Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. From Humiliation Comes Hope Part 1 By Mickie Copyright 2009 by Mickie, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Part 1: From Humiliation Comes Hope It was the first Thursday, of the new school year and if I am honest I wasn't nervous at all about my school physical. Truth be told I was sort of looking forward to it. I wasn't really thinking about the part of the exam where I would have to get naked. That might have made me a little nervous but hey I am only thirteen and I am used to being seen, during exams anyway. My name is Michael by the way, but everybody calls me Mickie and I was just relieved to have the day off from the high school. Yeah I know I am a little young to be in high school. It might seem boastful to say but I am a pretty smart kid and got pushed ahead a year. I might be book smart but obviously I have a lot to learn about life; I should have been more worried about my exam and what might happen. My body is starting to mature. I have some hair down there and some under my arms, thank god. I even have a whisper thin bit of hair on my lip. I could start shaving soon I guess. That sounds so cool and grownup to me but also makes me a little nervous. I mean a blade on face! I could cut myself. I could cut my throat and bleed to death. Well at least it was a silent fear on mine, I was smart enough not to say it out loud but still naive enough to worry it might be true. I didn't have my dad around to help me past this bump in the road. Just last year, he skipped off with some hot looking chick leaving me and mom and my younger sister Kate to fend for ourselves. Kate is like 11 but she is my height maybe even an inch taller and every body thinks she is older. She is like a younger version of my mom, both love tennis and are athletic. Mom already lets her wear a modest amount of make up but if she really dolled herself up I am sure she could pass for a much older high school student. Kate might be younger but she has this 'being a grown up' thing down a lot more than me. I have trouble remembering to wear deodorant everyday. I even feel foolish at the idea of wearing colon like I am a little kid trying to where my dad's suit. Kate can were a little perfume and is just so polished even if she does still play with her dolls sometimes, I have seen her. She might make fun of my Star Wars characters but I know she still plays with her dolls some too. I take after my dad on the other hand, I have lots of brains but not much in the way of muscle and sports seem out of the question. Especially, after one look at these high school thugs, I can't believe how big and strong they are. I don't look even look like I belong in high school. I think I must be the smallest kid in the school or at least one of them. Last year in eight grade, while I am not great at sports I could join a pickup game of ball and do respectable but last year some of the other kids playing might have been nine or ten year olds. In high school I feel like I am nine or ten years old just walking down the hall. I have trouble carrying my heavy book bag, everyone else just seems to move around with ease and a head taller than just to accent how out of place I am. I thought the science and the geek crowd might be my haven in this sea of Neanderthals, but so far the science teacher hates me and my whole class to boot. Ms. Chomsky didn't even try to hide her distain for freshman. She gave us a boat load of reading and threatened us not to bother coming to her office until after we have at least tried to read it on our own. The roamers are she hates teaching freshman even the advanced class that I was in because we are all so immature. Last year I was head of the science club and could even run the meeting when our teacher was out and now this year, Ms. Chomsky doesn't seem to care who I am or even worse she see me as an annoyance. If she doesn't like most freshman because they are immature what was she going to think of me being even younger than most. The only reason we still live in this neighborhood which we can barely afford without dad is because of the great schools. Our high school is for the upper middle class and our school almost always wins state competitions. In sports we have top athletes, my sister could be one of the tennis stars in a few years. My mom plays with the coach and my sister is already getting pointers. Our high school wins all kinds of science fairs and scholarships every year. There are programs at our high school which are linked to the local university where select high school students are involved in collecting real data for real science projects. Ms. Chomsky is actually "Dr." Chomsky and I believe she also teaches a class or two at the University. A science scholarship is my dream and only real way for me to pay for college. I am in a great high school to make that happen but it all happens through Ms. Chomsky. And right now to Ms. Chomsky doesn't know I exist and when she does finally notice me I can't expect her to think much of such a young little kid like me. Well today I have break from all that, I am going back to my elementary school for a physical. The state has plan where the poor kids in each district can get a free school physical. Without Dad's income we qualify, I have to go back to the elementary school for mine because the state aid set it up based on age not school grade, so by age I belong there which was fine with me. High School was not starting well and in elementary school, Ms. Karens the school nurse is like an aunt to me. I am actually staying the day with her helping out as best I can. I felt so much more comfortable at this school. Besides I was having my exam on the same day as the younger elementary school kids, K-2nd grade, because it was good day to miss at my new high school, many of the teachers would be out on field trips planned last year, so it would have been a day of substitute teacher's and work just to keep us busy. The way I was feeling, any day not at the high school was a good day for me, and I was something of a teacher's pet in elementary school, there would be no shortage of teachers to go and hi to if I wanted. For some reason the permission slip had to either directly deliver by a parent to the office and mom could not afford to miss work or it could be in your book bag and given to the teacher. Since I don't go to school there it was placed in my sister's back pack to be delivered. Annoying but what did I care at the time. My sister got on the bus to school and mom dropped me off at Ms. Karens' house who would drive me to school with her. Ms Karens was a nice older lady, I don't know how old 40ish something I guess. She was always kind to me and was a friend of my mom's. She told me she wanted me to help her setup and then to get ready and do my exam first as there was a lot going on today and she was hoping I could be a be a big help. Now I don't know how other kids would feel hearing something like that but to me, it was music to my ears. I wanted to be helpful and trusted and given responsibilities. I wanted, I need to feel more mature, in the high school halls ways and classes I felt anything but mature. And the kind of maturity at the high school seemed so far off and impossible to reach. I was thrilled to be Ms. Karens' little helper for the day. I was surprised how many rooms we setup for exams. I didn't think many kids at all would need the free state exams in our rich community but I just did as I was told.I was busy moving things around and just as we finished I heard Ms. Karens name called over the intercom to come to the office. Ms. Karens quickly ushered me into the first exam room and left me with a gown, she told me she would close the door to give me privacy to change but asked me to open it back up when I was changed so she would know when it was safe to come back in. She also was clear that I was only to wear the gown. I was a little surprised not to leave on my underwear but I had the gown and she was closing the door for me and it was a physical so I did as she said without much concern It was cold in the room with no clothes but this paper gown. It was rather short at just above my knees when standing I set my clothes in a pile next to me on the exam table, I knew the chair was meant for the doctor. The only other things in the room were a book case for supplies and a medical scale. I started to feel nervous and uncomfortable for the first time all day. I guess being naked will do that to you. As I sat there waiting, I realized I hadn't open the door back up. When I got up the gown road up in back and ripped a little, I cursed to myself as I open the door and straiten out the rather lame gown. I had just managed to get back up on the table and get the gown down to cover my front, my bare ass was on the table at this point and in walked Ms. Karens with Stacey Froast, a beautiful blond Sophomore who just happened to be vice president of the science club. I believe it was safe to say she is the prettiest nerd in the whole high school. Her face looked as shocked as mine. Ms. Karens then informs me she has surprise for me. That Stacey from the high school would also be helping with the exams and then she would be here for a special project when the rest her science class arrive with Ms. Chomsky in a little while. She saw the surprise on our faces and thought we might know each other. Stacey spoke first, her sweet voice and perfume were only adding to my growing blush and lack of ability to speak. Stacey said that we did not know each other, she of course had never really seen me before. She said she was just surprised by my age. She left it unclear whether she was just surprised that I wasn't in k-2nd grader or whether she was surprised that I was old enough to even attend high school. I certainly felt like a little kid sitting there mostly naked and embarrassed. I found my voice enough to explain, that I was a freshman but had skipped a grade so my physical would be done at the elementary school.Kind Ms. Karens, thought it was great that I would get a chance to meet some of the other kids at the high school today and to meet Stacey in particular. She then quickly reassured me that Stacey would just be helping out Ms. Karens with starting paperwork for my exam but that she would excuse her when the doctor came for the actual exam. I was very relieved and Stacey even seemed to relax a little at that. So while I sat there half naked, Ms Karen's showed Stacey how to review the chart. There wasn't much room so they used the exam table next to me. I could see down both of their blouses. Ms. Karens had a generous heavy hanging set while Stacey's seemed almost to defy gravity. I quickly tried to look away as I didn't want to get caught looking. I didn't really fear an erection as I was so embarrassed and cold that the thought didn't even cross my mind yet. There wasn't a lot of room so to my chagrin Ms. Karen took my pile of folded clothes and set them just outside the door so they could open the chart. I was partly distracted by the view down their blouses to care too much yet. Stacey being the good student, noticed that my chart didn't have the release in it yet. Ms. Karens then remember that it was sent in with my sister, she would have to go office and fine out what happened to it. She had Stacey set in the chair and keep me company. She instructed Stacey to review the information at the beginning of the chart to make sure it is correct. It was obviously busy work but still as Ms. Karens left the room Stacey Started. "Do you live at...?" "I tried to play it cool and said, "You don't have to do this I am sure it is all correct." She however took her task seriously and asserted her obvious authority in the situation. "Do you want me to tell Ms. Karens you refused to answer the questions?" "No I don't and yes that is my correct address." I muttered. With a sparkle in her eye Stacey continued, "That's a good boy, tell me are you allergic to anything." And so she continued for a moment when in walks a teacher and a young girl who obviously looked sick. The teacher didn't introduce herself but asked where Ms. Karens was as the little girl has been throwing up. She said the little girl's name but I was in such a shock I don't remember. Stacey took control and informed the teacher of Ms. Karens' where abouts. At that moment, Ms. Karens then shows up and tells Stacey that my sister is bringing the form up from class in a little while. And then She rushed off with the little girl and her teacher. I could hear gagging down the the door shut. Once again I was alone with Stacey. Me with a paper gown and my clothes in the hallway, while Stacey sat there with a clip board and pen.She finished off her background health questions. She then seemed to relax and asked me about my impressions of the High School. I found myself being surprisingly honest with her. I mean we had developed a strange sort of bond. I started off telling her it was hard to adjust and before I knew it, she had learned that I felt small at the big school and that I was lonely and lastly that I was worried about Ms. Chomsky opinion of me as being so immature. I guess she had grown to feel sorry for me or something because she said at least with the last thing she can put in a good word for me with Ms. Chomsky and she reminded me that I would be able to demonstrate my maturity to Ms. Chomsky today if I was helpful with the research today. We heard a lot noise out in the hall way. We couldn't see but it was the obvious sounds of young kids coming in and getting ready for their exams. There were mothers coming to be with there much younger kids too I could guess. Stacey informed me that some of the younger kids mother's were allowing the high school students to gain some basic data collecting skills and possibly even to include some of the children in some research from the university if they fit into the right category and the parents were willing. Stacey even shared being nervous herself. She had been sent on ahead to help setup and be of assistance to Ms. Karens for allowing the high schoolers to come today. It was my turn to cheer Stacey up and tell her she was great at asking me the questions and I am sure Ms. Karens will speak well about her to Ms. Chomsky. I told her I knew Ms. Karens well and would put in a good word to her and encourage her to tell Ms. Chomsky how helpful Stacey was. Stacey laughed at that and thanked me. She then got up and came over to me and put her hand on my leg and told me to wait here she was going to see what was going on. I asked her if she would bring my clothes back in when she came back. She winked and said she could do that for me. While I was waiting, it seemed liked like forever but was probably just a few minutes in walks the Doctor. She was tall and thin with dark hair and pale skin, dressed in a long white coat and introduced herself as Dr. Tina. I told her I was Mickie and she asked me if I wasn't a little old to me in 2nd grade...I started to explain myself when in walks Stacey. Dr Tina then starts speaking to Stacey, who informs her that Ms. Karens is with a sick youngster. The Doctor asks if Ms. Karens wants her help. Stacey said that Ms. Karens said that the doctor could just begin if she wanted as she knows the doctor has limited time. Dr. Tina then asks for my chart and asks Stacey what had been done. Then Stacey said that she had asked all the informational questions but that she was waiting for the permission slip and that my sister was bringing it up. The Doctor then asks me, did your mother sign the slip. I said yes. She tells Stacey, it is your job to get that slip before the end of the day but it is her job to get these exams going. Stacey starts to leave and says she will go find that permission slip and get the next patient ready. r Dr. Tina stops and says that would be great but she needs her to stay and help with this exam. That is with My Exam!! I am shocked... Stacey seems surprised and say that she is not a nurse....Dr. Tina says she is doesn't need a nurse but just an assistant, and asks Stacey if she is the assistant for the day. To which Stacey replies that yes she is. My jaw has drops at this point. Dr. Tina then says she knows Dr. Chomsky and if she sent Stacey that she could handle this and that Dr. Tina would walk her through each step, so that she could learn along the way. Stacey seems flattered and agrees to help, to my great shock and fear. I try to say something to discourage this when the doctor just cuts me off and says the first thing to do is to get his vitals. She sticks a thermometer in my mouth and tells me to hold it under my tongue, in effect gag me from protests. They then check my ears and eyes and does my blood pressure. Dr. Tina is teaching Stacey all the way. Stacey is learning and also writing down the results. I remember at that point that Stacey doesn't have my clothes, she was suppose to come back with them. I am like a non person in the room to them. Except now they wanted to listen to my heart by pulling my gown down and off my arms so it is basically just laying over my lap. I am beet red at this point. The doctor pulls the thermometer out of my mouth and has Stacey read it...excellent the doctor tells Stacey. I breathe in and hold, I breathe out when told. First for the doctor and then for Stacey. Both touch my back and my chest with there bare hands. The doctor then tells Stacey that they will listen to bowl sounds in a moment but first they need to do weight and height. The doctor tells me to get up and go over to the scale. At this point I try to get the gown back up on my arms but it is ripping as I try to do this while maintaining my modesty. The doctor says here let me help you with that and she takes gown and starts to hold it up in a way which would allow me to get both arms in. She then seems to see that it is ripped and pulls the whole thing off my lap pronouncing that it is ripped and hands it to Stacey. I am in shock and Stacey is too. The Doctor brings us both back to our senses by telling me to go stand on the scale and telling Stacey to throw the gown out. I run over to the scale at least I would be facing the wall that way. Dr. Tina then comes over to me and pats me on the rear and says not to worry I could dress as soon as she is done with the exam which wouldn't be much longer. Stacey comes over and joins the doctor. I have my hands in front of me covering my naked self. The doctor first shows Stacey how to do my weight by sliding the level over but she purposely goes past my weight and then rests the weight to zero and tells Stacey to do it from scratch. The whole time I am standing there slight bent over cupping my dick and balls from view with my bare ass for them to see as they practice how to weight a patient. The Doctor then tells me to turn around and to stand up strait. I try to do this but with my hands covering myself I am not perfectly strait the doctor swats my arms and tells me to put my hands at my sides and stand up strait with such a tone of authority that I automatically follow as children will do for the right tone. She then off handly says that it is rude for me to play with myself in front two women and to not touch myself again unless told to do so. Stacey gives me a sympathetic look but is quickly put to work with lining up the height stick and then having me step away to check the measurement. I have to do this again for her to practice. The doctor then tells me to lie down. I do and instinctively cover myself. The doctor slaps my hands and tells me not to play with myself. Stacey laughs, the doctor laughs and then tells Stacey, you can't get boys to keep there hands off of themselves when they are younger and then off of you when they get a bit older. They laugh again which only makes me feel smaller. Stacey quietly holds one of my hands for reassurance as the doctor pokes and prods at my abdomen and asking me if it hurts. My other hand is griping the table on the wall side for dear life. The Dr. shows Stacey what to do as well and they listened to my stomach. The whole time, my small self with my few hairs down there are on complete display to them. Each time Stacey is observing she holds my hand. I am both comforted by her gesture and somehow feel small for needing and wanting the unspoken support in the first place. The doctor even picks up my penis and notes the type of circumcision I have, she doesn't thankfully have Stacey hold me. I didn't know there were even different kinds of circumcisions but apparently mine is a complete one and so I am fully exposed...which seemed like an understatement to me at the time. I then stand up and she does teach Stacey to do the turn and cough which means holding me by the balls. With Stacey holding balls and standing so close to me and with her sweet voice telling to turn and cough and her perfume filling my nostrils, for the first time all day I begin to feel the first stirrings in my loins...I start to panic in my mind as I scream to myself, trying to will myself not to get a hardon, not here, not was almost over. She finishes I am a little bigger and partly up but it seems to be waining without reaching full mask. I am just starting to feel relieved when the doctor pulls over a cup and says now it is time to get a urine sample. She notes to Stacey that they should wear gloves but that it is hard to get the feel for what she is about to show her and because urine is steril and she doesn't think they need to worry about AIDS with our virgin little guy here they will proceed without gloves. Stacey chuckles at the little virgin is almost like I don't matter, like I am not in the room, except of course that they are staring right at my penis and balls. The doctor then teaches Stacey to first wipe my penis head, then to have me go in the toilet and then to hold it to make me stop and put some in the cup for a specimen and then finish back in the toilet. Since they don't have a toilet they are using a cup and a some sort of bowl as the toilet. I am made to hold the bowl under myself. I try to stop this whole thing by pronouncing that I don't have to pee...but the doctor wants Stacey to practice the technique and so they each take turns. Well all of the wiping and handling begin to make me partly erect again only this time the Doctor notes and points it out to Stacey as rather common but warns Stacey that a full erection can be a problem because I need to be partly soft to be able to urinate. I decide to give up and maybe end my embracement by admitting that I do have to pee now. The doctor decides to let Stacey do the deed with her help. I have never been more embarrassed in my life and am deep red with shame. It is hard to relax and go with two women holding you but somehow, I start and then they held me to make me stop and then start to move the beaker in place for the sample and just then in walk Ms. Karens. She is slightly shocked but the doctor informs her that she is teaching Stacey. Ms. Karens simply says that it is great and tells me I am being a good boy, so mature for allowing all of this. I simply mutter a thanks. I mean what else could I say? Ms. Karens had forgotten herself for a moment and asks the doctor to help with vomiting girl. Since Ms. Karens had walked in the room Stacey had been hold me from continuing to pee and it was starting to hurt. The Doctor told Stacey just have me finish in the bowl and she would be back to take some blood and I would be done. The Doctor and Nurse, leave me in the hands of Stacey who has me start to pee in the beaker just as the doctor is shutting. Outside the door hear Ms. Karens tell my sister that I am in that room and to bring the papers to Stacey. In walks my younger sister as Stacey is shaking me off. Her eyes wide open to what she is seeing. I yell for Kate to leave. But Stacey tells her to stay and finishes washing her hands with a handy wipe before introducing herself to my sister and explaining what is going on. Stacey takes the papers and sits to go over them while my sister and I wait: me naked, my sister in her blue skort and yellow halter top. Stacey had left me standing there holding bowl under myself. She asked me to leave the bowl to catch any drips. So I stood on full display for my sister who took the opportunity to give me a very mocking full look over. At this point though I didn't blush, I don't think I had any blush left in me as I had used it all up with Stacey and the doctor, but I did now have was a deeper sense of dread, my sister would never let me live this down...Stacey might have kept this to herself but Kate I am sure will spill my embarrassment to the world. Stacey called Kate over to look at the releases. I just rolled my eyes, couldn't my mother sign a simple release for a physical...why did Kate need to still be in here? I am thinking. Stacey showed Kate the forms were left blank about whether or not I could be included in the skills training and research part of the day. Kate said that our mother told her she wasn't sure and that it was up to Ms. Karens. Stacey noted that it probably wasn't possible anyway because a parent or other listed guardian would need to stay and observe. Kate asked if the guardian needed be an adult. Stacey said, well it is just a school policy and no she knows of times when an older siblings has satisfied the requirement in past research. I chime in that I am not interested in being the research and that Kate is not going to act as my guardian. Stacey looks at me as if I had hurt her feelings. She tells me she thought I wanted to make a good impression with Ms. Chomsky and be helpful to school to the scientific research. This has not about me being nude, I had already been seen by her and my sister. Her words only make me feel smaller. Stacey then stands up with the urine sample and says,"You know Mickie I thought you might be more mature than you look but really this whole thing is not up to you, it is up the permission slips and what is decided by the staff. I think I am going to go have a talk with Ms. Karens, Dr. Tina and Ms Chomsky. Kate will stay and watch over your brother for me." Kate replies, "Sure." I yell to Stacey as she is leaving, "Stacey wait...I am sorry if I am over reacting, I am just embarrassed and shy." Stacey replies, "I know Mickie, I just thought you might be more mature." Her words stab me but I still can't help but ask, "Can you please bring my clothes back when you come." Stacey thinks for minute and replies, "I wasn't able to find them before, they aren't right outside the door anymore but I will see what Ms. Karens might know or have for you to wear." "Thank You.." I reply as the door closes. My sister sits in the chair and puts her feet up on the edge of the table, a big grin on her face. "What are you smiling at..." "I think Stacey is a little mature for you big brother, but I guess it is cute of you to have a crush on her..." "What are you talking about? Your crazy she is just a friend..." "Well your little friend sure likes her...." That is when I look down and realize that I have a full blown hard on. I must have gotten it while I was talking with Stacey. I put the bowl of my own urine down and move to cover myself....I am already soft before I sit down next to my sister's propped up feet. I look over at my sister's feet, she left her flip flops on the floor. "Can you get your dirty feet off the exam table." I try to take a little control. My sister wiggles her paints toes at me and retorts, "They aren't bothering you besides, I am sure they are cleaner than your bare ass." I slump over further defeated. My sister seems to start to feel sorry for me and says, "You know Mickie, this doesn't have to be so bad....just go along with research for today and what will happen? You get seen by me and Mickie....just backing out now makes you seem like more of a baby and a coward...the damage is done." Then Dr. Tina is back with needles for blood, "OK sorry for the delay but we just need a blood sample and you will be all done little mister." My sister immediately stands up and I pull my hands away my penis. "You must be Kate." the Doctor says to my sister, "It is very good of you to help out with your brother today." Kate smiles and says, "Thanks." Dr. Tina looks at me and says, "You know it is really is you who should be thanking his sister." I look at Kate and give her an obligatory, "Thanks." She pats my thigh and says, "No problem little brother." As the doctor is checking my veins, in walks, Stacey and Ms. Karens with a new paper gown for me. Ms Karens tells me she a rob for me until my clothes can be found. Dr. Tina says to wait until she is done with my blood draw and invites Stacey over to point out various targets and to teacher to do the blood draw. As they pick an arm, Stacey puts a hand on my leg and with the other hand holds my hand. I enjoy her comfort, I am not fond of needles. I am also sort of relieved as it tells me Stacey is not mad it only possible friend in high school is still willing to hold my hand. Ms. Karens, sweet Ms. Karens talks to me while the other seems to focus on my arm. First she apologizes for leaving for the exam. Then she praises me for being mature and handling so much on my own. Finally she praises me for allowing Stacey to learn so much and being so mature as to not allow any uncomfortable part of the day to influence my behavior. The blood draw is done and I am allowed to put on the new paper gown. The doctor does her good byes and leaves with Stacey in tow who gives me a wave and a smile as she leaves. I wave and smile back. Ms Karens then has me and Kate follow her into her office. Ms. Karens begins by praising me again and praising Kate for our maturity and responsibility. Part way through I realize Ms. Karens thinks I want to be in the study and that I don't mind being involved in the research but she reports that she is not sure about it because I am the older sibling . When I catch on to what she is saying. I start to agree with her. I say that while I am willing and comfortable with the whole thing, I figure why not say it since she had just praised me for it, I understand that it just seem like the college wouldn't allow my younger sister to act as my guardian, too bad. Secretly I couldn't be more relieved. My sister chimes in with," Still it would be for the good of students and for the good of science and since how no one involved seemed to mind, neither her nor me....she thought maybe it should be OK." Ms. Karens gaves us both a big hug and said she would talk to Ms. Chomsky but that we shouldn't get our hopes up as she would probably say no. I am relieved. In the mean time my sister and I helped getting the exams done and rooms setup for the research and training. I got used to being in a paper gown but was hoping we might find my clothes. I got the feeling my sister might have found them and hid them from me but couldn't be sure. She didn't really answer when I asked her if she had seen them, she just managed to change the subject. After the last exam it was time for an early lunch and then the training and research would start. Ms. Karens brought lunch up for Stacey and myself, Kate went off to eat with her class. Ms. Karens seemed excited when she came back with our lunch. Ms. Karens said she had spoken with my mom, who was surprised about my willingness to be in the research but said it was fine with her and that she was proud of me for my selflessness. While sitting next me, Stacey gave me a one arm hug to emphasis her agreement with the opinion of me, it wasn't until Ms. Karens spoke that Stacey learned of my change of heart. So she was probably happy to hear about that. I didn't know how to go about telling we hadn't spoken about other things. Secondly Ms. Karens said she spoke with Ms. Chomsky and told her what a great job Stacey had done. Which gave me the opportuniy to one arm hug Stacey back. It seemed like a good idea at the time and she was fine with it, maybe even enjoyed it but it caused me to start to get an erection again. I mean I was sitting with just a paper gown on still. But at least we were sitting and we had the table in front of us. Still I didn't want another erection and I still wasn't sure if she had seen the last one or not....I really needed to think about something else.... Finally Ms. Karens informed us that she had pleaded our cause and our maturity to Ms. Chomsky and that I was allowed to be in the training and the research as long as the paper work had been signed and that it had been doubled check with my mom by phone. Kate could act as my guardian observer throughout the procedures. Stacey was so excited and Ms. Karens seemed so happy for us. I had no choice but to play along that I thought it was great too. Ms Karens could tell my enthusiasm wasn't quite as genuine which she read as some small degree of nervousness on my part. Which she attempted to dissuade by tell me that I would not be harmed by anything done. She promised to check in on me when she could and she was sure I was in great hands with Stacey and Kate. I thanked her and attempted to reassure her that I felt safe. Stacey scooted even closer and gave me better hug to also reassure me which only added to my awareness of her and my relative nakedness. I took the opportunity to ask about looking for my clothes again. Ms. Karens seemed to understand and gave Stacey and I free reign to look around and to get ready for upcoming events. I didn't want to get up and look from lunch right away. At first Stacey didn't seem to catch on but what could I do but sit there and watch her which only made me harder. I hadn't noticed her skirt which was knee length and accented her cute bottom. No this was not helping me with my little problem. She noticed me watching her at first and smiled and seemed to enjoy it but eventually she asked me to get up and help. I tried to fain being tired but she sensed something was up she just didn't know exactly what yet. Until she came over to me and tried to pull me up from sitting some how she looked down and saw. She giggled and laugh, I was beet red yet again, she actually blush a little too and said maybe she would give me another minute. Then Stacey found a stash of boys underwear which the nurses office kept in case someone had an accident. Even the biggest pair were pretty small on me but I decided tight ones were better than none. I just wish they could have been white, instead they were light blue with red trucks on them...on me they fit like bikini briefs. Stacey had found them and suggested them. She also insisted in helping me squeeze into them. At this point she seemed much more comfortable with my body then I was with her seeing me. Still as she knelt in front of me, it was like electric to have her hands run up my legs and she even boldly adjust my rock hard little self which actually stuck out of the top just a little. At least by pressing my hardon up against myself meant that it wasn't obvious to anyone who saw me in the gown that I had an erection. My sister Kate showed up about then and Stacey ushered us into a different exam room. It was a converted office which actually had a half glass wall with a curtain on it. I don't know what room was on the other side of the window but it must have been another office because the lights were out. Kate was so exited to be not only free from class but also to be with Stacey who she thought was so cool. And it was an added bonus to get the dirt on her brother for years to come, I am sure I would hear about this one forever. Stacey took the lead at this point and brought a whole bunch of equipment and forms. Then she asked Kate to come out in the hallway with her for a few moments. I knew they must be up to something but I did know what it could be they already had me to do what ever tests they could dream up and what could I do about it. I was actually relieved to have a moment alone. With Kate's arrival and the walk I was mostly soft again and wanted to readjust myself down. Only problem now was I need to go to the bathroom. Stacey and Kate came back in with great big grins and small metal case which Stacey put on the side table. Stacey had Kate sign some forms as my guardian. At which point I informed them that I need to use the rest room. Stacey said that was good, She asked if I just needed to urinate or was I also ready to provide a stool sample too. My sister Kate wrinkled her nose at the mere question. I stammered that I only need to pee. Stacey said that was fine but to let her know if I could do anything else which would save time later. I apprehensively said OK. Next Stacey asked Kate to help. I started to protest when Stacey harshly cut me off as she took off my gown leaving me standing there in my little blue bikini briefs as I was scolded. First she pointed out she could wait for her classmates and then I would be exposed to more people. Second she pointed out that I had agreed to do this and it was really childish of me to dropped out now. Thirdly she pointed out that my younger sister was now my guardian and it was up to her what happened to me now, not even Stacey...if Kate was in charge what was the big deal if she helped. Stacey then continued in a more disappointed tone said she thought she and I had become more of friends and that she was a little hurt, she was really looking out for me, would I have wanted to be mostly done when everyone else showed from the school. She pointed out that she had done things all morning to make it better for me but now I was betraying her at my first chance, she thought I was going to help her look good when Ms Chomsky came, she thought I wanted to seem mature for Ms. Chomsky....what would she and Ms. Karens say now if they just didn't do the research and practice. She pointed out that they would all look stupid. I felt stupid and ashamed. Stacey was right I was blowing my chance to prove myself to Ms. Chomsky. I was also betraying Ms. Karens who had made phone calls and vouched for me. Beyond that I thought Stacey and I were growing a friendship maybe I dare think even something more, she had helped me with my panties and even smoothed out my erection. I was mostly ashamed to have questioned her friendship. I told Stacey was so sorry and that she was right. I am sorry for not just trusting her most off all as she had been a good friend to me. I was more embarrassed by what I had done that it only seemed fitting to be a little child standing there in just my skimpy underwear with goose bumps for the chill and shuffling as I apologized and promised Stacey I would do as she said the rest of the time. I tried to give myself a lame excuse by blaming my behavior on my sister being there and not wanting her to see me like this. Somehow now I was now apologizing and professing that of course it was OK for Stacey see me naked and really to do what ever was required for the research. I was so engroused in Stacey and caring about her opinion of me that I forgot about my sister Kate. Stacey faced soften and my heart felt such a relief perhaps I had not blown it with my new friend, my only friend. Stacey said it was OK with her if we continued as long I just let her do whatever was required, as long as I was a good little patient, a good little boy. I was so relieved I didn't mind the diminutive tone or title. She actually gave me a little hug of comfort, I hug her back more strongly, I was actually a little teary over the whole thing which surprised but at the same time I had no control over. She pulled me away and softly said I think you owe more than just me and apology. I look over at Kate she seemed still annoyed. "I hope you guys enjoyed your little moment," she added in a curt tone, "because I am out of here. I don't need to be here. I was doing you a favor." "Wait Kate, please don't go....I am sorry. I don't mind if you help. Please I promise I won't give you a hard time anymore." She didn't storm out as it seemed like she was about to but she wasn't completely ready to say she would stay. Stacey interceded, "Kate, please consider staying, we can't do this at all without you here and I would enjoy your help. I think it could be fun for you too, I could teach you some pretty cool stuff along the way too." Kate, "Well I don't know. I would like to learn but I think I deserve a little more respect in all this I am the acting guardian what I say should go." Stacey, "And it does, you are right. What you say happens and what you say doesn't happen, we won't do. You are the boss from that end. I will double check with you through the rest of this. And I think Mickie has learned his lesson too. I am sure he will agree to go with what is decided and not argue any more." By the end Stacey is looking at me to reaffirm what she just said so I chime in, "Yes whatever you say goes Kate. Please stay...I really am sorry." Kate still seems unsure. So Stacey continues, "Look I think today has been a little confusing to all of us about our place and our rolls with one another. For the purposes of our work this afternoon it might be better if we made our roles more obvious. Mickie are the child here and the patient. What we say goes. We are here to help you and protect you." I enthusiastically nod as much agreeing as I am at having Stacey call me 'dear.' Stacey continues, "As such I think it would be best that you address Kate and I with more respect. We will be Ms. Stacey and Ms. Kate....OK?" I pause a little taken back but then quickly add, "Yes, yes of course." Stacey corrects me, "Yes what Mickie?" "Yes Mame," I respond as the corrected one. Kate in a commanding tone, "You will listen to me too." "Yes mame, she I will listen to you too." Stacey added, "Tell Ms. Kate you are sorry again and promise to behave so that she might stay Mickie." "I am sorry Ms. Kate, I promise to be better. I will do what I am told from now on, I promise." I add in tone so genuine I surprise myself. I actually felt the words and wasn't just saying them to get Kate to stay. I was really sorry and ready to listen. I think this is when things really began to change for good in my relationship with Kate. Looking back I think Kate has affectionately called me her little brother ever since but that is for other chapters. "What do you need me to do?" Kate asked Stacey. We all three sigh and smile with releaf. Stacey gets down to business, "I wasn't going to start with a urine sample but since Mickie, dear needs to go we will start there. Ms. Kate can you take those panties off of him and I will get things ready to take our sample." Kate bends down in front of me and pulls my only bit of cover off of me, "Cute little panties, a bit small even on you Mickie. I blush and lift my legs as required. Then Stacey does the whole sort of training again, only this time she is like Dr. Tina and Kate is learning. Stacey acts like is an old hand with penises...Kate is eager to learn. I am a piece of meat yet again. It is different this time for me though. I mean last time I was so shocked. This time I am more aware. I feel the cold alcohol swob. I feel the warmth of there hands in the cool room. Stacey's hands are soft and she has on clear to light pink nail polish. Her nails are not really long just a little beyond tips of her fingers. When she touches me she is sure of herself put also light in her touch, like she is working with an egg she doesn't want to break. Ms. Kate's hands are slightly smaller but much rougher to the touch. I guess from tennis. I never noticed but my sister must bite her nails because they are wicked short. Her nail polish is half coming off, the top coat being a candy pink but underneath seems to be different colors. I see a little green on some nails and pale blue on others, some even have a bit of sparkle to them. It is funny while Ms. Kate's hand are certainly more juvernile her actual hand strength seems much greater. She isn't hard with me but she is tougher, I get the sense she could just crush me if she wanted. Their training done, Stacey commands me to pee now for Kate. I do as I am told. Kate concentrates on her tasks and proves more then capable of handling me. Kate is obviously proud of herself and Stacey is happy to be teaching. Stacey smiles at me and winks. I was really starting to have to go bad and felt physically relieved to be done. Oh no I was starting to feel a stirring in myself. It must have been Stacey's wink, the releaf of going, Kate with her hands on my penis controlling every flow, even shaking it a bit to get it to stop dripping while Stacey held my balls out of the way, I was holding the bowl under myself again. Somehow all of this was causing me to get an erection. My eyes are wide open and I say out loud almost my accident, "Oh no not now, please not now." It was too late. Kate was now holding my stiff member. Stacey took the bowl away and turned back to take me from Kate. She explained to Kate about erections. Kate seemed to sort of know. But Stacey reported that it could happen at different times. She had Kate hold it again and then Kate asked her questions about hair. Stacey explained that I had some peach fuss, they felt my balls which was little electric and caused me to reach up on my toes. They noticed my reaction and laughed. Then Stacey explained that as I got older I would get more hair. She point to the small trace hair I had above my penis. Kate could only see it in a certain light but she said she felt it. I was not as smooth there. None of this was helping my erection and I thought I might lose it. Part of me didn't want them to stop. Kate wanted to know about size. Stacey pointed out that I wasn't very big, as even compared to the 2nd graders she had helped with earlier but that I had some time still to grow but I wasn't likely to be a very big guy in the long run. I found that part of the conversation very disheartening but really what could I expect I fit easily in my younger sister's hand. How big could they pretend I was. Besides my feelings, my very presence during this whole exchanged seemed very secondary. Stacey bobbled my little erection and said it was time to more on and for me to have a seat on the table. Kate laughed at my bobbling and said wait and she pushed my erection down again and laughed as it spring back up and bobbled around. Stacey laughed too and she saw I getting annoyed so she gave me a wink and Stopped Kate before she could do it again and got me sitting back down on the table. I went to cover myself but Stacey following the example of Dr. Tina swatted my hands away told me not to play with myself. I blushed and mutter, "Sorry."Kate corrected me, "Sorry who?" "Sorry Ms. Stacey." I said. "It is OK." She smiled at me, my heart melted, my penis swelled a little more. Kate interjected, "Good boy, Mickie." Stacey next said she needed to take my temperature with various instruments. It was to compare accuracy and to learn to use each instrument. Kate seemed to think this was cool. They first put one in my mouth and then used one in my ear, across my forehead, and another one went under my arm. As my mouth was done they waited for the one under the arm. Surprisingly they all varied by as much as 4 or 5 degrees. Kate, "How do we know which one is right?" Stacey said that they would lastly take the most accurate temperature and used that to judge the rest. Some sort of baseline temperature she said. I didn't know what that meant at the time but know I know and never will anal temperature is most accurate. I didn't think I could be surprised much more today. I sat there erect in front of my sister and Stacey but when she told us I would get my temperature taken anally I about fell off the table. Kate thought it sounded gross. "What about getting poop on us?" Kate asked. Stacey said they would take a sample while they were back there but also that they would wear gloves for this part. I thought I was going to have to turn over but Stacey said it could be done with me on my back with my sister holding my legs up and apart. I would help by hooking my arms around my legs. I couldn't think of more humiliating way to lay down. My erection was starting to go down but I was still bobbing around. Kate with an open mouth smile and her tongue in her cheek playfully swat it,this seemed to put her in a better mood but it only helped me feel more ashamed at this whole event. 'How did I get myself into this?' I was thinking but not for very long. My attention quickly turned to Stacey. It is hard not to pay attention when someone is about to stick something up your ass while you watch... Kate interrupted my trepadation with an "Ew gross, Mickie can't you even whip your ass?" I didn't think I could turn any redder, I think I will be beet colored for life...I feel my heart thumping in my head and a lump in my stomach is knotted. Stacey rubs my leg and smiles at me as she answers Kate, "Mickie is fine, believe me I just spent the morning with Dr. Tina and not one little boy was clean if he is old enough to be whipping himself he probably isn't that clean." "Dr. Tina made it pretty clear to me...not many men do a very good job down below. You can choose to be grossed out if you want but it is the facts. It might seem odd Kate but to me it just proof positive Mickie is where he should be...little boys can't help it and they need us to take care of them...they never stop being our little boys Kate." Kate is not completely converted, "Well Mickie here is my little boy and we have to start making changes somewhere...I think I can work on improving him with my mom's help...It is just too gross to be so cute." Kate wrinkles her nose. I feel like I could cry I have been brought so low. Stacey adds with a kindly look in her eye to me, "Not really cute Kate, but a fact of life and at least today convinent as I need a sample for the study." She then takes her sample uses some wipes to clean me up and pronounces, "There clean as a baby's bottom." as she pats mine. Kate, "Much better and this little guy is going to stay that way if I have anything say about it." Stacey laughs, "Good luck with that Kate...Good luck." Stacey turning back to business, "I have rectal thermometer here Mickie." I am going to push this inside you with some lubbercation on it to make it go in easier. It is not too big so it can't really hurt you but I would like to teach you to make it easier for you to take things up your anus, as it will be part of future exams in your life and this might be the best thing I can teach you today." Stacey is actually talking to me and wants to teach me something. She isn't just grossed out by my poorly clean bottom...this makes me feel better. I mean it seems odd what she want to teach me but really since most of the time I have been just a piece of meat for other to learn I am all ears. I try to recover myself, "Thanks, um what do I need to do?" "You need to learn to relax and not fight it as I go to stick this in you. Lets practice." Stacey begins. She places the thermometer near my bottom. It immediately puckers up. Stacey places a calming warm hands on my bottom and tells me to relax, to relax my hole so that it can go in more easily. I try, she tells me I am doing good. Apparently she can actually see my hole relax and tighten. She push it in. My hole fights it without even me trying but it still slides in any way. Stacey pulls it back and praises me but says I can do better still. She them massages my hole with her creamy finger. I am amazed how wonderful this feels. I have certainly played with my penis, I mean I am a teen boy, but not my ass. It felt great. Stacey slips her finger in and touches something inside my whole body shivers. Kate giggles and asks, "Did Mickie cum?" as she rubs her hand on my penis head and slicks up my whole tip and her fingers. Stacey laughs, "No not yet that's pre-cum but if we keep this up he will. Kate come here and try this." I am in a daze of bliss and not thinking strait at this point. Next thing I know Kate's finger is in me and Stacey is massaging my dick and balls. I explode my mind is numb, it was so much better than any jerking off I had done in my short career. My memory is fuzzy at this point but I do remember Kate saying something about that being, "Way cool." I remember Kate leaving for a moment to go get something and Stacey coming around to hold my face with her two hands. She kisses me on the forehead and tells me I was doing wonderful with a big kind smile. I look Stacey in the eyes and can't help but say, "I love you Stacey." Stacey kisses me on the lips. It wasn't an open mouth one but it was a lingering touch of the lips. I felt myself getting a little hard again. Kate returned with some warm water and wash clothes. They start to wash me up and I actually drifted off to sleep at this point. I don't know for how long. I woke up to the sound of an electronic beep with a great big smile on my face I didn't open my eyes at first. I feel a hand on my shoulder, with eyes closed I assume it is Stacey's and I am right she adds, "Be still we are almost done with the photographs.My dull mind wakes up quicker. Photographs! I open my eyes to see a camera mounted above me on some sort of metal frame. It is pointed at my penis and Kate snaps another shot. 'Beep beep' the camera records another shot. I attempt to get up when I realize I am loosely being held in place by straps. Stacey in a more authoritative tone tells me to lie still and she will let me up in just a minute. Before I can ask what is going on, in walks Ms. Karens and Ms. Chomsky. Stacey goes over to greet them and brings paperwork over to show them. Kate comes over and quietly strokes my cheek and tells me to lie still it was all OK. I felt trapped with the straps and by the situation what could I do but lie there and listen? Stacey summarized what samples she had taken and what tests she had performed. Ms. Chomsky told Stacey excellent and through work. Stacey then really surprised me by pulling out a CD and saying they had videoed the testing and perhaps it could used for the training manual. Ms. Chomsky grasps Stacey shoulder and walks over to me and Kate. She then tells Stacey she wishes they could use the video because she is sure Stacey did a great job, having talked to Dr. Tina. Stacey is beaming with pride. I am so mixed up, I feel so happy for Stacey but a video of me naked in some training manual isn't an idea I happy to hear about. I was a little panicked by the thought. I mean I didn't know they were even videoing me. It made sense now with the window to the next room and the way the two of them stood so as to not block the window. I never caught on until now what a fool I am. Thankfully I kept my mouth shut because Ms. Chomsky saved me, "Unfortunately Stacey for the purpose of the training video it would be best if we used a younger model to avoid any scruples others might have. She gives the video to Kate and says we won't need this so it is yours or more properly your mothers to do with as you wish. Thank you for allowing us to have this day to learn and do some research." Kate takes the video, "Your welcome and it was really our pleasure. I think we all learned a lot today." Stacey went on to explain the camera and how she thought I might be a good candidate for some skin study. Ms. Chomsky asked Stacey which specimen was in each circle. It was then that I looked down and realized that I had five circles drawn on my lower stomach, I mean below my belly button and above my penis. The camera was actually directed at them. Dr. Chomsky asked Ms Karens for a plague card. As Stacey explained what was in each circle. Ms. Chomsky wrote on the card. When she was done she tried to place the card over my penis. It clearly had the information explaining each circle. It wasn't laying right with my penis in the way. Ms. Chomsky asked me to spread my legs and lift my bottom, she then takes my whole penis and balls and tucks them behind me. Card rest easily over my private area and Ms. Chomsky notes that they could retake the photos better now. Ms. Chomsky does this and then questions Stacey about whether I will really be a good candidate for the study. Stacey explains that I am ideal because I am a freshman at the high school. Ms. Chomsky looks at me and seems to notice me for the first time. I don't know if he is mature enough to be trusted to use only the mild soap on this area. Younger kids have their parent and older students realize the importance of good data. Ms. Karens asserts my maturity and my cooperative nature and my dedication to science. Thank you Ms. Karens! I also chime in that I will follow the rules of the study. Kate also chimes in that she can over see me at home. Ms. Chomsky seems more open but them questions the location of the test circles. Apparently they are usually done higher on the stomach. Stacey defends her location as less embarrassing for me as a high school student. I will sometimes be expected to play "skins and shirts" in gym. I had to admit Stacey made a point I wasn't thrilled with the test circles location which I now knew where testing for various makeup formulas but I would rather the other boys at school not be able to see me with makeup on my stomach. Ms. Chomsky said maybe so and noted it would be good to have at least on test subject so close at hand right in the high school but she questioned that the elastic from my underwear would skew the results. Ms. Karens asked Kate to get my underwear. Kate reached down into a bag and hands Ms. Karens my white underwear, I hadn't seen those since this morning and the little blue panties I had been wearing. Ms Karens hold up each pair. The white ones will be no good. Ms Chomsky raises an eye brow about the second pair of little boy's underwear. Ms. Karens says it is a long story she can explain later. I am allowed to standup. Kate and Stacey help me to my feet I am little unsteady. Ms Karens and Ms Chomsky actually help me put the light blue panties on and step back. Ms. Chomsky nods and begrudgingly agrees I could be an excellent candidate as long as he can be trust to follow the rules of the study. Ms. Chomsky stares me down for the first time. I try to bravely look her back and assure her that I would do what was needed and that I would not let her down. She says that time will tell, perhaps some freshman can be trusted with enough oversight. He will be your responsibility she tells Stacey and then to my surprise also looks over and gives Kate a nod. Both of them assure her they will do their apart. She looks at me and then says, "no tighty whities for your for the next semester," As she holds up my underwear. I respond, "Yes Ma'am but I don't have anymore like these." I point to the light blue panties I am wearing. Ms. Karens offers to help. She will take me to get some right after school today before your mom picks me from her place. Ms. Chomsky tells Ms Karens to come with her and she will give her research money to pay for the underwear. Ms. Chomsky tells Stacey good work and to hurry up with the photos as they need to leave soon. Ms. Chomsky looks at me as if to size me up one last time and tells me this is my chance to prove myself a real scholar. I promise I will do my best. As they leave we all so excited. Stacey calms us down and takes charge. Kate takes off my panties and they both help me lay down and Stacey helps me tuck myself underneath. Her touch is less mechanical than Ms. Chomsky and seems to linger on me with care. She feels me harden and smiles, I think she meant to do that. Then she forces me legs closed with my erection held down. Stacey then places the card over my private area and Kate snaps away. I sort of have a moment to myself as they focus on each circle and do close-ups. I realize that this has been the most humiliating day of my life but also first time I have felt hopeful for a long time. I have a chance to prove myself to Ms. Chomsky, I have a friend in high school. Dare I hope maybe something more than a friend. I even feel closer to my sister. So much is looking up if only I don't think about the humiliation. What kind of underwear would Ms. Karens and my sister help me find? What would I have to put up with at school for this research? What would my sister have me put up with at home? Somehow I don't think I will like the answers. Kate and Stacey finish the shots. They help me up and Stacey gives Kate a hug good bye. Kate goes to get her books and apparently my clothes which were found I am not told when or how. Stacey and I are left alone one last time for the day. Stacey give me a big smile and warm hug with my erection trapped against her. As she pulls away and talks to me she holds my cock and talks so sweetly. She thanks me for being great today and is sure we will have a great semester together. I can't thank her and tell she is great too. She bends down to help me put on my blue panties again. While she is down there she takes me fully in her mouth and sucks. It feels so incredible she pulls away and slides up panties. My little is glistening out of the top. We are holding hands looking at each other when Kate comes back. One final hug and a kiss on the check and Stacey is gone. She did get a yes from Kate that Kate would live up to some promise. I was never told what that promise was and I was more than a little afraid to ask. Dressed again Kate and I help straighten up, the high schoolers had done a lot while we were doing our research. Soon we are driving away with Ms. Karens. Today I feel like I have actually graduated from the elementary school, finally.