INDIAN'S REVENGE Part Three (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)
Copyright January 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story
"Cowboys & Indians." To familiarize themselves with the
plot and principle characters, readers may wish to re-read
the previous chapters at
BY: Hooked6
Eddie was still sporting an erection when they arrived at Aunt Polly's house. The short drive in the car was embarrassing for him as the two girls sat on either side of him in the back seat getting an up close and personal view of Eddie's goods.
Once inside the house Aunt Polly made him stand in the center of the room. Everyone was silent. She looked directly at Eddie's erect penis and then at Eddie, then back at his penis again. Her actions sent a shiver up his spine. "Eddie, we need to talk."
"Yes ma'am," Eddie said politely, his voice shaking a bit from fear.
"You see, I want to help you. In order to do that, I am going to need you to be perfectly honest with me. No bullshit. Just the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is for you. Understood?" Polly asked with a certain kindness in her voice.
"Yes, ma'am," Eddie said again softly.
"Do you like getting your ass whipped?" she asked directly.
"NO! . . . I mean no ma'am," He responded.
"I told your mother that you are going to continue to get punished and I intend on keeping my promise to her," Polly said as she picked up a hairbrush off the table. Eddie's eyes got wide. His butt was still very sore, hot and tender from his spanking earlier. He didn't think he could endure another round of pain.
"We can do this two ways. I and the girls can beat your behind every hour on the hour until I take you home tomorrow OR . . ." she stopped short.
"Or?" Eddie asked meekly.
"Or you can prove to me that you have learned your lesson by being on your BEST behavior and doing absolutely EVERYTHING either I or my girls tell you to do until you return home. Mind you, we are not changing our plans just to suit you and you are still under punishment as you can plainly see. BUT, if you show us the respect and deference we deserve you won't get whipped. If you fail, you wish you hadn't, because that beating your mother gave you is NOTHING compared to what I'm capable of doing! Now, which will it be?" she asked sternly.
"I'll be good," Eddie said sincerely.
"All right, I believe you. Remember, you only get ONE chance at this. ONE CHANCE! Any back talk, complaining, or whining and it'll be the strap for you, understood?" she asked. Eddie nodded.
"Good. Now I have some work I need to do today and I want you to go next door and ask whoever answers if I can borrow today's paper. I need to check and see if my ad ran today. If they don't have a copy then you'll go to the next house and ask whoever answers there if they have a paper I can borrow. Whatever you do, DON'T come back without one. I really need that paper, OK?" Polly asked nicely.
Eddie nodded his head again and was hoping that Aunt Polly wasn't really going to make him walk next door like this. He was relieved when he saw his aunt turn to go toward the bedroom, probably to get him something to wear, Eddie thought. But his hopes were dashed when she said, "Oh and if anyone asks why you are naked, just turn around and show them your red butt and tell them you are being punished. If they ask why, be sure and tell them and you had better tell the truth. I'll find out if you don't." With that she disappeared.
The girls giggled as Eddie went to the front door and opened it. Looking at the girls staring at him reinforced the arousal he already had. He took a deep breath and went outside and shut the door behind him. He thought about covering himself as he walked but thought that he had better not since his aunt didn't specifically say he could. He dared not risk her wrath. Besides, he knew if he touched himself he would surely explode sending sticky goo everywhere.
Back at the house Kim said to her mother, "Mom, Why did you send Eddie next door for a paper? You know our paper boy has been sick the last two days and nobody got a paper delivered today." Tina then started laughing too.
"Never you mind, dear," Aunt Polly said with a smile. "Don't you two have some chores to do?"
Eddie nervously approached the door of the neighboring house and rang the bell. His heart was beating faster and faster. No answer. He rang again and then heard some footsteps from inside heading toward the door.
The door opened and a young lady of about 25 years old looked down at the naked boy before her. "Oh . . . my goodness!" she said as she looked Eddie over. "What's the matter little boy" she asked very sympathetically while looking down at Eddie's erect penis.
Despite her little boy comment, Eddie felt the tension building between them and the tone of the lady's voice made him feel all the more aroused. His penis strained under the pressure as he realized that she was still looking not at his face but at his privates! "Excuse me ma'am," Eddie finally got the courage to say, "but my Aunt Polly would like to borrow today's newspaper, if that would be OK." Eddie said very politely.
"Oh . . . um" the lady said half distracted then finally looking up and gazing into Eddie's eyes continued, "I don't subscribe to the paper, sorry." She then bent down towards Eddie and asked him in a serious voice, "Son, why are you naked standing here like that on my porch?"
Eddie knew what she meant when she said "like that" and felt a tingle shoot up his back. There was no doubt in Eddie's mind now that she had indeed noticed his arousal and it made him feel very embarrassed. He recalled his aunt's specific instructions and responded meekly," I'm, ah, being punished."
The lady giggled and in disbelief asked, "And just what are you being punished for?"
Eddie dropped his head and looked at the ground and mumbled, "I got naked and streaked the school dance yesterday."
"I see," the lady said in a maternal tone of disapproval. She then began to distrust his entire story thinking that maybe he was just being a pervert by standing on her porch showing himself for the fun of it.
"Young man, I don't believe you even have an aunt. I think you're doing this just for a cheap thrill! Why I ought to give you a whipping myself!" the lady said sternly.
"Oh yes ma'am I DO have an aunt. It's your neighbor, Polly Hinson! She really did send me here for the paper and I am too being punished, see?" Eddie said desperately and then turned around to show the lady his reddened behind.
The lady finally chuckled as she could plainly see the boy had been recently spanked quite soundly. "THAT must have hurt. I hope you have learned your lesson, young man." She said. Then, after standing up said, "I think you had better run along now."
"Yes ma'am," Eddie said with relief as he turned toward the street. He let out a sigh of relief as he heard the door close. "Why can't this thing just go down!" Eddie said of his erection. He was sure that if it didn't he was going to get into a world of trouble at the next house. Try as he might to make it relax, it stayed upright as if it were staring at him. The whole situation was too erotic for him.
He finally resigned himself to just continuing on to the next house hoping to just get it over with. The sooner he got a paper the sooner he could get back inside.
He knocked at the next door and a little girl of maybe 8 years old answered. She giggled at seeing Eddie. "Hello. What's your name?" She asked innocently as she looked at him.
"Eddie," he answered nervously and then asked, "Is your mom home?"
The little girl didn't hesitate and just shouted inside the house at the top of her lungs, "MOM! THERE'S A BOY OUT HERE TO SEE YOU!"
A feminine voice replied from somewhere inside the house, "I can't come right now, I'm busy. Just show him inside, please."
The little girl took hold of Eddie's hand and gently tugged at it. "Come on," the little girl said. "I'll take you to my mom."
Though it was against his better judgment, Eddie found himself following the little girl. As they moved along Eddie heard voices. Lots of voices all FEMALE voices! As they rounded the corner everyone stopped talking at once. The sudden silence made Eddie's heart jump. There sitting around a table in front of him were SIX ladies of varying ages from early twenties to the late forties. They were ALL looking Eddie up and down.
An older lady was the first to chuckle and remark, "Oh look at the charming little boy! Dina, is this one of your little playmates?"
The young girl spoke up, "This is Eddie."
"Nice to SEE you, Eddie," the older lady said with another chuckle. She was plainly looking right at Eddie's penis. Eddie just stood there silently somewhat overcome by being amongst a crowd of women all looking at his naked body. Another girl spoke up and said, "Aw, he's shy! Look he's blushing." To which the older lady replied, "Maybe so but I think he's GLAD to be here!" At that all the ladies began laughing in earnest.
Dina's mother finally stood up and being quite concerned asked, "What's wrong little boy? Do you need help?" Eddie wished they would stop calling him "little.'
Coming quickly to his senses he replied, "No, I'm OK. Ah, my aunt Polly wants to know if she can borrow today's newspaper."
Dina's mother got a puzzled look on her face." I don't understand. If you're OK, then why are you naked?"
Eddie remembered how badly things turned out when he tried to explain the last time, so he decided to try a slightly different approach. "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't get anyone upset but, I'm being punished, see?" He then quickly turned around and showed everyone his hind end.
"I see . . ." said Dina's mother. "Well, I guess you're still being punished by being kept naked, is that it?"
"Yes ma'am. Really sorry about . . . you know," Eddie said as he looked down at his still erect penis.
Another woman in the room spoke up and said, "Pretty ingenious I'd say. I'm sure he won't soon forget THIS discipline! I'll have to remember that with my boys if they ever really piss me off someday. Must have been pretty hard, I mean difficult, for you to come in here like that, eh, boy?"
"Yes ma'am. It's very humiliating." Eddie said sincerely.
Another woman spoke up, "I often make my sons do naked 'corner time' after they get spanked. It humbles them, makes them realize that they aren't really in control. It works. You all should try it sometime." Many others nodded their heads in agreement.
Dina's mother then said, "I'm sorry little boy, but I don't have a newspaper."
"Mom," little Dina asked, "Why is his wiener like that?"
"Never mind, dear, I'll explain later." Her mother said as Eddie turned to leave.
"Thanks anyway," Eddie said as he left the room.
Once outside Eddie let out a sigh of relief. "That went better," he thought. He couldn't believe how many women had just seen him naked! Some cute ones too! The pressure deep inside his pelvis was building and he needed relief. He took a deep breath a decided to try the next house. Upon reaching the porch he knocked. The worst part of all this he thought was the anticipation, the "not knowing" who was going to answer the door and what was going to happen when they did. He soon heard the familiar footsteps approaching the door.
When it opened he almost fainted! It was Ms. Brooks, one of his teachers at school!! There he was standing right in front of her naked and sporting one of the worst hard-ons he had ever had! He saw that she was looking at his penis and panicked! Before she looked up, he turned and ran away as fast as he could with out looking back! He just ran. Eventually he stopped behind some bushes down the road to catch his breath. "STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!" he said over and over chastising himself. He tried to comfort himself by hoping that she might have been so taken aback at the sight of the naked penis that she didn't have time to see who it really was standing on her porch! After all, they never did make eye contact! As bad as he felt, he realized that his penis was still at attention and now leaking pre-cum everywhere. The very idea that the young teacher saw him naked was very, very arousing. It had always been one of his reoccurring nightmares that he was naked in school and Ms. Brooks caught him! Now it had really happened in REAL LIFE- only this time he didn't wake up in the comfort of his own bed!
He thought about just going back to Aunt Polly's but his rear end was still sore from the whipping his mother had given him and decided that he'd try once more to get that paper.
He eventually forced himself to get up and head for the next house. Upon ringing the doorbell he looked around just to be sure his teacher hadn't followed him down the street. Much to his relief he discovered that she was nowhere to be seen.
"What the hell?" said the teenage boy who answered the door. It was Bob, a senior from Eddie's school. "What on EARTH are you doing out here like that, boner boy?"
"Look I really don't want to explain just now," Eddie said growing weary of his humiliation. "Do you have today's newspaper?"
"No, as a matter of fact I don't, why? Do you need it to cover yourself?" The boy said jokingly.
"My aunt Polly sent me out for a newspaper and I can't come back without one," Eddie explained.
"Gee pal, you're screwed," Bob replied still giggling. "Nobody got a paper delivered today. The paperboy has been sick."
"DAMN!" Eddie exclaimed. "Now what am I to do?"
"What the hell happened anyway? I know you didn't come up here just to show me THAT teeny thing! Did some boys pants you or something?" Bob asked while smiling from ear to ear. "You're a freshman, right? That always happens to freshman. It happened to me when I was a freshman. I really hated it too, although I didn't go around with a woody showing it to everybody at the time." Bob, although sympathetic to Eddie's plight was actually enjoying the situation.
"Something like that happened, yeah," Eddie said hoping he wouldn't have to tell him what was really going on. "And I can't help the stiffy so leave me alone."
"Tough luck, kid. I just hope no girls see you like that. They'd make fun of you all year! They can be pretty cruel." Bob said, having no idea of what had already occurred with Eddie.
"What I really need is a newspaper," Eddie lamented.
"I guess I could go and buy you one at the store," Ed offered reluctantly.
"GREAT!" Eddie shouted finally glad to see an end to his predicament.
"Wanna come?" Bob asked.
"Ride in your car naked to the store? Ah, thanks but no thanks. I'll just wait here if that's OK?" Eddie said.
Bob then went inside to get his wallet and when he returned said, "You should be OK out here. I'd let you inside, but nobody's home. You understand." Eddie nodded his head and the older boy took off for the store. Finally this ordeal was about to end he thought. He just needed to get the paper, make a quick run past his teacher's house and then on to his aunt's.
Many minutes passed. Eddie wasn't sure how long it was supposed to take just to drive down to the store and back. Being naked and aroused, however, even seconds seemed like an eternity.
Eddie finally saw Bob's car returning. He was in such a hurry to get the paper that he left the porch and went down to the street to meet him. As the car pulled up in front of the house, Eddie almost fainted. The car was literally filled with people from school! Two girls from his class, two older girls Bob's age and another senior guy he didn't know! "I ran into some friends of mine at the store. I told them there was a naked guy at my house and they insisted on coming to meet you!" Bob said laughing out loud. "Sorry dude!"
As Bob dangled the paper out the window teasing Eddie with it, everyone else got out of the car and surrounded Eddie.
"Gee, you weren't lying, Bob. He's naked alright!" said one girl.
"Bob, you didn't tell us he was like 9 years old though," said another older girl!
"He's not 9!" said the girl from Eddie's class. "That's Eddie Tasgar. He's 14 years old! He's in my grade at school! Everyone just broke out in hysterical laughter at hearing how old he really was.
The older boy joined in, "Hey girls, maybe we should measure him! I'll bet he's not even 4 inches erect!"
"Aw, he's bigger than that," said the girl from Eddie's class.
"Let's find out!" the boy said and the crowd moved in closer. Eddie didn't now how big he really was and he wasn't going to wait around to find out. He quickly snatched the paper out of Bob's hands and took off running as fast as he could as the others just laughed. He could hear them cracking up in the distance as he passed his teacher's house. There was no telling what they were saying about him but he could imagine all sorts of crude comments. At least he finally got the newspaper, he thought. He walked the rest of the way. The warmth of the sun against his naked flesh tingled his senses and his erection was once again reinforced. Pre-cum was openly dribbling down his shaft. Despite everything, he couldn't get over the intense feelings he was having.
Upon arriving at Aunt Polly's, he began to get embarrassed
once more at his state. She opened the door for him as she
had seen him approaching.
"You were able to get my paper, I see. Thank you," she said
as she led him into the front room. Eddie just stood there
as she looked him over not really being sure what he should
be doing.
She smiled at him gently and said, "I'm sure you really need
some relief right now." Eddie wondered how she knew that the
pressure to explode was so intense that he was desperate to
take care of things.
"But," she continued, "There will be none of that in my
house, understood? Now go put your nose in that corner over
there. You can tell me all about what happened while getting
my newspaper later on."
The torture of it all, he thought. It was just cruel to deny him some private time after all he had been through. And the stupid position having to stand with his hands on his head in the corner was very humiliating as well as physically hard on his arms!
Kim and Tina came into the room after their mother left and began watching TV. When Eddie would catch them looking at him they would quickly look back at the TV giggling the whole time. They were obviously enjoying every minute of this.
This time as he stood in the corner, all Eddie could think about was getting some relief! Suddenly he got an idea.
"Aunt Polly?" Eddie called out from the corner.
"Yes, Eddie?" she replied as she re-entered the room.
"I need to go to the bathroom," he announced. How cleaver he thought his plan was. Now I can get some relief and get rid of this stupid boner! He thought to himself.
"I understand. Of course one of the girls will have to accompany you just to be sure you don't do anything nasty in there, if you know what I mean." The girls both laughed at that. Eddie couldn't believe she said that. She couldn't be serious about having one of THEM WATCH!
"ME! Let me go!" shouted Kim.
"NO ME! I want to do it," argued Tina.
Aunt Polly being the wise one just announced, "Eddie will pick who goes. Which will it be, son?"
"Ah, that's OK. I think I can wait awhile," he said meekly.
"Suit yourself. But you might as well be comfortable, because no matter when you go, someone will have to go with you. You got yourself into this by your ridiculous behavior and I'm not going to be a party to supporting it further. No offense, but that's just the way it is!" Dejected, Eddie just resigned himself to standing in his corner.
It wasn't long however before his bladder had other ideas. He tried to hold it as long as he could, almost to the point of exploding before calling out for his aunt again. "Aunt Polly? I really have to go to the bathroom now."
"Choose one of the girls and take them with you," Aunt Polly replied from the kitchen. Eddie couldn't bear the thought of having his classmate Kim see him pee so he chose Tina and together they headed for the bathroom. Once there Eddie stood in front of the toilet and strained but nothing happened. "I can't pee with you watching me! I just can't do it."
"Why not?" Tina asked. "Are you too embarrassed?"
"No, I can't pee with it up like that," Eddie explained. "It just won't come out."
Tina smiled and teased, "Am I making it stand up like that? Is THAT what you are saying?"
"You're not helping, that's for sure!" Eddie said a bit
Tina felt good at hearing Eddie's comment. She felt she had
a certain power over him and delighted in the fact that
Eddie found her stimulating!
"Well, if you can't go with it pointing straight up, why don't you just point it down at the toilet?" Tina naively said as she put her hand around his shaft and squeezed gently as if to help him aim it. No sooner had Eddie felt her touch he exploded 6 streams of white goo one after the other. Tina gasped quietly as she felt his cock pulse with the first expulsion and her eyes widened as she saw the first shot land on her wrist. She quickly let go and watched the remaining streams land on his belly and dribble onto the floor. Tina was amazed as she had never seen such a sight! Other girls had talked about it but here she was witnessing a real boy shoot right in front of her! She felt warm all over.
Eddie was so embarrassed at doing that in front of her, but soon his penis became flaccid and he was able to relieve himself. He no sooner had finished washing up when Aunt Polly came walking down the hall towards them. Fear over took him when Aunt Polly asked, "Tina, did everything go OK? He didn't do anything nasty did he?" Eddie nervously looked at Tina and much to his surprise she answered, "No mom, He behaved himself and went to the bathroom like he said he had to."
"Good. Supper is on the table." She said as she led them into the dinning room. While they were eating Aunt Polly spoke up, "Eddie, you may recall, I told your mother that the girls and I were going to the movies tonight. There's a good picture at the drive-in that we've been wanting to see for a while and tonight's the last night. I guess you realize that you'll be coming with us just as you are."
Eddie's mouth dropped open. He did remember his aunt saying the girls were going to the movies. His mouth got very dry. The thought of going across town and sitting in the car at the drive-in on a Saturday night was horrifying! Saturday was the night all the school kids hung out there. He was sure to be seen. "The DRIVE-IN?" Eddie asked.
"Don't look so surprised," Aunt Polly said. "I can't very well take you to the indoor multiplex theatre can I? That is of course, unless you WANT me to. I'm sure most adults will probably think it's cute."
"No," Eddie mumbled. She was right. His mind raced. "Can't I just stay home? I'll stand in the corner and be a good boy, I promise!"
"No, you can't stay here alone," Aunt Polly said firmly. "I guess I could hire a teenager to watch you while we are gone. Of course she'll have to bathe you and everything, and since it's a Saturday she'll have my permission to have a friend or two or three over. I'm sure you would have a great time while we are gone for several hours. I guess if you would rather have a teenager watch over you naked like that rather that sit in the safety of my car, that'll be OK with me."
"NO!" Eddie shouted. "I . . . ah, changed my mind. I love to go to the movies. I was getting tired of that corner anyway."
"Finish up girls. You have to get ready soon." She said. Then, as an after thought, added, "I guess Eddie's already set to go."
Meanwhile Traci and Patti had made it back home after their ordeal. They both were madder than wet hens and wanted something awful to happen to Andrew. "I'll bet Eddie didn't even have a plan to get even with Andrew," Patti said angrily.
"Yeah, my stupid bother made the whole thing up. And, what about that Kelli? She's certainly no friend of mine anymore!" Traci added. "I think we both should help Eddie get revenge on not only my stupid brother but Kelli, Mark and Pat too!"
"I'm in!" Patti said. "Let's talk to Eddie about it tomorrow."