Manhandled Chapter 7
By Sir Cum Sizemore
copyright 2008 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving
minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality
to view such material or if such material does not
appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save
this story.
* * * * *
Chapter 7
"Hi, Hun," Marjorie leaned over and kissed her husband as he came in from work. "An Allison Murphy called today and wanted you to know she and her husband want to buy a cane. They have a ten year old boy and both he and his dad are in your training program. She was there last Saturday when you wailed the tar out of Timmy. Both she and her husband felt it was effective, but she found it sexually arousing to watch you tear up Tim's butt and she knows if her son, Steven, was being worn out by her husband she'd of had an orgasm. Weird how some people get off on watching a boy get his ass worn out isn't it?" Then was a bit of humorous sarcasm she continued, "I mean I wouldn't have any idea what she was talking about."
"Oh no, not you, Marge. Not the 'don't you dare whip that boy without me being there' mother of the year."
"Well, I must admit, I felt fulfilled seeing those red stripes on Timmy's ass. It was a mixture of a feeling of justice and at the same time it served as a visual and auditory aphrodisiac. I know he's my son and I should have felt some sympathy but I didn't. I must be sick, but I can live with it. I wonder how in families where the father takes the boy to the barn or parental bedroom to administer justice the mothers get off on it. Maybe they just imagine what's going on during those sessions. You know voyeurism. They want the worst hurt possible put on their boys. If they didn't they wouldn't wait until the father came home to discipline them. You just know they have to want maximum pain. I mean, the more I think about it, the more I understand how Tiffany rigged it so she could wail on Timmy. She found it arousing. It wasn't meanness or sadistic, it was just satisfying and arousing."
"So are we supposed to allow her to do that just to help her get off?" George argued.
"No, I'm not saying it was right for her to hurt him just to satisfy herself. I'm just saying I understand her motivation."
"It's funny as a woman I'd be inclined to intervene in favor of Tiffany, but I would want you to really lay it on Timmy. Maybe there's something to that femdom stuff. Ya' think?"
"I don't know. As a guy I don't think whipping Tiffany would be high on my list of things to do, but whipping Timmy does kind of get my juices flowing now that you mention it. So I'm not sure femdom has anything to do with it. Sometimes it's arousing to me to whip him too and I have to keep reminding myself to stay aware of the intensity of the punishment so I don't go overboard. I kind of look forward to punishing him. Maybe it's a power thing or maybe it's just a way for me to dump some of my day to day frustration. You get aroused because you can sentence him to a whipping and I get aroused because I get to do it. Anyway, I'll send the Murphys a copy of the order form for the canes."
"Oh she wanted to know if we could stop by to have you observe her and her husband massaging the boy. They want to know if they're doing it right. I told her I didn't know if that would be agreeable to you. Maybe you should just give her a call." George turned to retreat to the bar in the rec room, when his wife had an afterthought. "Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, let's make a pact to only use the cane on Timmy from now on. If we both do it when he is being a problem, from what I saw, he should straighten out very quickly. Think we could talk the school into using one too?"
"We can do it, but the school won't. If they leave marks that are present after twenty four hours they can be in a shit load of trouble with children's services."
"Just tell them we won't complain."
"Let's just use the cane at home and let the school use the belt. Oh, we should make sure they know what we're doing so when they strip him, if there are lines across his butt they understand the situation. We can do that."
"Now let's find a reason to cane the boy!" Marge laughed at her factious capstone remark.
"I'm going to mix a drink and go open the mail. Oh, did the Murphys leave a number?"
"Over there on the note pad." Marge pointed toward the wall next to the phone.
Following dinner George looked at his naked son. "Tim, I need to work on your massage early tonight so go and get your bath so you're nice a clean. Tiffany, go up with him and make sure he cleans his hole really well, would you?"
"Can I finger it?"
"Well, Tiff, how else will you get it clean? I don't think looking at it is going to take care of that."
"Dad, would you or mom come up instead. I don't want Tiffany to do it. She pushes real hard and does things to try to hurt me. She's just too rough when she cleans me. She tugs on my wiener and slaps my butt hard.""I do not!"
"Yes, you do!"
"No, I don't!"
"Okay that's enough. Timmy you go up and bathe. I have a phone call to make and then I'll come up and inspect how well you did. Tiffany, you can help Mom get things together in the kitchen."
"Oh, Daaadddd, I want to do Timmy."
"I'm sure you do, but I'm in no mood for the bickering tonight. So, you just help Mom."
George retreated into the rec room again and dialed the number written on the pad, "Hello, Mrs. Murphy? This is George Russell. My wife told me you and your husband would like to order a cane."
"Yes, we both were impressed with the stepped up severity of using the cane. The belt has worked somewhat, but I think Steven is at a point where he's developing an immunity to it. His mouth is still a problem with us and he tends to give us a look as if he's challenging us. Maybe if we put some long term stinging welts on his little ass, he'll change his attitude."
"I've got a couple of extras on hand. Marge and I felt we could keep one in the car, one at home, we bought a couple of spares, you know the whole 'cover all our bases' thing. If you and your husband would like to stop by the house, I think I could probably sell you one of ours."
"Oh that would be great. We could get started right away. Where do you live?"
"We live at 118 Archer Street. It's just off Rock Hill Pike probably three miles past the school."
"Oh, I know where that is. Isn't there a Phillips 66 gas station on the corner of Archer and Rock Hill?"
"Yeah, but we're about two and a half miles up Archer from there."
"We'll find you. Do you mind if we bring the kids?"
"No, I don't think that would be a problem."
"I hate to bring it up, but would you mind if we did a massage session and possibly an oral stimulation session with Steven so you can tell us if we've got it right? We're new to this, and we want to know we're on the right track. I thought you were going to spend some time with each of the families the other day, but time got short."
"We can't possibly watch each of sixteen families doing their thing. You're right time is short, but if you want Marge and I will gladly critique your massage methods for you."
"We can be there in forty five minutes or so, would that be a problem?"
"No, come on. We'll see you then."
Hanging up the phone George bellowed, "Marge we need to straighten the house up.!"
Forty five minutes later a child who'd caught George's eye during the training was standing before him in all his naked glory. Marge came up behind him and caught sight of the child and his two little sisters standing in front of parents obviously in their late twenties or early thirties. "Come on in."
"Oh my, what a handsome little fella," Marjorie eyed the boy up and down. His dark short cropped hair, sky blue eyes, ample circumcised penis and legs every bit as shapely as Timmy's stood before her. Turning him around his tight butt with such obviously smooth globes had her almost drooling. "My, my, my, I'll bet when this gets hard, it's a sight to see and a pleasure to play with, huh?"
"Steven, let Mrs. Russell rub your peepee." Allison ordered her son as she pushed him toward her complimentary counterpart. Without a word Marge cradled the boy's tight sack and used her thumb to feel its contents. The rod began to make a slow rise in response to being stimulated.
"Gee, it is a thick one isn't it." Marjorie noted.
"Yeah, but not nearly as long as Timmy's," Mr. Murphy acknowledged.
"Let's adjourn to the rec room where we can chat and Marge can continue her exploration. Maybe we can return the favor by letting these nice little ladies play with Timmy's for awhile. Whatta ya think girls, would you like to feel our boy's penis?"
The shy little one's nodded affirmatively as the continued to introduce themselves to the new environment by visually scanning the room.
"This is Caroline, she's six and this is Pauline, she's only four. And, they just love playing with their big brother's boy parts. Don't you girls?" Allison explained obviously to the embarrassment of their ten year old brother.
So, Mr. Murphy, what do you do?" George tried to strike up a conversation with the rather tall, large man.
"Oh, it's Rick, and I'm a contractor."
"So you and Allison kind of separated your kids in age pretty much like we did?"
"Oh, no, Steven's not mine. He's my stepson the girls are ours."
Allison jumped into the conversation to help clarify the situation, "Steven's dad wasn't much of a father. He spent all his time drinking with his friends down at a sleezy bar. We divorced when Steven was three. Then I met Rick." She reached over and took the man's hand. "Anyway, Rick was shy about whipping Steven when he needed it and I told him I expected him to punish the boy like a father. Your program has really made a difference in their relationship. I remember how awkward it was for him that first night when he had to rub Steven's penis. God, it was like he was expecting it to bite him. He'd touch it and then he'd quickly move his hand away as the little rod would bounce around. I had to tease him into being able to rub it. I let the girls play with it for awhile while he watched. I said, 'See if these little kids can play with it without problems, I think you can rub it lovingly.' Anyway, he rubbed it and both he and Steven relaxed. Now Steven crawls up in Rick's lap and asked him to rub it. They really have grown close with that. Oh, I want to demonstrate how I orally arouse him and see if it's okay or whether I should just avoid such situations being his mother and all."
"So now they tend to be closer as a result of the massage?" Marjorie asked.
"Yeah, especially the genital stuff. Stevie really likes that."
George responded to the mother's comment, "But you still have a problem with his attitude?"
"Not like we used to. But he does need his little ass worn out every now and then and we really liked what we saw with that cane." Allison continued.
"Oh, Timmy, come in here," George beckoned his son into the room. "Watch those hands, son. You cover and I'll cane you." Timmy quickly moved his hands to his side. "Can you say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy?""Hi."
"Tim go over and shake their hands," George coached.
Rick shook the boy's hand and he moved toward Allison. As Timmy held his hand out to the woman, she looked at George and asked, "May I?"
"Sure. Go right ahead." Allison's hand quickly cradled Timmy's erect penis.
"I was hoping to get to feel that thing of yours, Timmy. I admired it from the distance Saturday and really felt you were quite the gifted little boy." Her thumb was exploring the opening to his urethra as the remainder of her hand cradled the shaft. Suddenly she clutched him tightly and pulled him around by his penis. "I see those stripes are still there from Saturday, huh? See them Rick?"
"Yeah, Allison, I see them. Pretty impressive."
To break the ice and get on with the business at hand George suggested, "Maybe we can let Pauline and Caroline play with that for awhile 3;" then turning, "Oh, Tiff, come and meet the Murphys. This is our daughter Tiffany. Tiffany, this is Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Caroline, Pauline and Steven." After shaking the hands of the adults, Tiffany's eyes were immediately drawn to Steven's now erect penis. "Why don't you take Timmy and the girls into the living room and let them play with your brother for awhile. If they get bored with it, you can turn on the television."
George looked his son in the eye, "You will let these little girls play with whatever they want and that includes 3;" he nodded toward the boy's erection. "Understand?"
"But 3;"
"Timmy, do you understand what Daddy just told you?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Then go." The four children left the four adults and an apprehensive Steven in the rec room.
"Oh, here is a cane. I paid twelve fifty for each."
"Oh, that's no problem," Rick reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He peeled off a ten and a five.
"Honey, do you have any change?" George asked Marjorie.
"Hey, forget it. Just count the extra as a handling charge." Rick brushed it off. "So Allison, you wanted them to watch you work on Steven."
"Yeah, but I wanted them to watch you too."
"Hey, I'm just getting used to rubbing him down there. I'm not going to be putting my mouth down there. You can just get that out of your head right now." Rick corrected his wife.
"No, I wanted them to watch you massage him, that's all."
"Well I guess we can do that, but no licking or sucking." Rick was emphatic.
"Okay, Rick, why don't you lay him down over there on the floor and show me how you do your massage?" George suggested. "Then we can follow up with Allison's teasing his erect member."
"Steve, you need to lie down on your back so I can show Mr. Russell how I rub you." Rick directed his stepson to the throw rug in the middle of the floor. The boy lowered himself and put his hands behind his head with an apprehensive look in his eye. "Where are those legs supposed to be?" The boy brought his feet up toward his groin with soles together. "That'a boy!" Rick knelt down beside the fully exposed child and began slowly working his face. He traced down the center of the boy's body and then took some extra time gently stimulating the boy's four inch erection and rubbing his scrotum slowly moving his testicles around. As he traced down the boy's inner thighs, he elicited a shiver from the boy. "You know I'd kind of like to tape a flag to his pole," the stepfather teased.
"Quit, Rick!" the boy responded.
After the session, George suggested, "When you do his genitals, if you insert your finger in his anus, you can massage his prostate. That would be a big help."
"Hey, I'm doing just about all I'm comfortable with. Besides, look at my fat fingers. I'd split him apart."
"No, the anus is quite forgiving. It'll stretch to allow your fingers. I mean, Rick, the kid shits turds bigger than that."
"I never thought of it that way. Maybe one of these days, but I'm just not ready for that."
"Okay, next, I'd suggest the boy start calling you Dad rather than Rick. He puts you on a different plane when he calls you by your given name."
"But, I'm not is father."
"Dad and father are two different things. How often does he see his father?" George asked.
"He hasn't seen his father in I'll bet five years. Doesn't call, recognize Christmas or his birthday." Allison answered the question before Rick could respond. "He's right, Rick, finger his ass when you massage him."
"Allison, we can talk about this later."
George moved on, "Okay, Allison, you wanted me to observe you working with him?"
Allison fell immediately to her knees. Steven's face grew with apprehension and the knowledge his mother was about to do things to him that up until now were 'secret' to the family only. "Okay baby, get those legs spread way apart." Slowly the preteen complied. "Now, I like to lick him first from his butt hole up over his balls like this." The woman stuck out her tongue and slowly dragged it up and over the little boy's scrotum. He groaned and his eyes were closed as his mouth opened to accommodate the increased need for oxygen. It was clear the child was in ecstasy. She gently moved her lips up to take his the boy sized penis. First she sucked the head a few times then engulfed the preteen stiffy right down to the pubis in her mouth and repeatedly rose to the tip and releasing the glistening wet penis from the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Repeatedly, the child's hips rose off the table as he grabbed his mother's head and forced it back onto his immature penis. His eyes remained closed and he groaned throughout the process.
"Well" was all George could muster as a response to what he'd observed.
"I like the feel of his little package in my mouth. There's a whole lot of room to maneuver with a ten year old's dick than those of an adult." Allison confided.
"Steven, go on to the living room and stay with the other kids," Rick commanded. The boy rose slowly off the table and ambled toward the living room, his erection bobbing from side to side as he walked. When he'd left the room Rick continued, "I hate that."
"What?" Allison asked.
"When you do that to him. I think its jealousy, but regardless I kind of resent him for it. I mean it is so provocative and sexually based it just seems abnormal. You're his mother for chrisake, what are you doing sucking him off?"Marjorie picked up on the man's repressed anger. "Rick, the boy's ten. He's not even capable of shooting a wad. He's just a little boy and his mother wants him to feel good. You should too."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. And, I do think about it being servicing his need for acceptance, but still 3;"
Marjorie continued, "Perhaps if she'd just lick rather than suck you might feel more accepting of the activity?"
"I don't know it just seems so perverted." Rick continued.
"Rick, you remember how you thought rubbing Steven's erect penis was a little over the top?" George asked.
"Yes. It was hard to play with his hard little dick, but I eventually became comfortable with it."
"Well, maybe if you did some licking, you'd become more comfortable." George suggested.
"No, no, I'm not going to do that. I'll rub him from now until he grows some hair, but I won't put any part of that in my mouth. That won't happen. Just forget about it."
"Well then, let me have the pleasure of showing him some love and comfort without getting all bent out of shape. I do like licking his little wiener," Allison admitted. "Do you lick or suck Timmy's?" She asked Marjorie.
"No, we haven't done that with him yet. But, I think Tiffany would like to and I'm sure her friends would love it, but George and I are a little hesitant as well." Marjorie explained.
"Ah, ha, you see what I mean?" Rick looked George in the eye as he delivered his commentary. "Tell you what George, you demonstrate licking Timmy's penis and sack next Saturday for all the guys and I will do it to Stevie from then on. Deal?"
"Well, yeah, but that ring through his little pecker would definitely cause some problems to the licker." George added.
"Oh, I think playing with the ring with my tongue would be really interesting. You know flipping it back and forth over the top of his little peter and all." Allison smiled.
"So, do we have a deal or not?"
"Okay. I will try to get to the point I can lick my son's package, but you will have to do Stevie if I do Timmy." The men shook on the deal.
"Hey, Rick, why don't we even the playing field?" Allison asked
"What do you have in mind?"
"I can take Stevie by the House of Rings and get his pecker pierced. I kind of like it, you know, Timmy's little wiener with that gold ring through it. It'd give the girls something to 'grab hold of'." Allison chuckled at her last remark. "No, I'm serious. I want to have his pecker pierced. Like tomorrow!"
"Well you're his mother, do it then!"
"I will! Tomorrow! Right through the little tip."
"Maybe we can teach the boys to return the favor," Rick factiously proclaimed.
"Oh yuck, you guys shoot live ammo. They'd have man starch all over themselves. Then you'd have some real explaining to do," Allison proclaimed.
"Well, it's getting late and we have to get some rest. Timmy will be showing his appendage off at Jones Beach tomorrow and I've got to clear off some things off my camera's memory so I can get pictures. So, I hate to be a party pooper."
Allison responded, "You take him to the beach nude?"
"Well, yes, it's part of the program. We make him walk around all day nude. How do you think we get rid of his tan lines?" Marjorie teased.
"But don't the people complain? I mean with a nude boy walking around?"
"Hell no, he's just a kid. Why the last time we went, some of the other people in our vicinity stripped their little boys. I was almost a penis fest. People made it a point to break out their cameras. I think they were intrigued at Timmy's longer than normal peter and they wanted some jpegs to remember it by."
"What if there were perverts looking at them?"
"Who cares? Let the perverts have their fun as long as they keep their hands to themselves, I'm fine with it. What they might take pictures? It's nice we can help them with their jerking off." Marjorie was flippant."But what if they post the pictures on the internet or something?"
"Geezzz, Allison, they've got the kid on display everywhere, if they do that why would they care if people saw him on the internet?" Rick reasoned.
"Oh, Rick, let's start taking our nude little Stevie places so other people can appreciate him."
"Works for me, just figure out what you want to do with him," Rick agreed.
"There's your family reunion next month," Allison reminded him.
"Oh, if he's in the program, he has to be nude at things like family reunions and others should be encouraged to examine him as often as they wish," Marjorie reminded them.
"George, you're mighty quiet," Rick asked curiously.
"No, I was just thinking, there's no way I'd let him wear any clothes ever if there weren't places that required it. I love to see him humiliated. It's good for boys. When I was young we swam nude in public places. We showered nude after every gym class. We stayed nude most of the time at summer camp. We were even required to be naked in front of girls sometimes. But girls were never required to do any of that."
"We had to shower nude after gym class." Marjorie countered. "But I must admit we weren't required to swim nude at the Y or school pools. Boys had their time and girls had their own. Girls did wear suits, but I remember tagging along with Mom to watch during boys' sessions. Most of the time, you boys weren't even aware of us staring at your appendages or of the conversations of the mothers. Most of the time, it was about penises and how developed the boys were. But little did you know you were under the female microscope."
"We'd better be going. Thanks for your help, George and you too Marjorie. Oh, and a special thank you for the cane. I'm going to be looking forward to the first session with Steven. Remember our deal, George. You lick Tim and I'll lick Stevie if you do." Rick laughed. "Girls, Steven, let's go."
Caroline was crying as the children gathered. "What's the matter, Honey Girl?" Rick asked.
"Stevie hit me and pushed me on the floor."
"Well she kept trying to pull my wiener while Timmy and I were trying to play Battleship. I couldn't concentrate. She kept pulling it and laughing. I kept telling her to quit but she wouldn't."
Tiffany seeing the opportunity to watch another boy get his globes striped entered the fray with a twisted rendition of what had actually occurred. "Oh, come on Steven, she tried once to pull your penis and I said in our house if anyone wants to play with a boy's toy they can. I told you to let her pull it and when she tried you hit her and pushed her to the floor."
"Is that what happened, Son?"
"No, ask Timmy. Caroline kept reaching over and pulling and I was trying to play." Steven was choking up and it was obvious there were tears to follow.
"Uh, ah," Caroline protested through her pout.
"Tim?" George asked.
"I don't know what happened, Dad. I was playing and then Steven hit his sister and she fell. He did tell her to quit at least three times. I'm not really sure how it all happened, but Caroline kept annoying us."
"That's no reason to hit your sister, young man!" Allison told her now crying son firmly, "And, what's the rule about that little rod of yours?"
"My sisters and their friends can play with it whenever they want." Steven repeated as a tear rolled down his left cheek.
"Caroline, what should we do about this?" Allison asked.
"Spank him," the little girl didn't hesitate.
It was evident from his tone and body language, Rick was getting excited about punishing the boy, "Well, George, I guess we get to see what this cane can do. As luck would have it you'll be there for the first application, unless you would rather we wait until we get home."
Tiffany responded even before her father could open his mouth, "Oh, no, you should do it here. I want to watch."
"Tiffany!" Marjorie objected. She was fully in agreement but was afraid that was not diplomatically the most productive way of going about getting it done.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see Steven get the cane."
"We let parents decide when and where they punish their children. Perhaps they would prefer to do this in private." Marjorie continued, but it was obvious she would prefer the discipline session to happen right there in the living room.
"Steven, you know your mother and I don't approve of you hitting little girls, especially little girls so much younger than you. We've told you over and over again. Let me give you a taste of things to come when you don't mind us. Get over there to the couch and bend over the arm rest." Rick instructed.
"But, Rick 3;"
"That's another thing you will call Rick Dad from now on. He's more of a father to you than the man who was the sperm donor. Understand, Steven, Rick is to be called Dad," Allison chimed in. "Now get over there and bend over the couch like he told you."
The anticipation on Tiffany's face was quite evident. Only some handwringing would add to the obvious glee. Much more controlled were the two mothers who were situating themselves in a comfortable position as they awaited the show. They younger girls had little concept of what was about to befall their brother. Timmy's penis was rising to full staff as his new friend bent over the couch completely unaware of the sting he was about to experience from that piece of bamboo. Caroline and Pauline sat cross legged on the floor in front of their mother as they watched intently as their father positioned their brother and gently squeezed his butt cheeks. George stood with his arms crossed next to the chair where his wife was seated.
"Now, Rick, you need to bring that thing around like a horizontal golf swing, smooth and fast. Remember when I did Timmy last Saturday?"
"Yes, I do and I'm hoping it will work as well for me. I'm used to a belt."
"Well, remember tap the spot first to get the feel of the level. Draw it way back and bring it around smoothly and very rapidly."
"Swwwwooooossssshhhhhh, snap," the cane hit its mark very effectively. Steven screamed in agony as a red stripe appeared across his ass. Rick paused to feel the effect of his handiwork. "Woooeee, that's gonna leave a mark."
"Yeah, it will be there for at least three or four days. He'll continue to feel it for the next day or two."
"Well, I think three more of those will be enough," taking aim the man repeated made the cane repeat the loud and painful report. Steven jerked forward, screamed and began to stand-up. Rick pushed him back down as the boy sobbed and begged for cessation.
"Oh, that one didn't count. He got up. If they don't stay in place they have to have a do over."
"Oh, I guess I have to learn 'cane etiquette', huh!" Rick said with a grin. "Hear that Stevie, you move and I get a do over, so you better stay still." Sssswwwwwwooooohhhhh, snap! "That's three, only two more unless you move."
"Please Ri 3; Daddy, please stoppppp. I wooooonnnn'tt hit her again."
"I know you won't, Son, but you have two more to go before I know you'll remember really well." He tapped the cane three times with the tip entering the boy's cleavage, brought it back and swiftly added a fourth stripe on his son's backside. "Ooooooweeee, that's gotta hurt."
"Here, Hun, you want to take a turn?" Rick handed the cane to Allison.
"No, you can finish up," she tried to return it.
"No, Allison, you will have to learn to do this. Remember it's the cane from now on and you'll have to do it sooner or later. Go ahead give it a swing."
Reluctantly, Allison rose and walked over to her son's side. She reached out and felt the raised welts and the heat emanating from the boy's posterior. She got a pained look on her face. She tapped his backside with the tip as the boy begged her not to follow through. "Like this?" She asked questioningly of George.
"Yes, that will help you hit the right mark, now bring it all the way back and as fast as possible bring it around." Whhhhooooosssssshhhhh, snap. A new welt appeared just below the curve of his backside. He struggled and jumped screaming and crying. "Should I do it over? He moved?" She asked with a tone that suggested she wanted to hit him again.
George answered, "If you think he deserves another give it to him."
"No, Mommy, no don't hit Stevie again," little Pauline begged.
"Oh, Honey, Stevie will be alright. You don't want him hitting you and Caroline again do you?" She tried to calm her obviously upset little one. "I'm going to hit him once more with this thing so he knows he has to stay still when I'm spanking him." Rick picked up the upset little girl and held her in his arms as she chewed on the tip of her index finger. The cane was again raised and brought forward forcefully. Steven lunged forward and screamed in agony. "Now, stand up and put those hands on your head young man. Then walk around the room so everyone can feel what happens to boys who hit their little sisters.
Stevie stood with clear discharge running from his nose and a red face covered in tears. He sniffled as he walked past the audience and each took a turn at running their fingers over his backside. Timmy was very silent and it was evident he shared a great deal of empathy with his new friend. Tiffany slapped his backside causing a recurrence of the pain. Pauline wouldn't feel her brother's "boo, boo's". Caroline grabbed his penis and pulled him around by it. Then she attempted to repeat Tiffany's moves to see if she couldn't elicit some more cries of pain from her brother.
"Look, Rick, Pauline is playing with Timmy's ring." Allison noted. "Pull on it, Honey!" Following her mother's orders she gave the ring a quick yank causing Timmy to cringe in pain. "Oh, he doesn't like that, does he?" She narrated with sarcastic amusement.
"No, but can we get one in Stevie's peepee?" the little girl asked.
"Yes, Honey, tomorrow we'll get one in Stevie's peepee." Allison reassured the child. Steven immediately forgot the pain he was feeling in his backside and began begging for his mother to change her mind. He wasn't sure the decision wasn't made based on the errant behavior of the evening.
"I won't hit them again, please, please, Mom. I promise. Please don't make me get a ring like that. I promise. I'll be good. I'll be real good.""No, Steven the decision has been made."
Allison gathered the family and they walked toward the door. Steven still crying audibly. "Well, thanks again folks and this little beauty is awesome" she swung the cane through the air. "I look forward to using it often."
"Good night now. If we can be of any help give us a call." Marjorie bid the visitors farewell.
"You children need to get to bed. We're going to spend the day at the beach tomorrow. Off with you, now!" She ushered her children up the stairs to their rooms.
"Timmy will be nude at the beach won't he?" Tiffany rubbed it in as she walked toward her room.
"Of course, dear, he has to be nude pretty much wherever we go. I mean how else could we show off that cute little peepee of his?" Once again, Marjorie caused her son to blush.
"The more boys I see naked, the more I don't think 'little' is the right term for his peepee," Tiffany teased back. "I can't wait to see him tanned all over. I want to see if boy's sacks and wieners tan up like the rest of their bodies. My friends will love it too. He'll be our bronze god."
"I don't want to be naked at the beach. I hated it last time. There's a lot of people there and none of the other kids will be naked. It's not fair, Mom." Timmy argued with a pout.
"Life isn't fair, Tim. Maybe you being naked will start a new trend among the other boys at the beach. Remember last time many of the other parents made their boys strip, too?" Marjorie tried to console the boy.
"But they were little. They weren't my age."
Tiffany interrupted, "Yes, they were. I saw two or three who were probably as old as you. That one boy even had some hairs around his dick."
"Tiffany, please use peepee, penis or even wiener rather than dick." Marge corrected then continued, "Timmy, look at all the boys who are in Daddy's program right now. They're nude and they weren't before they knew you were," Marjorie argued.
"Besides Timmy, my friends and I like you like this. We can check out boy parts. You're real cute like this," Tiffany reached down and jiggled her brother balls with her fingers as she teased him.
"Timmy, your mother and sister are right. You're going naked and you will not cover your penis or any other parts of your body. If you do, I'll blister you right there in front of all those people. Just get used to it. You're to stay naked most of the time when you aren't in school for the next few years. I'm sure after we show you off a bit it won't be quite so bothersome to you?" George tried to let the boy down easily.
"Yeah, well what would you know about it? Grandma and Grandpa didn't make you stay naked in public. So how do you know I'll get used to it?" Timmy was bordering on the line between an explanation and an ass whipping and he became aware of his tone about half way through the remark.
George responded angrily, "Let me tell you something young man, when I was your age, we, the boys, all had to swim nude in the pool at the school. During the summer, it was used as the community pool, too. All summer long they had open pool days during the boys' sessions our mothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, and brothers all could watch us swim bare as the day we were born. We were on display to everyone. When we went to the locker room to strip or put our clothes on, mothers and brothers and sisters could and did come in and watch us. Even when they built the YMCA all boys swam nude. And, you know what, the girls got to wear bathing suits in both places. Only the boys had to be naked. When we went to the beach, our mothers and fathers would make us change right there in front of everyone. And, Grandma and Grandpa made me play nude when we were outside running through the sprinkler until I was twelve. If you asked Grandma, she'll show you pictures they took at the pool and in the yard during those times, and, yeah, my wiener is showing in most of them. When we went to scout camp, especially if you were a Tenderfoot, you had to stay naked for the whole two weeks as initiation, and, yes, on visiting days you were nude when all those families came too. Ask, your grandmother and she'll show you pictures of me and other scouts walking around nude on visiting days. Our babysitters stripped us and washed us or at the very least inspected us whenever they babysat, right up until we were about your age. At school our teachers could and did pull our pants down and wear out our bare asses with paddles and belts, when our mouths took the tone yours just did. And, you know what? Your grandmother and grandfather expected them to do it. So, I had my share of having to be naked in front of other people, when I was your age. How's that?"
In an attempt to calm her irate father, Tiffany chided, "You mean Grandma has pictures of you naked in all those places."
George cracked a smile, "Yeah, she does."
"And you can see your wiener?" Tiffany continued.
"Yeah, in most of them you canmine and other boys."
"I can't wait until we go to Grandma's. I gotta see this." Tiffany chuckled as she went up the stairs.
Timmy pouted and followed his sister with his head bent in shame at the chewing out he'd just experienced.
After the kids were out of earshot, Marjorie couldn't help herself, "George, you never told me about the photo album. Were you embarrassed?"
"Embarrassed about what?"
"Naked pictures?"
"No, back then boys weren't expected to be modest. We didn't really pay much attention to being naked. Not like today. Prepubescent penises and testicles weren't private back then. They were public business. You remember that don't you?""No, I'm a girl. And having only two sisters it was not common for us to be in places where boys ran around nude. We would have giggled and I imagine we'd have kept our eyes on those bobbing little wands, if we had. Come to think of it my cousin Tommy was naked in front of us a few times. I remember him having to stay naked while we ran through the sprinkler. We girls could cover our lower body, but often had no tops or shirts on. But, you're right, Tommy's little pecker was right there and he didn't seem to give it a second thought, but we did. I remember wanting to feel it. I mean we all wanted to feel it."
"Well, we did. We made him stand there while we pulled and felt his little pecker. It was then we found out about hard-ons. We couldn't figure out why it would go from soft to hard like that. Now that I know, I'm glad they do. It makes life a lot more pleasurable. Come to think of it, Tommy had to change like that at the beach too. My sisters and I would beg Mom to bring Tommy with us so we could watch him. Yeah, those were the days. Did you ever have to strip to be spanked at school?"
"Yeah, lots of times. Most of the teachers made us pull our pants and underwear down before they paddled or whipped us. It wasn't in front of the class, but it was still pretty humiliating. I remember Mrs. Winecroft, my third grade teacher, she made me strip nude before she spanked me. I think she had something for my penis, really, I think she just liked seeing me embarrassed and exposed."
"Oh, come on George, why would she have something for an eight or nine year old penis?"
"Marge, think about what you just said. Then think about all the remarks about how making Timmy be nude is a real turn on. Maybe, just maybe you can answer your own question. Hell, I can remember when Mom came to school for an after school meeting with Mrs. Winecroft about my behavior and school work. The whole thing culminated with me being called back into the classroom and made to strip while Mrs. Winecroft took a strap to my bare ass. She was pretty skilled with that strap for a female, at least."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, Mrs. Winecroft was probably in her late twenties or early thirties. Most women can't handle a strap very well when it comes to warming up a little boy, but she sure could. She'd leave welts on your ass. I mean they'd bruise up and give you some discomfort for days. She was really something."
"Well, I'm female, and I can do a pretty good job."
"Marge, you know that's not really the case. You make me whip the boy when I get home because as you say, 'I can't hit him as hard as you. You're stronger.'" George mimicked his wife's whiney approach.
Anyway, I remember being bent over one of the student desks, my dick hard as a rock anticipating the beating. Mom just stood there to affirm the session while Winecroft flailed my ass with that strap. I bet she laid ten or fifteen stripes across me that day. Then she made me stand facing out with my hands on my head, while Mom and teacher stared at my naked body keeping an eye on my stiffy as they chatted about what my Dad was going to do to me that evening. Afterwards, my mother twisted my ear and walked me out of the building, still naked as a jaybird, the whole three blocks back home. Of course, I was hurting so much and anticipating a repeat whipping from Dad, so I didn't have time to think about all the other folks who saw my pecker that day." George gazed upward, "Geezzzz, those were the days. Funny how those incidents come back to mind."
Marge redirected "Well, let's call it a day. I'll take you upstairs and show you what we used to do to Tommy. Whata' say?"
Turning out the lights, the parents followed their children's path up the stairs.