Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 37
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors.
If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view
such material or if such material does not appeal to you,
do not read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 37:  Sex Education

"Anyone else feel their child needs a round of
humiliation, or should I go on to Alan's next pain
round?" his mother asked as Alan tried not to think about
the fact he'd just licked Chad's butt hole.  It hadn't
been so bad licking his butt – Chad had smooth, soft,
hairless skin on his bottom, and Alan hadn't found it to
be physically repulsive at all.  Quite the reverse, in
fact – if they'd been alone (and Chad had been willing –
he'd learned that lesson well enough already this
evening), he'd have liked to embrace Chad face to face
and cup his hands under the boy's butt and hold the soft,
firm muscle, or lie beside Chad on his bed and trail his
fingers across the soft skin of the boy's bottom.  He
hadn't minded licking the boy's smooth, hairless ball
sack, either, and he'd found that briefly having the
boy's penis in his mouth wasn't disgusting at all.  He
wasn't sweaty and grungy like his older play partner of a
year ago had been when he'd tried to persuade Alan to
suck him.  Chad had been spotlessly clean and had smelled
of soap and chocolate syrup, and his penis had been
smooth and rubbery and had tasted like very little after
he'd licked the syrup off.  The fact that the other boy
peed through his dick didn't seem to matter any more. 
Perhaps next time when he was the neighborhood boys –
well he'd see what he felt like doing, but a whole host
of new possibilities had opened in his mind. 

On the other hand, he hadn't liked having to lick Chad's
butt hole at all.  He just couldn't get past that butt
holes were for pooping.  He'd actually taken a mirror
into the bathroom a few months before and squatted over
it on the floor, watching his own butt hole as he pooped,
amazed by how his hole opened and disgorged things that
stretched it wide and looked way too big to have come out
of it.  That was the image he had gotten every time he
looked at Chad's butt hole, and it had been all he could
do to keep from gagging when he'd had to pass his own
tongue repeatedly over Chad's orifice.  Licking his butt
and his genitals had been okay, but Alan still didn't
want his mouth anywhere near Chad's anus! 

He was also so intensely embarrassed at what he'd done
that he had trouble meeting Chad's eyes, and looked down
instead as the two of them were directed back to the
couch and forced to sit on their still sore bottoms.  It
was hard to look a guy in the eyes after you'd been
forced to lick his butt hole, not once, but repeatedly
and deeply.  He was pretty sure that Chad would never
tell anyone at school that he'd been forced to lick
Chad's butt hole, but he wasn't so sure about Chad's

Chandra's mother spoke up. "I believe my daughter needs
serious punishment as badly as Alan.  And I know just the
form her humiliation should take!  Chandra, come up her
and stand facing everyone."  Chandra looked at her mother
with trepidation – was she going to have to do something
like Alan just did?  What if her mother wanted her to
lick syrup off of her cousin's butt, or even off of her
little brother's?  The latter thought made her shudder –
she knew from personal experience that Brian was
haphazard when it came to hygiene.  She's seen him get up
from the toilet without wiping and start to pull up his
pants until their mother had sternly ordered him to "get
your little butt back on that toilet and wipe your stinky
bottom young man, and you'd better not get up until it's
clean!"  Perhaps Chad was squeaky clean enough to eat off
of, but her brother certainly wouldn't be! As she
hesitated, her mother spurred her into action.  "Come on,
young lady, we're waiting.  Or do you want me to have
Adrianne get the ring?"  

Chandra approached her mother slowly.  She stopped in
front of her mother and slowly turned around, facing the
seated audience.  Gulping and gathering her courage, she
suddenly spoke up.  "Mom, please don't make me lick
Brian's butt!  Pleeeeeese!  I'll do anything, but don't
make me do that!  He's disgusting! I'll throw up if I
have to do what Alan did to that other kid!"

Chandra's mother stood behind her, placing Chandra's
hands firmly behind her head.  "Alan's punishments are
chosen as being appropriate for Alan and his
misbehaviors.  His misbehavior involved putting Chad in a
subordinate position, so he was punished by having to put
himself in a lower position than Chad. Having had to lick
Chad's bottom and genitals, and even his anus, Alan now
knows what it's like to be placed in a subordinate
position and he's less likely to try to subordinate a
child like Chad again just because he's smaller and
helpless. Your misbehaviors involve being disobedient and
acting like the rules and my orders don't apply to you,
and acting rudely to all of us.  Your punishments will
focus on obedience and putting you in your place in the
eyes of the other people here.  You will not be licking
anything off of your brother because it isn't my
intention to put you in a subordinate position in your
relationship with him.  Although that would be
appropriate in the future if you were to harm your

Chandra let out an involuntary sigh of relief. She wasn't
going to have to lick the little toad's stinky butt!  But
her relief was short-lived as her mother went on.  "That
doesn't mean you're getting an easy punishment.  You need
to be taken down a peg and learn that you aren't superior
to any of these children or deserving of special
privileges compared to them.  And as both your cousin and
this other boy are currently naked and have been forced
to show you their buttocks, anuses, and genitals, I can't
think of anything more appropriate and humiliating for
you than to have to join them in their condition and
allow them the return favor of examining you," her mother
commented.  "So for your humiliation, I'm going to ask
Chad's brother Tommy to come up and remove your
underpants, so that you'll have to be naked in front of
everyone the rest of the day.  You will also be walking
home with us naked.  Tommy, if you would, please?"

"Nooooooooo!" Chandra shouted, clasping both hands to the
top of her waistband.  "I'm not taking my pants off in
front of these little perverts!"

Chandra's mother merely looked at her while Tommy came up
and stood beside her his heart pounding with excitement
at the thought that he was being asked to pull down a
girl's panties.  "I'm giving you one last chance, young
lady.  You either put your hands on your head and let him
take down your underpants, or we'll hold you down, take
them off for you, and then put that ring right through
that place you like to touch yourself at night!  You know
where I mean!"

Chandra, considerably more fearful of a ring through her
privates than her total humiliation, reluctantly let go
of her waistband and put her hands back behind her head. 
Tears began flowing down her face as she began crying
softly.  Her crying intensified as Tommy hesitantly
slipped a hand under each side of her waistband and
tugged her panties down, letting them fall to her feet. 
He remained standing to one side of her, his eyes glued
to her crotch, as the remaining children leaned forward
to look at the genitals of a real, live girl. 

It was actually a first for all 4 boys in the room. 
Chad, Tommy, and Alan had seen Playboy type nude
pictures, but none had seen an actual naked girl before. 
Brian, although he lived in a house with 3 sisters and
had been naked in front of them repeatedly, had never
seen any of them nude, and had not seen any nude
pictures, either.

Chad's initial response was disappointment.  There didn't
appear to be all that much to see – just smooth skin with
a few little hairs scattered about, much like the hairs
Alan had sported before Mrs. Rose had shaved them off.  A
smooth furrow ran down the middle of the triangle between
her legs, disappearing between her legs.  She must pee
out of the slit, he decided.  He wondered how girls kept
the pee from getting all over them.  He was glad he had a
wiener instead.  But, thinking of his wiener, he wondered
how it was supposed to go together with that thing when
you did sex.  Maybe you put your wiener against the
furrow and then rubbed it up and down the furrow, he

Alan found himself surprisingly unintrigued.  His cousin
didn't have anything you could handle, or get a grip on. 
She didn't have anything neat like a dick you could
stroke with your fingertips and feel get hard as you did,
or a nice bulging sack that you could trace your fingers
around.  All in all, he'd rather look at his cousin Brian
naked, or Chad's brother Tommy, or Chad himself, he
thought, glancing at the latter's small genitals.  Yes,
he definitely liked boy stuff better.

Tommy's eyes were shining.  He was looking at a real
pussy!  Pussies were to have sex with!  He had a powerful
urge to push her down and climb on top of her and grind
his pelvis into that inviting, soft-looking crevice.  He
bet his dick would feel really good pressing against

Brian's response was one of amazement.  Despite living in
a household of females, he'd never seen one of them
naked.  "Where's her wee-wee?" he asked loudly.  "Where
does her pee come out?  Can I see her butt?  Can I spank
her, too?"

His mother addressed his last question first.  "No, you
won't be spanking her right now.  Chandra, turn around
and show these boys your bottom," she ordered.  Chandra
turned around, glad to have their eyes off of her vulva
for the moment, but unhappy at having to show them her
bare butt.  Being early in puberty, Chandra's butt was
slightly more rounded that that of the two boys who'd
already displayed their bare assets, but otherwise was
surprisingly similar.  Chandra continued crying as the
company examined her bottom, which was still blushing
pink from her underpants spanking.  This day couldn't
possibly get any worse, she thought.

Moments later her mother proved her wrong.  "Okay,
Chandra, they've seen you long enough from that angle. 
Now bend over and grab your ankles, so they can see
inside your bottom."

"Moooooooom!" Chandra protested.  "Don't make me bend
over.  They'll see my – my – my --…"

"They'll see every part of you, just as you saw ever part
of them.  Now bend over or I'm getting the ring."  Chad
wondered, briefly, where the ring was going to go on
Chandra.  He still couldn't see any place to attach it.

Reluctantly, Chandra bent down and grabbed her ankles as
instructed, her round bottom spreading open and her vulva
gaping as her mother shoved her legs farther apart.  All
4 boys looked first at her pinkish red butt hole,
disappointed to see that it looked almost exactly like
the butt holes on boys.  Their gazes then traveled
downward, where all 4 were shocked to find that girls
gaped open immediately under their butt holes, rather
than being closed like boys.  With the furrow of
Chandra's vulva now wide open, they could see a narrow,
moist, pink tunnel just inside the folds of her external
genitals.  Pink tissue surrounded the tunnel.  Below the
tunnel, and thus closer to Chandra's stomach, they could
just make out a bumpy slit, and below that, at what would
be the top of her furrow when she stood up, there was a
knot of tissue that bumped up.  

Chandra's mother was talking.  "As you can see, boys,
girls have an anus for pooping, just like yours.  But the
rest of them is different.  Instead of having a penis for
peeing, they pee out of this slit here.  She leaned over
to point at the bumpy slit deep between Chandra's legs. 
"That's why they usually sit down to pee – otherwise it
might get all over them." 

"That's why boys are better than girls," Brian said.  "We
pee standing up!"

"Girls can pee standing up, too," his mother said.  "They
just have to hold their vulvas a certain way so the
stream goes out instead of down."

She pointed at the bump at the top of the slit.  "This is
a girl's clitoris.  It feels good when girls rub it, just
like your penises feels good when you rub them." (Brian
suddenly turned red – his mother knew he rubbed his
weenie at night!  How did she know that?")  His mother
noticed his suddenly coloring and smiled indulgently. 
"Yes, Brian, I know you rub your penis every night –
you're not as careful as you think.  In fact, I know
everything you do, so you'd best watch your step!"  Brian
blanched as quickly as he'd turned red.  Did she really
know everything?

His mother continued.  "Anyway, as I was saying, the
clitoris feels good when she rubs it.  And if Chandra
were to rub hers enough, she'd have an orgasm, just like
you boys do when you rub your little penises.  Chad and
Tommy nodded, fascinated.  So that was where the
threatened ring would go!  It looked quite a lot like the
knot of skin on the underside of their penises, where
Chad's mother and Alan's mother had proposed ringing
them.  It also looked like it would hurt a lot to jab a
ring through, maybe even as much as it would hurt to have
their penises ringed!

Brian looked bored.  Now that he'd seen this girl stuff,
he couldn't see what the big deal was.  It was like boys
had an outie, and girls had an innie.  What was that Mr.
Rogers song he sang sometimes?  "Some are fancy on the
outside, some are fancy on the inside," isn't that how it
went?  Was he talking about boys being fancy on the
outside and girls being fancy on the inside?  He couldn't
really see inside, but it didn't look that fancy to him.

Alan felt vaguely disgusted – all those wet folds, he
thought.  He couldn't figure out why all the boys in his
class carried on so about pussies.  Who'd want to mess
with a thing like that?  Boys were so much drier and
neater, and not full of gaping holes that looked like
they might swallow you.

"This is Chandra's vagina," her mother said, pointing to
the pink tunnel.  "The vagina is where the baby comes out
when a woman gives birth.  The vagina is also where boys
put their penises when boys and girls have sex."

All of a sudden everything they were looking at made
sense to Chad and Tommy.  You put your wiener in that
tunnel!  Both immediately saw how that might be a fun
thing – the tunnel looked warm and wet and tight, and
probably felt lots better on your wiener than your hand! 
Tommy and Chad both immediately wished they could take
Chandra or some other girl someplace alone and try their
new knowledge out.  Tommy, in particular, could picture
humping in and out of her vagina just like he'd done to
Chad's mouth.  Chad's mouth was good, but this would be
lots better, because there were no teeth in there, just
warm softness!  And you could touch her tits while you
did it!  Both boys' penises went rock hard, Tommy's
hidden in his sweatpants but making a visible and
embarrassing tent, Chad's in plain sight, bobbing against
his stomach.  He leaned forward on the couch to try to
hide it.

Brian also found his little wiener stiffening, although
he didn't quite follow the conversation.  Why would a boy
stick his weenie in that?  It sounded to him like too
much trouble.  Alan, meanwhile, had gone completely soft. 
He just didn't get this girl stuff at all.

Chandra was crying loudly by now.  She was so humiliated
– she'd never live this down!  Boys were looking up her
vagina!  They were probably picturing sticking their
little pervert dicks in her!  She was never going to let
a boy inside her, she vowed.  Never, never, never!  They
all ought to have their little pervert dicks cut off when
they're born!

Chad and Tommy's mother spoke up.  "Don't be getting any
ideas, boys.  You're far too young to be sticking your
little hoo-hahs anywhere except into your own fists.
There are a lot of diseases you can catch by having sex,
and some, like genital herpes and HIV, can't be cured."

"That goes for you, too, Alan," his mother said.  "And
you need to remember that sex is something you only do if
the person you're doing it with wants it as badly as you
do.  You never, ever have sex with someone against their
will like you did today!  And even if the person you're
going to have sex with wants it as much as you do, you
must always, always wear a condom so you don't get

"What's a comdon?" Tommy asked.

"Condom," Alan's mother corrected.  "It's a little latex
balloon that fits tightly over a boy's penis so that his
bare skin doesn't actually touch his partner's skin, and
thus he can't get diseases so easily from his partner,
and she,… or he," she added after a pause, looking at
Alan, "can't get diseases so easily from you.  It also
keeps the semen boys squirt out when they have sex from
making the girl pregnant.  Not that you boys are old
enough to do that yet."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Chad's mother commented.  "I
believe a couple of these boys are already capable of
making small amounts of semen."  Tommy and Alan blushed –
everyone in the room knew who Tommy's mother was talking
about, as Brian was out of the question and Chad's
genitals were obviously too immature.

"All the more reason to be careful," Alan's mother said.

Chandra's mother spoke up.  "And you ladies had better
listen, too.  You shouldn't let any boy have sex with you
unless you really, really want to do it yourself, and not
just to please him.  And you should always make him wear
a condom!"

"I don't think they come in Chad's size," Sheila
commented, bringing a round of laughter from her sister. 
Chandra, despite the humiliating bent-over position she
was in, smiled too.  Her mother looked back at her.  "You
can straighten up, now Chandra," she said.  "I think the
boys have seen everything of yours now."

Chandra reached for her underpants, but her mother put a
foot on them.  "Don't forget what I said.  The boys are
naked," she said.  "You're being treated like a boy
tonight, so you can go naked, too.  You're also going to
walk back to our house just like you are now."  Chandra
blushed and headed for the couch, squeezing in next to
Chad and leaning forward to hide her vulva, her arms
crossed over her chest to hide her nipples.

"I believe it's time for Chad's humiliation," his mother
said cheerfully.  "Chad, stand up," she ordered.  Chad
rose hesitantly from the couch.  His penis, which had
hardened again, stood straight out from his body,

"Chad has obviously gotten overexcited looking at your
daughter," his mother said, hating the sight of his
bobbing organ.  "I think we should do something about
that.  Chad, come over and face everyone." 

Chad walked over reluctantly.  He could think of two
things she might have in mind, both of them nasty.  She
might beat him with the swatter again, but that would be
pain, wouldn't it, and she had promised him humiliation. 
So that meant that she would probably make him…

His mother confirmed his train of thought.  "Chad, for
your humiliation, you have to bring yourself to orgasm
standing here and using your hand, with everyone
watching.  And don't try to fake it – I can tell a real
orgasm from a fake one!"

Chad knew she could – everyone could.  In a real orgasm,
your wiener jumped and the head of it swelled each time
you squeezed your butt, and your wiener got soft but
stayed big afterward.  He looked at the eager crowd of
kids watching.  The girls were looking forward with
glittering eyes, Tommy was smirking, and Brian was
looking at him in a puzzled fashion.  Alan was leaning
forward, his own penis rapidly hardening.  Chad gripped
his penis in his right hand and shut his eyes.  He could
do this as long as he didn't have to look at them and
could pretend he was alone.  His mother immediately spoke
up.  "Eyes open," she ordered.  "I want you to see
everyone watching you, so you'll experience the greatest
humiliation.  In fact, I'm ordering that you have to have
eye contact with someone the whole time.  No looking over
our heads.  Now get to work or I'm getting the ring."

Chad began dutifully stroking his hard penis in his usual
way, with hand reversed and his thumb and forefinger
against his body.  He scanned the room, trying to decide
who to look at.  He looked first at Brian, whose
glittering little eyes were dancing.  Brian had reached
in the front of his own pants and was openly stroking his
own penis while watching.  Chad shuddered, finding the
idea of the younger boy jerking off while watching him
jerking off disturbing.  He then looked at Chandra, but
she was watching his crotch too intensely, appearing to
enjoy every movement of his hand. He finally settled on
looking at Rebecca's face.  Rather than smirking like the
other girls, she was smiling encouragingly and looking at
his face, not his stroking hand.  He smiled back at her,
looked into her brown eyes, and increased his stroking
speed.  She returned his smile.  He could picture her
kissing his face as he laid on his bed, then reaching
over and stroking his penis for him as he was doing
himself.  Then she'd take her pants off and he'd climb on
top of her and find that warm tunnel inside her and slide
his wiener in … 

His hand had become a blur on his organ, and before he
knew it he was up on his toes, thrusting his hips and,
despite his efforts to be silent, grunting with each
clenching of his butt. The powerful, pleasant feelings
washed over him, and his hand slowed and stopped, his
body still shuddering.  He settled back on his heels as
the kids in the room burst into applause.  He looked
hopefully down at the end of his wiener.  Surely an
orgasm as powerful as that had to be wet, didn't it?  The
tip of his small organ was still bone dry, to his
disappointment.  Only then did the embarrassment wash
over him.  He'd jerked off in front of girls again!  And
his mother had been watching, too, and those other two
women!  How had he done that?  He let go of his penis
like it was a hot potato, and his face colored with

"Told you he couldn't squirt," Tommy muttered to Sheila,
loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Neither does Brian when he does it," she replied, just
as loudly.  "I've seen him – he pounds his little thing
all the time when he thinks no one is watching.  He was
doing it just now, watching your brother."

Brian, who'd orgasmed quietly before Chad and thought
he'd been unobserved, blushed and buried his head in a
couch pillow.  To his relief his mother ignored him. 

Alan's mother spoke up.  "Now that each of our little
miscreants has experienced a round of humiliation, let's
start the next round of punishments.  I've come up with a
little trial for Alan, kind of like what they have on
that TV show, Survivor.  How well he does on this
challenge will determine how much he's punished the next
round."  She picked up a blanket that had been piled to
once side and unfolded it, doubling it over to make a pad
on the floor in front of the fireplace.  "Alan, come lie
on the floor, face down," she ordered.

Frightened, but not sure what he was frightened of yet,
Alan walked awkwardly, penis bobbing, to the blanket and
lay down.  He looked over his shoulder at his mother the
way a trapped mouse looks at a snake.  Chad, thankful no
longer to be the center of attention, sat gingerly on the
couch.  The end of his penis tingled from his recent
masturbatory activities, and his butt still stung from
being spanked.  He also was already looking ahead,
knowing that Alan's next pain punishment would soon be
followed by his own.

Alan's mother held a candle up.  It somewhat thinner than
a dining room candle, and barely over 8 inches long. 
"This punishment will determine how long a punishment my
son experiences in the final punishment round.  You can
see that I've made a series of marks on the candle,
starting from the top, and stopping about 3 inches from
the bottom.  I'll light the candle, and we'll let it burn
down until Alan gives up or gets up from the floor. 
However many marks still remain is how many minutes his
punishment will last.  If he stops as soon as we start,
his punishment will last 15 minutes.  Every line that
gets burned off is one minute.  If he lets it burn all
the way down, his punishment will only last one minute."

"What is this mysterious final punishment?" Chad's mother

"Here, I'll whisper it to you," Alan's mother replied,
leaning over and whispering into Chad's mother's ear. 
Chandra's mother also leaned over, and was given the
information as well.  

"Oooooooh, sounds like the perfect punishment to finish
up with for exceptionally naughty boys like ours," Chad's
mother said, smothering a laugh.  "I believe I'll have
give Chad the same punishment – whatever Alan earns this
round, Chad will get, too!"

"I think I'll do the same with Chandra," her mother

"So we're agreed that all three kids get whatever Alan
earns this round, then," Alan's mother said.  "Let's get
on with it."

"But I don't understand, mother," Sheila said.  "Why
wouldn't Alan just let the candle burn down all the way
after you light it, if all three of them get less
punishment then?" Sheila asked.

"Because of where I'm going to put it," Alan's mother
replied. She took the candle and got down on her knees
beside her son. She then leaned a knee against the small
of his back, pinning his torso to the floor, while her
other knee she placed across his legs, pinning them as
well.  "You see, this is where I'm going to put it," she
said with finality.  She reached down and placed her left
hand on her son's welted bottom, pulling his butt crack
apart.  With her other hand, she lined the base of the
candle up with Alan's wrinkled center eye.  

"Please no," Alan whispered in horror, his eyes bugging
as he felt the base of the candle push strongly against
his nether orifice. "Please no.  Please no!"  He was so
frightened he could barely squeeze the words out. 

His mother ignored him.  "Because this is a punishment, I
haven't put any lubricant on this of any kind," she said.
"Besides, you didn't put any lubricant on your finger
when you shoved it up Chad earlier today, did you?  So
hold still, son, this is going to hurt!"

Without pause, she pushed hard on the candle, forcibly
parting her son's anus and shoving the candle an inch and
a half into his body.  Alan squealed like a trapped pig,
arching his back, then dropped limply back to the floor
and began sobbing into his folded arms.  The candle
bobbed, sticking out of his butt at a slight angle.  His
mother released his buttocks, pushing the candle in
slightly more until the first mark lined up with the
curve of his buttocks.  Alan squealed again as she
adjusted the candle.  "It hurts, it hurts," he moaned
over and over again into his arms, twisting his head from
side to side and trying to reach past his mother to grab
the candle. "Take it out, take it out!" he wailed over
and over, tears streaming down his cheeks.  

His mother grabbed his arms firmly, keeping him pinned to
the floor.  "You don't much like having things shoved up
your butt, do you, son?" she said firmly.  "I bet Chad
and Brian didn't like your finger up their butts either." 
She looked at the watching crowd.  "We'll give him awhile
to calm down before we light it," she said over Alan's
complaints.  "One of you can go ahead with your child's
punishment while we wait." She turned her head toward her
son.  "Shush, Alan.  Don't be such a baby – you're not
Chad!  I doesn't hurt as bad as that!  A ring through
your penis will hurt a lot more, so quiet down or we'll
do that as well."  Alan, hearing her, fought valiantly to
control his movements, trying to quit crying and deal
with the burning discomfort the candle was making in his
anus.  He realized it actually didn't hurt as much now as
it had when she'd inserted the candle.  It really wasn't
that big.  His rectum burned and his butt hole was
uncomfortably stretched, but the screaming agony he'd
felt on first insertion had abated.  He tried to stop

Chandra's mother looked at Chad's. "I don't think Chad
needs quite so much punishment as Alan this round," Mrs.
Henson said.  "He did get spanked at school, but that was
partially at Alan's urging, and he peed in the compost
when I'd ordered him to hold it, so I will punish him,
but I'll make this one something a bit smaller, and then
he can have a bigger punishment in the final pain round. 
And I'd just as soon allow his bottom some time to heal
from today's spankings before we spank him again."  She
thought a minute.  "Ah, I know just the punishment. 
It'll be unpleasant, but it won't add to the damage on
his bottom.  Chad, come stand here in front of Alan and
face the room."

Chad reluctantly rose and positioned himself in front of
the still whimpering Alan, his hands at his sides.  Alan
was moaning into his folded arms, alternately squeezing
and relaxing his butt, making the candle wave as he did. 
He had stopped trying to struggle and his mother had
eased her weight off of him.  But the candle stretching
his anus and separating his butt cheeks was very
uncomfortable, and it was all he could do to keep from
using his rectal muscles to force the candle out. The
only thing stopping him was the his certain belief that
if he were use his butt muscles to literally poop out the
candle, the next thing he'd be feeling would be a steel
needle going through the underside of his prized penis.
No, he decided, he'd hold still for this candle business,
even though he feared what would happen when his mother
lit it.

Chad stopped in front of Alan.  His mother stood behind
him and gripped his hands, holding them over his head
until he was up on his tiptoes.  "Tommy, would you come
up here and show the rest of the children how to punish
Chad with a finger flick, please," she said.

Chad quailed and tried to twist away, but his mother
gathered both his hands in one of hers and then circled
the other hand around his waist and gripped his penis
hard, bringing his movements to a halt.  Chad began
kicking his feet, but found that hanging by his arms and
her grip on his penis was very uncomfortable, and he
tired quickly, lowering his legs to the ground again,
panting. His mother addressed him.  "Now that's all the
resistance you're going to show, young man," she said
firmly.  "You keep your feet on the ground and take your
flicks like a man, or you're getting ringed."

Chad, defeated and fearing the ring as much as Alan,
slumped obediently.  His legs could hardly hold him, and
he was trembling with fear.  He hated being flicked.  It
caused a sharp, overwhelming flood of pain when the
finger hit, followed by a deep ache in his balls that
went on for hours.  How many flicks was he going to get?

Tommy approached and addressed the other children.  "You
just put your finger under you thumb, like this," he
said, demonstrating in the air, "and then you flick it
out fast, like this, so your fingernail hits one of his
balls," he finished.  "Like this."  He lowered his hand
until his trapped fingertip was half an inch from Chad's
small package, then flicked, hitting the boy on the left
nut.  Chad squalled in pain, lifting his legs off the
floor in an attempt to reach a fetal position.  His
mother waited for his legs to drop.  

"Okay," she said over his keening at the pain in his tiny
left ball.  "Who wants to be next?"  There was a quick
jostling as Brian and the girls lined up in front of
Chad, each eager for their turn.  Chandra even joined the
back of the line, desiring her own revenge on this boy
who'd looked so avidly at her bare privates, but hadn't
cared to look at her when he'd pleasured himself.  Okay,
she wasn't as stacked as her sisters, but she was just as
cute as Sheila and Rebecca!  And she was naked!  So why
did he look at her sister when he got excited rather than
her?  Well, fine!  He'd pay for ignoring her!  She'd
flick him so hard he'd know!

The line move quickly once they started, as one by one,
the children flicked Chad's vulnerable, completely
exposed balls, alternating sides while he squealed and
thrashed.  A dull, continuous throb built up in them,
punctuated by sharp stabs of intense pain every time a
fingernail landed on one of his vulnerable orbs.  

The total of 5 children meant that by the time Chandra
had enjoyed her turn, her sharp fingernail creating the
greatest agony in Chad as it whapped into his left
testis, he'd received 3 flicks on the left side, but only
2 on the right.  Chad's mother solved this problem by
allowing Chandra a second turn.  Thrilled at having
another chance at revenge on this boy who'd stared at her
privates but then so pointedly ignored her, she firmly
flicked her fingertip as hard as she could into the hard
lump on the right hand side of Chad's wrinkled sack and
watched his reaction.  Chad, who'd been gasping and
howling continuously, began thrashing like a wild animal
as this last flick landed, gagging and wanting nothing
but relief from the hideous, throbbing pain.  

Feeling his testes had been punished enough, and worried
that her elder son might start vomiting at any moment,
Chad's mother released him and sat him on the couch,
where he rolled into a fetal position, bawling, both
hands clutching his throbbing sack.  Alan's mother turned
back to her son, who'd quieted down as he'd gotten used
to the burn in his rectum and was lying still, quietly
crying into his arms.  "Time to light your candle, son,"
she said firmly.  "Let me explain what you can expect. 
Candles gradually drip hot wax down the sides of them as
they burn.  I'm going to make sure the candle is straight
up when I light it, so the wax can trickle down the sides
slowly before it reaches the bottom.  If you hold still
and keep the candle straight, the wax will be much cooler
by the time it reaches the bottom, and it will only feel
uncomfortably hot on your bottom or your anus, but it
won't burn them.  If you let the candle get off crooked
by wiggling or squirming, the wax will roll down one side
faster, and will be hotter when it comes in contact with
the delicate skin of your bottom or anus.  Then it might
burn a bit.  If you let the candle angle backwards,
toward your legs, the wax will end up flowing into the
crack of your bottom, because your butt is separated a
bit where it enters, and you may find your anus or the
skin between your legs or even your scrotum getting
uncomfortably hot as a result.  If you let the candle
wiggle, bits of hot wax will fall through the air instead
of flowing down the candle, and will undoubtedly burn
painfully wherever on your bottom they land."

"Your best move would be to hold still as possible and
keep the candle upright even when the wax starts getting
uncomfortably hot on you.  You can stop the burning by
standing up at any time, but if you do, you'll get one
minute of punishment for every line on the candle that
isn't burned."  She flicked the lighter and held it to
the wick, cautioning, "Now hold still, Alan, and this
won't hurt so much."  

Alan's eyes danced in terror as the flame caught.  He had
a burning candle in his butt!  He squeezed his buttocks
hard, expecting burning pain where it entered his body at
any moment, but nothing happened for some time as the wax
gradually drifted down but hardened before reaching the
bottom of the candle.  He lay tensely, breathing hard,
knowing burning pain was coming, but no knowing when.
Nearby, on the couch, he could hear Chad whimpering. 
Poor guy, he thought to himself.  He got it right on the
balls, 6 times!  On the other hand, he had a burning
candle in his own butt, and hot wax might land on his
most delicate parts any moment.  He couldn't decide if he
pitied Chad or envied him. 

Meanwhile, Chandra's mother spoke up.  "I believe we have
some time before there will be any serious response from
my nephew, so I'll go ahead with Chandra now.  I'll need
you boys who aren't being punished at the moment to clear
off the coffee table and bring it over here by the sofa,
please," she ordered.  Tommy and Brian did as instructed,
bringing the table to the center of the room.  "Chandra,
lie on the table on your back, please.  Let your legs
hang off the end."  Chandra did as instructed, blushing
when the position exposed and spread open her nearly bald
vulva to the boys.  Chad, still whimpering and clutching
his sack, was made to get up, stop comforting his
shrunken genitals, and stand on one side of her, Tommy on
the other.  At her mother's command, both raised her legs
and separated them, bringing them down on either side of
her arms, putting her in a position familiar to both Chad
and Alan from personal experience as the diaper position,
and to Chad as the inspection position.  Then, at her
mother's instructions, they each looped her left arm over
her left leg, and her right arm over her right leg, and
then held each one of her arms down against the table so
that she couldn't let go of her legs and her body was
completely immobilized.  Her vulva was now spread open
between her thighs, her buttocks and anus wide open and
visible underneath.  Tommy and Chad, as they were facing
that way, could examine at their leisure her wide open
genitals and anal region, and it began having an effect
on both of them immediately.  Despite his still throbbing
balls, Chad's penis began to harden, quickly standing
straight out from his body, pulsing with his heart beat. 
Tommy's penis also rose, making a tent in his sweatpants. 
To his embarrassment, both of his arms were in use
holding Chandra, and thus he couldn't flip his penis up
against his stomach where it would be more comfortable
and less visible.  

Chandra could clearly see the results of her effect on
both boys, as they was standing on either side of her
face, holding her, and indeed, Chad's small hard penis
was bobbing right above her eyes.

"Stop looking at me!" she wailed.  "I know what it means
when boys' dicks get hard – I have a little brother!  Get
your pervert eyes off me and look somewhere else!"  Chad,
becoming used to obeying females, looked guiltily away,
but Tommy kept openly staring at the girl's lewdly
exposed crotch.  Chandra could feel his eyes boring into
her.  "Mooooommy," she whined, mortified at her exposure. 
"Can't Rebecca and Sheila hold me?  I don't like them
looking at my private parts!"

On the floor, Alan whimpered suddenly as he felt a spot
of warmth suddenly blossom on his left butt cheek where
the candle was touching it, become warmer for the moment,
and then start cooling off.  The wax had reached the
bottom of the candle.  He looked cautiously over his
shoulder, trying not to make the candle move.  He could
see the streams of hot wax moving slowly down from the
top, but the bottom part of the candle was out of his
view.  All he could do was wait for more sudden heat on
his bare skin.

Meanwhile Chandra's mother spoke up in reply to Chandra's
question.  "Boys wouldn't be looking at your genitals if
you had behaved yourself this week, instead of acting
like a brat," her mother said firmly.  "But given how
rude and obnoxious you've been this week, I'm not only
going to let them look at you, I'm ordering them to look
at you.  Chad, stop looking at the floor and look at
Chandra's vulva.  Brian, get your little butt over here
and look at your sister, too!  Yes, that's it, stand
right her between her legs and get a good look," she
ordered her younger son, positioning him so that he was
right behind his sister and pressing on the back of his
head until his face was so close to her vulva that
Chandra could feel his hot, moist breath on her. His
little penis immediately tented his pants as he gazed at
his sister's private areas from a few inches away. 
Unselfconsciously his hand slipped into the front of his
pants, where he began idly messaging his hard penis as he
looked.  His mother looked at him indulgently.  She
reached over and spread Chandra's labia more widely, so
all three boys could see her moist, pink vagina inside.  

"Do boys really stick their weenies in there?" Brian
asked, poking at his sister's vaginal opening. 

"Well, you don't," his mother replied, "because Chandra
is your sister, and you don't have sex with your sister. 
And she wouldn't let you, anyway.  No other boy is going
to stick his penis in there either for a long, long, time
– not until Chandra has grown up.  But you're right in
principle --- that's what that part of her body is for."

She let the boys stare at her daughter's genitals a bit
longer, then shifted Brian back a ways to give herself
room.  She stood to her daughter's left side, allowing
easy access to her daughter's open genitals.  

"Now I believe we'll begin your punishment for all your
rude behavior this week.  Chandra looked up at her mother
with stark fear in her eyes, wondering what her mother
was going to do that required her to be bent and spread
this way.  She didn't have to wait long.  Her mother
showed her a small paint stirring stick that she'd
obtained from the side drawer where Alan's mother had
collected assorted punishment equipment for her own
possible use that evening.  Chandra's eyes bugged when
she saw it.  She knew just what her mother had planned
for her now!  She began protesting, her voice an octave
higher than normal. "Nooooooo!  Nooooooo, please Mommmy!
Don't paddle me theeeeeeere!  Nooooooooo!  You can't
spank me theeeeeeere!    I can't staaaaaaaand it!"

"You can stand it, and you will," her mother said
forcefully.  "In order to teach you not to be rude and
disobedient in the future, I'm going to give you a good
paddling on your entire genital region.  That means I'm
going to paddle your vulva, from anus all the way up to
your clitoris," she said to her now terror-stricken
daughter.  "And I won't stop until your entire vulva has
been paddled!"

Chandra tried to free herself, thrashing and wailing. 
"Noooooooo, you caaaaan't!  Not theeeeeeere! 
Noooooooooooo!"  To the amazement of the three watching
boys, liquid spurted from the small bump between her legs
and arched out over the edge of the table to land on the
floor.  Chad, Tommy, and Brian were all amazed.  Except
for fact that the bump was smaller than any penis,
Chandra didn't pee any differently than boys did!  As
Chad has suspected, thought, the last of her stream did
run down her vulva across her anus onto the table,
wetting all three.  Her mother shook her head disgustedly
and took a small towel that Alan's mother handed her
(she'd had it handy all evening, no knowing when her own
son might lose control).  She efficiently mopped up the
mess, first from Chandra, then the table, and then the
floor under the table.  

"I should have known you'd do something like that," she
said to her daughter," setting the towel on the floor in
case there was more forthcoming.  

"No harm done," Alan's mother said cheerfully.  "It's
probably just as well she emptied herself out before you
started the paddling, anyway."

"Nooooooooo!" Chandra wailed, trying to escape again.  On
the floor behind Chad, Alan whimpered more loudly as a
bigger puddle of wax gathered on his right bun and then
cooled, but not before it had stung one of his residual
welts painfully.  "Noooooooo," Chandra wailed again. 
"You can't spank me theeeeeere!"  Her last words
dissolved into a squeal as her mother brought the small
paddle down on the left side of her vulva, just above her
anus, with a swift snap of her wrist.  Chad and Tommy had
to hold on to her for dear life to keep from being bucked
off as Chandra thrashed and tried to escape.  Her mother
waited about 5 seconds, then paddled the other side of
the girl's vulva in the same place, creating more
shrieking and a similar physical reaction.  Chad noted
with interest that both sides of the girl's vulva had
immediately reddened, becoming pinker than her now wildly
contracting anus.  After waiting another 5 seconds, her
mother smacked the right side again, just above her first
blow, and then 5 seconds later, the left.  Chandra
squealed incoherently as her delicate female parts burned
with pain.  The spanking seemed to go on forever, her
mother hitting first one side of her vulva and then the
other over and over, moving slowly up towards her stomach
as she went.  

Finally, after each side had received 5 blows, her mother
changed positions, elbowing Brian aside and taking his
position between her spread legs, lining the end of the
paddle up with the top of the girl's vulva.  "I'm giving
you three right here, on your sensitive spot," her mother
said loudly, to be heard over Chandra's shrieking.  "That
ought to get your attention, don't you think?"

As her mother's words registered, Chandra thrashed and
shrieked incoherently, but her mother implacably raised
the paddle and brought it down on the small protruding
lump at the top of her vulva.  The effect on Chandra was
electric – you'd have thought her mother had cut the bump
off the way she twisted and screamed.  Unperturbed, her
mother waited a good 10 seconds and struck in the same
place again, and then another 10 before landing the last

The boys fought to hold the squealing girl as she sobbed
uncontrollably.  All she could feel was burning pain in
her entire private area.  It was only after at least two
minutes that she was able to start quieting her crying
and thrashing about.

Alan, meanwhile, had almost forgotten his candle as he
watched as best he could from his position on the ground
by the coffee table.  He couldn't see much, even through
the glass-topped table, but he could imagine a lot as he
listened to his cousin get paddled on her bare pussy.  He
had been amazed to see the stream of fluid come arching
off of the table, but possessed only a clinical interest
in seeing where it had originated.  He marveled at her
reaction, though – she'd acted much like he'd felt when
paddled with The Stinger.  Suddenly a burning pain in his
buttocks reminded him of his situation.  A blob of wax
had made it to the bottom of the candle, and had come off
the front side, so it had landed in the upper cleft of
his buns, where it stung unbearably for a moment and then
cooled to tolerable level.  As the heat receded, another
stab of pain appeared just above it, corresponding to
another bead of wax.  The flow was coming faster now. He
tensed as the wax cooled, but for a minute nothing else
happened.  Chandra continued sobbing on the table while
the boys held her.  

Alan relaxed again.  Just as he did, a searing pain
exploded deep in his crack, right on the bottom side of
his butt hole!  The pain grew into a sharp, hot stab,
then gradually diminished again as the wax cooled.  His
butt hole contracted sharply on its own, only to cause
deep burning pain in his rectum as is closed on the
unyielding candle.  Before he could relax, there was
another hot stab of pain, this time at the top of his
crack.  The drips were sliding down the candle now,
striking his skin closer and closer together, and burning
more each time.

Over on the coffee table, Chad and Tommy released
Chandra, and she immediately dropped her legs to the
floor and spread them, and then gripped her sore vulva
with both hands, curling over it and continuing to bawl.  

Alan was growing more and more tense on the floor.  The
wax drips kept getting hotter, and spreading out further
from the candle.  More of his butt around his butt hole
was becoming uncomfortably hot and sore as time went on. 
The drops didn't seem to cool, now, before another drop
landed and heated things up more.  Though he was trying
to hold still, his butt hole twitched violently as a
large glob hit the underside of it again.  This caused
the candle to bob suddenly, and a large rivulet of wax
slid down the back side of the candle and flowed across
the bottom of his anus and out onto the smooth, soft skin
between his legs, burning unbearably all the way to his
balls.  Alan whooped and jumped up onto his knees,
grabbing the candle in his right hand and ripping it out
of his bottom, squealing.  His mother leaned over and
calmly blew out the flame.  

Alan's cries calmed as with a sinking heart he realized
what he had done.  His mother pried the candle from his
fingers.  Holding it up, she pronounced, "ten lines –
that means ten minutes of punishment for you in the final
pain round," she announced.  

Alan was petrified.  Ten minutes?  Ten minutes of what? 
Ten minutes of any punishment would be bad, wouldn't it? 
He'd gotten 4 minutes of paddling earlier that day and
had thought he was dying – they wouldn't paddle him for
10 minutes would they?  But what else could they do to
him for 10 minutes?  He started whimpering
uncontrollably.  His mother had no sympathy.  She leaned
over and began peeling wax off her son's butt, bringing
startled yelps from him as the wax removal irritated sore

"I'm going to set out the ice cream for the well-behaved
children here," she said as she pulled the large lump
from between his legs next to his wrinkled sack, getting
an anguished yelp for her son in response.  "Then you
three can do your last humiliation round while we enjoy