Nialos Leaning
For Adults Only!

Young Spanking
stories by Nialos Leaning

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Taking Back Control
A community wide effort is implemented by the adults to "take back control" from their "out of control" kids.  In the process, they're determined to eradicate the excessive false modesty prevalent among the younger generation.  Boys up to the age 14 quickly learn that there's a very high price to be paid for defying adult control and rules.  They just as quickly learn  that "little boys shouldn't be so modest" means exactly that; a few girls also have their modesty taken down a peg or two.  Forced nudity, embarrassment, sexual humiliation, spanking and other very painful punishments are among the adults' weapons of choice to forcibly demonstrate to the kids "who's in charge here."
CAUTION! while the above story is within this site's content guidelines, especially starting with part 3, it tends toward  the extreme side and may be too intense and/or graphic for some readers.
TBC1: Taking Back Control Part 1
TBC2: Taking Back Control Part 2
TBC3: Taking Back Control Part 3
TBC4: Taking Back Control Part 4

Willow Run is fed up with unruly, disrespectful and misbehaving youngsters. After many grueling hours of hotly debated meetings, the good townspeople devise their own very unique solution, Nudity Enhanced Punishment. NUDEP, as its known for short, makes use of the various "Naked in School" and "Alternate Disciple Protocol" programs from other communities as starting points. Then, to meet the community's desire for an effective punishment not to soon be forgotten, spanking, embarrassment, humiliation, and forced sexual performance are added to the mix, ensuring a lesson well learnt.

Day 1 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Begins:

The Jeffers siblings, thirteen year old Jeremy, eleven year old Jessica and ten year old Jeffrey are condemned by their parents to a week of the miserable hell of NUDEP.
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Begins

Day 2 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Monday at School:

The nightmare begins in earnest as the Jeffers children experience spending the day naked in school.
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Monday at School

Day 3 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Tuesday Performance:

The nightmare continues, both at school and at a command performance at the mall.
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Tuesday Performance

Day 4 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Wednesday Athletics:

The nightmare continues, at a school field day, in gym class, and at a college basketball game.
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Wednesday Athletics

Day 5 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP starring Tommy Tomaselli
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Thursday Troubles:

The nightmare continues, with Tommy Tomaselli getting himself and his classmates in much trouble
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Thursday Troubles

Day 6 of the Jeffers kids week in NUDEP
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Friday Follies:
The nightmare continues, in front of both a live and a statewide television audience, it's showtime!
The Jeffers Kids Nightmare Friday Follies

Party Plan:

CyberSpank Industries sells their computerized home spanking machines on the party plan. Woe unto the children used to demonstrate the nasty things!
Party Plan

Paul Crewe has written a follow up story The Scoutmaster's Model Part 1

Naked Jensen:
Billy Miller and Tommy Jensen just can't seem to avoid being stripped naked and spanked in front of audiences, sometimes very large audiences.
Naked Jensen 1: The Swimming Pool Caper
Naked Jensen 2: The Insult Incident
Naked Jensen 3: The Taunt Tantrum
Naked Jensen 4: The Fight Fiasco

This ice hockey loving family bases their discipline program on that sport's penalty system.

Santa Strikes Back
Santa has a plan to correct the rampart naughtiness of today's youth and get more names back onto the "who's been good" list. Oh, boy, does he have a plan!
Santa Strikes Back
Spankatorium Stories
In response to the ever escalating increase in general youthful misbehavior, the government has established walk in Juvenile Punishment Centers where computerized machines administer spankings and other humiliating embarrassing unpleasant punishments. The auditoriums where these punishments are carried out, open to the public for the price of an admission ticket, are known as Spankatoriums.

Timmy's Unpleasant Encounter of the Mechanical Kind
Young Timmy has a decidedly unpleasant encounter with the computer controlled devices at his local Juvenile Punishment Center.
Timmy's Unpleasant Encounter of the Mechanical Kind

The Callahan Clan's Catastrophic Computer Clash of the Corrective Kind
The three Callahan youngsters, fourteen-year-old Jimmy, his eleven-year-old sister Jackie and their younger brother nine-year-old Jerry have a decidedly uncomfortable time at the Jacobs Avenue Juvenile Punishment Center, especially with some of the new recently installed extras. The Callahan Clan's Catastrophic Computer Clash of the Corrective Kind

SSS 1997 Short Story Contest Entries:
These short-shorts were entries in the Soc.Sexuality.Spanking summer 1997 short story contest. Another Fine Mall Service was nominated as a finalist in the Youngster category.
SSC: Another Fine Mall Service
SSC: Escalation
SSC: The Red, White and Blue
The Strickhand Chronicles:
Mr. Strickhand, a school disciplinarian who brooks no nonsense, is every school child's worse nightmare.
Strickhand 1: An Old Era Returns
Strickhand 2: Fifth Grade Massacre
Tales of Brian's Bare Tail:
Poor ten year old Brian and his next door neighbor Samatha, known as Sammy the Brat, constantly earn themselves bare bottom spankings.
Brian 1: The Christmas Tale
Brian 2: The School Tale
Brian 3: The Friday Tale
Brian 4: The Halloween Tale
Brian 5: The Beach Tale

write to Nialos

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 1996-2006 by Nialos Leaning, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2009 by Nialos Leaning, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.  Some material on this site, including but not limited to stories, graphics and site design elements may be the work of authors other than Nialos Leaning.  All such material is used with the permission of the author, who retains copyright.