Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 49 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 49: If You Want Something Done Right... Chad waited in the wings of the school auditorium, butterflies in his stomach and knees weak with fear. This was it the beginning of his day of punishment, when he'd be the first and only kid in school to have run the gauntlet. His morning preparations had flown quickly. His mother had roused him at 6:30 and made him lie on a towel face down on the bathroom floor while she pushed the enema tube in him and filled him with an enormous amount of soapy water, then looked on approvingly as the water came out of him and into the toilet just as clean as it had gone it. She'd carefully bathed him and then rubbed his whole body with moisturizing oils until it glistened. She guided him out of the bathroom and down to the living room completely naked, standing him in the corner with his hands behind his head while the oils soaked in. She returned with a pile of clothing, calling him out of the corner. She had been up in his room, where she'd selected his most worn school polo shirt and uniform pants, commenting, "If they're going to cut them up, we might as well not use good ones." Chad saw that she had his socks and shoes in the pile as well, but not his neck chain. "No jewelry today," his mother said brusquely. "You haven't acted like a civilized person, so you'll have no signs of civilization on you when you get punished. Now get dressed." Chad noticed for the first time that on top the pile there was an unfamiliar pair of briefs, bright colors visible printed on them. "Those aren't mine," he indicated, waving at the folded clothing. "They are now," his mother said, unfolding the underwear and holding them up for him to see. "Your brother helped pick them out for your big unveiling today. We're lucky you have such small hips, or we'd have never found a size to fit you." Chad looked at the underwear in horror. The waist band proclaimed, "TELETUBBIES!" in huge capital letters circling the top. Purple, yellow, green and red figures covered the front and back. "I can't wear those!" Chad moaned. "Everyone will laugh at me!" "You didn't seem concerned about people laughing at you when you earned 2 spankings and a paddling at school," his mother said dismissively. "Now put them on, and get your other clothes on. I don't suppose you're hungry." Chad shook his head violently, holding the offending underpants up and eyeing them with distaste as his mother hurried out. Teletubbies! Of all the nasty tricks to pull, his brother picks out Teletubbies! At least they were his size they'd cover his butt and wiener. Well, until they were cut off of him. He shuddered and slipped them on, pulling them up snugly. He felt ridiculous. Tommy breezed in, munching toast. "Mom says to hurry up. Ooooooooh, cute!" he said, trying to keep a straight face but unable to hold it. He bent double with laughter, bits of toast spraying on the floor as he cracked up at the sight of his big brother in Teletubbies undies. Chad tried to ignore him, slipping pants on for the first time in days. By the time he'd pulled on his shirt and was slipping on socks, Tommy had gotten control of himself and was picking bits of toast off the floor before his mother saw what he'd done. Chad, not knowing what else to do, walked into the hall. He tried not to think any farther ahead than how he felt right now. He didn't feel hungry so much as just empty from mouth to butt hole, and he wouldn't have been able to keep anything down, anyway. Despite his determination to be brave and ride it out, he felt dread coursing through him. This must be how condemned prisoners feel, he thought. Everything is perfectly normal, your body is feeling as fine as it ever has no aches, no pains, everything at the peak of health, but doom is coming, and coming too soon. He reached in his underpants and felt his boy butt, smooth, soft, rounded, muscular, and fully healed not a pimple, a mark, or even a bump in the skin. He leaned forward slightly to part his buns and probed his butt hole with his index finger it felt tight, comfortable, and pleasantly twitchy, no longer puffy outside nor sore inside, just ready to do its job if he ever got his system started back up again. He then reached in the front of his pants with one hand and cupped his balls, then let his fingers explore his perfect, unscarred penis, hanging little boy style today rather than hiding, as if proud of itself. His penis twitched, always ready for action. How long would his body continue to feel like this today how long would it be perfect before his fellow students covered his butt with painful welts, or made his currently comfortable feeling balls ache, or stretched his butt hole beyond endurance? And how would he stand up to hour after hour of angry schoolmates determined to mar the current near perfection of his pubescent body, to do things that they hoped would make him hurt? He shivered, removing his hands, and had them back at his sides before his mother breezed in from the kitchen, urging him into the bathroom to pee and then into the car with Tommy to make the short drive to school. Tommy split off to his classroom, saying cheerfully to Chad, "See you soon! I mean, really see you!" Chad accompanied his mother to the auditorium, where he was deposited in the wings of the stage and told to wait as his mother went to confer with Mrs. Hendricks and look over the punishment schedule and sign her final approval. No, not yet! Chad thought to himself over and over again, as condemned men have done for centuries. I'm not ready. It's too soon. But the time passed anyway. A din rose in the auditorium as class after class filed in. At exactly 8:30 he heard the moan of feedback from the microphone, and then Mrs. Hendricks, the vice principal, began addressing the assembled students. Next to Chad, Mrs. Rose appeared and stood grimly by him, grasping his upper arm just in case he should suddenly decide to bolt. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and then there was a shuffling as students seated themselves. "Students of Miriam Webster Schools, we are here to initiate the punishment of one of your fellow students, a seventh grade boy who has attacked a younger student twice in the last week and compounded this by engaging in other inappropriate behaviors as well," Mrs. Hendricks announced. "To demonstrate that such violent behavior will not be tolerated at this school, we have decided to make an example of this incorrigible brat. Mrs. Rose, would you please bring Chad Henson forward." Chad's legs got weak and Mrs. Rose had to half drag him out of the wings of the auditorium to the center of the stage. Chad was grateful for the enema his mother had given him this morning as well as he trip to the bathroom to pee moments before had there been anything in him at all, he'd have pooped and peed his pants on the spot. A pair of snare drummers from the school band played a marching cadence as he was pulled in, and Mrs. Rose unconsciously adjusted her stride to match it. He was halted in the center of the stage, a spotlight on him. He could barely see the surrounding children with the bright light on him, but he sensed the excitement of the crowd of boys and girls. He could see his mother sitting in a chair at the side of the stage, looking at him grimly. The drum cadence stopped. "Chad Henson," Mrs. Hendricks began. "You have already been publicly spanked on your bare bottom twice in the last week for misbehavior, and have also been paddled on your bare bottom. None of these punishments prevented you from committing an additional act of violence on Friday, when you viciously attacked a 6th grade girl and injured her seriously. In light of this action and your equally vicious attack on a younger child on Tuesday of last week, the school board has agreed that you will be suspended for 5 days from school, and you will be forced to run the gauntlet today beginning at 9 AM. That means that you will visit each of the classes from 4th through 8th grade, where each class of children will publicly administer a severe punishment that they have chosen especially for you. It is hoped that your experience of an entire day of punishment will serve as a lesson to you to modify your behavior and as a deterrent to any other boy who might be contemplating following in your example." She turned toward Chad's mother and beckoned her. "We will now formally begin your suspension by separating your from the school. As you will not be a student here for the next 5 days, you are not entitled to wear that uniform, nor do you deserve to do so." She accepted a pair of scissors from Chad's mother, who kept a second pair for her own use. "Chad Henson, place your hands behind your head and hold still. You would not want us to accidentally cut anything of yours during this process." The drummers began a spirited drum roll. In unison, Chad's mother and Mrs. Hendricks started at the sides of his uniform shirt and cut upward, finishing by exiting the bottom of his sleeves. Chad's shirt hung on him like a poncho, the sides open. They then swiftly cut the tops of the sleeves to the neck, and Chad's shirt fell off him in two parts, his scrawny bare chest white in the bright spotlight, his ribs showing and his nipples tiny and barely visible. The two then started at the legs of his pants and began cutting up the sides, pulling the pants away from his body as they cut. Like his shirt, pants fell off as they reached the top, landing in a pile between his legs, where his mother swiftly yanked them free. This left Chad clad only in his new Teletubbies briefs and his socks and shoes. Catcalls and screams of laughter poured out of the sections full of older kids as they caught sight of what he was wearing. His mother and Mrs. Hendricks waited a bit so the class could appreciate his juvenile briefs, then the drum roll came again, and together they pulled the sides of his underpants waistband out and quickly snipped the sides of the underwear, letting the single piece flutter off to the ground. Cymbals crashed as the drums stilled, and then loud applause broke out all over the auditorium as the children registered their approval of Chad being stripped of his uniform and his school affiliation. Despite having appeared before most of these kids before butt naked in the lunchroom, Chad still blushed to the core as hundreds of children gazed at his diminutive genitalia, barely visible in his fright. Hoots and catcalls could be heard over the applause, which went on and on, along with excited foot stamping. Chad's mother turned him so his back was to the audience, to let them see his unmarked posterior, the two boyish orbs of his fundament glowing whitely in the light, begging to be spanked. The crowd of kids roared louder. After a minute, his mother rotated him back around, and Mrs. Hendricks stepped up to the mike and motioned for silence. The kids gradually calmed down and resumed their seats. "The order of classroom visits has been determined. Chad Henson will begin by visiting the fifth grade for their punishment. Then he will visit the fourth and then the 8th grade before lunch. After lunch, he will visit his own 7th grade, and then finish up with the 6th grade, where his latest victim will get a chance to deal with him directly. Some of these classes are planning multiple smaller punishments, some a single big punishment. We had also originally proposed that Mr. Henson be punished during lunch break as well, in front of the whole student body, but on consideration the school board has decided that it would be better if he is examined by the nurse and rest briefly during lunch break. We want to be sure he'll be physically sound when he faces his last two hours of punishment, which will of course be the most severe. After his final punishment, he will be on display on the observer platform between the buildings for 20 minutes after school. I hope that seeing the results of this punishment will serve as a lesson for all of you boys, from Kindergarten on up." She paused as applause rang out again, and waited for it to die down. "I will now take Mr. Henson to the bathroom to empty his bladder before we begin, then we will be proceeding through the classes on schedule. Mr. Henson, come with me," Mrs. Hendricks concluded. The drummers began a solid, measured beat, and Mrs. Hendricks took Chad by one upper arm and marched him slowly down the auditorium steps and down the aisle through rows of screaming, jeering children, reaching out to pat his butt, try to yank his wiener, or staying back but making humiliating comments and promising him he was "gonna get it" when their class had its turn. She took her time, letting the derision and laughter rain on Chad freely as they went. His mother followed behind. They exited the auditorium, veering off to the teacher's lounge as classes began pouring out one by one to return to their rooms. Chad was marched to the bathroom in the teacher's lounge, offered one last chance to pee and poo if he needed, and left alone for a moment. Nervously, he emptied his bladder of the little dribble he'd built up since leaving the house, and decided to wipe his penis with tissue to get rid of the damp spot, which in his nude state would be seen by everyone. He emerged from the bathroom and stood, trembling. Mrs. Rose had veered off in the auditorium to take charge of the 7th grade, but Mrs. Hendricks took his arm and marched him down the hall, across the playground, and into the adjoining building, knocking at the door of the fifth grade. As they entered, the entire class of boys and girls, most smaller than Chad, turned to look at him expectantly, their neatly scrubbed faces shining. Giggles spread through the class as Chad was led down the row to the front, and stood in the center of the class by the board. "Shoes and socks off for punishment, Mr. Henson," Mrs. Hendricks ordered. "You know the school rule." Chad relinquished these last items of clothing. Now he was truly, completely naked, as vulnerable as his ancient ancestors and much more defenseless. This was the first time he'd ever been completely naked in front of a class he'd always had on his neck chain before, and usually his shirt, making him feel at least a bit civilized. He looked at the class little girls were pointing at his genitals and whispering to each other, as were little boys. The 5th grade teacher stepped up. "Mr. Henson, the fifth grade has decided that they would rather focus on humiliating you than on causing you pain, although they agree that some pain should be part of this lesson. We discussed the most humiliating things a boy might have to do in front of a group of his fellow students. Being naked in front of your peers and younger children is certainly humiliating, and so is being spanked and paddled in front of them, but you've already experienced both and it hasn't changed your behavior. After some discussion and guidance from Mrs. Hendricks, both the boys and girls decided that it would be most humiliating for you to begin the day by receiving genital stimulation in public from the girls in this class, and then have to stimulate yourself. So we will start by allowing each of the girls to take a turn stimulating your penis and trying to bring you to orgasm. Each of our 10 girls will be allowed two minutes to try to make you orgasm. I will draw their names out of a hat one at a time, so that they get their chances in random order. Each girl who makes you orgasm will receive one of the prizes on the desk." She waved her hand at her desk, which was piled with stuffed animals, cosmetic sets, and Hello Kitty merchandise. Chad looked it over and decided that he, personally, wouldn't want any of the girly stuff. The girls in the class, however, were looking at it avariciously. The teacher continued. "In order to help make it clear when a girl has won, Mrs. Hendricks will watch you from behind for the tell-tale buttock tensing that accompanies orgasm, while I'll watch from the front for the genital contractions that accompany it. You will do your part by loudly announcing, "Here I go!" each time your orgasm. If Mrs. Hendricks or I detect an orgasm and you don't announce it, you'll receive two very hard blows of the paddle on your bare bottom before we go on. You are to face the class and keep your hands at your sides during the entire punishment. Is that clear?" "What do I have to say again when I cum -- I mean orgasm?" Chad asked, as the many of the boys laughed at his initial, cruder term. "You say, 'here I go,'" his mother said impatiently. "Pay attention." "Oh," Chad said. He paused, building his courage. "Is that all I'm getting?" he asked hopefully. "No, of course not," The teacher snapped. "This punishment is just the warm-up. Your second punishment will involve the same part of your body, but be even more humiliating. Now be silent except to announce your orgasms." She reached into the hat beside her on a small table. "Nadine, you're up first." "What do I do again?" the graceful, small boned, dark brown Nadine asked as she got up to stand by Chad. "Have you ever seen a boy play with his penis for his own pleasure?" her teacher asked. "Oh, yeah," Nadine said, smiling. "My two little brothers are 7 and 5. They take their little things in their fists and rub 'em like crazy when they're in their beds and think we're not looking, and sometimes even when they're just sitting on the couch watching TV! I always wondered why they do that!" "Just do what they do to themselves. Take this boy's penis in your hand and rub it, hard enough and fast enough to be stimulating, but not so hard and fast that it hurts excessively. You'll be able to tell," the teacher said. Nadine stood by Chad's right side, facing him, and reached her hand out shyly and touched his penis, which was, to Chad's gratification, at least not hiding at the moment, but about an inch and a half long and hanging down, angled outward slightly over the smooth curve of his sack. She began circling the head of it with her fingertips, commenting, "that's what my brothers like to do," as she did. Chad's penis responded immediately, erecting itself to its full two inches and angling out from his body. Nadine continued circling her fingers round and round. In moments she'd coaxed the first butt contractions from Chad, and they were coming regularly by the time the teacher called out, "Time!" Nadine stopped, looking disappointed. "Sorry you weren't a winner," the teacher said. "Here's a consolation prize! She handed Nadine a Tootsie Pop that she drew out of a dress pocket. Nadine smiled at Chad, took the sucker, and sat down. Chad stood awkwardly, his penis aching for someone to touch it. One boy in front said, frowning, "Is that all the bigger it gets?" Chad looked embarrassed, and the kid grinned at him and stuck out his tongue "Andrea, you're up next," the teacher said. Andrea, a boyish looking girl with short, brown hair, a stick figure, and a no-nonsense attitude, stalked to the front, took up Nadine's former position, and circled his penis with her small fist like a master, immediately commencing the time- honored jerking motion most boys used. Despite the fact that her fist kept slipping off his short tool, feelings swelled in Chad and his butt began contracting more rapidly. He stiffened, rising on his toes, his penis head swelling as it stabbed at Andrea's fist. A small drop burst out of the tip and landed on Andrea's hand as Chad grunted through his first orgasm of the day. "Oooooooo," several kids in the front said at once, as Andrea froze and let go, looking at her hand. "Ick," she said. The teacher motioned to the front corner of the room. Oh, yeah, Chad remembered. The grade school rooms all had sinks in the corner. He'd forgotten that. She stalked off to wash her hand, acting thoroughly disgusted. "Yuck!" a boy on the right said. "He peed on her." "No, he didn't urinate on her," the teacher said calmly. "Mr. Henson is merely in the early stages of puberty, and as a result he produces small amounts of the kind of semen immature boys make. You do have to wash your hands well, though, Andrea," she said, looking pointedly at the girl scrubbing with great energy at the sink, "and use soap, because he might possibly be making a few sperm cells already." She looked at Chad's small scrotum. "Although I doubt it," she added. "What did you forget to do, young man," Mrs. Hendricks asked, wiping Chad's penis with a baby wipe as she spoke. "Ummmm, ummmm, I forgot to say I was cumming," Chad said. "I'd prefer you not put it quite that crudely, but yes, that's correct. So now you must pay the price. Place your hands over your genitals for a moment," she ordered. She picked up a ping-pong paddle from the teacher's desk and stood by Chad's left side, looping her hand round his middle. Chad gripped his genitals tightly and shut his eyes. He heard two quick, meaty smacking noises at the same time that he felt liquid fire course up his spine and the centers of his buns exploded with pain. "Owwwwwwwww," Chad bawled. "Owwwwwwww! Owwwwwwww! Owwwwwww!" He danced in place, letting go of his genitals and gasping his sore butt in both hands. Mrs. Hendricks put the paddle down. "Now remember to tell us, next time," she ordered the sniffling Chad. She let him continue to cradle his stinging bottom as the 5th grade teacher announced the third name. "Brittany, you're next to try," she said. "No fair," Brittany complained as she rose. Chad noted, through his teary eyes, that she looked like she was trying to act and dress like her famous namesake. He hated her on sight. "He just did his thing I don't have a chance at a prize!" Andrea, meanwhile, was showing the stuffed dog she'd picked out to her friends, who looked envious. Girls, thought Chad to himself. He worked on soothing his aching bottom. His post-orgasm penis flopped. "Boys as immature as this one can often orgasm several times in a single hour," the teacher proclaimed. "Besides, I'm drawing from a hat everyone gets an equal chance at a good or bad position in the line." Sighing and still unhappy with her position, Brittany took up her place by Chad and worked his drooping organ between her two fingers listlessly, merely working her thumb against two fingers and making it point first left, then right. Chad felt little sensation, and as a result, nothing much happened during Britany's allotted time. "Little wuss won't even get it up for me," she whined when her time was called. "It's not fair." She gave his still soft penis a yank and dropped it, refusing a Tootsie-Pop as she stalked back to her seat. The next girl called up was Melissa, who put a thumb on the top of Chad's penis near his groin, and then used her first two fingers to tickle him under its head. Chad's penis immediately responded to the unfamiliar technique, standing up hard within 30 seconds. "Sure, he does it for her," Brittany muttered loudly. "I'd do it for her, too," one boy near Chad whispered to the other. "I'd do it to her, too." Chad had to agree mentally that the boy had a point the girl was cute in a younger girl sort of way light brown, long hair, very thin waist, a hint of flaring hips he could feel the pressure in him building and his hips gave a lurch. "I'd love to take his place right now," the boy behind the one who'd commented replied, a bit careless of his volume. "I'd do her right on the floor!" The 5th grade teacher moved swiftly, grasping the slightly too loud second boy by the arm and hauling him up and dragging him to the front. "I will not tolerate that kind of disrespect for girls in my classroom, young man!" she roared. Behind her, Chad rose on his toes, shouting "Here I go!" in his haste to avoid another pair of swats. His penis spat another tiny drop, this one sliding down the underside of his penis and immediately being rubbed into it by the girl's busy hand. She stopped. The class was ignoring the two of them, staring at the boy who was being addressed by their teacher. "You think what he's going through is a joke, young man?" she asked the quailing little boy she was holding. "You want to join him? Well, you can have your wish. But first, you're getting spanked!" She released the boy and stalked to the front of the room, picking up a box of a type that was by now way too familiar to Chad. She dropped it by the boy's feet. "Everything off but your shirt, Quentin," she said in a level voice. She stalked away, viciously pulling another name out of the hat. Melissa, holding her hand away from her body like it was contaminated with nuclear waste and not merely miniscule amounts of Chad's output, rushed to the sink. Mrs. Hendricks wiped Chad's once again drooping penis with a fresh Kleenex. "Rebecca, you're up next," she announced as the fifth girl rose to stand by Chad. Chad glanced at her, then did a double take. She was cute majorly cute! His penis lurched and began recovering all by itself. She had long, brown hair that was combed out and glistened, and it reached all the way down until it covered half of her shapely little butt. She had the beginnings of breasts, and the most beautiful face. And, as she took Chad's penis in her hand, she circled it backward, with her finger and thumb toward his groin, as if she knew all about how he liked to masturbate himself. Chad's penis pulsed in her hand, and she grinned at him and started giving him slow, long strokes that tickled just right. Meanwhile, everyone else in the room was giving their attention to the unfortunate little Quentin. The boy had gone white with fear, and was slowly finishing kicking off his shoes and pulling his socks down. He looked pleadingly at the teacher, who just nodded at his pants grimly, then, with shaking hands, pulled his pants button and drew down the zipper, slipping them down to reveal tiny underpants with a barely visible crotch bulge. An unfamiliar cartoon character graced the back side of his briefs, which his flat little butt barely filled at all. Chad was starting to grunt as pleasurable feelings swept through him. His penis was getting a bit sore, but this girl had the most perfect technique. She'd gradually sped up as she went along, and now she was concentrating on his penis head, going back and forth over it and never once losing her grip on him. "Here I go!" he said breathlessly, rising on his toes and thrusting. At the same time, Quentin swallowed, looked at the floor, and slipped off his underpants. A few students glanced at Chad, noting that he didn't appear to produce any fluid this time. Most stared at Quentin, enjoying their first examination of the boy's bare crotch. His little circumcised penis had a darker, brownish head, and drooped over a nicely shaped little scrotum, wrinkled tightly in the cool classroom air and brownish next to his white groin. It was slightly smaller than Chad's, but not much, and his soft penis looked quite respectable on such a small frame. The teacher allowed the class to examine the boy from the front for a minute as Rebecca went to wash her hand just as a precaution and went to claim her prize. Then Quentin was turned with his back to the class, so that his tiny butt was on display for the first time. Chad, now back to Earth after his orgasm, looked as well. The little boy had an amazingly small buttChad himself could have held each cheek in just one hand. His butt crack split him neatly, but his buns hardly swelled at all down either side of the split. "Grab your ankles so I can check you for cleanliness before your spanking," the teacher ordered. They little boy grimaced but obeyed, grasping his skinny ankles. His small, flat buns spread easily and widely, showing an expanse of white skin and an incongruously brown butt hole in between. All colors, Chad thought to himself. They come in all colors! He noted once again that the pigmentation of the boy's butt hole matched that of his scrotum, confirming his theory about coloring. The teacher took a baby wipe and swiped down the boy's crack, the boy's anus squeezing in sharply on its own at the contact and then twitching several more times before stopping. All around the classroom, girls and boys were pronouncing his butt hole gross, disgusting, or icky, but staring at it avidly. Chad, more a connoisseur of these things lately, thought to himself that it was really quite a nice little butt hole, with small, even wrinkles, and a very tightly pursed center. It was also obviously spotlessly clean and free of dirt or lint, as was the boy's entire butt crack. Man, these kids complaining should see Joey's, he thought to himself. That would teach them a thing or two about ugly butt cracks and holes! Meanwhile, the teacher left the boy in that humiliating position to pick girl 6, this one as wide as she was tall, and in no way attractive. She took her place by Chad and proceeded to yank his penis all sorts of directions, creating no pleasure in Chad but some quite disconcerting stabs of pain at the base of his soft tool. The teacher had handed the stopwatch to Mrs. Hendricks for the timing job, and was getting the spanking chair from the corner. Young Quentin, who had been allowed to stand up again and face the class, was looking at it with terror in his eyes. "Time," Mrs. Hendricks announced, and the wide girl stomped away, disgusted with Chad. He hadn't even caught her name. "There will be a break from Mr. Henson's punishment for Mr. Simmonds' spanking," the teacher announced. She faced the small, trembling boy and announced, "Quentin Simmonds, you have showed extreme disrespect for a girl in this class by making crude, inappropriate remarks loudly while she was engaged in legitimate classroom activity. Before I thoroughly spank your naughty bare bottom, you will apologize to Melissa!" The boy, trembling even more violently, looked at the floor. "Sorry, 'lissa," he mumbled. "Was that sufficient, Melissa?" the teacher asked her. The cute Melissa shook her head. "No," she said. "He he- he- he said he wanted to do me right on the floor!" she said, upset. "I didn't hear him when he said it, but Brittany told me!" she complained. Of course she did, Chad thought. She was the type who'd always tell anything that would hurt or upset a more attractive girl like Melissa obviously no love lost there! "Do you want him to apologize again?" the teacher asked. "Can pull his wiener hard instead, so it hurts?" she asked. "Twice?" She paused when the teacher looked at her in surprise. "Brittany suggested it," she said quickly. The teacher thought a moment. "All right," she said. "Mr. Simmonds, put your naughty little hands on your butt and thrust forward so she has a good target!" With a sob, the boy did as he was told, his penis looking even bigger than Chad's now that he was thrusting it toward the class. Melissa practically skipped to the front of the class, took Quentin's little boyhood between her thumb and forefingers, and gave him two huge yanks, the second one causing the boy to trip and fall to his knees, clutching his little organ. The teacher pulled him to his feet and swiftly over her lab, wasting no time at all in giving his bottom a series of stinging, noisy slaps. Over the boy's howls and thrashing, Chad noted that the 4 smacks covered the boy's entire butt with overlaps in the centers just by themselves, turning his bottom a uniform blushing pink with red overtones. In the end, the boy received fewer than 30 spanks, but his butt was as red as Joey's had been after three times that many. The teacher released the boy, who'd been kicking and squalling in an unearthly high pitch the entire time, letting him dance around the room rubbing his sore butt, his little penis flopping comically as he did. The boy had forgotten all modesty, prancing the length of the room, across the back, and then back up the side, still howling his extreme distress and rubbing his butt like he was trying to start a fire in it rather than stop one. The teacher ignored him, walking calmly to the desk to draw the name of the 7th girl and announce it loudly over the noise. Chad's penis was getting sore and he was getting tired, so that girl was disappointed in her prize quest, as was the girl after her. His penis erected for the latter girl, a small, underdeveloped little thing who looked like she belonged in 2nd grade, but that was it. Quentin, who'd calmed down to sniffles and offended rubbing of his tiny butt by that point, was stood up by Chad and told to put his hands on his butt as the final two girls were brought up at once, one to manipulate Chad, one, to Quentin's horror, assigned to manipulate him. "Remember," the teacher cautioned, mainly for Quentin's benefit, "You call out, 'here I go' when you orgasm, or you get more swats." Quentin nodded seriously. He definitely didn't want more swats! Both girls went at the boys with a will that bordered on the frenetic. Their small, feminine hands were a blur on both small penises, the two obviously making it a contest. Quentin, owing to the fact his butt was tingling mightily and this was his first orgasm of the day, whooped, "Here I goooooooo!" in less than 30 seconds, dancing a little tarantella as his powerful but humiliating orgasm coursed through him. As his pleasure died away, to his chagrin the teacher ordered the girl next to him to continue manipulating him for the full two minutes. As a result, she managed to squeeze another orgasm out of the humiliated lad before, right near the 2 minute mark, Chad also chimed, "Here I go!" and had an equally dry cum. Young Quentin was sent to the corner in the spanking chair with his feet on the second rail, where he commenced crying softly to himself as he shifted on his tiny butt, trying to find a place that didn't burn like fire to sit on. Chad was given a water bottle, "to replenish your fluids for the next part," and allowed to rest for 5 minutes. A glance at the clock revealed less that 10 minutes left for this class what could they do in that time? He soon found out. The 5th grade teacher pulled over a cart with an electronic device sitting on it. She took a small, egg-shaped object with a cord out the back of it and held it up for him to see. "This is a new device the school purchased less than a year ago, which we've reserved for use only with boys who need to be totally humiliated in front of their peers. This will be its first test here. It's called the Stimulator. It punishes boys by making them sexually excited so excited that they're compelled to relieve that excitement in any way they can. This usually results in frenzied masturbation that the boy is compelled to pursue even if it means rubbing his little genitals raw." She took a bottle labeled "K-Y" in big letters and squirted some clear, greasy stuff on the egg, spreading it around. "Face the blackboard and bend over, Mr. Henson," she ordered. Chad did so, embarrassed that he had to display his butt hole and the rear view of his tiny scrotum to these little kids, just as their classmate Quentin had done earlier. He felt the cold egg against his anus and stiffened. "Relax your sphincter, Mr. Henson," the teacher ordered. "This has to go up your bottom all the way. You can let it in, or it can go in painfully, but it's going in. You boys watch carefully I want you to understand what you'll face if you're as disobedient and incorrigible as Mr. Henson." Chad felt painful pressure being exerted on his butt hole. He remembered his mother's advice and tried to relax and ride it out, pushing out like he was trying to poo at least there was no danger of anything coming out of him, the way his mother hand cleaned him out! Boys in the room gasped as the egg disappeared and the wrinkled hole closed around it. Chad grunted and squirmed. Even relaxing and pushing out, the egg still hurt going in, but once inside was less uncomfortableit just made him feel full of poo and wishing he could go. The cord trailed out of his butt and over to the machine. "Stand up and face the class," the 5th grade teacher ordered. Chad did so, arms at his side. The teacher took a thin metal cord and looped it twice around the base of his penis, clipping the ends together. A wire plugged into the cord, also running to the machine. "Now you're ready," she said. "In a moment, I'm going to turn on the power and adjust the controls. You'll feel a tingling in your body between the egg in your rectum and the loop on your genitals. The tingling will build until you feel intense sexual excitement. You will undoubtedly develop a powerful erection..." Here she paused and looked at Chad's small penis, shaking her head. "Well, an erection of some kind anyway. You'll have a powerful longing to stimulate yourself with your hands, and the longing will build as time goes by. I strongly suggest you do so. I do not think you could resist doing so, anyway, if the examples I saw in the training films are any evidence. If you do not stimulate yourself, you will find the area between your rectum and your genitals burning unbearably. If you do stimulate yourself, I'm told you feel powerful yearning for even more stimulation that is unpleasant but more tolerable. You will find that you will be able to orgasm while the stimulator is operating, but the orgasm will not be fulfilling, and you'll maintain your erection and still feel the need to stimulate yourself immediately after each orgasm." She looked Chad in the eyes. "The fifth graders agreed that making you stimulate yourself voluntarily until your penis is too painful to handle for several days afterward would be an appropriate and fair punishment for a boy as naughty as you. I agree with them. I think you'll find this a very unpleasant experience that you won't want to repeat, in addition to the humiliation of masturbating frantically in public like a toddler. You'll only be on it for a few minutes that's all you'll be able to take without rubbing yourself to the point where you bleed. But they'll be the longest few minutes you've experienced in a long, long time!" She scanned the classroom. "As before, you are to announce loudly to the class each time you orgasm. Each of the students has picked a number as their guess of how many times you'll orgasm, and the winner gets the grand prize," she said, indicating a rather nice looking portable radio on her desk. "We will start the stimulator on the setting that is considered optimal for boys just entering puberty, which clearly is where you are. If we see you orgasm without announcing it, we will turn the stimulator to a higher level, making the experience much more unpleasant, and we'll keep turning it up each time you fail. Do you understand?" Chad nodded. This sounded bad. Obviously, the machine was going to hurt him, and if he didn't play with his wiener in front of all these little kids, it would hurt him more. And he had to keep remembering announce his cums, or the result would be worse than a few little smacks on the butt. He realized he hadn't known what humiliation was before. He looked at the grinning, happy faces of the little kids in front of him, and felt embarrassed to his very core. The teacher went to her desk for a tissue box, which she sat by the machine. She flicked a switch, and a low humming could be heard. Immediately, Chad felt a tingle deep in his rectum, which intensified and spread across to the base of his penis and the quickly up the shaft. His organ rose quickly, straining toward the sky, leaping with his heartbeat. Chad fidgeted, unable to decide what he should do next. The tingle intensified, making his penis tip tingle and start jumping. Suddenly, he had a powerful urge to squeeze his penis, an urge he couldn't resist. Feeling self-conscious, he took his right hand and enclosed his organ, as the class laughed at the sight of him holding himself tightly. That felt better briefly, but then the odd, tingly sensations increased, and he just knew he had to rub it it jumped like a live thing in his hand, practically screaming to be rubbed! He began gently stroking his penis with his fist, which felt better briefly but in seconds wasn't enough. He inverted his hand, circling his penis with his thumb and forefinger against his crotch, his preferred masturbation technique due to the shortness of his organ. His penis tip throbbed and jumped, and he was compelled to stroke himself faster and faster, tingly feelings building within him until his hips began pumping. "Here I go!" he remembered to shout, as a spatter of two or three tiny drops barely cleared his organ and sprinkled on the ground. He expected the satisfaction that usually followed orgasm, but instead the pleasure died away in seconds, and the urge to rub himself continued, needing even more relief. He frantically beat away at his wiener, his hand slipping off the tip now and then as he picked up the pace. Each time his hand slipped off, the yearning for more touch was painful. The teacher, meanwhile, wiped the floor and stepped back. In less that 30 seconds, he was cresting again, thrusting his small butt and shouting, "Here I go!" as the class rooted him on and giggled among themselves, amused at the sight of a big boy whacking away like a toddler in plain view. He felt no fulfillment at all as a tiny drop dribbled out and coated the bottom of his organ, and the need for stimulation intensified. He squeezed himself harder and jerked his penis faster, feeling the strain on the base of it as he yanked it each time. Within another minute he was cresting again, remembering to shout the required phrase at the last minute as kids shrieked with laughter at his antics. The need for stimulation intensified yet again. He seized his penis with both hands and began yanking on the head, pulling it to its full length and finding the pain this caused at the base to be necessary and even more stimulating. He orgasmed again quickly this time too overwhelmed with need to announce it, but his pumping hips were noted by Mrs. Hendricks, who announced, "That was another one. Because you failed to announce it, Mr. Henson, I'm turning the machine up a notch, to the level recommended for boys in mid puberty." She reached over and clicked a dial. Chad's penis leaped like a live thing in his hand, the internal teasing, burning intensifying. He switched hands to his rested left one, pounding his crotch like madman, panting with his need. His fingers, flying up and down his organ, slipped and struck his balls, which hurt but also tingled. He couldn't stop himself from taking his free hand and gently but rapidly slapping his balls as he continued pulling his wiener. His penis was becoming quite red, raw, and sore, and the slapping was making his balls quite sensitive, but that just made the orgasms come harder. He came three more times, remembering to announce each, until the teacher finally decided, from the look of his red, raw organ, to stop the machine. The tingles in Chad died suddenly, and he was suddenly overwhelmed with the pain of his sore penis, which hurt from deep inside where he'd yanked it so hard that it felt like he was removing it to the very tip, which was so irritated the moving air around it was uncomfortable. Boy stuff inside him hurt, and the pee tube burned, too, as did his balls where he'd compulsively slapped them. He thought about forcing pee through his sore tube and out his raw penis tip and dreaded his next trip to the bathroom. He bounced in place, his legs tightly together, his hands limply at his sides, trying to make the soreness go away. The teacher let his humiliation go on for a bit, then ordered him to spread his legs and lean forward, while she pulled the egg from his bottom with a soft "pop." "Thank you for providing a powerful lesson to the boys in our class," the 5th grade teacher said, as she rubbed antiseptic ointment painfully on his droopy but elongated penis. The class burst into polite applause, and he was taken by the arm by Mrs. Hendricks and led from the room. Chad walked bow-legged beside Mrs. Hendricks and his mother to the fourth grade, just next door. Only the first class, and already he felt miserable. "My wiener is so sore," Chad said haltingly. "They aren't going to do anything else to my wiener, are they?" Mrs. Hendricks stopped. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I think you'll suffer enough as it is. No, none of the remaining classes will be doing anything to your little penis. With coordination from the main office, each class has picked a different body part to punish. Now hush up, and let's get into the fourth grade room, so they can have their way with you."