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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
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"Dick or
Treat," part III, by Gerste Aiden and his
two brothers were in trouble. They had followed procedure by saying, "Dick
or Treat." But when the overly enthusiastic girls at the first house had pulled
on their penises, Aiden swore at his mother ("What 'd fuck, mom?"), and
incurred her wrath, and that of his aunt, as a result. Now the three brothers—Aiden
(9), Brandon (10) and Aaron (12)—were laying on their backs in the front yard of
that first house they visited while trick or treating. Their knees were touching
their shoulders, as they lay there, spreadeagle, exposing their anuses for all to
see. They were told to assume that position for their collective punishment, owing
to Aiden's vulgar indiscretion. Mrs. Briwahls: "This is the way it is to be
from now on, boys. Whenever one of you boys is punished, ALL of you boys are punished.
Do you boys understand?" The boys responded, more or less in broken unison,
with a wimpering, "Yes, mom." Mrs. Briwahls: "You're all being punished
because of Aiden's obscene remark. He said the 'f-word.' That is obscene. And we
do not condone obscenity here, DO we boys?" The boys looked back at her, as they lay there
with their anuses obscenely facing her, and variously said, "Eeerr, noo?" Mrs. Briwahls: "That's right, no. We don't
tolerate obscenity here." Aiden thought he'd better interject: "That
raises an interesting point!" As he spoke, he tried to look her in the eye
through his legs, but his penis blocked part of her face from his vantage point.
He arched his neck more from his supine position (legs spread). Aaron admonished,
"Aiden, shut up! We're going to get in MORE trouble because of you!" Mrs. Briwahls: "Let him speak, boys. Aiden,
what is it?" Aiden: "Isn't forced nudity obscene, mom?" His brothers again tried to hush him, but it was
too late. Mrs. Briwahls: "Nudity? Who's nude. Oh, you
mean your current state of undress? That's not nudity! Is it nudity because I have
my hands uncovered? Is it nudity that I have my face exposed? No! There's nothing
on your bodies that should not be for public viewing anyways. We females have privates;
YOU don't. But we do not tolerate vulgarity. How do you think it makes these sweet,
innocent girls feel to have to be subject to your obscenity?" Aiden: "I don't know, mom? Why don't you ask
them, since they're staring at my asshole and ballsack as we speak." Mrs. Briwahls looked over, to see all six girls,
along with a whole dozen other girls who had gathered, staring at the three boys'
public "privates." She chuckled to herself before regaining her staunch
composure and saying, "Aiden, for the last time, there is nothing obscene about
your nudity, I mean, exposure. They have just as much a right to stare at and see
what is on your public body as they have their own. Your bodies are their bodies,
but not vice versa. Now I believe an extra severe spanking is in order here. Don't
you agree, girls?" The girls' eyes lit up with anticipation as a few
echoed their assent. Aunt Evelynne: "I have brought my thin built
for just such an occasion. This should leave an impression on them." The girls laughed at her clever trope; while the
three naked boys, unamused, broke down in tears. Mrs. Briwahls: "Thank you, Evelynne, but I
brought one of my own." Both women proceeded to whip the anal region of
the crying lads, administering roughly 20 stripes to the buttocks and anal valleys
of each naked brother. After which, the boys were allowed once more to stand up.
The three boys were beset on all sides by girls, over a dozen of them, crowding
in to feel the boys' bodies. Shortly thereafter, the boys once more found themselves
back on the front porch of the present residence, facing the front door and the
homes' five residents—the parents and their three daughters. Mrs. Briwahls: "Now boys, shall we try this
again? Explain to our five hosts and hostesses what exactly is meant by 'dick or
treat.'" Aaron, being the oldest boy, looked up with his
tear-stained face and said, "We mean that you can either give us candy or pull
our dicks, but you can still touch our bodies anyways, since they do not belong
to us but..." he looked at his mother before looking back at the homes' residents
and continuing: "...but....but they belong to all of you." Aaron began
to tear up again as he uttered this last line. Mrs. Briwahls: "Very good, Aaron." The female parent of the residence asked, "So
if we give them a treat, we can still pull on their dicks?" Mrs. Briwahls: "Of course. Trick or treat,
or, I mean, DICK or treat, is just a ritual anyways. Go right a head." The woman resumed her inquiry: "By the way,
my name is Stacy Omschrounger, and this is my husband Brody. These are my three
daughters: Gertrude, who is 14; Paige, who is 12; and Haley, who is 11. We would
like to give the boys' candy, just before we all give their bodies a thorough examination.
But where do put the candy?" The two older nude brothers looked as if they had
a sacastic suggestion, but, having thought better of it, changed their expression.
Mrs. Briwahls answered: "Well, their hands ARE bound in back, and we have no
bags. I guess we'll just have to shove the candy in their asses for now. You know?
Suppossitory style?" The three boys turned white as ghosts. Aiden said,
"Does that mean we hold them between our buttcheeks?" Aaron, angrily: "No, stupid! They mean to
shove it into our assholes?" Gertrude (14) could not hide her excitement as
she said, "Mom, can I stick it in them?" She held up a candy mint as she
said this. Her mother responded, "Oh, honey, what have I taught you about being
generous? Let's give them this instead." As she said this, she held up in her
hand a Snickers bar. Normally, the boys would have relished "taking in"
such a treat; but now, the three of them just looked at it in horror. Such candy
bars always seemed to them to be too small; but now, it suddenly seemed too big.
On seeing it, Aiden's eyes rolled back, as he fell backward, fainting onto the grass. End of part 3