autumn sun was uncharacteristically hotter for that time of year, and gave the
boys a reddish mid-section to go with their sun-tanned complexion. Aiden knew better
than to push the issue, and decided to keep his mouth shut for the moment. Mrs. Briwahls then turned back to the boy's captors
and said, "Does he have a name, this one?" One girl piped, "Sure does! This is Neil.
He's 11. He lives next door to me. Isn't he the cutest thing? Look at his nice penis!"
The girl then reached down and stroked the boy's male member, which immediately
stood at attention. For some reason, it had been deflated up until that moment,
despite the manual manipulation it had endured for the last half hour by over a
hundred girls. Seeing this, the girl said, "Oh, now you decide to obey me,
now that we're inside?" She was looking at the penis as she said this. Mrs. Briwahls said to the girl, "We don't
say penis here. We call it a dick or cock. We are not trying to respect the boy,
you know." "Please," the boy, Neil, interposed,
"Let me go. I have to be back home by 9. Can I please have my clothes?" Mrs. Briwahls: "Oh, my dear boy, of course....NOT!
Who are your parents?" Neil: "Mr. and Mrs. Meuillins. We live at
2673 New Croffards St. They'll tan my hide if I'm late!" Mrs. Briwahls, cell phone in hand: "Let us
call them now. What is their number?" Neil told her, and she dialed. Neil's mother answered,
and Mrs. Briwahls said, "Hello, Mrs. Meuillins. I'm here with your son Neil.
These girls here have stripped and brought him here, to 783 Preairrings Boulevard.
We're about three blocks from you. Is that alright?" Mrs. Meuillins answered from the other end: "Oh,
he's naked? Well, that's perfectly OK with us. Just bring him back bare-ass naked
around 9:00." Mrs. Briwahls responded, "Very good. Good bye." She
then looked down at 11 year old Neil, who looked horrified at what he could overhear.
She said, "Judging from that scowl, you must have overheard, hhhmmm?"
Neil's cheeks were streaked with tears as he stood there, unable to speak. Seeing this, Aiden decided to say something to
him. He was unable to just walk away from the girls who were molesting his whole
body, and that of his two brothers, so he just spoke about 10 feet away, where he
was. Aiden: "Are you alright, Neil?" Neil: "Of course I'm not alright. These sick
girls brought me to your weird fucking family, and now I hear my mom say she's OK
with it! Fuck if I'm alright!" At that, one of the girls molesting him said to
Mrs. Briwahls, "He swore!" Mrs. Briwahls turned to Neil and said, "Listen,
boy, your dick is ours!" She grabbed his penis to underscore her point, then
continued, "and you are not to use vulgarities, or else all six boys here,
including yourself, will get the ass-wooping of your lives! Got that?" Neil looked back at her, wide-eyed and horrified,
as he felt her stretch his penis to its limit as she pulled. Neil: "Yes, ma'am." Mrs. Briwahls: "Good! Now let us get you three
new additions photographed so all the world to see everything on your nice bodies." Neil, Jaden and Max all looked at each other, and
then at Mrs. Briwahls' three naked sons, who had already been thusly photographed.
They knew this wasn't good. What Mrs. Briwahls had to say next did nothing to allay
their apprehensions: Mrs. Briwahls: "My three sons here are in
the same program you three are now in. That means that, not only are you boys not
allowed any clothes on any occasion until you are 15 years old, but you are not
allowed to cover up or even touch your dicks and balls for that same time period,
without express permission. These dicks and balls on your bodies belong to everyone
but yourselves. That also means that you have to submit to a monthly photoshoot
during which every part of your bodies will be photographed and sent to everyone
we can. That brings us to our next event. Boys, do you see that camera over there
in the corner? It is time for your first photoshoot. My sons have already had their
monthly shoot. It's your turn. Hereafter, your parents will be respopnsible to carry
it out. But this first one is on us." Neil: "My parents did not give me permission
to do this!" Mrs. Briwahls: "Yes they did. Who do you think
put those girls up to snatching you?" End of part seven.