COWBOYS AND INDIANS Part Five (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil)
By: Hooked6 (

Copyright 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.

No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

[Author's note: readers may wish to refresh themselves with the basic storyline and plot by reading the previous chapters of Cowboys and Indians at ]


Patti turned to Eddie and commented, "You did WELL my friend. I guess if you continue to play along with us we can keep your little perverted photos to ourselves. After all, nobody likes an exhibitionist."

Eddie flushed with embarrassment but agreed to keep his bargain. "If Traci can get Andrew to play along tomorrow, I'll do my part."

Kelli added her own admonition, "And if you don't, I'll certainly enjoy watching your mom blister your bare behind."

Patti noticed the time and asked Eddie, "So, where's my sister anyway? You said she brought you here?" Eddie explained that Susie went out to get them something to eat and that he was surprised that she wasn't back yet.

Patti thought a minute and then told Kelli, "We had best get out of here before she gets back, otherwise we'd have a lot of awkward explaining to do. How about we got over to your house for a bit?"

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Kelli said

Patti then went over to Eddie and once again grabbed him by the balls and gripped them just tightly enough so that he would know she meant business. Feeling the touch of a feminine hand against his most private parts – even if it was a bit forceful, encouraged his already stiff penis. "Just remember to keep your mouth shut. As far as you're concerned, none of this happened today. Got it?"

"I understand," Eddie assured the girls.

It wasn't but a few minutes after the girls had left that Eddie heard a car pulling into the driveway. It was Susie.

Eddie was embarrassed that he still was sporting an erection and couldn't make it go away. His entire day was one huge erotic turn on for him. Nothing like it had ever happened to him before.

As Susie entered the house she saw Eddie still standing almost where she had left him only this time quite a bit more aroused! "I see you're enjoying yourself," she said playfully gazing at his stiffened cock.

Eddie blushed.

"Don't worry," she said as she put her arm around him and led him to the dinning room table. "I know you're having fun. In fact I think I understand you perfectly. Why don't you just enjoy yourself and forget about any troubling feelings you might have. Boys will be boys you know!"

He wasn't quite sure what she meant but he was grateful she wasn't going to be upset at finding him in such an excited state.

They both managed to devour their food in no time at all. Soon Susie broke the silence by asking, "So Eddie, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No, it's just me," he replied.

"Well I have a sister. She can be pretty tiresome at times but she's basically a good kid," Susie explained. If she only knew what had just happened only moments before, Eddie thought. She wouldn't think her sister was such a good kid!!

"I have an idea. Mom will be coming home soon." Susie said. "Before she does, how about you get into the bath and have a good wash? I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting that grease paint off of you."

"That would be nice," Eddie replied. "It is a bit embarrassing."

"Then, when you are done, come on out here and I'll dry you off," Susie added with a sly grin on her face. "I'm sure you won't mind a little pampering."

"You . . . want me to come out here soaking wet and . . . naked?!" Eddie asked hoping to get her to realize how stupid an idea that was.

"You've been naked practically all day and I've seen all there is to see. Besides, I dry off my little brother after his baths all the time. It's no big deal. Nudity isn't a bad thing. It's only bad if you make it bad. Just relax and go unwind in the tub. Afterward, you might find that you'll enjoy some much needed attention by me." Susie smiled a reassuring smile at Eddie. "Take all the time you need. I suspect it might be harder to get that lipstick off of you than you think. Now go on. The bathroom is down the hall." Susie pointed him in the right direction and upon reaching the bathroom started the water running. "I'll hold your headband for you." She said as she left the room.

Once the tub was half full, Eddie got in. Susie was right about one thing, that lipstick smeared in the water and took forever to get off. The warm water did feel good though and it seemed to relax every muscle in his tired body.

Unbeknownst to Eddie, while he was in the bath soothing away his bad memories of the day, Susie's mother returned home from shopping with a friend of hers.

"Hi Susie, did you get my note?" Mrs. Conway asked her daughter as she came into the house.

"Yes mom. I did. Listen I brought home a boy who is the brother of a friend of mine to play with Billy, but I forgot that he wasn't going to be home until I read your note. His name is Eddie," Susie explained. Holding up the Indian headband, she continued, "He was playing Cowboys and Indians and things got a little out of hand so I told him he could come and stay with us tonight. I hope that's OK? I'll take him home tomorrow."

"Oh sure! That's fine. He can have Billy's room. Where is he?" Mrs. Conway asked.

"He's taking a bath. He had all that Indian grease paint on from playing this afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea if he washed it off," Susie said.

Mrs. Conway smiled at her daughter's prudent thinking and invited Susie to join her and her guest in the front room for a visit.

Meanwhile Eddie had finished his bath and was standing in the tub trying to decide if he should walk out and let Susie dry him off. Like before he had conflicting emotions. Part of him was too ashamed at boldly walking around naked, but part of him enjoyed that very thought. Susie had been nice to him and had even come to his rescue earlier, so he decided just to go along and do what she had asked.

Stepping out of the tub he opened the door and walked down the hallway, dripping as he went. Excess water from his wet hair dribbled down his face and back causing a tingling sensation that was very stimulating as he walked. As he rounded the corner and entered the front room he almost fainted as he discovered not only Susie but two older ladies staring back at him!

Their eyes widened at the site of the naked boy before them. No one said a word and Eddie was too frozen with fear to move a muscle. He knew that they could see "all" of him but he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to make matters worse by covering himself as he recalled Susie's earlier words: "Nudity isn't a bad thing. It's only bad if you make it bad."

Finally Susie's mom spoke up and said, "Are we out of towels again? I'm sorry son. You wait right here and I'll go get you one. I just washed a batch this morning and they're still in the dryer."

"Thank you, ma'am," Eddie said politely grateful for her quick thinking.

Susie spoke up and introduced Eddie, "Mrs. Edwards, this is Eddie Tasgar. He's a brother of a friend of mine."

Mrs. Edwards took the time to look him over before replying. "Hello Eddie. My, aren't you a fine little boy. How old are you? Nine or ten maybe?"

Eddie bristled at her remarks, embarrassed that she thought he was so young! He didn't say what he wanted to say but just stood there silently. "Shy isn't he?" Mrs. Edwards added.

She then smiled at Eddie and continued. "That's OK, son. You have a fine looking body and someday you'll grow in more ways than one and all the girls will be chasing after you." Eddie turned beat red both from anger and embarrassment.

Mrs. Conway returned with the towel and before Eddie could reach out and grab it, she began drying him. How humiliating! He was 14 and certainly didn't need to have anyone dry him off, but he endured the humiliation because he wished to avoid getting into trouble.

When Mrs. Conway started the necessary gentle rubbing of the towel over his penis and balls to completely dry him, he felt his cock begin to stir. "Not again!' he thought to himself.

When she pulled the towel away, his penis was at half mast and parallel to the floor. Mrs. Conway smiled innocently at the sight as she draped the wet towel over her arm.

At that very moment, Patti burst through the door and yelled nonchalantly, "HI MOM! I'M HOME!" Noticing Eddie she remarked, "Oh, we have company."

"Yes dear," Mrs. Conway replied. "You remember Mrs. Edwards, don't you dear? She and I went shopping today." Then turning to Eddie she continued, "And this is . . . what was your name again, son?"

"Eddie, ma'am." He replied looking at Patti with all the hate he could muster.

"Eddie, that's right. He came to play with Billy but your brother's not going to be here tonight."

"Hellloooo Eddie," Patti said with all the sarcasm she could muster, sounding a bit like a grade school class greeting a teacher first thing in the morning.

"Run along now Eddie and get dressed," Mrs. Conway instructed. Eddie just stood there not knowing what to do. "What's the matter son?" She asked, sensing there might be a problem.

Susie spoke up. "That could be a bit difficult, mom. Remember I told you that things got a little out of hand today while he was playing? Well some mean boys took his Indian loin cloth. I guess he doesn't have anything at the moment."

"I see," Mrs. Conway replied thoughtfully. "I guess Billy's stuff is way too small for him. Well I suppose he could . . ."

Patti interrupted her mother, "Mom, he could wear something of mine. We are about the same size."

"I don't think he'll like wearing one of your dresses, sweetie." Mrs. Conway said.

"No, no, I'll find something that he could use . . . at least a pair of my panties. That will keep the essential stuff covered anyway." Patti said helpfully.

"Good idea, Patti. Run along with her, son, and she'll get you something to wear," Mrs. Conway instructed. Patti quickly grabbed his hand led him toward her room.

"Such a cute little boy," Mrs. Edwards said as she watched Eddie's smooth little butt disappear around the corner.

Once inside Patti's room, she tossed Eddie the very same pair of panties that he had fondled earlier that afternoon. "Here, you might as well wear these. I'M certainly not going to ever use THEM again."

Grateful for the opportunity to cover himself, Eddie obediently took the flowery panties and put them on. They were the French cut-type and they looked oh so girlish on him.

"Want to wear the matching bra?" Patti playfully teased as she held it up for him to see.

"Ah, that's OK. I'll pass thank you very much," Eddie tersely replied. "This is bad enough."

"Suit yourself. I WAS going to give you a pair of my jeans to wear but after that remark I think my panties are all you'll get." She said as she left the room. Eddie could have kicked himself for being so stupid.

Not knowing what else to do, Eddie returned to the front room just in time to say goodbye to Mrs. Edwards. He could tell Susie was trying hard not to laugh which made it all the more difficult for Eddie.

Eddie stayed in the front room as the others went about their chores. Later Kelli came over and was pleasantly surprised to Eddie's new outfit. Of course she just HAD to take another picture!

Kelli had just talked with Traci and her plan had worked like a charm. "He fell for it hook, line and sinker" she told Patti. "Andrew is going to ride his bike over to Mark's house around 10:00am tomorrow."

"GREAT!! This is going to be the best day EVER!!!" Patti mused.

Eddie hardly slept a wink that night. The following morning everyone was busy making breakfast. Eddie had no appetite and had to force himself to eat a little something just to please Mrs. Conway.

Eventually the girls were ready. Susie of course, had no idea what was going to happen that day. She did find it odd that Patti and Kelli had asked for a ride to the same neighborhood as Mark's house – some pretext of visiting a new friend they had met. She agreed to let them ride along.

Handing Eddie his headband they all went to Susie's car. Eddie was still wearing Patti's panties and sat in the front seat while the girls sat in the back.

As promised, Susie dropped the two girls off a couple of blocks from Mark's house and resumed her journey. No sooner had the girls left Eddie pleaded with Susie. "PLEASE don't make me wear these panties over to Mark's house. I'll be the laughing stock of the whole neighborhood."

Susie looked down at Eddie wearing the flowery panties and giggled. "I understand. You do realize, however, that I don't have anything else for you to wear. You'll be naked again. And . . . there's that little matter of Kayla deciding whether to punish you for yesterday or not. Are you sure you want to show up naked? It might just remind her of what happened you know."

"I know," Eddie said a bit depressed. "But the way I figure it, she's already made up her mind one way or the other and I REALLY don't want the guys seeing me in this outfit."

"Suit yourself," Susie said with a smile. Eddie couldn't get the panties off fast enough. He balled them up in his fist and rolled down the passenger side window.

"What are you up to?" Susie asked in disbelief.

"I'm going to toss these out the window before somebody sees them. Patti already told me she wasn't ever going to wear them again after I had them on, so there's no reason to keep them."

"Well, OK," Susie acquiesced. "But you had better hurry, I'm about to turn down Mark's street." Eddie then tossed them as if they were on fire and quickly rolled up his window.

Once they reached Mark's house, Eddie was saddened to find Kayla waiting outside for them. Susie parked in the street and turned off the motor.

Kayla opened the passenger door and motioned for him to get out. So far she hadn't said a word so Eddie had no idea what kind of mood she was in. She led him a few steps on the front lawn and then suddenly stopped. Eddie began to get a bad feeling about all this as he patiently waited like a condemned man. Susie took up a place next to him without saying a word. Perhaps she too had no idea what was going to happen.

Kayla smirked a bit as she looked at Eddie. "I see you're still naked."

After a bit of a pause, Kayla continued, "Look, I really don't give a flip if you run around naked all day long. I mean why anyone your age would want to show the world what little you've got is your business. You can play your silly little games however you want – after all it keeps my little twerp brother occupied anyway. BUT, yesterday you really embarrassed me in front of my peers and I won't tolerate that. I believe you crossed the line and need a little reminder of just how far over the line you went. I told you yesterday that your deserved a good paddling and after sleeping on it I haven't changed my mind. Now, how do you want it? Over my knee or bent over the car here?"

Eddie began to get frightened. She was actually going to paddle him like a little kid right in the street – out in the open where ANYONE could see! Eddie looked at Susie as if she once more would come to his rescue. Alas it was not to be.

"I'm waiting, Tonto," Kayla said sarcastically.

"Bent over the car, I guess," Eddie said meekly. Kayla then marched him to the driver's side of the car – right smack dab in the middle of the street and pushed him over at the waist. He stood there with his eyes tightly shut tensing his butt cheeks anticipating the first blow. He was sure it was going to be a severe one. Moments passed. The agony of waiting was sheer torture. Why didn't she just get on with it? Fear overtook him. Maybe she was getting her belt off! Man was THAT going to hurt!!! Maybe she was digging through her purse for her hairbrush! How long was this going to last he wondered? He worried that his backside was going to be blistered bright red and wondered what Andrew was going to think when he saw it. It was almost too much to bear.

Then Eddie heard Mark's voice, "Why are you standing naked like that in the middle of the street?"

"HUH?" Eddie said half to himself. He opened his eyes and looked around. Kayla and Susie were nowhere to be seen. They had left him there in that humiliating position for all the neighbors to see. Oh Kayla was even more ingenious than he had given her credit for.

"Ah, I was just stretching my legs," Eddie said stupidly. It was the only thing he could think to say.

"Oh," Mark replied and started walking around back.

Remembering that Andrew was due shortly he caught up with his friend. "Say, listen. I have a friend of mine coming over to help play Cowboys and Indian's today."

"Naw," Mark said "I don't want to play that again. Let's play something else."

"NO!" Eddie said in a panic. "We HAVE to play Cowboys and Indian's. Please! He's so looking forward to it."

Mark wasn't interested. "Let's play basketball instead."

The nervousness in Eddie's voice was growing. "Ah, we've just GOT to play Cowboys and Indian's. We've just got too! You can do anything you want to us. It'll be fun."

"Can we use the cannon?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, sure. Anything you want. Let's just play. Go get Pat and get dressed. He'll be here soon."

"But I don't have another Indian costume. All I have is the one you wore yesterday and little Joey's." Mark complained.

"I'll use Joey's" Eddie said a bit exasperated. "It's not that much smaller than the one I used yesterday anyway."

"And we can use the cannon?" Mark asked again.

"Yes, Yes. You can use the cannon and anything else you want," Eddie said hurriedly. "Now let's get going!" With that they both went inside.

As Mark and Pat got dressed, Eddie frantically searched for Kayla and eventually found her out back. He was still wearing only his headband but he needed to persuade her to put war paint on him again before she left.

"Kayla," Eddie said as he approached her. "Thank you for not paddling me. I'm very sorry for what happened yesterday and I REALLY learned my lesson."

"Well I should hope so," She said indifferently.

"Kayla," Eddie said as politely as he could, "I need a favor if it's not too much trouble."

"What is it now?" she replied a bit put out.

"Me and a friend of mine are going to play Cowboys and Indians again and I need you help with the war paint, please." Eddie said meekly.

"You're really into that game aren't you?" she asked.

"I'm just trying to keep your brother happy," he answered.

"I guess I could help you out. Go get my purse and bring it here to me. It's on the kitchen table," she instructed.

Eddie ran into the house and to his surprise came right upon Mark's mom. His penis jerked involuntarily upward a few times at the sight of her.

"Oh, hello Eddie," She said politely and then noticing that he was naked remarked, "Have you lost again already?"

"Uh, no ma'am. Not really. Mark's gone to get my costume and Kayla's going to put war paint on me. We haven't started playing yet."

"Oh, I see. Well you certainly don't seem as shy about your body as you were yesterday. Have fun and be careful," she added as she left the room. Eddie grabbed Kayla's purse and ran back outside. No matter what Mark's mom had said, Eddie was STILL shy and very self-conscious about his body.

Kayla started with Eddie's face and continued around his arms as she had done before. THIS time however, Eddie was naked and what a difference that made!! By the time she got to his belly, Eddie was fully erect and scared to death of what Kayla would do when she noticed. He wasn't sure, but he thought it was the first time she would see him this way. It didn't take long before she noticed.

She looked right at Eddie's erect penis and just smirked. "Is THAT as big as it gets? Geez, you're brave to show that to me!! My brother is bigger than you and he's lot younger!!

Eddie was crushed! He couldn't help the way he looked. He had almost would have rather she had gotten mad than to humiliate him like that. Still her words and ALL the humiliating things that had happened to him the last two days seemed to have the opposite effect. He found himself secretly craving to be made fun of. It was all so confusing! It was all he could do not to ejaculate all over her!

When she had finished she said, "If you want your friend painted up he had better get here soon. I've got things to do, ya know."

"He'll be here shortly. I promise," Eddie said and, as he turned to go inside, Kayla smacked his butt as hard as she could with her bare hand and laughed out loud saying, "That's for popping a boner in my face!"