Petey's Adventures in Babysitting
Part 1
By Marcos
copyright 2005 by Marcos, all rights reserved
* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If
you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such
material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not
read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
Twelve-year-old Peter Miller was sulking. How many times
did he have to tell his mother he was too old for a
babysitter? Every Friday night for the past two years he
had argued his case, and every Friday night the 'Court of
Mom' ruled against him. "But mom," he whined, "I'm twelve!"
He said this as if it would be news to his mother. "I'm
almost a teenager. A teenager," he said with emphasis. "I
can stay at home by myself. I can mom, really."
Peter's mother shook her head. "Petey, how many times do I
have to tell you no?" she said wearily.
"My name is Peter not Petey," the boy said irritably. "I'm
not a baby. I'm too old for stupid names and babysitters."
"You aren't too old to go over my knee for a good, hard,
bare bottom spanking, young man," Peter's mother said giving
her son a significant look, which caused the preteen to
squirm. "Do I need to spank some sense into you before I go
"No," Peter said shortly. "I mean, no ma'am," he quickly
amended as he saw the look of irritation cross his mother's
"I think my little man is getting a little too big for his
britches," Mrs. Miller said with a sigh.
"No mom, I'm not. I promise I'm not," Peter said, his hands
covering his denim clad bottom protectively. Usually being
too big for his britches meant he was about to lose his
pants, his dignity, and his ability to sit comfortably.
"We will see," his mom said as the doorbell rang. "Go and
get the door Petey."
With a sigh Peter walked to the door and opened it. "Who
are you?" he asked, feigning surprise as the opening portal
revealed a very striking young woman.
"I'm Mary, your new neighbor," the girl said with a smile,
ruffling Peter's dark hair. "You must be Petey. Your mom
never told me how cute you were," the young woman said,
causing Peter to blush.
Of course, Peter knew who Mary was. Her room was directly
across from his, and he had secretly been sneaking peaks at
her since Mary's family had moved in a couple of weeks
before. He wondered if the young woman knew her blinds
weren't totally closed or if he could see right into her
bathroom when she got out of the shower or stood in front of
her closet to get dressed.
"What...I mean why...huh...what do you want?" Peter
"I'm here to baby sit you, silly," Mary said with a giggle.
Peter noticed that dimples danced across Mary's perfect face
when she smiled. He also noticed she was wearing shimmering
pink lip gloss the same color as her skirt. For some reason
this made Peter's mouth go dry.
"But, you can't! You're too young!" Peter protested.
"Too young?" Mary said shaking her head causing blonde
ringlets of hair to sway in a way Peter found fascinating.
"Petey, I'm 16. You talk like I'm twelve or something," the
girl said.
"Petey," Mrs. Miller said coming up behind her son, "invite
Mary inside please. Remember your manners," she chided.
Peter opened the door to allow his babysitter to enter.
Mary smiled at his mom and shook her hand. "Petey, did you
know Mary's mother works with me? She told me all about
Mary's experience watching little ones," Mrs. Miller told
her son.
"I'm not little!" Peter protested. "I'm almost grown!"
Mary's laughter was like a silver bell. "Almost grown!
Isn't he just adorable," she said giggling. "Little Petey,
you are a long way from grown."
Peter glowered at Mary his mouth open to protest.
"Mary's right Petey. Everyone knows that boys mature far
more slowly than girls. You have a long way to go and a lot
to learn before you will be grown."
Peter's look of displeasure took in both women, and he
muttered under his breath.
"He's got quite a little attitude, doesn't he?" Mary noted
to Mrs. Miller, crossing her arms over her white blouse.
"That will need to be dealt with."
Peter's mom nodded. "Yes, he's been acting up all
afternoon. If I wasn't in such a hurry I would have spanked
him good and hard."
Peter blushed six shades of crimson. "Mother!" he protested
"You watch your tone young man," Mary said slapping his jean
clad bottom firmly. "You just wait. As soon as your mommy
has left, I'm going to pull down your jeans, slip off your
little undies, bend you over my knee and spank your sassy
little bare backside until you just cry and cry. I can't
believe you having such an attitude with your mother. You
will be lucky if I let you off my lap all night you naughty
Peter looked at Mary his mouth open, struggling for words
which just wouldn't come. His mother gave Mary a satisfied
smile, kissed Peter on the cheek, warned him to do as he was
told and left.
"You, you were kidding about spanking me, right?" Peter said
as Mary closed the door. "That was just talk in front of my
mom, right?"
"Of course not," Mary said rubbing her hands together.
"I've dealt with naughty, disobedient, rude little boys like
you before Petey. All little boys like to get big heads and
think they know what is best, but they never do. They get
far too full of themselves, and I am not going to let that
happen to you Petey. Boys need to learn respect.
Especially one little boy I know," she said looking Peter up
and down.
Peter looked at his babysitter like she was mad. "What are
you going to do?" he said in almost a whisper. "Are you
going to spank me?"
Mary nodded. "I certainly am, but first we need to go over
a few rules. Take off your clothes. All of them."
"What?" Peter exclaimed.
"Take off your clothes," Mary said patiently. "Little boys
don't deserve modesty. It makes them think they can make
decisions, and you can't."
"No way!" Peter said, his arms crossed defiantly.
"Petey, either you take them off or I call some of my
girlfriends to come over and they can strip you. Do you
want a group of girls to strip you naked and see you without
clothes? I bet my friends would love a chance to see a cute
little boy like you naked," Mary said looking at Peter the
way a wolf regards a lamb.
"No!" Peter said in shock. "You can't!"
Mary sighed and pulled out her cell phone. With a gasp
Peter started pulling off his clothes.
"Fold them neatly or I will have to spank you for
sloppiness," Mary said, a satisfied smile on her lips.
"Now, rule number two. You will do exactly as I say without
argument or you get a spanking, understood?"
Peter nodded unhappily as he folded his shirt. "Pants too?"
"Of course," Mary giggled. "Pants and undies. You are to
be totally naked," she said, emphasizing the word 'naked'
much to Petey's chagrin.
"Rule number three. You aren't to cover yourself ever. I
want to see all of you. Each little inch. If you cover
yourself I'll take you outside for a spanking where everyone
can see your little bare bottom redden."
Petey looked up blushing. "Please Mary, don't take me
"Be good and I won't have to," Mary said though she had
already decided that Petey was going to be the
neighborhood's star attraction.
"The last rule is that you will always treat me and all
other women with total respect and obedience. You will call
me and all other women ma'am, understood?"
"Ur...yes...uh, ma'am," Petey said standing in front of Mary
as naked as the day he was born.
"Hands on your head Petey," Mary commanded.
Blushing, the preteen did as he was told. Mary walked over
and gently took Peter's small boyhood in her hand. Peter
jumped back in shock. Without a word Mary turned Peter
around and delivered ten hard smacks to his bare bottom
causing the boy to cry out.
"Petey, you stay still. You are mine to play with, to
touch, to do with whatever I want." Petey blushed unhappily
but didn't protest. "You really are a handsome boy," Mary
continued playing with his now hardening penis. "Very
handsome indeed. It's too bad you are so naughty," she said
with a sigh sitting on the couch. "Over my knee Petey," she
said patting her lap.
Peter noticed that sitting down Mary's skirt rode up leaving
most of her smooth thighs bare. They looked as soft as
cotton and as smooth as silk. Unfortunately he could tell
from his already stinging bottom that his babysitter's hand
was no where near as soft. "Can't we talk about this?" the
boy asked pleadingly.
"Certainly," Mary said giving Peter some hope. "After your
spanking," she finished, dashing Petey's dream of a
reprieve. Unhappily Peter lay over Mary's silken thighs
blushing as he realized his 'little Petey' was getting hard
Mary giggled at Peter's arousal and landed a sharp spank to
his bare and already pink bottom. "I've heard all about you
Petey," she scolded. "The attitude, talking back, arguing
with your mom. Really, it is shameful. Not to mention how
you keep your room!" Mary said with the hardest spank yet.
"What about my room?" Petey asked with shock.
"What, you think you're the only one who can see from your
bedroom window across the way? I've seen how messy you keep
it, and yes, I've noticed you watching me," Mary said
landing a hard salvo of open handed spanks onto Petey's now
burning bottom.
"Watching? I...I never!" Petey said lamely.
"Liar, liar pants on fire," Mary said spanking harder.
"Well, little bare bottom on fire, I should say."
Petey cried out in adolescent anguish as his bottom turned
red under Mary's determined hand. "I didn't mean to look!"
he protested.
"Oh, sure I believe you," Mary said rolling her eyes.
"Sure, you didn't mean to look. Well, I don't mean to spank
you so hard," Mary said, spanking harder and harder. "See,
now we are both full of it," she said with a satisfied
smile. Petey was far less happy. In fact he was decidedly
unhappy as his cries and tears plainly showed.
"I won't look again Mary. I won't!" he promised beginning
to sob. "I will never look again."
Mary nodded and finished up Petey's spanking with ten super
hard spanks. "You had better not. Now get that naughty
bottom into the corner," she said, setting Petey on his feet
and sending him on his way with a loud pop to his backside.
"I'm not done with you yet."
Peter scurried to the corner wondering what else his
beautiful babysitter had in mind.