And, just 'cause I can: "This, is my BOOM-Stick" -Ash, Army of Darkness
Now, about me:
My name is Nu Pied well, not really, I chose it as a sobriquet, 'cause,
well, if I have my druthers, I'm
barefoot, else, I'm in Birkenstocks. I'm 21, and quite frankly I love
receiving feedback.
That said, my stories, so far I've written only two that I deemed worthy
of publication,
both are personal memoirs, both romantic, although one signifigantly
more than the other.
I have written one story not from personal experience, but after looking
at it, I decided that no one
would like to read that, so I promptly deleted it :)
Enough talking, here are the two stories I've posted to
Meet Melissa Parts 1 and 2 [mf, slight rom, cons]
Self-Completion with Amy [Romance, mf, cons]
I tend to turn out one or two stories a weekend and depending on how the week goes I may or may not write during it. So please, check back soon, and if you have any requests, please Mail Me. I would love to oblige. Also mail me just to give your opinion, soon I want to have a little script here so you don't have to leave the webpage, but until then, bear with me.
Posted: 2/16/00