Simon Blackmails - Email Chapter 1

By Arclos

Copyright 2017 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Special E-Mail Chapter 1

Dear Mrs. Fulton,
As you can see, I have clear evidence of secret, classified documents that you have taken from your workplace. This is not only illegal but it comes with the death sentence. I can promise you that nobody will find out what you've done if you do as I say. I'm not interested in making your life miserable. Just that of your son.
Tomorrow you will be tested so I know you are following your instructions: you must in public after school, spank your son with your hand 25 times. You must make him take off his pants before the spanking, lecture him for ten minutes, and then spank him. Don't let him put his pants back on. If you run errands, he's not allowed to stay inside the car.
Once you are home and he's completed your husband's test you will implement the following rules. Don't worry, your husband will not object. If anything, you two should talk to ensure proper implementation.
[*] Your son must be naked at all times no matter who is present, without being allowed to cover himself, when he's at home including the yard. He is not allowed to get dressed for school until he's in the car and you've left the driveway. As soon as you've left the school, he is to strip to his underwear. When you run errands, he can't stay in the car. He must also take his underwear off before he gets to the street your house is on.
[*] From now on, you must be extremely strict with your son. You must spank him for any mistake he makes. You must show him zero tolerance. If you aren't spanking him at least once a day, you aren't being strict enough.
[*] You must forbid your son from masturbating, including being erect, while at home without getting express permission from you or his dad or any other visitor. He must do the deed in front of you or anyone there when given permission and must announce when he orgasms. Failure to do this should mean a serious spanking from both you and your husband and whoever is present-preferably with a belt.
On Tuesday, your son will be doing “community service” with George Crane. You will pick him up after if Mr. Crane asks. On Wednesday your son will be going to Mary Beth Elle's house. You will pick him up after.
On Friday there will be a school board hearing. You will speak on behalf of the coaches and their actions in favor. You must insist that your son start attending PE naked the following week for the rest of his school career.
Mr. X
Dear Mr. Fulton,
I have attached clear evidence that you have been committing financial fraud which is a crime with serious prison sentence. Unless you want to go to jail, you must do what I say regarding your son.
I will give you a test for tomorrow to make sure that you will comply with my instructions. When Simon gets home from school tomorrow, you will make him take off his shirt and you will take him to the front yard and make him mow it in only his underwear. If he refuses, you must make him take his underwear off, give him a spanking with a belt, and then make him mow the lawn naked.
Once he is done you will implement the following rules. Don't worry, your wife will not object. If anything, you two should talk to ensure proper implementation.
[*] Your son must be naked at all times no matter who is present, without being allowed to cover himself, when he's at home including the yard. He is not allowed to get dressed for school until he's in the car and you've left the driveway. As soon as you've left the school, he is to strip to his underwear which he must take off before you enter the home driveway.
[*] From now on, you must be extremely strict with your son. You must spank him for any mistake he makes. You must show him zero tolerance. If you aren't spanking him at least once a day, you aren't being strict enough.
[*] You must forbid your son from masturbating, including being erect, while at home without getting express permission from you or his dad or any other visitor. He must do the deed in front of you or anyone there when given permission and must announce when he orgasms. Failure to do this should mean a serious spanking from both you and your wife and whoever is present-preferably with a belt.
On Friday there will be a school board hearing. You will speak on behalf of the coaches and their actions in favor. You must insist that your son start attending PE naked the following week for the rest of his school career.
Mr. X
Dear Marcus,
I have attached evidence here that not only do you run a file-sharing network that share normal blockbuster movies but also child porn-some of it coming from even your own computer! Unless you want your reputation destroyed as you go to jail, you must do what I say.
Tomorrow you will e-mail the school principal asking for Simon Fulton. During lunch period on Tuesday, you will have requested an empty classroom where you will record a special movie. You will make a special movie where a naked Simon masturbates. When he's done, you will record him giving you a handjob. If he refuses, give him a spanking until he goes along with it. You will then send me this movie.
That will be your test to know you will comply. If you do pass, I will require that on Friday, you go to the school board and you vote against any punishment on the Coaches. You will publicly support them. In fact, you will encourage more lessons of the same kind and ask them to record it to show it to other gym classes. If you fail, I will release the evidence to the public and police.
Mr. X
Dear George Crane,
I have evidence attached to the e-mail that shows you specifically breaking the law and refusing to rent to black tenets. Not only will this destroy your reputation, but you could face serious fines that will harm your business. You must do the following.
First a test, tomorrow you must send an e-mail requesting that Simon Fulton join you for community service Tuesday after school. Make sure to pick him up or send someone. When he arrives at your building, take him to one of your apartments Strip him naked and make sure to tell him not to cover up. Have him go to every single apartment in that building and have him help in any way they need: give people permission to use any kind of punishment they want if he hesitates or doesn't do a good job or for whatever reason. While he waits for her to arrive, have him stand naked in the lobby with his hands on his head. He must be like a statue-if he moves, feel free to punish him. It's up to you whether he has to be soft or erect the whole time-feel free to punish if he isn't what you want. When he's done, call his mom to pick him up. Give him his underwear, and only that, when she shows up.
If you pass your test, on Friday you will go the school board and vote in favor of the Coaches. You will not just publicly support them but encourage them to perform similar lessons every Friday with Simon always participating. If you fail, the world finds out what I know.
Mr. X
Dear Mary Beth Elle,
Stealing from the school is a crime and I have evidence attached to this e-mail proving it. Unless you want to go to jail and lose your reputation, you will do as I say.
First a test so I know you will follow directions: tomorrow you will have Mark and Ella invite Simon over on Wednesday afternoon. When Simon gets to your house, you will force him to strip naked. You will make him keep his hands above his head as you make Mark and Ella do a painting of him. Once he is done, you will let him put on his underwear and have his mom pick him up. Send me a picture of the paintings!
If you pass your test, on Friday you will go the school board and vote in favor of the Coaches. You will not just publicly support them but encourage them to give Simon a spanking if he gets erect without permission during any further lessons.  If you fail, the world finds out what I know.
Mr. X
Dear Anthony Phelps,
I know you believe you are above the law but I have clear evidence of you consorting with a prostitute. Even if you manage to avoid any legal proceedings, this will destroy your reputation in the town. If you want to avoid this headache, you will do as I say.
There is a test to ensure you will follow my instructions. During lunch on Wednesday, you will go to the school and take Simon Fulton to a classroom at the school-make sure to arrange this on Monday. You will tie him up fully clothed and tickle him until he pees his pants. You are then to let him go. Make sure he's not allowed to change his underwear for the rest of the day. If you fail, the world finds out what I know.
On Friday you will not only publicly support the Coaches but vote with them. You are also to claim that the lessons would be better if any kid who volunteered or who is picked to help got extra credit. Simon will not get extra credit.
Mr. X
Dear Hope,
For the most part, I don't have a lot for you to do this week.
Monday: During lunch, you are to kick him in the balls. You can also make him do whatever you want whenever you want.
Tuesday: Simon will be pre-occupied during lunch and after school. If you want, you can make him do whatever you want outside those times.
Wednesday: Simon will be pre-occupied during lunch and after school. If you want, you can make him do whatever you want outside those times.
Thursday: During lunch, make sure to put his lunch inside his pants and underwear. Make him eat it. You can also make him do whatever you want whenever you want.
Friday: During lunch, make him feel up another boy's privates. You can also make him do whatever you want whenever you want.
Mr. X
Dear Grant/Mike/Jay,
This is the schedule for this week:
Monday: As you know, the locker room has two doors: one to the outside, the other inside the gym building. Before gym class, you are to wait until Simon is in only his underwear. When that happens, kick him out of the locker room using the outside door and lock it. Don't let him back it or let anyone else let him back in.
Tuesday: During gym class, you will give Simon a wedgie. Every time he undoes it, you will give him a new wedgie and a brief spanking.
Wednesday: Before gym class in the locker rooms, when Simon has taken his shirt and pants off, you will also slap his face with your penises and balls until he kisses each of your penises and both balls. You will then make him give you  each a handjob. Make sure to cum on his face and don't let him clean up.
Thursday: Before lunch, you will find Simon in the hallway and take off his pants and underwear. One you must hold him by his armpits to make sure everyone in the hallway gets a good look at his privates. Be careful! I have the Coaches under my thumb but not the teachers! Not yet at least.
Friday: After gym class, you will force him to suck each one of you off in the locker room after stripping him naked-make sure to get video of it all. After that, tie his hands behind his back and tie him up so he can't go anywhere.
Mr. X
Dear Bradley Starr,
This is the schedule for this week:
Monday: Wait for him outside the locker room after the last period and before he goes in to put his clothes on, drag him outside. Give him a choice: either you lift down the front part of his underwear down until he's hard (if he's hard then until he's soft) or you lift down the back part of his underwear until you spank his butt 50 times.
Tuesday: Nothing today as he will be busy after school.
Wednesday: Nothing today as he will be busy after school.
Thursday: You will find Simon Filcher before school and make him switch his tighty-whities to diapers for the day. You will then give him two options: make him spend the whole schoolday without pants on or have him swear that instead of using a restroom, he will go in his diaper and then ask a girl to change him. Make sure to bring extra diapers and give it to him.
Friday: After last period, head to the locker room and there you will find Simon tied up naked. Put your penis on his mouth to get his saliva on there as a lubricant then do him in the ass. After that, you can let him go.
Mr. X
Dear Coach Marvin,
Tomorrow you will catch Simon trying to get back into the locker room in only his underwear right before gym class. You are to grab him before he can make it back in, take him to his PE class, and support Coach Weatherby's decision. If he tries to resist in any way, paddle him after Coach Weatherby.
You might have also learned about the school board hearing on Friday. I already have the majority votes lined up and by Friday it should be unanimous. They will support whatever you do so don't worry about it. Remember, if you don't trust me, I can definitely still ruin you and the other Coaches so you better keep doing what I say.
Mr. X
Coach Weatherby,
When Coach Marvin drags Simon into PE class tomorrow in only his underwear, you will announce the following new two rules for Simon:
[*] Simon's new PE uniform is going to be his underwear. He's not allowed to wear anything else except for socks and tennis shoes.
[*] You will paddle Simon for breaking the rules, being disobedient, being erect without permission, or anything else. You must be very strict. You can't let anything go. If you aren't paddling him at least once a week, you aren't being strict enough.
Mr. X
All the e-mails in the end agreed to do what Simon said even if some of them were pretty hostile, Coach Marvin's e-mail in particular expressed worry about the school board hearing but promised to keep following the instructions.

(End of File)