Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 31
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 31:  Emily's Revenge

All too soon for Chad and Alan, the lunch crowd was
returning to class and milling about before the bell that
signaled time to settle into their seats.  Lindsay, Emily,
and Cynthia all stood in the front of the room just behind
the three exposed boys, looking critically at their bare
butts and making comments ranging in degrees of imagination
and crudeness.  Karla opened by noting that it looked like
someone had been grocery shopping and left an assortment of
buns in the room.  

Emily pointing to each example, noted that two of the buns
were browned, two appeared to have been well-heated, and the
other two looked to have been heated somewhat but obviously
were in need of considerable more heating. Lindsay then
volunteered that she was planning on heating some buns
herself in a bit, but that she was sure she'd burn them. 
Emily replied that she intended to burn the buns she was
going to be heating as well.  

At this point, Cynthia said, "I don't think Chad and Alan
had a very good lunch today.  I think they need some roast
rump, like Jimmy got this morning."

"I don't know," Emily said slyly.  "Jimmy didn't seem to
like his roast rump much.  How about it, Chad," she asked. 
"Would you like some roast rump?"  She trailed her fingers
over Chad's exposed butt, running a finger down his butt
crack.  Chad stiffened but kept his nose against the wall. 
"I'm very fond of roast rump," she added when he didn't
reply.  "Although I like mine very well roasted.  In fact, I
prefer to burn the rumps I roast."  She trailed her finger
back up the boy's butt crack.

"I prefer slow roasting the rumps I handle," Lindsay said. 
"That way you can savor it more."  She cupped both of Alan's
butt cheeks in her hands, goosing him gently.  "What do you
say, Alan?  Would you like your rump to be slow roasted, so
you can savor it?"  All around the front of the classroom,
children were laughing hysterically at this interchange.  

Cynthia gave Jimmy's sore butt cheeks a good squeeze.  "I
don't think Jimmy liked the way Lindsay roasted his rump at
all.  I remember him protesting loudly about it."  She
squeezed the boy's sore bottom harder.  

"Hey, stop that!  That hurts!" Jimmy protested, turning to
face Cynthia and pushing her hands away.

"Mr. CHEN!" Mrs. Rose said loudly, suddenly descending on
the protesting boy.  "Did I say you could remove your nose
from the corner?"

"But, but, but, she was squeezing my butt!"  Jimmy

Mrs. Rose circled Jimmy's upper body with her strong left
arm, trapping his arms against his chest.  With her right
hand, she landed four very hard spanks on Jimmy's bare
behind, two on each side.  She then aimed a 5th, harder
spank over the boy's anus. Jimmy yelped loudly with each
spank, and stood there red faced and whimpering as she
released him, aiming him back against the blackboard.  "Any
girl in this school is allowed to touch your body when
you're in underpants, punishment pants, or bare bottomed for
discipline, as long as they don't damage it.  That goes for
all you other boys as well when you're being punished.  The
only touches that are not allowed are those that would cause
bruising or muscle damage, and those that would break the

"Does that mean we can pinch their bottoms?" Cynthia asked.

"As long as the pinch doesn't break the skin or make a
lasting mark, yes you may," Mrs. Rose replied. 

"What if a girl wants to pull a boy's privates?" Big Sam
asked, thinking about his own sizeable organs and the fact
he might be at the front of the classroom some day soon.

"As long as she doesn't bruise anything, draw blood, or
cause lasting damage, the boy's genitals can be handled by
any girl in this class as well.  But remember this applies
only to boys being punished.  Boys who are fully dressed are
off limits.  Now let's settle down and get in our seats,"
Mrs. Rose admonished as the bell rang.  "We have naughty
boys to discipline."

Against the board, Chad had become flushed and his heart was
racing.  He knew he was going first, and he dreaded, simply
dreaded going over Emily's knees.  She was going to blister
him if Mrs. Rose would let her.  And if she thought she
could get away with it, she'd crush his balls.  In fact,
she'd already promised to do both.  He squeezed his butt a
couple of times, trying to imagine how this spanking was
going to feel.  Of course, his movements caught the
attention of his classmates, and immediately elicited
commentary from Emily, who was now seated in her front and
center position at eye level with the boy's butt.  "Better
keep practicing doing that, Chad," she said evilly.  "You're
going to be doing a lot of butt squeezing in just a few

Mrs. Rose called the class to order.  "We have a lot of
business to attend to this afternoon, class," she began. 
"We'll start with Jimmy Chen.  Mr. Chen, would you please go
to the tape line and wait there with your hands behind your

Jimmy slowly turned from the blackboard, reluctantly moving
toward the tape.  As soon as he turned his reluctance was
obvious – he had a raging hard-on.  His sausage penis was
pointing upward at a 45 degree angle from his body, bobbing
in the air as he walked uncomfortably to the tape.  Emily
looked at him quizzically.  "Mrs. Rose," she asked, "Why
does Jimmy have an erection?" she asked.  "It can't be
because he needs to pee – we took him to the potty just a
little while ago.  And he wasn't touching himself – he had
his hands behind his head the whole time."

Mrs. Rose looked at her indulgently.  "That's true," she
said.  "It's possible that the tingle from my spanking him
just now did it. But I believe that I saw Cynthia stroking
his bottom just a few moments ago, and that may have been
enough to trigger arousal in a boy as young as this one."

"Besides, Cynthia has magic hands – remember what she did
with Henson," Joey cracked.

"Mr. Turpin, let's not be crude," Mrs. Rose said, but she
smiled at his comment inwardly.  Perhaps she'd better have a
talk with Cynthia's mother – that one was very, very
interested in handling the penises of boys, and unlike
Emily, her motivation didn't appear to be humiliation, but a
genuine desire to give the boys pleasure.  Maybe she should
have a talk with the girl herself.  These girls needed to
understand that one gave boys and men pleasure only when
they recognized the greater need to provide pleasure for
their female partners first.

Mrs. Rose looked at Jimmy's sturdy little erection
critically.  He cringed under her determined gaze. He hoped
his punishment was over for the day, but he didn't like the
way she was looking at his genitals.  She wouldn't punish
him for having a hard-on, would she?

A moment later he heaved a sigh of relief as she broke her
gaze and turned away.  Jimmy's relief that he wasn't being
punished for the moment was interrupted quite surprisingly,
however, because as he was looking over his shoulder at Mrs.
Rose, Emily rose from her seat, reached across her desk, and
batted his penis so hard that it smacked his stomach
sharply.  Jimmy clapped both hands over his privates and
stepped back, gasping "Hey," at the same time.

Mrs. Rose turned at the sound.  "Mr. Chen, what did I tell
you about keeping your hands away from your genitals?" she
asked sternly.  "Do I need to paddle you after I tend to
these two?"

"But she…" Jimmy started to protest.  But then he remembered
the response to his last protest when Emily had yanked his
dick.  "Never mind," he finished lamely. "No, ma'am, you
don't need to paddle me.  I won't touch it again."  He
clapped his hands back behind his head and stood on the
line, looking innocent.  Mrs. Rose brought his box of
clothing forward, setting it beside him.  She addressed the

"Normally," Mrs. Rose began, "the school policy is that a
child who has been punished on his bare bottom remains naked
for the entire day.  But I'm allowing Mr. Chen to get
dressed now, because he has an appointment with his doctor
in just a few minutes, and his mother is waiting in the
office to take him."  She paused, scanning the class.  The
obvious relief on Jimmy's face inspired her to add to her
announcement.  "Don't think you're getting off easily, young
man," she said, addressing Jimmy.  "I understand from your
mother that she's going to insist on a complete rectal and
anal exam for you today, and she also told me that you're
due both a tetanus shot and hepatitis A and B shots, and
that she's going to insist they be given in your buttocks. 
She's also going to insist on you being given a hernia exam
of the most thorough type."

"I had that," Big Sam said from his seat by Joey.  "They try
to squeeze your nuts right up into your body.  You're going
to hurt, man!"

"Oh, and one more thing.  Because you're getting dressed two
hours early today, you're going to have to spend two hours
naked tomorrow morning, plus an extra hour as a penalty for
not finishing today.  So when you get to school tomorrow, be
sure to join Mr. Henson and Mr. Delvecchio at the front of
the classroom and undress yourself before the bell rings. 
If you behave yourself, you may have your clothing back at
lunch time." 

Jimmy groaned.  Not only was he going to have to spend a
painful and humiliating afternoon at the doctor's office,
but he was going to have to make up for it with even more
naked time.  No longer so cheerful, he dressed, pulling his
underpants on hurriedly and forcing his hard penis down
under the waistband.  His penis immediately popped up,
forcing the front of his underpants out as far as the cloth
would stretch.  

"Anyone want to go camping?" the girl next to Emily said,
loud enough for the kids around her to hear.  "Jimmy's got a
tent!"  Jimmy blushed as the girls in front laughed, and
struggled into his shirt and pants.  In moments, he was
dressed, and Mrs. Rose dismissed him to his seat, where he
picked up his backpack and walked gingerly down his row and
out of the classroom, wincing as each step cause his
clothing to rub his still sore bottom.  

From across the space between the two school buildings, a
high-pitched boy's voice suddenly was pleadingly loudly. 
The voice was immediately familiar to Emily, Lindsay, and
Karla, who gave each other knowing smiles. 
"Nooooooooooooo," they heard the boy from the bathroom
suddenly squeal.  "It wasn't my fauuuuuuuuult!  That bad
girl made the peepee come out!"  There was a pause where the
teacher must have been talking, then the boy's whining voice
was heard again.  "But I don't waaaaaaaant a spankin'!  I
didn't mean to!  It just came out!"  The boy's wails
continued while he was apparently being forcibly undressed
and his bottom and genitals washed off.  The 7th grade
listened with avid interest as the boy continued to protest
during the apparent washing.  "Nooooooo!  Doooooon't be so
rough!  That hurts!  Owwwwwww!  Owwwwwww, you're hurting my
poo poo!  Owwwwwww!" There was a pause, then the boy
suddenly squealed, with a note of indignation, "Owwwwwwwww! 
That hurts my wienieeeeee!  Don't pull so harrrrrrd!"  

The 7th graders exploded into laughter, drowning out the boy
for a minute.  When they'd quieted down, they could hear the
3rd graders chanting something.  Emily was the first to make
it out.  "I know what they're saying!" she said, cracking
up.  By then, the other kids in 7th grade had made it out,
too.  Wafting through the windows was the unmistakable sound
of 20 young children chanting, "We can see your wiener, we
can see your wiener," over and over again.

The boy's voice had quieted at this point.  Mrs. Rose
guessed, as did most of the 7th graders, that the boy
probably was being exhibited facing the class.  Chad, Alan,
and Joey could especially appreciate how humiliated the
little fellow must feel with a dozen or so girls grinning at
his genitals.  But in a few moments the boy's voice had
reawakened, this time an octave higher, in that impossibly
high screech young boys manage when their butts are
threatened, either literally or figuratively. "No, don't
spank me!  I don't want a spankin!  Pleeeeeeease! 
Noooooooooooooooo!"  The last wail was punctuated by the
beginning of a series of well-spaced smacks, the clear sound
of a teacher's strong hand warming a boy's bare butt.  The
boy's squeals dissolved immediately into hopeless sobbing. 
Chad, against the blackboard, mentally counted the slaps,
his own butt squeezing in sympathy with each loud spank. 
Alan's bottom was twitching in much the same way next to
his.  The spanking itself was short by 7th grade standards,
only 25 spanks by Chad's count, but the boy's loud sobbing
continued even after his brief butt warming session, only
gradually diminishing.  Both Chad and Alan had only one
thing on their minds – that was going to be them in just a

Mrs. Rose let the class listen indulgently through to the
end of the spanking.  When the slaps of a big hand on a
small butt finally ceased, she turned toward the front of
the classroom.
"We've got bottoms of our own to attend to, she said. "Mr.
Henson, come to the tape line and face the class with your
hands behind your head.  Emily, get the chair and the
spanking towel."  

Chad turned and walked slowly to the tape line.  Unlike
Jimmy, his genitals were anything but aroused.  His penis
was in its usual state of playing hide and seek, looking
like the head of a little turtle peeking out of the shelter
of his groin.  His scrotum was contracted into its large
plum state.  He was trembling, and his heart was racing.  It
was going to happen.  He was going to be spanked by Emily. 
Emily, his enemy since first grade, would make him lie over
her lap, and then she would hit his bare butt with her bare
hand over and over again, trying to make his butt hurt as
much as possible and make him cry as hard as she could.  And
while she was doing it, she'd be holding him by the
genitals, where she could pull his wiener or squeeze his
balls at will.  And he would just have to lie there and take
it, and try not to kick or cry too loudly, and hope that she
didn't squeeze his balls too hard or blister his butt too
much.  Because if he didn't hold still or tried to protect
his sore butt or his mangled genitals, he'd just get another
spanking tomorrow, or worse yet a paddling, probably
administered by Emily too.  It just wasn't fair!  A huge
lump rose in his throat, and several tears leaked out of his

Emily appeared beside him at the front of the room, setting
the chair down and putting the spanking towel on it.  She
walked to Chad's side.  "Grab your ankles with your face to
the front and your back to the class," she ordered.  "I need
to check that you're clean before I touch your disgusting

Chad's heart sank.  He'd forgotten about being checked for
cleanliness.  He hated showing his crack and his poo hole to
everyone.  Really, it was a boy's most private part.  People
saw your wiener all the time when you were peeing, but no
one ever saw your butt hole once you were old enough to wipe
yourself.  Chad slowly complied, bending down and looking
back at her and the rest of the class with obvious fear from
between his spread legs.  Emily wasn't satisfied.  "Let go
of your ankles and reach back and spread your butt apart
more," she ordered.  "I need to see better."  Chad
reluctantly grasped his own butt cheeks and pulled them as
far apart as they'd comfortably go.  His tightly pursed butt
hole was now on display for everyone in class, his small
scrotum also visible where it thrust back between his legs. 
His penis, as usual, could not be seen.  

Emily leaned over and inspected Chad's exposed anus,
dragging her examination out as long as she could to
heighten the boy's embarrassment.  Chad's anus would not
remain still, twitching and pulsing with nervousness as the
class laughed at each of its movements.   Finally, after
he'd been on display long enough she could have made an oil
painting of his anus, Emily straightened up.  "He looks
clean enough," she conceded.  As Chad started to straighten
up, he felt a familiar pressure in his still unsettled colon
that quickly built up.  A giant bubble of gas was fighting
to escape him.  He squeezed his butt together as he
straightened up, tried to fight it back.  The result of that
was that, instead of hissing out almost silently, his
eruption vibrated his butt and his closed buns violently,
making a classic "Brrrrrrrrrpt" sound that could be heard
through the whole classroom.  

Emily reared back looking horrified, and the class dissolved
into hysterics, especially the boys. The look on Emily's
face was clearly enhancing their usual enjoyment of hearing
a good fart.  Most were not fond of Emily, and seeing her
farted at was very, very funny. Many of the girls laughed
for the same reason, while a few made comments such as
"Gross," and "Dis-gus-ting!"  

Mrs. Rose spoke sternly over their laughter. "Mr. Henson,
I'm going to assume that your outburst was an accident due
to your earlier digestive upset, and not a deliberate
attempt to get revenge for a well-deserved spanking."

"I'm sorry," Chad wailed.  "I tried to stop it, but it just
slipped out!"

"I want to paddle him," Emily said firmly, her face red with
rage.  "I want to paddle him and I want to hold him by his
balls and squeeze the life out of them."

"Thank you for you suggestion, Emily, but I tend to believe
Mr. Henson in this situation," Mrs. Rose said.  "He has
experienced serious digestive upset today. Thus, I don't
feel additional punishment is necessary.  But if any of you
other boys are thinking that you might deliberately do such
a thing during your punishment in the future, you'd better
think again.  I'm going to assume that the next person who
has a gas attack during punishment did it deliberately and
I'll be adding addition punishment in such a case."

Emily's voice rose in frustration.  "But it's disgusting,"
she protested.  "What if he does it again while I'm spanking
his butt?"

Mrs. Rose turned and walked to her desk, rummaging in the
bottom drawer.  "I have a solution for that," she said,
coming up with a jar of Vaseline and a small, oblong, white
object.  She walked toward Chad and the front of the class,
holding the object up.  It was about three inches long, with
a broad head on one end that quickly thinned to a smaller
diameter.  Further down, it thickened considerably, then
tapered to the other end.  "This is an anal plug, sized for
juveniles and other people with small anuses.  It slides
into the anus until it gets in past the thicker part.  The
grip of the anal muscles on the thinner section beyond that
locks it into place, and keeps everything in until it is
removed.  It should halt any more emissions from Mr. Henson
during his spanking.  Turn and face the front wall, again,
Chad, and bend over and spread your bottom like you did a
minute ago." 

Chad complied, looking sideways at her standing to one side
as he once again exposed his most private area to the class. 
Mrs. Rose dipped the end in the Vaseline, covering it
thickly.  "Mr. Henson, I'm going to slide this plug into
your anus to keep you from releasing any more gas during
your spanking.  If you will cooperate by pushing outward as
if you were trying to defecate, it will slip in fairly
easily and with a minimum of pain.  If you fight me, on the
other hand, and try to tighten your anal orifice, inserting
the plug will probably hurt a great deal."

"What do you mean, deflate," Chad asked, anxious to avoid
any more butt hole pain.

"Not deflate, defecate.  It's the proper word for what you
children vulgarly call pooping." Mrs. Rose explained. 
Several boys giggled.  Mrs. Rose fixed them with a steely
glare, and they subsided.  She steadied Chad with her free
hand and held the greasy plug up to his anus.  "Now push
like you're trying to defecate," she said, applying ever
increasing pressure to the boy's orifice.  Chad's first
impulse was to squeeze his hole tighter, but that
immediately caused pain as Mrs. Rose pushed in more firmly. 
He forced himself to relax, pushing as she had instructed. 
The plug suddenly slipped in, causing sharp pain as the
thick part slipped in.  The pain tapered off immediately as
the plug seated the rest of the way in.  It wasn't just
uncomfortable, it hurt.  It hurt more than the peg chair by
a considerable margin.  But it wasn't screamingly painful. 
It felt like having a hard poo trapped partly out of his
hole, Chad decided.  It hurt and he wanted it out, but
pushing it out would hurt more.  Mrs. Rose had him
straighten up, but his butt cheeks stayed slightly spread
over the hole because of the head of the plug.

Emily settled herself into the spanking chair, placing the
towel neatly on her lap.  She looked sideways at him,
smirking.  "Come on, Chad," she said sweetly.  "Come stand
beside me so I can restrain you properly and get you over my
knees.  I'm ready to spank your naughty little butt now."

Chad had no choice but to turn and stand beside Emily, who
eagerly seized his scrotum and squeezed more than firmly. 
Chad yelped and clapped both hands over hers.  "Emily," Mrs.
Rose said.  "In this case I don't think it will be necessary
for you to hold Mr. Henson's scrotum at the beginning of his
spanking.  Given the only moderate severity of his offense
and the limited severity of the spanking you'll be giving
him, I think restraining him by the penis should be
sufficient.  Of course, if he becomes resistant in the
middle of his spanking, you can adjust your grip to include
his scrotum with his penis, but for this spanking do not
restrain him by his scrotum alone."

Frustrated, Emily gave Chad another squeeze before releasing
his scrotum.  She attempted to grasp his button-appearing
penis between her thumb and forefinger, but found that it
repeatedly eluded her grasp.  She looked up at Mrs. Rose. 
"I can't get hold of it," she said.  "It's too small."

This pronouncement caused loud laughter throughout the
classroom.  Chad blushed with shame. Now his wiener was too
small to grab! He'd be "Microdick" the rest of his life! 
When the laughter died down, Emily went on.  "Since I can't
get his little penis, I guess I'll have to hold him by his
bag, Mrs. Rose," she said, reaching for Chad's plum-like

Mrs. Rose stopped her hand.  "Just a moment.  I think it's
only fair that we give Chad a chance to make his penis big
enough to be used for restraint first."  She looked Chad in
the eye.  "Young man, if you don't want to be held by just
your scrotum while being spanked, I'll give you two minutes
to make your penis big enough that your spanker can grasp
it."  She looked at her watch.

"What do you mean?" Chad squeaked.

"She means you have to jack off your tiny little d- um, I
mean your tiny little penis until you make it bigger, dope,"
Joey said mockingly.  The class roared with laughter again.  

"Crudely put, Mr. Turpin, but essentially accurate," Mrs.
Rose said.  "You don't have to do anything at all, Mr.
Henson, but if Emily can't grasp you penis at the end of,"
she looked at her watch, "one minute and 45 seconds, I'll
allow her to grasp you by your scrotum instead."

Chad's mind raced with indecision.  Should he do nothing,
practically guaranteeing that Emily would crush his balls
during his spanking and subject him to horrific pain in
addition to the pain in his butt?  Or should he submit to
the humiliation of masturbating himself to graspable size
with the whole class, including all those girls watching? 
He froze in indecision.  Should he chose certain horrible
pain or certain incredible humiliation?  "One minute and 30
seconds," Mrs. Rose pronounced.

Chad looked at Emily.  She was smirking at him, her hand
repeatedly making a squeezing fist, as if she was already
anticipating the pleasure of squeezing his balls.  He made a
decision.  His right hand shot to his groin, where he began
yanking furiously at his tiny button with his thumb and
forefinger.  The class, meanwhile, went into hysterics.  "I
can't believe he's doing it," the girl next to Emily's chair
said to her neighbors.

"I'm surprised he can find it," the girl by her replied. 
Committed to a course of action, Chad tried to ignore them,
working feverishly to get a rise out of his fear-shrunken
organ.  Changing techniques, he started circling his index
finger round and round the tiny organ's head as fast as he
could.  The class laughed louder.  Come on, he thought. 
Come on.  You get hard all kinds of unhandy times, like when
I'm wearing a swimsuit, and when I'm being diapered!  Come
on!  Of all the time not to be able to get it up!

Finally, as Mrs. Rose was announcing, "Thirty seconds," his
penis twitched and began elongating, allowing Chad to get
his fingers under the head and tickle the sensitive skin
behind it. The greater stimulation helped, so that he'd
actually managed an almost full blown erection when Mrs.
Rose announced, "Time's up."

She looked down at Chad.  "It would appear that Mr. Henson
has produced a sufficient amount of length for you to
utilize to restrain him now, Emily," she pronounced. 
"Please take him over your lap so we can start."

Disappointed that she wasn't going to get to start off by
squeezing the boy's balls, Emily grabbed his erect penis
with a yank that hurt both the head of Chad's erect organ
and the base where it entered his body, and forced him over
her knees.  Her fingernails bit into his penis head
uncomfortably and the base of it burned, but it was more
tolerable than her previous grip on his balls, Chad
realized.  He was grateful her anger wasn't being spent on
his more delicate organs.  He'd deal mentally with the
humiliation of having masturbated himself to erection in
front of the class later.

"Do you have him properly settled?" Mrs. Rose said to Emily,
as she fussed about forcing him to bend his butt more and
spread his legs wider by tapping his thighs in various
directions.  Finally she looked up and nodded to Mrs. Rose. 
She couldn't keep the broad smirk off of her face as she
gave Chad's penis a hard squeeze.  "Chad Henson, you engaged
in inappropriate behavior by urinating in an inappropriate
place, and you also violated my explicit instructions by
urinating while undergoing diaper punishment.  Accordingly,
you shall be spanked by this classmate with the bare hand on
the bare bottom in front of your other classmates until I
decide that you have been thoroughly punished and have cried
sufficiently.  Emily, you may begin his spanking."

It was every bit as bad as Chad had anticipated.  Emily put
everything she had into each spank, so the first spank stung
viciously, the second unbearably, and the remaining ones
like successive branding irons suddenly being applied to his
butt. Also, she possessed reasonably long fingernails that
trailed across his butt as she lifted her hand after each
sharp spank, irritating the inflamed skin from that spank
and the others that had landed previously with each spank.   

Despite his determination to be tough and not give Emily the
pleasure of knowing she was hurting him, he cried out on the
2nd spank, and was squealing and bawling by the 10th.  He
didn't care that it was Emily's hand that was burning his
butt and that he was being thoroughly humiliated in front of
his class, he only cared that his butt was on fire, and he
couldn't get away.  She was also yanking his penis viciously
every few spanks, keeping his torso glued to her lap.  His
hands and feet weren't glued to her, though, and he soon was
kicking and flailing his arms like a small child, while
orally begging her to stop.  

"Owwwwwww!  Owwwwwwww!  Not so haaaaaarrrrrrrd!  It
hurrrrrrrrts!  Owwwwwwwweeeeee!" he squealed between sobs,
as Emily stopped spreading her spanks around and began
concentrating on the centers of each of his glowing buns. 
"Noooooooooo, not theeeeeeeere!  Not theeeeeeeeeeere!
Owwwwwwwwwwww!" he managed to sob as she shifted to spanking
directly over the butt plug.  He wiggled his torso a bit at
the pain, and Emily chose to interpret the slight movement
as resistance and an attempt to escape on his part.  She
considered that an invitation to grasp his balls in her fist
and squeeze hard, at the same time landing 5 successive hard
spanks right over the plug.  Chad's legs shot straight out,
his back arched, and he let out a blood-curdling squeal at
the unbearable pain on both the front and back sides of his
underpants region.  On the 5th spank aimed right at the butt
plug, as Emily was preparing to grind Chad's ball more
viciously, Mrs. Rose stepped forward and caught Emily's
spanking hand.  "That's enough, dear," she said loudly. 
"He's been spanked sufficiently, and his crying is
completely out of control.  Release his genitals and rub his
bottom until he regains some control over himself."  

Giving the two tiny orbs in her fist one more vicious
squeeze, Emily reluctantly released the boy's balls and
began vigorously kneading his bright red bottom.  Chad
sagged over her lap, bawling uncontrollably, completely
beaten.  Emily smirked at his state.  It had been great fun! 
She'd finally gotten to beat the little creep's butt, and
listen to him squall like a 2-year-old while she did it. 
She remembered back in summer camp between Kindergarten and
1st grade, when they'd been at the public pool.  Her bikini
bottom had slid off as she climbed out of the pool. 
Children were pointing and laughing all around, but the one
she remembered most vividly was little Chad Henson, staring
at her bare butt with a disgusting smirk on his face.  At
least her back was to him, so she didn't think he'd seen her
privates.  Still, she'd run crying to the changing room and
refused to come out for the rest of the day.  Ever since
then, all she could think of when she saw his stupid face
was him grinning at her bare butt that day.  (Had she ever
asked Chad about it, Emily would have discovered that he
only vaguely remembered seeing a kid's bare butt at the pool
that day, and he wasn't even sure if it was a boy's or
girl's butt, let alone that it was Emily's. But of course
she'd never brought the embarrassing issue up.)

Ever since that day, she'd longed to make Chad feel as
humiliated and embarrassed as she'd been that day.  But more
than that, she wanted to hurt him!  Actually, she wanted to
hurt all boys, with their nasty little dangling boy parts
that they thought were such hot stuff, and their smug little
faces!  They were always strutting around like they owned
the world, just because they had those little things in
their pants.  Well, she'd certainly put Chad in his place,
and she'd certainly made an impression on his little things! 
She'd loved the sharp crack of her hand on his soft, bare
flesh, and the firm feel under that surface softness of his
hot buns as her spanking of them had progressed.  His howls
of pain were music to her ears.  She kneaded the boy's butt
more viciously, using both hands.  She'd loved the feeling
of his little balls in her fist, and him struggling to
escape while she ground them together!  She couldn't wait
until she'd get to spank him again, or maybe even paddle

Leaning forward a bit, she spread the boy's sore butt,
looking to see how deeply her spanks had penetrated.  Over
the butt plug, redness entered almost to the boy's hole
itself.  She wished she hadn't had to stop.  Her hand stung
quite painfully from the strength of her blows, but it was
clear the boy's soft butt stung considerable more.  It was
amazing how vulnerable a boy was when he was lying butt up
over you lap!  You felt like you could do anything to him! 

Still massaging the boy's sore bottom, she glanced around
the room.  She'd love to spank Chad again, or even better,
paddle his bare butt.  But looking around the class, she
realized there were several other boys she'd like to have a
chance to work over, too!  That Jimmy Chen, for example! 
Right now his chair was empty, but he was right at the top
of her list.  She'd love to get his fat little ball sack in
her grip and then blister his little bottom just like
Lindsay had gotten to do!  And Alan Delvecchio – too bad it
was Lindsay's turn now.  "Emily the Priss," he'd called her. 
She'd like to Emily the Priss him, on his bare butt!  And if
she ever got her hand on his long, skinny dick, he'd find
out how hard she could yank!  Better still, she'd like to
get her hands on that plump, dangling sack.  Then he'd learn
there was nothing prissy about the way she could squeeze!

Her gaze traveled to Randy Martinez and Sam Farlow.  Now
there were two interesting possibilities.  Both were small
boys assigned, along with Chad, Jimmy, and Alan, to the DAs
for future punishment.  She had nothing in particular
against Sam Farlow besides the obvious fact that somewhere
in his pants he presumably had a penis and scrotum, but
Randy Martinez she felt a burning hatred for almost as
strong as that she felt for Chad.  Back in the 5th grade,
when she'd come to school with her first training bra, it
had been Randy Martinez who'd been standing with his friends
as she walked by, feeling self-conscious.  It was Randy
Martinez who'd said, "Look who's got tits all of the
sudden," as she'd passed by.  It hadn't even helped that the
playground monitor had overheard his remark, and he'd been
soundly spanked by the third grade teacher on the seat of
his pants as soon as recess was over. 

She didn't even remember his tearful sobbing during the
long, hard spanking and his contrite apology, when he'd
finally gotten control of his voice long afterward.  She
only remembered the remark.  (Afterward Randy didn't even
remember which girl he'd said it to, but Emily would never
forget.)  Now there was a boy she'd like to get over her
knees!  She'd smack his brown little butt until it was as
beet red as Chad's was currently.  She wondered what his
genitals would look like.  Would he be circumcised like
Chad, Jimmy, and Alan, or uncut like Joey?  Would he have a
big package like Joey's, or a miniature little dicklet like
Chad?  And what color would it be?  Alan was lighter skinned
than Randy but had dark brown genitals – would Randy?  Would
his disgusting butt hole be dark brown, too?  And Sam – he
was so impossibly white, with his blue eyes and blond hair. 
Would his butt be that white, too?  Would his genitals have
any color at all?  Would he have a pink butt hole, even
pinker than Chad's?  She smiled evilly at Sam and Randy,
sending cold chills down their respective spines.  As both
boys suddenly shifted uncomfortably in their respective
seats, she gave them a wink and pointed to Chad's sore, red
butt.  You're next, she mouthed silently.