INDIAN'S REVENGE - Part Two (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story "Cowboys & Indians." To familiarize themselves with the plot and principle characters, readers may wish to re-read the previous chapters at

BY: Hooked6

That morning, while Andrew was plotting his scheme against Traci and Patti, Eddie was taking a bath when suddenly his mother burst in.

"MOM! I'm Naked!" Eddie exclaimed and quickly covered himself.

"Don't you 'mom' me young man!" His mother said sternly. "Just what's the meaning of this?"

Eddie was horrified to see his Indian headband dangling menacingly from his mother's right hand. His mom broke the silence, "I found this under your bed just now! It WAS you your father and I saw running NAKED at the school dance, WASN'T it?"

Eddie didn't know what to say. He just sat there nervously.

"ANSWER ME!" she yelled with anger. Eddie looked down and hung his head in shame. He couldn't tell her the truth. It was all too humiliating.

"Your father and I didn't raise you to be a pervert as you are soon going to find out!" his mother said as she grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him from the tub. Without so much as a towel for cover, she led him down the stairs to the front room dripping wet and naked. Eddie protested the entire way, "But mom . . . I wasn't being a pervert, HONEST!" Eddie tried his best to use his free hand to cover his penis but it was a difficult task as his mother was moving at a fast pace and kept jerking his arm as if to hurry him along.

Upon reaching the living room she spun him around so that they stood face to face. Eddie blushed deeply as it was very embarrassing to stand completely nude before his very own mother. Except for the mad dash across the parking lot at the school dance, his mother hadn't seen him like this in several years!

"But MOM . . ." Eddie protested.

"SHUT UP!" Mrs. Tasgar interrupted. "I don't want to hear any more of your lies! You stood right here in this very room yesterday and had the gall to deceive both your father and I! How disappointed I am in you!" Mrs. Tasgar shook her pointed finger directly in Eddie's face and continued, "Well young man, you are going to receive a punishment you won't soon forget. I have NEVER in all my years been so shocked at your behavior. I realize that you may THINK you're all grown up and can do what you want but I'm here to tell you that you've got another thing coming if THAT'S your attitude!" She then spun him around and pushed him over the arm of the couch. Before Eddie could comprehend what was about to happen, he felt the sharp and very painful sting of a belt landing across his backside!

"YEOWWWWW!" Eddie cried out as his pulled his butt away from the object of his pain. The water still dripping from his naked flesh enhanced the pain all the more! The stinging lasted far beyond the impact of the belt and seemed to grow in intensity long after the blow had been delivered. Eddie hadn't received a spanking from his parents in many years and though his memory was a little foggy, he couldn't remember them ever hurting this much!!

WHAP! The belt found it mark again, "MOM PLEASE!!! NO!!!" Eddie pleaded, but it was as if his words fell on deaf ears. The more he protested the harder she swung the belt. WHAP, WHAP, WHAP, the slaps kept coming. Eddie began crying quite loudly and tears ran down his face. His butt felt like it had been thrown into a raging fire – so incredible was the heat the burned deep within his skin. The more Eddie danced and tried to deflect the blows the faster and more severe his mother swung the belt. Several times she missed his ass and the strap landed on his thighs and once narrowly missed striking his balls as it wrapped around his twisted legs. Without mercy she continued and before long his butt cheeks were quivering like a newly made bowl of Jello.

Ten LONG minutes she swatted his behind as if to drive the devil himself out of his body. Finally she quit and Eddie fell forward collapsing against the couch. He was completely done in. Thank heaven's she's through, he thought as he kept crying. He didn't have long to rest however, as his mother pulled him upright and turned him around to face her.

Through his tears Eddie could see his mom looking down at his little manhood and cracking a smile that pierced Eddie's heart! How humiliating – his own mother was making fun of him.

"So THIS is what you were so proud of – what you wanted to show off to everyone at school?! HOW PITIFULL! Why who in their right mind would be impressed by that?! You pervert! So you like showing it off, huh? Well, before this week is over you're going to learn some lessons you'll NEVER forget!" Mrs. Tasgar then marched Eddie over to the corner and placed his nose right against the wall. She yanked his arms away from his burning behind and placed them on top of his head. "Now, young man,
You stay right here in this very position and THINK about what you did! And you had better not move a muscle, understand?"

Eddie nodded his head as he kept openly sobbing. Mrs. Tasgar then left him alone and returned to her housework.

Eventually the tears ceased and Eddie was left to ponder the pain and heat emanating from his backside. Some time passed and still the heat continued. Eddie's mind began to focus and his thoughts turned to more practical matters. He grew concerned that the drapes on the large front window were wide open and suddenly he became acutely aware of how exposed he was. After listening carefully to detect the location of his mother, he decided to turn his head around and sure enough he discovered that he was directly in the line of sight of anyone walking by the house. He then quickly looked the other way and was shocked to see an image of his butt in the large mirrored wall. His ass was bright red!! Tomatoes couldn't hold a candle to the coloring of his cheeks! There would be no hiding the fact of what had happened to him. Eddie knew that he had no choice but to endure his punishment. He dared not risk angering his mother further. If she ever found out what really happened he was sure to be in even worse shape than he was right now.

It was hard just to stand still, nose against the wall hands on his head. He realized just how clever his mom was by making him stand this way. Not only was it humiliating, on display naked and whipped, but it was a form of punishment that was both mentally as well as physically challenging. He wondered how long his mother was going to make him stand there with nothing to occupy his mind but thoughts of his humiliation. An hour passed, then another. Still the fire burned below.

A couple of times his mother passed through the living room on her way to the bedrooms and, upon seeing her son let out a disgusted, "Hmmmph!"
Then it came to him. His aunt Polly was supposed to come by that Saturday and surely his punishment would end soon.

Eddie then heard the sound of a car approaching. "Mom?" Eddie called out. "I think Aunt Polly's here."

"I know, son," she answered curtly.

"Can I go to my room now?" Eddie asked hoping to inspire some leniency.

"CERTAINLY NOT! You just stay where you are. You're being punished, remember?" his mother said confirming his worst fears.

"BUT . . .!" Eddie pleaded but seeing the stern look his mother gave him forced him to abandon any hope of persuading her to change her mind.

When the doorbell rang, Eddie's heart began to beat faster. When he heard the sound of his mother opening the door behind him his aunt said, "Hello, Helen. I hope I'm not too late. I had to bring the girls along as we are going to the movies later."

"No, that's fine," Mrs. Tasgar said "Won't you come in?"

Eddie's legs began shaking. His aunt brought her daughters, Kim and Tina! They were about Eddie's age and Kim was even in his class! He wanted to run to his room and hide but he couldn't make his legs move – they were frozen with fear!

Then his aunt said, "I brought along some cookies that I . . . OH MY!!" she exclaimed as she discovered the boy in the corner. "What's up with Eddie?" Her girls then giggled out loud when they too noticed their friend standing naked in the corner.

"Mom!" Kim said excitedly, "Eddie's NAKED!"

"And look at how red his butt is!!" added Tina with a chuckle.

"Hush girls," cautioned their mother as she tried to maintain some decorum regarding the awkward situation. Polly wasn't sure if she and her daughters were intruding and attempted to be diplomatic. "Helen, I'm sorry. If this is a bad time we can always come back later."

"No actually I could use your help. Sit down won't you and I'll explain," Mrs. Tasgar said.

They all took a seat on the couch under the front window. The girls kept giggling quietly. "Shhh! Behave yourselves," their mother cautioned with a small chuckle of her own. Eddie felt his face blush at detecting Aunt Polly's amusement too.

"My son is being punished. As you can plainly see, he got a sound whipping earlier and I'm still FURIOUS over the whole situation!" Mrs. Tasgar explained angrily.

"Why whatever did he do that was so bad as to have upset you so?" Aunt Polly asked.

"What did he do? What did he DO?!" Mrs. Tasgar asked sarcastically. "Eddie why don't YOU tell them what you did?" Eddie could feel all eyes on his body and became very self- conscious. He had no idea what to say.

"I . . . ah . . . ummmm," Eddie stuttered softly.

"EDDIE!" His mother snapped loudly. "We can't hear a damn thing with your face in the corner. TURN AROUND and tell them WHY you are being punished!" Eddie could still hear the anger in his mother's voice and he knew he had better not cross her. With his hands still on top of his head he slowly forced himself to turn around, knowing full well that his guests would see everything! The room got deathly quiet and he could almost feel the electricity from the girls as they knew they were about to see something forbidden!

When his penis came into view, the first thing he saw was Kim's face! She let out an audible gasp. He saw that her mouth was wide open and there was an unmistakable twinkle in her eyes that betrayed the thrill she was experiencing! Her sister, Tina, quickly put her hand over her mouth to cover her excitement and kept it there.

"WELL?" his mother said impatiently.

"I . . . ah . . . ummmm," Eddie said again softly. He was mortified at standing naked in front of his classmates and dreaded the thought of having to explain why he as being punished. At the same time, however, there was a rising feeling deep inside at how erotic this whole scene was. He fought desperately to suppress that feeling.

Mrs. Tasgar couldn't wait any longer and angrily blurted out, "Yesterday, my own son ran NAKED though the school dance – flaunting himself to everyone there like a filthy pervert. He tried to disguise himself as an Indian of all things, thinking that no one would recognize him. But THAT didn't work. His father and I saw him. Imagine how we felt! He then had the audacity to LIE about the whole affair."

The girls giggled openly at hearing her explanation. Kim interrupted and said, "Our Eddie streaked the school?! I missed the whole thing!!!"
Her mother gave her a mock look of disapproval, though it was clear that she too found it amusing.

"I know that teenage years are critical in the development of a successful adult later on, so I CAN'T let this go ignored." Mrs. Tasgar continued.

"Oh I agree . . ." Aunt Polly sympathized. "My eldest son got into all sorts of trouble at that age until I finally sorted him out."

Turning to the girls Mrs. Tasgar said, "Eddie here apparently thinks he's god's gift to women. That he has something special." She then pointed directly at Eddie's penis for emphasis. "Are you impressed by what you see, hmmm?"

Knowing that his mother was calling attention to his private parts and the fact that he could see Aunt Polly and the girls looking directly at his cock caused it to stir and slowly but steadily it began to rise. The girls just giggled as Mrs. Tasgar looked at them, unaware of what was happening to Eddie.

"Seriously girls, I want . . . I need an answer. Are you IMPRESSED by what you see? Does Eddie have something down there that girls would go crazy over? Honestly, does he? I'm sure my son would be interested in knowing what you think," Mrs. Tasgar asked again.

"Go on girls," Aunt Polly encouraged politely, "You can answer Aunt Helen. This is serious and I believe whatever you say may actually be helpful here." By this time Eddie was sporting a complete erection and his face was blushing. The more he tried not to think about it, the harder it got.

"Well . . ." Kim finally said lightheartedly, "He's . . . so small. I mean his thingy isn't all that big compared to our brother."

"Go on," Aunt Polly said.

"And he doesn't have any hair down there either." Kim continued. "I really don't think he should be proud of what he has. Instead I think that any boy his age would be ashamed if that's all he had to show at 14 years old. But," Kim added as an afterthought, "Maybe it will GROW later on . . . you know." Both girls burst out laughing at that remark.

Just then Mrs. Tasgar turned toward her son and saw his erection for the first time. "EDDIE!" she yelled and then turning to her guests, "He's at it again! I told you he was a pervert! Honestly I just don't know what I'm going to do with him!!" She grabbed his arm forcefully and started to move toward the couch. As she did so she picked up the belt again.

Aunt Polly intervened saying, "Helen. Maybe it's best that you leave this for a while. Maybe Eddie should come home with me for the rest of the day. You're all worked up and your anger may get the best of you."

Mrs. Tasgar sighed heavily and reluctantly let go of Eddie's arm. "But, Eddie is being punished! I can't let him off the hook that easily and let him go off with you to play. He'll think he can get away with murder if I let him do that."

"Helen. I have no intention of letting Eddie off the hook. I've been through this already with my boy. Why don't you let me handle this. I'll bring him back tomorrow. By then you'll have calmed down and can continue doing whatever else you think needs to be done to correct his behavior. In the meantime, he might just learn a thing or two about how boys should behave. What do you say?"

"Ok. I'll take your advice. But you had better not go easy on him. I want him punished for the rest of the day and all night if need be until you bring him back tomorrow." Mrs. Tasgar said emotionally.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Aunt Polly said as she approached Eddie. Taking him gently by the arm she started for the door saying, "Let's go girls."

"But, I'm naked!" Eddie protested.

"Yes I know," Aunt Polly said calmly. "You're still being punished, remember?"

Mrs. Tasgar smiled as if she now understood that things were really going to be OK. She then opened the front door and Eddie realized that his troubles were just beginning.