Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 51 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 51: It Has No Beginning or End After an eternity of wishing time would pass so he could get it over with and also being afraid that the time would pass too quickly, Mrs. Hendricks appeared, saying, "Time to go to your own grade, Mr. Henson." She and his mother helped him stand up and stretch out his kinked muscles, especially his gluteal muscles, which had tightened painfully while he'd rested and didn't want to bend. Hobbling, Chad moved slowly with them down the hall to his classroom, where they entered without knocking. Everyone was there, Chad noticed immediately. Jimmy was in normal clothing again rather than naked, but shifted continuously and looked uncomfortable sitting either the effects of the whipping lasted a long time, or his mom must indeed have killed him when he got home Friday. Alan was back in his seat, sitting comfortably in school shirt and diapers he'd still have days to go on his sentence, Chad realized, but he was sitting too easily to have earned any more spankings over the weekend. Emily was smirking, most of the other girls were grinning, but the boys, as a group, looked tense and serious. Chad scanned the room as he entered, looking for clues of what they were going to do to him. The diaper table was at the front of the class, but that could just be because they'd changed Alan recently. There was a large box on the desk, but it was closed, so no clues were present there. Randy was seated by the door, so Chad looked at him inquiringly as Mrs. Hendricks got Mrs. Rose's attention. "Man, you look horrible," Randy whispered. "Who did that to your butt and dick?" "I did," Chad whispered back, almost smiling at Randy's puzzlement. "Just remember when they start, this wasn't our idea, I mean us boys," Randy whispered as Chad started toward the front. "We'd have never picked this!" Great, thought Chad. I get a punishment no boy would ever choose. His mother sat to one side of the front of the classroom, Mrs. Hendricks to the other side, and Mrs. Rose took him by the arm and firmly led him to the diaper table. "You know what to do," she announced, as Lindsay rose and came to the front to assist her. Sighing, Chad clambered up the steps slowly and stretched out, painfully lifting his legs into position to be strapped down, this time with his butt low enough on the table that it hung over the edge an inch or so. His well-paddled butt throbbed as the sore muscles were stretched, and the welts in his butt crack protested. The class all leaned forward, examining the damage of the paddling. Lindsay went to the desk and got the closed box. Mrs. Rose spoke. "Well, Mr. Henson, it appears from the condition of your bottom and your genitals that you've had quite a morning. We'll try to top that this afternoon." Chad grimaced. What was it going to be? Both his butt hole and his balls were vulnerable in this position, so which one would it be? Mrs. Rose let him squirm for a bit, increasing his apprehension. Then she and Lindsay turned the diaper cart, so he was sideways to the class, and Mrs. Rose brought out a vinyl pillow with a wide strap attached to it, which she put under his head, propping it uncomfortably high up. The strap she circled tightly around his head, so that his head was held in one position and he couldn't look away from his classmates. The pillow was big enough that his face actually was above his strapped down leg. "Comfy?" she asked, not waiting for an answer. Mrs. Rose bent down to poke around in the box. Reaching into it, she pulled out an unfamiliar object. She held it up, so the class and Chad could both see it clearly. "This," she said triumphantly, "is a dildo, an artificial penis." Chad, who could now see the thing clearly, realized that it looked exactly like a plastic penis, with veins, an identifiable head, and a molded in pee slit at the tip. It even sported balls, but they were flat on the back and a small handle protruded from there. It wasn't very big in fact, it was roughly the size of the penises of the 4th graders Chad had studied so intricately earlier in the day. She paused, looking at Chad. "Well," she said. "Aren't you going to ask me what I'm going to do with it?" "What- what are you going to do with it?" Chad asked, pretty sure he did not really want to hear the answer. "What do you think I'm going to do with it?" she countered. "Uhhhhhhh," Chad stalled. There really could only be one answer, couldn't there? "Ummmmm, stick itstick it up my butt?" he ventured. "You got it in one. As punishment for your aggression, and as a deterrent to the other boys in this class, I'm going to stick it up your bottom. It will teach you how it feels to have someone violating you against your will. And I'm not going to stick it in there just once, I'm going to stick this dildo up your bottom and pull it back out again 10 times! Lindsay handed Mrs. Rose a second object, which she held up. It was a dildo slightly bigger than the first. "And then," Mrs. Rose said, savoring the moment, "you'll get 10 deep thrusts with this one." Lindsay took those two and handed Mrs. Rose a third and fourth dildo, each bigger than the previous ones. "And then you're getting ten thrusts from each of these!" Chad shivered, and couldn't stop shivering. Mrs. Rose dropped the two dildos back in the box, and pulled out a fifth, this one covered with prominent veins and the size of Joey's huge tool. "And then you're getting 10 thrusts with this one! How do you suppose this one will feel going into your virgin bottom, Mr. Henson?" "It'll hurt?" Chad ventured. "You'll be screaming for mercy to every deity you can imagine," Mrs. Rose replied. "But that's just the first part of your punishment," Mrs. Rose added. "First, I am going to take each dildo and give you 10 thrusts apiece with it. Then it will be young Joseph Rainey's turn!" She pointed to the back, where, for the first time, Chad could just see a small boy sitting in a chair, looking daggers at him. Chad had to rack his brain a minute where had he seen this kid before? The kid had dark circles around his eyes, almost like he'd been hit in the head that was it! This was the kid that had started it all, the one he'd given a concussion to. What has Mrs. Rose just said? It was to be Joseph Rainey's turn. Joseph's turn to do what? A sinking feeling overtook Chad, as Mrs. Rose walked out of Chad's line of sight, then returned carrying a moveable screen. "Of course, Joseph has every right to privacy while he's punishing you in such a personal way, so I'll be sitting this up when he gives you his thrusts, but we'll make sure your front half and face are visible to the class during his performance, so they can see how you react to having a real boy anally invade you." Chad knew what that meant Joseph Rainey was going to put his own little penis up Chad's butt, and probably hump him until he came. And every one would watch, and know what was happening to him! "Now where did I put that bite gag?" Mrs. Rose said, moving toward the back of the room. She rummaged in an equipment locker. Chad noticed Emily smirking at him from a few feet away. "You're going to get your butt fucked," Emily whispered loudly. "Yeah," her cohort seated next to her added. "And we're going to laugh, especially when that little bastard puts it to you with his little thing! You ought to be good and sore by then, so even his little dink will hurt!" Chad clung to that idea for a moment to solace himself. The kid had to have a little one, right? He was only in third grade! It had to be smaller than his own, maybe even smaller than the ones on the 4th graders. It wasn't much of a hope, though, and his mind returned immediately to the Joey sized dildo. He'd made poos that big, but only when he'd been blocked up for a couple of days, and then they always hurt! How was he going to survive this? Would his butt hole break if it was stretched too far? Mrs. Rose returned to the front, slipping a flat rubber piece into Chad's mouth and tying its binding behind his head. "I've been told that it's actually comforting to have something to bite down on when you experience this for the first time, Mr. Henson. You're fortunate that I had this available." The rubbery plate was just big enough to separate his teeth. It felt strange in his mouth. He bit on it experimentally and found it gave a bit and then resisted. Chad felt more totally helpless than he'd ever felt. His most vulnerable parts were open and spread, his arms and legs were firmly tied, and he couldn't even move his head, but had to gaze at the eagerly watching group of classmates gazing back at him. Jimmy looked sympathetic, Joey looked bored, and Emily looked like the proverbial cat that had swallowed the canary. "The girls in this class wanted you to experience this punishment with no lubrication of any kind, but the boys prevailed in convincing them to allow lubrication, and the girls went along, primarily to prevent anal damage that might terminate your punishment too soon. You owe your fellow males a great deal, Mr. Henson they advocated quite strongly for you, Mr. Turpin, Mr. Chen, and Mr. Martinez especially. She walked around to where Chad could see her, rubbing K-Y jelly all over the tip and shaft of the smallest fake penis. It glistened in the classroom lights, looking like a poisonous snake to Chad. She strolled out of his line of sight again. "Ready?" she said pleasantly. Chad felt the cold, gooey head of the first dildo push against his fully exposed anal orifice. Here it comes, he said to himself. Got to remember to ride with it. Try to relax. Push like he was pooping. The plastic intruder rammed into him without warning, stretching his entire rectum up to its full length. That length was less than 2 inches, but to Chad it felt like one of those giant summer sausages had been suddenly rammed up his butt. He screamed into the gag and bit down on it viciously. He hadn't been expecting his insides to complain that much. The peg of the peg chair was bigger, after all, and it hadn't hurt that much. He realized immediately that it was probably because the dildo had been rammed up his bottom rapidly rather than being eased in as the peg of the chair had been. Over his moans, Mrs. Rose said, loudly, "Nine more thrusts," and yanked the intruder out, which hurt almost as much as sticking it in had hurt. Then she immediately rammed it in again, and Chad screamed again into the gag, biting down on the gag so powerfully he thought a tooth might break. The pain came in waves, bearable because of the small size of the dildo but unrelenting, and he focused on riding it rather than fighting, trying to force his hole to relax, his pelvis to stop pushing. The next thrust came, and the next. He squealed as loudly as he felt like squealing, riding each thrust like a cresting wave. He'd thought the peg chair, and having to take people's soapy fingers up his butt was bad! He realized he'd never know what real butt hole pain felt like until then. Wave after wave of pain coursed through him as the dildo rammed in and out, and Chad gasped and bawled. Chad's vision was already blurry from tears, but without seeing he knew when she changed dildos. His butt had almost stopped complaining about the width of the first shaft, but this one was noticeably bigger, and he shrieked anew when it rammed into him for the first time. His cries gradually diminished to little "Uhhhhn uhhhhn uhhhhn gasps as the thrusting continued. As the tenth thrust of the second dildo was completed and Mrs. Rose turned to the third, Chad realized that his penis was tingling and that somewhere in there he'd acquired a boner. That thought fled his head as the 3rd dildo entered him, though, a device bigger than his own now erect penis. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Chad squealed, muffled by his gag. "Yerrrrr Kiiwing meeeeeeeee!" he screeched, his voice distorted by crying and by the gag. Mrs. Rose merely rammed the dildo into him harder and deeper. The pain of his rectum intensified would this never be over? Yet his contrary penis grew fatter and stiffer, hovering over his stomach and throbbing with urgency and a desire to be touched. Chad keep squealing semi-coherent protests as Mrs. Rose thoroughly reamed him out with number 3. "Schtoooop! Schtoooop!" he moaned, the rubber gag mangling his speech. "It huuuuuurzzzzzzs! Pweeeeeeese!" Mrs Rose finished the 10 thrusts and methodically began lubricating dildo number 4. With the previous dildo out of him, Chad's butt hole and rectum felt distant and numb, throbbing dully, but his perverse little penis, still raw from over-masturbating, bounced with his heartbeat above his stomach. "You're dilating nicely, Mr. Henson," Mrs. Rose said loudly over his moans and gasps as she greased up the fourth instrument of his torture. "You'll be quite ready for Mr. Rainey's pleasure when it's his turn." She grinned, looming over his body, and then rammed the 4th dildo into Chad. This one, about half way in size between Tommy's erect tool and Joey's, felt like it was tearing Chad's insides apart, and Chad screamed and sobbed through each thrust. Yet, strangely, he also felt intense internal excitement, and liquid pressure building in the base of his wiener. How could he hurt this much and still be excited? The head of his red tool was jumping wildly now, even while his rectum and anus burned unbearably. Chad could feel liquid snot puddling against the side of his face and spreading under him, lubricating his twitching head movements. From Jimmy's seat in the middle of the classroom, it looked like Chad's eyes bugged out with every inward thrust of their teacher, and bugged out progressively farther with each bigger dildo. How could Chad stand having those big things shoved up his butt? Stupid, Jimmy thought to himself. He can't stand it. He's screaming like a banshee, or at least like they say a banshee screams. How can you know how a mythical creature screams? But if one did scream, it would sound like Chad, Jimmy thought. I wonder if the big one will make Chad's eyes pop right out of his head? Cynthia was thinking something else. From her side of the classroom, she had a better view of Chad's nether regions than most of her classmates. She was shocked how his butt hole clung to the dildo each time it was withdrawn, pulling the skin outward, pale and thin, then making it cave inward when the next thrust came. She was even more shocked by how the boy's anus hung open, angry and distended, each time a dildo was removed and the next prepared. You could see right into his moist, red insides, and the sight was not an attractive one! She shuddered. Poor Chad! But it would be over soon. And that little boy probably had a wiener like a Vienna sausage as dilated as he was, Chad probably wouldn't even feel him. Chad was riding the waves of pain, confused feelings inside of him. His butt hole and rectum burned really, truly burning like a constant fire, not the fading burn he'd experienced before. He couldn't stop screaming into his gag. But his boy stuff also was excited more excited than he'd ever been. It was painful and he wanted it to stop, but the excitement part was intoxicating! There was a pause in the waves of pain. Chad couldn't even feel his butt hole any more when Mrs. Rose paused. He could blurrily see her, busily lubricating the last, almost man- sized device. She pressed the tip against his wide open hole, letting the time draw out, but playing the mushroomed head against his opening to emphasize how much more he'd have to stretch for this one. "This one is going to make the previous ones seem like nothing," she announced grimly, and then thrust it smoothly and rapidly into him. She wasn't kidding. Chad almost passed out, the initial pain of stretching his butt hole was so intense, and the initial pain of withdrawal was just as strong. He shrieked into the gag, over and over, as the pain of the next thrust, and the next, and the next washed over him. Yet his wiener strained to become even bigger, the head swelling, the liquid pressure in him building. There was a place inside him, Chad suddenly realized, that made his wiener jump every time the dildos stretched it, and the constant stimulation felt horrible and yet had good overtones. The pain of the initial thrusts wasn't duplicated, and the torrent inside Chad eased a bit as the final thrusts neared. On thrust 9, a dam inside Chad burst, and his body, bound and immobile, strained against the Velcro restraints as the biggest orgasm he'd ever had burst through Chad, his small penis jumping, and multiple little droplets spattering on his tummy as the final thrust occurred. Mrs. Rose pulled the dildo out, examining it, then leaned over to look into his rectum. "No blood, no physical damage," she said happily. "Mr. Rainey will be able to go ahead as planned." Chad was still moaning in pain, the side of his face in a pool of snot and tears, his butt hole throbbing and burning. Mrs. Rose handed her toys to Lindsay to take to the bathroom to clean off, while she took baby wipes and cleaned up the KY off of Chad's flanks and buttocks. His butt hole remained open he could feel it hanging loosely, as she rimmed it with baby wipes. He was afraid to flex the pain-filled muscles it would take to close it, and anyway, that little bastard of a kid would just force him open again with his little dick. Mrs. Rose looked at Chad's stomach and his still erect penis. "Forced some ejaculate out of you, I see. Prostate stimulation will do that. I hope it was painful." She got a baby wipe and swiped up the offending drops. Then she was moving the screen, blocking the view of Chad's lower body from the rest of the class. "Mr. Rainey, please come up here it's time for you to get your revenge," Mrs. Rose said over Chad's low moans. The little boy stood and walked determinedly up to the front, disappearing from the class view behind the screen. Chad couldn't see him, either, with his head tied facing the class, but he could hear Mrs. Rose's murmured instructions to the boy as they stood behind the screen, invisible to the class. "Let me help you with your pants," she said quietly. "We'll just slide them down to your ankles, no need to take them off. Don't worry, no one can see you back here but me they'll all stay on their side of the screen, and he can't see you, either. Even if he could, he's crying so hard you'd be blurry. Good. Now let's get your underwear down, that's a boy. My, you are impressive for a little fellow Mr. Henson should certainly feel that! And you're all ready to go, too! You'll make some girl happy with that thing some day, mark my words! Now let me just put this condom on you the board insists you and Mr. Henson be protected." There was a pause. "That tickles," the little boy giggled. "Just hold still I've almost got it unrolled. It's a little loose, but it'll do, and you young boys don't need a lot of stimulation. There, now let me put some of this lubricant on you. It's not so much to make things easier for Mr. Henson, it's to make it easier for you to enjoy yourself." There was another pause while Chad waited. He was gonna get butt fucked by a little boy! And everyone in class would witness it! Sure, they wouldn't see the actual boy's dick go in his butt, but they'd see his own face while he got it and know what was happening. He felt something hard and damp brush his still half open butt hole, then lock onto the center of it and begin pushing with increasing pressure. He heard Mrs. Rose say, "That's good, right there. You're just the right height! And he's contracted to just the right tightness for you, I'll bet. Now don't push in yet. Just wait here until I address the class, and when I say go, push yourself on in quickly, and then just do what feels best until you're done!" "Can I do him real hard?" the little boy said more loudly. "I want to hurt him!" The boy's mind suddenly shifted gears. "Hey, how come his weenie's so little? It isn't any bigger than mine is when it's hard!" "You get to decide how vigorously you punish Mr. Henson," Mrs. Rose responded over the roar of laughter from the class, who'd hear the boy's remarks. "And his penis is small because that's just the way he is." There was a pause, then Chad heard Mrs. Rose's voice coming from the other side of the screen. "Chad Henson's final punishment in front of this class will start in a moment. I want all of you to watch his face during this procedure, and remember that this could happen to you, too! Young Mr. Rainey, when you're ready, go!" Chad's eyes bugged as the boy's shaft rammed into him. It wasn't nearly as big as the biggest dildo, but it was bigger than the smaller ones, and it HURT! And the boy was eager, too! He rammed in and out quickly, as quickly as a little boy's butt muscles could thrust. The effects of his wild ramming built quickly. Chad began moaning again. In his sore rectum, it hurt a lot! Tears poured anew from his eyes and he tried to flex his muscles, hating his helplessness. How could anything made of flesh be that hard and unyielding? It was like a metal poker ramming him the plastic dildos had felt softer! Suddenly, the little boy let out a whoop. "Take that!" he screamed at Chad, ramming his hips into Chad so hard he swore he could feel the boy's scrotum slapping against his opened butt. "And that! And that! And that!" Each pronouncement was accompanied by the boy ramming Chad as hard as he could. Chad began squealing in pain with each new penetration. Sure, the kid's little dick was smaller than most of the dildos, but he was ramming Chad faster, and he was getting many more strokes, too, so his rectum was suffering major irritation, and it didn't stop after 10 strokes, either. Despite having its brakes on, the diaper cart began lurching with each of the boy's thrust, inching forward from behind the screen. Intent on punishing Chad, the little boy merely shuffled his legs forward to follow it and kept thrusting, shouting, "How do you it like now? Huh? Huh? Huuuuuuuhh? HUUUH-ERGGGGGGGG!" On this last thrust, with orgasm washing over him, the little fellow actually pushed so hard that the diaper cart moved completely from behind the screen, so he was visible to the whole class, his pants and underpants around his ankles, his penis buried all the way into Chad's butt. He shuddered, every muscle in his body shaking, and stiffened, shutting his eyes, rising all the way to his toes and arching his back. Then his body gradually relaxed, and as his senses returned he gradually settled on his heels and relaxed. Only then, as he opened his eyes again, did he realize that the whole class of 7th graders was staring at him in amazement. "Oops!" he said, seeing a see of faces eyeing him. "Ummmm, hi," he said lamely, suddenly realizing his butt and indeed his entire lower half was visible to everyone. He pulled out of Chad, leaving the condom hanging half out of Chad's butt, and snatched at his pants and underpants, frantically pulling them up, but not before they got a good look at his satisfied but still mostly erect penis. "Bigger than Henson's," Big Sam muttered. "Everyone's is bigger than Henson's," the boy beside him replied. "Still, I wouldn't want that little squirt butt- fucking me!" Cute, Cynthia thought to herself. She wondered why she like boys' genitals so much, even those on the little guys. She knew lots of girls who said they thought boys' stuff was gross, but she loved the way their little sausages hung over their little bulges. She wondered if Chad would be a long time healing up to the point he might want to fool around a bit with her. Ramona felt the usual surge of excitement tickle through her as she caught sight of the boy's bare genitals. The fact that he was trying to cover up his bouncy shaft and protruding sack just made it more exciting. She was actually disappointed as Mrs. Rose moved to shield the boy and deftly tucked his penis into his underpants, then zipped up and buckled his pants. "Wait here," she said, patting the boy's butt. She turned the diaper cart so everyone in class could see the swollen, irritated, but still open passageway into Chad's body, and deftly yanked the used condom from it. "Remember this, boys," she pronounced. "You don't want to be next!" Chad was left in that position for 15 minutes as a lesson to the class, his sore, welted buttocks spread, his abused hole wide open. The class spent the time by recounting all of Chad's shortcomings, the all female speakers chiming in on his immature behavior, his bad manners, his horrible impulse control, and his overall failings as a human being. Joseph Rainey was given a hand held video game as a thank you for his services, and spent the time eagerly pushing buttons and wiggling this way and that on the chair he'd been offered. Finally, the event they'd been waiting for occurred, and Chad's butt hole began to twitch, and then slowly contract until it was open only about the width of Chad's pinky finger. Then, suddenly, in an instant it snapped fluidly shut, looking puffy and red but still functional. "I guess Chad's closed for the day," Emily snickered from her chair. Chad's head was untied and the gag bar taken out. Mrs. Rose held it up to show the bite marks Chad had made, where he'd chewed completely through the rubber. "That's how much it hurts, boys," she said in a cautionary tone. She untied his straps and helped him up, where his mother cleaned the dried snot and tears from his face and made him walk around in circles to get his circulation going again. Chad hobbled like an old man, his penis sore, his butt welted and throbbing, his butt hole burning and tender. Joseph Rainey watched with a look of satisfaction on his face. Finally, Chad was led over to the little boy's chair to apologize. "I'm sorry I hit you," Chad said, so hoarse he could hardly speak from screaming into the gag. "I'm not just saying that, I really am sorry. I deserved what you just did to me. I probably deserve to have you do it over and over. I just didn't think about hurting other people before, but now I understand." "Well, I liked hurting you," the boy replied. "You needed to be hurt! I hope you can't poop for a week!" With that, he turned to Mrs. Rose. "Do I get to keep this?" She nodded. "Oh, boy!" he said, skipping out of the classroom and presumably back to his own. Chad, standing naked and exposed, apologized to his class for having to witness the spectacle of what Mrs. Rose called his "anal punishment," and also for them once again having to look at his disgusting male body. I really am disgusting this time, though, he thought as he apologized. My wiener is a mess, my butt is a mess, and my butt hole must look like hamburger. And my face is all covered with dried snot and tears, and puffy, too, I bet. He submitted quietly to having his face washed by Mrs. Rose, and then meekly followed his mother and Mrs. Hendricks out. No more mysteries about what's next, he thought as they closed the classroom door. It's off to the lion's den, where he'd face the girl he injured, and his brother Tommy. And, worst of all, their target was almost certainly his small, delicate testes. Chad walked slowly and stiffly across the playground to grade school building and the 6th grade room. He no longer cared that he was butt naked, with his red penis and welted butt on display for everybody. His butt throbbed from the paddling he'd been forced to give himself in the 8th grade, and his anus and rectum burned from the outrageous stretching it had received from the succession of dildos that Mrs. Rose had so cheerfully plunged into his body in his own classroom, not to mentioned the frenzied reaming that 3rd grade kid had given him with his hard little wiener. At the end he had felt like he was being ripped in half by the little fucker! The fact that he could think the word amazed Chad. Little fucker! LITTLE FUCKER! That's what the boy was he was a little fucker! Actually, Chad thought, almost grinning, all boys were little fuckers, or at least they wanted to be. He'd like to be a little fucker himself! He tried to picture Cynthia with her panties off and her legs spread, so the place you put your penis was wide open for him to enter... He was starting to get hard have to stop thinking about that! In an effort to make himself shrink, he thought once again about what it had felt like to have the dildos, and then the boy's penis ripping into his butt. He kept getting visions of a story he'd read last year, in which the villain was impaled on a sharpened pole that went up his butt, plunging deeper and deeper into his vitals as he struggled in agony until it reached his heart and lungs and killed him. If the kid's wiener would have been long enough, he'd have cheerfully done that to Chad. So it was with an odd mix of thoughts that Chad walked to his final destination, the one that would end his torment for the day. For the thousandth time, he promised himself that he would never, ever, ever push, hit or harm another child for as long as he lived. The throb of his buttocks and his burning rectum weren't his only hurt, of course. His mouth was sore from sucking 4th graders, and his wiener was raw from having to beat himself off to stave off the burn of the Stimulator. And he still had one punishment to endure. Not only was this promised to be the nastiest one, and on his most sensitive body part, but he'd be getting it in front of the actual classmates of the girl he'd injured and the girl herself, and even worse, his little brother Tommy! As they entered the building, he wondered what sort of punishment he would face here. He was almost certain that it was going to involve his balls, but what would they do to them? Would they squeeze them, or pull them, or slap them, or punch them, or hit them with paddles? Maybe they'd do all those things! Shivers ran down his spine and his penis shriveled to a tiny lump. They were going to punish his balls, he knew. The question was how. Entering the room, Chad was surprised to see that the desks had all been moved to one side, creating a large open area in the room. The 6th graders were seated on the floor in a U, with the front of the classroom open. A thick plywood board attached to sturdy uprights and a triangular support stand leaned backward, its top touching the blackboard, its bottom more than a foot away from the wall. Padded leather straps on the bottom, at the top, and in the center made it clear that the board was designed for immobilizing a boy with his legs apart for whatever punishment he was to receive. At about butt height, the board had a leather cushion, so that the midsection of whoever was tied to it would be forced outward, in front of the rest of the body. "Put your back to the board, young man, and lift your arms up to the top straps," Mrs. Johnson, the sixth grade teacher ordered. Chad complied and his wrists were circled by the thick straps and tied down. Next, the thick straps across his stomach and across his chest were snugged down, so that he couldn't move his abdomen or his arms. Finally, his legs were guided apart, one at a time, and attached by thick, padded straps at the ankles to the bottom of the board, so his weight was now held by the straps rather than his feet. He felt like a bug impaled on pins in a museum display. He saw his brother Tommy seated on the right side with some other boys, looking at him with a mixture of pity and smugness. He was probably still mad about how Chad had taken all the fun out of making Chad service him. Mrs. Johnson checked all of the restraints, then turned to the class. "As we promised, this is the 7th grade miscreant who viciously attacked your classmate Celine on Friday without cause or provocation. You may have noticed as he entered that he has already experienced a number of severe punishments today, including having to orally copulate all the boys in the 4th grade, having to masturbate publicly in the 5th grade, having to suffer anal penetration by a succession of larger and larger instruments as well as experiencing natural penetration in the 7th grade, and receiving a severe bare bottomed paddling that he was forced to give himself in the 8th grade. He is now ready for his final punishment of the day, to be administered by you." She turned to Chad. "The class discussed it thoroughly on Friday, and decided that Celine herself should have the final say in what punishment you received. We presented her with a pair of suggestions this morning, and she has made the choice of how you should be punished. I believe she would like the opportunity to inform you of her choice now." Mrs. Johnson indicated a girl on the far side, who Chad noticed for the first time. It was, indeed, the girl he'd knocked down, her eyes black, her lips swollen, and metal gridwork visible in her mouth when she spoke. She looked at him with loathing. "You hurt me so bad," she began. "You almost knocked my tooth clear out, and I couldn't even sleep Friday night! When Mrs. Johnson asked what I wanted to do to you, I said you should have your balls cut off! And you should, but they won't let me do it! So I told her I wanted to make your balls hurt as much as possible! I have a big brother, so I know how sensitive your boy parts are to being hit. I'm also in soccer, and I know how to kick! So I told her I wanted to do a target kicking contest! We're going to take turns kicking this rubber ball at your balls!" Mrs. Johnson took over, explaining the rules. "Remember, class, anyone who hits this boy directly on the scrotum gets 2 points, and anyone who hits at least part of his scrotum gets one point. If you miss him entirely or hit some other part of him such as his stomach, you get the satisfaction of knowing you caused him pain, but no points. Celine will go first, and then we'll all take turns going around the room. When we finish, we'll go around again. We'll keep kicking for half an hour." She held up a box. "Remember, girls, that the girl with the most points wins this portable MP3 player. You boys aren't eligible for prizes, of course, but you are competing to avoid being spanked first thing tomorrow morning." She glared around the room at the boys. "So if any of you are thinking about being merciful to a fellow boy, you'd better think again. The boy with the 2nd lowest point total is getting bare-bottom spanked tomorrow morning, and the boy with the lowest is getting bare-bottom paddled!" She glared at Tommy. "That goes especially for you, young Mr. Henson. I know he's your brother, but you'd still better try your hardest." Tommy gave Chad a hard look, making it clear he had no intention of going easy on his brother. Chad looked straight at him and nodded, leaving Tommy obviously puzzled at his reaction. Mrs. Johnson turned back to Chad. "We want to make sure we hit our target, so we'd best get this out of the way." She walked to her desk and retrieved a roll of duct tape, tearing off a long strip. Seizing Chad's short, reddened penis, she flipped it up toward his stomach and ran the tape across it, binding it up out of the way of his balls, which now were completely visible. "There," she said. She eyed Chad critically. "It's a small target, I'll admit, but that makes it more challenging." The class laughed at her "small target" comment. Chad blushed. How many of these boys had bigger things than him, he wondered? Maybe they all did! The teacher looked him in the face. "Do you have anything to say, young man, before Celine starts us off?" Chad gulped, the terror rising in him again and making it hard to get words out. He remembered what Tommy had told him several days before. "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely. "I was just trying to get away from the kids bugging me, and I was careless. I should have been more careful. I'm really sorry I hurt you. I'll never do it again, ever!" He looked at Celine pleadingly. Celine tossed her long, blond hair. "That's not good enough. You need to hurt. I'm going to make you hurt so bad you'll never want to hurt another girl again! In fact, you should be crying right now!" She stepped quickly across to Chad, and, before the teacher could react, raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face, then slapped the other side of his face with an expert backhand. Tears welled in Chad's eyes and began crying immediately, his face burning as bad as his butt had earlier. The teacher started to step forward, but then stopped when she retreated. "I'm done," she said. "I just wanted him to be crying when I kicked." The teacher nodded understandingly. She tossed the small, bouncy genital punishment ball the principal had given them to use on Chad. It looked exactly like a playground ball, except it was only about 4 inches across. It was just stretchy enough to sting a boy's genitals and cause throbbing testicular pain without serious bruising, only genital swelling with repeated use. Celine bounced the ball off one knee, stopped it with the other, transferred it to her feet, and began dribbling it back and forth in complicated motions. "Bet you I hit the little bastard square in the nuts on the first shot," she proclaimed. Mrs. Johnson walked to Chad and took a rubber ball with strings attached to it off of her desk. "Open your mouth, young man," she ordered, stuffing the ball in it when the still crying Chad complied. "We don't want you biting your tongue, and this should quiet you down a bit." She nodded to Celine. "You may begin." The girl grinned nastily at Chad and eyed his diminutive wrinkled patch of scrotum speculatively. She then toed the ball into position, drew back her shapely leg, and kicked. Chad let out a grunt through the gag as the ball impacted squarely on his bulging plum of a scrotum. His body tried to double over, but could only contract impotently against the restraints. Black, throbbing pain burst from his genitals and overwhelmed him, his vision dimming to dancing dark spots for a time before returning again. Tears rolled copiously down his cheeks as he moaned loudly, gasping through his nose between moans. A male classmate of Celine's had retrieved the rebounding ball and was approaching the center. Over at the blackboard, a girl had placed a number 2 next to Celine's neatly written name. Through his tears, Chad realized the male lining up the ball was Tommy. Tommy looked determined as he lined the ball up -- it was obvious he was still angry about the whole butt-licking thing and the way it had made him feel. He drew back his foot and gave a mighty kick, the ball flying through the air and mostly striking Chad's taped down penis, barely brushing his vulnerable ball sack. Pain flooded his stomach area as the skin burned and his gut ached. Chad moaned more loudly as the scorekeeper credited Tommy with one point. The assault on his privates continued, with 6th grader after 6th grader firing the ball, some missing entirely, some hitting his knees or chest, and a few hitting him indirectly on the balls, usually to one side or the other rather than square on. The center of Chad's body burned and ached from the repeated contact, his balls feeling smashed, his wiener burning, the fronts of his legs stinging, and his gut throbbing. Several times his body heaved, trying to throw up, but as his stomach was empty, nothing came up. In between, Chad cried piteously, his face becoming even more puffy and snot streaming from his nose. The last boy to step up, a black lad with a stocky build, drilled Chad directly in the balls as squarely as Celine had done, to take the male lead. Muttering comments flowed as he sat down again. "Sure, he doesn't mind doing it!" "Yeah, if he had any of his own..." Chad realized through his haze of pain that this must be the unfortunate kid in Tommy's class with no balls. Probably resentful over his own spanking and wanting to strike back at the people who had balls, and Chad was his target today. Great still another person with reason to hate him! At the end of the first round, only the one boy and one girl had hit Chad squarely in the crotch, a fact that was noted by Mrs. Johnson as she lined up on the ball again for the second round. Tommy was one of 6 boys and 3 girls with one point, while 4 of the boys were looking nervous at having no points at all. "Here it comes, buttface," Celine said mockingly, giving the bouncy ball a tremendous kick. True to her word, she once again hit Chad right in the center of his bulge, the pain making everything go black for him for a bit. The ball bounced off him so hard that it banged of the back wall of the room on the rebound, Tommy chasing it down and finally catching it near the front. He lined up on Chad again. "I'm gonna nail him too, this time," he muttered, kicking more lightly than Celine but still hitting Chad just as squarely on the balls. Chad retched and almost passed out this time, Mrs. Johnson holding the next kicker until he'd settled down again. The second round was completed, this time with more students on target, and Mrs. Johnson had to stop the action 4 more times as Chad heaved and retched, the pain in his sack overwhelming him. To the amazement of the 6th graders, Chad's scrotum was visibly swelling as the punishment went on. His balls, normally not much bigger than elongated marbles, were pushing out his sack and looked almost twice their normal size by the time the third round start. "That's just edema," Mrs. Hendricks said confidently. "It's normal for boys who are punished with this device. He can take one more round without permanent damage." Mrs. Johnson glanced at the clock. "Time is running out for some of you boys. Mr. Witt, Mr. Clyborne, and Mr. Amir, the three of you had better get your act together. If the three of you still have no points at the end of this round, I won't know who the winner is and I'll be forced to paddle all three of you tomorrow." The three boys, one thin and awkward, one small and almost girlish, and the third small and still sporting baby fat, looked distressed. The tall, awkward one spoke up. "I'm trying, Mrs. Johnson, I really am! I'm just not good at kicking things!" "Your point is duly noted, Mr. Clyborne," Mrs. Johnson said. "So I'm going to change the rules a bit for the boys. This round, I'm going to observe how hard you try and give you points for that. If you try your hardest, I'll give you 2 points, and if you try but I don't think you're doing your best, you get one point. If I don't think you're trying, you get zero. Lowest point total at the end still gets paddled, next lowest gets spanked." Celine lined up. "I don't care how swollen your little nuts are! I don't care if they're the size of basketballs! I'm going to drill you as hard as I can with this one! True to her word, her kick hit Chad right on his swollen gonads, causing him to produce a muffled shriek and thrash impotently, his vision dimming and spots swimming in front of his eyes, his universe centering around his aching balls. Tommy followed. "Henson lines it up," he muttered as he drew his leg back. "He kicks, he scores!" Chad's nuts exploded in pain again as his brother drilled him once again in the balls, this time harder than before, and got 2 points for effort. Once Chad stopped retching, the last round continued, as child after child lined up, the boys kicking wildly and enthusiastically to save their own butts, the girls kicking out of solidarity with the popular Celine. Chad received 3 more direct and 4 more indirect hits before it was all over. The teacher totaled the scores as Chad hung from the board, hoarsely squalling into the gag. "Celine wins the grand prize," she announced to cheers. "Mr. Witt, Mr. Amir, you scored lowest, but as you both did try the last round, I'll suspend your spankings for the time being if you don't get into any more trouble the rest of the week. One misstep, though, and you're still in for it!" The two boys in question looked somewhat relieved. Chad's mother stepped up and removed his gag, so his crying was more obvious. She washed his face with a wash cloth from a basin of cool water that Mrs. Johnson had previously prepared, all the time urging him to hush his crying. Chad looked at his mother blearily, hanging from the board by his restraints. His balls had swollen to the size of Joey's impressive package. Tears still traced down his face, but his crying had dropped to a low sniffle. The dull, throbbing ache in his scrotum continued, though, his generative organs protesting their maltreatment at the hands of the angry 6th graders. His butt hurt terribly as well. The welts he'd given himself in his enthusiasm for penitence would be a long time healing, and his butt hole burned so badly he dreaded eating and creating a need to poop any time soon. His red, raw, over stimulated penis was still taped, chaffed and limp, against this stomach. His mother gently pulled off the tape, making Chad cry out briefly and then breathe deeply to steady himself. She took wipes and rubbed his genital package down, then took a tube of antibiotic cream and began massaging it into the underside of his sore penis, directly under the head. Chad, sniffling, looked down as she worked on his well- punished privates. Mrs. Hendricks gave him a sip of water from the water bottle. "Is that it?" he croaked, unable to believe it was 5 minutes to bell time. "Are you going to untie me? Am I done?" "Almost," his mother responded. She'd walked to the desk to set down the tube of antibiotic, now approached him with one hand behind her back. Chad noticed that all the eyes in the classroom were looking at him, glittering in anticipation. What was up? His brother Tommy looked at him intently, as if he didn't want to miss anything that was going to happen. "There's just one more punishment you're getting today. This one's from me." She moved her hand from behind her, to reveal what the other children had already seen the source of their eager anticipation. It took him a moment to figure out what he was seeing, and where he'd seen it before. His eyes bugged out in terror. "Noooooooooo!" he screamed, his voice hoarse and ragged from crying. "Noooooooooo! Not that!" He trailed off, hyperventilating, his face beet red, his limbs thrashing against the restraints. "Yes, I'm afraid so," his mother said, taking his penis in one hand and lining the tool up on the bottom of it against the projecting knot of flesh under the pee hole. "As your final punishment today, you're going to be ringed." Chad stiffened and squealed as, with a needle-like stab, the cold steel pierced his most delicate part. The class broke into applause, and he looked with horror at the gold ring hanging from the underside of his organ, a drop of blood forming on each side of the skin where it entered and exited him. Then, mercifully for him, he fainted dead away.