INDIAN'S REVENGE Part Five (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)
Copyright January 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story
"Cowboys & Indians." To familiarize themselves with the
plot and principle characters, readers may wish to re-read
the previous chapters at
INDIAN'S REVENGE Part Five (end)
BY: Hooked6
Upon Eddie's arrival at home Mrs. Tasgar was surprised to see her son still naked. "So you were serious about making sure he continued to be punished?" she asked looking Eddie over with a half grin. "I'm glad. Maybe it taught him a lesson."
"Well, Helen, I told you I would. I gave you my word and I meant it." Aunt Polly replied.
"You kept him naked the whole time?" Mrs. Tasgar asked just to be sure she understood.
"Yep. Even took him to the movies last night."
"Did he behave himself?" Mrs. Tasgar inquired with a chuckle.
"He had his moments, but I think he's coming around."
"Well I thank you for keeping him. I was just so angry and disappointed at his behavior yesterday. I appreciate your assistance during this awkward time." Mrs. Tasgar said as she ushered her son into the house. Eddie was glad to once again be indoors and, after hearing how calm his mother seemed to be, was hoping all this would soon come to an end. Aunt Polly and her daughters soon departed which left Eddie alone with his mom in the front room.
"Well Eddie? What are you waiting for? The corner is over there." His mother said pointing to the spot where Eddie started this whole ordeal.
Eddie looked surprised. His mother continued, "Surely you didn't think you were going to get off that easy, did you? I want your punishment to make a lasting impression on you. No son of mine is going to grow up a pervert. Not if I have anything to do with it. Now march yourself over there. You know what to do."
Eddie was shocked and disappointed but he complied with his mother's wishes.
After about an hour of standing in the corner with his hands on top of his head, Eddie heard the doorbell. Mrs. Tasgar went to answer it and found Patti and Traci standing on the porch. "Hello," she said to the girls.
"Is Eddie home? Patti asked. "We'd like to see him if he is."
Mrs. Tasgar's first thought was to send them away as she didn't want her son playing while being punished. But then she realized that having Eddie talk to them while naked would certainly be humiliating and just might seal that lasting impression she wanted to make.
"Well girls. Eddie is being punished for something he did. He can't go out and play." She then raised her voice a bit for dramatic effect and continued, "But you can talk to him if you'd like IF you don't mind seeing him NAKED!" she added, with emphasis on the word "naked." She intended her words to embarrass her son. Little did she know all that had transpired between her son and the girls over the last few days.
Not wanting to tip Eddie's mom off that they had already seen him nude, Patti said "OH MY! He must have done something really bad!"
"I'll let him explain it to you. Won't you come in girls?" Mrs. Tasgar said with a smile leading them to her son. "Eddie, you have guests! You can visit with your friends for a while but then it's back to the corner with you."
"Yes mom," Eddie said softly. With that Mrs. Tasgar left the room confident that she had scored a major victory.
"Eddie!" Patti giggled quietly. "What happened?"
Eddie proceeded to explain the whole thing to them about how his mother saw him streak the dance and the punishments his aunt made him do. The girls listened intently feeling sorry for him. When he was through, Traci spoke up and said, "Well, that explains why you weren't in the woods yesterday."
"Huh?" Eddie remarked. The girls then told him what happened to them in the woods at the hands of Andrew and how they were tricked by Kelli into believing Eddie was going to get even for what had happened at the dance. After giving him all the details, Patti asked, "How'd you REALLY like to get back at our tormentors, Andrew and Kelli?"
"MAN WOULD I EVER!" Eddie said excitedly. The three of them discussed possibilities for revenge. Eddie didn't have any trouble coming up with ideas. He knew exactly what he wanted to do. The three of them talked it over and finally agreed on what to do. At last they had a plan. Everyone felt good about the whole situation until Mrs. Tasgar returned.
"Girls I hate to interrupt but Eddie is being punished after all." Mrs. Tasgar said.
"That's OK, ma'am." Traci replied politely. "We understand. We were just leaving."
"Before you go, I'd like to know if Eddie told you about why he's being punished?" Mrs. Tasgar asked.
"Yes, ma'am," Traci said. "He told us everything."
"Well?" Eddie's mom asked.
The girls looked at each other a bit bewildered. "Well, what ma'am?" Traci finally asked.
"What do you think?" Mrs. Tasgar inquired again.
"I think that . . . well . . . knowing Eddie, there's probably more to the story than we know. I'm sure he's not, you know, a pervert or anything." Traci said blushing a bit as she tried to defend her boyfriend without getting him into trouble.
"No, no, no," Mrs. Tasgar said. "I mean what do you think about that?" Just then she pointed directly at her son's penis causing Eddie to feel faint. He was stunned that his own mother would ask such a thing to classmates of his! "Do you girls think that a boy his age should be proud of THAT proud enough so that he'd run around showing it off in public?" Mrs. Tasgar was aware of how cruel her question must have seemed but she was equally sure she had to make a point drive home the fact that her son shouldn't try and impress the ladies by being an exhibitionist.
Both girls blushed terribly at her question all the while feeling compelled to stare at Eddie's boyhood. Patti sensing Traci was about to rise to her friend's defense again quickly spoke up saying what she thought Mrs. Tasgar wanted to hear. "I think that Eddie doesn't have anything down there to brag about." She said smugly and then grabbed Traci's arm and led her toward the door. "We'll be going now. See you at school tomorrow, Eddie."
Once outside Traci chastised Patti. "Why did you say such a mean thing? Don't you realize how hurtful that was?"
"Of course I do," Patti said. "But if I didn't say that his mom would have only made it worse for him so I cut the conversation short. And if you had said what I thought you were going to say she would have been all over you as if you were the cause of all this mess. She would have assumed YOU were the one he was trying to impress. Why, you would have never been allowed to see him ever again. Is that what you want?"
"Gee, I didn't think about that," Traci said. "Thanks for covering for me."
Eddie spent the rest of Sunday naked, much of the time standing in the corner. Later, doing routine chores around his house in the nude was very awkward for him. The next day Eddie got up from bed and took his shower as usual. Upon returning to his room he found his mother standing next to his dresser. "I should insist that you go to school naked since you obviously like exposing yourself to the students there so much."
"BUT MOM!" Eddie protested.
"Well, I guess you've learned your lesson. You can get dressed. BUT if I so much as hear about you doing anything even remotely as foolish as what you did at the dance last Friday, you'll be naked until your 18th birthday! I mean every word too! Understand?" she said angrily.
"Yes ma'am," Eddie replied meekly.
Eddie couldn't wait to get to school. He met up with Patti and Traci in the hallway before classes started. "Is everything ready?" he asked Patti.
"As far as I can tell," she replied. "Both Andrew and Kelli are here today. I saw the two of them a few minutes ago."
Eddie smiled. "You all know what to do. You guys go through with your part and I'll make doubly sure I accomplish mine."
"Don't worry," Traci chimed in. "After what they did to me, I've been ready to do this since Saturday!"
About half way through his first class, Eddie asked permission to use the bathroom. He told his teacher he had a bad case of diarrhea and apologized in advance in case he was gone a while. His teacher was sympathetic as an intestinal bug had indeed been going around the school. Why even the loudmouth Mary at the drive-in knew about it. His teacher gave him a hall pass and proceeded with her lecture.
Eddie wasted no time in making his way to the gym. If he
timed it right he'd get there before Andrew took his shower.
Upon reaching the empty locker room he took up his position
in the equipment room and waited.
As usual, Andrew was the last person to arrive and took his
time joking with his classmates. He was never in a hurry to
do anything and didn't care a bit if he was tardy for his
next class. As far as Andrew was concerned school was a
waste of time anyway. At least gym class was fun so he
tended to prolong it as long as he could before having to
return to the tedium of regular school work.
By the time most of the others had finished their showers and left, Andrew was just getting undressed. Eddie prayed that Andrew's normal ritual that he had observed all last year was unchanged. Sure enough, he tossed his clothes on the bench and rounded the corner and headed for the showers.
Eddie quietly sneaked up to Andrew's clothes and picked them up along with everything else in his locker. Eddie carefully made sure there were no stray towels lying about and then headed for the laundry shoot and tossed everything he had down the shoot sending it to the basement hamper. Eddie returned to the equipment room and locked it as well so that there were no available towels for Andrew to use.
Meanwhile, Patti and Traci had also gotten out of their class and made their way to the gym. Showers were optional for girls and only a few students actually took them. Most girls simply got dressed after gym class and left. Patti, however, knew that Kelli was the prissy type and always HAD to look her best. Though shy, she was mortified if even her hair was out of place she cared THAT much about what people thought of her.
While Kelli was showering, Patti put all of Kelli's clothes into her locker and replaced the lock with one of her own and locked it. The girls then waited until Kelli was out of the shower and was drying off and then pounced on her taking her towel away and leaving her naked and dripping wet. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Kelli shouted.
"Just payback time!" Traci answered as she dangled the towel teasingly in front of her victim. "Let's see how YOU like being naked for a while."
"I'll just get my clothes out of my locker," Kelli said flippantly.
"Go ahead . . . IF you can," Traci snickered.
"What do you mean?" Kelli asked nervously.
"We changed your lock with one of ours and your stuff is all locked up." Traci said plainly.
"And now we are going to throw you outside and lock the door. Classes will be changing soon so EVERYONE will see your naked ass! How about that for a payback?" Patti asked sarcastically.
Kelli looked at the two girls for a moment. Not only was she outnumbered but they were both bigger than she was. "You wouldn't REALLY do that, would you?"
"Hell yes we would," Patti said.
Starting to panic, Kelli tried to think of a way out. "You'll get in trouble. I'll tell!" Kelli said.
"So what! We don't care. It will be worth it. We might just get detention, but YOU'LL be seen by the entire school!" Patti replied confidently.
Fear overtook Kelli and she began to beg. "Please don't! I'm really sorry. It was all Andrew's fault! HONEST! There must be something I could do to make it up to you?"
"Make it up to us?" Patti yelled. "After you spread pictures of us naked and kissing all over the place, I don't think so!"
"I didn't spread them. I didn't send them to anyone! Honest! They're all in my camera phone." Kelli pleaded.
"Prove it!" Traci demanded.
"My phone is with my stuff in my locker. You can have it if you want. Just give me back my clothes!"
"You mean THIS phone?" Patti asked as she menacingly dangled the phone in front of Kelli. "I've already deleted all the pictures in it." She then began taking several pictures of Kelli as she desperately tried to cover herself. "Hey, this is fun!" Patti teased.
Traci, remembering the plan, spoke up, "Patti I think she's really sorry and she didn't send any pictures out. Maybe we should just call it even." Kelli's eyes widened as she saw a possibility that she would be spared total humiliation. The girls continued to discuss it.
While this was going on, Eddie was secretly busy taking pictures of Andrew as he showered with a digital camera he had borrowed. When the memory card was full Eddie decided it was time. He made his way to the door and shouted playfully, "OH ANDREW!"
Andrew looked up and saw Eddie taunting him with the camera. He was furious! "WHY, YOU LITTLE TWERP!" Andrew called out and started running toward Eddie to get the camera. Eddie just opened the door and stepped into the hallway knowing Andrew would not follow him there.
"Just wait until I spread these around school," Eddie said playfully.
"Get your sorry ass back in here!" Andrew shouted.
"Why don't you come and get me . . . oh wait, you CAN'T! I hid all your clothes and locked up all the towels! Too bad, huh?" Eddie teased.
"Give me back my clothes! Where did you hide them?" said an angry Andrew.
"They are in the girl's locker room. If you are brave enough to go and get them. You had better hurry though. Right now there's no one in there but soon the bell will ring and classes will be changing!" Eddie said with a laugh and took off running.
Back in the girl's locker room, Traci and Patti were still pretending to debate Kelli's fate. "I guess we could make a compromise," Patti reluctantly said.
"ANYTHING! Anything you want." Kelli pleaded.
"I suppose we could give the key to Andrew. I saw him in the hall. We could send him in here with it." Patti said thoughtfully.
"But . . . he'd see me NAKED!" Kelli said fearfully.
"Better him than the whole school!" Traci said. "What's it going to be?"
"Send him in. I'll let him see me naked if that's what you want. I won't even cover up. I guess I owe you that much. But after that, we are even OK?" Kelli said reluctantly. "I mean you erased all the pictures so we're even . . . right?"
"Fine. Just wait here with your hands on top of your head. I'll send him in and this whole thing will be over before you know it." Patti instructed as both girls then ran out of the locker room. They made it out just in time to see a VERY embarrassed Andrew sneaking about the hallway, covering himself as best he could. He was headed in their direction. When he saw the girls he froze.
Patti spoke up, "Don't worry Andrew, Kelli has what you want right inside here."
"KELLI!" Andrew yelled in a whisper. "She'll see me naked!"
"Better her than the whole school, eh Andrew?" Traci said sarcastically.
They watched with amusement as he opened the door and quietly yelled, "Kelli . . . Are you in there?"
They heard her answer, "Yes. Get in here quick!" Andrew swallowed hard and went inside.
No sooner had the door closed than the bell rang and students were everywhere. Hoards of girls began entering the locker room to get ready for the next gym class. One by one Patti, Traci and Eddie heard them scream, then laugh! "Imagine, Andrew and Kelli caught naked in the locker room!" Eddie said with glee.
As they turned and started running away to leave, they came face to face with Ms. Brooks, the teacher whose doorbell Eddie rang while he was naked searching for a newspaper for Aunt Polly!
"Eddie Tasgar! Just the person I was looking for. What's this I hear about you being naked at the school dance? And why did you come over to my house naked the other day then run away! What is going on here!" she asked very authoritatively.
"It wasn't his fault," Traci spoke up in his defense. "It was my brother, Andrew! He stripped Eddie naked at the dance and tied him up under the bleachers and made other students look at him! HE was responsible for Eddie being naked again Saturday, too! He's been acting very weird lately! I think something's wrong with him."
"Is that true, Eddie?" Ms. Brooks asked skeptically. "Did Andrew really tie you up at the dance and strip you?"
"Yes, ma'am. He really did. Lots of students saw me. You can ask around. You'll see. I'm telling the truth." Eddie said sincerely.
Just then another scream was heard coming from the girl's locker room. "What's going on?!" Ms. Brooks asked bewilderedly.
"That's my brother again." Traci replied. "He went into the girl's locker room naked as the day he was born. I guess to hassle the girls. When I left, he had poor Kelli cornered as she came out of the showers. We were running to get help when you came along. You had better get in there fast!"
"IS THAT SO!" Ms. Brooks said disgustedly. "I'll put a stop to that this instant!" She then marched hurriedly into the locker room. She found things just as Traci had said. There was Andrew naked as the day he was born huddling with an embarrassed and also naked Kelli.
"ANDREW STEVEN JONES! Just what in the hell are you doing?!!" They heard her scream from clear outside in the hallway.
"I guess things went as planned!" Patti said with satisfaction.
"Maybe Andrew will get put into a Nudie Juvie Program after all is said and done!" Traci mused.
"We can only hope," Eddie said. "We can only hope. Besides, I've got plenty of pictures if he decides to make trouble for us!"