Nicholas Urfé
about . links

The short stories.

Bugger This for a Lark. txt [|]

Call & Response. txt [|]
2001 Dulcinea Memorial Writing Festival Gold Medal. [|]

Giggling. txt [| ]
reviewed [|]
March 2002 Silver Clitoris. [|]
—First published at Ruthie’s Club. [|]

The Sidewalks of Old New York. txt [|]
Duelling Flashers 2002. [|]
—With thanks to Gary [|], Selena [|], Alexis [|], and Neil “DrSpin” Anthony [|].

Silk and Amphetamines (Doom Patrol no. 34). txt [|]
Write Club duel no. 7. [|]

Somewhere (Not Here). txt [|]
—With thanks to Scarlet Letters. [|]

The longer works.

As falls Cuyahoga, so falls Cuyahoga Falls.
txt [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
reviewed [ 1 2 5 7 ]
January 2002 Silver Clitoris. [|]

Indigo—the Swordswoman’s Tale.
or, the Adventures of a Lady of Unnatural Appetites.
reviewed [|]
txt [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]

The James Sisters.
txt [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]

The essays.

Re: {ASSD} Property.

—With thanks to Scarlet Letters. [|]

The blog.

[ defunct as of 7 October 2002 ]
“...but lacking that context, they must prove almost unassimilable for English and American readers—except as ‘mere’ pornography, inexplicably fancy trash.”
(—Writing about writing about sex being more fun than writing alone.)



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