Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 45 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 45: The Green Mile "Mom, what's oral copulation?" Chad finally worked up the courage to ask. The two of them were making the short drive home. He was buckled into the car seat, the sun-heated cloth burning his bare butt uncomfortably as she drove. But paradoxically, the tingling pain made his penis refuse to go down, sticking its little head up just below the belt. His left ear still tingled from his mother using it to lead him to the car. "Oral copulation is when someone uses his or her mouth on someone else's genitals. It's a type of sex people sometimes do instead of sexual intercourse because it feels good. Men and women can do it to each other, or two men or two women can do it. Like when your brother Tommy makes you use your mouth on his penis to punish you," his mother replied calmly. Oh, Chad thought. So they were considering having him suck all the boys in class, probably while the girls all watched. Great he'd be known as a cocksucker forever. He wondered briefly what the boys would think of that after all, they'd be getting sucked, but they'd also have to be sucked, and they'd have to show their dicks to everyone. "What's Sammony, Mom," he asked after a bit. "Sommony?" she asked, puzzled. "Something like that," Chad said. "Solumny? Somody? Soddenny?" he ventured. "Oh, sodomy," she replied. "Yeah, that," Chad said. "That's when someone shoves something up your poo hole. It usually means a boy or man shoving his penis up your poo hole, but it can refer to things like fake penises, too." "Oh," Chad said in a small voice. So live sodomy would be a real boy shoving his penis up his butt. That's what someone in his class wanted to do to him? Whose penis? Not Joey's, he hoped! But maybe they meant several boys' penises, or all the boys' penises. He thought of how Tommy's fingers and the peg on the peg chair felt going up his butt and shivered. "Mom," he said in a smaller voice. "What's a dildo?" "A fake penis," his mother said. "They're usually made out of plastic." Okay, that made sense they were considering whether to shove real penises up his butt or fake ones. Which would be worse, he wondered? "Uh, Mom?" he ventured, almost whispering. "Yes," his mother replied pleasantly. "Are you gonna are you gonna spank me when we get home?" he asked hesitantly. "No." she replied. "I'm not going to spank you." Chad rode in silence a minute. "You're going to paddle me, then," he said with a note of fear in his voice. "No, I'm not going to paddle you, either," she said calmly. Chad let another few seconds pass, growing still more fearful. "Please, you're not going to whip me, are you?" he asked. "No," his mother said. "I'm not going to spank you, or paddle you, or whip you when we get home. I'm not going to punish your bottom physically in any way at all when we get home. In fact, we're going to put lotion on your bottom and genitals as soon as we get home. I want you to have the weekend to heal up before you run the gauntlet on Monday, so I'm going to have a moratorium on all punishments that leave bruises or marks on the skin this weekend. I want your body as physically pristine as possible so those children in your school, especially the sixth graders, can have the pleasure of marking it themselves." Chad's mother turned into their driveway and parked the car next to the house. "That doesn't mean you aren't going to be punished this weekend," she said, not getting out after turning the engine off. "What you're going to be this weekend is the condemned prisoner who is facing execution on Monday. I'm going to go upstairs right now and prepare my study to serve as your prison cell by shoving the book cases over so they make the room about the right size. You'll get a cot, a blanket, and a small pillow, nothing else. You're going to spend all of your time in one of 4 activities this weekend. First, you're going to spend a lot of time on work detail, where we're going make you sweat by having you do the most dirty, disgusting, difficult, and awful jobs we can think of that need to be done around here. There's also going to be punishment detail and humiliation detail. The punishments will be restricted to things that won't bruise or mark you, but will still be very painful. There are lots of ways to cause a boy serious pain without marking or bruising him just think about how sensitive our little testes are, for example! So don't think you can disobey or misbehave just because we're not going to be spanking you you'll be extremely sorry if you do." She took Chad by the chin and made him look her in the eyes. "I'm not going to tell you anything about the humiliations we'll be putting you through this weekend, except that you're not going to like them. Just being in prison is humiliating by itself, you know. You get only prison food soups, bread, raw vegetables, warm water to drink. You will be bathed when we think you need to be bathed. Bathroom trips are at our pleasure and supervised better get used to pooping and peeing with an audience they do in prison, you know. And don't think you'll just hold it you poo once a day, or you get an enema to make you poo, and in that case you'll do it outside by the drain with whoever is there allowed to watch, and that includes neighborhood kids!" Chad's mind was reeling again there was so much to take in, and all of it was bad. His mother went on. "The rest of your time you'll spend in your prison cot and you'll wear restraints on your arms and legs while in it so you can't get too comfortable, and so you can't play with yourself like you're always doing and provide yourself pleasure that way. Lights out will be when we say, and so will your rising time. You'd better get used to rising early they do in prison." She let go of his chin. "That's pretty much it. Everything else we'll tell you as we go along. As you are now entering prison, you will now surrender your civilian clothing. If we decide you need protective clothing for work detail, it will be provided. Get used to being bare. Now give me your shirt, please." She held out her hand and looked at her older son. A tear was slipping down Chad's cheek. Despite the fact that he was naked already from the waist down, he hated surrendering this last item of clothing, which would mark the beginning of his 3 day punishment. He slowly lifted the bottom of the shirt and pulled it over his head, tugging it off and handing it to his mother. The tears came more rapidly. His mother looked at him sadly, and leaned over to kiss his forehead. "I'm not doing this because I don't love you," she said softly. "I'm doing it because I love you too much, and I don't want you to end up in a real prison. You'd never survive there. You wouldn't even survive in a juvenile hall. You think spankings hurt? Imagine bigger boys beating you every day, not just on your bottom but all over. You don't like having to use your mouth on your brother? Every boy in the facility would have his penis in your mouth before the first month of your sentence was over. You don't like your brother or sister to stick a finger in your anus to clean you? Imagine how it would be to have boys lining up to rape you, sticking their big penises up your bottom one after the other and not caring if they hurt you or not. Monday the school will give you a taste of the treatment you'd get from the inmates in juvenile hall. This weekend, we're going to show you the rest of what it would be like to be locked up. When we're done, we're hoping you fear prison so much that you straighten your act out right now." She put the shirt in the box with his other clothes. She reached into her purse. "From this point I am not your mother, I am your warden. You will address me as 'ma'am.' Now turn with your back to me and put your hands behind you," she ordered. Chad complied, and she pulled out a set of handcuffs she'd borrowed from a bailiff and locked them tightly on the boy's wrists. She got out of the car and walked to the passenger side, opening the door. Steadying him by the arm, she urged him up. "From this point until Monday afternoon, you are the condemned inmate, not my son. You will be referred to as inmate, prisoner, or brat, depending on our individual preference. Watch your head." She helped him duck his head as he left the car, guiding him up the walk by the elbow, then unlocking the door and entering the house. He felt ridiculous being walked in handcuffs up the steps, his little penis swaying from side to side, in its extended state for a change now that there was no one watching. She sat her purse down on the entryway table and led him on down the hall, to the downstairs bathroom. She raised the seat. "Pee," she ordered. Chad tried to relax his bladder. "I can't with you watching" he finally said after straining fruitlessly for some time. "You're a condemned prisoner you're going to have to get used to people watching you pee. Pee now, or you'll have to hold it until your next bathroom break. Pee in the house and you'll clean it up, quite possibly with your tongue, and then you'll be severely punished for dirtying the floor," his mother warned. Chad strained some more, finally forcing out a dribble of liquid, slowly emptying most of his bladder. Some of the trickle rolled down the underside of his penis and wet down the surface of his balls. "Good boy," his mother said, taking toilet paper and roughly wiping his genitals, as if he was a girl. "From now on, you don't decide when you pee, we do. She flipped down the toilet seat and sat on it. "Now bend over my knee." Chad froze, then remembered that she'd said he wasn't going to be spanked. He draped himself over her lap like a little boy, and she retrieved the lotion bottle from the back of the toilet and began messaging lotion into him impersonally, spreading his legs so she could thoroughly treat his butt hole and then reach through his legs from behind to massage lotion into his genitals. She sat him back on the floor. His genitals glistened in the bathroom light. "Now march to the kitchen," she ordered. In the kitchen, Chad's handcuffs were removed, and he spent the next hour washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning counters, scouring the sink, and finally crawling around on the floor with a scrub brush scrubbing spots and grimy places in corners. While he was on all fours working on a particularly stubborn spot under the kitchen table with his head low and his butt high in the air, the kitchen door opened quietly behind him and his sister walked in, with Karen beside her. The too girls smiled at each other as they watched his butt bob in the air as he scrubbed, his spread legs revealing everything between his legs. "Nice view," Beth finally snickered. Chad looked up in surprise and then dropped to his stomach to hide his exposed crack and genitals. "Don't talk to the condemned prisoner," Her mother warned, entering the kitchen. "You, brat! I didn't tell you to stop get back to work! You girls come on into the family room. Tommy just got home, and I have to explain the rules involving the prisoner this weekend." "I know I'm grounded and you'll probably say no, but can Karen stay for dinner and sleep over?" Beth asked. "Please? We're supposed to be working on a school project. And we won't watch TV or do any of the other stuff I can't do we'll just work, I promise." "Normally I'd say no because you are grounded, but in this case we'll need several helpers in dealing with the prisoner, so Karen can stay," their mother said, guiding the girls out of the room. "Tommy's friend Jesse is coming for the weekend, too," she added as they left. "After all, Chad's bed is empty while he's in prison, and Tommy doesn't like sleeping alone. And Jesse can help with the prisoner, too." Chad's heart sunk lower as he scrubbed. There he was, butt naked and totally humiliated and facing the worst punishment anyone at his school had ever gotten, and everyone and his brother has to come over! And he just had to have his butt bent and spread when they came in the door! He should just take pictures of it and put it on My Space, he groaned to himself. It didn't get any better. In short order his mother was back with Tommy and Jesse in tow. "Get up, brat," she ordered. "Stand at attention, hands behind your back. I need to cuff you." Chad rose and tried to comply, his grungy knees a bit sore from crawling on the floor. His mother snapped the handcuffs on him, turned to Tommy and Jesse, and handed them the key. "Gentlemen, take this prisoner to his cell for whatever forms of humiliation you can dream up," she said. "From the briefing you've just received you know what you are and aren't allowed to do. Bring him to Beth's room in about half an hour so she can have a crack at him." "Yes, Ma'am," the two boys said in unison, Tommy giving his mother a snappy salute. "We'll treat the prisoner just as you've commanded." Chad was marched upstairs between the two boys, Jesse leading him enthusiastically by his projecting penis. They passed the boys' bedroom and went on to the study. As Chad entered, he discovered that the bookcases did indeed make excellent walls, and the room was completely bare except for a cot and blanket, and was only about 5 by 7 feet in size. The cot had 4 Velcro bands attached firmly to it, one for each of his limbs. Tommy shut the door firmly, and Jesse released Chad's penis. "I suppose you heard what happened," Chad began. "Silence, prisoner," Tommy ordered. "You will not speak unless we request it. You have been condemned and your sentence will be executed on Monday. Meanwhile, we have been ordered to humiliate you for the next half hour. On your knees, now!" Chad grudgingly got on his knees, an uncomfortable process on the hardwood floor. Tommy was enjoying this role entirely too much. Jesse stepped up to Chad. "Take my pants down, prisoner, and suck my cock," he ordered. Chad sighed. Naturally, the first thing these little horn dogs thought of was making him blow them. It was going to be a long, long weekend. Half an hour and two pelvic-thrusting, mouth pounding orgasms apiece later, Tommy and Jesse each zipped up their pants again and pulled Chad to his feet. Tommy had tried something new and sadistic each time he came he'd held Chad by the ears and pulled his penis out so that just the head was in Chad's mouth, so that his cum squirted onto Chad's tongue instead of down his throat. For the first time, Chad could really taste his brother's ejaculate and feel its slimy texture. Worse, as he'd released Chad's ears, he'd ordered him to swallow or immediately have his balls squeezed, a threat he emphasized by grasping the boy's scrotum. On the other hand, at least Jesse couldn't wet cum! He'd found himself almost looking forward to Jesse's turn each time, knowing that the boy's dick is all he'd have in his mouth, not any emissions from it. To his surprise, his own penis became throbbingly erect as soon as he began sucking Jesse, and remained eager and willing during his entire performance. Although he longed to touch it, feeling strongly that it would take only seconds to send him into orgasm, Jesse and Tommy never released him from the handcuffs. When they'd both finished, they guided him to his feet and hustled him down the hall to Beth's room, his small but pounding erection pointing the way. When they arrived, Tommy knocked on the door. Karen opened it, smiling as she looked up and down the naked Chad, his penis still stubbornly erect. "Here's the prisoner, ma'am," Tommy said, saluting again. He handed her the handcuff key. "Thank you," Karen said, beaming as she grasped Chad's arm and dragged him into Beth's room, shutting the door. Beth was sprawled on her bed, flipping through a copy of Elle. She looked up. "Stand it over there," she said, pointing to a spot across from her bed. "Take off the shackles." Karen guided Chad to the appointed spot and released his hands. Chad stood there messaging his wrists and then placed his hands at his sides, feeling ridiculous with his dork sticking up in the air, aching to touch it but knowing he didn't dare. Karen backed off and sat on the bed, and she and Beth contemplated him for a time. Chad's penis began shriveling under his sister's gaze, quickly becoming a small button. "Make it hard again, brat," Beth suddenly barked. "Make it hard, and keep it hard. If it goes soft, I squeeze your balls. But don't work yourself so hard you do your little dry cum thing, either. If you do, I squeeze your balls. Got it?" "What?" Chad asked, looking at her incredulously. "Take your dirty, disgusting baby hand and make your dirty, disgusting baby dicklet hard and keep it hard, brat. It has to be hard enough to point at least straight out at all times. But don't jerk it hard enough to cum, unless you want your disgusting baby balls ground together," Beth said evenly. "Now get to work." Sighing, Chad took his penis in his right hand and began massaging the underside with his fingers as his sister smirked and Karen smiled encouragingly. Karen's smile helped and he found himself responding, his little tool standing up proudly within half a minute. He slowed his hand movement until he was just barely tickling himself under the head he didn't want to cum, that was for sure Beth would love an excuse to squeeze his balls, but she had a sense of fair play he didn't think she'd do it just out of meanness. Speaking of fair, Chad thought. Here she's grounded, and yet she's allowed to have Karen over, he thought. He'd probably have gotten a big paddling if he'd done to Tommy what she did to him! Even when she was being punished, his sister managed to get around everything! For the next half hour, Chad frantically chased his libido, changing his hand action and grip continuously to try to keep his penis interested but not ecstatic. It was harder than it at first appeared if he slowed down too much, he started to droop, but if he got too enthusiastic he could feel the pressure building at the base that signaled orgasm and imminent disaster. As the time went on, the margin between the two got smaller his over-stimulated penis began leaping toward orgasm the minute he picked up the pace, but dropped off just as quickly when he stopped. Twice he had to fight back cumming by freezing and willing his pelvic muscles not to contract until his little penis started drooping again. Two other times, his penis drooped and would barely respond even to frenzied jerking on his part. Still, by some miracle, he managed to avoid having his balls squeezed for the requisite half hour. "Okay, you can stop now, brat," his sister said. Chad had been making little circles around the tip of his wiener, trying to keep it right on the edge of orgasm. He looked at her pleadingly. "Can't I go ahead and cum, please?" he begged. Karen looked pityingly at him. "Come on, Beth," she urged. "Let the little guy have some fun." "No way," Beth said. She reached over and slapped Chad's hand away from his penis. "Hands behind your head. I'm not going to let you cum all weekend!" Chad complied. Beth looked at his upstanding penis with distaste, then gripped it firmly behind the head and yanked, using that grip to steer him out of the room and down the hall, where she knocked on her mother's door. "Warden," she said. "I've got the prisoner here." The door opened and Chad's mother beckoned him into her room, his sister reluctantly releasing her grip and leaving. The floor was covered with piles of clothing and assorted boxes. "Good, I'm glad they're done with you. Time for some hard labor." She looked at his penis, slightly red from his constant teasing of it and pulsing with his heartbeat. "Why in the world do you have erections all the time?" she said in exasperation. "Do you have to constantly remind me of your worthless father?" "Huh?" Chad said, gaping. He looked at his throbbing penis. "Uh, Beth made me keep it hard, but she wouldn't let me cum," he admitted. "The word is 'orgasm'," she said icily. "And I'm glad she didn't let you orgasm. This is about punishment, not pleasure. That's just one of many pleasures you'll be denied until your execution." She thought for a moment. "Actually, her punishment was a good idea most males don't know how to control themselves and ejaculate too soon. Heaven knows your father did! Her little exercise isn't just tough on you, it's good training. Your future girlfriend will thank her some day." She brushed her hair back and looked distracted. "Where were we? Oh, yeah. Time to see if a little hard work can help you get rid of that nasty erection." For the next hour, Chad carried piles and piles of clothes and boxes and boxes of other stuff down from his mother's room to the garage. Then his mother made him fold the clothes neatly one by one and stack them in boxes. Finally, she had him carry the boxes of a stepladder and shove them in the overhead storage area. The garage was hot and the storage area was dirty, and Chad was dripping sweat all over and covered with grimy dirt, the remains of spider webs, and other disgusting debris by the time he'd finished the last box. Sweat trickled down his back and tickled as is ran between his buns and dripped off the back of his scrotum. Beth and Karen had come down to the garage to watch him as he struggled with the boxes up the ladder, Beth smirking with glee as he bent over at the top of the ladder and thrust his butt out each time he hefted a box up, his small genitals sticking backwards between his legs and his widely parted butt crack. When he'd finished and stood there dripping sweat on the floor, his mother came out with a large plastic glass. "Water break for the prisoner," she announced. Chad gratefully took the water. It was warm, but he gulped it down, marveling that water had seldom tasted that good. She took the empty glass. "Take the prisoner to the back yard and hose him off," his mother said. "Have him relieve himself in the drain while he's out there it will save us a bathroom trip." Chad was hustled out the rear door of the garage in onto the patio, where his sister positioned him above the drain and readied the hose. "You can pee, now, brat, and then I'll start washing you," she said, going over to turn on the squirt nozzle. Chad's bladder was bursting by this point, so even though Karen was watching and he had to keep his hands behind his head, he relaxed and peed neatly into the drain, the girl marveling at the strength of his stream as it neatly arched out into the sun. Karen couldn't help contrasting his style with that of females there was a certain neatness in the boy way of doing it. Sure, a small drop clung to the end of his tool afterward, but puff of breeze quickly detached that. It must be awfully convenient to have a thing you can just whip out every time you had to go, without having to lower pants and underpants, she thought. "Way to go, brat," Beth chuckled to herself as she turned the nozzle on full, systematically soaking her brother down from head to toe with stinging spray. Chad flinched in discomfort that water was COLD! He couldn't protect himself with his hands behind his head, so had to close his eyes and scrunch his face as best he could as she played the water over it. Then she made him bend with his hands spreading his butt wide as she squirted his butt crack from close range, the force of the spray stinging the boy's exposed anus. She played the stream over his balls, enjoying the way they shied out of the force of the stream as well as the discomfort in his upside-down face looking back between his legs at her. Finally she tired of torturing his genitals and shut the water off. "Do jumping jacks until you're dry," she ordered. "And do them high enough your little dinger hits your stomach each time, or you'll suffer the consequences." Chad complied, jumping high and spreading his legs while raising his hands, then jumping high again as he brought his hands down and legs together. "Higher," Beth commanded. "Make your little dinger really slap your belly." Chad jumped higher and higher, urged on by Beth until his penis was indeed slapping his belly with each jump. He was exhausted by the time she let him stop. He leaned on the patio table, panting. "Dinnertime," their mother called from the doorway. Beth seized his once again erect penis and steered him into the house, Karen walking beside him with her right hand caressing his bare butt. They walked into the dining room, where Jesse and Tommy were already seated. His mother sat down immediately, and Beth and Karen took the remaining chairs. "You will serve us dinner," Chad's mother ordered. "You yourself will not be eating until after we have eaten. Now go into the kitchen and bring in the casserole from the oven and the vegetables from the stove, then go back and get the fresh bread on the kitchen table and the butter from the refrigerator." Chad complied, having to carry each dish carefully with potholders to avoid any unfortunate contact or splashes on his bare skin. His mother sent him back for several more minor condiments, then he had to stand at attention at her side as the rest of the family ate and he stood salivating at the delicious smells. His penis stubbornly remained erect, dying to be touched. After food was ladled out, Tommy immediately began talking enthusiastically about the discussion in his class that accompanied choosing Chad's punishment when he arrived there on Monday. "There were so many punishments and humiliations that we had to choose from! The kids, mostly the girls suggested some of them, but then Mrs. Johnson suggested a bunch more stuff that we hadn't thought of! And they showed us some stuff I didn't even know they had that we could use on him if he wanted. Like they have stuff you can hit a boy's dick with without leaving a mark, and there's this electric thing that you stick up a boy's butt and then you turn a dial and it shocks him inside and makes him hard and " "Spare us the details," Beth interrupted. "Besides, I bet you're not supposed to be talking about this around Chad. They probably want him to keep guessing what's going to happen to him all weekend." Tommy grinned sheepishly. "You're right, I forgot. I can't tell you about the stuff because they made me promise not to tell Chad, but it's nasty! I tried to get them to go with just a straight paddling on the bare butt, instead of the fancy stuff, but they said I was just being soft because I'm your brother, and they picked something a lot worse instead!" Tommy said, relishing the attention he was getting. "What? What did they pick?" Jesse begged. "I'll tell you all later," Tommy said. "But the prisoner can't know what he's getting, so you gotta promise not to tell him." Chad's face burned and his ears glowed red. He hated it when they discussed punishing him. Beth picked up the conversation. "Who gets him after dinner?" she asked. "After we finish, he has to clean up and put things away in here. Then he gets a few minutes to eat his prison food, and a bathroom break. Tommy and Jesse will be in charge of him for those things. After that, Mr. and Mrs. Winston's get him they've got a truly nasty job they need him to do before lights out." Chad was left in Tommy and Jesse's charge as his Mom left to make some work calls and his sister and Karen left for her room. He made numerous trips to and from the kitchen, putting dishes in the dishwasher, covering food and putting it in the refrigerator, and then wiping the table and sweeping the floor. Tommy and Jesse watched but didn't help, even going so far as refusing to open the door when Chad approached it with his arms full on the grounds, according to Tommy, that "Mom said you have to do it." Afterward, Chad was forced to stand at the kitchen table to eat his slightly stale bread, carrot sticks, and cold steamed spinach, Tommy insisting he eat every bite. "You should be grateful I thought you should have to sit on the peg chair, but Mom said she wants your butt hole to be fristeen on Monday." "Pristine," Beth corrected, breezing into the kitchen to retrieve ice cream sandwiches from the refrigerator for herself and Karen. "It means clean and perfect." Jesse laughed. "Like a butt hole could ever be clean and perfect!" "Mine is," Tommy said innocently. "Hey, Sis, toss me and Jesse each one of them," he added. For a change, Beth didn't tell him to get his own stupid stuff, but instead lobbed each boy an ice cream sandwich. The two gobbled the treats down, oblivious to Chad's envious look as he forced himself to swallow cold spinach. After he'd finished, the boys made him clean up each one of his crumbs using his fingers, then led him to the bathroom. Tommy pulled the seat down and waved for Chad to sit on it. "I don't have to go," Chad said automatically, although he actually did. Tommy and Jesse just stood there, watching him. Giving in, he sat down. "Okay, I do have to go, but I can't go with you watching go outside and I'll come out when I'm done. "No can do. Mom said so," Tommy said. "She said you have to poop with people watching, like they do in prison. Believe me, we don't want to be here, either! But Mom said we have to be in here while you go. She also said you have to poop with your legs separated, so everyone can see, so spread your legs apart." He stared at Chad stubbornly. "Then I don't have to go," Chad said. He stood up. "Your Mom said to tell you that you have to go," Jesse said. "Or she'll make you take an animal outside, and call everybody out to watch." "Enema," Chad corrected automatically. "It's enema, not animal." "I don't care what it's called what it means is you poop now with us in the room and your legs apart or she'll stick a nozzle up your butt and fill you with stuff that makes you poop and then make you go on all fours on the patio with Karen and Beth watching," Tommy chimed in. "Look, we won't really look at you we'll look at the wall above you. It's disgusting to watch, anyway. But we gotta stay in here, that's what Mom said. So do it now, and you gotta spread your legs, 'cause she'll ask us if you did." To emphasize his point, Tommy looked pointedly at the wall above Chad's head. Chad sighed and spread his legs, leaning forward on the seat. He really did have to go. He looked at the floor and pushed, dumping his load as quickly as possible. As he was finishing, he glanced up to see that although Tommy was indeed studiously staring at the wall and ignoring him, Jesse was staring between his legs and had probably watched the whole thing, the little perv! He reached for the toilet paper, only to find that it was gone. Tommy came to life. "Sorry, man. Mom said you don't wipe yourself we have to do it." He indicated a wad of paper in his right hand. "Stand up and bend over and let's get this over with." "I can do it myself," Chad said, reaching. "I wish you could," Tommy said truthfully. "But Mom said I have to," he added. "She also said I have to tell you 'assume the position,' and then you're supposed to turn your back to me and grab your ankles with your legs apart so I can wipe you. So assume the position!" Sighing, Chad turned around and presented his butt to his brother to wipe, as Jesse looked on avidly, making helpful comments like, "gross," and "you didn't get it all." After a period of time in which it felt like his butt hole was being scrubbed off, Tommy let him straighten up. "Don't be so rough next time," Chad complained. "Don't tell me," Tommy responded. "Beth is in charge of your potty breaks tomorrow, so she or Karen will be wiping you then." Great, thought Chad, just fricking great. What could be worse than that? It wasn't long until he found out. His mother met them outside the bathroom door. "How did it go?" she asked. Tommy saluted. "He pooped just like you said he should, and we wiped his bottom just like you said." "Take the prisoner next door to the Winston's house. They have a particularly disgusting job they're waiting to have him do," his mother said, taking each of his hands and snapping the handcuffs on him. She gave the key to Tommy. "Yes, Ma'am," Tommy said, saluting again. He waved at Chad toward the front door. "Let's go," he said. "Can't we go out the back and through the back yard?" Chad pleaded. "Kids are probably playing out front." Tommy shot out a hand and grasped his brother's scrotum. Dull pain rose up immediately. Tommy gave a quick squeeze and then let go. Chad gasped. He was so vulnerable when he was naked and his hands were cuffed! Tommy indicated the door again, and Chad practically ran to it, waiting to one side while Jesse opened it and Tommy took him by the elbow and guided him out. The trek next door was extremely humiliating, as it appeared most of the kids on the block were playing in the street by their house. There were hoots and catcalls as Chad walked down the steps with his hands behind his head, his small penis waggling as he hurried out of his yard and to the yard of their neighbor. "Nice butt," the one of the grimy-looking Bascomb kids called, while the others hooted. Tommy knocked on the door, and Mr. Winston immediately opened it. "Took you long enough," he said. "Come on, youngster Hope you're not a finicky little pansy, because I've got a big job for you to do, and it's not for sissies!"