Tommy's Attitude Adjustment Chapter 36
by Chadlad

copyright 2007 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 36: The Reward

It took another half hour to complete the casting of Tommy's butt and lower back and upper legs. Tommy was made to lie face down on the table, Naomi arranging his penis so that it was under his stomach and thus did not push his balls out of position from the rear. Tommy found that position somewhat uncomfortable under the circumstances. When he'd been a bit younger, he'd sometimes liked to lie in his bed on his stomach with his hard penis trapped under his belly, his full weight on the pulsingly hard little cylinder. When his brother was asleep or wasn't around, he'd sometimes rock against it, feeling the naughty pleasure that radiated from it when he did. But he'd stopped doing that when hair had appeared on his crotch and his penis had gotten bigger – it just wasn't as comfortable, a fact that was accentuated by the fact that now it was pressing against a hard table. Again his legs were spread the right distance apart to match the casting from the front, so that the girls could plainly see the back of his scrotum clinging to the joining point of his legs, and his anus winking shyly from between barely parted buns. The younger girls readied the cloth pieces as before, but their sister moved to the far side of the room, taking the plaster cast she'd made of his front with her. Tommy twisted his head around until he could just see her out of the corner of his eye, apparently holding the casting of his body in one hand and inserting rounded pegs of various lengths into the projecting cylinder that had so recently trapped his penis. She finally found one that fit snugly and set the casting down. But she wasn't satisfied with that one, apparently, because she then started comparing other sticks to it until she'd found one that appears somewhat bigger. She walked back to the bench holding it, and headed straight for the Vaseline jar, where she dipped the end in. She began coating it liberally with Vaseline.

Tommy's mind suddenly made the leap to what she intended. "No! No, no, no!" he said in a voice that was an octave above his normal tone. Her intent was clear. "You can't! It's too big! You can't put that up me!"

"Of course I can, stupid," Naomi said. "And I'm going to. Now shush. Your hole has to be open just the right amount that your own dick would fit into it tightly, and this stick is just that size. It was to be this way – otherwise the wrinkles of your butt hole wouldn't have that natural look. Besides, you're definitely in no position to complain – if I recall what your sister told me, you stuck your own dick up your cousin's butt and didn't worry if it would fit. A bit of your own medicine will do you good." She stuck the stick in the Vaseline jar for a moment and picked up a pad on another table, flipping the pages and then turning the pad so Tommy could see it.. "This is how it's going to look," she said, holding the page in front of Tommy.

The page had a drawing a series of identical boys' torsos drawn on it, arranged in a row facing the same direction and touching each other. The front torso showed a jauntily- curved erect penis sticking out into space. The penis of the torsos that followed weren't visible, because they were so close that the groin of each was pressed against the buttocks of the one in front. It took Tommy a moment to realize what that meant. "They're – they're – they're—" he stammered.

"They're fucking each other in the butts," Naomi put in. "I call it, 'Go Fuck Yourself.' It just illustrates what you boys would do to yourselves if you could." She flipped pages, showing him a detail drawing of her inspiration. It showed one of the torsos from the rear. Its very realistic looking boy butt was parted in the center as if held apart by a cylinder the size of a boy's dick, and the anus, clearly depicted, was open and the edges distended like an open mouth with the gaping outward, like someone with a popsicle in his mouth pulling it out while he sucked the juice off of it.. It looked familiar, but it took Tommy a moment to realize where he'd seen it before. Suddenly an image of his brother Chad came to mind, poised over the patio drain on all fours, pooping, his anus bulging around his emerging turd. His butt hole had also extended out like that, hugging the turd tightly as it exited. As it would hug a withdrawing penis as well. "It's got to be like this in the casting," Naomi explained, pointing to the distended anus of the torso. "So that when it mates with the next torso, the dick of it will fit in and it will look like it's fucking."

She flipped to another page. "But the last one has to be closed," she said, showing a similar torso with the butt depicted as it normally looked, with the crack closed and the anus invisible. "So we have to take two castings from your back – one for each 'Lucky Pierre' in the middle, and one for the endmost statue."

"What do you mean, 'Lucky Pierre?'" Tommy said, puzzled.

"It's just an old joke or story of some kind. The idea is that three Frenchmen are having sex together at the same time. The one on the front gets it up the butt, but doesn't get the pleasure of having his dick up someone else at the same time. He has to satisfy himself with his hand or convince the guy in the back to reach around and stimulate him. The one in back gets to enjoy having his dick up the one in the middle, but doesn't get the pleasure of feeling someone's dick up his butt at the same time, and you know how much you boys like that – you just demonstrated it yourself. But the one in the middle, Pierre, gets to have a dick up him at the same time that he has his dick up the other guy's butt, so he's in the lucky position, he's 'Lucky Pierre.'"

"Oh," Tommy said, not knowing what else to say. "But 3;"

"Your butt, little boy," Naomi interrupted. "This stick is going up it whether you like it or not. You can relax and take it in slow and easy, or you can fight me and make it hurt, but it's still going in there. We need to do the harder one, the one where your butt hole is open, first. Then we can do the easier one with the stick out for the back torso."

"But 3;" Tommy tried again.

"What is that, your favorite body part or something? Protesting isn't going to change anything, little boy. This is going to happen, it's just a matter of what state you're in when it happens. It can happen with you lying comfortably on the bench like you are now, or it can happen with your baby balls throbbing from a firm paddling." She paused significantly and then picked up the ruler she'd threatened him with earlier. Tommy's heart jumped, and the fear apparently showed in his face. Naomi smiled and put down the ruler. "Girls, get him ready for the casting. I'll put this in when he's prepared."

The two younger girls leaned over the bench and began working Vaseline into Tommy's back and upper legs, the two working together towards Tommy's butt. Once there, Melissa took his left bun, which was on her side, and Zandra took his right, and they began working Vaseline in from the outside to the center. Tommy found the process both erotic and uncomfortable. Erotic, because their small hands felt good on his butt – a lot like Jesse's hands had felt Friday night when he'd been comfortable and sleepy and secure, and before his world had come tumbling down. Uncomfortable, because his butt was still sore from his multiple spankings, and his butt hole ached from the last intruder. The dowel sitting in the Vaseline jar was as big as his own dick! He shuddered to think how it would feel going in. His thought suddenly drifted to Gabriel – how has his dick felt going into that smaller butt? Gabriel had squealed under the hand he'd had over the little boy's mouth, and he'd gotten torn – it must have hurt a lot. And hadn't he wanted to hurt Jesse? Wasn't that his plan all along when he'd climbed on top of the little boy he thought was his friend? He wondered if Gabriel had been as frightened of the coming pain then, when he'd had his dick poised at the entrance to the little boy's hole. He suddenly felt profoundly, overwhelmingly sorry. He needed to apologize to both of them – apologize seriously and with feeling, not the forced apologies he'd managed earlier.

Meanwhile, though, the girls had reached his butt crack and were massaging Vaseline into the area around his hole and into the broad, smooth space between his legs, under his balls. His penis stiffened to rock hardness under his belly and Melissa traced the line down between his legs between butt hole and balls with small, soft, nimble hands.

The small hands working on him suddenly stopped and were gone, the two girls wiping their hands on his lower back. "He's ready," Zandra said.

"Take the camera and capture his expression while it goes in," Naomi said. "It should be priceless. You, boy! Stop trying to hide your face! Look directly at the girls while I do this – I want them to see!" Reluctantly, Tommy lifted his face from where he'd buried it in his arms in anticipation of taking the dowel "up the chute," as his cousin Gabriel had called being fucked in the butt. He was trembling slightly. He felt the greasy end of the dowel against his slightly parted buns, felt it push his buns aside, drilling in on his rear entrance. He flinched as it contacted his butt hole, pushing on it with increasing pressure. His hole parted easily this time, much more easily than it had in the past, apparently adjusting to constantly being impaled. It stretched wider and wider as the stick went in. It felt like the peg chair felt, except fuller, wider – wide like the carrot had been – wide to the point of excessive fullness, to the point of extreme discomfort, but not exactly pain. It felt like he was on the verge of pain, that at any moment it could become sharply painful. Tommy's eyes went wide and he let out a little grunt as it continued to enter him, farther than the peg on the peg chair had done, farther than Gabriel's dick or the plaster one he'd had in him earlier. His rectum burned and he bit his lip as it finally came to a stop, sticking comically out of his butt like a flagpole, his buns settling around the length of it. Inside him, he felt an odd liquid pressure in a certain spot just behind his wiener – a feeling like he was on the verge of squirting, but not quite there yet. It was uncomfortable, frustrating, and yet erotic to the point of unbearableness.

Meanwhile, throughout the long insertion process, Zandra was busily snapping pictures of his changing expressions, and Melissa was staring at his butt with wide eyes. Just when it felt like he had about 10 feet of the stick shoved up him and was thinking he couldn't take it any more, Naomi stopped pushing the stick in, and then pulled it backwards about half an inch, so his butt hole clung to the edges, gripping like it had in her picture. "Perfect," she said. "Now hole still or I'll paddle your little jewels like I promised."

Chad tried to hold as still as possible as the girls plastered him with wet cloth again. The process went rapidly and smoothly, the girls doing the wider expanses of skin, Naomi working on his butt and where it joined the pole and on the space between his legs and his sack. Again as before the wet mass on him began heating up until it was almost too warm, and again the girls disappeared for awhile after ordering him not to move.

The minutes ticked by slowly as Tommy lay face down on the bench in the studio alone, his penis throbbing under him, his butt hole full and uncomfortable yet somehow adding to the tingle in his penis, the casting bearing down on him like a person on his back. A small person, to be sure, but it hugged him like a person would lying over his back. He wondered if this is how it would feel to have a boy take him from behind rather than face to face like Gabriel had taken him. It might feel kind of good to have a warm, soft body draped over your back. With his eyes closed, he could imagine that a smaller boy was hugging his torso from behind, that the peg in his butt was the boy's insistent little cock invading him as deeply as it could reach, that the boy was poised to pull out and then enter him again and again, soft skin against his back, hard cylinder up his butt. Maybe the boy would reach around and stroke his penis while he did it, like Naomi suggested in describing the "Lucky Pierre" scenario.

With a start, Tommy realized that he was horny as heck thinking about these things – his penis wanted his touch, wanted release very, very badly. There was something about having that plaster dick up his butt – it pushed inside him, made him feel almost ready to cum. He wished he dared reach back and move it – slide it gently in and out, let it stimulate his insides more completely. Again the image of a boy's warm body on top of him appeared in his mind, the plaster dick in his butt a real boy's dick throbbing with its own excitement in his butt, a boy riding him, reveling in the pleasure of it, gripping his shoulders, mop of hair flying as he rocked. Jesse, that's who he was picturing invading him. Not Gabriel, with his smaller cock, Jesse giving it to him from behind. Jesse's slightly curved little cock pistoning in his butt, Jesse's soft skin against his back. Was that really what he wanted? For Jesse to take him up the butt?

He didn't have time to think about that any more, though, because the girls burst back in and began loosening the casting from around his back and legs, moving toward his butt and the peg impaling it. Naomi pulled that part off, easing it and the dowel out of him together so as not to disturb the perfect pattern she'd made of his butt hole protruding around the dowel. She finally held the intact casting in her hands, looking into it with satisfaction. "That'll do, pig, that'll do," she muttered. Tommy racked his brain, knowing he'd heard that phrase somewhere before. Oh, yeah, that stupid movie about the pig who acted like a dog so no one would eat him – his mother had a video tape of it they used to watch along with all the Disney stuff.

Then it was time for the final casting, which was almost a relief to Tommy, given that this time there was nothing at all in his butt for a change, which also meant that his dick softened somewhat and wasn't so uncomfortable trapped under him (although the constant contact with his bottom during the process kept is half hard, anyway. His bottom actually felt kind of empty with nothing shoved up it, like something was missing. Again the girls warned him against moving a muscle and departed, leaving Tommy alone with his thoughts. This was so weird – weirder even than the other weird stuff he'd undergone in the last 2 days. Losing control like that, fucking another boy in the butt – that was weird – he'd never done anything that out of control before. His newly acknowledged feelings for Jesse – those were weird, too – weird and exciting and powerful and disturbing all at once. Chad claiming to have been sucked by his nemesis Lindsay at the theater, and Gabriel backing him up, saying that it had indeed happened. Jesse going off with that Alan kid, the thought of which made jealousy spring to life in Tommy and swell like a growing balloon. Being forced to sniff boys' underwear to identify them – that was the kind of sick thing only his sister could have dreamed up. Being stripped in the backyard, being forced to masturbate there in the open, only to find that 6 girl scouts his own age were watching, being publicly and viciously paddled by little Gabriel, who cheerfully ground his nuts together in the process and laughed at his pain. And then the weird being a dog thing that morning, along with the bizarre "carrot up the butt" incident. His life had become too weird, too unstable. Tommy vowed that he'd turn things around starting now – he'd be obedient and respectful of the wishes of other kids, and he'd watch out for running afoul of his sister. He couldn't stand much more of this!

After awhile, the girls came back and easily removed the second casting (this one having no projections at all to work around), and the two younger girls wiped the Vaseline off of Tommy with towels while Naomi caressed her castings and crowed over them. Zandra took his front, giving his genitals special attention, while Melissa took the rear, seeming to enjoy prying his buns apart and scrubbing his sensitive anus and the backside of his balls as long and as roughly as she could.. Finally they cast the towels aside and stood looking at him, admiring his exposed body. Tommy stood by the bench, bottom still naked, feeling foolish. His penis had gone into full retreat again. The girls looked at him, and he looked back. His intestines suddenly groaned loudly enough to be heard in the room, and he felt an odd shifting inside of him.

"Oops, better get back to work!" Naomi sang out. "We don't have much time now!"

Tommy considered. It was only mid morning – why didn't they have much time? He hated being the only naked person in a room full of clothed people. "Can I have something to wear on my bottom if you're done with it, please? My underpants are still wet, I think," he asked tentatively. His intestines gurgled again, more loudly, and he felt another internal shift.

"Of course! You definitely need something, and the sooner, the better," Naomi said. She hurried to a bench, coming back with a handful of cloth, which she spread out on the workbench, arranging it. "Come here, boy, and let's get you dressed," she said, moving aside. When she moved, Tommy could see it was several layers of white cloth, neatly arranged in piles to make a rectangle. A familiar rectangle. His heart sank. A diaper! A cloth diaper! They wanted to dress him in a diaper, like a baby. Next to the diaper, she'd put several large diaper pins, with bunnies on the heads. Bunnies! Tommy was mortified. He could see what she was up to now – she wanted pictures of an early adolescent boy in diapers – one of the ultimate humiliations for boys! He hung his head. Melissa reached over suddenly and grasped his penis, squeezing it firmly and then yanking it downward, hard. Tommy squeaked in alarm and tried to pull away. Melissa squeezed harder, and began pulling him toward the bench.

"Okay, I'm going!" Tommy said, following his member toward the bench. She tugged upward on his genitals. Blushing, he climbed up awkwardly, the girl still holding his member until he was sitting on the diaper. At her nudging, he lay back and then spread his legs apart. His previous experiences with Chad's diaperings and his own meant he knew what was expected from him. Zandra approached with a tube of something, squeezing a glob of white stuff out of it.

"Diaper rash cream," she said. "Wouldn't want you to get an owie bottom!" She started by applying it to his groin around his penis, then slowly and carefully spreading it over his genitals until they were glistening white. She continued over his balls, coating all the wrinkles of his sack, forcing his balls to one side and then the other as she did. Naomi was snapping pictures. "Lift your legs over your head and hold them," she ordered. Grimacing, Tommy lifted his legs into what he knew as the inspection position. He had ceased protesting, having learned all it gained him was more threats to paddle his balls. He looked between his legs at the three females. Melissa was looking on, eyes glistening with excitement, reminding him so much of Jesse with her size and hairstyle. His attention then turned to Zandra, currently working the lotion into his crack and around his butt hole. He and Zandra were getting way too intimate, he decided – she'd had her hands everywhere on him. He looked over to Naomi, changing angles and snapping pictures. He hated this position – it was as exposed and vulnerable as a boy could ever be. All of his privates were offered up and fully visible, from his sensitive, easily hurt balls to his tight hole, the ridge of skin between his legs, and of course every boy's pride, his penis. They could all be taken in at once, which made this the only position where such a clear view of all these things was possible. It was almost a relief to be allowed to lower his legs, as Zandra drew the cloth tightly between them, so tightly that he felt constricted, and fastened the layers on either side with two pins apiece. He sat up on the bench when instructed and got off, waddling slightly now. They must have put at least five layers of cloth on him! He bulged from all sides, making his butt look huge, and the wad of cloth between his legs was formidable. He stood obediently as Naomi pulled off his t-shirt, and then stood motionless as Naomi handed the camera to Zandra and took up her pad, sketching him again. Tommy knew that his expression was exactly what she wanted – he felt ridiculous in the tight-fitting, bulging diaper. Like he was a badly trained toddler being readied for bed. Adding to his embarrassment, his intestines gurgled louder yet, knotting uncomfortably for a moment. He felt a strong urge to fart, which he fought.

Zandra walked to one of the benches, coming back carrying something in her palm. "The finishing touch," she said, holding it up. Tommy's spirits fell further. It was a baby's pacifier, with a pink ribbon hanging off the back! She smiled at his expression, raising the camera and snapping more pictures. Then she approached Tommy, holding it out toward his mouth. "Open up for your binky, baby!" she said in mocking tones.

Tommy opened his mouth to protest, but Zandra, thinking quickly, and moving even more quickly, shoved the pacifier into his mouth before he could begin. "Now hold still so I can secure it!" she commanded, picking up the ribbons and beginning to tie them around his head. Tommy reached up and grabbed her hands, trying to spit the pacifier back out. She easily blocked him, and the struggled for control of the pacifier for a few seconds. Tommy's intestines gurgled violently, and a small fart escaped him, forcing him to concentrate on sphincter control and let go of Zandra's hands. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly finished tying the pink ribbon behind his head with a very feminine bow. Tommy, regaining control of his digestive system for the moment, reached up to try to remove it.

"Touch it and die," Naomi said from her sketch pad. "Or at least feel like you're dying you know where." Tommy froze, then lowered his hands. His face turned crimson as he realized the picture he must make, standing in a diaper with bunny pins holding it tightly around him, a pacifier in his mouth tied on with a pink bow. His mouth, disliking the latex taste of the intruder and liking even less the way it reminded him of Gabriel's penis, kept shifting it around, trying to find a place it felt less awkward. As a result, he unconsciously worked on the nipple, like a toddler sucking for comfort.

"Look, he's sucking it!" Melissa giggled, pointing at Tommy. Tommy's mouth froze – he'd been unaware of his uncontrolled movements. In the silence that followed, his intestines gurgled again, and he felt a powerful shifting low down inside him. His penis twitched in the tight diaper and started to harden again from the internal pressure in his colon.

"Won't be long, now," Naomi commented, sketching wildly.

Tommy's eyes showed his confusion. 'Hmmmmmm?" he asked around the nipple..

"Until you poop yourself," Melissa said, giggling.

Tommy stared at her in disbelief, his mouth automatically going back to working the nipple. Poop himself? He wasn't going to do that, was he? Not in a million years. He'd just hold it until they got tired of this and gave up – he'd held it in all day sometimes at school in order to avoid having to sit on the pee spattered seats of the school toilets. All he had to do is fight it for awhile and his intestines would always settle down again and wait for a few more hours. As he made that resolve, though, his intestines gurgled again, and he felt pressure building in his abused rectum – insistent pressure that belied his resolve.

"You are going to poop yourself, you know," Melissa said, giggling again. "The other little boy thought he wasn't going to poop himself, either, but he found out different. Because, you know those pills you swallowed a little bit ago? They make you poop. You can't help it, and you can't stop it – it just forces its way out!"

"They're laxatives," Naomi said. "They take an hour or two to work, but they've had time, now. You're going to shit your pants like a baby, and we'll be right here to record it."

Tommy fought back the pressure in his rectum. He wasn't going to do it. Not this time. He'd show them – no way he was pooping his pants. He could hold off going no matter what they did – all he'd have to do is concentrate. Oh, and not fart like he'd done Saturday morning – that had been his mistake then. His intestines shifted again, this time cramping, making him double over with the sharpness of it. This was worse than the normal pressure that he'd sometimes fight during the school day! There was an internal shift, and suddenly his rectum was very, very full, only his iron grip on his anus saving him. It felt like he had the mother of all dumps in there. He straightened up again as the cramp passed.

"Why fight it?" Zandra asked. "It just gets more painful the longer you wait. Just let it out."

Tommy looked at her stonily. He shifted from foot to foot, now sucking the binky steadily in his nervousness. Inside him a war was going on. His butt hole was barely holding on under the onslaught, pleading for him to find a toilet, sit on it, end the agony. But there was no toilet, only several layers of cloth to catch the mess and three females looking on in derision. He felt another cramp building in him and doubled over again. This time he felt the smallest flash of wetness on his butt hole, squishiness between his buns. Oh, God, he'd leaked a little. But only a little – they probably couldn't tell if he acted nonchalant. He straightened up again as the cramp passed, having a ludicrous urge to whistle all of the sudden, like Bugs Bunny did when pretending to be a spy acting normally. Their girls were staring at him expectantly. He was going to beat this – he could hold it until they gave up, he was sure. That last one was probably the worst and 3;

And then it happened. His lower intestine gave a mighty lurch, a cramp started to build, but before he could double over a flood of material forced itself out of him. It filled his crack, oozed between his legs and pressed on his balls, and bulged the back of the diaper out. A long farting sound accompanied his surrender, and he was flooded with two sensations – relief at last from the terrible pressure inside him, and the terrible, uncomfortable, squishy embarrassment of a boy who has pooped his pants in front of people. His face reddened, and he looked at the floor. Zandra was going wild, her camera taking in his bulging diaper, his expression, his stance all at once. Naomi was sketching like a mad woman. Melissa was pointing at the bulge in the back of his diaper and giggling. Tommy wanted to die. He shifted positions, the diaper contents moving shifting against his butt and privates when he did, feeling slimy, disgusting. Zandra focused on his face, capturing the image. His intestines lurched again and he doubled over with another cramp, and more spilled out of him, filling the back of the diaper, spreading across his buns. Flushing from exertion and embarrassment, he straightened up as well as he could, assuming a legs apart slump common in toddlers with poopy butts.

Several more minutes passed, Tommy standing helplessly in his soiled diaper, Zandra snapping pictures, Naomi sketching, Melissa looking at him from various angles and prodding his diaper in various places and laughing at his reaction. Naomi finally turned her sketch pad toward Tommy. Despite his humiliation, he couldn't help looking at what she'd drawn. There were two pictures there, front and back views. The boy in both was hunched slightly, his bowed apart as if he was uncomfortable, the back of the diaper bulging. Unlike his real condition, with the diaper clinging snugly, the boy in the pictures diaper was pulled down in the front and back both by the weight of its contents, so the top half of his pubic triangle showed in the front view, the beginning of his crack in the back view. His whole posture spoke of discomfort and shame. And the face 3;

The face was most disturbing to Tommy. There was so much shame there. Shame that was accentuated by the pacifier. The same look he'd seen on a male puppy belonging to an acquaintance when he had pooped and peed on the carpet, and then been whacked twice with a newspaper and then been dragged over to the mess to have his nose rubbed in it. A look that said utter defeat, utter inadequacy, utter desolation. But a look that was all too clearly him, and pretty much how he felt. He looked away, the squishy feeling in his diaper unbearable as he shifted. The picture taking continued, along with increasingly vigorous prodding by Melissa, who had taken to poking his diaper hard enough to play with the shifting contents underneath, spreading the mess around both front and back. Finally, Naomi put the pad down and untied the pacifier from Tommy's head.

Tommy worked his mouth, loosening his tongue. "Can I – can I – can I clean up now? Take a shower?" he pleaded, hoping this was the worst it was going to get.

"No, I don't think so," Naomi replied. "Not yet. I want you to stew in your mess awhile. Helps increase the humiliation. But I think in the meantime you need to do a little exercising – help you sweat a bit. Trim that little belly."

For the next 10 minutes, Tommy was put through a series of calisthenics by the girls, doing sit ups, push ups, and leg lifts. Naomi stood to one side holding the ruler and all it implied where Tommy could see it, waving it if he was slow to comply. The whole experience was utterly degrading to Tommy. The sit ups forced him to sit right on the mess in his diaper, wallow in it, press on it and feel it oozing up between his legs, surrounding his genitals, filling his crack, shifting back and forth as his weight shifted. The push ups shifted the mess farther up his crotch, so his genitals were completely surrounded. Then the leg lifts made the contents in back spread all the way up his crack to the top. Finally she got him on his feet and made him do jumping jacks. The weight in his diaper started making it sag progressively downward, his butt crack and the top of his pubic triangle appearing, then the root of his penis and the swelling cheeks of his butt. When he reached to try to pull the diaper up, Naomi cracked his knuckles sharply with the ruler, making him withdraw his hand in shock and rub his fingers. Though he was tiring, she made him continue the jumping jacks, the diaper now bouncing with each leap, until finally, as he was becoming exhausted, the entire disgusting mess slipped off of him and fell to his knees, exposing his caked genitals and butt, the crotch and trailing a streak down each of his legs. Tommy stopped jumping, looking down miserably at his suddenly exposed, disgustingly smeared genitals. Behind him, a soggy mass detached and fell with a plop into the open diaper by his knees. Tommy looked down at himself, sweating and panting and red faced, suddenly overcome by misery. He was dirtier than he'd ever been in his life, covered with the stuff he hated most to get on him. He was totally exposed in front of these strange, boy- hating girls in the worst possible, most pathetic condition a boy could be in. He was totally helpless – he couldn't pull his diaper back up – he was already messed up. He couldn't take it off, he'd make the mess worse. He was barely keeping it from moving down the rest of his legs and getting on his feet by standing with is legs spread apart. He did what any little boy would do in that situation. He burst into tears.

Naomi immediately began drawing again, and Zandra snapping pictures, as the dam burst and Tommy cried inconsolably. It wasn't fair – he was covered with poop and felt awful, and he was sore and exhausted, and his butt hurt! And they were just looking at him, recording pictures of him, making him an object of derision! His sides shook as he cried, tears and snot mixing together and streaking down his chest to mix with the mess around his genitals and flow on down his leg. He cried for what seemed like forever, swiping at his face with his hands and shaking with sobs. Finally Naomi put her pad down and guided him, from an arm's length away, to a large industrial sink in the corner that was low to the ground and had a spraying wand attached to the faucet. Tommy waddled comically as he went, trying to keep the diaper from falling the rest of the way without touching it, hating the way his buns felt rubbing together with material oozing between them.

They finally reached the sink and she lifted Tommy under his arms and set him inside, careful not to touch him anywhere below the waist. Expertly, she washed him down, spraying him clean again systematically and washing the mess down the drain. Tommy stepped one foot and then the other out of the sodden diaper and kicked it aside. He didn't even mind that the water was cold – it felt so good to get that mess off of him. After rinsing him several times, Naomi handed Tommy a bar of soap. Tommy, who'd managed to calm his humiliating crying down to sniffles, took the soap gratefully and washed himself, now no longer caring that the other girls were watching this process and photographing it. He started above his butt and worked between his buns, digging the soap into the crack and making absurd amounts of lather, not caring that he was spreading his buns comically or that the effort made him thrust his again hardening penis toward them. He continued around to his front, lathering his genitals and pubic area again and again until his penis was standing at attention from all the stimulation. He let Naomi rinse him and then scrubbed himself again, starting at his face this time, washing the dried snot off and moving down his body, again washing his genitals diligently, no longer caring that they were watching, photographing, sketching. He began to wonder if he'd ever feel clean again. He could still feel in his head the awful mass that had been between his legs, so much worse than when he'd pooped himself at home.

He washed his genitals and butt several more times for security. He didn't even care when he had to separate his buns and wash between them, or scrub diligently around his genitals with his legs spraddled so he could get better access. It felt so good to be clean again. He finally finished with his feet and stood facing them, waiting for Naomi to rinse him again. Instead, Zandra approached and too the soap, which was now so thin she could break it in half lengthways and press the two pieces together to make a rough square out of it. "Turn around and bend over," she said. Tommy, still operating in a daze of compliance caused by being allowed to be clean again, turned around and bent over, presenting his bottom to the girls, not caring if they saw his hole again or not.

He didn't protest when she lined the soap up against his rectum and then pressed inward until it slipped in easily. He didn't even whimper when she began moving it in and out repeatedly, coating his insides with the now familiar burn it made. He stood patiently while Naomi squirted water into his now apparently spotless butt hole from inches away. He let Naomi put a towel over his shoulders and lift him bout onto the ground, then picked up another towel and gave it to Zandra, who began drying him by starting with his genitals, of course. Tommy didn't even protest when she pried his buns apart and spent more than a minute vigorously scrubbing at his anus. He didn't even protest when she invaded his now spotless hole with a towel-wrapped finger, even though that made his hole burn like a mother. He stood obediently as Zandra played with his penis with the towel, masturbating him with it until Naomi reached out a hand and stopped her just short of Tommy reaching a climax. "We want to save that, little sister," Naomi said warningly. "Remember our plan!" Zandra straightened up and put the towel down. Naomi took the towels and looked Tommy over critically from head to toe, as he stared at the floor submissively. She walked around him, pried his butt apart, and looked at it from close range, then circled to take his penis and lift it to his stomach as she shifted his balls from side to side, studying them closely. "He's clean enough to eat off of," she finally pronounced. "Probably cleaner than he's been in years." She released his penis and turned to her sisters.

"Go get the room ready," she said to them. "You know what to do next." The two girls smiled, Melissa actually chortling with excitement, and dashed off. Naomi turned to the workbench. "You, boy, have been very good – very good indeed. So I've decided you should get a brief but very large reward before we go on with the rest of the posing. First, though, we're going to put this on you." She held up a padded black device that looked like a pair of sunglasses, but where the lenses should be there was padded black felt that wrapped around the sides. She slipped it over Tommy. Darkness was instant – the thing was a mask for his eyes. All Tommy could see was a hint of light around the edges, a hint she soon removed by applying tape around the pads. Now Tommy was in total darkness. "Put your hands behind you," she said abruptly.

"Why," Tommy asked, unnerved by his sudden blindness.

"So you can have your reward," Naomi said. "It's a good thing, I promise. Oh, there will be more bad things to come, but this one you'll really enjoy, I swear it. But you have to be tied for it, so put your hands behind you."

Tommy put his hands behind him. He felt Velcro being wrapped around them until they were tightly bound to each other just above his butt. He felt suddenly disconnected from the world – The floor under his feet, Naomi's hand on his bound arm and her voice his only contact with the outside world.

"What – what do I have to do now?" he asked tentatively, recognizing suddenly how helpless he was, how much he was at the young woman's mercy.

"Now," Naomi said from his right side, "you get to do what all boys your age and older would kill to do when they have an erection like yours. Tell me something. Have you ever fucked a girl? Or even come close?"

Tommy, somewhat shocked to hear the forbidden f-word used so casually, shook his head, answering honestly. "No," he said hoarsely. I've never fu—I've never done that to anyone."

"Except your cousin," Naomi reminded him. "Boys you've taken up the butt count as fucking, and I know all about your little rape accident. But have you ever fucked a girl? Stuck your dick into her and pulled it in and out until you shoot inside her?"

Tommy was finding it hard to speak, his heart was racing so. "No," he whispered hoarsely.

"Well, then I have good news for you. I sent the girls to a bedroom we use as a set. They're getting ready. Clothing needs to be removed, you see, and the scene set up. We're going there, now to join them. You'll only be fucking the one, you see, but it's important that you not know which one it is. I'll just use the appellation "Miss E." for your partner from now on. Miss E has decided you're cute, wants it real bad. I guess there's no accounting for taste, some people like little equipment. So I'm going to let you oblige Miss E. If it happens to give you pleasure, too, there's no harm in that.

She tugged at Tommy's arm. "Come, little boy," she said. "Time for you to fuck Miss E."