Nialos Leaning
For Adults Only!

Stories by Nap

The parents and other adults in Nap's fantastic stories are absolute experts at causing their boys and girls pain, suffering and extremely embarrassing public humiliation.

These stories are fantasties for adults only. The author utterly condemns any form of actual abuse physical, sexual, psychological and emotional to any person of any age.

I'm in the wrong library, get me out of here!

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Seven Naked Ambersons
Father's off looking for the lost city of Xinjhangphu; Mother's at the point of nervous exhaustion over the behavior of her brood of seven kids. But help is only a mouse click away at a special site where permission can be obtained from the Moralist government for a temporary exemption from its normal prohibitions against indecent dress and smacking children. That's good news for mom but bad news for her four girls and three boys ranging in age from six to fifteen!
SNA1: Seven Naked Ambersons Chapter 1
SNA2: Seven Naked Ambersons Chapter 2
SNA3: Seven Naked Ambersons Chapter 3

Children of the Church
The Reverend Daniel Shore makes use of his four children, Matthew, Marcia, Lucy and Jonathan, ages 13, 12, 11, and 10, as the unwilling live visual aids for one of his sermons. A sermon unlike any given before. A sermon which afterwards the parishioners take to heart in applying to their own unwilling and soon to be sorry children. COC1: Children of the Church
COC2: Dashforth Discipline
COC3: The St Cuthbert's Cadet Corps

Incident At Solsey Sands
Twelve year old Trevor and eleven year old Brenda are being holy terrors on the packed beach. But soon, mom and dad are the ones "terrorizing" their wayward youngsters with spankings, forced nudity, and public humiliation.
ISS: Incident At Solsey Sands     

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 2002 by Nap, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2009 by Nialos Leaning, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.  Some material on this site, including but not limited to stories, graphics and site design elements may be the work of authors other than Nialos Leaning.  All such material is used with the permission of the author, who retains copyright.