* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
"Dick or
Treat," part I, by Gerste In a cul-de-sac
of modern American suburbia stood the two story home of Mr. and Mrs.
Briwahls. Their
son, Aiden Briwahls, was an adorable, sandy blonde boy of nine years
and three months.
A very good-looking boy, he was the rage with all the girls at his
school. His build
was slender (about 51 lbs) and he had Nordic features, from his
Scandanavian and
Germanic heritage. He favored his beautiful mother, who was
predominantly of British
descent, but retained something of his clearly Northern European stock.
His father
descended from a long line of Swedes and Norwegians, with some Finish
and Ukrainian
besides. Aiden had three
sisters: the first, named Ashley, was 8; the second, named Shirley, was
11, and
the third, named Beverly, was 15. He was the youngest boy, but the
second youngest
child. He was a little smaller than his 59 pound younger sister. He
also had two
brothers: Brandon (10) and Aaron (12). All three boys were circumcised.
Their Aunt
Evelynne was staying the week that Holloween day, when the kids were
deciding on
a costume. Mrs.
Briwahls and her sister were helping the six
children with their costumes. It was decided that little Ashley would
go as a princess;
Shirley would go as a fairy; and Beverly would help supervise, since
she was in
high school. Then it came time to decide what costume the boys would
wear. Their
aunt Evelynne spoke up: "Bridgette [their mother's name], may I make a
for the boys?" Mrs.
Briwahls: "By all means, Evelynne, fire
away." Aunt
Evelynne: "Are you familiar with Dr.
Madison Kterussioun's new remedy for rambunctious boys? She prescribes
humiliation and skin exposure to cure their ambitious male nature and
spirits. Let me tell you about it." The
childrens' aunt and mother walked into the
other room to discuss this new "procedure." The boys looked at each
inquisitively. Never before had anyone questioned their compliance.
Mrs. Briwahls
had often boasted about her sons' goodnatured cooperation and obedient
as well as that of her daughters'. Never before had this even become an
issue. She
also had bragged about her sons' majestic good looks and athletically
toned, slender
physiques. They were the talk of the school, where the girls would
often stare at
them as if in a trance. The boys, for their part, would usually ignore
it or shun
them in embarrassment. Though it was subtle, it had not occurred to the
three boys
that their mother had a thing for boys, which she heedfully suppressed
at every
turn. But all that was about to change; or, rather, HAD changed. The
childrens' aunt and mother re-emerged from
the other room, from their "huddle," as it were, to lay out for the
the new format of their lives. The mother was the first to speak: Mrs.
Briwahls: "Boys, your aunt and I have
been discussing this new therapy for sons. We have decided to implement
this procedure
asap." The
boys again looked at each other in confusion
and curiosity. This didn't sound good. She continued: Mrs.
Briwahls: "This procedure requires that
you boys become nude from now on, until you enter highschool." Aunt
Evelynne: "Well, until you boys are fifteen
or sixteen, at the earliest. Fourteen, of course, is too early." Mrs.
Briwahls: "Right. Now boys, strip down
right this instant." Her
three sons looked at her as if to say, "You
can't be serious." Aunt Evelynne answered their expression: "Boys,
serious. And to enforce these new rules, we will be imposing spankings
on an ongoing
basis, until you fully comply." The
boys stood there stunned, waiting for the two
women to say, "We're just kidding." Again, their aunt exploded their
skepticism: Aunt
Evelynne: "What? You think we're kidding!
Girls, show them how serious we are! Strip them!" Aiden's
three sisters looked at each other, until
it sunk in how serious they were. Their aunt had mentioned something
about this
to them, to prepare them for just such an eventuality. Aunt
Evelynne: "Well, girls, what are you
waiting for?" That
was all the behest they needed, before the
three of them began tearing off their brothers' clothing, giggling all
the while.
Once the three boys were entirely nude, and attempting to cover
themselves (Aiden
himself crouching to preserve whatever trace remained of his modesty),
their mother
ordered, "Boys, stand up straight and keep your hands to your sides!" The
boys did no such thing, escalating matters
to the next step: Mrs.
Briwahls: "Very well, you will not cooperate.
It's the belt for the three of you." At
that, the childrens' aunt and mother ordered
the girls to bend the boys over while the two of them spanked them. The
girls did
so, and they did so. The boys' exposed anal clefts and gluteal globes
were soon
reddened by the 35 strikes their aunt and mother administered to them.
The girls,
observing this, were euphoric with glee (and wet with excitement). Once
the boys
were standing again, and crying profusely (as much from the pain as
from the embarrassment),
aunt Evelynne ordered the girls to bind the boys' hands in back. This
done, the
two adult females began to apprise their nestling tenderfoots about the
new rules: Mrs.
Briwahls: "Boys, we are embarking on
a new course of action. You three boys are under new rules. From now
on, you will
be naked until you are fifteen years old. Your body, and more
especially your dicks
and nutsacks, will be public property for any and all to see and handle
at will,
with the one exception of you yourselves. Under no circumstances are
you boys ever
to touch your dicks or boysacks. Since all three of you have cut
penises, or cute
penises, is more like it...," she paused a minute to chuckle at her
jaunt, before continuing with, "...that should be no problem. Others
will 'assist'
you in using the bathroom. You can touch or wipe your assholes, but not
your dicks
and balls. You will need to do so when you often spread them for the
Brandon's stomach went cold at this last remark. Aaron
(12): "But if they belong to all, as
you say, why not to us? Aren't we included in this 'all'? In fact,
don't we own
them before anyone else? Aren't they on our bodies?" Mrs.
Briwahls: "No! Aaron, they are not yours,
anymore than something that accidentally falls into another's yard
belongs to the
yard's owner. If I lose a wallet on another's property, it's still
mine, right?" Aaron:
"Right, but is that really the same
thing?" Mrs.
Briwahls, ignoring his pertinent question:
"So by the same token, just because it's on your body does not make it
especially if your body is ours anyway. For you to touch it without
that would be stealing. These no longer belong to you boys." She
grabbed Aaron's
genitals to underscore her case in point. She hadn't squeezed so hard
as to cause
him to double over in pain, but her actions did cause Aaron to bend
over a bit out
of instinctive reaction. She then ordered him to stand up straight. He
did so. Mrs.
Briwahls continued: "Because you are
public property, anyone can see your dicks and balls and assholes and
entire bodies
anytime they wish. We will be making detailed photographs of you three
and putting
you online just for that very purpose. This will be done on a monthly
basis, beginning
tonight, when we get back from trick or treating." Brandon
(10): "But what about our costumes?
I was going as a pirate." Mrs.
Briwahls: "We have already thought of
that. Brandon, you will be going as a nudist. Aiden, you will be going
in your birthday
suit. Just pretend it's your birthday. And Aaron, you will be going as
the naked
cowboy." Aaron:
"Don't I get a guitar, at least?" Mrs.
Briwahls: "No need. We all can see that
you have an instrument for all of us to play with, except you. Many
will be strumming
your strings quite a bit here, shortly." At
this, the boys' sisters could not contain their
laughter, as each of them chose a brother to molest at that point.
Little 8 year
old Ashley was fondling her even littler brother Aiden, his flaccid
four inch penis.
11 year old Shirley was fondling her 10 year old brother's "5 incher"
(flaccid), and Beverly (15) was flondling her 12 year old brother's
five and a half
flaccid member and his testicles. Mrs.
Briwahls: "Now for the girls' rules." The
boys looked up in anticipation, and the girls
looked a bit nervous, until she continued: "Girls, you are not to harm
brothers' boy parts, since they are public domain. That means that you
are not to
cut their genitals in any way, or squeeze their testicles so as to
cause ruptures
or perferations. We are not dealing in damaged goods here. Also, you
cannot have
sexual intercourse with them or expose your privates to them. YOU have
but THEY don't. Do you understand?" The
girls nodded, looking relieved that the boys'
rules did not extend to them. Aunt
Evelynne then broke in: "If I may, Bridgette,
dear, could I field the part about the trick or treating itself." Mrs.
Briwahls: "Oh, sure, Evelynne. Go right
ahead." Aunt
Evelynne: "Very good, then. Boys, these
are your instructions, which both I and your mother have agreed upon.
At every house
you go to, you are to say, 'Dick or treat.' Not TRICK or treat, mind
you, but DICK
or treat. Then you are to explain, or we will, that the resident has
the choice
of either pulling on your dick, or giving you candy. But chances are
good that they
will be fondling your every boy part regardless. You got it?" On
hearing this, the boys began to cry even more.
One of them, Aiden, gathered the resolve to finally ask the inevitable,
amid sniffling:
"How [snif, sniff] will we be able to hold our bags up, if our hands
are tied." Mrs.
Briwahls: "You let us worry about that
part of it. You just keep up your end of things." Aunt
Evelynne then produced a hat and announced,
"Good news for Aaron, our naked cowboy. He won't be naked after all.
a hat for your head, Aaron." Having said that, she placed the cowboy
hat upon
his attractive, naturally curly blonde crown. Aaron said, "What about
my penis?
I'm still naked, really." She responded, "Oh, that remains uncovered,
remember?" Aaron responded, while crying, "That's the head I wish you
HAD covered."
End of part 1