Betty's Diary 1: My Greatest Birthday Ever!
(minors, nasty, mast, strap, otk hand, nc, femdom, M/m, M/b, ggggggg/mb)
by Nialos Leaning
find all of Nialos' Leaning's youth punishment and sexual
humiliation stories plus those of selected guest authors at
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their entireties retain the following statements:

This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It depicts a
preteen and a young teen boy being spanked by their father,
and then, at the instigation of their mother, repeatedly
spanked, humiliated and otherwise abused by their preteen
sister and her friends.  
If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such
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"This story is pure fantasy, written for the enjoyment of
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"This story, as is all fiction, is fantasy and not reality.
The author does recognize the difference between the two.
Please do understand that some of us, including the author,
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"Compliments and constructive criticism are always welcome."
* * *

My Greatest Birthday Ever!
by Nialos Leaning

Dear Diary,

Betty here again. Today I turned twelve and can't wait to
tell you about my birthday party.  It was the best one ever!

Mom had said I could invite six girls for the party and a
sleepover.  Of course, I invited Kathy and Marcie, my
absolute greatest, bestest friends in the whole wide world.
I also asked Patty, Roberta, Susie, and Jean, who you just
never ever better call Jeannie.

I protested, and the boys protested, but mom insisted that
the two brats be at the party.

"They're your brothers, and they will be there," she told me
when I tried arguing with her.

The boys also argued. Teddy, who turned thirteen four months
ago, claimed that as a teenager he was too old to be going
to a little kids party.  Too old! Little kid!  Who does he
think he is, he's only a year older than me!  Mom wasn't
buying it, however, and he backed off when she started
calling him "Theodore."  When she does that, using our real
first names, Theodore, Elizabeth, Richard, you know that
there's real trouble ahead.  A brat Teddy may be, a dummy he
is not.

After Teddy, Dickie had his go at mom.  He should had known
better, he didn't change her mind either.  Maybe as he gets
older, he'll get smarter.  I sure hope so, it'll be so
embarrassing if he continues to be such a dumb-dumb.
Anyway, he whined that hanging around with a "bunch of
stupid girls" would be boring and no fun.  Mom let the
"stupid" comment go, he's always saying that about girls.
Must go with the age, I remember when I was ten-and-a-half,
like he is now, saying the same thing about boys!

"Discussion closed," declared mom, "the boys will be there,
and that's that."

And so it was.  Me, six of my girlfriends, and the two brats
all together at my party.  Almost from the beginning, the
brats were horrid.  Teasing my friends, mimicking what we
said, being as rude as they could get away with.  Mom, and
even Dad, warned them more than once to "cease and desist,"
as dad put it.

But, no, they just couldn't listen.  Mom has always accused
all three of us of "letting it in one ear and out the
other."   The brats were sure trying their hardest to prove
her right!

When it came time to open my presents, the bratty duo became
even worse.

When I opened a doll from Marcie, Teddy said, "see, told you
she's still a little kid, getting toys for presents."

That Dumb-Dumb Dickie, himself being young enough to still
want toys for presents, could only think to say, "yeah, a
stupid doll for a stupid girl."  This made me mad, as the
Rebecca series dolls were special, all the girls in my class
wanted one, and they weren't exactly cheap.  I lost it, and
started hollering at Dickie and Teddy both.  Soon, I was
crying, I was so upset at those two.

"Enough, already!" shouted mom.  "Theodore, Richard, this is
your very last warning, you two boys just better start
behaving yourselves and showing your sister and her friends
some respect for a change.  No, make that a lot of respect.
Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, mom," they both said at the same time.

"Good," continued mom, "and you, Richard, I don't want to
hear anymore about girls being stupid.  Am I stupid to you?"

"No mom," answered Dickie, "but you're my mom."

"And like the girls," mom told Dickie, "Im a female.  When
you call them, or any other female stupid, that's the same
as calling me stupid.  No more, do you hear me young man?"

"Yes, mom," Dickie mumbled in reply.

Well, that made things better for a little while.  But then
I started opening the presents with clothes.  My idiot brat
brothers just couldn't resist.

"Ugh, clothes," said Teddy, "who would want to get that as a
present on their birthday?"

"Yeah," chimed in Dickie, "who but a sissy girl?"

"That's it you two," mom practically roared.  "That's it
with the disrespect."

"Sorry, mom," they both said, both barely audible.

"Glad to hear it," said mom, "but it's too late.  Since you
seem not to like clothes so much, I know exactly how you can
start showing Betty and her guests some respect.  You will
give her the honor of appearing at the rest of her birthday
party in your birthday suits.  Now!"

"No way!" Teddy shouted.

"What's a birthday suit?" asked Dickie.

"Your bare skin, dummy," Teddy told the dumb-dumb.

"Do it, now!" hollered dad, snapping one of his belts
against the sofa.  In all the excitement, no one had noticed
him bringing it into the room.  We all knew what that belt
meant.  Obey, or get a spanking.  Even though we didn't
spank in our house.  But boy, oh boy, the boys were about to
find out that wasn't any longer true, for them anyway.  But,
Dear Diary, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Quickly, the brats began stripping down, to our giggles.
They weren't about to defy dad.  Teddy may be a teenager
now, but he's no match for dad, who's very big and strong.
As a little girl, I used to brag to all my friends about how
big and strong my daddy was.  And of course, between Dad and
Dickie, there's no contest at all.  Nor against Dickie and
Mom, who's no slouch herself.  I think even Teddy would
still have trouble with her!

Soon, the moment of truth had arrived.  The brats were down
to just their briefs.  All seven of us girls were holding
our breaths, waiting to see if mom and dad would make the
boys show us everything they had.  Once a brat had turned
six and entered the first grade, I was no longer allowed to
see him naked.   Just like when I entered first grade, they
could no longer see me naked.  It's a family rule.

A rule that I hoped was about to be changed, along with some
others.  Another rule was that once we turned ten, we could
bath and dress ourselves without help, although for the boys
either mom or dad could still supervise and be in the same
room, for me only mom could.  It's one advantage I had as a
girl over the brats, once ten only mom could see me naked,
but the boys had to let either mom or dad see them.  Dad's
explanation to the brats was "that's what moms do."

Once twelve, like I'm today, things get better.  Teddy, and
now me, are allowed complete privacy concerning nudity. We
don't have to let, and Teddy doesn't, our parents see us
nude at all.  I know I'm going to keep mom out of the
bathroom too.  My breasts have started growing, I have some
hair down below, and it embarrasses me for anyone to see me
naked.  As I'm sure it does Teddy.  I bet he doesn't even
let Dickie see him naked.  But all that was about to change.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" demanded mom.  "Get those
underpants off, now!"

"Now!" echoed dad, snapping his belt once more against the

Very, very fast, the brats had their briefs off, which they
held in front of themselves, trying to hide their privates
from us.

"We'll have none of that disrespect," shouted mom, "drop
those to the ground, now!"

"Now!" echoed dad again, once more snapping his belt.

As their underwear went to the ground, the boys' hands went
to cover up.

"Hands away and at your sides," mom ordered.

"You heard your mother," said dad as he again snapped the
belt.  "You don't play with yourselves like that in public."

"Unless told to," mom added, to my complete surprise and

Right away their hands were at their sides.  I couldn't
believe how red the brats' faces were.

"Well, well," taunted Kathy, "looks like little Dickie has a
little dickie."  We all seven giggled at this.  I quickly
glanced at mom, sure she would say something.  But she
didn't, she simply smiled.

"And I thought," said Marcie, "that Teddy was a big
teenager.  My brother Ray's much bigger down there than
that."  This, of course, caused more giggling on our part.
I did wonder how Marcie knew what Ray, who's fifteen, looked
like, but didn't ask.  Teddy was definitely much bigger than
Dickie, who most definitely was little.  I even had to look
hard to see his scrotum.  Not so with Teddy, his penis did
nothing to hide his own sack, which hung down for us all to
see.  Also unlike Dickie, Teddy had hair growing above his
penis.  Oh, excuse me, I mean his dick, mom said that as
long as the boys were naked, we were to use the "dirty"
words for their privates.  So, I guess I should also be
saying "balls" instead of scrotum.  And to think, mom always
threatened to wash our mouths out with soap if we used such

I did know one thing, however.  From the pictures I've seen
in some of Jean's magazines that have pictures of naked men,
sometimes with hard ons, Teddy is no man yet, even if he
thinks he is.  He's not even close, he needs lots more hair,
and he better hope his prick and balls do a whole lot more

"Teddy, get over here," dad commanded my older brat brother.
"You need a taste of this belt."

Which he promptly got.  In a flash, dad had the naked Teddy
bending over the end of the couch while he repeatedly wailed
at the now not-so-big teenager's bare bottom.  In no time at
all my older brat brother was crying.  Soon he was shouting,
no make that shrieking.  He kept begging dad to stop.  But
dad didn't listen, he just kept on swinging that belt,
warning him not to move out of position or they would start
all over.  After a while, Teddy didn't plead anymore, he was
too busy howling.  His butt turned redder and redder.  He
kept dancing in place, having a lot of trouble keeping his
feet on the floor.  Finally dad stopped, making Teddy stand
facing the wall, his beaten red ass (oh, I just love being
allowed to use words like that!) on display for us all.

Then it was Dickie's turn.  He got the same medicine, only
not as much.  After all, he is smaller, it didn't take as
much to get the same effect.  A red bottom belonging to a
howling dancing little boy.  Dad sent him to stand next to
Teddy.  Now we had two shining bare boy behinds to stare at.

But that wasn't the end of it, oh no!  After ten minutes or
so I saw mom whisper something to dad.  He tried to whisper
back, but was a little louder than I think he wanted to be.
I heard him tell her, "you and that Fem Internet site. Okay,
go ahead, you're the boss in this."  He didn't sound too
happy about it.

"All right boys," mom said, "turn around and face the girls.
Which they did, hands again immediately covering their most
interesting parts.

"Get those hands away," ordered mom.

"What did I tel you about playing with yourselves?" asked
dad, snapping his belt.  Maybe he should take up lion
training, the way he likes whipping that thing around!

Before they could answer, as if they would have anyhow, mom
said, "well, since they want to play with themselves, they
can do exactly that for the rest of the day.  Get your dicks
hard, now!"

"No way!" Teddy said for not the first time.

"Do it!" shouted dad, snapping his belt once again.

The brats began rubbing their dicks.  Soon both had boners
pointing right at us.  Of course, all seven of us girls were
giggling again and smirking.

"Now," mom instructed, "I want those dicks of yours to stay
hard the rest of the day.  A boy with a hard on in front of
a girl is telling her that he likes and respects her.  I
know you both like and respect your sister and her friends,
do you not?"

No answer from the crying, red faced brats.

"Answer," shouted dad with yet another belt snapping.

"Yes, mom," they both answered.  I don't think they meant
it, but they weren't about to take any chances with dad
still swinging that belt around.

"Good," continued mom.  "Now for the rules of this little
game.  Neither of you can touch your own dick.  It's up to
your brother to keep you hard.  Anytime you lose your boner,
your brother gets a spanking for letting it happen.  Do you

"Yes, mom," they answered for the umpteen time.

"And no cumming. If you cum you get spanked, and your
brother gets spanked for making you cum.  Understand?"

"Yes, mom," came the answer from Teddy.

"What's cumming?" asked the dumb-dumb.

"Theodore, explain it to your brother," mom commanded.

"Its when, after playing with your dick, you shoot off that
white stuff," Teddy told him.

"I don't make any white stuff," Dickie said.

"Well, you still cum," explained my older brother, an
apparent expert in these matters.  "You know, how after a
while you feel real good and start shaking?"

"Yeah," mumbled Dickie, obviously not wanting to talk about

"When that happens," Teddy continued his lesson in Jerking
Off 101, "you're cumming."

"It's called a dry orgasm," added dad.

"Dry cum," corrected mom, "and that's how we'll know when
you're cumming.  Do you both understand the rules so far?"

"Yes, mom," they answered.  They should had tape recorded
that answer, they were saying it so much!

"And, finally," mom dropped her bombshell, "the girls can
help you stay hard anytime they want.  Refuse them or don't
cooperate, and it'll be a spanking."

"No!" screamed Teddy.  "You can't let them!"

"Yes, I can," mom calmly replied, "and I will."

"No arguing," shouted dad as his belt once more went snap.

"Suppose they make us cum?" asked the crying Teddy.

"Then you get spanked, but not your brother."

"What about the girls, for making us?" asked dumb-dumb

"That's their privilege," mom informed them and us.  "Now,
why aren't those dicks hard yet?"

"Do it," snapped dad and his belt.

Quickly, the brats had hold of each other's dicks and were
rubbing furiously.  Before long, both had boners! All seven
of us girls were giggling and laughing hysterically.

"And, by the way," mom told everyone, "the girls will be
giving you any spankings you earn."  When she said that, I
knew that I would be trying my hardest to make those two
hard brat dicks cum and cum And cum.  I'm sure the other
girls felt the same.  They, and I, certainly did try, and
succeeded, very well.

"One more thing," mom finished, "anytime you cum you have to
shout out for us all to hear that you're cumming.  If you
don't, your spanking is doubled."

Before long it happened.  Teddy screamed, "I'm cumming!"
Spurt after spurt of white jism shot out the end of his
prick.  Dickie just kept rubbing away on Teddy.  Finally,
Teddy grabbed the dumb-dumb's hand and stopped him.  While
mom was explaining the spanking rules, both boys went soft.
Mom said that was okay for Teddy, that after a cum, the boy
would be allowed a five minute rest, followed by his
spanking.  During spankings, the boys could also be soft,
but two minutes after the spanking had to be hard again.
She said that even though Teddy had been busy cumming, it
was still his job to keep Dickie hard.  So in addition to
both boys being spanked because of Teddy's cum, Teddy was to
get a second spanking for letting Dickie lose his boner!

The spanking rules were simple.  Each girl was to give each
boy the same number of hand spanks as his age.  The spanking
were to be over our knees.  So, in no time at all, Teddy was
over Roberta' lap, getting thirteen hard slaps to his still
red bare bottom.  She finished and handed him off to Patty.
When Patty finished her very punishing smacks of Teddy, he
went over to Jean.  At the same time, Dickie now went over
Roberta's lap to receive his first set of ten spanks.  And
so it went, in assembly line fashion, each boy passing from
girl to girl.  I deliberately was last.  By the time they
got to me, each brat was crying and begging for mercy.
Which I, of course, ignored.  I don't usually like reruns,
but I certainly enjoyed causing a rerun of the boys' howling
dancing.  And I absolutely adored the rerun of Teddy's
second trip across our laps.  Boy, talk about a red bottom,
his was absolutely on fire!

After the spankings, mom made an announcement.  "I've
decided that each girl can only make you cum once.  But
you're punishment isn't over until all seven have."

The brats, of course protested at this.  Causing mom to
threaten an even more nasty punishment.

"You will be quiet this instant," she hollered at them,
"unless after this punishment is over you want to spend the
rest of the evening lying on the living room floor sucking
on each others' cocks.  At least you won't be yapping with
your traps stuffed. And the same rules about not cumming
will apply."

"You heard your mother," yelled dad, doing his belt snapping

To my dismay, both brats, even the dumb-dumb, were smart
enough to not say another word.  I would had loved to see
that little show!  Well, maybe another time.

All this took us a little over six hours to finish,
including a break for dinner.  During dinner, mom made the
boys keep hard.  They also had to do the dishes without
losing their boners or cumming.  I don't know how they
managed that, but they did!

All together in that six hours, we got to spank Teddy
thirteen times, his age, unlucky for him, lucky for us.  We
spanked Dickie eleven times.  We each made the boys cum once
apiece, good for seven spankings each.  Teddy made Dickie
cum twice, and Dickie caused Teddy one cum, the one I told
you about.  These cums earned each brat three more
spankings.  Dickie's eleventh spanking was for the one time
he let Teddy get soft.  Teddy had Dickie go soft on him a
total of three times.  Apparently, little dickies that don't
shoot are harder to keep from cumming, and harder to keep

Afterwards, mom decided that the boys had to stay naked, but
not hard,  till the last girl left tomorrow.  But that's
enough for now, Dear Diary, the others are calling me to
come over to the computer.  They want me to have a look at
the pictures of the brats mom let us take with dad's digital
camera.  With those pictures in our possession, the boys
will have no choice but to be our slaves, our naked slaves,
whenever we want.

But, as mom said, "what better way for a boy to show a girl
respect than by being her naked slave?"      

Like I said, Dear Diary, I'm going to have to find that Fem
site of mom's.  And, like I said, it was my greatest
birthday party ever!  Over and out, for now.