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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
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"Dick or Treat," part VI, by Gerste Aiden and his brothers were visibly upset after
being forced to bare their all for all the internet to see. And just when they
thought it could not get any worse, their aunt Evelynne said that the worst was
yet to come. She continued, "Yeah, boys. You're now public property, from
this day forward, until your 16th birthday." "You mean we have have to be this way until
we're 16?" piped Brandon Briwahls (10). Aunt Evelynne (who did not spell her name by the
traditional spelling, "Evelyn"), answered, "No, stupid. Your
15th birthday is the day you turn 15. If you count the day you were born,
that's fifteen birthdays." That was hardly relief for the three Briwahls
boys, for whom 15 was a long ways off. Aaron, the oldest boy (12), begged,
"Can we please have our clothes back? We'll be good, won't we, boys? We
promise." Aaron was on the verge of tears, while the other two boys could
not hold them back, crying hot tears. Mrs. Briwahls, the mother, was unmoved by their
rueful supplication. "Now boys," she responded, "Whatever gave
you the impression you did anything wrong to be worthy of this public exposé? You
should consider this an honor, not a disgrace. We females love seeing your pert
little bodies, don't we, girls." As Mrs. Briwahls said this, she felt up their
exposed penises, as did the other girls who were present. 11 year old Shirley,
one of their sisters, said, "Yeah, their cute dicks and balls are my
favorite play things." She was sticking her finger up Aiden's anus and
playing with his testicles with the other hand while she said this. Aiden was
squirming on his feet. "Don't worry," said 15 year old
Beverly, the eldest girl of the Briwahls family, you boys won't be alone. She
was molesting her brother Aaron as she said this, as were four other girls. Aaron
looked at her with a puzzled expression, when the baffling answer to his tacit
inquiry came knocking on the door that very moment. "Come in," answered Mrs. Briwahls,
hearing the knock. The front door opened, and there stood, beside their mother,
two more nude boys. The boys looked to be around 9 and 12, and were very
attractive. They had sleak, slender physiques and well-defined, tanned bodies. Their
thighs and pelvic regions were slightly less tanned, but their slight, yet
sinewy, torsos were bronze from the sun. Tears gushed from their baby-blue eyes
as they choked out the broken words, "Tr..dick....or....treat..." The accompanying mother spoke up, "Hi,
allow me to introduce myself. I am Mrs. Franquien, and these are my two lovely
sons, Jaden and Max. Max is 12, and Jaden is 10." The girls at once rushed
up to molest the two poor lads. One girl in particular had a nipple fetish, as
she began pinching the two boys' small areolas. Hands from all directions began
feeling their whole bodies, with particular attention focused around their
formerly private un-private parts (both penile and anal). Mrs. Briwahls spoke up, as she welcomed the
woman with her two sons into her home, "I was told of your arrival. I'm
glad to have finally met you. I'm also glad to see other boys being brought on
board with our new program." The girls laughed throughout the whole room,
which was filling up fast with female, and some male, "guests," as
people came from all over the neighbor to see the naked boy-trick-or-treaters. Just then, everyone heard screaming nearing the
house. Every eye looked at the gaping, open door, which the new guests forgot
to close, and saw four girls dragging a struggling boy of about 11 or 12 into
the house. One of the girls said, "We found this cute-ass boy, and we want
to include him in our 'program.' Can we? Can we please?" They were asking
Aunt Evelynne, even though she was not THEIR aunt. Mrs. Briwahls and "aunt
Evelynne" looked at each other, as the latter said to the former,
"Well, I don't see why not. The more the merrier, I always say." Aiden looked at his brothers and said,
"Wait, isn't this kidnapping?" Brandon said, "Now they've gone too
far!" Aiden looked at his brother, as if to say,
"They've been going too far all evening." Mrs. Briwahls heard Brandon, and said, "Too
far? We're just getting started!"