d's Anger Management Training Chapter 34
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 34:  Chad's Playdate

After having to suffer Emily's antics while he tried to make
the skimpy punishment underpants fit him, Alan had to deal
with putting on his socks and shoes.  He discovered, as Chad
had discovered, that his genitals simply would not stay in
the pouch when he bent over.  After tucking his errant
genitals back into the pouch several times, Alan finally
gave up and simply let his scrotum and most of his penis
hang out one side of the pouch while he finished donning and
tying his shoes.  He straightened up, tucked his genitals
back into the pouch, and obediently stood on the tape line.
Seeing Mrs. Rose busy at her desk, Emily immediately reached
over and flicked his pouch aside, dumping his genitals out
and then giving his thin penis a yank.  Alan stifled a yelp,
not wanting to attract negative attention from Mrs. Rose,
and stuffed his equipment back in.  Emily immediately pushed
the pouch aside again, dumping his genitals out.  Alan
tucked them back in, this time cupping his hands over his
groin to protect them from her assault.  

Mrs. Rose looked up at that moment. "Stop playing with
yourself, Mr. Delvecchio!  Is that all you boys ever think
about?" she inquired archly.  

"But Emily won't leave me alone," Alan pleaded.

"I was just trying to help him keep his little penis in the
sack," Emily said innocently.  "It keeps falling out."

"Was it falling out, Mr. Delvecchio?" Mrs. Rose inquired.

"Yes, but-" Alan started.

Mrs. Rose cut him off.  "The only but I want to hear about
is yours when it's being spanked!  Do I make my point, or
does my paddle have to do the talking?" she asked.  "Now be
still and keep your hands at your sides."

"Yes ma'am," Alan said, putting his hands by his sides.  To
the amusement of most of the kids in class, a section of
Alan's scrotum was peeking from under one side of his pouch. 
He looked down at it, wondering if he dared to replace it. 
Emily interrupted his train of thought.

"Mrs. Rose, Alan's pouch still isn't fitting correctly.  May
I have permission to get up and help him?" she asked

"Certainly, dear," Mrs. Rose replied.  "I'm sure Alan would
appreciate your assistance."

Alan definitely did not appreciate her assistance.  Emily
arose, walked around behind him, and then reached around his
front and cupped his genitals with both hands, hefting them
several times before letting the sack fall.  She then slid
her fingers under the sack on both sides, pressing inwards
on his scrotum, digging her nails into the skin on each side
until Alan winced and bit his lip.  Then she stroked the
bulge made by his penis several times.  This latter move
caused an immediate reaction – Alan's penis twitched and
became half-hard, tenting the pouch and lifting it far
enough his scrotum was now visible from both sides, along
with a section of his penis.  "That's better," she said,
skipping around him and sitting down again.

Then it was lineup time, and Alan and Chad joined the back
of the line and walked out and down the hallways together. 
Alan immediately began attracting negative attention, with
girls stroking his sore buttocks through the punishment
underpants and groping his pouch, immediately dumping his
hardening genitals out.  After trying to stuff them back
several times, Alan just gave up, and walked out into the
sunshine with his penis and scrotum hanging out one side. 
This just increased the attention he drew, as dozens of
female hands and even a few male ones pulled and stroked his
genitals as they worked their way through the excited crowd
of kids.  Chad was somewhat gratified that Alan was the
center of attention, and he was completely ignored, except
for a few calls of "hey, Microdick."

Alan wasn't the only center of attention in the yard.  There
were two other knots of kids centered around two other boys
who were also trying to escape the yard.  Chad could see a
tall 8th grader with a shadowy mustache and a few scraggly
chin hairs across the way trying to escape a crowd of girls
who were holding out the back of his pants and taking turns
cupping his butt.   A third knot of kids were over by the
grade school building, chanting something in unison, but the
crowd was so large that Chad couldn't see who they were

Chad's brother Tommy pushed his way into the circle of kids
surrounding Alan.  "Interesting new look, kid," he said to
Alan.  "But with the sun out like it is I think I'd show a
little less skin."  Alan ignored his remark, as he'd ignored
the many other remarks sent his way.  Cries of "Hey Whizzer,
nice dick," and "Hey Whizzer, don't point that thing at me!"
had echoed around him since they'd left the classroom.  Alan
kept pushing doggedly forward, wincing as rough hands abused
his incredibly sore posterior and yanked on his hard, thin
penis.  Girls kept taking turns diving their hands into the
back of his punishment underpants via the leg holes or the
waist band, feeling the bumpy welts on his butt and
commenting about how hot his bottom felt.

Tommy went on talking, ignoring the cacophony caused by
Alan's passing.  "You should have been in my class today,"
he said to Chad, bubbling with excitement.  "Lee Fitzroy got
spanked – you know, the black kid with the short hair and
the big ears?  Anyway, Mrs. Johnson made him take down his
pants and underpants, and he didn't have no balls!  None! 
He's got a sack, but it just clings to his crotch – there's
nothing in it!  Mrs. Johnson says that he has 'undefended
testes,' and they're still in his body instead of his bag!"
Tommy said breathlessly.  

"You mean undescended testes," one of the girls from Chad's
class said, while probing deeply between Alan's buns, trying
to feel the welts on his butt hole.

"That might have been it," Tommy said.  "I don't really
remember.  But it means he has no balls!  None!  He's always
going around talking about how black folks have big dicks
and how his dick is bigger than the rest of ours, and HE HAS
NO BALLS!" Tommy shouted with glee.  "You know how the boys
sometimes rack each other?" he continued breathlessly,
referring to the common practice of grade school boys of
trying to smack another boy in the balls when he didn't
expect it.  "He never fell down, or grabbed himself, or
anything when another kid did that.  He always said it was
because he was tougher than the rest of us.  But that wasn't
it at all – it's because HE HAS NO BALLS!"

"Is his dick bigger than other boys'?" The girl drilling
uncomfortably into Alan's butt asked.

"Didn't look that big to me," Tommy said.  "But he was all
shrunk from being scared, anyway.  And he has that pointy
skin thing on the end, so it's hard to see how big it is,
anyway.  But he has no balls!"  Tommy was dancing, like he'd
just won the lottery.

As the crowd of girls around Alan was impeding their forward
motion at the moment, Chad looked across the yard, where he
could just see a dark-skinned boy's fuzzy hair sticking up
in a sea of girls.  Now that Tommy had told his story, he
realized that he could understand what they were chanting. 
Over and over, the girls and boys were chanting, "No balls,
no balls, Fitzroy's got not balls!' in a sing-song fashion. 
Chad shuddered.  His balls might be small, but he at least
had two of them!

Tommy danced closer again.  "He has got a bigger dick than
you, though," he said loudly to Chad.  He danced away again.

Thanks for the news update, Chad thought sardonically to
himself.  Even kids with no balls had bigger stuff than him!

It was only after enduring many slaps and gropes of his
almost bare posterior and constant groping of his escaping
genitals, that Alan was able to get the school gates.  Chad
poked along beside, glad to be ignored for the moment.  Alan
carefully tucked his genitals away, feeling a little better
now that they were out of sight and no one was touching
them.  As they reached the gate, Alan looked up in surprise. 
"There's my mom," he said.  "She almost never comes to get

"Mrs. Rose called her, remember?" Chad replied.  

As they approached the car, they could see Alan's mother
sitting in front, looking tight-lipped.  As Alan opened the
car door, his mother glared at him.  "Get your naughty
little butt into this car right now!  She ordered.  "I can't
believe the belting I gave you a year ago didn't teach you

At her tone, Alan tossed his pack in and practically flew in
the car door.  He started to sit down, then rose abruptly
with a yelp.  "The seat's too hot," he complained.  "And my
underpants don't cover my butt!  It hurts!"

"Sit down, Alan," his mother ordered, "and buckle that seat
belt.  I hope the seat burns your little butt good."  Alan
gingerly tried to settle his welted posterior on the hot
seat, whimpering softly.  His mother grasped the front of
his shirt and forced him to look her in the face.  "NO MEANS
NO!" she shouted at him.  "NO MEANS NO!  IF SOMEONE SAYS NO,
IT MEANS YOU STOP!  IS THAT CLEAR NOW?" She shook him by his
shirt and then dropped him, causing another yelp as his
sore, almost bare behind contacted the hot seat.  Mrs.
Delvecchio looked at Chad.  "Who's this?" she asked Alan.

"That's Chad," Allen said, almost in tears as he shifted
about trying to east the pain that the hot seat was causing
to his sore posterior.  "He's my friend."

"Chad Henson?" Allen's mother asked in disbelief.  Chad
nodded.  "Really?"  she said. "He's still your friend after
what you did to him today?"  She put the car in gear.  "He
must be a very forgiving person.  I believe we will see you
later, Chad. As I understand it, you and your mother are
coming to our house for dinner," she said, looking at Alan
significantly, "and certain after dinner activities
involving punishing my brat of a son."

Chad walked home with Tommy as usual, along with the usual
crowd of other kids.  For awhile, no one bothered him – they
were too busy discussing Lee Fitzroy and his amazing empty
sack.  They were almost home before Tommy said, "Chad and
that kid in the peeing boy pants got lickings in their class
today, too!  And Chad had to play with his dick in front of
everyone because it was too hard for him to pee through it!"

The two girls with him reacted with surprise.  "You played
with yourself in front of class?" one asked incredulously,
while the other one was saying, "It can get too hard to pee
through it?"  Chad tried a diversionary tactic.

"Alan got whipped with a paddle called "The Stinger," he
said.  "It has a bunch of little cords hanging out of it,
and it made little welts all over his butt!  And Mrs. Rose
put a boy's underpants in his mouth to gag him!"  Chad
carefully neglected to mention they were his own underpants.

"Gross," the girls commented together.  "Did they have poop
on them?" one added.

"Don't think so," Chad said nonchalantly.  "But she just
stuffed them in his mouth to start with, so he didn't know
what they were.  He looked sick when he found out!  He about
threw up!"

The girls finally peeled off for their own homes.  As Chad
approached the door of his house, his pace slowed almost to
a stop.  He dreaded his reception at home.  This was
Thursday, the day his mother got home early.  She'd almost
certainly gotten a phone call from Mrs. Rose while she was
still at work, so she'd know all about Chad's misbehavior
for the day and the humiliating punishments that had
followed.  He stopped in front of the porch and tried to
think of an excuse not to go in.  His brother Tommy grabbed
him by the arm and began dragging him up the steps.  "Come
on, Chad," he said, as if he were the older brother.  "It
doesn't do any good to try to delay things – you'd best just
get inside and get it over with."

Chad shook himself loose in front of the door.  "You don't
get it, do you?" he complained.  "You've never been spanked
or paddled, or had people put stuff up your butt!  It's
never over with!  You get spanked and it hurts so bad, and
you promise yourself you'll never do it again, but you do it
again anyway, or you do something else, and then there you
are, getting spanked again!  Only this time it's worse in
some way – they use some new paddle on you, or they let
other kids watch, or they squeeze your balls, or they let a
girl do it!  And you try so hard, but you still mess up, and
then there you are, getting spanked the next day!"

"Well, at least you're trying," said a voice from behind
him.  Chad almost wet his pants as he whirled around to see
his mother standing on the porch behind him.  Where had she
come from?  He darted his eyes downward, but there was no
paddle in her hand, and she didn't look particularly angry,
either.  He allowed himself to hope for a moment that she
hadn't been called and didn't know anything about his day.

That hope vanished in an instant, as his mother went on,
"Although I understand you weren't very successful today. 
Peeing in the nurse's shower!  Talk about silly, stupid,
childish things to do when you're already in trouble!"  She
shook her head in exasperation.  "Tommy," she said, stopping
her younger son as he headed into the house.  "Wait here a
moment.  I need you to take some things inside for me."  She
turned to Chad.  "Take your clothes off, son," she ordered. 
"All of them."  

Chad's heart stopped.  He looked plaintively at his mother. 
"Are you gonna p- p- paddle me now?" he asked fearfully.  He
clutched his still mildly sore butt with both hands.

"No, I'm not going to paddle you now, at least not if you
continue to obey me.  I understand you were already spanked
in school, and for peeing in the shower that's probably
enough spanking for now.  Besides, I do think you're trying
to do better.  But you did get punished in school, and I
can't ignore that.  So you've forfeited your clothing and
your right to privacy for now.  That doesn't mean you won't
be punished tonight.  You're still being punished for your
violent outburst earlier this week, and for being in diapers
in school, so you'll probably get several punishments later. 
But right now I promise you won't be spanked unless you
disobey.  Now take off all of your clothes."

Chad's eyes darted frantically around the front yard and
down the street.  No one was in sight except a couple of
kids playing way down the street.  He could hear murmured
conversation over the hedge from the house next door, but
that was it.  He didn't dare anger his mother by showing any
signs of disobedience at this delicate moment.  She might
decide to paddle him after all, and then he'd still be
naked.  He took a deep breath and set down his backpack,
kicking off his shoes and pulling his shirt over his head. 
He reached down and stuck an index finger in the back of
each sock next, tugging them off and piling them on his
shoes and shirt.  He looked up at his mother imploringly,
but she merely crossed her arms and began tapping her right
foot.  Tommy was standing to one side, so as not to block
the view of anyone who might suddenly be passing by.  Not
wanting to push it, Chad unbuckled his pants and lowered
them, feeling the cool air on his bare legs as he stripped
them off and dropped them on the rest of the clothes pile.  

"What happened to your underwear this time?" his mother
suddenly asked, as she saw the familiar school punishment
pants on him. "Uhhhhh, Mrs. Rose used them to gag Alan when
he got paddled," Chad explained.  "And Alan got them all wet
slobbering on them while he was bawling.  So she hung them
up to dry and said I could have them back tomorrow," Chad
explained.  His head suddenly swiveled as he noticed
movement on the street near the porch.   Several kids of
various ages and sexes had come out of nowhere and were
standing by the sidewalk, gazing with rapt attention at the
spectacle of a nearly naked boy standing on the porch.  Old
Mrs. Winston's head suddenly popped around the hedge as
well, her watering hose in her hand.  

Chad's mother hadn't noticed the audience behind her yet. 
"Well," she said, "that's one that can't be blamed on you. 
Now take those silly underpants off."  Chad looked
meaningfully toward the street, causing his mother to look
around and see the children and Mrs. Winston.  She smiled. 
"Hello, Mrs. W," she said cheerfully.  "My bratty son got
himself spanked in school again today, so I was about to
look at the damage to his bottom and let it air out awhile. 
His bruises and blisters should heal better that way," she
explained.  "I'd do it in the back yard, but he shouldn't
mind me doing it here, because he apparently doesn't mind
having to get undressed in front of his classmates to be
punished!  This is the third spanking he's gotten in school
this week!"

"One was a paddling, mother," Tommy said helpfully.

"That's right," his mother amended.  "He's gotten two
spankings and a paddling in school this week.  So he should
be used to being bare in front of others."

"Little boys are too worried about begin naked in front of
others these days, anyway," said Mr. Winston, coming up
beside his wife.  "Why, when I was a boy, we all swam naked
at the Y and in the old swimming hole, and we didn't care
who saw us!  I've always said that a boy should be proud of
his pecker!"

"Edwin!" his wife chided.  "Watch your language!"

"That's another thing," Mr. Winston went on.  "When I was a
boy we called a pecker a pecker!  We all had 'em, and we
didn't care if we had to show 'em!  I remember when we used
to have the polio exams at school.  We'd all line up butt
naked in the hall, and the doctor and nurse would examine us
one by one.  You didn't see anyone trying to cover up then,
not even if a female walked by.  We just thrust our hips out
and let 'em look!  Some guys had big ones and some had small
ones and some had pointy ones and some had funny looking
ones, but we were all proud of 'em, not ashamed of 'em like
this generation."  He glared at his wife, as if daring her
to challenge him.

"Besides," he went on.  "Boys keep their butts cleaner if
they know people are gonna see 'em.  Nothin' shames a boy
more than folks seein' his skid marks!  When I was a boy, if
my butt was dirty my ma or someone else's ma would bend me
over and wash my arse right in front of whoever was there! 
And they were rough – dug their fingernails right in there. 
It sure taught me to be careful!"

The children at the curb stood rooted to the spot, listening
with amazement at this interchange.  Chad's mother turned
back to him, noticing that he was still standing there in
his underpants.   "Take off your underpants, now!" she said
through gritted teeth.  "Or so help me, I'll sit down on
this porch and paddle your bare butt right here in public
until sundown!"  

Chad took a deep breath.  It was the moment of truth again,
he thought.  Here I am taking my underpants off in front of
a whole crowd again.  Pretty soon everyone in the whole
world will have seen my wiener and butt, he concluded. 
Unable to stall any more, Chad slipped his underpants off,
bending down to pick them off his feet and lifting them
quickly so they shielded his genitals.  "Put them on the
pile," his mother ordered sternly.  "Hands behind your head,
and face the street!"  Breathing deeply, Chad locked his
fingers behind his head and turned to face the watching
audience.  The kids on the sidewalk, all of whom were
younger than him, broke into spontaneous applause.  One of
the girls wolf-whistled and called, "Can Chad come out and
play?" causing laughter from the rest of the children.  

Chad blushed all the way down to his chest.  Mr. and Mrs.
Winston walked around the hedge to the foot of the porch.
Mrs. Winston cackled.  "He's a cute little bugger, isn't he? 
You ought to go around like that all the time, youngster! 
Let us old folks enjoy looking at you and your cute little
dinger!"  She looked critically at Chad's exposed genitals. 
"How old is the little fellow now, anyway?  Ten?  Eleven?"

"He's almost 13," Chad's mother responded automatically. 
"He's in 7th grade."

"Kind of small for a 7th grader, aren't you, young fella,"
Mr. Winston boomed.  "Why, when I was your age, my pecker
hung down to here!" he said, indicating an improbable length
with his hand.

"If it was that long, he'd have had to fling it over his
shoulder to keep it from dragging on the ground," Tommy

His mother looked at him indulgently.  "Take Chad's clothes
inside to the hamper," she said.  "He'd done with them
today.  And bring out the sunscreen when you come back." 
She turned to Chad.  "Put your shoes back on, son.  I need
you to mow the lawn.  Then Tommy will give you your bath and
you and I and Tommy are going to the Delvecchio house for
the evening.  She wants us to witness her son being
punished, so you'll receive your evening punishments there,
too, in front of her son.  It will do you both good."

Chad looked at the children on the sidewalk.  Several more
girls and one boy had joined the group.  He noticed Serena
was one of the girls who'd come up.  He squatted down and
started putting on his shoes, uncomfortable with the way his
genitals hung down between his legs in plain sight as he
did, yet also uncomfortable that they looked so tiny
dangling there.  There was just no position you could put
your body in when you were naked that didn't expose
something humiliating, he thought to himself.

He looked up at his mother. "Do I have to mow the law
naked?" he asked plaintively.

"Yes, you do," his mother said.  "It's your punishment for
shaming the family by your behavior today.  Frankly, I don't
think peeing in the shower is a big deal, or I'd paddle you,
too.  But your teacher made it a problem so it becomes my
problem, too.  The thing is, you knew you weren't supposed
to and it was against school rules, but you did it anyway. 
Maybe this rule is silly, but you have to learn to follow
the rules, even the silly ones you don't understand.  An
hour sweating naked in the front yard where everyone can see
your humiliation ought to be about enough punishment.  And
you can show off that red butt of yours so everyone can see
you got spanked!"  

Chad's mother turned him around, so that the crowd could see
his bright pink butt with its healing blisters from previous
spankings.  Mrs. Winston spoke up.  "That's puttin' color in
his cheeks!  More of these young boys need a taste of that
these days!"

Mr. Winston agreed.  "Why, when I was a boy, my Da used to
spank us every Sunday afternoon for all the stuff we'd done
that week.  Judgment Day, we kids called it.  We'd come home
from church and strip off our clothes, and then he'd take us
over his knee one by one and whale away at us until we'd
been properly punished.  He did us all 5 of us at the same
time, me, my 2 brothers, and both my sisters.  Of course,
kids weren't so modest back then, and parents weren't afraid
to be parents."

Chad tried to imaging a row of kids waiting in the living
room to be spanked, butt naked boys mixed in with equally
naked girls.  He tried to picture a naked girl being
spanked, but found it difficult as he realized he had no
idea just how a naked girl should look when bent over for a
spanking.  He'd seen Playboy centerfolds, but they were
grown up women, not girls.  He wondered if girls' bottoms
looked just like boys before they started growing.  And they
wouldn't have hair between their legs like the girls in the
magazine, would they?  If they were young enough, they'd be
as bald as he himself was.  You'd be able to see their girl
parts without anything in the way.  He thought about his
view of Alan's spanking that afternoon.  If a girl was in
that same position, her butt and her poo hole should look a
lot like a boy's, he thought.  But instead of that bulging
bag between the legs there'd be – what?  Some sort of
furrow, obviously, but what did it look like in girls his
age?  The girls in the magazines always had their furrows –
their pussies, he corrected himself, trying to be more grown
up -- spread open, with pink stuff sticking out.  Would
younger girls look like that, too?  He wondered for a moment
if he could somehow persuade Cynthia to let him look at
hers.  He finished tying his shoes, discovering, to his
chagrin, that this line of thought had given him the
beginnings of a hard on.  He stalled with his laces, willing
it to go down, but just then Tommy burst back out the door.

"Got the sunscreen," he announced.  

"Good, said his mother.  She scanned the growing crowd of
kids on the lawn by the porch.  "Serena," she said.  "Could
you be a dear and come up and put sunscreen on my son?  He's
pretty light skinned and I'm afraid the sun will burn him in
a delicate area if he doesn't have it.  I don't trust him to
put sunscreen on himself – he might miss a spot."

"He's already burned in a delicate area  -- his butt!" a
girl from the street announced, to general laughter.

Serena bounded up the steps and snatched the bottle from
Tommy's hands, squirted a quantity on her own palm, and
began dabbing it on Chad's face.  Gaining confidence, she
used her palm to smear it on his neck and shoulders, working
downward on both sides of him.  Chad withstood her touch
stoically, but his penis had other ideas, growing steadily
as she massaged his body.  By the time she'd reached his
waist, it was standing straight out.  

Serena hesitated, then skipped over his underpants area and
began rubbing lotion into his legs and feet.  As she stood
up, Chad's mother commented, "You missed his diaper area. 
Look how white that part of him is!  He's going to get the
mother of all sunburns if you don't cover it well."  The
kids on the street laughed as she said "diaper area," as she
had hoped they would.  She wanted this to be as humiliating
for Chad as possible, so he'd try harder to be good.

Hesitantly, Serena squeezed out more lotion and began
rubbing it on Chad's reddened buttocks.  "Get it all the way
in," Chad's mother urged.  "He'll have to bend down
repeatedly to empty the mower bag and to move things, and
he'll sunburn his little crack and his bum-bum if you don't
cover it.  Serena obediently slid her hand between Chad's
buttocks.  Chad could feel her fingers tracing his butt hole
and down between his legs, her finger tip slipping into him
twice as she pressed the lotion into his skin.  "Face
forward, Chad," his mother ordered.  "Let her get your

Chad slowly turned to face the watching kids, causing a
sensation when they spied his erect penis.  "Hey, Henson,
how come you got a boner?" one of the Bascomb girls yelled. 
"You want to bone Serena or something?"  Chad knew that
boning had something to do with sex and girls and boners. 
He thought it meant rubbing your wiener up and down the
girl's slit, but he wasn't completely sure.  He might have a
better idea how boning worked if he could actually see a
girls' parts in person, he thought.  He considered again how
unfair it was that girls all over got to see him and Alan
and Jimmy and even Joey's genitals, but he didn't get to see
any naked girls.  

Serena was covering the area around his genitals now,
working inward.  Chad held his breath as she finally began
rubbing lotion on his balls, working the lotion into his
sack.  She covered them thoroughly but quickly, begin
careful not to squeeze his small orbs too hard.  She then
used her fingertips to cover his erect penis, making it jump
repeatedly, but finishing too quickly for her touches to
become too intense.  

"He's all done," she said brightly, handing the lotion to

"Good," said Chad's mother.  "Now go get the mower, young
man, and mow this yard.  "I'm going to sit on the porch
swing and watch until you're done."  

"I still think you ought to give him a good hiding, too,"
Mr. Winston put in.  "When I was a boy, if you got in
trouble at school, you got twice as much when you got home!"

"I still may do that if he doesn't get to work right now,"
Mrs. Henson said threateningly.  

Chad jumped and lowered his hands and looked dubiously at
the gathered crown of children.  "Mom?" he asked over his
shoulder tentatively.

"What?"  she asked.  "Didn't you hear my instructions?"

"Yes," he said.  "But can you make them go away?  They're
all just standing there, looking at me!"

"It's a public street," she replied.  "Anyone can stand
there if they want to.  Now get that mower going, or Mr.
Paddle is coming out!"

Chad hesitated again.  "Mom," he asked.  "Can I go to the
bathroom before I start?  I really gotta go!"

"So bad you can't wait?" she asked.  "Isn't that what got
you into trouble today to start with?"

"I know," Chad said, dancing.  "But I really gotta go!"

"All right, if you have to go so bad, you may come over here
and pee off the front of the porch, into the bushes," she

Chad looked over at the sidewalk, where the kids were still
congregated.  "Aww, Mom, do I have to go in front of them?"
he begged.

"If you have to go, that's what you'll do.  Otherwise, get
that mower going," she said with finality.

"I guess I can hold it," Chad said, though his urinary
sphincter was burning with urgency again.  He moved slowly
to the porch steps, reaching to cup his genitals and hide
them from view.  

"No playing with yourself, Chad," his mother chided.  Chad
pulled his hand away from his crotch like he'd had been
shot.  Letting his wiener swing freely, he walked down the
porch and retrieved the mower from its spot underneath.  He
checked the gas and walked to the side of the house to get
the bin they used for yard clippings.  His mother was big on

Mowing was an experience in continuous humiliation.  Kids
followed him around and watched him from every angle as he
worked.  He was acutely aware of how his wiener and bag
projected as he leaned forward into the mower to push it,
and he quickly discovered that when he bent over to empty
the bag over and over again that, no matter which way he
faced, someone was always behind him where he or she could
look at Chad's exposed anus as he bent over.  Sweat rolled
down his body and dripped off the end of his penis.  The few
remaining blisters on his butt burned as the salt from his
sweat penetrated them.  The need to pee kept his wiener hard
the whole time, making it bob comically as he worked.  The
base of it burned with his need to pee.  

Finally he finished and put the mower away, dragging the
compost bin to the back.  He looked around – no one was
visible, and he had his back to the house, blocking view of
his penis.  Picking up the compost bin, he held it over the
compost pile.  At the same time, he relaxed his sphincter
and peed into the pile, the new compost covering the
evidence.  The drips on the end of his penis would just look
like sweat, he reasoned as he put the bin away.  He was
relieved that there was still no one visible as he left the
pile, his small penis immediately shrinking rapidly.  By the
time he'd walked slowly around the house and was approaching
the porch tentatively, it had become a small button.  His
mother was talking to several adults who had come by while
he was working.  From their conversation as he approached,
there appeared to general approval of his having to be naked
while he worked, as well as a strong groundswell of opinion
that he needed another good spanking.  "Mom, I'm done," he
said.  "Can I go inside now?"

Chad's mother surveyed the lawn, then looked at him,
frowning.  Something wasn't right, but she couldn't place
it.  She finally gave up trying to put her finger on it and
answered him.  "Very good, Chad.  Yes, you may go inside. 
Tell your brother to bathe you – we have to go to the
Delvecchio's house soon."  As Chad started up the steps, his
sister Beth came sauntering up the walk, smiling as she saw
him standing butt naked outside, sweating from work.  Chad's
mother glanced up and spotted her.

"Beth, I'd like a word with you in private, please.  Come to
my room."  Chad opened the door and went inside, his mother
and Beth following.  Outside, the crowd began dispersing.

"Upstairs for your bath now, young man," his mother said. 
Chad proceeded down the hall to his and Tommy's room while
his mother and Beth turned the other direction, towards
their rooms.  "So what's this I hear about you having given
Chad some 'chocolate?'" she was asking as they disappeared
into his mother's room and the door closed.

Chad entered his room where he found Tommy lying on his bed,
bouncing a ball against the wall.  "You have to give me a
bath," he said reluctantly, knowing the humiliations that
baths always meant.

"You have to give me a blowjob," Tommy replied, rising and
stripping off his pants and underpants, then standing in
front of his brother with his legs apart and his groin
thrust forward, his genitals on proud display.  Chad sighed
and got on his knees in front of his brother.  Tommy's penis
was standing straight up as usual.  As Chad pulled it toward
him, a drip of moisture glistened on the tip.  

"It's got pee on it," Chad complained.  "Wipe it off first!"

Before Chad could react, Tommy grabbed him by the back of
his head and wiped his own penis across Chad's lips.  Chad
sat back, spitting and wiping furiously at his mouth as
Tommy bent down and clutched his knees with laughter.  

Chad was sputtering with indignation.  "You said you
wouldn't do that," he said, swiping furiously at his mouth. 
"You said you wouldn't pee when I was sucking you!"

Tommy continued laughing, almost in hysterics now.  "Quit
carrying on – that was just water from my water bottle," he
giggled.  "I dabbed it on there while you were getting down
on your knees!  You should have seen your face!'

Chad stopped sputtering and looked at Tommy with a
distrustful expression.  Tommy showed him the water bottle
he had hidden behind his back.  Chad sighed and got back on
his knees in the humiliating position in front of his
brother's groin.  "Look, Tommy," he finally said.  "I hate
sucking you.  I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!  I hate the
way you taste, and I hate the way you feel in my mouth, and
I hate the way you jam yourself all the way in my mouth when
you cum, I hate the stupid grunting noises you make when you
do, and I hate that you squirt your stuff in my mouth when
you're done! About the only thing that keeps me from
throwing up is that you said you wouldn't pee in my mouth. 
So would you stop making jokes about it?  'Cause if you
don't, I swear next time I'll throw up right on your wiener
and balls!

Tommy looked at Chad appraisingly.  Finally he spoke.  "How
much do you hate it?" he asked.  "Do you hate it more than
getting bare butt spanked?  Because Mom said I can do that,
you know.  Would you rather I spanked your little bare butt
until it's red all over?"

"No!" Chad replied hotly.  "I hate spankin's worse.  You
don't understand, Tommy, because you've never been spanked. 
It hurts!  It hurts worse than you can imagine.  It hurts
worse than anything, because you don't just hurt and then
it's over, like when you cut yourself or stub your toe or
something.  Whoever's spankin' ya just keeps whacking your
butt over and over, and every spank hurts worse until you
can't stand it, but you can't get up or you'll get even
more, and you don't want to cry but it hurts so bad that you
can't help it, and then everybody makes fun of you for
crying!" Chad finished, looking at his brother with pleading
eyes.  "And you know that the person doing it is enjoying
making your butt hurt, and enjoying making you cry, and so
you try not to give them the satisfaction, but they always
win because they can just keep whacking your butt until you

"Okay, so sucking my dick isn't as bad as a bare-butt
spanking.  How about getting hit in the balls?  I heard in
school that you had to go to the boys' room with that big
kid, Joey What's-his-name, and take your pants down and let
him hit you in the balls.  Would you rather I hit you square
in the balls than suck my dick?"

"No," Chad admitted.

"How about having to sit on the punishment stool with that
peg up your butt with the burning lotion on it?  Would you
rather have to do that than suck my dick?"  Tommy

"No," Chad admitted again, "But…"

"And I bet you'd rather suck my dick than be paddled on your
wiener, or than have to take that water tube up your butt on
the back porch with all the neighbors watching you poop.  I
bet you'd rather suck my dick than have me flick your nuts
with my finger, or than having to kiss my butt hole.  I bet
you'd rather suck my dick than do any of those things!"
Tommy said confidently.

"Well, yeah, but.." Chad said.

"But nothing.  It's your butt, brother, not mine.  I'm doing
you a favor by making you suck me rather than doing all
those other things you hate worse," Tommy said
threateningly.  "So, Mr. Scared-of-Pee, if you complain one
more time about having to suck me, I'll do one of those
other things you hate more instead, and then I'll make you
suck me anyway!  I mean it!  Now shut up and get sucking!"

Chad looked at his brother's determined face and sighed. 
"I'm not complaining," he said.  "Just please stop with the
pee jokes, okay?  It's disgusting!"

"Did I just hear my brother say he wanted a spanking?" Tommy
asked, his face darkening.

"Noooooooo!" Chad said blanching.  "Please, please don't
spank me!  Look, I'm sucking you – I'm doing it right now!" 
He grabbed his brother's hard penis and took it all in his
mouth, burying his face in his brother's groin, sucking
vigorously and twirling the rubbery shaft with his tongue
for all he was worth.  It was over in seconds, as usual, but
those seconds crawled forever to Chad, who was almost
paralyzed in fear that he was about to get a long spanking
from his angry brother.  Once again the velvety-skinned but
rubbery hardness grew in his mouth as he sucked and tongued
his brother's hard on, trying to speed his climax.  His
brother, as usual, gripped his head so he couldn't withdraw
as he slammed his pelvis into Chad's face and deposited his
two small spritzes of liquid into the back of Chad's throat. 
Still holding his brother's ears, Tommy calmed his breathing
and spoke to Chad.  "Now suck all of your spit off me as you
take it out of your mouth, and maybe I won't spank your bare
butt for complaining this time," he ordered.  

Chad wrapped his lips around his brother's shaft and sucked
and swallowed vigorously as his mouth slipped off his
brother's shrinking organ.  Tommy patted him on the top of
his head as he withdrew.  "Good Chad," he said.  "Good boy." 
Tommy pulled off his shirt, standing proudly naked before
Chad.  "Time for bathies," he said brightly.  "Race you to
the bathroom!"

Tommy was gone before Chad had even gotten to his feet.  He
walked down the hall to find that his brother was filling
the tub and adding bubble bath.  "I'm getting in with you,"
Tommy said, as Chad frantically rinsed his mouth with
mouthwash.  He couldn't ever seem to get that taste out of
his mouth afterward.  "Mom said we're going out to that
kid's house for dinner and to watch you and that Alan kid
get punished!"

Tommy stood behind Chad as he washed him this time, but he
didn't stint on the job.  He still forced Chad to bend over
while he washed his brother's butt three times, and despite
Chad's protests that his butt was sore from having a plug in
it, his brother still coated his finger with soap and
roughly reamed out Chad's butt hole not once, but twice.  He
washed Chad's genitals quickly, as if he didn't like
touching them, and to Chad's relief did not make him jerk
off, so Chad knew an immediate after bath spanking probably
wasn't on the schedule.  That, of course, would not preclude
a later spanking at Alan's house, he realized.

Just as both boys were getting out of the tub, the door
burst open and their mother and sister walked in.  Tommy
squealed and grabbed for a towel.  Finding none nearby, he
clutching his genitals and hid behind Chad.  "MOM!" he
complained.  "I'm naked!"

"This will just take a minute, dear," his mother said. 
Chad, who'd been naked all day anyway, didn't make any
effort to cover himself, but just stood on the bathmat,

"Your sister has something to say to you, Chad" his mother
continued. She looked at Beth pointedly.

"I'm sorry I gave you Ex-Lax today and told you it was
chocolate," his sister said, blushing.  "It was wrong of me
to do that.  I just thought it would be funny if you had to
poop in class and be changed.  But I shouldn't have done
that.  You're trying to be good, and I should help you, not
make it harder.  I'm sorry."  Their mother nodded.  It was
clear Beth had been forced to practice this speech before
coming in.

"Your sister will be thoroughly punished for her
misbehavior, Chad," his mother said. 

"Are you gonna spank her?" Tommy said excitedly.  "Can I

"Of course I'm not going to spank her.  Spanking is much too
barbaric for most girls, and even for more sensitive boys. 
Beth is usually a sensible girl who can control her behavior
and doesn't need painful punishments the way boys like your
brother do.  Although I'd probably spank her if she did such
a thing again, I'm sure she's not going to.  And even if I
did decide at some point to spank your sister, I wouldn't
let you little heathens watch.  Except in extreme
circumstances, girls should be spanked in private.  Beth,
tell Chad how you're being punished," their mother replied.

Beth colored further.  "I got grounded for a week," she said

"That's right," their mother said.  "No TV, o music, no cell
phone, and no going out for a week!  Now what do you say to
your brother?"

"I'm sorry," Beth repeated.  "I won't do it again."  The two
females left the room.  Tommy heaved a sigh of relief and
began drying himself.  

"She almost saw my dick!" he said with embarrassment. Chad
decided there was no point in mentioning that everyone saw
his own dick all the time.  Tommy would just dismiss that as
his due.  Tommy looked out the door to see if the hall was
empty.  "Coast is clear," he said.  "I'll beat you to the

Tommy not only beat Chad to the room, but he held the door
when they got there so Chad couldn't get in.   After begging
his brother to open the door, Chad finally sat down outside
of it, remembering as he landed that his butt was still sore
from being spanked repeatedly over the last few days.  He
rose again, standing awkwardly in the hall.  His mother's
voice came up the stairs.  "Hurry up, boys," she called. 
"We have to get going.  Chad, put on clean underpants.  You
don't need anything else, just underpants.  But they'd
better be spotless, and you'd better keep them that way, or
you won't even have them!"

"Oh, and one other thing," his mother continued a moment
later.  "Mrs. Winston stopped by and told me what you did in
the compost pile.  You can expect a good hard spanking
tonight for that, and some major humiliation, too!  I was
going to ignore the peeing in the nurse's shower thing.  I
thought it was just an isolated incident, and after you got
spanked in school you'd know better.  But then you turn
around and deliberately defy me by peeing in the back yard
when I'd specifically told you that you would have to wait
until the mowing was done.  I really don't mind the peeing
in the compost thing so much, because it probably just
raises the nitrogen levels and makes it better compost, but
I do mind you deliberately disobeying me!"

Great, Chad thought, his heart sinking.  She's got spies
everywhere.  Not only do I get to ride halfway across town
practically naked, but I'm gonna get spanked in front of
Alan and his mother!  He had a darker thought.  When he'd
received a major punishment from his mom, she'd invited a
whole group of people to watch and help punish him.  He
hoped there wouldn't be any other people at Alan's house.