Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 42 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 42: Jimmy's Horsie Ride Jimmy gaped at the horse. It was already abundantly clear what its purpose was. His head would go there, with his arms strapped to the horse's legs, and his legs would be strapped on the other end, and the plastic mound would …. He recoiled in horror. "No," he said forcefully. "No, no, no, no. There's no way I'm getting strapped to that! It'll crush my balls!" "Testes, Mr. Chen. The proper word for those little marbles of yours is testes. But that's beside the point. Young man, you have a bad habit of voicing your opinions even when they aren't relevant," Mrs. Rose said evenly. "But since you are going to be strapped to it, I'll explain some of its finer points. Naughty boys lie face down on the horse, their heads here, and their legs here. The center of the horse and each of the legs can be lengthened and shortened to accommodate a wide variety of sizes of boys, from the very immature," (here she looked at Chad, "to the very mature," (here, of course, she glanced at Joey). "The boy's arms and legs are strapped down with the restraints. Notice there is a pillow for the boy's head here," she said, pointing to the far end of the device, "which is impervious to tears, mucous, saliva, or any other disgusting fluids you boys might produce when chastised. This raised section, back here," she said, pointing to the humped section over the back legs, "is where the boy's crotch rests, with his genitals on the hump. The hump has been carefully engineered to make it extremely uncomfortable for the boy tied to the horse, as there is no position a boy can move to that takes the weight of his bottom half off of his genitals. There is also an attachment available for use with the genitals of girls, but the school did not have any need to purchase that option, of course. Once strapped down, the boy is unable to move much, and any attempt to avoid the spanking hand or the paddle will result in extreme pressure on his sensitive genitals. Thus, it's the perfect spanking bench for situations where boys are so disobedient that something more than a simple over the knee spanking or paddling is called for." She let this information sink in to the boys in the classroom, then went on. "You'll notice the horse is made of carbon composites, so that it is light but also strong. Just as the pillow is impervious to saliva, tears, and mucous, the other end of the horse is also impervious to any materials that might come out of that end of a boy should he lose control during a spanking or paddling, and it can be hosed off afterward. The horse is equipped with convenient handles for lifting it and carrying it from place to place. It is light enough that four girls can move it by each grabbing a leg, even with a boy still attached to it, as long as the boy isn't too large and heavy, and for heavier boys, there is room for 6 or 8 girls can team up to carry him and it. I'm told that riding it while being carried is very uncomfortable as well, especially on the boy's genital region." She turned to Mrs. Hendricks. "Could you be so good as to bring the horse back here at around 11 o'clock, after you've shown it to the other classes?" Mrs. Rose asked. "We'll be needing it for Mr. Chen at that time." Jimmy turned white as a sheet as Mrs. Hendricks nodded. He looked with a queasy feeling at the hard lump where his prized genitals would soon be strapped, shuddering. If he could just learn to control his big mouth! Mrs. Hendricks bustled out of the classroom, holding the horse above her head as she maneuvered between the rows. Mrs. Rose looked at it admiringly. "You have to appreciate space age composites," she stated. "Light as a feather, strong as iron. No boy's going to break that, no matter how hard he thrashes." She turned back to Jimmy. "Now for our choice of spanking implements. Mr. Delvecchio certainly cried hard enough yesterday when The Stinger was used on him, but today I'm in the mood for something just as stingy but a little more old fashioned. Mr. Chen, I've decided you shall be whipped by Miss Git on your bare bottom with a freshly-cut willow switch from the tree outside!" Jimmy gulped. "How – How – How many do I get," he managed to croak. "I shall not be assigning you a particular number of blows," Mrs. Rose responded, "Because Miss Git is inexperienced with the switch and might not make some of her strokes strong enough, I'll simply have her switch you while I monitor her progress, letting her continue until I think your bottom is sufficiently welted, and you are crying sufficiently hard." Jimmy's erect penis began shrinking like the air had gone out of it. He was gonna get whipped with a switch! On his bare bottom! Tied to that awful horse thing! He'd never been switched before, even on the clothed butt, but he'd heard stories. He suddenly began dancing in place, squeezing his small butt tightly. "What's the matter now, Mr. Chen," Mrs. Rose asked. "I'm sorry," Jimmy said. "But I gotta pee bad!" He clapped both hands over his genitals. "You're just frightened now that you've heard how you're going to be punished," Mrs. Rose said firmly. "It's just fear -- you don't really have to go. Now get your hands behind our head and go stand in the center of the classroom with your nose against the board." Still dancing, Jimmy reluctantly complied. Soon, he was in the nose to the blackboard position, his small butt still twitching and squeezing in greater and greater urgency as he danced. Mrs. Rose began describing the grading requirements for the term paper due in two weeks. In a few minutes, Jimmy interrupted her again. "I really gotta go, Mrs. Rose! Really! I don't care if I gotta do it in front of everyone, I really gotta go!" Jimmy's butt was twitching like a pole dancer's in a room full of dollar bills. Mrs. Rose sighed, heading to her desk. "Tape line," she ordered laconically. Jimmy raced to the line, his hands still obediently behind his head, his penis fully extended in pee urgency. Mrs. Rose plodded back with her jar, while Jimmy tried to will her to hurry before he peed on the floor. Actually, he realized, with his penis pointing as it was, it would be Emily and the girls behind her he'd pee on – that might actually be funny, at least until he got punished for that, too. Meanwhile, after a couple of tries where it slipped out as she tried to catch it under the jar rim and point it downward, Mrs. Rose finally succeeded in trapping Jimmy's penis head under the rim of the jar, clearly visible through the glass. Jimmy, true to his word, didn't care that they were watching, but peed powerfully into the jar, filling it almost half full. Mrs. Rose swiped the end of Jimmy's now shrinking penis with a tissue and sent Joey to empty the jar. Jimmy was immediately dispatched to the front of the room, where he was able to stand with a bit more decorum for the next hour, shifting from foot to foot and occasionally squeezing his bare butt in anticipation of the coming whipping. Finally, after working through the example math exercises, Mrs. Rose ordered books to be put away. "Mr. Chen, tape line, please," she ordered. Jimmy turned and walked to the tape line, his erection once again visible. Mrs. Rose frowned. "Still think this is exciting, Mr. Chen? We'll disabuse you of that silly notion and take care of your ever-present erection all at once." She turned to Emily. "Take Mr. Chen out to the willow tree in the yard," she said, pointing out the window at the tree she had in mind. Emily nodded understanding. She handed Emily a pocket knife. "Make him cut his own switches. Have him cut three, each about the width of a pencil. We'll need extras in case you break any of them over his naughty bottom. Make sure he cuts them himself. Come right back here when you have all three." Emily nodded, grinning evilly as she approached Jimmy, ready to grab his balls and milk them during the trip outside. "Oh, and Emily," Mrs. Rose said pleasantly as the girl approached Jimmy. "Leave the boy's scrotum alone for now – the horse will take care of it for us. Lead him by his penis to and from the yard." Disappointed in not being able to grind the boy's balls together at will to and from the tree, Emily gripped Jimmy's still erect member and yanked it hard enough he thought she was going to pull it out of him as she dragged him from the room. Mrs. Rose put everyone to work on the math practice problems as she watched the two approach the tree, noting that Emily kept her grip on the boy's penis as she handed him the knife and pointed out various branches. Jimmy appeared reluctant to cut the implements that would be used on his own bare bottom and even more reluctant, once they'd been cut, to carry them. He held the three switches at arm's length as he was led by painful tugs of his erect member back to the building, glancing at them from time to time and flinching. Moments later they were back in the classroom. Emily reluctantly released Jimmy's now only half hard penis and he stood on the tape line, watching with fascinated dread as Mrs. Rose peeled the bark from each switch and waved each in the air, testing their flex and heft. She lined the three up in a row on her desk. "This one first, I think," she said, pointing to the end switch. "Then this one, and if necessary, this one," she added, pointing out the other two in order. "You did an excellent job of choosing switches, Emily. These should really sting young Mr. Chen's bottom." Jimmy's butt twitched, as if he could feel the switches hitting him already. Several girls giggled as his sausage penis bounced in response. "Come up here, Emily. While we're waiting for the horse," Mrs. Rose said, "I'll give you some instruction in how to properly switch a boy on his bare bottom. The key to switching a boy is to land the blows as well-aligned with the plane of the muscles as possible, so that at least the upper third or so of the switch makes contact at once. This creates a line of contact that stings quite painfully along its entire extent, but doesn't break the skin as would happen if only the end of the switch hit first. The accepted procedure is to stand to one side of the boy and cover both sides of his bottom with lines from that side, holding the switch at an angle and striking downward so that the lines are slanted and cover more of his bottom that way. Then you move to the boy's other side and switch it exactly the same way, so that the lines cross-cross each other. The pain where the lines cross each other is excruciating, if the reactions of the boys I've punished this way in the past are any indication. The resulting painful welts are one of the better deterrent properties of this particular type of paddling." Jimmy's butt contracted involuntarily again as she said "painful welts," making his plump penis jump and bringing more laughter from the class. Mrs. Rose waited for quiet, then continued. "If Mr. Chen's disobedience makes it necessary, you may have to use a third technique, where you stand directly over his lower back and bring the switch straight down between his buttocks, so that the boy's perineum, anus, or even his scrotum may be switched. Mr. Chen, you should be warned that anything less than your complete obedience will not be tolerated, and that I'll direct Emily to switch you in the center between your buttocks if I deem it necessary." Jimmy swayed, looking as if he might pass out. Did she just say they might switch his asshole and his balls if he didn't behave while being whipped? His penis drooped dramatically, the tip pointing at the floor in moments. He was so frightened that if he'd been wearing pants he'd have been in danger of pooping them. As is was, he had to tighten his butt and anal sphincter as much as he could, going up on his toes as he controlled his system, and it was a close thing for moment before his body settled down again. Just then the classroom door opened, and Mrs. Hendricks returned, carrying the horse easily over her head. "Sorry I'm a bit late, Mrs. Rose," she said. "You have the only boy in the upper 4 grades already in need of the horse this morning for discipline, but we had to strap a boy into it in each classroom as a demonstration of its discomfort properties and that took a bit of time." She smiled grimly. "I had each of the teachers pick the boy they thought most likely to need the horse soon, and made each of them strip from the waist down like Mr. Chen here and allow themselves to be strapped in. We made them each stay at least 10 minutes, so they could appreciate its possibilities better. I'm afraid that all took a bit of time." "That's quite all right, Mrs. Hendricks," Mrs. Rose replied. "We were just now ready for you, anyway. I hope you can stay for the horse's inaugural test," she added. "Of course," Mrs. Hendricks said. "Few aspects of my job are more important than maintaining discipline among these unruly boys. I'll just sit over here," she added, settling herself in the visitor's chair near Mrs. Rose's desk. Mrs. Rose arranged the horse about 5 feet in front of the tape line, so that the head was near the blackboard, and the back end was facing Emily's seat. "Mr. Chen, stand to one side for a moment, please. I'd like Emily to have some practice with the switch before we start." She went to the closet, retrieving the "practice butt" the children had seen the day before, arranging it straddling the end of the horse and buckling the two Velcro thigh straps around its stumps. The imitation boy butt faced the class, its stitched in anus looking like a big asterisk. Mrs. Rose arranged Emily close by the side of the horse, showing her the proper angle for making reasonably flat contact with the rounded mounds of the target. On her cue, Emily brought the switch down with a quite scary swishing sound, raising a bit of dust as the switch landed with a loud "whap!" Jimmy's bottom flinched as he saw and heard the contact, and his eyes bugged. "Excellent!" Mrs. Rose said. "Just make it a bit flatter as it lands, and try to get the center of the buttock more than just the sides. Another few loud swishes and resounding whaps satisfied Mrs. Rose, who then shifted Emily to the other side and had her practice matching blows from that side. Jimmy, Chad noticed, was flinching more and squeezing his butt more tightly together with each swing. His eyes were bugging out in fear as well, and he looked deathly pale. When Mrs. Rose positioned Emily directly over the horse and had her swing downward into the practice butt's butt crack, his knees became rubbery and he began swaying dangerously. Mrs. Rose noticed his weakness in the knees and walked to his side to steady him. "That's enough practice," she said. "You're ready. It's time for Mr. Chen to find out life isn't just making fun and smart remarks." Jimmy was guided over on shaking, unsteady legs to the end of the horse and faced away from them, then forced down onto his stomach onto the cross board. Mrs. Rose spread his legs onto the top sides of the horse's own legs, then reached quickly between them and arranged his soft penis against his stomach, so that he was resting on both it and his scrotum. Quickly, before he could move and free it, Mrs. Rose strapped his thighs and calves tightly with Velcro, then extended each of his arms and strapped them tightly at the wrists. Chad noticed immediately that Jimmy's feet didn't reach the bottom of the legs, so all his weight was indeed on his genitals. Verifying that, Jimmy immediately began shifting his butt back and forth uncomfortably, his scrotum bulging backward between his legs and pressing on the bulge on either one side or the other no matter which way he shifted. "It hurts my privates," he complained. "That's the point," Mrs. Rose said calmly. "Now be quiet and try not to be a baby during your punishment. The number of blows you'll get in the center, if any, depends upon your deportment from this point onward." Jimmy clamped his mouth shut, biting his lip. His balls already ached badly, and his dick was uncomfortable all along the underside, where his weight was on it. He could feel the unnatural feeling of open air on his butt hole, his butt crack, and the skin between his legs. He knew everyone was looking right up his butt crack, seeing his butt hole and everything. He felt so open and vulnerable. She could just hit him anywhere with that nasty switch! His left nut was aching unbearably so he shifted his butt. His right nut immediately began aching instead. This was going to be torture, and his switching hadn't even started yet! Mrs. Rose addressed him. "Jimmy Chen, you have showed disrespect for the rules of this school by arriving in class late, by making flippant remarks, and by repeatedly displaying inappropriate arousal when threatened with punishment. Accordingly, under the rules established by the school board, you shall be punished by being whipped with a switch on your bare bottom by a female classmate until your bottom has been sufficiently lined that I feel you have learned your lesson. Then you will remain on the horse until after lunch. You will be carried to the lunch room on the horse and spend lunch time strapped to it as an example to the other boys in this school. After lunch you will be removed from the horse and spend the rest of the day sitting on the punishment chair naked in the corner, as per school policy. Do you have anything to say in your defense before I insert your underpants in your mouth as a gag and your punishment is carried out?" Jimmy couldn't stop himself. It was the perfect straight line. "Yes!" he blurted, before he'd really thought it through. "MY BALLS ARE KILLING ME!" The class erupted into raucous laughter, Joey laughing so hard he fell out of his chair. Mrs. Rose colored in anger. "Whip the impudent brat," she said to Emily loudly, over the noise. "Put the stripes as close together as you can. Cover his whole bottom from both sides, and then I'll have you do the center thoroughly as well." "Nooooooooooo!" Jimmy wailed, suddenly aware his mouth had gotten the better of him again. "Noooooooo, I didn't mean it! I'm sorrrrrrrrry!" His cries were choked off as his underpants were jammed into his open mouth by the ever resourceful Mrs. Rose. Jimmy had only a moment to worry about whether he'd put on clean ones that morning, and then it was too late for regrets. The air whistled, and then a searing line of pain bloomed high on his right buttock, followed swiftly by one next to it, and then one next to it, and then one more below it, as Emily grimly covered his right buttock with stripes. She was striking him about once very 4 seconds, so it took her almost a minute of searing, unimaginable, ever-mounting pain to reach the bottom of his right buttock and move her aim to the top of the left. The class watched in amazement as Jimmy's butt muscles squeezed impotently on their own, his flesh dancing but his butt remaining bent and spread, the horse restricting his movements. Within seconds after each lash landed, a red line appeared on Jimmy's bottom and rose up above the surface. Most also had a larger raised welt where the tip of the switch had struck. Jimmy couldn't control his squeezing buttocks despite the fact that each movement caused waves of aching pain from where his sensitive balls made contact with the hard plastic bulge of the horse. The searing pain that kept blooming across a wider and wider area of his bottom was incredible – he'd been spanked many, many times before and even paddled, both at home and at school, but never felt a switch on his bare flesh before. He hollered full force into his gag, but his screams emerged as low moans through the tightly packed cloth. Once Emily had laid 12 strokes on each plump cheek of Jimmy's shivering, quaking butt, Mrs. Rose stayed her hand and shifted her to his right hand side. Then she began again, laying out 12 matching strokes slanting downward on each of his buttocks from that side, the stripes criss- crossing the previous ones. Where each strip crossed a previous one, a prominent bright red and almost square welt immediately appeared. Jimmy's butt began contracting more violently, his flesh rippling and shaking with each blow. It's like a fleshquake, Chad that thought to himself. Jimmy's butt hole also trembled and twitched, contracting and winking at them continuously. Chad and every other boy in the room looked on, each of them feeling so very, very glad it wasn't them being switched. The girls were less sympathetic. "Someone get a marker – I want to play tic-tac-toe," Karla cracked. "Or maybe checkers," Lindsay contributed. "You'd just have to watch out for that trap in the center of the board – it might swallow up your king!" Even through the underpants gag, Jimmy was loud. By the time the final stroke landed on his right bun from the left side, his whole body was flushed, and tears running down off the vinyl pillow and down the legs of the horse had formed two irregular puddles on the floor. Snot from his nose coated the vinyl pillow and was rubbed all over his wildly twisting face as he moved the only part of his body that was really free. He was inhaling in gasps through his nose and squalling through the gag as he exhaled. His whole world was his butt and his genitals – he couldn't feel anything else but lines of white hot pain on his butt and the throbbing ache of hissquashed balls. There was pause as Emily shifted position to directly over top of his spread butt, and then Jimmy discovered there were other parts to his body besides his butt. A line of fire bloomed from his anus all they down his crack to the base of his balls. He screamed into the gag, only to feel a second and then a third blow land on either side of the first. The tip of the switch nicked Jimmy's scrotum as Emily made the third line, causing a spot of blood to appear. Every muscle in Jimmy's body was tensed, as he tested mightily the strength of his bonds. Then he collapsed, blowing snot from his nose with each breath. At the termination of Emily's third blow up the middle, Mrs. Rose took her hand, shaking her head mightily as Emily shifted her angle so that the next blow would have involved the tip of the switch landing right on Jimmy's prominently projecting left testicle. She pried the switch from the girl's tightly gripping fingers. "You've done enough, Emily," she said loudly. "I believe you should sit down now." Jimmy had become a beaten animal with the last three blows, bellowing squeal after squeal into his gag but sagging defeated on the horse. Mrs. Rose pointedly ignored his distress, putting down the switch on her desk and taking up the baby wipes, which she used to wipe down his welted bottom and his scarred butt crack. She then walked between him and the classroom and speaking loudly to be heard over his muffled moans. "While we're waiting for Mr. Chen to stop his histrionics," she said, "I want each of you to take out a paper and pen and write a 5 paragraph argumentative paper. Be sure to use an introductory paragraph, three argument paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. In this paper, you should choose a form of punishment that would even more effective on a 13- year-old boy than the switch you just saw demonstrated. Describe just what that punishment would be, and then argue why it would be an even more effective form of punishment than the switch on a boy's bare bottom." She glanced back at the red-striped bottom of the still bawling Jimmy Chen, then continued. "You may use anything you've learned from experiences in the classroom over the last few days or from you own experience to support of your arguments. You have until lunch time to complete your papers." She paused a moment, and then added, "Remember, your arguments have to be convincing. If you try to argue that grounding a boy is more effective than whipping his bare bottom, for example, your paper will undoubtedly receive a very low score. If you want a passing grade, you have to make your arguments convince me. Girls failing to write a convincing essay may very well receive detention. And you boys may experience the switch on your own bare bottoms if I sense you're trying to make a mockery of this assignment." All over the classroom, children groaned and began retrieving paper from their desks and staring into space looking thoughtful. Jimmy continued howling into his gag, his twitching bottom still in continuous motion, his arms and legs still pulling feebly at the bonds of the horse. Chad chewed the end of his pen for a moment, frowning and looking at the angry stripes criss-crossing Jimmy Chen's bottom and running down the center of his butt crack. He had to think of something she'd believe he really hated worse than being whipped, but he didn't want to give her any ideas of more horrible punishments, especially punishments that might be used on him. An idea suddenly struck him. He leaned over his desk, writing in his somewhat childish scrawl: In this paper, I will begin by agreeing that the switch on the bare bottom is a very effective form of punishment for boys. This is because the switch is so thin that it can get almost anywhere, even all the way in between a boy's buns to hit his poo hole or the bag his testes are in. Chad frowned as he finished the last line. Even since Tommy had mocked him when he'd used the phrase "poo hole" in describing his nether orifice, he felt wrong whenever he thought or used the phrase. But he was in a bind here – he couldn't remember the adult word for the place the poo came out right at the moment, and he knew he didn't dare write "asshole," in a paper Mrs. Rose would read. It wouldn't be safe to say "butt hole" either. He racked his brain for the word, but it wouldn't come to him. It was something like Amos or Avis, but he couldn't quite retrieve it. He shrugged and went on. But even though a switching is a very effective form of punishment for boys, I will argue that there are forms of punishment that are even more effective than even switching a boy on his poo hole. In particular, I will argue that making a boy suck another boy's privates or lick his butt in front of others is more effective than even a whipping with a switch on his poo hole or testes. Chad read over his paragraph. He wondered if he should have said butt hole instead. Oh well, it was too late to change, now. He went into his argument paragraphs: The first reason I think that having a boy suck another boy's privates or lick his butt in front of others is a more effective punishment is that it lasts longer. When you whip a boy, his butt hurts real bad for awhile, but in a day or so it heals up and he forgets about how much it hurt. But when a boy has to suck another boy's privates or lick his butt and everyone sees it, every time he comes to class he'll see the people who watched him and remember them watching him do it, and get humiliated all over again. Chad reread this. So far, so good, he thought. He chewed his pencil thoughtfully and went on: The second reason I think that having a boy suck another boy's privates or lick his butt in front of others is a more effective punishment is that it is truly, truly disgusting to have to lick another boy's butt. This is especially true if the boy has to clean something off of the other boy's butt when licking it, like chocolate syrup. The syrup gets into the wrinkles in his poo hole and into the center, and the boy would have to lick real hard and deep to get it out, which would be disgusting. Chad looked up at Jimmy's cross-hatched butt and thought some more. Jimmy's butt was still twitching, and Chad could see welts on the boy's butt hole itself. Owwww, he thought idly. And I thought I'd had it bad when I got paddled! Mrs. Rose approached Jimmy as he watched with more baby wipes in her hand. She seized his head and pulled it back from the horse, then began vigorously scrubbing the snot off of Jimmy's face, while he protested feebly. Chad looked at his paper again, another idea coming to him. He wrote: The third reason I think that having a boy suck another boy's privates or lick his butt in front of others is a more effective punishment is that all his friends will think he's a queer, and then they'll bug him all the time to suck them, too, maybe even for years afterward. Besides, boys pee out of their penises and poop out of their poo holes, and having to put your mouth those places would be a bad punishment for any boy. There, Chad thought. She'll buy that. He hoped he wasn't giving her new punishment ideas for him or the other boys, but he had to write something, or he'd risk getting spanked himself. Besides, he bet she'd already thought of this one – after all, his other and Mrs. Delvecchio had. He quickly wrote his final paragraph. So that's why I think that having a boy suck another boy's privates or lick his butt is a more humiliating and effective punishment than just whipping his butt and his butt crack. It lasts longer, it's really disgusting, and other boys will tease him for it forever. All this things make it worse than a bare butt whipping. Chad wrote his name with a flourish on the top of his paper and looked up. Many other children were still writing. His wasn't bad, he thought. It ought to at least sound sincere, and it wasn't nearly as bad as other punishments that he could think of, such as getting a paddling on the balls, or having a lit candle rammed up his butt and having to hold it there like Alan had experienced. He looked Jimmy's spread butt and legs, all of him that could really be seen because his head was facing to his right at the moment. Jimmy was slowly quieting down, his butt now twitching only slightly and his squeals merely low moans. Chad shivered at the three red lines running right down the center of the boy's crack, puffy weals running right across his butt hole, and three bright red welts bulging just above his sack, which was squashed uncomfortably against the raised bump on the horse. Chad shook his head. He'd lied in his paper, of course. He knew from his own experience the last few days that sucking a boy's penis, or even multiple boys' penises in a row, didn't hold a candle to being tied to the horse and getting what Jimmy had just gotten.