Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Little Orphan Boy Chapter 10 By Lee Davey Comments welcome at Copyright 2009 by Lee Davey, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 10 - How many times a day!!!! Gary had been busy. On the floor stood a moulded disposable bedpan. In one hand Gary held a large enema bulb. Dan did not protest as Gary, with the help of his father, bent him over a desk. From the corner of his eye he saw Neil who gave him a comforting smile. "Right Dan, I'm going to give you a special oil enema" Gary explained as he initially began to smooth some lubricating jelly into the boys now exposed anus. "This oil will help clean you out inside in readiness for your internal examination". Gary did not go into details of what the oil contained understanding that Dan was in little position to listen. Neil however recognised the oil and particularly its pungent aroma. When he was in the orphanage all the children were given one of these weekly. The oil contained muscle relaxants that eased anal entry as well as made the child more biddable. Neil knew from experience though that the oil would burn inside and cause an immediate need to expel the liquid; Dan could only hope that he was not required to retain the enema for any period of time. Neil had been forced to keep one inside him for 5 minutes; initially the burning sensation caused him to beg for relief, until the solution caused him to feel limp, although the relaxant drugs in the solution did little to stop the dreadful burning. With a firm push Gary inserted the nozzle and squeezed the bulb expelling the solution deep into the boy's rectum. With a practised motion he swiftly withdrew the enema tube and plugged Dan's bottom with an anal plug to prevent the solution from being expelled to soon. For a moment Dan thought that things were going to be all right. He had feared the enema, but the actual insertion was if anything quite pleasant, and the amount of stuff pushed into his bum was really not that much. Owwww... Ohhhhh... Dan began to feel a heat building up inside his bottom. His insides felt like that time he had suffered from food poisoning. His lower intestines bubbled and complained and his bowels began to feel as if they were boiling. With a lurch he attempted to stand, however Gary who knew full well the effect that the oil had on boys and girls bottoms was ready. With a strong hand he put his hand on the small of Dan's back and held the squirming boy down. With his free arm he looked at his watch and watched the minutes tick away. Dan for a moment thought he would die, as surely his bowels had been burnt to a crisp, slowly though another feeling began to overcome him. A listlessness flowed through him causing him to loosen and fall limp as the drugs in the oil did their work. Dan realised that despite the fact that his bottom still burned terribly he could do nothing to protest. Gary waited the full recommended 8 minutes before signalling Michael who stood nearest the bed pan to remove the cloth that covered it. Using both hands he raised Dan up and walked him over to the now exposed bed pan. Motioning to the two watching adults he arranged for them to help Dan straddle the childish bed pan, his bottom still a foot from resting upon it. Dan was mortified to be held so knowing that in a moment he would evacuate the enema in front of his uncle, dad and cousin. Despite this he could not seem to form the words to resist and sat limply. With a start he felt the strange Doctor reach under him and with a painful grab remove the anal plug that stoppered him. As his uncle and Dad dropped him he sat down on the bed pan and felt the explosion of the oily messy liquid from his aching bottom. For 5 minutes he sat upon the pan. Every now and then just when he felt that he could have nothing left inside him another small stream of oil would erupt causing him to flush in sham at the sounds and odours that emanated forth from his body. Finally he was helped to stand and Gary helped clean and pat dry the boys now squeaky clean, inside and out, bottom. Michael turned to his son who stood next to him and leaning down pecked him a kiss upon the lips and ordered him to empty the contents of the bed pan and dispose of it in the rubbish bins outside the house. With an affectionate slap on the hurrying boy's bottom he ordered him to hurry back as his aid would be required later on in the evening. Dan found himself, head spinning as if drunk, laid upon the desk that doubled as the Bellows schoolroom teachers desk. Looking to one side he saw his father approach and then taking an ankle in each head pull his legs back and over his head forcing his sore bottom up and open. Nigel looked down at his son noting that slightly drug befuddled look upon his son's face. However, then his attention turned to Gary who had approached bearing the anal measuring dildo that had started this rumpus. Nigel looked on with shock and then surprise as the man began to insert the thin tip of the dildo into his son's exposed orifice. Centimetre by centimetre the dildo entered his son's tight anus. With each move forward the boy's anal ring expanded. Gary carefully judged the tight whiteness of the anal muscle. Hmmmm, perhaps a few more millimetres. There, any more and it could split; a surprisingly good accommodation size for a boy his age noted Gary as he wrote down the optimum maximum dildo size that Dan could accept when his Regime training started in earnest. With a pull he retracted the dildo and assessed the elasticity of the anal ring as it remained open after the brutal insertion before it finally winked shut. Dan was screaming inside. His still sore bowels were as nothing compared to the searing ripping pain that the massive, to his eye at least, dildo that raped his bottom caused. Fortunately for the watchers' eardrums the muscle relaxant drugs prevented little more than a moan to escape his lips. "It's over right" Nigel asked anxiously, concern for his suffering son writ clear on his face. "Almost done, only the long lasting contraceptive to be administered and I'll be able to write up Dan's" he waved at the prostate boy who lay on the table, legs sprayed wide, a thin dribble of drool coming from one side of his mouth, "Regime training plan for his 1st month". Nigel nodded in relief. The entire purpose of Gary and his female counterparts visit here, at this thought he shuddered at the thought of what Abi would be going through, was to assess these novice American children and set out what Regime exercises would be suitable and would get them up to speed so to speak in the world of the Regime. The second equally important reason was for the administering of the long lasting contraceptives that would prevent any pregnancy issues until the antidote was administered when the children became adults. "So just an injection then" Nigel asked. The Regime Assessor looked at the man in surprise. "Well I suppose you could give the contraceptive by means of a simple injection, or even a pill come to think of that. "However that is hardly in keeping with the Regime ethos now is it. Remember, children must be educated. The first step to educating a child is to remind them that they are nothing save that which they are permitted to be". Nigel looked blankly at this somewhat cryptic statement. Both Michael and Neil recognised it as one of the founding 'statements' of the Regime. In essence it meant that a child must always be treated as a child, and a means of doing that is by regressing them to a basic state of powerlessness through sexual and physical discipline. In Dan's case it means that given a choice, a simple pill or injection should not be expected. Gary pulled out a thin plastic wrapped tube. Breaking the sterile covering he extracted a long thin hollow tube and clinically wiped the tube and Dan's penis with a strong smelling antiseptic spray. "You see" he began "we found that the direct insertion of the contraceptive drugs into the bladders of girls and boys reminded them that their bodies are solely controlled by their parents, and other adults. "It is an important lesson for every child to learn that adults decide what goes in and what comes out of their bodies. "Actually these drugs could be more efficiently delivered by depot injection but there are other concerns which make urethral delivery the preferred method". Neil groaned in horror as he saw the device. He had not experienced the insertion of such a tube before. His own testicles not being capable of producing sperm there was as yet no need for him to be 'contracepted'. However he knew well enough how the process worked from when a Doctor had come around to the Orphanage and had administered the contraceptive drugs to the dozen boys and girls who were reaching the fertile years of puberty. Those children's screams as the drugs were pumped up their dicks and vaginas still frightened him today when he thought of it. Dan felt Gary's hand tug his small willy up and out. With a horror he felt a small prick of pain on the centre of the hole in his penis. The hole that his pee pee cam out when he went to toilet. Until today he could not conceive of anything going up there. Despite the drugs a loud groan bubbled from his lips as inch by inch the catheter seared its way up his penis before it lodged into his bladder. Hmmmm, thought Gary, obviously the relaxant drugs are starting to wear off. A pity, for Dan anyway. It would have gone easier for him had the drugs lasted longer. Turning back to the job at hand he clipped the tube shut to prevent any leakage. Gary began assembling a large syringe, filling it with a thick viscous white liquid. Nigel turned his head in shame. Shame that he was letting this happen to his son. Shame that this was only happening because he had lost his job. And shame that this was only the beginning of the indignities that his son and daughter faced, indignities that he, and if she returned from the USA, his wife would have to inflict. "I'm sorry, I can't watch any more" with a sob Nigel turned and left the room. Michael patted the sweating and writhing Dan reassuringly on the shoulder, admiring the boys boyish form and dainty genitals, which reminded him of his own son's cute package. Michael nodded to Gary to administer the contraceptives knowing that this had to be done. Gary pressed down on the syringe plunger gently watching intently as the white fluid traversed the tube before entering into the small shaft of the boy. Ignoring the increasing groans of Dan he ensured the full amount flowed into the boy's bladder. When the syringe was empty he removed it and once more clipped the tube shut to ensure the drugs were fully absorbed. "OK we need to allow 10 minutes for the drugs to be absorbed. While we're waiting I can set out Daniel's initial training requirements. Now remember failure to follow this plan may result in Daniel being taken into care and the parents of the boy facing prosecution for child abuse." "I know, I do have 4 children myself you know" Michael hooked an arm around Neil and hugged the nude boy in close. His hand dropping from the boys shoulder and cupping a butt cheek affectionately. "I'm sure" Gary smiled at the father and his son, "but I have to tell you, it's the rules. Of which I really should tell to the boy's father". A few minutes later Nigel entered the room following his brother, his composure once more regained but threatened when he saw Dan still laying on the table a tube poking from the end of his small cock. Having warned Nigel as to the law Gary went on to explain the upcoming fate of the naked boy that lay between them. "Right, Mr Bellow's I'm all done. I'll remove the catheter in a moment and then I recommend that Dan be put to bed. He has had a rather full evening" Gary masterfully understated. "But first I need to go through the boy's training plan. "The boy is physically fine. Rather small genitally but within the normal developmental range for his age group. "His anus is resilient and the good news is that it is of sufficient size to accept an average grown man's penis. He may complain that it hurts, and it probably will, but that is not important, it won't physically harm him so feel free to enjoy the boy whenever you feel appropriate". Nigel tried to look outraged but for some reason the thought intrigued him. He was not gay, let alone attracted to his own son physically. However he had always dreamed of having anal sex, a dream his wife resolutely continued to refuse. A refusal that may no longer be an issue he considered before realising what he was thinking. "Given that the boy is tight back there, he really needs to be loosened up before starting school in the new academic year. Remembering the average school teacher does not necessarily have the time to take things slow and easily, especially with a class of 30 or so to deal with." Gary paused for a moment before continuing, "so for Daniel's own sake he will need to be buggered three times a day for the next 10 days. After this then the normal 2 or 3 times a week will be more than adequate. "Orally I doubt as an American teenager he will have much experience of orally pleasuring girls let alone boys. Therefore he will need to practice cunnilingus at least once a day and give a blow job once a day as well." Nigel waved frantically "3 times a day, that is impossible." Neil agreed with his uncle, his own botty hole flinching at the thought of being fucked three times a day. "Three times a day is impossible for any man" Nigel continued his concern apparently being for his own physical well being. Michael boomed laughter which was joined in by Gary, both highly amused at the man's naivety. "No brother, you won't need to do the job yourself of course." "No, don't be silly, you'll have a heart attack" Gary joined in. "No Nigel, remember I'll be here, as will Victoria. Not to mention the three children will be expected to do most of the leg work" Michael explained. "Yes, normally parents will have the children meet each others needs most of the time. Parents are expected to occasionally participate, possibly as a treat, for the child. "And strap-on's and dildos are in little danger of being worn out so to speak. You see most anal penetration is done by small hand held dildos, which is much easier. A good buggering by a boy's father is only expected say once a week. Of course a son's bottom and mouth belong to his father so you can use them as much as you wish. Or should I say as much as you are capable of." Nigel nodded, silently relieved. While he was becoming more attracted to the idea of sleeping with his son and daughter, especially since his wife would be out of the country for a month or so, he was under no illusions of his endurance. "Now I assume a boy his age has wanked himself silly by now, is that right" Gary asked. "I don't know" Nigel admitted. "Yes, he masturbates Sir" Neil piped up. "And how do you know" Michael asked. "Well, with have been sharing a room for several nights Dad" Neil quickly lied, anxious that his Dad not query him to far in case the events of the night before when Dan was abused by his cousins came out. Accepting that as being reasonable Michael nodded to Gary to continue. "Now this may sound strange but Dan should be put in a chastity belt". "I thought the Regime was all about boy's penises being exposed and used" Nigel asked, echoing Michael's confused look. "True, but Dan here is used to his penis being his personal property, and as a means of giving him pleasure. He must be disabused of that notion. A man's penis is for his pleasure; a boy's penis is for his parents use. "So while he should have at least a daily orgasm, to keep his pipes running, this orgasm should be under the control and direction of an adult, or a child if the adult so wishes. Soon Daniel here will learn that an orgasm is a privilege, not a right. "I have a chastity device designed for small boys such as Daniel here. If you strap him in Daniel will soon learn to comply with your every directions should he wish to express his boy milk. "Once you have established full control over your son's orgasms the chastity belt can come off. Normally it takes 6 to 8 weeks before a child learns his place." Shaking the two adults hand and ruffling Neil's hair, Gary made to leave reminding them that Daniel and Abi will need to attend a Saturday school for a check up in 3 weeks time. As the three men left the room they were met by the female Regime officer Tracy and Victoria. In between them stood a red faced Abi. The blood on her thighs had been cleaned up her father noted, his eyes drawn to his young daughter's now red and puffy cunny. Completely hairless he noted. Had he attended his daughters public caning he would have queried where the few sparse hairs she had had gone. The fact being that each of those hairs had been painfully pulled from the roots by Tracy when Victoria, having examined her niece's vagina, had remarked that she either preferred a full bush or bare. Victoria smiled at her husband and then turned to her brother in law waving a piece of paper. "The good news is everything's fine with Abi. She is also a virgin which I'm sure you're glad to hear. Although to be honest that is not going to last long. Certainly not once she starts her Regime training; you would not credit how often Tracy here recommends Abi gets serviced a day..."