Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 39
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors.
If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view
such material or if such material does not appeal to you,
do not read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 39: The Evening Wrap 

Several minutes later, all three children had regained a
modicum of control of themselves and were lined up in
front of the mantelpiece.  Chad had spread his butt and
was holding the ice against his still tingling hole,
while Alan had his against his now shrunken penis, and
Chandra appeared to be trying to shove hers completely
into her vulva.  Chad's mother had progressed through the
children.  First she chased down the squealing Brian and
gave him a dinner roll to eat and a glass of milk to wash
it down with, then she washed his face and the faces of
each of the other children with a cold washcloth.  All
three of the older children had managed to quiet their
crying to loud sniffles and occasional hiccups.  The butt
holes and butt cracks of all three were still red and
irritated, but the worst of the pain was over.

"That was part one of your final punishments," Mrs.
Delvecchio announced.  In part two, we'll make sure that
everyone feels that these three have suffered enough
punishment." She reached in the side drawer again, coming
out with a wooden handled paddle with a flat rubber
spanking surface.  The rubber piece was flexible, and had
8 small holes drilled in a rectangular pattern on the top
half of it.  "This is called The Blister Maker," she
said.  I borrowed it from Alan's school today."  She
handed it to her sister.  "I believe we'll start with
Chandra.  Maria, do you think Chandra has been punished
enough, or does she need some blows with this before she
goes home?"

Chandra's mother looked at her teary-eyed daughter.  "I
think I'm going to hand that decision over to her
siblings, since they're the ones who had to put up with
her rude behavior.  Sheila, Rebecca, Brian, do you think
Chandra has been punished enough?"

"A wanna paddle her!" Brian said immediately.  "I wanna
give her about 100 spanks with that thing!  She's always
givin' me spankin's!"

"Girls, what do you think?" Mrs. Walker went on. 

"I don't think she needs 100 spanks, like Brian says,"
Sheila said immediately.  "But I think she needs a few,
to serve as a reminder to her as we walk home."

"I agree," Rebecca says.  "I'm sick of her rudeness.  How
about we give her three with that, one on each side and
one on her very bottom?"

"Then it's agreed," Chandra's mother replied.  "Each of
your may give Chandra one blow with the paddle.  Sheila,
you may have her left side, Rebecca her right, and Brian
can then give her the one on the bottom.  Chandra, bend
over that chair in front of you and grab the seat."

Chandra, beaten completely, numbly obeyed, bending over
the chair and sticking her bottom out for the promised
punishment, gripping the seat tightly.  Her mother spread
her legs more, so that her genital were visible to the
watching audience, commenting that she was doing so in
order for Brian to be able to reach his spot well when it
was his turn.  Sheila took the paddle and brought it down
sharply on her sister's left butt cheek.  Chandra
stiffened but held onto the chair, bursting into tears
immediately as 8 small welts appeared in the middle of a
red patch on her left butt cheek.  Rebecca took the
paddle from her sister and gave her a matching mark with
8 equally clear welts on the right, bringing louder
howling from Chandra, who barely managed to hold onto the
chair seat.  Finally, Brian stepped up, his small eyes
glittering, as he took the paddle and with his mother's
help lifted it and brought it down firmly right over his
sister's twitching butt hole.  At this point Chandra's
hands flew back to clutch her tortured bottom, and she
began dancing around the room, wailing, trying to squeeze
the stinging pain out of her butt with both hands.  She
was ignored and the group attention was turned to Chad.

"Tommy, since you're his brother and have to put up with
his atrocious behavior, I'll let you decide.  Does Chad
need to be paddled with this paddle before we quit for
the night?" his mother asked.  

Tommy looked at Chad, who was looking back at him
pleadingly.  "I don't think Chad needs to be paddled any
more tonight," Tommy said seriously.  "I don't think his
butt can take much more."  Chad let out a sigh of relief. 
But then Tommy went on.  "But I think he does need one
more punishment.  There's something Chad hates almost as
much as being paddled, and that's having to suck boys'
wieners.  I think Chad should have to suck Brian's wiener
instead of being paddled."

Chad's mother looked at Mrs. Walker, who looked at her
son.  "Would you like that, Brian," she asked.  "Would
you like to have this boy suck your pee-pee for you and
make it feel good?"

Brian, without hesitation, shucked down his pants and
underpants and ran to Chad, his little 5-year-old curved
penis pointing at his face and bouncing as he ran. 
"Yeah," he said excitedly.  "Yeah, I'd like that!  It
looked so fun when they were doing it to each other!"  He
stopped in front of the standing Chad and waved his small
penis at him.  Chad was relieved to see that the little
boy's penis was quite a bit smaller than his.

"Notice we asked him – we didn't force him like you did,"
Alan's mother admonished Alan.  "Maybe you need to learn
to ask people things, too."

Chad looked pleadingly at his mother.  "Do I have to?" he

"I told Tommy to decide on your punishment, and he's made
a decision.  Frankly I think it was a fair one.  Now get
down to this boy's level and get to work!" his mother

Sighing, Chad got down on his knees in front of the
little boy, having to sit back on his haunches to get his
mouth to the boy's crotch height.  The little boy's penis
looked sweaty and none too clean.  It was a bit smaller
than his own and quite a bit thinner, and had a
pronounced curve to the tip.  The tip looked much like
the tip of his own organ, except that the pee slit was
partially agape when the little boy was erect, a feature
Chad eyed distastefully.  

Chad's mother looked at the object of his gaze.  "Hurry
up, son," she commented.  "Your brother has chosen your
punishment for you.  You can go home with the taste of
this boy in your mouth to remind you to get control of
your behavior.  If you don't like doing this, stop
hitting and pushing little kids, and start obeying the

Chad reluctantly took his hand and aimed the boy's penis
horizontally, taking the whole thing in his mouth right
up to the boy's tight, wrinkled little pouch.  His mother
made him cup Brian's smooth bottom with his hands and
massage his butt as he sucked, while the girls, except
for Chandra who was still yelping and caressing her butt,
watched him smugly.  Making it worse, young Brian
wouldn't hold still while Chad sucked him.  He danced,
jiggled, thrust his pelvis at random intervals, and
shivered as Chad tongued the small, rubbery rod in his
mouth.  Unlike the boys he'd been forced to suck before,
Brian wouldn't shut up, keeping a running commentary on
his efforts.  "Feels good," he said triumphantly.  "Feels
nice!  Suck harder!  I like your mouth on my pee-pee! 
Make it tingle like I do with my hand!  Hey, watch the
teeth!  Yeah, that's it.  Feels good.  Feels good.  Feels
gooood! Feels---" Brian finished this last comment with a
series of yips as he pounded his small pelvis against
Chad's face, rising on his toes as he contracted his
small butt repeatedly.  He jerked his penis out of Chad's
mouth abruptly.  "I'm done," he said, turning around and
walking away, his softening penis wagging back and forth
as he walked, his little scrotum pulled up so tightly it
was barely visible underneath.  The three older boys
marveled at his total lack of self-consciousness, as he
swiped Chad's saliva off onto his shirt tail, then
plopped onto the couch with his legs spread, lying back
and staring at the ceiling in contentment.  

Chad wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.  At least
the kid was way too young to squirt.  But he still had
that boy taste about him that Chad loathed, and he
probably had residual pee on him from peeing and failing
to shake the final drops off.  And who knows when he'd
last showered!  He looked up from his knees at the other
children watching him.  Sheila was smirking
condescendingly at him, obviously contemptuous of his
genitals, his physique, his meek acceptance of the order
to perform on her brother, or perhaps all three.  Rebecca
was looking at him with obvious pity, as if regretting
the shame they were putting him through.  He wondered if
she might actually like him.  Alan would know where she
lived – it must be close by, because they had apparently
walked to Alan's house and were walking home (with a
naked Chandra, Chad remembered quite suddenly).  Tommy
had that superior look on his face he always got when
forcing Chad to perform on his genitals, while Alan was
clearly looking at Chad's crotch with unconcealed
fascination.  Chad glanced down and realized why Alan was
staring immediately.  His penis, which had been soft when
he'd started performing on the little boy, was now rock
hard and pointed upward, bobbing with his pulse.  

Why does it do that?  Chad thought to himself.  A
disturbing thought struck him.  Alan probably thought
sucking his cousin had made Chad excited!  The others
probably did, too!  Chad blushed furiously at the
thought.  He didn't like sucking dicks -- he really
didn't!  If he could only make them understand how much
he didn't like it!  He didn't particularly care to look
at them, he didn't like the way they felt in his mouth,
and he absolutely hated the way they tasted.  So why did
he get hard when he was forced to suck other boys?  It
wasn't because he liked the sucking, so what was exciting

He thought again about his feelings when he knelt in
front of little Brian, and when he had to take his
brother's, Jesse's, and the twin's penises in his mouth. 
Thinking of their hard penises was vaguely repulsive, so
what had led to that sexual thrill that caused the
erection?  Suddenly he realized that he'd felt that same
thrill when he'd had to masturbate publicly, first in
front of his brother,  then in front of his class, and
today in front of all the kids and moms.  That was it! 
He wasn't getting turned on by boys' genitals, he was
getting excited at being forced to do forbidden, mildly
disgtusting things!  He realized he'd felt similar
twinges of excitement every time he'd been spanked, as
well, at being forced to take off his clothes and to go
over his spankers' knees.  The feeling had been strongest
when the spanking had been the most humiliating.  Even
though he'd been totally humiliated that day when he'd
had to do it, he realized that he'd felt that same quick
thrill of excitement when Emily had drawn him over her
lap, and he'd felt the same quick thrill when he'd had to
bend over for Tommy for the first time.  Of course, in
all these cases the sexual thrill had quickly died as the
pain in his butt had built up as they began smacking it,
but it was always there just before the spanking started.

He blushed with shame.  I like being humiliated, he
realized.  I don't like being punished – I don't like the
actual spanking, or ball flicking, or having fingers and
other stuff shoved up my butt, and I especially hate
having my balls squeezed.  He had to admit that being 
made to undress and stand naked in front of other people,
especially girls, with his genitals on display was
totally humiliating.  Even worse was bending over so they
could examine his butt hole and comment on the appearance
of it and on their opinion of his wiping habits.  The
diaper table and the position he had to voluntarily
assume was an even more humiliating experience, because
it combined all of those things.  And yet, along with
each humiliation there was an exciting thrill that was
definitely sexual, and that had been responsible for him
getting hard in so many of these situations.  Chad
realized his current rock-hard condition and sexual
yearning wasn't because he liked sucking prepubertal boys
(Although he vastly preferred that to the idea of having
to suck pubertal ones – the thought of sucking Joey's
penis, for example, almost made him physically sick).  It
was because of the way having to do something that
humiliating to a younger boy degraded him, just as having
to suck his own little brother degraded him.  

In a way, Chad was relieved by this revelation.  He
wasn't just a pervert horn dog who got hard for no
reason.  He at least had a reason – he was excited by the
emotional overload of anticipated humiliation and
punishment.  Unfortunately for him, his feelings about
the actual punishments, when they finally occurred, were
quite another matter.  Knowing he was going to have to do
and experience painful and humiliating things was
overwhelmingly frightening, and that fright contained a
powerful thrill as well, just like a horror movie scared
you but tingled and excited you too.  But the actually
pain of punishment and its aftereffects were highly
unpleasant.  Chad still could feel the thrill that had
accompanied his fear when he'd been standing waiting to
present his bare butt over Emily's knees for
chastisement, with the whole class looking on with
amusement.  But the overwhelming butt pain during the
spanking and the soreness that continued after was
abhorrent to Chad.  Likewise, he hated Emily's smirk, but
her threats had also made him tingle with excitement as
well as dread.  How could he get excited in anticipation
of something that hurt so bad?  It was all very puzzling
for a 7th grade boy.

Chad realized his mother and the other ladies were
looking at him still on his knees, as if waiting for his
next customer.  He quickly rose to his feet and looked at
his mother plaintively.  "Am I done now?" he asked.  "Can
I have my underpants?"

His mother considered.  "I believe we're done punishing
you for the day, Chad, unless your brother believes you
need additional punishment when you get home.  But I
don't believe I'll let you get dressed until we're ready
to leave – having to be nude in front of all these girls
will help you deal with your excessive modesty problem, I
think.  Besides, I believe Mrs. Delvecchio needs to
attend to Alan one last time before we call it a night."  

Alan gulped as attention turned to him.  He had hoped
that the burning pain of the hot sauce on his penis and
anus had been his final punishment, but upon seeing
Chandra and Chad receive one more punishment, he knew as
the worst offender of the day he would not be exempt. 
For a moment he allowed himself to hope that he'd be
asked to do something more like Chad had been forced to
do than what Chandra had been forced to endure.  He knew,
now, that he could easily orally pleasure any of the boys
in the room – it wouldn't even seem like a punishment.  

Those hopes dissolved quickly.  Alan's mother, all too in
touch with her son, saw him glance at Chad's still erect
penis with hope in his eyes, and immediately ruled out
such a punishment.  Instead, to Chad's surprise, Alan's
mother addressed him.  "Chad, Alan has no brothers or
sisters, so you'll have to be his stand-in big brother
tonight.  Do you think Alan has been punished enough for
what he did to you?"

Chad thought of his day, and of the humiliations he'd
gone through, culminating in his performance on Brian's
little dick just moments ago.  His butt hurt, his pee
slit burned, his butt-hole burned, his jaw ached, his
tongue was sore and tired, his pee tube and the stuff
inside him ached from overuse, and he'd been exhibited
nude and forced to perform humiliating acts in front of
still another group of females.  Worst yet, he still had
that disgusting boy taste in his mouth.  "No," he said
firmly.  He looked at Alan seriously.  "I like you Alan. 
I want to be your friend, even if you aren't into girls
like I am.  But what you did to me today was rotten, and
you need to remember that.  It was rotten, and it got me
into more trouble when I'm trying to be good!  So I think
you need to be paddled some more with that paddle.  And
not just paddled a little bit like your cousin was, but
good and hard!  I know your butt is still sore and
blistered from that string thing Mrs. Rose used on you,
and from being spanked tonight by your mom, but you still
need another good paddling to make sure you get the
point."  He regarded Alan's frightened, hurt look.  "I'm
sorry," he added.  "But it's true.  You know it's true. 
Believe me, I know as much as anyone how much paddlings
hurt, and we all can see that your butt's already real
sore.  But you need this."

"Thank you, Chad, for telling the truth," his mother

"Yes, thank you, Chad," Alan's mother agreed.  "How many
spanks do you think Alan should get with The Blister

Chad looked at Alan's pleading, stricken expression and
considered the vicious look of the spanking implement she
was holding.  "Not many," he conceded.  "Not with a thing
that makes 8 blisters every time you hit a kid with it. 
He probably needs about 5 whacks.  That would give him 40
new blisters, which is a lot.  That's probably enough of
a paddling, what with all the blisters he already has,"
he concluded

"Yeah," said Sheila.  "But you'd have to spread them out,
so they don't overlap and he could feel each one.  Aunt
Adrianne, I think you should make him bend over and grab
his ankles to get it.  The you could stand beside him and
hold his back, and give him one each on the upper part of
his butt, one each on the lower part, and then a big one
right down the center, right where he sits down.  And if
he doesn't hold still for one of them, he gets two more
every time he moves."

"What do the rest of you think?" Mrs. Delvecchio asked. 
Alan was looking pale and shaking.  He tried to speak but
couldn't seem to get anything out.  Chandra, now calmed
down to the point of merely whimpering but still
clutching her butt and oblivious that her red and puffy
labia and swollen clitoris were wide open and on display,
swallowed her whimpers a moment and spoke up.  

"Paddle him good!  Give him twice that much!  Give him
three times that much!  Paddle his boy stuff!  It's all
his fault I got punished!"  She lapsed back into tears.

"Young lady, you have only yourself to blame for your
punishment tonight, not your cousin," Her mother chided. 
"Perhaps we need to punish you again tomorrow to make
sure you get the point."  Chandra retreated to the couch. 
"Rebecca, what do you think?" her mother said, turning to

Rebecca started at being addressed.  She'd been eyeing
Chad's erect penis, wondering what it would be like to
take it in her hands and slowly stroke it until the boy
came.  "Uhhhhh," she said, stalling while she thought of
an answer.  She know Sheila had proposed something, but
she couldn't, for the life of her, remember what it was. 
Her cousin's friend's genitals were so cute!  She'd seen
her own brother's genitals before many times without a
second thought.  Why did she have such a strong reaction
to this strange small boy?  "Uhhhhh, think Sheila's plan
sounds fine," she temporized.

"Brian, what do you think?" His mother asked him.

"How come Alan's pee-pee is bigger than that kid's?"
Brian asked cheerfully, pointing at Chad's erect but tiny
equipment.  "Aren't they the same age?"  Without waiting
for an answer, he turned and ran out of the room

"No help there," Tommy muttered.

"Then I guess it's decided.  Alan will be punished with 5
spanks from The Blister Maker while bent over, grasping
his ankles," his mother decreed.  Alan looked sick.  His
mother quickly guided him to his place in front of the
mantle, ordering him to grasp his ankles and not let go,
his bare butt facing the audience.  She separated his
legs until they were wider than his hips, thus opening
the boy's butt crack so that the final blow would strike
deeply between his legs.  She looked around the room,
holding the paddle, until her eyes lighted on Chad.  Then
she spoke.  "Chad, come here.  You're going to have to
give Alan his paddling."

Chad recoiled.  "But- but – but -" he protested.  "I
don't want to p- p- paddle Alan.  Look, I know he
deserves it and all, but I don't want to do it.  He's my

"I understand that," Mrs. Delvecchio said.  "He's my son,
and I love him more than anyone in the world, just as
your mother loves you.  But sometimes you have to punish
those you love simply because you love them and care what
happens to them.  That's why your mother and I punished
the two of you severely tonight, and why my sister
punished her daughter.  Because we love you and care
about you and don't want you to continue down the wrong
path.  See, if you boys continue on pushing other people
around, making them do things, lying to your mothers, and
disobeying rules, within a few years it won't be a
spanking you'll have to worry about, it will be dealing
with sharing a prison cell with a homicidal maniac who
wants to use your butt for his sexual pleasure when he's
not using your mouth for the same purpose.  You're
basically a good boy and so is Alan.  You understand how
important this lesson is for him, and that's why you
suggested this punishment for him.  I think it will be an
even more effective lesson coming from his victim."

"Besides, you can consider this one of your punishments,"
Chad's mother added.  "Now take that paddle and give Alan
a good paddling.  And you'd better swing like you mean
it, or I'll have to ring you for disobedience."

"If he gets ringed for not punishing you, Alan, you're
getting ringed, too," his mother added.  "So you'd better
convince him to step up and do his duty by you."

"Come on, Chad, do it!" Alan said, white-faced with fear. 
"Do it quickly and get it over with!"

Chad walked to Alan's side and circled his horizontal
abdomen with his left arm.  "Sorry Alan," he said to his
friend.  His genitals telegraphed his upset, shriveling
almost before everyone's eyes into a tight nubbin with a
prune attached below it.  "I'll make it quick," he

Alan showed his understanding by straightening his back
and holding still resolutely.  Chad, raising the paddle,
examined Alan's welted, red bottom, looking for the least
damaged area to strike.  Finding nothing but welts
everywhere he looked, he finally gave up, bringing the
paddle down hard on the upper part of Alan's right butt
cheek, flinching and looking away from his target as the
paddle landed with a crack.  Alan jerked under him and
his knees buckled briefly as he let out a little yelp
that he quickly stifled, but he kept his hands locked on
his ankles.  Chad opened his eyes again, lining the
paddle up on Alan's upper left butt cheek quickly,
determined to get this over with.  He flinched and closed
his eyes again as the second blow landed and Alan bucked
more sharply under him.  An anquished "Owwwwwwwww!"
escaped him before he managed to stifle it, and he swayed
several times before steadying again.  An angry red
rectangle had appeared on the boy's welted right butt
cheek, with the pattern of 8 circles from the paddle
quickly rising as visible bumps.  Chad leaned forward,
gripped Alan more tightly, and landed the third blow,
this time on Alan's lower right butt cheek, the top edge
of the paddle landing right where the crease of the boy's
butt joined his thigh.  This time Alan had more trouble
being silent as he bucked more fiercely and just barely
held on to his ankles.  "Owwwwwwoooowwwwwwooooooo!" he
howled.  "Owwwwwwwwww!  Owwwwwwwwwww! It hurrrrrrrrts!"

Chad hesitated as Alan continued to sway.  The watching
children stared in fascination as the welts from the
paddle rose in seconds along with the angry red color
from the paddle.  Alan's anus convulsed and twitched as
his body fought to escape the searing pain.  After
several seconds of moans, Alan brought himself under
control enough to prod Chad.  "Go ooooooooooooon!" he
wailed.  "Do it!  Do it!"

Chad steeled himself and delivered the fourth blow as
Alan gritted his teeth and held his ankles fiercely.  He
almost straightened up as the searing pain flooded him,
but managed to just hang on to one ankle and stop his
other hand before it flew to his bottom.  Crying loudly,
he forced his hands to grip his ankles more tightly. 
"Come on, Chad," Alan moaned.  "Finish it!  I'm ready!"
he grunted through clenched teach.  

Chad gritted his teeth and lined the paddle up with the
middle of his friend's spread butt.  "Just a minute,"
Alan's mother said loudly, springing over to grasp Chad's
arm.  She moved the paddle down, until the top edge was
just a hair's breadth above the boy's dangling balls and
the smooth skin between his legs.  "Hit him there," she
commanded, "or you'll have to do it again.  And make it
harder than the others."

Chad looked helplessly at Alan's now puffy, tear-flooded
face.  Alan nodded back at him resolutely.  Chad raised
his arm high and brought it down creating a loud crack as
the paddle landed at the base of his friend's butt,
missing the wrinkled sack by a margin too small to see. 
Alan, in unbearable pain as the paddle landed right
across his vulnerable butt crack and the end dug in with
stinging effectiveness right at the base of his balls,
let go of his ankles and hung on to Chad's circling arm,
letting Chad support most of his weight as he knees went
week and the burning pain between his legs made his lower
body go numb.  He slowly dragged Chad down to the floor
on top of him, his fingers scrabbling on Chad's arm as he
sobbed incoherently and squeezed his butt tightly
together, trying without success to force out the searing
pain.   He could feel all 8 blisters the paddle had made
as distinct knots of fire stretching from his butt hole
to his sack. Chad dropped the paddle on the floor and
leaned over his friend's back, hugging him from behind,
stroking him above his jutting buttocks and trying to
comfort Alan as he began crying himself.  "I'm sorry
Alan," he said over the lump in his throat.  "They made
me do it.  I'm sorrrrrrry!"