Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 29 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 29: Double Jeopardy Trembling, Alan and Chad pushed the TV cart through the classroom door and into the front of the classroom. Both knew that their shame was about to be revealed to all their classmates. Mrs. Rose plugged the power strip in and turned on the TV. "Stand on the tape," she ordered. "Mr. Chen, please return to your seat so you may watch as well." Jimmy got up from the punishment chair in the corner and walked, painfully, back to his chair. He reached back and cautiously stroked his still red and sore bottom, wincing as walking stretched out sore butt muscles. His flaccid little sausage penis wagged from side to side as he walked. He glared at Chad, standing on the tape, as he passed him. While his gaze was distracted, Emily shot out a hand and neatly snagged his bouncing sausage, giving it a quick yank as Jimmy passed her seat. "Hey!" Jimmy said with outrage. "She pulled my cock!" "Mr. Chen, I will not have that kind of language in my classroom. If Emily felt the need to restrain you, I'm sure she had a reason," Mrs. Rose said disapprovingly. "He was rubbing his bottom, Mrs. Rose," Emily said sweetly. "He knows he's not supposed to do that. And since I am in charge of him, I thought you wouldn't mind if I attended to his discipline." "Yes, of course," Mrs. Rose agreed. "Mr. Chen, get those hands off of your naughty bottom." She walked over a few steps and grasped Jimmy's soft penis by the head, pulling upward on it until Jimmy had to rise up on his tip toes. His hands flew from his butt and grasped her larger hand, trying to ease the pain of having a sizeable portion of his body weight supported by the root of his penis. "In the future, you will not use gutter language like that in my classroom. What do you call this little thing?" she asked him, pulling even harder and staring directly into his eyes. "A p- p- p- PENIS!" Jimmy squealed. Mrs. Rose released him, and he dropped back onto his heels again. "Very good, Mr. Chen," Mrs. Rose said. "Try to remember that." "I'd call it a cocktail frank," Emily muttered. The girl next to her disagreed. "Come on, it's bigger than that. It's more of a hot link. Chad's is a cocktail frank." "Chad's is a nubbin right now, I bet," Emily responded. Jimmy had clapped both hands on his tortured penis and was trying to soothe the shooting pains emanating from the base of it. "Mr. Chen, stop touching your genitals and take your seat. We have other fish to fry," Mrs. Rose ordered. "Unless you'd like to join these other boys at the front of the class." Jimmy pulled his hands away and scurried to his seat. Once he was seated Mrs. Rose addressed the class. "I'm going to show you a tape of two boys behaving in a despicable fashion, so that everyone in class understands what these boys did and why they're going to be punished." Without any further delay, she started the tape machine, showing the class the section that started with Chad bent over, butt to the camera, and ended with Chad peeing into the drain, also butt to the camera. The class laughed uproariously as the tape opened with Chad in such a comical position, and ooooed when Alan whipped out his penis in plain sight of the camera and peed neatly into the drain. Emily and Lindsay looked daggers at Alan as they heard the epithets he'd attached to them, and the whole class gasped at Mrs. Rose being called 'Mrs. Bignose.' Joey and some of his friends had to suppress laughter at that one. When Chad walked over to the drain to pee into it, there were murmurs of disappointment that his penis was not visible and they could not actually see him pee, although several comment were made about his tightening of his butt as he commenced, and the finishing contractions of his butt as he squeezed out his final drops. Mrs. Rose shut the tape off again. "As you can see, these two boys urinated in an inappropriate location on school property. Other children, sick children, sometimes have to use that shower, and they should be able to do so without having to worry about stepping into someone else's wastes. Compounding Mr. Henson's disobedience, he urinated into the shower even though he knew that he was being diaper punished and was only allowed to use his diaper for that purpose." "Mr. Delvecchio showed the more egregious behavior here, though. As you children saw, he was the instigator of the inappropriate behavior. He also, in sections of the tape I did not show you, engaged in even more despicable behavior. I will not divulge the nature of that behavior because there is no need for you children to know the details, but he will have to be severely punished for it as well, and his mother will be informed. Chad is aware of the nature of Alan's behavior, but I have given him orders not to divulge any information concerning that behavior to any of you. All of you are forbidden to raise the subject with either of them on pain of the most severe punishment." She looked at the classroom clock. "As it is only 10 minutes until lunch time, we will prepare these boys for punishment now, but we will administer their actual punishments after lunch. Emily, you will be in charge of Chad's punishment, and Lindsay, you will be in charge of Alan's." She pushed the TV back against the wall, and returned with two empty boxes. "Girls, will you come take control of your charges and prepare them for this afternoon's punishment?" Emily stood up eagerly, needing only a step to be beside Chad and grasp her box. Lindsay walked elegantly toward Alan from her seat, taking the other box. Joey and Sam began whistling "The Stripper," with Mrs. Rose smiling at them indulgently. Several girls began chanting "take it off, take it off." Emily said nothing to Chad. She merely walked around the trembling boy until she was standing behind him, reached around him to seize his diaper tapes, and pulled them both with a flourish. Chad's diaper dropped to the floor, once again exposing the boy's hairless privates to the class. As Emily had predicted, his little penis was in it's nubbin state again, and his small scrotum snugged up against his body. She raised her hands to the hem of his shirt, still standing behind him, and lifted it over his head. Unable to resist, Chad obligingly raising his arms as she did. She put both items of clothing in the box and moved to the side, where she could stare hat his naked boy and his small genitals and smirk knowingly. Chad glanced down at his package. I never, ever look good when they take my clothes off, he thought to himself. Just once couldn't it be big? He couldn't figure out why he was thinking that right now. He was going to get spanked by Emily after lunch! She'd probably yank his wiener and squeeze his balls, like Emily did to Jimmy. And if she had her way, she'd spank him for an hour! He ought to be pooing himself in fright, yet he was worried that his penis didn't look its best. Oh, yeah, I couldn't poo myself, anyway – I already did, he thought wryly. At least his butt was clean. Certified clean by the nurse herself! You could serve hors d'oeuvres off of it! He had a momentary vision of himself lying on Mrs. Rose's desk in the inspection position, an assortment of snack foods spread out across his butt and around his genitals. He suppressed the urge to giggle and wondered if he was becoming hysterical. Alan, on the other hand, was so frightened he was almost unable to move. As Emily finished undressing Chad, Lindsay spoke politely to Alan. "Please take off your shoes and socks, Alan," she said, as if she was 20 years older than him. Alan stood there white faced and shaking. Lindsay repeated her request, nudging his shoe with her own foot. Alan kicked his shoes off boy style, pushing down on the back of the right shoe with his left and kicking it off, then repeating the process with the other shoe. Lindsay stooped and put them in the box. "I said shoes and socks," she chided. Alan, moving like a zombie, stood on the toe of each sock in turn and raised each leg, stripping the sock off toe first. He kicked them aside and Lindsay picked them up, also. She sat down the box and took his shirt by the bottom, turning it inside out as she stripped off his brown, compact chest and flat stomach. He had a medium build, not thin like Chad but with some little boy muscle. He also looked smaller with his shirt off than he had with it on, but still more impressive in physique than the equally bare- chested Chad. He was visibly shaking. Here it comes, he thought to himself. She's going to make me do it. She's going to make me take them off. I'm gonna be naked! He glanced at the classroom – every eye, even Chad's, was glued on him. Of course he'd taken his pants and underpants off in front of other people before, but not girls, and not when he'd been the only one getting naked. It was different when the people you were undressing in front of had the same stuff you had, and were also undressing and having to show their own stuff. It made it seem all equal. Here, it wasn't equal at all. Everyone else was dressed (Except Chad and Jimmy, of course), and they were all going to stay dressed, while he was going to get naked and stay naked. It was weird being naked when everyone else was dressed. He tried to slow his breathing. Lindsay paused, then said the words he'd been dreading. "Take down your pants," she ordered. Shaking, Alan complied, undoing his button and lowering the zipper. He bent over to step out of his pants, holding them up by the waistband in front of his body to preserve his modesty a bit longer. Lindsay folded them and placed them neatly in the box. Alan waited, his heart thumping visibly in his chest. Mrs. Rose looked at his genital bulge critically. "What is this?" she asked sternly, pointing at the damp spot in the center of his white briefs. Alan's heart stopped. He'd forgotten the spot he'd made in his underwear when he'd been messing with Chad. It had felt so good then! Fear shot through him. Now everyone would know! Lindsay would take off his underpants, Mrs. Rose would announce the cause of the dampness, and then tell all the kids that he'd done something with Chad that had made him cum in his pants! He got a sudden inspiration. Quickly as he could, he released his sphincter, forcing what pee he had in him out to obliterate the stain. It wasn't much, but he soaked the front of his underpants immediately. There, that should do it! They'd just think he'd peed himself in fright! Mrs. Rose had been reaching to examine the wet spot, but drew her hand back as he soaked the front of his underpants. "Terrific – another wetter!" she muttered loudly. "At least he didn't have much in him," Lindsay said brightly. "He's barely soaked his undies – I don't think any even ran down his legs!" "I guess we're going to have a second diaper boy to deal with. Take him to the diaper cart," Mrs. Rose commented. "Emily, give her a hand. Get those wet pants off of him and wipe his diaper region. Don't worry about diapering him – neither he nor Mr. Henson will need a diaper for the rest of the day." She stalked toward her desk, glaring at Chad. "Can't any of you little boys control your bladders?" she snapped at him. Chad bit back the urge to reply. Alan pees his pants, and I get blamed, he thought to himself. Alan makes be pee in the shower, jerks me off, and I still get stripped and spanked! Jimmy shoots his mouth off, gets spanked, but somehow blames me. I should just go naked from now on so that every time anyone does anything, I can climb over the nearest girl's lap and let her spank me! Then I can go home and let my little brother spank me some more, and stick his fingers up my butt, and make me suck him! I'll just take the blame for everything from everyone from now on! Chad wanted to scream all of this at the entire world. Instead, he looked at the floor until Mrs. Rose had stalked by. He was definitely getting better at controlling his temper. Lindsay guided Alan to the diaper table, and she and Emily strapped his arms down. He lifted his midsection at Lindsay's command and she slid the wet underpants off of him, dropping them into a plastic bag that Mrs. Rose held out. "You'll carry these home to your mother, in a bag along with your pants. You'll wear school punishment underpants home, of course. Starting tomorrow, it's three days of diapers for you, young man," Mrs. Rose commented to Alan. Alan just blinked at her. He'd really dodged a bullet that time. They all thought the wet spot was just a preliminary pee spurt! It was worth three days in diapers to avoid being exposed! Speaking of exposed, he thought to himself, as Emily and Lindsay together lifted his legs until they could strap them beside his head. He'd seen Chad in this position, but being in it yourself was another matter. He hadn't realized how exposed and vulnerable Chad felt, but now he did. Directly in front of his gaze he could look down his chest and see his slender penis pointing directly at his face, then the bulge of his currently tight scrotum, and even some of the ridge of skin that ran from scrotum to anus. He sometimes liked to stroke his fingers along that ridge while masturbating, but he'd never dreamed that soon everyone in his class would be looking at it. Somehow that was more embarrassing and personal than them looking at his genitals. Of course, as he looked out through his spread legs, he also had a view of an entire panorama of smirking, staring, giggling classmates. The aforementioned classmates were, as a group, focused back on him, thrilled to see still another boy's private areas against his will. As they had already seen on the tape, but could see more clearly in person, Alan's penis was long and slender, with a prominent head and a light brown tone that matched the skin of the rest of his body. Unlike Chad, he was much darker skinned, and thus he had virtually no tan line and his entire diaper area was the same light brown as the rest of his body. His scrotum was a darker brown than his body, a tightly wrinkled mass that looked like it had been attached to his groin as an afterthought and bulged prominently out from it. Even though fright and the cool temperature of the room made it tight against his body at the moment, it was still twice as big as Chad's. This was a fact noticed immediately by pretty much everyone seated in the classroom, primarily because Chad was standing right there in front of them and his own genitals were available for easy comparison. It was also a fact all too clear to Chad himself, craning his neck from only a few feet away to examine the unfortunate Alan. Like Jimmy Chen, Alan had a light dusting of downy pubic hairs above his genitals. Those hairs were black like the hair on his head, and thus were more clearly visible than Jimmy's. Lower down, his tight butt hole peeked out between his spread buns, dark brown in color like his scrotum and just as tightly wrinkled. The two made a nice contrast on either end of the smooth skin in between them. The boy's butt was fleshier than Chad's or Jimmy's and would make an inviting spanking target, Mrs. Rose thought with satisfaction. She considered this an excellent thing, because she intended decree an extremely long and painful punishment for his little brat. She disliked males who tried to force their sexual attentions on others – her own husband was a timid man who touched her only when invited and engaged in only the sex she was interested in having. Even though this kid would probably end up batting for the other team, she still determined to punish the sexually aggressive tendencies out of him with a lesson he'd never forget! Lindsay donned gloves and picked up baby wipes. She began cleaning Alan's butt, even though he had wet only the front of his underpants. She quickly moved inward until she was carefully scrubbing the tightly wrinkled butt hole. The sudden coldness on Alan's exposed orifice caused him to attempt to squeeze his butt shut, but in his tied down position only caused his butt hole to contract down and then relax again a couple of times. "You don't know me well enough to wink at me, one-eye," Lindsay said, poking the boy's anus with her index finger and provoking laughter from the entire class, even Chad. On Mrs. Rose's recommendation, Lindsay changed wipes before moving up the prominent ridge of skin between the halves of Alan's butt to his scrotum. She scrubbed the bulging nut sack on the boy roughly enough to be uncomfortable but not roughly enough to elicit negative comment from Mrs. Rose as Emily had. That girl has all the subtlety of a nuclear explosion, she thought. You've got to be sweet to the boys some of the time, so that when you're rough it's so much more of a shock to them. Lindsay then turned her attention to the boy's penis, scrubbing it long enough to make it become erect. She had two motivations for this. Partly, she wanted to make him erect to humiliate him as much as possible. Partly because she just wanted to see how this boy's equipment compared to that of Chad, Jimmy, and her current boyfriend, the equine-hung Joey. She genuinely liked penises, even little ones like Chad's, and enjoyed handling them whenever possible. She liked their velvety feel with the rock hardness underneath, and she liked the way they jumped and danced in your hand like a nervous animal. Under the guise of washing him, she coaxed Alan's penis to its full extension. The final result was a slender wand as thin as it had been when flaccid, with a prominent little helmet head. Despite its thinness, it was at least 3 inches long or perhaps a bit longer. It curved up toward the boy's groin and also twisted prominently to the left, so it hung there off center from his body, pulsing with his heartbeat. Now that the underside was visible, it was also clear that the twisted knot of flesh just under the pee slit was particularly prominent and complex, and that an equally prominent vein protruded from the underside as well. Lindsay stepped back to dispose of the wipes, allowing everyone a clear view of Alan's nude genitals. "How come he's all bent and twisted like that?" Cynthia asked from her seat. "Did he play with it too much, or bend it too far when it was hard or something?" Mrs. Rose was rummaging in her bottom drawer. She looked up and examined the boy's genital region with an experienced eye. "Many boys and men have penises that bend one way or another when erect, or have twists in them. They aren't all straight and symmetrical," she lectured, dipping back down into her drawer again. "Mr. Delvecchio has a perfectly normal penis. I'm sure it was shaped like that when he was born. Of course, it was probably smaller then, and he would have been born with a foreskin that he obviously doesn't have now. You're right in suspecting that he plays with it quite a lot – I can tell by looking that he masturbates often, probably more than once a day. But that's probably no more often than Mr. Chen, Mr. Henson, or Mr. Turpin masturbate, and their penises are straight. Alan's penis has probably always looked like this. He didn't break it playing with it." The class roared, except for Joey, Chad, Jimmy, and Alan. Alan blushed at the comment that she could tell he played with it often. He looked at his own penis critically – she was right, but how did she know? Of course, Mrs. Rose had no idea if Alan or the other boys masturbated beyond the obvious fact that almost all boys his age spanked the monkey at least now and then. She couldn't really tell such a thing by looking at a boy unless he had obvious chafing on the sides or bottom of his organ. She'd noticed such chafing in other boys being punished over the years, and if Alan had shown such chafing, she'd certainly have pointed it out to heighten his embarrassment. But even when no chafing was present she loved periodically telling one of the boys who'd just been stripped for spanking that he obviously masturbated frequently. They always looked so guilty, just as this lad was looking now, and they all looked immediately at their own penises, confirming their guilt. It was exciting to watch them look surreptitiously at their own organs and try to figure out how she knew. She went back to searching her drawer. As the laughter died down, she finally came up with what she'd been looking for. She walked toward Alan with a towel, a can of shaving cream and a disposable razor. "As Mr. Delvecchio is going in diapers for 3 days, we must shave him for hygienic purposes. It's a school policy." "Why didn't you shave Chad?" Cynthia asked. "I think that's rather obvious," Mrs. Rose said, indicating Chad's completely hairless state. "You have to have hair to shave it." The class roared again. As Mrs. Rose approached the still tied and helpless boy, it finally dawned on Alan what the razor and shaving cream were for. "Nooooooo!" he squealed, rocking back and forth but unable to move much at all due to still being in restraints. "Don't shave off my pubes! I'll look like a baby!" "You mean you'll look like Chad," Big Sam commented, bringing giggles from most of the class and guffaws from Joey. "Diaper boys can't have hair," Mrs. Rose said with finality. "Now hold still unless you want to risk me cutting something you value." She draped the towel over Alan's bare chest and handed Lindsay the shaving cream can. The, she grasped Alan's erect penis tightly in her left hand and forced it down toward his butt as far as it would reasonably go, a position Alan found quite uncomfortable. "Just spread shaving cream everywhere there's hair," she commented to Lindsay, who quickly sprayed the shaving cream on Alan and then spread it around with her fingers until the entire area from the sides of his scrotum upward to an inch below his navel was covered. Mrs. Rose methodically and expertly shaved the boy's groin, wiping the razor on the towel after each stroke. In moments, the boy's source of pride had been completely stripped. Mrs. Rose wiped his now smooth groin with the towel, and then released his penis, which snapped back to slap the newly shaved skin. "Check his anal region, for me, Lindsay," Mrs. Rose said. "He can't have hair anywhere in his diaper region, even there." Lindsay studied Alan's butt crack from inches away. "I don't see anything," she said, trailing off. "Wait a minute," she amended triumphantly. "I do see one – right here on his butt across from his hole!" She indicated a spot just to the right of the boy's pursed little anus. Mrs. Rose leaned over and looked. "I don't need the razor for that little thing," she pronounced, closing the fingernails of her thumb and forefinger on the base of the hair and then yanking outward. "Owwwwwwwwww!" Alan said, jerking against the restraints. "That hurts!" "Hush," Mrs. Rose chided. "Try to act your age. It was just one little hair. You're going to hurt a lot more in that area before the day is out." She addressed Lindsay. "How does everything look now?" she asked. Lindsay examined the boy's anal region again. "Not a single hair – he's as bald as Chad," she finally concluded, straightening up. Chad blushed. "Bald as Chad" would probably join "as small as Chad's dick" as the new standard of comparison for boys in the 7th grade. "Hairy as Joey" and "big as Joey's dick" would serve as the opposite end of each comparison. Alan looked at his newly denuded crotch and whimpered in humiliation. He'd been so proud of his pubes – the boys he'd engaged in penis play with didn't have any. He'd obtained a certain amount of status from that, as well as the fact that he could wet cum and they couldn't. He liked brushing his left hand through his pubic hair when he masturbated, as well. It would take him forever to grow the hair back! Mrs. Rose put her shaving equipment away and released Alan from the restraints, issuing rapid fire orders. "We're running late. Everybody line up for lunch. Mr. Henson and Mr. Delvecchio, place your hands behind your heads. Even though you haven't been spanked yet, take a punishment lunch and report to the punishment area. Mr. Chen, you will of course join them. DAs, take control of your boys! Karla, you take control of Mr. Chen." Mrs. Rose led the class down the hall. The three girls reached for the vulnerable genitals of their charges. Karla almost shyly circled Jimmy's package, easing him into the end of the line. Lindsay, looking dignified, gently but firmly circled Alan's penis and scrotum and tugged him after Jimmy. The head of the boy's still erect penis protruded prominently from her grip. His newly shaved groin looked soft and clean. Emily, with glee, seized Chad's genitals more roughly, squeezed his balls a bit, and dragged him into the last place in line. "Owwww!" Chad gasped. "Not so hard." "Be quiet, you big baby, or I'll squeeze harder," Emily threatened, smirking. With Karla and Lindsay leading their boys in an almost loving fashion and Emily tugging and yanking her whimpering, protesting one, the class proceeded down the hall all the way to the lunchroom. By the time they arrived, Jimmy had joined Alan in sporting a protruding erection, but Chad's more tortured genitals were trying to retreat completely into his body, so that the head of his penis was almost hidden in Emily's grip. Chad was almost in tears. Not only did she keep milking his balls, but after lunch, he was going to have to let her spank him! Bare!