Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 28
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors.
If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view
such material or if such material does not appeal to you,
do not read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 28:  Chad's Accident

Meanwhile, Chad was having problems of his own.  His
intestines had begun cramping, and an odd sensation was
building inside him.  Suddenly, he felt uncontrollable
wet pressure in his rectum, and then the wetness was
flowing into his diaper despite a desperate effort to
stop.  Wetness flooded his butt crack and surrounded his
genitals, and his rectum burned with the familiar feeling
of uncontrollable diarrhea.  Worse yet, his bottom made a
bubbling, wet farting sound as he emptied his bowels,
causing every head in class to immediately turn his
direction.  Mrs. Rose addressed him.  "Chad, is there a
problem?"  She asked.

Chad swallowed a couple of times, finding his voice.  "I
-- I – I -- I had an accident, Mrs. Rose," Chad

"What sort of accident?"  She asked. "Did you poo

"I – I – I couldn't stop it – it just slipped out!" Chad
admitted, his face blushing beet red.  "I think I'm
"Come up here and let me see how bad it is," Mrs. Rose

With difficulty, Chad stood up and walked to the front of
the class.  He could feel wet poo squishing around in his
diaper as he walked.  Mrs. Rose had him face forward
while she pulled the back of his elastic banded diaper
down far enough that she and most of the children could
see the mess coating his butt to the top of his butt
crack, resulting in mass groans and exclamations of
disgust from his classmates.  She then turned him to face
the class and did the same thing with the front of his
diaper, exposing his befouled privates.  The class
reacted with even stronger protests of disgust when his
front was revealed.  She released the elastic waistband
and straightened up.  "You're obviously too dirty to
clean up in class, and the nurse should check you over to
see if you're ill.  Sarah, Alan, take him to the nurse's
office for a shower.  Bring him back when he's clean if
the nurse clears him, otherwise clean him up and leave
him there if she says he's sick."

With each one grasping his hand like he was a toddler,
Alan and Sarah led Chad out of the classroom and down the
hall to the nurse's office.  She looked up at them
inquiringly as they entered.  "What can I do for you
children?" she said as they walked in the door.  

"Mrs. Rose told us to bring Chad down here," Sarah said.

"Yeah, he pooed his diaper," Alan added.  "We're supposed
to use the shower to clean him up, and then we're
supposed to ask you to check to see if he's sick."

"You'll have to do the clean up yourselves," she replied. 
"I have to finish this paper work.  The shower is over
there." She waved her hand across the room, where there
was a ceramic tiled section of floor against one wall
with a ceramic tile wall on one side.  The other three
sides were open, surrounded by a ceramic barrier only
about 6 inches high.  Faucets and a shower nozzle on the
end of a wand and long hose were on the wall, within easy
reach from outside the tiled section.  "Just turn it on,
adjust the temperature with the knobs, and have him stand
over the drain and and take off his diaper and put it in
this bag."  She handed them a kitchen trash bag.  "Then
you can hose everything down the drain using the shower
wand.  Once you've hosed him off and washed everything
down the drain, one of you can step in and soap him from
his chest on down to his feet, then wash him off again. 
Make sure you bend him over to wash his buttocks, so you
can get all the way into the crack.  And soap his diaper
area thoroughly, to make sure you wash off any germs he
might be carrying."  She turned away from them and
started filling out a form.

"Come on," Alan said, dragging Chad by the arm towards
the shower.  "Get in there and take off your diaper and
let's get the poop off of you."  Chad, humiliated but
eager to get clean again, complied, stripping off his
shirt and standing over the drain and pulling his diaper
tapes as Sarah turned on the water, adjusted it to a
comfortable temperature, and reached for the wand.  The
diaper landed on the floor with a wet splooshing sound,
spilling some of its contents out.  Chad lifted it with
two fingers, holding it at arm's length, and dropped it
in the bag, sealing the top.  

Grimacing, Sarah quickly hosed Chad down, trying to get
the disgusting mess down the drain as fast as possible. 
She looked like she was going to throw up, but recovered
as soon as the mess was out of her sight.  She hosed him
from top to bottom several times, carefully playing the
nozzle across his genitals from about 3 inches away and
from several angles to make sure she got it all.  "Turn
your butt toward me and bend over," she ordered Chad.  "I
have to get into your crack."  Chad complied, bending
down but keeping his head up to avoid the spray.  Sarah
directed water at his anal opening from about 3 inches
away, blasting it for almost a minute to be sure it was
clean.  She shut off the water.  "Okay, he's rinsed," she
said.  "You have to soap him."

"Why do I have to soap him?" Alan asked, trying to cover
for the fact that at the moment he'd like nothing better.

"Because you're a boy.  You're used to touching
disgusting things.  I had to touch him this morning." 
She shuddered.  "I don't think I could do it again.  You
boys have all that squishy, dangly stuff.  I don't know
how you can stand it," she said primly.  "Besides, he
might still have some of his stuff on him."

"How could he have poop on him?" Alan asked.  "You held
that nozzle so close it's a wonder he still has skin on
him!"  Chad nodded in silent agreement.  One bad thing
about girls – they just didn't have any appreciation for
how delicate boy parts were.

"If you're so sure he's clean, you shouldn't be worried
about soaping him, then," Sarah said triumphantly.  "So
do it already and let's get back to class."

Alan, trying to look reluctant, stepped onto the wet tile
and up to Chad.  He picked up the bar of soap from the
soap dish and began washing Chad's chest and stomach,
moving downward until he was just above Chad's protruding
genitals.  The he washed Chad's back down as far as
Chad's butt crack.  "Bend over and grab your ankles so I
can wash your butt," he ordered.  Chad complied, looking
at Alan seriously from between his spread legs.  Just
then, the telephone on the nurse's desk rang.  She picked
it up with a frown and talked into it briefly, then hung

"I'm going to need some help," she said to the children
across the room.  "My supplies are in, and I need someone
to help with the cart.  "You – Sarah, isn't it?  You
aren't doing anything.  Come with me.  We have to go to
the grade school loading dock and get my supplies." 
Sarah walked over to where the nurse was taking things
off a rolling cart and piling them on the floor.  "I'll
need you mostly to help me push it back – it's hard to
get through the double doors without someone holding
them, and using the freight elevator is hard without
help, too."

At the door she turned to the boys in the shower.  "Just
finish washing him, and when you're done the towels are
on the rack.  We'll only be gone about 10 minutes." 
Alan, holding the soap, nodded, and Chad nodded as well
from between his widely-spread legs.  His bottom
twitched, so that Sarah could swear his butt hole winked
agreement at them, too.  "When you're done, dry him off
and wait here until we get back, so I can examine him,"
the nurse finished.  She and Sarah breezed out the door.

Once they were out the door, Alan set the soap down and
moved toward the drain.  Chad swiveled his head.  "What
ya doin'," he asked.  "Aren't you supposed to wash me?"  

"In a minute," Alan said, unzipping his pants.  "Man, I'm
glad she left.  I've had to take a piss since class
started, and I was afraid I'd have to hold it until
lunchtime."  He carefully extracted a long, slender
penis, circumcised penis from his fly and immediately
began peeing into the shower drain.  

Chad straightened up and let go of his ankles, noting
that although Alan's penis was longer than his, at least
it wasn't any thicker.  "Hey, you're not supposed to do
that!" Chad protested.  "That's gross!  What if someone
steps in it?"

"No one is going to step in it.  I'm going right into the
drain.  We'll wash it down when I'm done," Alan replied.
"You can go too, if you want.  That way we'd have one
less diaper change to do today, and you could avoid
having everyone look at your stuff while we do it. 
Everyone wins." 

"But what if Mrs. Gonzalez and Sarah come back and see me
peeing?" Chad said.  "They'll tell Mrs. Rose, and Lindsay
or Emily will spank us for sure!  I couldn't stand
another spanking!  It really hurts!  You can't sit down
afterward!  And all the girls see you naked, and look at
your wiener and stuff!"  

"Don't be such a big wuss," Alan said, shaking himself
off and zipping his pants.  "Mrs. Big Nose won't find
out.  And Lamesey and Emily the Priss won't find out
either, unless you tell them.  And you aren't going to
tell them.  Look, piss or don't piss.  I don't care.  But
if you tell on me, I'll say that you did it too. And then
we'll both be in trouble."

"But I didn't do it," Chad said.  

"But you might as well," Alan said.  "If I'm, right,
nobody will know and you get to skip a diaper change.  If
you're right, I'll say you did it too and you'll be in
just as much trouble anyway.   You might as well just do
it, too.  Then I'll know you won't tell on me."

This sounded so reasonable to Chad that he walked over to
the drain himself.  He aimed his small penis and tried to
relax his sphincter, but the sight of Alan watching him
avidly made him too tense.  "Turn around," he said to
Alan.  "I can't go with you watching me."

"Why not?" Alan asked.  "We're both boys.  We have the
same stuff.  You piss just like I do. And I just went in
front of you."

"Well I can't," Chad whined.  "So turn around."

Alan sighed and turned his back to Chad, moving a few
steps to one side.  Unnoticed, he continued moving until
he could see Chad's entire body from about the neck down
in the mirror on the back wall.  He watched in
fascination as Chad pointed his penis at the drain and
peed neatly into it, shaking off the last few drops and
stepping back.  "Okay, I'm done," he said.  "Or maybe I
didn't do it.  You'll never know."

"I don't care, really.  But I'll know if you go all day
without pissing," Alan shot back. "Now I'd better finish
washing you before they come back.  Bend over and grab
your ankles again, so I can do your ass."

Still feeling rather wicked for peeing into the drain,
Chad bent over.  Alan took the soap and vigorously soaped
Chad's buttocks, then moved inward and began rubbing the
soap up and down the boy's crack, lingering over his butt
hole each time he passed it.  When Chad didn't react,
began soaping the hole itself, pressing it gently with
his fingers, actually letting them slip past the pursed
muscle a time or two.  Chad looked quizzically at Alan
from between his legs but didn't comment. 

Alan pressed harder on the tightly pursed orifice with
his soapy finger, slipping it into Chad up to the first
knuckle, then the second.  "Hey," Chad said.  "HEY! Don't
do that!"

"Got to get you clean," Alan said, his heart pounding
with excitement.  He pushed his finger all the way in.
"You might have poop in there yet."

"I don't think you're supposed to clean me in there,"
Chad said with certainty.  "Besides, it hurts!"  

"Sure I am," Alan said persuasively.  "That's where the
poop came from, isn't it?  So I've got to wash it, too." 
Alan was acutely aware the fierce erection he'd developed
during this process.  He took care to avoid brushing it
against Chad and revealing his secret.  He wormed the
finger around inside of Chad, growing more excited as he
did.  He was in an actual boy's butt hole! He felt like
he might cum in his pants right then and there.

"Stop it," Chad said, more loudly.  "If you don't stop,
I'll tell on you, I swear I will!"

"I'm just getting you clean," Alan said, reluctantly
withdrawing his finger.  "Besides, you won't tell on me,
or I'll tell everyone you peed in the shower even though
I told you not to.  Who do you think they'd believe, me
or you?  Now straighten up so I can wash your dick and

Not exactly satisfied, but deciding the issue was moot
now that Alan's finger was no longer up his butt, Chad
straightened up and stood still so Alan could wash his
privates. Alan ran the soap down either side of Chad's
scrotum, then gently soaped the small bag itself.  After
that, he began soaping the boy's penis, going round and
round the small organ until it began growing.  In moments
Chad was fully aroused, his meager 2 inches sticking out
like a pole.  Alan continued circling it with the soap
and brushing it with his fingers.  His excitement was
increased by the fact that Chad was frowning and was
clearly a reluctant participant.  Alan had always found
leading somewhat reluctant boys into forbidden activity
to be intensely arousing.  It was something about their
innocence that excited him. And Chad couldn't really want
him to stop -- his body was clearly responding.  The
boy's penis was rock hard, his cute little butt twitching
as he thrust his groin gently toward Alan's hand. 
"Don't," Chad said tentatively, but not very assertively.
"Stop.  You'll make me cum.  I don't like boys making me
cum.  It's weird.  Come on, stop it."  

Standing behind Chad, Alan's own crotch was out of Chad's
view.  He surreptitiously slipped his left hand down to
the front of his pants and began stroking his own
yearning penis roughly through the cloth.  He was too
excited to stop.  "I'm not making you cum, I'm just doing
a good job," Alan said, somewhat breathlessly. "Besides,
it's your fault if you cum, not mine."

"But Mrs. Rose said I wasn't supposed to cum when being
diapered or lotioned.  Besides, I don't like it when you
touch it.  I only like girls doing that!" Chad said
pleadingly, his comment broken by more involuntary hip
thrusts.  He clapped his hands over his privates, but
couldn't stop Alan's tantalizing movements.

"Almost done," Alan said, speaking as much about himself
as about Chad.  He stroked Chad's penis a few more times,
dropping the soap and circling the other boy's penis with
one hand while he stroked his own through his pants with
his other hand.  He liked the way the boy's penis felt in
his grip.  The head swelled each time Chad contracted his
butt, and the shaft twitched like a trapped little
animal.  In another few seconds Alan's dual stroking had
its intended effect on both of them – Chad rose up to his
toes, thrust his pelvis, and grunted through his orgasm
the way he always did.  At the same time, Alan triggered
his own powerful orgasm, panting through his teeth and
suppressing a low moan as he contracted his own butt and
went up on his own toes behind Chad.  He felt the little
spurt of fluid he always produced escape his penis and
soak into the front of his underpants as he came.  Oops,
he thought, forgot about that. He hoped that it wouldn't
soak through to the front of his pants.  But then he
decided that if it did people would just assume it was
water he'd gotten on himself when washing Chad.  

Alan bent over to pick up the soap to hide his breathless
condition.  Chad settled back on his heels.  "You made me
cum," he said accusingly.  "You're not supposed to. 
We're going to get into trouble now.  The nurse will come
back and she'll know.  You can tell when boys have cum
just by looking at their wieners, you know.  She'll know,
and then we'll get into trouble," he said again.

"Oh, lighten up," Alan said.  "If your wiener looks
funny, she'll just think it got that way from Sarah
squirting it too hard with the shower thingy.  Besides,
it felt good, didn't it?"

"Don't like it with boys," Chad said sullenly.

"What difference does it make whose hand it is?" Alan
asked.  "A hand is a hand.  And I bet it's better with a
boy doing it.  Boys know a lot more about handling dicks
than girls do – they get more practice."  Chad still
looked sullen.  "Look, it doesn't matter, it's over now,
anyway," Alan said.  "No one will know, unless you tell,
and you won't tell."  He grabbed the shower wand and
turned on the water, rinsing Chad off and washing the
soap suds down the drain.  

Chad was puzzled by Alan's behavior.  The boy seemed a
bit flushed and breathless, almost exactly like he felt
at that moment.  But Alan hadn't just cum, had he?  Chad
tried to remember what Alan had been doing moments before
he himself had orgasmed.  He remembered the boy behind
him.  Had he heard a soft moan while he himself had been
cumming?  He couldn't be sure.  Maybe he was imagining

Alan tossed Chad a towel and sat down while Chad toweled
himself off, casually watching him.  "You dick doesn't
look any different to me than it did," he commented while
Chad had the towel raised, drying his upper body.  "It's
still a dinky little thing.  And Mrs. Gonzalez doesn't
know how it normally looks, anyway.  Just keep quiet and
we'll be fine."

Chad wrapped a towel around his midsection to block
Alan's avid gaze and sat down in a chair by Alan.  "I'm
not a tattle-tale," Chad said with feeling.  "Besides, no
one would believe me, anyway.  No one ever does."  He
lapsed into sullen silence.

After a few minutes, Sarah and the nurse came in pushing
a laden cart.  "All done?" the nurse asked brightly. 
"Hang the towel over there and get on the table," she
commanded Chad.  Chad reluctantly parted with the towel,
and walked over to the examination table, his sated penis
swollen at the tip and swaying jauntily from side to side
in its usual post-orgasmic state.  

"Get right up here with your bottom even with the end of
the table," Mrs. Gonzalez stated as she guided Chad onto
the table, then made him lie on his back.  She pulled
stirrups out of the side of the table and locked them in
place.  To Chad's chagrin she lifted a foot into each
stirrup, leaving him wide open and visible to the world
again.  I seem to be in this position a lot, lately, Chad
thought to himself.  He could feel the air stirring
against the area between his legs and his spread buns as
Mrs. Gonzalez moved about.  She turned toward her
equipment table and picked up a largish thermometer,
dipping the end into a jar of Vaseline.  "I like the old
fashioned way of taking with a boy's temperature," she
commented as she approached Chad widely spread bottom. 
"I know you boys aren't fond of it, but I get more
accurate readings this way," she asserted, centering the
fat bulb of the thermometer on the pursed center of his
anus and pushing it smoothly in.  Chad flinched as it
entered but settled down again quickly – after all, it
didn't bother him near as much as Alan's finger had.  He
idly toted up how many things had been shoved up his butt
lately.  There was the thermometer, Alan's finger,
Tommy's finger, Jesse's finger, Beth's finger, Karen's
finger, him mom's finger, and of course that awful peg! 
And he could look forward to the peg and Beth's finger
again tonight!  He was beginning to think he was just
destined to have things shoved up his butt the rest of
his life.

Sarah and Alan watched with open mouths as she buried the
thermometer into Chad until only half of it stuck out the
boy's tight little anus.  "Hold this in place for me,"
she said to Sarah.  "Just hold the top of it and rest
your hand right against his bottom," she added.  Sarah,
with a look of distaste, took the tip of the thermometer,
being very careful not to touch any part of Chad's bottom
in the process.  The nurse then took Chad's pulse and
blood pressure while they waited.  "Pulse and pressure
normal," she commented.  "Let's see the temperature in
your little bum."  Sarah let go of the thermometer and
the nurse slid it out of Chad and wiped the end on a
paper towel.  "Temperature is normal," she pronounced,
looking at it critically.  "I doubt if you're sick, young
man.  Perhaps it's a bowel irritation.  We'll have to
take a look."

She turned to the side cabinet again and opened a drawer,
fishing out a metal tool with a scissor-like handle.  She
took a dollop of Vaseline and applied it to one end, and
then pressed it up against Chad's exposed anus.  He
flinched as the cold metal touched him.  "Now relax and
hold still, young man," she said.  "This is going to feel
a bit funny, but it won't hurt," she chided. 

Sarah and Alan looked on in amazement as the school nurse
slid one end of the tool into Chad's butt.  "Now relax
and push like you're trying to poop," she said to Chad,
turning his ears red with embarrassment.  Did she have to
say these things in front of Sarah and Alan?  "If you
relax like I said, then it won't hurt, but if you fight
me it will," she added.  Chad definitely didn't want it
to hurt, so despite how embarrassing it was, he pushed
like the nurse said, and she manipulated the handle end
of the tool at the same time.  He felt the tool spread
his bottom hole open widely and hold it there as she
locked the tool.  As promised, his hole felt stretched,
but didn't really hurt.  The nurse, meanwhile, handed a
small flashlight to Sarah.  "Shine this right up inside
him," she said.  "Move it around in a circle slowly so I
can see everything."  Sarah, again looking disgusted,
aimed the light into the boy's opening, and shifted the
light around the boy's insides as instructed.  The pink
tunnel it revealed disgusted her. Alan, on the other
hand, was fascinated.  He stood on his tiptoes to crane
his neck and look over her shoulder, much more interested
than Sarah was.  "Bowel looks a bit irritated, but
nothing out of the ordinary," she commented.  "Your
mother didn't give you a large dose of laxative this
morning, did she?"

"Laxative?" Chad said questioningly.

"You know, something for constipation," she explained. 
When Chad still looked puzzled, she added, "You know,
something to make you poop, like Ex-Lax."

"My mom went to work early this morning," Chad said.  "I
didn't have anything except some yogurt and orange juice. 
Oh, and some chocolate candy my sister gave me," he

"Chocolate candy?" the nurse said.  "Did it have anything
printed on top of it?"

"It might have, but it was kind of melted off," Chad

"I see," the nurse said.  "And are you and your sister on
good terms?  Does she know you're being diaper punished?"
the nurse asked.

"She's mad at me," Chad admitted.  "She's the one who
blistered my bottom this morning.  And she knows I'm in
diapers in school – everybody does," he concluded.

"Okay, I think I've gotten to the bottom of this
problem," Mrs. Gonzalez said, smiling at her own joke. 
"I don't think you'll have any more accidents today," he
added, removing the speculum from Chad's bottom.  Alan
watched, fascinated, as Chad's anus snapped shut again,
the muscle pulsing a few times as Chad experimentally
squeezed his butt to try to make it feel normal again. 
His butt hole felt all weird inside.  The nurse removed
the stirrups and helped Chad down.  "Off you go back to
class," she said in a cheerful fashion.  "I'm going to
call your mother and talk to her about the chocolate
candy your sister gave you.  She can take it from there."

Chad retrieved his shirt and quickly donned it, then
looked around the room.  "Can I borrow a towel to wear
back to class?" he asked.

"Don't be silly," the nurse said.  "My towels all have to
stay here, where I can keep an eye on them.  I can't have
them walking off.  And I can't give you a diaper here –
I'm all out and I haven't unpacked the new ones yet.  You
just get on back to class and they'll give you a new
diaper there.

Chad looked at her helplessly. "But I'm naked – I don't
want to go through the halls this way."

"That's enough backtalk from you, young man," the nurse
said sternly.  "I believe everyone in school has already
seen everything you have, anyway.  You are an
argumentative one, aren't you?  I don't blame Mrs. Rose
for punishing you.  You need a firm hand, I can see.  Put
your hands behind your head, right now."

Catching her tone, Chad quickly complied.

"Now lead this little boy back to class," she said to
Sarah.  "He obviously needs to be reminded who is boss,
and not to argue with his elders."  She took the
reluctant Sarah's hand and guided it to Chad's genitals,
forcing the girl to encircle his penis and scrotum in a
firm grip.  "Tell Mrs. Rose he has a minor rectal
irritation, but I don't believe he'll have any more
accidents today.  Move along, now – I have work to do." 
She dismissed the children with a wave, Sarah leading the
reluctant Chad by painful tugs on his genitals, Alan
bringing up the rear, watching Chad's butt bob back and
forth as he walked.  

As they entered the classroom, Mrs. Rose looked up. 
"Well, is he well enough to continue in class?" she

"The nurse said the inside of his butt hole is irritated,
but he won't poop his pants any more today," Alan said in
rough paraphrase.  The class immediately roared with
laughter as Chad's face reddened.  Alan and Sarah guided
Chad back to the diaper table, Sarah releasing Chad's
genitals and looking at her hand like it had been holding
a dead mouse.  She grabbed a baby wipe and began
scrubbing it.  Alan took the lotion and began applying it
to Chad's bottom, not bothering to don gloves.  Chad
stared at Alan warningly when he began applying lotion to
Chad's genitals, but Alan coated his penis and scrotum
quickly and made no effort to arouse Chad, only giving
Chad's penis head a quick squeeze as he finished, then
winking at Chad.  Sarah clapped a diaper on Chad and
taped it shut, and Chad was released from the restraints
and returned to his seat along with his classmates.

For the next hour, the students worked quietly on math
exercises.  About an hour before lunch, the school nurse
slipped into the classroom and walked to the front,
whispering briefly with Mrs. Rose.  Mrs. Rose got up and
began walking toward the door with her.  "I need to
confer with Mrs. Gonzalez a minute," she said to the
class.  "Lindsay will be in charge while I'm gone."  The
two women walked out of the room.

Chad focuses on doing his assigned math problems so as
not to give Lindsay any excuse to report him to Mrs.
Rose.  A few minutes later, Mrs. Rose returned, but
stopped at the classroom door.  "Mr. Henson and Mr.
Delvecchio," she said sharply.  "Will you come with me,

Chad rose and walked to the back of the classroom, where
he was joined by a worried looking Alan Delvecchio.  Mrs.
Rose led them out the door and down the hallway, her
heels clicking on the floor as she walked so rapidly the
two boys almost has to run to keep up.  She turned into
the nurse's office.  "Mrs. Gonzalez, please show these
boys what you showed me," she said without preamble.  

The school nurse stood to one side, revealing a TV VCR
combo on a rolling cart.  She pressed a button, and the
picture shifted, then resolved into a view of the nurse's
office as seen from an upper corner of the room.  Chad
was standing naked and bent over, his butt facing the
camera.  Near him was Alan, holding the bar of soap.  "We
had to install this surveillance camera last year, when
some boys broke in hoping to steal drugs," Mrs. Gonzalez
explained.  "I thought you boys were acting funny when I
came back with the supplies," she went on.  "So I pulled
the tape to see if you'd been up to something."

From the far side of the room, the nurse's voice on the
tape was saying "…we'll be about 10 minutes."  Sarah and
the nurse disappeared out the doorway.  Chad watched in
horrified fascination, Alan just in horror, as the events
of an hour ago played out on the screen.  Mrs. Rose
looked at Alan with a deep frown as the boy pulled out
his penis and peed down the drain, and frowned more
deeply at both of them as they listened to Alan talk Chad
into peeing down the drain himself.  Chad felt some
gratification that his butt was to the camera as he
approached the drain, so that the actual act wasn't
visible, but the sounds of his effort were very clear. 
Alan flinched as he listened to himself refer to Mrs.
Rose as Mrs. Bignose.  As the tape continued to play,
Chad was shocked to see the Alan on the tape develop a
visible erection while washing his butt, and was even
more surprised to see Alan rubbing his pants and
apparently cumming himself while making Chad cum.  As
Alan was rinsing Chad off, the nurse snapped the machine
off and rewound the tape back to the starting point.

"Just what do you boys have to say for yourselves?" Mrs.
Rose asked evenly. 

Both boys looked at their feet, neither saying anything.
"Nothing to say," Mrs. Rose said a few moments later. 
"Then I'll talk.  Mr. Delvecchio, I am appalled at your
behavior.  First of all, you urinated on the floor of the
shower, and then encouraged another boy to do so.  Such
behavior is disgusting and unsanitary – other people use
that shower, and they don't want to walk in your bodily
wastes when they do.  But worse than that, you took
advantage of another child who you had been put in charge
of, exploiting him for your own pleasure against his
wishes.  Here at Marion Webster, we are highly tolerant
of boys engaging in consensual sexual activity with other
boys.  In fact, we'd rather you pleasured each other than
trying to corrupt the lovely girls who attend this school
with your perverted desires.  If Chad had invited you to
masturbate him, or had agreed to have you do so
willingly, there would not have been any consequences of
your behavior.  But you forced yourself on Chad when he
clearly did not welcome your advances, and threatened him
to make him comply with your wishes."  

She turned to Chad.  "Mr. Henson, you also urinated in
the shower, and the tape clearly shows you did so
voluntarily in order to avoid a later diaper change.  You
did so despite my explicit instructions that you were
allowed to urinate only in your diaper during school
hours as part of your punishment."

She now looked at both boys.  "Urinating in the shower or
anywhere but a toilet will not be tolerated in our middle
school.  Nor, Mr. Henson, will urinating anywhere but in
your diaper when you are under a diaper punishment.  For
urinating in the shower, you both will have to be
punished.  Mr. Henson, your punishment will greater than
you would normally get for such an offense because you
disobeyed my explicit instructions."

She paused to let her words soak in.  Both boys were
barely breathing, and looked very, very frightened.  "And
Mr. Delvecchio, your punishment will be much greater than
Mr. Henson's, because you were the instigator of the
urination to start with, and because you forced sexual
advances on a non-consenting boy who was in your charge. 
In fact, you will be receiving a more extensive
punishment that anyone has received this year, including
Mr. Henson's paddling two days ago."

She paused to let Alan take in that bombshell.  Alan
looked like he was going to faint.  Chad just looked
miserable.  He was thinking that his mother was going to
kill him.  Who knows what she'd do when she found this
out!  She might even spank him on the front porch, for
all the neighbors to see!  

Mrs. Rose went on.  "You boys push this cart back to the
classroom.  I'm going to show the rest of the class what
you boys did, so they realize why you deserve to be
punished.  For your protection, Mr. Delvecchio, I'll stop
the tape before the part where you force yourself on
Chad, and I'll merely tell them that you engaged in other
more disgusting activity that we're not going to reveal,
and that Chad has been ordered not to reveal it, either. 
I don't want your sexual orientation to make you the butt
of bullying, Mr. Delvecchio.  Remember, we are not
punishing you for that, but for forcing yourself on
another child.  You are welcome to have all the
consensual sex you want with other, willing boys, as long
as you keep it private.  But non-consensual sex will
always be severely punished. I will also be calling your
mother during lunch break and recommending that she have
a long talk with you about consent, and that she
accompany that talk with appropriate punishment of her

"Noooooo!" Alan wailed, finally finding his voice. 
"Don't tell my mom!  She'll whip me with my belt!"

"She should," Mrs. Rose said grimly.  "At the very least. 
I'd do much more to you if you were my son.  In fact,
I'll make some suggestions to her when I talk to her on
the phone.  If she's smart, she'll listen to my advice. 
Now you two hush up and push this cart to the classroom."

The boys, both trembling and feeling weak, maneuvered the
cart out the door and down the hall.  They were pretty
certain they were about to be bare-butt spanked in front
of everyone!  And although Chad had been spanked in class
before, this time he was going to get spanked by a girl
his age, who would be holding on to his privates as she
did it!  And if Jimmy had been telling the truth,
probably squeezing as hard as she could!