COWBOYS AND INDIANS Part Eight - end (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil)
By: Hooked6 (
Copyright 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
[Author's note: readers may wish to refresh themselves with
the basic storyline and plot by reading the previous
chapters of Cowboys and Indians at ]
BY: Hooked6
The rest of the week at Mark's was pretty unremarkable and Eddie's parents returned home happy to have their son back.
When school started that following Monday Eddie was thrilled to have a girlfriend. Traci would say "hi" to him in the halls and eat lunch with him when she could. By the end of the week they were even holding hands! Eddie was sure Traci really DID care for him.
Friday, however was a different story. Eddie spent the entire day with his stomach tied in knots knowing that he would have to wear that ridiculous costume to the dance. He thought about just canceling saying he was sick but figured Patti would never let him get away with that.
That evening, his mom laid out Eddie's best pair of jeans and hand-picked the perfect country-looking shirt for him. Mrs. Tasgar knew all about Sadie Hawkins Dances and even had gone to the store to buy a hillbilly hat for her son to wear. She was so proud of him.
After Eddie was dressed in the clothes his mom had laid out, he took his Indian loin cloth and headband and put it in a plastic bag. His mom and dad took lots of pictures of their son all dressed up as a country bumpkin.
When Susie finally arrived, Eddie introduced everybody and Mrs. Tasgar thanked her for taking their son to the dance. Patti was dressed in her Daisy duke shorts and was wearing a red, checkered shirt that was tied under her breasts. She actually looked cute and everyone said so. "I do so LOVE costume parties!" Mrs. Tasgar reminisced. "Some of my best memories are of Sadie Hawkins Day."
Eddie's throat was dry as he got in Susie's car and they drove off.
Patti gave Eddie a stern look as if he had better get a move on. Eddie slowly started unbuttoning his shirt and took it off which caught Susie a bit off guard. "Eddie, what are you doing?" she asked a bit confused.
Eddie looked back at Patti who still had a scowl on her face which he took as a warning that he had better not say anything.
"I'm, ah, changing into my costume," Eddie said simply.
"I thought THAT was your costume?" Susie asked nodding toward the outfit he was wearing.
"Ah, no I just wore that to please my mom," he replied.
"What ARE you going to wear then?" Susie asked.
"My Indian costume," Eddie said meekly as he slid off his pants.
"You aren't really, are you?" Susie inquired.
All doubts were dispelled when Eddie slipped off his underwear and was sitting in her car naked once again. He then took out the loin cloth and did his best to slip it on. He had a bit of trouble getting it right but he did the best he could.
Susie was just sitting there all smiles. "All I can say is that you are one brave little guy! Are you sure you really want to do this?" she asked.
Eddie looked back at Patti and then answered, "Yeah. It'll be fun! Could you pull over somewhere and help me with my war paint?"
I guess so," Susie replied and eventually found an out-of- the-way spot and parked the car. They stepped outside and Eddie adjusted his loincloth as tightly as it would go and put on his headband. Susie did her best to apply war paint to his face, arms and chest, trying to recall what he had looked like the previous week when he had played Cowboys and Indians.
"Well," she said after finishing, "It's not as good as when Kayla did it, but, I think you look pretty spiffy." Patti agreed and was one big smile from ear to ear because he was actually going to go through with it. She was loving her new found power and was amazed at how much she could get him to do.
When Susie pulled up to the school gym where the dance was being held there were cars everywhere. "Wow, there sure are a lot of people here," she commented. That fact just made Eddie's day. He had no idea how many to expect as he had never actually gone to a school dance before. Seeing the huge number of cars made him really nervous.
People were walking all across the parking lot all in costumes and Eddie even saw two people dressed like Indians which made him feel a little better albeit they were much more modestly dressed than he was. At least Patti got the part about it being a costume dance right he thought.
As they were sitting in the car Eddie saw Traci walking along the pavement. She was beautiful all dressed in overalls and sporting a red checkered scarf. Patti yelled out the window, "HEY TRACE, WAIT UP!" Patti quickly jumped out of the car and motioned Eddie to join her.
"Thanks Sis. See you after the dance," Patti called out as she slammed the car door shut. Eddie was so self-conscious about how he was dressed and was worried to death that a gust of wind would expose him. He took up a position immediately behind Patti as they went to catch up with Traci.
"You sure are lookin' good girl," Patti said to Traci.
"Why thank you. You look pretty hot yourself," Traci said returning the compliment.
"This old thing? Why it's nothing. You should see what Eddie wore. Now, THAT'S a costume!" Patti said chuckling.
"Hi Eddie," Traci said as Patti stepped aside allowing her to get a good look at her boyfriend. "OH . . . MY!" Traci said as she stood with her mouth wide open.
Traci was feeling a mixture of emotions as she gazed at Eddie. She felt bad for him dressed so skimpily. She also was elated as she had to admit she liked the erotic and dangerous nature of his outfit. Eddie too was conflicted. He was deathly afraid that this stunt of Patti's would ruin their friendship or that Traci would be embarrassed to be seen with him dressed as he was.
"He wore that for you," Patti jumped in explaining. "He said he wanted to wear something to show you how much he cared and I said that I thought you really liked his Indian get up. So he decided to wear it as an outward symbol of his affection for you. Wasn't that sweet of Eddie?" Patti asked Traci in an overly sugary voice.
Eddie couldn't believe the garbage he was hearing from Patti and wanted to snap back telling the truth. Before he could say anything, however, Traci spoke up. "Really Eddie? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" She then leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
She bought that line of crap. Eddie couldn't believe it. Girls! Go figure, he thought to himself.
The three of them went into the darkened gymnasium. The music was blaring loudly and colored lights were scanning the walls of the gym. The hall was packed. People were already dancing while others sat on sections of portable bleachers that had been left out on each side of the basketball court dance floor.
"Isn't this GREAT?" Traci yelled into Eddie's ear. "Let's dance!" she asked pulling him out onto the dance floor.
While the two of them danced, Eddie was constantly looking down and repeatedly feeling the loincloth with his hands to be sure it stayed in place. He couldn't get too wild with his moves and was self-conscious about how dorky he might look to Traci. He wasn't sure he was a good dancer anyway having had no real practice, but he was sure he was better than what he was showing her now.
"NICE OUTFIT!" a couple of girls that were dancing next to them said jokingly. Eddie could see their smiles and knew that they were making fun of him. Another girl came up and stood next to him while he was dancing and just stared not saying anything! That made him very nervous as he couldn't tell what she was thinking or what she was going to do.
As the evening wore on, the reaction to Eddie's outfit was mixed. Many of the girls just LOVED it and giggled every time he came by. Some of Traci's girlfriends seemed a bit envious that she was dating such a daring boy and took the time to compliment Traci on her find! Many seemed to be constantly checking him out on the dance floor and Eddie swore that they were just waiting for something to happen so he showed a bit more skin! Others just shook their heads clearly not amused. But mostly Traci and Eddie stayed to themselves and were having a good time. Eddie was even flattered that a couple of girls he didn't even know actually asked him to dance.
After numerous dances over a couple of hours, Traci finally asked Eddie if he would get her something to drink. He left to find the concession stand.
Unbeknownst to Eddie, Andrew and a couple of his friends were also at the dance. He happened to see Eddie in line waiting to be served. "See that dork in the Indian costume?" Andrew said to his mates.
"Yeah, what of it?" one of them replied.
"I owe that creep BIG TIME. He did something to me that has kept me fuming for almost two weeks now!" Andrew said angrily.
"You want to take him outside and beat him up?" said the second guy.
"No, I've got a better idea. Joe you go over to him and say that your girlfriend wants to meet him and see if you can get him to follow you to the far side bleachers," Andrew said. "Hank, you're with me." Andrew and Hank quickly went off leaving Joe to do his task.
"Hey dude!" Joe said politely to Eddie as they waited in line. "Could you maybe spare a minute and come with me? My girlfriend has been watching you and is dying to meet you. She thinks you are so cool!!"
"Well, I have get my date something to drink," Eddie explained.
"This will only take a second. Besides, look how long this line is. By the time we get back it will surely have gone down." Joe said persuasively. "Besides you need to help me out here. If I don't come back with you my girlfriend will be so pissed at me it will ruin the rest of the night! Please?"
"OK," Eddie replied. "As long as it's just for a minute or two I'll come with you."
"Thanks man," Joe said gratefully.
The two of them worked their way across the dance floor on the opposite side of the gym. The band was playing loudly and the dance floor was full making their journey difficult. When they rounded the corner on the side of the portable bleachers Andrew and Hank were waiting for them.
"WELL, well. What do we have here?" Andrew shouted above the
"It's my little Indian friend! Remember me? I'm the one who
swore he'd kill you the next time I saw you!"
Eddie started to turn and run but Joe was right behind him.
"Wait a minute now. I'm really sorry about everything," Eddie pleaded. "You don't want to do anything you'd get in trouble for."
"TROUBLE? You have no idea what TROUBLE is!" shouted Andrew. "My twerp of a sister has been all over me with those damn pictures because of you! And, you still owe me $50!!! Your ass is mine now! GET HIM!" Andrew yelled and the three boys quickly over-powered him. They pushed him under the bleachers and proceeded to tie his hands above his head to one of the support railings and his feet to another. Eddie couldn't move a muscle!
The boys stepped back to admire their handiwork. Andrew then walked up to Eddie and said, "Seems to me you like playing Cowboys and Indians. WHERE'S YOUR CHIEF?" He said mockingly and then without waiting for an answer he continued, "LIAR!" and quickly yanked his loincloth to the ground and snatched it away from him. As he tossed it to Joe he said, "Here, shred this and throw it away!"
Seeing Eddie's little dick and hairless crotch made the boys laugh heartily. Andrew then started stroking Eddie's penis up and down until he popped a boner. "Go get as many girls as you can find without arousing anyone's suspicion," Andrew directed his two cohorts. "Tell them there's a naked savage under here!"
"Let's see how YOU like being made a fool of," Andrew whispered into Eddie's ear and continued to stroke Eddie's cock every so often just to keep it hard. Eddie was scared to death at who might see him like this yet despite the fear his body was betraying him.
Just then Hank came around the corner bringing three girls with him. They immediately busted out laughing at seeing the naked little Indian before them! The girls were laughing so hard they were having a difficult time keeping their balance. Eddie was mortified and wanted to just die! He knew that Andrew wasn't going to stop until everyone at the dance had a chance to see him.
Joe then returned bringing four more girls AND their boyfriends! They too taunted and teased Eddie. "Not much here to see is there, girls?" one of the boyfriends remarked at seeing Eddie's small boner. His comment brought a hearty round of laughter from the newcomers. Andrew yelled so Eddie and the crowd could hear: "Maybe I should untie one of your hands so you can show them how to FIRE THE CANNON, eh?" Eddie's legs almost failed they were shaking so badly. Eventually the crowd dispersed and Eddie was left waiting to see who would round the corner next.
So it went. There was a small but steady stream of people who came to see the "naked little Indian." Andrew and the boys eventually left Eddie tied up and alone as people who had already seen him began bringing their friends to observe the naked savage! Andrew didn't want to get caught and had decided to leave Eddie to his fate whatever that may be.
During the moments Eddie was alone, he realized that although he was very humiliated and ashamed his body was still very much aroused and it wouldn't take much for him to explode. That thought terrified him!!
Waiting and wondering what was going to happen next was sheer agony. Patti and Kelli were the next to arrive. "Ooooh. I had no idea this was going to happen! HOW WONDERFUL!!!" Patti said as she saw Eddie tied up. "Got your camera phone, Kelli?" she asked. She didn't have to wait long as she whipped it out and took a picture!
Patti came closer and actually grabbed Eddie's penis and playfully pulled it as she had done with Andrew's tug-of- war! Eddie couldn't take it anymore and exploded right into Patti's hand and all over her dress!!! She screamed bloody murder when that happened and slapped Eddie hard across the face again! "That's twice you did that to me, perv-boy!"
Patti ran off to clean up with Kelli quickly following.
Traci had started to worry as to where Eddie had gotten to and decided to go looking for him. When she started asking people if they had seen her Indian boyfriend, people just laughed and told her he was tied up under the bleachers. Frantically checking everywhere, she finally located him amidst a crowd of girls. Traci immediately took charge. "Break it up! Show's over!" she said and proceeded to untie him.
"What the hell happened?" she asked freeing him of the last rope.
"Andrew!" was all he had to say. She could figure out the rest.
"Where is your costume?" Traci asked as she looked around.
"Andrew's friend has it. I think he ripped it up!" Eddie replied, now covering himself with his hands. "What are we going to do?"
"Are you up to making a run for it?" Traci inquired. "We can sneak under these bleachers until they end. We'll be close to the exit then. We'll have to make a dash outside after that and hide until Susie gets here. OK?" she asked.
"I'm ready," Eddie said and they took off together.
Reaching the end of the row, Traci kept a lookout until she saw the least amount of people lingering around. "Let's go!" she said when she thought the timing was right.
"LOOK! EDDIE TASGAR IS STREAKING THE GYM!" someone yelled. There was a chorus of cheers until the two of them reached the exit door and burst outside. They continued running across the parking lot amongst the cars. There were a few people and some adults milling about but the parking lot was mostly clear. He saw he was going to have to run past a couple of grown-ups getting out of a car, but he figured he'd be past them before they knew what was happening.
As he was running he heard a familiar voice his own mother say," ISN'T THAT OUR EDDIE?" He then saw her out of the corner of his eye as he put his head down and picked up the pace! He was in for it now, he thought. His own parents saw him streaking the school! Could this day GET any worse?
As he hid behind a large pick-up truck he heard his father say, "Nonsense, honey. Eddie wasn't dressed as an Indian. He was a country bumpkin remember?"
"Oh, I know that. It just looked so much like him," his mom remarked as she kept walking. "Of course, I know it wasn't OUR son. My Eddie isn't THAT small." Eddie looked over at Traci and just blushed.
Traci called her sister on her phone and once again Susie came to the rescue. Eddie quickly changed into his own clothes that he had left in her car and the three of them returned home!
(Author's note: If there's enough interest, I'll finish the sequel Eddie's Revenge )