INDIAN'S REVENGE - Part One (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story "Cowboys & Indians." To familiarize themselves with the plot and principle characters, readers may wish to re-read the previous chapters at

BY: Hooked6

Eddie was watching TV as his parents returned home. "Eddie? What are you doing home so early?" his mother asked him. "Why aren't you still at the dance? Your father and I made a special trip out to see you on your first date and were worried to death when we couldn't find you?"

Eddie began to get nervous as her comments made him realize that it was indeed his parents that he had streaked by wearing nothing but an Indian headband. For a time he thought that maybe he had been mistaken. He knew he needed to play it cool and decided to act as if everything was OK. "Well, Susie came to get us early so I had to leave as she was my ride." Eddie explained trying to sound confident.

His mother paused while looking directly at Eddie. "But Patti was still at the dance. We asked her where you were but she just smiled and said she didn't know. Why didn't she go with you when her sister picked you up? " her mother asked confused. Eddie started to panic. Lies are so hard to tell, he thought. He wondered if his parents really knew that it WAS him that ran naked across the parking lot and were just testing him to see if he would dig his own grave. Parents often do that you know – act ignorant when in truth they are already in full possession of the facts. He wouldn't put it past Patti to have spilled the beans and ratted him out! After all, his mom already admitted to having talked with her at the dance! Eddie decided to stand his ground rather than confess.

"She made plans at the dance to hitch a ride home with her boyfriend's parents. I, ah, new you wouldn't want me to change drivers without telling you, so I, ah, came home with Susie as I had told you I would." Eddie explained nervously.

"That was very responsible of you, dear," Mrs. Tasgar said. "I'm glad we can trust you to stay out of trouble."

Eddie was so relieved!! They didn't know! To think how close he came to telling on himself. It made him shutter with fear and his skin got all cold and clammy.

"Eddie are you feeling OK?" his mother asked, seeing how pale he was.

"Stop pestering the boy, honey. He's fine," replied his father. "Why I remember my first date. I felt all queasy inside for days after it was over." His mother gave him a knowing look and suggested that he go on up to bed.

Eddie didn't sleep well. Thoughts of his mother seeing him naked sporting a hard-on running across the parking lot kept invading his head. He kept replaying the scene over and over in his mind and her comments that she made as he ran past kept ringing in his ears. The whole evening was a tragedy!! He worried about what it was going to be like on Monday. What would the kids do to him? He was sure he was going to be the laughing stock of the entire school! It was going to be a long weekend he thought.

Meanwhile Andrew knew he had a problem and was living dangerously close to the edge. His sister, Traci really seemed to care for that twerp Eddie and Patti had those awful pictures of him naked and covered with cum. The two of them could make things really bad for him if they decided to actually use those photos or go crying to his parents about what he had done to Eddie at the dance. Andrew had to think of way to protect himself . . . and fast!

Suddenly inspiration struck! He needed to get his own compromising photos of Traci and Patti. But how? He didn't own a camera phone, but Kelli did. He decided to take a chance and see if the quiet and shy appearing Kelli could be persuaded to help him out.

Andrew eventually hooked up with Kelli early Saturday morning. "So Kelli . . . how'd you like the dance?" Andrew asked her trying to break the ice.

"Oh it was all right," she said. "But the best part was when you stripped that Eddie Tasgar and showed him off to everyone! Man that rocked!"

"You really think so?" Andrew asked carefully. He didn't want to jump right into revealing his plan for her friends Traci and Patti. He had to try and wait for the right moment.

"Oh YES!" Kelli responded enthusiastically. "Man I wish we could do something else like that again! It's really wild! I thought I was leading a boring life until last week – then all this happened! Do you think we could do something to Eddie again today?"

That was the moment he was waiting for. "I don't think so. In fact I'm pretty sure we're done with Eddie for some time." Andrew said sadly.

"But, WHY?!" Kelli asked dejectedly.

"Well, it's pretty much confidential. I could only tell you if I was sure I could trust you." Andrew said carefully trying to set his trap.

"You can trust me! I won't tell, I promise," she replied.

Andrew looked around hesitantly as if he was thinking it over. He played it up big time and finally put his arm around her and gently pulled her close and whispered, "Well. It's like this. Patti has all those pictures you took of me and Eddie. You know the ones you e-mailed her from your camera phone?"

Yeah, the ones of Traci firing Eddie's cannon at you," she replied with a giggle. "Imagine calling that a cannon! It's more like a pop gun!"

"Yeah, those pictures." Andrew said while wrinkling his face at the thought. "Anyway, Patti could really get me into a lot of trouble. You see her friend Traci has flipped for Eddie and she's liable to be pretty mad at me for what I did to him at the dance. She might convince Patti to show those photos to my parents or worse spread them around school and I'd be in BIG trouble. So, I think maybe I'd better cool it for a while with Eddie. Besides, I'm even with him now."

Kelli was sad that her fun was coming to an end. "Couldn't we just talk with Patti? I'm her friend too. Maybe I could get her to give me the photos back."

"Naw. That wouldn't work. I just wish there was a way, something we could use for leverage that would insure that she wouldn't ever use those," Andrew said hoping to lead her to the obvious conclusion.

There was silence between them. Andrew was beginning to think his plan had failed when Kelli spoke up, "Maybe we can get embarrassing photos of the two of THEM! That would work, wouldn't it?"

"What a great idea!" Andrew said as if it was the first he had ever thought of it. Then just to be sure of Kelli's loyalty, he added," Are you sure you'd be OK with doing something to Traci and Patti? After all, they ARE your friends."

"If it means we can keep doing things to Eddie, yeah . . . I'm OK with it. It might be exciting too!" Kelli replied. The twinkle in her eyes told Andrew all he needed to know. She was in.

"OK. Here's what we are going to do. We have to use Eddie as the bait. Traci will surely go along with what I've planned if she thinks Eddie's involved. Second, you're going to have a key a part in this so you have to do your best in order for this to work. Third, you have to have lots of room on your camera phone for plenty of pictures. Now here's what we are going to do . . ." he said. The two of them plotted and planned for about a half an hour.

"Great! I think I've got it," Kelli said when they were through. "I'll see you at two o'clock." They then went off in their own directions.
Kelli made a bee-line for Patti's house and much to her surprise she found both of them in their bikinis sunning themselves in the back yard. 'This will work out better than I had hoped for' she thought to herself.

"Hi!" Kelli said as she rounded the corner.

"Hey Kell," answered Patti. "Why don't you join us?"

Kelli cautiously looked around as if she was afraid of something causing Traci to remark, "What's wrong girl? Is everything OK?"

Kelli got down on her knees next to the girls and whispered nervously, "Andrew isn't around anywhere, is he?"

"No. I haven't seen my dufus-looking brother all day? Why do you ask?" Traci said.

"Eddie sent me. He wants you to meet him in the woods near Mark's place, right away" she explained.

"Eddie sent you? Why?" Traci asked suddenly sitting up and looking at Kelli with concern. "Is he OK?"

"Yeah. He's fine. He's got a plan for getting back at your brother for what he did to him last night and he needs the two of you to help," Kelli said anxiously.

Patti stood up and said, "Why should I help HIM? I rather liked seeing him tied up naked in the gym!"

Kelli smiled and tried to keep her cool. She knew that without Patti, the plan would fall apart. "I did too! BUT . . . wouldn't you want to see ANDREW naked again? I mean why settle for that little guy when Andrew is so much more mature?"

Both girls laughed out loud. "I'm IN!" Traci said quickly followed by Patti's "Me TOO!"

"Great let's go!" Kelli said as she started to get up.

"We'll be right with you as soon as we change," Patti said.

"NO!! In fact we must act quickly! There's no time for that!" Kelli said in a panic.

"What ever do you mean?" Patti asked skeptically.

"You see, Eddie has everything ready now! If we delay he'll miss his opportunity. He's . . . ah . . . going to need you as bait for Andrew.
He'll explain everything when you get there but we must go NOW!" Kelli said and to emphasize her point she got up and started to run away.

The girls both realized that timing must be of the essence so they quickly took off after their friend. Soon they found themselves in the wooded area near Mark's house. Kelli wasn't exactly sure where to take them. She just knew that Andrew said he'd leave a sign and that she'd know the place when she saw it.

"Where are we going? Where's Eddie?" Traci asked as they meandered around the woods.

"He'll be along," Kelli said confidently. "He said he . . . oh, look! We're here! This is the place," Kelli announced as she spotted several lengths of rope lying next to two trees.

"OK," Kelli said nervously trying her best to play her part. "There isn't much time. All I know is that I am supposed to tie you two up against these trees here . . ."

WHOA! Wait just a darn fool minute here. Back the bus up! You're supposed to TIE US UP?!!" Patti asked disbelievingly.

"That's right. It's a trap for Andrew! He's supposed to see you tied up here – you're the bait remember and when he comes over, Eddie will spring the trap and get his revenge! He'll never know what hit him!" Kelli said as she picked up the ropes.

"Oh I don't now about this. Where's Eddie?" Patti asked.

"He'll be along. Maybe he's hiding, I don't know. It wouldn't do if Andrew spotted him would it? You TRUST Eddie, don't you? You want to help him out, right?" Kelli asked. Traci trusted Eddie implicitly and stood up against one of the smaller trees and extended her hands around the tree behind her back. Kelli proceeded to tie her securely, first her hands then her legs.

"Well?" Kelli asked turning to Patti. "Are you in or not?" In truth, Kelli knew this was a make or break decision.

"Yeah, OK," Patti said reluctantly, not wanting to disappoint her friend. "I guess it'll be worth it when we see Andrew naked and humiliated." Patti backed up against the tree next to Traci and Kelli proceeded to tie her up as well.

"What now?" Traci asked.

"I . . . uh . . . I guess I'm supposed to hide," Kelli said not really sure what was to happen next. She took off a few paces away and hid behind some bushes. She had barely gotten out of sight when Andrew came walking toward them in the distance.

The two captive girls smiled at each other both giddy at the prospect of seeing Eddie get his revenge!

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" Andrew said as he came closer to the girls. "Why, if it isn't the Captain of the light artillery and her eager assistant, Patti."

Traci smiled and replied, "You won't be so cocky in a minute or two!"

Andrew stood right in front of his twin sister and said sarcastically, "Now sis, don't tell me you're upset over what happened to that little twerp, Eddie are you?"

Traci began to get a little nervous as she saw that evil- looking grin on her brother's face. She wished that whatever Eddie was planning he would get on with it!

Andrew stood there menacingly for a minute relishing the situation. He then said in a nasty voice, "You know, you look a bit uncomfortable all tied up like that, sis. Here, let me help untie you." Andrew then reached his arm around Traci's back and pulled on the bottom string that held her top secure around her chest. Slowly Traci felt the tie moving against her back and fear gripped her as it came undone. The material of the front panels of her top just loosely hung down from her neck covering her breasts.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Traci shouted at her brother.

"Oops! Wrong rope! How COULD I have been so mistaken," Andrew replied teasingly. "Here let me try again." He then reached up behind her neck and grabbed the remaining strings that were keeping her top on and gently began to tug.

"KELLI! HELP!! WHERE ARE YOU?" Patti shouted trying to get help for her friend. Kelli took that opportunity to come out from her hiding spot behind the bushes. Seeing her, Patti yelled, "DO SOMETHING!!!"

Kelli whipped out her camera phone and snapped a picture of Traci's bare breasts just as Andrew let the top fall to the ground!

"What the hell are you doing?!!" Patti screamed as she saw Kelli taking the picture. Kelli just stood there smiling.

Traci's heart began pounding faster and faster as she realized she was at her brother's mercy. She was humiliated that her own brother was staring at her exposed breasts and her nipples, which were growing harder by the minute.

Traci, like her brother, had matured quickly and looked much older than other girls her age.

"Look, Andrew. Let's not get carried away. If you stop this right now I won't tell mom!" she said nervously.

Andrew still had that evil grin on his face. "You mean it's OK for you to shoot your own brother with a neighbor boy's pecker but I'M going to get in trouble for just trying to untie you? TSK, TSK." He then reached around to the string on Traci's left hip and said, "Maybe it's this one." He quickly pulled it and soon the front flap dangled precariously down Traci's front barely covering her pubic hair.

"PLEASE, ANDREW, DON'T DO THIS!" Traci pleaded.

"Nope that wasn't it. How about THIS one?" he asked to amuse himself as
if he wasn't really sure. He then looked at his sister's face and her terror-filled eyes as he pulled ever so slowly on the final string that held up her bikini bottom. Traci felt the string give way and cried out as the bottom of her bikini hit the ground leaving her totally naked in front of everyone!

Kelli moved closer and was busily snapping pictures as Andrew stared at his sister's thick patch of pubic hair.

"STOP THAT!" Patti demanded of Kelli. "She's your FRIEND for crying out loud!"

"Oooh look at the bitchy one over here!" Andrew commented as he turned his attention to Patti.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, BUSTER!" Patti screamed angrily as she realized she was about to be next!

"You know this color is all wrong for you," Andrew teased as he quickly reached around a struggling Patti and yanked both the bottom then the upper strings of her top, which then tumbled hurriedly to the ground.

"SHIT! A PADDED TOP!" Andrew said laughing his head off as he stared at Patti's small AA-cup tits. Patti turned beat red at his comments. "You were so high and mighty making fun of Eddie all the while knowing YOU were no better off than HE was!!"

Kelli was laughing hysterically as well while taking the pictures of Patti's small chest. "Geez, Patti, what happened to your boobs?" Kelli teased. "THEY SHRUNK!"

Andrew wasted no time in dispatching Patti's bottom and as you might have guessed, she was almost bare down there as well. "You and Eddie might as well be brother and sister!" Andrew mocked much to Patti's chagrin.

Traci looked over at her naked friend. Despite the empathy she felt, Traci couldn't help but being curious. She really wanted to get a better look at her. It was as if she was drawn by some invisible force. There was a perverse pleasure welling up inside of her as she strained against her bindings in an effort to get a better view. She couldn't believe that Patti hadn't blossomed yet and she was drawn by the difference in seeing another girl's body. Patti's nipples were quite brown while hers were pink. Patti's labia quickly disappeared between her legs while Traci was quite aware of how far hers protruded out from her own legs, especially when she got excited.

"EDDIE!" Patti called out. "WHERE ARE YOU?" She was hoping that Eddie would hear her calls and come running to help them.

"Eddie's not coming," Andrew said menacingly. "He set you up!"

"THAT'S A LIE!" Traci snapped. "THIS IS ALL YOUR DOING!"

"I'd be careful how you talk to me, sis" Andrew said softly as he tweaked one of Traci's nipples playfully sending a shock up her spine that electrified her senses. He then turned to Kelli and said, "Get a few close up shots between their legs." Both girls were mortified as Kelli got down close and lined up her shots. As bad as these pictures were, Andrew knew he needed something really damning.

"What are you going to do with us now?" Traci asked as her brother stood almost salivating at the sight of his naked sister.

"Oh, I thought I'd bring some of my buddies from school over to see you two! I'm sure they'd LOVE a chance to see two NAKED girls!" he said wickedly.

"You wouldn't dare!" Traci said nervously, realizing that in all likelihood that's was EXACTLY what he would probably do.

Andrew smiled and turned to leave.

"WAIT!" Traci yelled. "Surely there's some other way!"

Andrew paused as if he was thinking it over. "Well . . . I guess we could call it even if . . ."

"IF . . . IF WHAT?!" Traci asked anxiously.

Andrew walked up to his sister and looked her right in the eye and said, "IF you kissed Patti for 5 minutes."

"FUCK OFF!" Traci snapped back.

"Suit yourself," Andrew replied and started to leave once again.

"NO WAIT!" Patti now said, finally breaking her silence and then, looking at her friend continued, "Come on Trace. I don't want the guys at school seeing me like this. Just look at me. Why I'd be the laughing stock of the entire school. No one knows I'm a late bloomer and I'd like to keep it that way. Just kiss me and get it over with. It won't be that bad."

Traci was repulsed by the thought. Her mind was spinning out of control and she couldn't think straight.

"PLEASE!" Patti asked in a pleading voice.

"Oh all right!" Traci relented. "Let's get this over with."

Andrew untied his sister's hands but then re-tied her feet together after she left the tree so that she couldn't run away. He then led her over in front of Patti and instructed, "Go ahead. Kiss her. You must kiss for 5 minutes and do it exactly how I tell you to WITHOUT breaking lip contact. If you fail to do it like I want it or your lips come apart for ANY reason, the deal's off and I will go and get the guys. Understood?"

"Yeah, whatever," Traci replied sarcastically. The look in Traci's eye's told Patti that she owed her big time.

"On your mark, get set . . . go!" Andrew yelled as if he was starting a race. Traci, while standing in front of Patti, pressed her lips to her friend's. They were surprisingly soft, Traci thought.

"TONGUE! I want TONGUE!" Andrew barked.

"MmmPPHH" Traci started to protest through her closed lips but Patti leaned her head forward desperately trying to maintain lip contact and then took the initiative and opened her mouth and forcefully slid her tongue into Traci's mouth! That was a new experience for both of them as neither had ever done that with a boy!

Kelli was busy snapping pictures from all angles as minutes passed.

"Play with her boobs!" Andrew ordered Traci.

Traci wrinkled her nose reacting with disgust but eventually followed orders and put her right hand on Patti's little boob and began squeezing gently. Patti began to moan and was getting very aroused by all the attention.

Five minutes had long since passed but Andrew didn't let on. He was enjoying the little show and tried to prolong it as far as he dared. Finally, he called, "TIME!" and the two girls separated.

"You did well," Andrew remarked. "I guess we are even now. And just in case you get any ideas about showing those pictures of me to anyone, just remember I've got these," he said holding up Kelli's camera phone.

Andrew and Kelli both left together leaving the girls to untie themselves.

Meanwhile the troubles were just beginning for Eddie.